Oregon Crabbing - underwater Gopro video

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hello folks welcome to another episode now many people have asked me about how to catch crabs here on the Oregon coast and so this video is going to answer many of those questions the best time to go crabbing is during months that ends with an are like from September all the way to December and I find that an incoming high tide is best there are many boys that you can buy but I find this big polyform both fender works the best I'll put a link in the video description it's very durable and very bright and I can see it from a very far distance for a crab bait I use raw chicken it gives off a very potent scent trail and it's very cheap bang you can find it anywhere the crab pot i use is the pro Mar TR 5:30 it is very good for Dungeness crab you can leave it down for hours I'm never worried about them escaping all right are ready to go let's go fishing I tied my GoPro to the pot and took some underwater video so here's what its gonna look like and the first crab is gonna show up pretty soon so let me speed up the video a little bit to show you that first crab that comes in it wasn't very long it was probably a minute so he comes in and he goes straight to the bait box of course even the tiny crab decided to get in on the action these underwater crabbing videos are cool and it also helps me determine where you know the best body to place the bait to make it more effective you can learn a lot from what these crabs are doing and you can adjust your presentation accordingly now back to the bait issue and I'd like to use chicken I try not to use fish carcass like the rockfish I keep i catch from like the jetties those those black rockfish they tend to attract seals and it will tear you apart tear you apart apart if you if you're not careful I've used a red tail surf perch for bait as well but I when I do that I zip tie the the bait door really well so the seals kind of get to it but I would say 99% of the time I'm using chicken for bait because the seals stay away from it and it leaves a very strong scent trail and cheap and you can find it anywhere and if you can see at this point there's more crabs coming inside the pot alright guys so let's do a little fishing while we wait for the pasta soap oh I'm Cupid asked me how long do I set my pots down there usually I let us know for about an hour to an hour and a half and the longest being about three hours once they're in the crabs can escape from these blue pots so that's really nice nine feet ten feet seriously you get a fish as fast as you can haul it in okay then they don't let go [Music] and over on the [Music] we are right on a jetty huh with all the seals around I don't know if the rockfish is gonna be around harpoon that's what we need a harpoon yeah but a five-foot-long stainless steel harpoon it's got an exploding tip all right Lin I think we're gonna move because we're right on a jetty we want to be is there any kelp that's further out no we can bring out the anchor and we can anchor out here and just kind of drift back towards the jetty oh right there bring him in bring him in bring him in oh yeah he's got it he's got it oh yes yes dude that looks good now that's good copper nice copper nice copper dude what yeah dude hold up that fish man I'm gonna I got a fish another copper dude double double double double right Nath's fish let me whack this guy we'll take a photo of that one when do you get I got it I got it one two three a year and a half ago before you couldn't keep no copper or you're killing it record it record it nice yeah you we got it we got it oh my lord oh that was awesome yeah okay so that was linked to and then I realized wait he's a seal little bastard God that ain't cool man steals freeloader what a freeloader that was one of the best yeah I'm gonna unhook that boy OOP man yeah we got crap oh we got crabs oh we got crab boys we have one keeper two keeper three four maybe five on one bread yep there's a red look at that big roll right so we're gonna have to count it right now okay we need to count the Reds no that was seven steam 17 okay 17 going to put it back yeah 18 you're right it's not gonna fit I thought it will we got another regular oops grab and small we can be choosy today she's 20 21 22 this feels so heavy Oh actually yeah holy cow Wow look at that holy cow that's a lot look at all those crabs you always he's a keeper man yeah 24 holy cow 24 to limits yeah 26 man there twenty-seven Oh softshell man that keeper softshell crabs really do you unhook that heavy lotta crap here lots well I see not as much actually look at that there's a big one right there that's how we do it here in Oregon that's how we do it in Oregon yeah soft shell [Music] oh my lord pretty sure don't need to measure this dude hold on is he a soft shell yeah soft shell so that's a soft shell let him go whoops sorry about that deeper I don't know about this one you want to keep them all barnacles it's alright yeah but these are this one's a hard shell so definitely keeper okay that's the last one
Channel: Oregon Life
Views: 2,103,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oregon, dungeness, crab, how to catch, big crab, crab bait, best bait, promar TR 530, pk yi, coos bay, coast, gopro, underwater, video, season, crabbing, giant crabs
Id: d8X0g0ylY5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 20 2018
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