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oh my god oh my god dude what you doing yo the power jessie oh my god jesse guess what i found a cartoon cat potion yay exciting right no no no no come on man i am done with these potion things man i'm on a diet now come on oh my god don't you worry super jesse is here to save the day i'll drink it for you wait what really yep i mean i mean i've done research on cartoon cat i know what he likes i know he dislikes i've done so many videos on him it's definitely not because i spent a thousand dollars on the dark web to buy the potion and i don't want it to go to waste okay well let's freaking get it out of the way stop procrastinating and drink it i don't want to what do you mean you don't want to you said you just wanted to i'm scared i'm just kidding what the hell this is gonna be delicious no none of them are ever delicious oh my god oh my god oh my god you took the oh dude the whole dude what you don't have to feel the power bro are you okay i'm just kidding dude i have to show you something because she's about to go down okay are you gonna tell me what the heck is going on jesse no just wait why do you have a blanket dude it'll all make sense when we get downstairs just follow me oh my god dude you drank the potion we have no time for this trust me what the cage i took precautionary measures because you know potions just so happen to transform me into something horrible i don't want to worry about it so that's where you have the blanket so you're comfortable i'm going to go inside that cage and you're gonna cover the cage with the blanket so that i can't get out and then hopefully in about 30 minutes you come back i'm transformed into cartoon cat and i get to have a lovely conversation the only thing okay i had a problem with and i thought about because a lot of research says that cartoon cat is actually a shape shifter which means he can transform to any shape which is a little concerning but let's hope that that's not the case maybe i should have took the potion and you have to deal with cartoon cat not me you got this oh my god okay covered well this is gonna be fun wow i can't believe i'm just trapping jesse at a cage i'm not gonna lie my stomach's kind of hurting actually yeah that's how it normally starts but uh any last words jessie i can't even look up [Laughter] goodbye so i'll be back in 30 minutes sounds good see you dude bye all right guys we're gonna come back in 30 minutes and we're gonna see how jesse's doing here we go jesse how's it going in there hello jesse i guess so far it's been like 30 minutes haven't heard anything coming from the basement so i don't know if jesse's okay or if he's dead jesse low oh my god this is not good this is not good guys jesse how'd you get out of the cage hello you still down here what was that wait oh no no no no guys this is not good he just escaped the house this is not good he's probably outside or something i don't know if he's in cartoon cat or if he's just jesse and he doesn't know what the heck's going on jesse you over here hello did you come back inside what the hell was that okay i need to check out psyches right now i have no idea where he is jesse hello there's music coming from over there jesse [Music] you over there hello dude if you're playing around let me know okay i'm coming around the corner okay jesse oh my god jesse jesse i said she's that yeah he had the cartoon cat face oh my god hey man what are you doing jesse if you're there you need to tell me now hello guys what the hell is he going what is he doing he was just waving at me and doing nothing dude hey shoot i guess he just went back inside the house hopefully he's not locking me out jesse hello okay guys i'm getting a bad bad feeling about this it seems like the potion's taking full effect of jesse he's acting really really abnormal right now hello jesse you need to talk to me man tell me what's going on are you are you sick or like what are you what are you feeling hello [Music] [Music] uh [Applause] [Music] i just came dude you just hit me with this thing man i didn't hit you with anything what what i when did you change what do you change bro what do you mean what are you huge i opened the window you went outside i followed from behind i saw you go inside what do you mean follow me i saw you in front of me cartoon cat hello the potion the potion may have been faked oh god yeah it was coffee you didn't even smell it just stop what i saw it [Music] where the hell is he look around i don't know you can't be far i just i literally just saw you walk in i'm telling you it was a giant cat running around it came in the house you just look around why did you think it would be cartoon cat wait there's a camera here the camera it's still recording dude camera laughs when i got knocked out why is it here i don't know something cartoon cartoon must have moved it you must have moved it no it this is this right here this is what you're scared of you saw this thing no no oh my god you're stuck i'm telling you i'm telling you you got scared of this cartoon little toy potion isn't fake man bro the potion isn't fake you mean it's not fake you i'm right here i was joking i literally walked out of the cage i opened it up and i got out and i hid behind the door dummy so how did i hear the music did you not hear the music that's not then who the heck was that it wasn't that thing what this isn't what what the hell who's ringing the bell at this time what the hell maybe it's cartoon cat dude how could it be quick hello what would have rang the doorbell like that that's weird that's a cartoon cat bro since you found him and you saw him telling you i don't know how to explain it like you're getting wait what remember how we were talking about at the beginning yeah how we're like shape shifting it's possible that cartoon cat can shape shift right mm-hmm dear maybe that's that's him this is cartoon cat are you 100 sure you saw him i swear on my life he was here it wasn't you clearly apparently i didn't do anything so you saw him i i swear on my life dude it was him he was freaking this tall he had the freaking cartoon cat face okay well if he's shape-shifting right now he's obviously pretending like he's a toy so that we can just get away with it what if we put him in the cage oh lock him in there and then like set up the security camera so that we can like monitor it and then go and check when he's actually a big cartoon cat any sense let's let's let's holy moly it's better than nothing so now you were in the cage well if you were able to escape like me if you were able to escape won't cartoon capital escape so put that there that good yeah that looks good to me yeah okay okay let's just set up the secret camera dude just hit three really how much longer we have to wait i don't know i think the theory is just like dumb yeah i thought i i think he just left if it was even here and he didn't just like wait what i just got the emotion detection why is the crate kind of like why is it like that i don't know what is happening yo oh my god it was true i've told you man that's what i saw [Music] he's going outside he's going out the window bro you okay cartoon cat i know you're here dude freaking close that he's gone how how did you actually buy a potion no it was fake i was pranking you this whole time and he actually showed up that doesn't mean well i don't know man let's just let's just end it here if you guys enjoyed the video smash 40 000 likes shout out to my boy mike behind the camera subscribe to my channel if you guys want to see more crazy videos just like this one because honestly it's unexplainable guys unexplainable turn those most notifications on until next time guys gestures out you
Channel: Jester
Views: 3,664,236
Rating: 4.7622137 out of 5
Keywords: JESTER 3 AM, JESTER, JESTER 3AM, Dark web potion, dark web, jester dark web, jester 3am dark web, dark web jester 3am, ordering cartoon cat potion, cartoon cat potion, jester cartoon cat potion, potion cartoon cat, cartoon cat, jester cartoon cat, cartoon cat jester, cartoon cat potion jester, 3am cartoon cat potion, cartoon cat potion dark web, jester cartoon cat 3 am, cartoon cat 3 am, cartoon cat 3am
Id: j6Hr-p4Nfz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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