Priesthood Restoration Site Dedication

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brother and sisters good morning it is such a privilege to welcome you to the dedication of this historic site formerly known as harmony Pennsylvania now known as the priesthood restoration site we are broadcasting this event on the Internet so it can be enjoyed now and later we recognize the presence of President Russell M Nelson and his wife he is the president of the quorum of the Twelve Apostles and he presides at this event I am elder Stephen E snow of the seventy also church historian and recorder and have been asked to conduct this meeting we also wish to recognize a number of seventy both here on the stand and in the audience we have elder James J Hamm EULA elder Christoffel golden elder Brown H Nelson elder Steven B Allen elder Milam Koontz and elder Mike Murray all of the seventy and their lives are present too also on the stand with us is Bishop Gary E Stevenson the presiding bishop of the church and his wife also pleased to have with us the two assistant church historians brother Richard Turley and brother Reed Nelson who also is the managing director of the missionary of the Church history department elder Steven B Allen one of our seventy is also a managing director of the missionary department especially want to recognize elder Marlon Jay Jensen Marlon Kaye Jensen who is now at a merit of seventy but it was the former church historian and his wife are on the stand elder Jensen played such an instrumental part in the beginning and the planning of this important project we will commence this dedication program by singing hymn number 141 Jesus the very thought of thee were grateful for sister Dawn Brock and sister Eileen angel and after which the invocation will be offered by Elder Kyle B Walker the director here at the priesthood restoration site visitor center our Father in heaven how happy we are our our hearts are filled with joy and we thank you so much by guiding influence and inspiration to all those gifted and talented and special people who have contributed to the development of this the priesthood restoration site father we thank thee so much for the restoration of the priesthood that priesthood which was restored here that is still on the earth and blesses our lives and is held in the hands of a living prophet today to whom we adore and love President Thomas s Monson we're grateful Father for the translation of the Book of Mormon but it can stand as a companion to the Bible in teaching us all the truths that we need in order to return to thee as families and to be exalted in my presence we're grateful for the revelations that took place here at this priesthood site and we father are so grateful to have one of those in' ambassadors and special witnesses here with us today president Russell and Nelson father we invite thy spirit to be here in abundance that we might all feel of I spirit and have our testimonies and knowledge of the and of thy Son Jesus Christ in still deeper into our hearts for we are here mainly to worship thy son Jesus Christ and to do all that is within our power to make his atonement meaningful and purposeful in our lives and we say this in the name of Jesus Christ amen brothers and sisters the construction of this site was a complicated process and we had the cooperation and held for many government agencies as we went through the permitting process we're grateful to the local leaders here in the community who've helped us as we've moved forward on this visitor center and were particularly pleased today to have with us representative Sandra major from the Pennsylvania State Legislature who's going to make some comments to us now we're very honored that she would come and be with us good morning I sincerely want to thank you for including me in today's dedication ceremony of this incredible priesthood restoration site as a member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives I wish to applaud all those who were involved in the extensive restoration project you did an amazing job unfortunately all too often older historic buildings are torn down and grounds fall into disrepair and are forgotten about that's why it is such a welcome sight to see the time and care that was put into rebuilding this sacred historical significant area for generations of people to visit historic structures and objects put us in touch with past generations they helped us to reconnect to the lives of those who have gone before us historic restoration is of is vital to the preservation of our roots providing us with a glimpse of where we have started and progressive and progressed to over the years I look forward to watching a strong bond grow between the surrounding communities and the priesthood restoration site the new stretch of State Route 171 which adds to our local infrastructure is just one example of the contributions all ready taking place again thank you for including me in today's ceremony the priesthood restoration site is a welcome addition to our Susquehanna County community and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania thank you thank you very much representative elder president Nelson has asked that I say a few words and following my comments will then have a musical number from the Scranton Pennsylvania State Choir hark all ye nations following that number will have the dedicatory remarks and prayer from president Nelson and will conclude this service by singing hymn number 100 nearer my God to thee brothers and sisters and friends who've assembled here today we wish we had a greater Hall to house everyone who wish to be in attendance here today but I particularly am grateful for those that are here because you represent so many different aspects of this site some of you have been involved in the construction some of you have been involved in the planning and design a historical research and so it's very wonderful to have you here some here have contributed resources to help construct the site and for that we're also grateful it could not have been done without the help of so many people that are here so if you describe my feelings this day and this weekend as we visited this site for the first