Oregon Football 2010

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[Music] it really all started here on a picture postcard afternoon on the first day of 2010 in this stadium so celebrated and historic the champions of the pack 10 and the champions of the Big 10 so much drama had led to this a destruction of USC a dramatic come from behind at Arizona and the Elation of the biggest Civil War ever outright champions of the pack 10 but on this day it was not meant to be but on this day with this feeling this started certainly this team faced an offseason of challenges but this team led by a genius innovator and motivator never look back always forward each and every day with the desire and drive that only championship teams possess a team so clearly focused at every moment so focused that it became so simple to accomplish just one thing win the day and when the Ducks took to the field on the opening day on a spectacular new playing surface and surrounding there was no question that they were ready it certainly didn't take long a first quarter and first half that must have been a blur for the Lobos defense Thomas wait for the stamp got it going to hand it off Porter pops it in the end zone right up the middle and a nice hand off from Thomas cuz he left it in there for quite a while before he let it go first down at the 30 Thomas Freddy again will run the play and will'll pull it back to throw down the middle wide open Paulson David touchdown David Paulson beautiful pass and his first touchdown as a duck with a quick 14 to nothing lead sophomore Kenyan Barner started to steal the show starting in place of L Michel James Barner very clearly reminded fans to not forget for a moment about him Barner do his right on the snap turn and give it to that is a big hole Barner 10 outside five are you kidding me ton Barner saying L Michael who Thomas readyy again sends mail in motion going to give it to Barner going to go outside he's got the room he's got the corner he's got a touchdown Kenan barers having a game here in the first quarter Thomas on second and 10 at the 42 of New Mexico on the stamp give it to Barner go up the middle nice hole first down look out he he's a score no doubt 10 five oh man is he having a ball game Kenyan Barner the Ducks just don't waste any time Thomas with a snap back to throw time little dump screen over the middle he's got it and it'll be a big one 40 behind a pile and barner's going to go to the 50 he gets outside he's gone burner is gone 10 stroll to the end zone touchdown Oregon when he was done Midway through just the second quarter it was already 42 to nothing 147 yds rushing and five touchdowns and just as fans were buzzing about the spectacular performance back to receive a punt went sophomore Cliff Harris for the first time in 2010 as scare will get his foot into the ball booms one way high it's not Barner this time it's Cliff Harris Harris with a catch at the 40 side step the first man going to go outside going to block he's at the 40 downfield 30 one guy to beat the putter 20 straight arm 10 touchdown Cliff Harris the offensive linemen are got to start saying give me the ball I want to score two and really before anyone had a chance to process what the Speedy sophomore had just done back he went again Harris's deep scare good snap gets the punt away wobbly Harris going to come up can he make the first guy Miss yep gets by again and he's inside at the 50 Off to the Races and tripped up but still his feet at the 40 turns the corner at the 20 he is going to score again Cliff Harris just did it again 59 to nothing at halftime barner's five touchdowns tied the modern School record Harris's returns set a new record for punt returns and maybe it'll never be broken when the mop-up was done the Ducks had a school record 720 yards of offense and a Nifty 10 yds per Point 72 to Z win and there's no no question even though the Ducks would play many if not all more talented teams it sure felt like the start of something special on the road to Tennessee into a spectacular setting of nean Stadium SEC country the tradition of the volunteers is felt throughout Knoxville and the vs were certainly ready to play driving on their first possession and getting three then picking up a turnover on the kickoff getting another three before the Ducks had even run a play the first quarter was nearly over and Oregon trailed 6 to nothing then the heat crackled a tremendous storm sent both teams to the locker room as the lightning and thunder rolled around the stadium and fans took cover from a severe storm underneath the stadium the Ducks stewed as fans frolicked on the field and were chased down by security the Duck players refocused reset and when they took the field after an hour and 10 minute delay it was a different game second down and 10 Thomas on the snap going to roll left the throw dumps it out it's caught and still his feet down the sideline 30 cut it back inside of the 25 finally down inside of the 20 to the 19 yd line and Daren Thomas is surveying the field he's looking around second down at six Thomas on the snap to throw again comes a blitz they pick it up he throws it down it is pson touchdown Oregon David pson when he makes the grab it's a big one and that is six points and Oregon is right back in this ball game and an extra point away from TI It Up on a minute four left and a half now tied at halftime the Ducks came out and provided some lightning of their own that's for Michael beside thomison here's first down from the 28 on the hand off and it'll be L Michel trying to get it outside they'll go left now he's got a block if he can get a corner he does first down 40 4550 down the sideline cuts it back in inside now back outside still his Fe at the 20 they go to the 10 he is going to dive into the End Zone from Michael James with a world class effort it was certainly a Heisman likee signature moment maybe it came a bit too early to help in the Heisman race but certainly a highlight that reintroduced James to the country the 72 yd run put the ducks on top and then the defense Put It Out Of Reach seems to go from the shotgun trips to the right and okus sets up to his left to block with a step back the throw pressure comes the throw is out and it's picked and it's going to be a six if he's got the speed at the 40 30 Kenny upun Sims cuts inside of him and we'll go to the five touchdown Oregon on the pick six and you could see it when the ball left with the momentum it then became methodical the Ducks controlling the line of scrimmage against the vs defense pounding away using the clock and then Darren Thomas going to work L Michel to his right Darren snap GNA little bootleg right wants to throw it goes deep he's got him down there and he threw it but he caught it touchdown what a grab by lavasier two a he threw it late and the defender over Randol at that point as the Oregon defense continued to stuff the Tennessee offense the game was clearly Out Of Reach especially with one last exclamation point point on Oregon's trip to Knoxville good snap no rush to speak of nice punt very high spiral almost turned it over all the way back to the 21 and a chance for the return Barner right