Ordering a 2021 C8 Corvette? Here are the MUST-HAVE Options!

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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to brink of speed today we are going to talk about when you order your new 2021 c8 corvette the must-have options and what your overall price will be for those must have options good afternoon and welcome back to the channel ladies and gentlemen i'm super excited to talk to you about you going to the dealership and ordering yourself a brand new 2021 c8 corvette now there's a lot of people out there that don't really know exactly you know exactly what options to build on their new corvette and today i want to specifically tell you what i think most people would be good with when ordering their brand new c8 corvettes there's options that you don't need that a lot of people think they do need and i'm specifically going to go over exactly which ones i think you need and which ones i think you don't need so let's get started by the way i hoped you liked that amazing cinematic drone footage in the very beginning but the first thing that i want to state about you buying a 2021 c8 corvette is that i would highly recommend spending 7 300 on one major option and that is the 2lt package if you have the money to go up to around 70 grand on this car you're gonna like what you get with my perfectly put together 2021 optioned out c8 so the very first thing and i will show you right now on the screen uh the difference between the 2lt and the 1lt so that you can see there is a large difference between the two lt packages now the first thing that i love about the 2lt package is that you get these beautiful front-end cameras and what these front-end cameras are going to help you out with is to make certain that when you're parking your car and you're putting that front end close to a curb that you will never ever ding up your front splitter or worse than that if you don't have a front splitter because you might not have the z51 package you would ding this up instead so the 2lt will give you those front end cameras to help you stop that another amazing thing that the 2lt package gives you is the head up display and we're going to go inside the car right now so that you can see how beautiful this head up display is and as you can see here it gives you a lot of different things that you can see without having to look down at your normal 12-inch screen dash and you can keep your eyes on the road instead of having to look down and that is very important now here's my third thing that's special about the 2lt package and that is that you get the blind spot protection on your rear uh side mirrors on both sides now why is that important because of the fact that if you are next to any vehicle these two things right here are going to light up and they're going to light up yellow to indicate that you are next to a vehicle even though you may not be able to see that vehicle because it's in your blind spot now that again like i said is extremely important also i get this question a lot about my seats now as you guys can see these seats are gt1 seats and i'll go over these real quick so you can see exactly what they look like that is the gt1 seat now here's the question that i get all the time is that seat able to be ventilated and heated if you don't have a gt2 seat the answer to that is yes if you have the 2lt package the other question that i get is will there be lumbar support on the gt1 seat period well there is not lumbar support if you buy a lt1 package but if you get the 2lt package here is your lumbar support front or forward backwards so that's one thing that you get with the 2lt that i think is a must-have for sure okay let's move on to my next must-have and that is going to be these beautiful painted red calipers now as you guys can see these calipers are absolutely gorgeous if i would not have had those painted they would be black and you would not really be able to see them clearly but because of the fact that they are painted you can easily see them they have that gorgeous corvette logo on them and it really makes the car stand out even better than it already does so as you saw in the very beginning when i started talking about that package there was a number of things that are different from the 1lt to the 2lt so you can go back to that and see what the differences are anyway this is a 595 option that i highly highly recommend uh just for the aesthetics and looks purposes the next option that i'm going to show you you'll be seeing it on the screen right now and it's going to have to do with the front end lift so right there that front end is already off the ground quite a ways however as you know there are a lot of places in the world today that will absolutely scrape up either the bottom of your lip right there or even worse you know get up higher and damage things up higher what gm has done is they've put a fully global technology gps system along with a air front and lift system on this c8 corvette and as you see right here that it's working perfectly when i get about a hundred yards from my house my front end lifts automatically and i don't even have to think about it it just automatically lifts up and i get two inches more of clearance and i have never ever scraped the front end of this car because of that two inch lift so that is another must-have now that two inch lift used to be 14.95 i know there is a little bit of a price change on that for 2021 because it