time I was here three years ago wandering around in the rain with some of our folks to try to figure out how it would all look and to come back three years later and to see this stunning chapel and visitor center along with the reconstructed homes and to feel the spirit at the bank of the river once again was truly a wonderful feeling so my feelings this morning I guess are great my feeling is gratitude I'm grateful that we have a church she was willing to invest the resources and members who would help support that effort so that we can have this beautiful priesthood restoration site I am grateful to those who had the vision to someday do something here that was important to commemorate the great historic events that occurred here I'm grateful for designers who planned so well all of the complicated variables involved in doing this site traffic the railroad which we've learned to move roads in the church but we haven't yet learned to move railroads I guess we'll have to keep working on that one we're grateful for the craftsman who led their Lent their beautiful handiwork to the construction of this building and a construction of the reconstructed homes it's wonderful that we can feel a sense of what it was like to live here in the early 19th century I love how that connects us to our important past I'm grateful that we've told in the Visitor Center the human story of the Prophet Joseph and the Isaac Hale family we get a sense as we visit the homes and we watch the movie we get a sense of the human drama that was unfolding at the time that the difficulty in existing we learn a little bit about what they ate we learn about heartache the loss of a child we hear we learn about tension between in-laws when Joseph and Emma eloped without the approval of her father so all of this human story unfolds and sometimes when we think of history particularly this important part of our history we think of a fully matured prophet but he was learning and growing here he was very young in his early 20s and dealing with a lot of persecution and trouble a lot of responsibility that had been given him by the Lord and the angel Moroni translate the Book of Mormon and also was receiving revelations I'm grateful for the 15 revelations that we now have in the Doctrine and Covenants that were received here this was a great time of spiritual outpouring and a time where our Prophet Joseph was still in the process of restoring the gospel many members think that he walked out of the sacred grove in Palmyra with the bushel basket of handbooks but that's really not the case the the church continued to grow and mature as did the Prophet as revelations were received by him and subsequent prophets even unto today I'm grateful for the wonderful priesthood revelation that occurred here the appearance again of John the Baptist and later near here Peter James and John to restore both the ironic and the Melchizedek Priesthood what a blessing to have that authority again once on earth this is I believe this is a location where anyone can come and feel the quiet and the peace and also feel the spirit and I believe people can come here to learn about what life was like in that early time what how much it's changed since then how long it took to get places the difficulty and even feeding your family the difficulty in treating sickness and medical issues that incursion in that time cost people their lives so not only can we learn about the great spiritual outpouring and manifestations and revelations but we also learn the human story of suffering and sorrow and tension and Reconciliation that occurred here just as it did with every other family in this valley along this river and literally it is the human story that we all share I'm particularly grateful today to have president Nelson here and sister Nelson what a wonderful opportunity a member of the twelve here the president a quorum of the Twelve Apostles too to dedicate this this sacred site a site frankly that we his historians have felt has been neglected long enough and we're really grateful that everything now has come together and we have this beautiful side as I drove up Friday and felt excuse me Thursday and first felt the just as we even drove into the parking lot and I looked at the beautiful statuary I was really brought to tears by this place and it means a great deal to us and it will two generations of members of the church as they learn about the important things that happened here so brothers and sisters I'm grateful and I'm grateful for this day and I'm grateful that it's finally here and that we're able today to dedicate this beautiful site I want you to know that I know that God lives that he loves us very much that we're all brothers and sisters and we need to take care of one another we are literally all in the human family and I'm grateful for a loving Heavenly Father I'm grateful that he saw fit in in those days in the early part of 19th century to restore the priesthood authority that has blessed us through the many decades since that time to perform miracles in his name and to lead the church the priesthood Authority is power is a wonderful blessing that began right here I'm grateful for this church I'm grateful for our Savior I'm thankful that today we can celebrate this great moment in time and I say this in the name of Jesus Christ amen while the choir is exiting I'd like to express gratitude to them on behalf of all of us and not only that I love the opening song I love the choir that's before me here you were focusing where we need to focus Jesus the very thought of me and I'm looking forward to your closing hymn nearer my God to thee and after you sing that closing hymn sister Beverly Walker will compliment us by offering the closing prayer I'd like to express special thanks to Sandra major for being here and for all what you represent in the way of community support well you are dear brothers and sisters so I love you all thank you for being here on this historic occasion we're assembled here in harmony Pennsylvania but if you look at on for it on the map but won't be there if it's a good map you'll find Oakland Township can you fix that sister maybe as we consider the significance of the many sacred