up the middle and here he goes the pun of the beat outside at the 40 they are not going to catch Kenyan Barner 10 five put it in the books Kenyan Barner shows once again he is among the best in the nation the final 48-13 depth special teams L Michel Harris Barner and now Thomas the personality and Leadership on this team starts to take shape as the Ducks head back West climbing the national poles a drizzly day in late September had no chance to dampen the spirits of nearly 60,000 fans they were here at oon forming what would be the 70th consecutive sellout of course they saw the debut of another new helmet this one with the team motto win the day actually on the center stripe of the carbon lid this one was more of a celebration an expectation of a route that in fact did come to fruition Thomas ready again and the snapman handed off L Michel first down and there he goes nobody's going to catch him L Michel James straight up the field great blocking touchdown Oregon the Michael in the backfield to the left Darren Thomas on the snap back to throw again little play fake looks downfield throws got a wide open caught mes turning and going to try to get it up field 2520 foot race got a block Jeffrey M is going to score and L Michael James I think is the guy that sprung him hson LT and Drew Davis and here again to throw they're going to go to the fade route to mail and he got it touchdown Oregon Jeffrey over the top of the cornerback male one up over to sha shed and just picked the ball out of the air here's Thomas again they're ready to play the Downs markers are not even set yet give it right up to Middler under back hle and there's another score for L Michel he's going to go touchdown right up the middle here is second down to throw Thomas open catch touchdown well you just said he's in there there's Daryl Hawkins two timeouts remaining here's Thomas rdy on second down and goal from the 8 yd line on the snap back back to throw looks throws to the end zone and it is caught this time touchdown and that is going to be the first touchdown catch from Malachi Lewis this year 45 to nothing at halftime against the Vikings who played extremely hard but were just outman L Michel James went for 227 yards in the game and Darren Thomas gained some valuable experience throwing for four touchdowns two of them to emerging star Jeff M with 528 yds on the ground the du were able to dispatch the Vikings 69 to nothing with 670 yard of total offense it also provided valuable time for certain backups to get live game action and for new players to start to emerge like Josh Huff who scored his first touchdown for the Ducks the first of what likely will be many over his promising career in the end the three-game stretch proved to be the perfect setup for this season at home to start breaking in a new quarterback a great Challenge on the road in front of an amazing Crow Crow to create experience and Poise and then back home in a game everyone expected Oregon to win but a game with everyone on the roster able to play in a sense the non-conference schedule did just what it needed to do prepare a Young quarterback integrate some young members of the secondary get Oregon's running backs untracked and to keep everyone focused and healthy now at 3 and 0 the team's Mission becomes more clear even more focused as they enter pack 10 play at Arizona State [Music] at Tennessee the Ducks were tested early but this week in Tempe Arizona the challenges were at a different level better team 100° and a packed an opener on the road with the upstart sundevils was something to prove the Ducks had won three straight in Tempe but from the start it was clear this would be a battle bre on the snap give it to Lewis again goes outside and got the first down and he's down the sideline 35 20 he is at the five touchdown Arizona State Oregon has played back and forth games before against the sundevils here's Thomas on second down and eight after a two-y pickup two receivers out to the right m one of those and maybe LT and here's L Michael going outside turn the corner he's going to get a first down more he's going to score he's at the 10 he is touchdown Oregon 40 yds on the run and one he got the corner that was no doubt because he's got the speed that you better be faster than he is or you're not going to catch him this one had all the makings of a shootout and as ASU started what would be a record setting offensive day the Ducks even though they were giving up yards on D started picking up some points and here's three on Third and long in his own 20 and stap straight drop to throw pressure comes hit as he throws it is intercepted boette might boette will score touchdown Oregon John boy it as thre was just decked as he let go of the ball and it might have been Kenny row again with Oregon in the lead now it seemed to sit up as either feast or famine for Steven threat and the sundevils after a 12-play drive and a touchdown to Mike Willie a Steven Weber field goal and a quick strike to Carrie Taylor the Devils were up 24 to4 with just 3 minutes to go in the half at that point beyond the boyed interception the duck defense had not found the answer to what the Devils were doing but the Oregon offense did Thomas farer to his left Thomas on the snap going to keep it wants the throw back into the End Zone it is caught by Jeff mail and that's a touchdown a diving catch and he must have gone down on the ball he's a little slow getting up that's a great grab and boy that certainly will make up for maybe one a little earlier then after forcing a quick punt the offense with just one more minute in the half and 80 yds away from the end zone did what they so famously do minute three remaining ducks at their own 35 Thomas to throw again pressure comes C lets it go way downfield he's got Paulson he's got it if he can get it down he'll go inside the 15 to the 10 in Out of Bounds at the four yd line David Paulson reaches out and makes a wide receiver type reception James to the right of Thomas left hashar Thomas waits for the snap now looks to the sideline they see what the defensive is the alignment and then they call the play Thomas ready Thomas snap rolling left option going to keep got to score Darren Thomas wasn't even close Arizona state did not have it defended at all they thought it was going to be L Michel up the middle 80 yards 24 seconds to end the half looking back it might have been one of the biggest Oregon drives of the year on the road in front of a wild crowd grabbing the lead back 28 to 24 in the final minutes of the half plenty of Doubt filtered into the sundevil stadium crowd and quite possibly the locker room too with the lead the Ducks turned methodical on both sides of the ball after an exchange of punts with the lead and the ball Oregon moves near Midfield Thomas Barner set up to his left this time Thomas on the snap going to throw it again pump fake wants to go deep he's got Huff wide open he's got it and he will score at the 10 at the five that's a touchdown pump fake Josh Huff went deep and he was wide open it was Josh Huff's second Oregon touchdown and all of a sudden the Ducks had an 11-point lead still the Sun Devils continued to move