Cooking HUGE HAUL of Dungeness Crab (There are too Many!!)

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foreign [Music] I'm out here with my friend Christian and we're going for a crab check this out this is a very similar boat to mine this is a 16 foot actually 15 foot 11 sea Explorer but it come like this Christian built it himself pretty pretty freaking sweet especially coming out here it's kind of choppy we're not getting wet at all windshield is protecting us so nice and you can stand up in it too so we're gonna try to get some crab hopefully we get lucky and get our limit then I'll show you guys how to cook it all and if you don't want to eat it all you can vacuum pack it and keep it Frozen without getting freezer burned so Christian's got four Nets these conical ones that he made the other day I've got two of these and we got a bunch of flat ring ones so I think we got a total of like seven or eight so check this out I put this mesh net here I zip tied it in three places so it lays flat got a five pound weight on the bottom and I've also got this old lingcod lingcod carcass I'm gonna throw the whole thing in here and I know some people do this too but I'm gonna throw in this whole can of dog food dropper yes sir all right number two down she goes check this out this Christian made this so he took some 3 8 inch rebar right was it 3 8 and welded them together and these are 36 inches wide which is the biggest size that you can have in California and they're about nine inches tall or yeah seven and a half seven and a half you can have them about nine inches tall so man these are gonna fish really well I think nice and heavy too they won't move on us nice new yeah it's my local fish restaurant and Fish Market well they've got a small restaurant and then they've got a market as well um and yeah they do this you just call them they're like hey I want to order some crab bait and they're like great how much do you need and when you want to pick it up and it's free and it's free free crab bait and it's a bit crappy salmon mackerel some oily stuff halibut wow rock fish in there Rudy's dropping in I can move ready to go off she goes a zip tie on it just kind of to keep it back I'm kissed by that thing [Music] been about 40 minutes now since we dropped the first one we got eight traps out there feeling good feeling good I think we can get one per trap maybe do two rounds maybe even just one round to get a limit what about this boat man how long did this take to make um the entire project was maybe three months the actual build was maybe one and a half months with about a month of planning and a about a half a month of kind of getting everything figured out yeah but once I started it went together pretty quickly so uh plywood core yeah it's all quarter inch plywood fiberglassed over we use 1807 or 1708 all the structural areas are heavier the 18 ounce all the flat areas are 17 ounce on the roof on the outside there's three layers of glass so you can stand on it and all the windows are cast acrylic a little bit lighter than glass a little bit easier to do yourself pretty damn nice man works pretty good yeah keep this dry oh right here coming up quick I need this thing you don't even need the hook all right damn dude a couple Keepers for sure a couple keepers I see at least two oh yeah maybe three oh that's a jumbo right there dude good job nice man so this okay this was just a promar yeah and that's we have to measure that one look at that one oh yeah that one's like six and a half nice hell yeah this one's a keeper this one's six nice dude so is that for yeah one two three four all right yeah this one had the the dog food in it yeah I'm curious to see if that makes a big difference or not see that was awesome seeing all those crab come up all righty all right he's a great looking uh great looking haul that's awesome big old crab all right bro here you do the honors of this one yeah there it is oh and it's full of crab too look at that thank you oh that's heavy man that's a good one coming I see you two or three that's awesome that's a fantastic crab should be six should be seven all right it's ten crabs per person that's the limit we pulled two pots we got seven crab already we got six more pots to pull looks like we're gonna get limits on the first I shouldn't speak too soon though feel like a commercial crabber for some reason [Music] a nice all right this is one of your first ones this is the one that you made I'm super excited to see it here it is there's some in it there's some in there what is me anyway no Keepers in this one well damn it I spoke too soon coming up there it is not a lot oh there's some Eagles in it I think yeah yeah there's a big one out there on the side I got three Keepers on that pole we got nine so far averaging about two and a quarter per pull not horrible not horrible pretty damn good if I say so oh yeah got some good got some good ones in there at least got something in there so this one should be legal though yeah oh that was legal 100 don't don't even need it I'm so nervous about that sort of stuff oh yeah it's six so now we got ten yep halfway there so this right here is not one of those conical ones this is just a straight ring hoop net just what we had see if it works got a few yeah I got a few oh there's a nice one yeah there are that's a nice rock crab it's a female I don't know I'm I'm down to just keep my ten dungeons I don't want Rock grabs I actually really like the flavor of them but I don't want to deal with more than 10 crab today yeah that's one's keeper so that's 11 12. this should be the last one on the string and we'll start over and then two strings two poles on the string and then we'll should have a little there it is yeah we got some we got some for sure yeah see you one jumbo a nice one oh yeah very nice at least one I got one keeper yeah it's not bad at all