events that transpired here we are truly inspired the rural and remote place was the scene of transcendent translation revelation and restoration and I know you and I both appreciate that we've just heard what we've heard from our church historian and recorder elder Steven nice no in addition he's published an article for this month's edition of the ensign magazine entitled Joseph Smith and harmony that article will be very helpful for any of you who would like to read more about the remarkable events that took place in the early days of the restoration of the church the saga of harmony began with love here young Joseph Smith jr. fell in love with a beautiful maiden named Emma Hale Emma was one of nine children of Isaac and Elizabeth Hale I don't know how nine children fit in that little house yeah I do you've squeezed in the Hale family had a 130 acre farm with orchards of apples and pears a large garden and a grove of maple trees Emma was born here July 9 1804 growing up with her eight brothers and sisters all of whom acquired some basic education Emma was described by her family as quote a good horse woman and a canoe on the river was her plaything close quote she was described as quote a fair scholar for the common schools of the time and a good singer possessed of a fine voice her general intelligence and fairness integrity United with her kindness of heart and splendid physical developments commanded both admiration and respect close quote from her contemporaries well north of here in nearby South Bainbridge New York lived a prominent resident named Josiah Stowell like many others in his day Stoll made efforts to locate buried treasure in late 1825 Joseph Smith senior his son Joseph Smith jr. and others signed an agreement with Josiah Stowell to help him find a silver mine believed to be in this area Stoll's crew boarded here on the farm of Isaac and Elizabeth Hale so in addition to a big family in that little house was it a large house for them they had boarders who helped with her endeavors with the hill family well that circumstance provided opportunity for Joseph Smith Jr to meet the attractive 21 year old Emma Hale after Josiah stoles attempts at finding buried treasure had failed Joseph remained in the area as a farmhand on stoles property joseph frequently visited emma despite her father's objections Isaac Hale initially viewed Joseph as a stranger who followed a business that he Isaac could not approve in January 1827 Joseph and Emma were married and they moved to Manchester New York there they lived on the family farm of Joseph's parents Lucy Mac Smith and Joseph Smith senior the Smith family home in upstate New York was located not far from Hill Cumorah there on September 21st 1823 the angel Moroni had first revealed to the young prophet the location of buried ancient golden plates after 4 years of preparation Joseph Smith received those plates from the angel Moroni on September 22nd 1827 that was just eight months after his marriage to Emma Moroni instructed Joseph to begin the work of translation but threats of harm and constant harassment from enemies prevented Joseph from doing any work of translation there because of repeated and strenuous efforts by numerous individuals to steal the plates Joseph and Emma were forced to leave Manchester well meanwhile Emma's father Isaac had softened his feelings about Joseph and invited the newlyweds to return here to the Hale home in harmony that was about 120 miles southeast of Manchester Emma's brother Alva assisted the Smiths in loading their wagon for the move to harmony this occurred in late 1827 upon Joseph and Emmas return here to Harmony Isaac Hale was more than annoyed by Joseph's refusal to let him see and handle the plates so Joseph hid the plates in the nearby hillside he and Emma moved into a small home built by Jessie Hale another of Emma's brothers although the work of translation was initiated in the hale home most of the translation was done in the Smith home located on the small farm divided from the Hale property well in the beginning as you know Emma served as Joseph's scribe later in April 1828 Martin Harris arrived to assume temporary duties as scribe Emma and her brother Reuben acted briefly of scribes during the winter of 1828 and 1829 but challenge is continued Emma gave birth to their son On June 15th 1828 he lived only a few hours then Emma became very ill she was near death over the next few weeks Joseph cared for her then as she became stronger she inquired about a 116 page manuscript of translated text that Joseph had reluctantly loaned to Martin Harris she insisted that Joseph check on Martin Harris so in early July Joseph traveled back to Manchester upon learning of the loss of that precious manuscript Joseph's anguished with inconsolable grief I quote from words of his mother Lucy she described song sobs and groans and the most bitter lamentations that filled the house Joseph cried out oh what rebuke am I not worthy from the angel of the Most High well his mother added that he continued pacing backwards and forwards weeping and grieving like a tender infant until about sunset Joseph was chastised the plates were taken away for a time then from April to June 1829 translation of the plates was resumed with full intensity Oliver Cowdery assisted as his scribe by the end of June Joseph Smith had translated that ancient record from a language totally unknown to him into the English language it was done in less than three months he translated at the rate of six to eight manuscript pages per day compare that with how you feel when you read eight to ten pages per day he translated at that rate other distractions occurred during the three-month period Joseph and Emma had to move to Fayette New York he temporarily ran out of paper he filed a copyright received those heavenly messengers who restored the priesthood and his elder snow indicated he received fifteen revelations that are now canonized in the Doctrine and Covenants how in the world could he have done all that only with the Lord's help most of what we know about this period of translation comes from eyewitnesses to the process the miracle of this translation was underscored by Joseph's wife Emma she