the football but the Ducks continued to be opportunistic and this one turned into a touchdown 508 left in the third three on first down back to throw swings it out ball dropped and it it is is a no they're not Haven blown the whistle yet it's a it's going to be called a lateral and Oregon's picked it up and scored it's called a lateral no whistle blue and they're going to pick it up and say and chips has kick the extra point now boys get out there and the extra point team is ready in Arizona state has nobody on the field from down 14- 24 in the second to up 42-24 in the third that's what this team does a burst of overwhelming offense special teams and defense taking control and even after ASU scored to make it 42-31 and even after the officials incorrectly stopped a fumble recovery return that would have been a touchdown Oregon was able to manage the final quarter on offense and come up with big play after big play on defense first talas Jackson gets involved three surveys the defense and ready on first down at the duck 20 back to throw again looks over the middle toward the end zone wide open and intercepted In The End Zone by by Talman Jackson the ball was thrown again behind a wideopen Jamal miles then it was Casey Matthews first down at the dck 26 empty Back Field again three back to throw the ball pressure comes going to run away from it toward the end zone it's intercepted Casey Matthews goes up and gets the ball he saw it coming he elevated and he picked it right out of the air and finally Cliff Harris three throws it well Jal Robinson on the catch 26 yd line back to throw again three looks up the middle nothing there looks to the right says go deep throws it downfield and it is intercepted great play and an interception and finally thrown out of bounds in front of the Arizon Arizona State bench Cliff Harris number 13 three fourth quarter interceptions balanced out what turned out to be nearly 600 yds of offense by the sundevils but the only number that matters showed Oregon 42 ASU 31 and the Ducks moved to 4-0 and continued their Ste he climb up the poles to number four in the nation number four Oregon number nine Stanford after another packed ESPN game day show and another episode of Corso loves the duck the lights came on for a prime time appearance Across the Nation it didn't start out the way the Ducks would have scripted it an efficient balanced 11pl Drive put the Cardinal up 7 to3 after Andrew Luck picked his way down the field and into the Heisman discussion at the same time then on the kickoff disaster strikes Cliff Harris is hit fumbles and the Cardinal get the ball at the Oregon 12 three plays later on Third and eight luck uses his legs to silence the stadium at that point for many of the fans it felt like the bad dream you can't wake up from a Thomas interception sets up Stanford on the short field again this time at the Oregon 44 look theic and Taylor behind him in the eye wide out to the right a double tied end tied end on the left hand side of the formation and Taylor gets the ball big hole up the middle tackled find that still on his feet he is going to score Taylor broke through the middle takes it all the way touchdown Cardinal got bumped hard at the line of scrimmage but nobody wrapped him up one play and it's now 21-3 but still in the first quarter and as Chip Kelly says the first thing you have to do to get out of a hole you've dug for yourself is to stop [Music] digging and Thomas with Huff in motion to the left L Michael to his left is going to give L Michel a ball big hole there he goes cross the 50 first down yardage all the way down to the Stanford still running and the whistle will finally blow first down of the 43 you might be right here's Thomas to throw over the middle caught Paulson no that's going to be Al laasia to O somebody's leaving a head Thomas L Michel to his left on the snap give it to L Michel he gets the hole in the first down inside of the 29 Thomas waits for the snap got it going to go back to throw looks on the wide open it's a Jeff mail touchdown little pump fake Stanford bit and nobody was on Jeff mail 21-1 now the digging has stopped and Kelly decides to do something to start actually climbing out of that hole and Taylor furthers to way up at the 10 here's Beard's approach to the ball and goes with the onside kick and Oregon got it Stanford never saw it coming with the offense right back on the field and the Cardinal defense looking Gass they go right back to it nine yds then eight then 14 more to DJ Davis methodically down the field they go with L Michel James sending the odson crowd into that familiar Roar second down and short give it to the Michael what C into the end zone Stanford wasn't ready when you said here they go that's what the Stanford lineman and linebackers are going guys here they now 21 to 17 and game on the Cardinal when they got the ball back continued to show their number nine ranking at the time was not high enough looking like a national championship Contender they punched back with a seven-play drive to go up 28 to 17 still theck continued to come after them a heavyweight offensive fight in progress seven plays to get into Stanford territory and then one play to get into the end zone here's Thomas Stanford 41 yd line wait for the ball got the snap back to throw again going downfield going way down he's got Huff wide open TouchDown Oregon touchdown Josh Huff that made it 28- 24 the Cardinal added a field goal at the end of the half to make at 31 to 24 and the millions watching on TV felt the upset Brewing but not the men in the home locker room and those Millions were about to get confirmation of this Oregon team's confidence depth talent and relentlessness first possession of the second half somebody check what Jay's drinking down there here's the stamp and a hand off L Michael big hole up the middle cuts it outside first down to the 42 Thomas going to give it two no he kept it went outside 20 inside of the 15 to the 12 the 11 yd line Barner to his right on the step option going to go right Thomas going to keep it oh what a fake touchdown Thomas what a fake touchdown Thomas put the ball out like he was going to get rid of it and held on to it like it was a loaf of bread brought it right back in 3131 next possession for the Cardinal here's that shotgun again back to throw the quick throw out catch made can you get to him in Tom no it'll be oh the ball ball came loose Oregon's got it may score Cliff Harris on the ball got to go Cliff Harris at the 10 out of bounds and is it it Eddie Pleasant not Cliff Harris and Stanford's got a man down but it's a Out of Bounds at the three I think is where they're marking the ball first play Thomas first and goal from the three it's through in motion give it to L Michel up the middle touchdown they do it right away where was the ball well I had the binoculars and I had to wait until he turned enough and showed me the ball I couldn't find it 3831 next stford possession there's luck under Center his own 26 back to throw again sets up way downfield going for Brook and it is intercepted and at the 25 yd line Cliff Harris went up said I got this one I got this one and just waited for it