it's so big look at that huge one that might be the biggest one so far we're kind of assuming we're gonna get limits on this string so we're gonna coil this rope as we go you ready yep oh it's kind of Twisted though when I get home I'll make it all pretty good so I like to go four feet on one side and four feet on the other four feet on the other side four feet on the others I think just wrap it all up and it kind of Scopes out really easy yeah that's probably how they do it so they can just throw it overboard yeah last one we just limited leveled up got a nice jumbo going home with a bunch of crab so if you're out here on a boat or even if you're from a kayak and you get your limit you always want to make sure you don't have that one straggler around here so when you get back to the dock and that Warden finds that one extra you could get 5 000 bucks for it so always make sure you are not exceeding that limit you just got back from a long day of crabbing you got 10 crab at home what are you gonna do with them one of my favorite things is to gift them they're so easy to give they're the perfect size to gift and if you give them you don't have to worry about cleaning them now there's two ways that I like to clean them one way is just like that rip off the shell right from the side another way grab all the claws as well as the legs and its head here fits perfectly on the curb smack it the head comes off and then you can rip off the the gills right so that's what I'm going to do now I'm going to clean all these crab right now got 10 of them clean them I might give them a good scrub satisfying that crunch sound if you do do that pulling off the head method sometimes you got to be careful because they could still pinch you I'm doing here I'm just taking off the mouthpiece do mouth pieces and they'll come right off on the top here there's all these gills taking off the gills close up to the crab on the back side here that's the apron we'd put our fingernail under it or you could use a knife you got to be careful sometimes this can go right through your fingernail so pull that back then you pull it up over the top it comes out once you're done you already know rip it in half shake out the guts now you got a clean crab before we throw it into the steamer we're going to scrub them down because they probably got a bunch of mud on them from the bottom of the ocean now it's time to scrub you always want to scrub them if you can because they are really dirty especially crawling on the bottom of the floor but this is a good after it's been shelled this is still 15 pounds with the shells 20 to 30. and before at Thanksgiving these were 34.99 a pound so over six hundred dollars worth of crab in one day today they were 17.99 a pound but now we're going to clean them got my assistant fisherman's wife and she's just gonna hold the hose while I spray while she's going to spray while I scrub I mean and when they're ready to go I'm just going to drop them in the pan see how dirty that looks right now after I scrub it it's going to be so clean see that like a clean brand new crab thank you now to boil it I've got this little steaming tray on the bottom I filled that part with water so it's only about one tenth full of water I poured some salt in it I don't know if mixing salt with the water matters when you steam it I know when you boil it it adds in a lot of extra flavor but not sure if you steam it so if you know let me know now for this big propane thing I moved the tank as far away as I could from the burner one of my friends recently was using one of these propane tanks one of the smaller butane ones and that thing exploded on his leg so trying to take all the precautions I can to keep the flame away so now there's not too much water in here so it shouldn't take too long to heat up but once it does I'm going to cook this for 15 minutes in that 15 minutes perfect time to clean up all right been about 15 minutes we're going to take the lid off try not to burn ourselves smells like crab in there all right let's turn off the flame hell yeah all right so now the secret to vacuum packing them a lot of you probably already know this but I know every single one of you doesn't so for those of you who don't this is the secret so the secret is taking the cooked crab and if you want to keep it whole this way you can just reheat it later fold all the legs in and put it on a plate just put it on a nice little plate and that way all the legs are covered and they won't pop the bag now you can vacuum all the air out and it won't pop the bag now of course you can get bigger bags and vacuum pack five or six at a time but I'm going to do it half a crab to make sure that the legs stay inside the plate and there you go that's your craft later on yeah you spend you know 10 cents per plate but it's worth it for fresh crab that can last up to a year well we got a bunch of crab here ready to be vacuum packed let's see how well this seals vacuum and seal and while that seals let's eat a little bit of this crab not good oh look at all that air coming out of there look at all that air oh this is going to last forever hell yeah okay let's see if it seals let's see if any air comes back out mmm look at that look at that that is as vacuum packed as you can get with no signs of being punctured whatsoever so that my friends is how you preserve crab for as long as possible without getting freezer burned I'll vacuum pack these hope you enjoyed it thanks again Christian and last but not least you know the fisherman's life crab Dungeness crab being snared shirt is for sale but hey it works [Music] [Music]
Channel: Fisherman's Life
Views: 473,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mr4a2F0OFvM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 52sec (1012 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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