declared that Joseph could neither right nor dictate a coherent and well worded letter let alone dictating a book like the Book of Mormon to their children she further explained your father would dictate to me for hour after hour and when returning after meals or after interruptions he would at once begin where he had left off without either seeing the manuscript or having any portion of it read to him David Whitmer added one character at a time would appear and under it was the interpretation in English brother Joseph would read off the English to Oliver Cowdery who was the principal scribe and when it was written down and repeated back to brother Joseph to see if it was correct then it would disappear and another character with the interpretation what a pair God prepared sacred objects to assist Joseph with translation interpreters often referred to as the Urim and the Thummim were buried with the gold plates described as a clear pair of stones bound together with metal rim in 1829 Joseph used the interpreters and other seer stones in the translation process this pattern is not without precedent as such instruments had been used by prophets throughout scriptural history to translate texts and receive divine communications in what was then called the preface to the Book of Mormon Joseph explained quote I would inform you that I translated by the gift and power of God close quote he later noted that it was not intended to tell the world all the particulars of the coming forth of the Book of Mormon and he also said there was not expedient for him to relate these things though the precise mechanics are unknown to us we know that it was a spiritual process for us here are now individual faiths and receiving a testimony of the Book of Mormon far outweigh any details of stories or descriptions of how the text was revealed to the Prophet Joseph Smith well now let us consider the remarkable reality of the restoration of the Holy priesthood were here today to commemorate that restoration while translating the Book of Mormon Joseph and Oliver came across passages that prompted questions regarding baptism and the authority to administer in such ordinances on May 15 1829 the two sought a secluded spot nearby they approached the Lord in prayer with specific questions were they when they importune the Lord at that secluded spot while long-held tradition placed them along the banks of the Susquehanna River historical records now indicate that they retreated to a grove of sugar maple trees on the north end of the Hale farm property as the two men prayed they heard the voice of the redeemer speaking peace to them while the veil was parted and the angel of God came down clothed with glory and delivered the anxiously looked for message and the keys of the gospel of repentance that heavenly messenger was John the Baptist who had baptized the Lord himself in mortality now John came as a glorious resurrected personage we learn about the keys and powers of the restored ironic priesthood in Section 13 of the Doctrine and Covenants John explained that he was acting under the direction of Peter James and John Christ's ancient apostles who held the keys of the higher priesthood with the laying on of hands the procedure used for administering priesthood ordinances from the time of Adam throughout all dispensations even to our present day John the Baptist bestowed priesthood authority upon Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery soon thereafter true to John's word the Melchizedek Priesthood was restored by Christ's Apostles Peter James and John Joseph and Oliver did not specify a date for that event but it is believed to have happened soon after the restoration of the Aaronic priesthood no doubt they were learning the line upon line perhaps not fully comprehending the nature of the priesthood and its divisions we now know that the holy priesthood is without beginning of days or not end of years it didn't start in 1829 the location for the restoration of the Melchizedek Priesthood was described by Joseph as being in the wilderness between harmony Susquehanna County and Colesville Broome County on the Susquehanna River in September 1830 Emma and Joseph left harmony moved to Fayette New York even though they lived in harmony for only a brief period the experiences they had here were crucial to the restoration of the Lord's gospel harmony provided Joseph with spiritual solitude and protection allowing him to focus on the translation of the Book of Mormon through this period the Lord tutored Joseph in his divine role as prophet seer and Revelator receiving the priesthood empowered Joseph Smith to function fully as the prophet of this last dispensation here he worked during a remarkable and formative season of translation revelation and restoration how thankful we are for these historical events and for the supernal significance of Revelation scriptures restoration of priesthood authority and baptism all of which unfolded here in this relatively remote but very sacred and serene location god be thanked for all that has recently been restored here to enrich our memories to ennoble our souls and to energize our commitment to advance this great and glorious work of the Lord we praise God from whom all these blessings flow to bless the lives of his children throughout the entire world I testify that we are engaged in the work of Almighty God he lives Jesus is the Christ his church has been restored to the earth to accomplish its divine destiny he directs the affairs of the church through President Thomas s Monson whom we loved and sustained with all our hearts of this ideas testify in the sacred name of Jesus Christ amen now if you will bow your heads and join with me in prayer I will offer the dedicatory prayer upon this historic and sacred site our dear Heavenly Father on this sacred occasion we pause to thank thee for our many blessings thou art our God and we are thy people we thank thee for life and all that sustains life we thank thee for this land of Liberty where we enjoy the freedom to worship in dignity and in faith we thank thee for patriots and prophets who have gone before us our lives are a noble and enriched because of their efforts gratefully we thank