to come in he had position on the receiver on the inside and that's where the ball was thrown now Oregon's defense is finding away while the Oregon offense gained steam this is the first play of the fourth quarter here is Thomas the Michael no that's Barner to his left now and Thomas going to keep it back to throw the ball out to the end zone got him he's got it touchdown Oregon through Davis 45-31 21 points in a row after trailing at halftime odson as loud as it's ever been with nearly 60,000 in a frenzy and even when the Cardinal tried to mount any kind of comeback the duck defense sent the message that they own the second half once again not allowing a single point after halftime even when St Stanford threatened the Ducks turned them away first down from the duck 11 here's Andrew Luck under Center back to throw the ball looks left swings it to the corner for the fade and it is intercepted in the end zone now nearly down for the count the offense and L Michel James finishes him off here's third down and three and L Michel up the middle bust it and he's gone L Michael Jam baby not going to catch that man 10 five statement statement statement L Michael James 52-31 after trailing 21-3 the numbers are staggering L Michel his best day 257 yards on 31 carries 626 yards of total offense 5 and0 and now number three in the nation and while each and every member of the team is focused on winning each and every day their fans start believing that this might be the year that the words ducks and national championship game might eventually go [Music] together any game on the road presents its challenges and the Ducks pull into Pullman Washington with many of them staying focused taking everyone's Best Shot avoiding the classic letdown after a big emotional win here's Thomas with L Michael to his right and he's going to pitch it to Barner coming to the right get a little corner good block needs another one cuts it across the 40 and we get a first down the Michael Thomas Thomas back to throw here comes the screen he had it perfectly set up M's going to get a first down and I'm surprised he didn't get a lot more Thomas on the stn give it to no pulled it kept it he might have a chance he's inside of the 10 and he get spun down to the nine and a late flag two now three go in second to go one yd line Thomas L Michel to his right Thomas got the ball give it to LaMichael walks it in he'll get it across the goal and an Oregon is scored after a 13-play touchdown drive to open the game their longest of the year and a Nifty two-point conversion that would become their trademark on opening touchdowns then Washington State came back with an eight-play Drive of their own to pull within one then in the blink of an eye the day changed for good Warner will have a chance at the goal line yard deep out to the 10 go to the middle of the field needs a block and it's blown up and he's down the ball is loose and Washington state will have it at the 6yd line and Kenyan Barner is down that's a scary injury of the type that ends up major concussion possibly but not moving at all he got blocked a man got blocked into him Jerry as Oregon players huddled and barner's family came onto the field the fear of the unknown gripped a team in their fans Kenyan finally was able to stand on his own was placed into an ambulance and taken to the hospital the fact that the Cougars had taken possession of the ball and subsequently taken the lead was the furthest thing from anyone's mind with all concern on barner's well-being there was still a football game to be played still a championship run to try to keep intact fitting then that his best friend so shaken by his injury would be the man to put the ducks in position to get the lead back for good just outside the 15 yd line Thomas back to throw pressure comes downfield wide open licha's got it in speed 40 50 F race to the 30 to the 20 can he do it yes he will touchdown Oregon look back at that green field and see no yellow that means no flags and that is a big big answer the 84 yd touchdown pass goes into the record books and the quick response seemed therapeutic the Ducks appeared to gain resolve as they awaited word of barner's condition the defense then with a stop and then Cliff Harris back as the Cougars lined up to punt good snap kind of a rugby style kick booms it down Harris going to have a chance for the return it bounces picks it up at the 34 up field at the 40 try to get it outside 50's got some room and blockers 30 down 20 inside 15 you bet you touchdown cliff Harris Cliff Harris now with a 2214 lead after Harris's return another challenge quarterback Darren Thomas made a quick run to the locker room to check on a sore shoulder as it turned out the Ducks would have to overcome another injury enter Nate Costa for his first critical series of the year with the Ducks leading just 22 to 17 Midway through the second half championship teams seem to have moments like this their response says everything about them Nate continued to work the offense down the field and then any questions about his ability to run answered third very short give it two no Costa keeps it and got a first down straight arm to the 30 25 he's at the 20 chasing him from behind and will not get to the end zone is pushed out inside of the 5 yd line and then James on for the payoff Costa L Michel to his right on the snap give it a l Mike up the middle hit and second effort will push him easily into the end zone Oregon LED 29 to 17 and the reports at halftime on Barner were that he was conscious and undergoing some tests at a local hospital at Martin Stadium even with that hanging over them and their starting quarterback on the bench the focus never wavered a quick stop by the D to start the quarter and then Costa went right back to work Davis for 11 then 10 more on the ground into cougar territory L Michel for nine and then LT for 14 the momentum and confidence that defines them starting to show Costa waits for the snap got it going to keep it himself try to go outside get it up he's got the first down he might he will touchdown score Nate Costa touchdown Oregon quickness decision making a veteran quarterback that pushed the lead to 3617 and even after the Cougars responded with a long drive in the third to make it 3623 it still felt safe especially the way Costa took the Reigns going 13 of 15 through the air and moving the ducks with his feet but also because this is a defense that still hadn't allowed a fourth quarter point only some uncharacteristic turnovers in the final quarter kept the score reasonably close sandwiched in between those turnovers cost to hit Jeff M for a 34 yd touchdown to complete the final margin 43 to 23 James had 142 yds on the ground and another 87 through the air for his three touchdowns M finished with 119 yards receiving and with the win combined with some favorable results around the country history was made for the first time in program history the Ducks had climbed to number one in both the AP and the USA Today coaches polls the Ducks were the number one team in the country when the BCS standings came out they were slotted second but the humans they had Oregon number one returning home where they would emerge from that tunnel with the Harley roaring onto their home field for the first time ever as the top ranked team in the country it had been nearly 25 years since a new program had been ranked number one all those years of Ohio State and Florida and USC and 25 years later another program finally reaches those Heights but as Chip Kelly so clearly says there are no trophies for 6 and 0 no trophies in October so it was UCLA on a Thursday night in Eugene that was forced to Bear the brunt of a supremely focused duck team with the nation watching Once Again on ESPN it didn't take long to show that the number one team wouldn't lose on the fourth consecutive week the Michael motion to the right now will come back back to throw Thomas wants it down the middle got him wide open pson David across the 30 and pull down from the side and from behind at the 33 yd line is on 34 yd line on the snap keep it again going to go left wants to throw downfield and he's caught it first down male turn Spence trying to get up and goes down across the 35 make that the 45 at the 41 of UCLA Thomas for down back to throw with time looks up field now will swing it out he's got it to L Michel he's got a first down down the sidelines and tackled out of bounds inside of the 20 here's Thomas again readyy and going to give it to L Michel going to cut it the middle he's got a chance he's got more than a chance touchdown L Michael James in a blur for the Bruins the defense quickly stopped Richard brijo and Jonathan Franklin and the offense went right back at it picking up big chunks of yardage in the process on their way to 600 plus yards and when the gentleman reman alustin went across the goal line and then Nate Costa did it on a two-point conversion still in the first quarter the Ducks already had all the points they would need that didn't mean the Thrills to the home crowd were over Thomas empty backfield nobody back there and he's going to throw the snap the look to the middle down the middle he throws down to Middle he's got his man he's got a touchdown to Huff Josh Huff nobody near him on first and goal from the six Thomas to throw with time looks looks looks throws Back In The End Zone sliding touchdown to David Paulson sliding down the pass perfectly thrown and Oregon's up 28 to three with three and half left here in the first half the Michael to the left of Darren Thomas on second down at about two and keeping it Thomas going to go left wants to throw to the end zone Back In The End Zone Jeff M touchdown Thomas to his left throws back to the middle and a strike to Jeffrey M brao from the gun to throw steps back pressure comes HS him and he'll go down at the six ball came loose ball came loose Oregon's football at the five two one outs right L Michael to his left give it to him up the middle inside touchdown don't waste any time what is that a 3se second Drive didn't look like there was anything there from our angle Jerry but he just sneaks through then after Alon rumbled for 42 yards and finished off the drive with a 2-yard touchdown the dust had settled it was 53-6 Oregon had completely manhandled the Bruins holding them to 290 total yards and piling up nearly 600 yards again including a career-high 308 for Darren Thomas through the air ironically the Bruins had nearly 39 minutes of possession time to Oregon's 21 minutes showing how completely insignificant the time of possession stat is with this football team the more telling number the Ducks averaged a staggering eight yards per play in the game and they ran 73 of them running the Bruins right out of the building 60 to13 and for maybe the first time in human history Rick neisel was left speechless saying only quote that was impressive I'll leave it at [Music] that how times have changed it's Oregon taking on USC as the number one team in the country and for the first time in 20 years that a number one team other than USC took the field at the coliseum in Los Angeles the battle begins and the Trojans put together a nice drive that that ends in three the ducks with their first chance answer with six empty backfield at the 15 Thomas now brings Lich back to the formation and fakes the ball once he got him open in the end zone touchdown Jeff M he was so open nobody near him and then another two well Oregon go for two they look at it and they will try to go for two they've got him Man In The End Zone touchdown Brandon bear is that the bear that is the bear his first points as a duck in the first quarter it became somewhat of a field position game USC special teams with Ronald Johnson making enough plays to change the field a pass interference call and a penalty then give USC a short field starting at the Oregon 28 five plays later USC was back in front 10 to8 in the second quarter the momentum starts to shift as L Michel James bursts onto the scene ready right away again Thomas ready going to give it to him again up the middle there's a big hole first down 30 and he might he's at the 10 he will score L Michel James and there was Oregon's offensive play ready before USC's defense could get set trailing 15 to 10 the Trojans put together their best Drive of the day Matt Barkley mixing the pass and the Run converting on third down once at Midfield and then again at the Oregon 8 with USC out in front the Coliseum was rocking a stop and they had the ball back with a chance to extend the lead during the bye before the game the Trojans liked Oregon's no huddle shotgun spread offense so they decided to put in a few plays of their own to run against the Ducks this time it didn't work out so well Barkley on second and 10 thatn ball is snapped it's on the ground Oregon might have it they do ducks get the fumble recovery Barkley was not ready for the snap can you believe that baso lumbo shot through and got it and the duck offense made them pay immediately Thomas three receivers all out to the right the ball at the 45 of USC and now paon in motion left give it tuno back to throw play fake want to go deep downfield he's got a male Waits For It touchdown Oregon Bobble the ball as he's diving bobbles it keeps it off the turf and rolls over with a football we had to wait for the referee to make the call with the catch of the Year Oregon was back in front 22- 17 and the defense seemed to have the Trojans number now forcing a couple of quick punts that means the Trojans had to kick the ball to Cliff Harris good snap and he will punt it and he booms a nice wobbly spy Harris going to get a chance 20 30 on the Run 40 trying to cut it outside needs a block he's at Midfield sideline left 40 stutter step inside of the 30 tries to go back the other way now and down again the Ducks strike Thomas wait for the snap got it back to throw the ball down the middle wide open he's got it to lavasier 2 and a he's got a touchdown lavas 2 and a we love him we call him LT and he was wide open down the seam and Thomas's pass was perfect with the defense playing well holding the Trojans again this time with another Cliff Harris interception at the one yd line with just 30 3 seconds to play in the half every other team in the country would take a knee but not Oregon Thomas from The End Zone where