thee for thy beloved son who gave His life that we could have the privilege of preparing for life eternal in thy holy presence we thank you for the gospel of Jesus Christ with its ordinances and covenants that bless us and our family so abundantly we thank thee for thy Holy Scriptures we thank thee for the Prophet Joseph Smith for the Book of Mormon and for the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ in its fullness we thank thee for the restoration of the priesthood and for temples throughout the world that blessed my children under thy sealing Authority we thank thee for President Thomas s Monson for his noble counselors for the quorum of the Twelve Apostles and for all General Authorities and officers of the church we thank thee for our missionaries and members who strive to establish thy righteousness among people throughout the world we thank thee for the restoration of this historic site here in harmony Pennsylvania with its Holmes statues buildings and grounds we thank you for the tithes and offerings of Saints across the world whose donations have made this restoration possible we thank thee for the skills and artistry of craftsmen and women who actually did the work will thaw bless them and their families for their efforts now we are assembled to dedicate this Historic Site unto thee invoking the keys of the holy apostle ship vested in me and is authorized by the First Presidency and the quorum of the Twelve Apostles I dedicate this place as the priesthood restoration site of the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saint I dedicate it unto thee and thy beloved son Jesus Christ I dedicate it for thy holy purposes I dedicate it as a place of faith a place of prayer a place of learning a place of glory indeed a place of holiness I dedicate the combined visitor center and meeting house where thy sons and daughters may worship and learn of the and I beloved son I dedicate its commemorative statuary and sculptures that they may Kindle grateful memories of the resurrection and restoration I dedicate the reconstructed Joseph and Emma Smith home where much of the translation of the Book of Mormon was originally done I dedicate the reconstructed home of Isaac and Elizabeth Hale where their daughter Emma once spent the days of her childhood in youth and where Joseph Smith had once lived with Emma there the Prophet Joseph Smith began translating characters from the golden plates there he began to exercise his spiritual gifts and perform his prophetic ministry I dedicate the furnishings infrastructure appliances electrical and plumbing constituents gardens grounds and other complements for these buildings I dedicate all supporting facilities and surroundings with gratitude and appreciation for the many conveniences that will be enjoyed by thy children here may these precincts be revered and respected I dedicate the baptismal area of the Susquehanna River where the first baptisms in this dispensation were performed I dedicate the grove of trees those sacred woods where under the direction of Peter James and John the ironic priesthood was restored by John the Baptist and here I commemorate and dedicate the restoration of the Melchizedek Priesthood under the hands of the Apostles Peter James and John I dedicate the highway roads underpass pathways and all other avenues that safe access may be provided to guests that come to this sacred site will Thal bless thy servants and all who will labor here and bless the inquiring minds of all who yearn to know more about they and thy eternal and unchanging laws and doctrine bless all who enter these precincts that they may be inspired to emulate the example of thy beloved son we pray that thou wilt preserve and protect this site from natural disaster of any type protect the site from vicious attacks of vandals or others who would presume to approach this sacred site with evil intent of any kind I dedicate these buildings grounds and groves all to the end that faith in thee will increase and that families may be strengthened and qualify for exaltation according to thy great plan of happiness while we now dedicate this sacred site we humbly rededicate ourselves our time talents and all with which thou has blessed us to build up like Kingdom upon the earth and establish its righteousness I dedicate this site to stand as a symbol of our United testimony that thou art our God our Eternal Father and that this is the Church of thy beloved son whom thou hast sent I so dedicate this priesthood restoration site of the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints in the sacred name of Jesus Christ amen dear father our eyes are full of tears this day for what we have witnessed here our hearts are full of the love and gratitude unto thee and unto president Nelson for the beautiful dedicatory prayer that he blessed us all with please bless our prophet Thomas s Monson that he knows all is well and at this priesthood restoration site we're so very grateful Father for Joseph and for Emma and for the beautiful relationship that they had for the restoration of the priesthood for the translation and the revelations that were given here we're thankful for all of the missionaries over the word father that invite people to come unto Christ we're thankful for our missionaries who are serving here and for their spirits and for their testimonies that go forth to all people who come to this site and father may everyone be blessed this day and forever that they too might have their personal witness that these events did take place here and the gospel of Jesus Christ rolls forth in these latter days father we love thee and we say these things humbly in the name of thy Son Jesus Christ amen you you you
Channel: Church Newsroom
Views: 78,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aaronic Priesthood Restoration Site, Religion (TV Genre), priesthood restoration site, president nelson, president russell m nelson, elder nelson, mormon, priesthood, mormonism, lds church, pennsylvania, harmony pennsylvania
Id: bXe-O4VgLr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 40sec (3520 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2015
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