he stands he's now going under Center L Michel to his left on the snap Gio back to throw the ball way down the middle wide open Huff's got it Huff stops at the 40 around the outside left at the 50 and we'll go out of bounds over the 42 yd line into USC territory a stunned crowd was brought back to life only because the Trojan made a play and caused a Thomas fumble as the third quarter began a couple of things went the Trojans way a batted ball ends up in the hands of Jerel Casey at the duck 21 and after a face mask USC only needed to go 5 yards for a touchdown then after forcing an Oregon punt Ronald Johnson takes it to the 21 add on a holding call and again USC uses a very short field to cash in and take the lead back at 32 to 29 at times it looked like the Oregon offense could move at will and a Thomas pass to M for 30 yds put Oregon back on top this time for good need to get to the 17 Thomas USC shows Blitz here they come steps up throw it's caught male going to get a first down and more 10 turn to Corner touchdown Oregon touchdown Jeff male the blitz came offensive line picked it up with a 3632 lead the defense forced a quick three and out and back with the ball the Oregon offense confidently remain in control with an 11 playay 82 yard drive it took just more than 4 minutes which seems like an eternity in Duck years and the result a 43 to 32 lead on Oregon's next possession after Barkley was intercepted by John boyet In The End Zone the Trojans sometimes faithful hit the turn Styles what they missed they'd already seen enough of James for 10 J games for 45 more then for five then seven then eight more for the touchdown 5332 239 yds rushing for L Michel James and three touchdowns Heisman likee numbers for sure for the Oregon sophomore a resounding statement that the balance of power had shifted in the pack 10 with 600 total yards the Ducks had gained more than a half a mile of offense in the last two meetings combined and with 53 points points the second most the Trojans had ever given up at home ever on to 8 and0 and also on to number one everywhere not just in the human poles but now the one that really matters the [Music] [Music] BCS as Oregon bursts out of the tunnel once again as the nation's number one the first ever crowd of more than 60,000 pack Watson for a little visit from one of their hated Rivals the Washington Huskies but what fans expected didn't materialize early as the duck's first three possessions either ended in a punt or giving up the ball on Downs it wasn't as if the Huskies were doing any damage of their own on offense managing just one first down in the quarter but a scoreless tie after one had a few folks scratching their heads and then as each team traded field goals to start the second quarter there was some wondering whether this would be the day of the upset but during this run every time fans start to think something is wrong the duck showed them emphatically what's right Thomas ready for it his own 41 yd line and going to play fake want to roll right to throw open going to throw it down it's caught and two and a is going to get it up field and first down inside of the 45 Michael sets up to the right of Thomas now just behind him and we get the ball going to go outside cut it nice crease cuts it back at the 35 still his feet stutter stepping to the 30 first down and second second down Thomas going to roll up the throw going to keep it going to run going to get a chance for the first down and get it out of bounds two receivers out to the right jeffre M way out right Thomas on the stamp going to keep it going to go left going to get to the five going to get to the three needs a block can't quite get to the goal line but a late late Flags come out Thomas with L Michael to his left again two receivers out to the right Thomas on the stamp give it to him again lowers his head and goes in no doubt about it this time offensive line won that battle rather easily and it's a 93 ball game and then another extra point try snap good placement is given to beard right up the middle for the two-point conversion that's a different wrinkle after taking the 11 to3 lead the offense went to the sideline starting to click and when they got the ball back it was lights out for Washington first down at the Husky 34 first down on the snap back to throw again with good top drifts out to the right now will run going to go up field and cut it outside 20 he might go he's inside touchdown Oregon I thought he was going out of bounds maybe the huskys did too and he saw a crease even though Washington tried to claw back at every turn the Ducks had an answer Coes it again this will be Huff this time at the 15 left side of the 20 up a crease to the 30 cuts it back against the grain at the 3 five now the 40 needs a block downfield 40 the Huskies down the right side 30 cuts it back 20 inside of the 15 10 and8 out of Bounds at the seven yd line and with that field position it only took one Play here's first and goal from the 6yd line play action going to go left want to throw it to the end zone touchdown Jeff M it was M's seventh straight game with a touchdown catch and it made it 25-13 when Oregon got the ball back again the offense moved into position but had to settle for a 26-yard field goal attempt on this play Disaster strikes Nate Costa who had been through so much during his Oregon career had the snap go through his hands and as he tries to get the ball out he goes down with another knee injury this time it's a career-ending injury for the team leader beloved by Oregon fans the break couldn't have been worse Costa though has secured a special place in Oregon football history after the injury the Ducks continue to roll almost as if to honor their fallen teammates wait for the snap high but it'll go back play fake throw it downfield got m 50 proba to go outside and out of bounds and Thomas going to give it to him again oh this is L Michel this time gets Stu comes outside needs a block 10 inside of the five Dives for the pylon that's a touchdown unless they face Ste that about no it's a touchdown second down at seven Oregon Thomas on the stamp and the on keeps it going to get it outside almost gets way does 40 inside down to the 30 yd line Thomas on the snap got it going to give it to no keep it this time again try to go outside put a little move on oh five touchdown Darren Thomas touchdown Darren Thomas nice punt deep way back inside of the 10 Harris takes it at the five nowhere to go going to go outside try to get the corner does 20 down the sideline 30 needs a block the punter to beat and that's it 50 down the sideline the 30 he might make it stops and changes direction of the 20th down from behind the 16 yd line here we go again Thomas on the snap give it to L Michel walks it in oh walking apart how do you do on second down actually about 11 now and give it to Barner going to go outside there he goes inside of the 10 touchdown Kenyon Barner welcome back Kenyon Barner good to see you baby when the demolition was complete the Ducks had exploded for 40 points in the span of less than two quarters but with the 5316 route of the Huskies Oregon had won seven in a row against the one-time bully all by more than 20 points Oregon senior class now equaling the school record for most wins by any class in history and for the first time in 115 years of football the Ducks moved to 9 and0 now talk of a potential National Championship opportunity really starts to heat up as the Ducks head to Berkeley to take on the California Bears Cal a tough team to figure out terrible on the road great at home so far in 2010 on the opening drive Thomas looked like he had mail over the middle but as he was held up the ball sailed over his head it was clear that Chip Kelly did not want to give the ball up so early faced with a fourth and two at Midfield the Bears stopped l Michael James and with that momentum took the ball down the field and in for a 7 to nothing lead during the day no question the Oregon offense had trouble getting the motor started Cal continued to play excellent inspired defense this became the kind of game all championship teams have on the road inspired team against number one and once again the Special Teams give Oregon just the spark they need great punt high and deep Harris all the way back to the 36 got a chance for return turn trying to get the corner gets a little bit 50 cuts inside of the 50 to the 40 sell a speed he might make it he's at the 20 needs a block inside of the five touchdown Cliff Harris touchdown Oregon Brian anger out pted his coverage with the crowd still buzzing after Harris's record return the Ducks line up for two and Oregon goes for two Jerry and they get it it doesn't matter whether it's Nate Costa or Jackson rice they run the swing and gate and get the two-point conversion at that time nobody could know how critical that two-point conversion would be and after halftime all indications were that the Ducks would do what they normally do and bury teams in the second half and after a cal fumble their first turnover of the day it looked like it would happen again from the 29 of cow LT in motion left back to throw Thomas what time throws it right M's got it 10 five touchdown Oregon Jeff M then after a quick three and out forced by a tough aggressive Oregon defense they were in position again but missed their second field goal of the day the door was left open for the Bears what of the best here's Thomas back to throw on first down pressure comes ball knocked out of his hands they don't show as an incomplete pass it's a fumble and that's a touchdown Cal I kept looking at the white hat and I'm thinking his arm's going forward but I think the ball got knocked out the play was reviewed and upheld and now the Bears trailed by just two and they lined up to go for the tie but the play was never close and the Ducks cling to a two-point lead the Bears start the fourth quarter down where the Oregon fans are more than 15,000 down in that end zone screaming for their team and as Cal goes to take the lead it's the kicker they get to a false start nullifies the first kick that goes through the uprights the second try after the penalty from 29 yds out and snap good placement good and the kick is up and no he missed it he pushed it to the right after the game toio admitted that the crowd helped cause the penalty the Ducks retain the lead after an exchange of punts the clock read 9:25 on the sideline Chip Kelly called his offense around in that huddle a defining moment took place telling his team they would remember this drive for the rest of their lives it starts at their own 20 a couple of first downs and James Goes to the sideline to have his leg worked on in comes Kenyan Barner with some fresh legs Barner goes to his left comes back gets the ball going right get outside first down Dives all the way inside of the 46 the clock moving now under four minutes the Bears desperately trying to get the ball back for one final chance to send the college football world upside down but Oregon more determined back in injured comes James the offensive line the cumulative effect wearing down the Cal defense getting great push up front James for four then for five on third down then six more down to two minutes in counting and now with a third and five at the Cal 19 Lich to his left now to his right as he sets up to the right and give it to L mik coming left try to go up the middle nothing there cut it back up nice run inside of the 2019 yd line in the end they couldn't stop him the drive that Kelly visualized with his team on the sideline happened 18 plays 65 5 yards and the final 925 off the clock in the biggest moment on the biggest stage doing it in a way they hadn't been forced to do it by grinding It Out by forcing their will with the game on the line by creating a moment they and duck fans will remember [Music] forever the close call at Cal had the nation buzzing the national discussion was about what was wrong with Oregon or that the blueprint to stopping the duck offense was found blueprint perhaps Arizona didn't get the delivery with Barner beside him now Nail In Motion a little bit turn the formation back to throw the ball oh wide open downfield Paulson he's got it he is touchdown Oregon oh you could see it when he left the line of scrimmage they forgot him here's Thomas going to give it to to Michael g go outside cut it up behind a block still in his feet boom hit at the 20 and down to the 18 yd line Marner beside Thomas to his right Allon in motion to the right on the snap back to throw play action look to the end zone going to Loft it and it is caught in the back of the End Zone by Jeff M holy C and he thread that ball through there uner to the right n l Michael comes back in beside Thomas and and here's the option going left pitches in it back and Hoff's going to try to get the corner first down 30 cuts it back on his feet 40 if he's got the speed he might I think he will he's at the [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] in the third quarter it all felt so predictable an offense that couldn't be stopped an opposing defense sucking wind an Oregon defense dominating the second half five consecutive possessions the D stifles the Wildcats five consecutive possessions touchdowns I can't remember what he calls it when they look to the sideline first down on the GI L Michel going right cut it back 10 inside 5 32 touchdown Michael James this one's going to go high and deeper all the way back to the one yd line turned her to the 10 middle of the field trying to go outside b ball loose I think organs got it there were no wild cats there with the ball was circled up bson motions to the left side give the ball to L Michel inside five three two no he didn't get it in Thomas wait for the snap got it give it to L Michel yep yep and erases any doubt right up the middle e on the touchdown Oregon L Michael James in his second score of the game the final 48-29 pack 10 champions for 11 games more than 120 practices the ducks have won the day at each and every moment but this was different a year ago the duck floated in a sea of roses on this day with the conference Championship secured not a single rose not one a symbol of how things have changed and among the team no sense whatsoever of finality no Championship shirts no celebration there was one more day to [Music] win on to Corvalis some calling it the biggest Civil War ever played clearly for Oregon it was a win and an undefeated season a spot in the National Championship Game 12 wins for the first time in program history yes all of it but big two simply because it's the Beavers the first play a pretty good indication of what this day would be like first play from scrimmage back and play fak to throw a little play action hit the ball pops into the air incomplete and Catz is down Catz is down and he is not getting up the Ducks were not perfect early after forcing a punt on that opening drive Cliff Harris fumbled on the punt but the defense had his back Kats on the snap straight drop to throw and oh and the ball's popped up into the air and intercepted by the Ducks at the 30 how about the interception by Terrell Turner the Oregon offense with their first possession clearly starts to show a speed difference in the game but a drive filled with big chunks of yardage ends with the ball on the turf Oregon State then put together their best Drive of the game 15 plays later one of them a third and 17 conversion Rogers gives the Beavers the lead but this duck team has been here here so many times before Michael on the right side of Thomas and he'll give him the ball Michael going left got a nice big chunk 40 down the sideline 30 inside of the 20 and he'll step out of bounds here's Thomas and the Ducks ready again at the 18 give it to him again going to go right try to get it outside drag down and gets oh Barner gets away and goes inside of the 14 yd line on first and goal from the four yd line give it no back to throw looking left now over the middle throwing to the right he's got Barner touchdown Oregon Kenyan Barner swings out of the back field everything's going left and Barner leaked out right even though they missed the extra point it was how they were gaining yards that put duck fans a little bit at ease after another Duck Drive and a field goal from Rob beard the Defense Forces a three and out and the ducks start to run their Rivals ragged there leel in the back field and he will get the ball going to go right cut it outside gets a little roam Here We Go Again 30 inside a block outside and 40 and goes down across the 40 Thomas almost looks like an inverted wishm keeps an option going to pitch it back to Mar com left 4550 good block down field and to go out of bounds Davis in the backfield now and it'll be option here's the pitch going right in the reverse Huff with a block oh great block downfield 40 30 cuts inside and inside of the 25 to the 23 yd line thas on second and nine gives it to Barner going right gets it up field first down 10 yd line inside of the eight and down here's first down and goal from the 8 yd line Thomas L Michel beside him now we get the ball going to come left got some room can he get the corner 10 53 he's in for the touchdown L Michel James just kind of cruises in on the left-and corner up 16 to7 the momentum was clearly with the Ducks seeming to show no effects of the pressure of this game with the ball back they marched right down the field again all the way inside the 5 yd line but the beaver D Gass Rose for a big stop a critical stop and when beard missed the Chip Shot field goal the Ducks came up empty on the drive and went to the locker room with a nine-point lead out of halftime the Beavers seem to gain some momentum Oregon finally being slowed down a bit Oregon State ready to take possession around Midfield Chip Kelly had a different idea Al dado waits for the snap no it's a fake or again runs it first down up the middle 40 near Midfield 4540 30 inside of the 30 to the 25 on the 20 ydd line inside of the 15 and finally out of bounds inside the 10 yd line with the big Play No Doubt the Ducks would cash it in TI here's third down and six back to throw pressure comes here's the screen it's caught by Davis get it up field if he can inside of the 10 he's going to score Drew Davis Drew Davis and they finished the job this time and Oregon is on top 22-7 up 23 to7 it felt like the Ducks were close to The Knockout Punch but the Beavers continued to punch back Oregon state with a short field then a kickoff that pins Oregon deep they get it back and March right down the field again with a chance to make it 23 to 17 but the defense does it again in the red zone and they take it to the fourth quarter after the field goal on that drive the Ducks regain their dominance with a big third down and a clear pass interference call that brings him into Beaver territory Kenyan Barner finishes it two receivers out to the right mail and Davis and high snap give it to Barner again nice SCS through he's going to score Barner touchdown Oregon goes over the right side and speed shoots him through the hole at 30-13 it felt safe but just to make sure clock down to 722 remaining back to throw cats little pressure but dumps it over the middle and it's high and intercepted ducks have the ball at the 50 Boyette has got it John Boyette tackled inside of the 44 yd line on first down back to throw the ball looking wants to go deep down right gets it the male inside of the 30 curls inside of the 20 and inside of the 18 yd line here's Thomas L Michel to his left on the snap give it to him again up the middle he's going to score L Michel James takes it right up the middle and that's the statement you needed and I'm not going to say it yet but dog Gana with 427 left you're getting closer to the prize with that touchdown 37-13 after a late beat Beaver touchdown 37 to 20 all season long this Oregon defense only allowed 24 points in the fourth quarters a phenomenal number the celebration in Corvalis on the Ducks streaming to their fans in the corner of the end zone and fans everywhere 114 years they've waed at Oregon he's going to play in the national championship game two one it's a can you believe the magical season this has become and it's not over Oregon and their fans their team the band all down in the corner of the end zone celebrating congratulating each other and living in the moment and somewhere down in that Humanity a soaking what Chip Kelly is talking to the media about his team and what they have accomplished unbelievable to have been a part of this oh my gosh 12 and0 undefeated season pack 10 champions championship game how far they've come now this group and every fan through all those years who sat in Aon who bought a ticket and screamed their head off bought a t-shirt any show of support this season this team taking it finally to the next level on the foundations of many this team team on their way to the championship game this wasn't one for the ages this was the one for the [Music] ages
Channel: Robert Rodgers
Views: 62,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oregon, oregon football, national championship, oregon national championship, duck football, oregon ducks, oregon ducks football, chip kelly, oregon vs tennessee, lamichael james, lmj, kenjon barner, oregon vs auburn, 12-0 oregon, jerry allen, jerry allen crying, win the day
Id: 7loYmvpk9Ew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 47sec (3947 seconds)
Published: Tue May 31 2016
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