would ultimately change the overall price of your 2021. now some are gonna agree with this some are gonna disagree but my next must-have option for your new c8 is gonna be the mpp exhaust uh you definitely want the loudest possible exhaust you can get on this car because there's a lot of people that aren't super happy with how loud it is in the cockpit of this car now obviously on the outside it's tremendous it's it's beautiful but you definitely want to hear yours your corvette when you're driving it around and without this mpp loud exhaust you lose a little bit of horsepower but you lose a lot of sound so let me show you what you would be missing out on this is what it would sound like if you did not get the mpp tuned exhaust so it sounds pretty decent but it is muffled big time you don't hear the big time roar of that enormous 6.2 liter v8 and obviously we all want to hear that so let me show you the difference okay here's what your car will sound like if you pay an extra 11.95 basically 1200 to get the mpp exhaust now i think you're going to be able to tell a large difference i know i can especially in person hopefully this camera picks it up and you're able to tell a pretty large difference but that is a complete separation of sound difference the decibels are enormously different on the stock exhaust or the mpp exhaust now the reason why i say you should spend twelve hundred dollars on that exhaust is because of the fact that if you go to any exhaust company say you you have the idea well i'll save the twelve hundred dollars and i'll get uh you know custom exhaust put on it after i buy the car if i want it well let me tell you one thing you're gonna want the exhaust but you're also going to spend probably double uh what you would spend through chevrolet to just get the louder exhaust there's not a company out there that's really going to do something that's worthwhile for less than a couple thousand dollars so you might as well spend 1200 now and get that exhaust which is on the z51 package automatically but not on the non-z51 package okay as you can see we are back here in the engine bay and if you take a look at this engine even with the rear hatch open it doesn't really distinguish itself i mean yes you do have the edge red on the sides of the engine but that that basically dark gray kind of silver cover doesn't really do anything to separate the engine from the rest of what's under here so my recommendation to you all is to go ahead and spend the 495 dollars that it costs to paint that and i wouldn't paint it any other color but red because red is what's really going to separate you from most people with this car even with this hatch down when you look through it's impossible to see the engine clearly but with it painted red it's easily seen okay now i want to address something that i'm certain most of you are asking right now to yourselves and you're wanting to ask me and if you wonder this put this down in the comments section below but i'm sure that everyone is asking well you didn't say anything about z51 yours is a z51 should we get z51 should we get magnetic ride so i'm gonna answer those one by one number one i would never get z51 if you're the average everyday corvette type owner the only reason to spend another five to six thousand dollars because i think it actually got raised to six thousand dollars for uh 2021 just another really good reason not to pay for that z51 package the only reason to get z51 is if you know for a fact you're going to take your c8 to the track that's really it if you're never going to track your c8 then you're wasting six thousand dollars on z51 especially now because of the new magnetic ride option back in 2020 you could only get magnetic ride if you ordered a z51 package now you don't need z51 to get magnetic ride so i would again highly recommend not getting z51 and for magnetic ripe i would not get that either because i've been told by quite a few people that without z51 the standard suspension on the stingray feels just as smooth if not smoother than a z51 with magnetic rut but my car is already blowing my mind how smooth it is and it has z51 and magnetic right so that's my next choice is not to get magnetic ride i do not think that that is worth it also i would not get upgraded wheels unless you're going to get trident wheels i would not pay the extra thousand dollars or so just to get those painted black if you're gonna pay extra for wheels i would highly recommend if you like the trident wheels to get those instead because you're gonna get two sets of wheels you're gonna get these wheels and the trident wheels and that way you will have wheels that are really nice you know that you think are great and wheels that maybe you could use for other reasons on your car but i would not recommend really spending money on the wheels so the last thing that i want to talk about is kind of just up in the air it's a question this is not my opinion this is do you think the last and final option that i would maybe say to go with is important to you or is it something that you could care less about and what that is is the museum delivery now some people think it's an absolute must it's a thousand dollars and they say you know it's well worth that thousand dollars i personally agree with that as you know i did that with clarence this spring to go get his car and i thought it was awesome but are most people going to need that or want that probably not because it's not just a thousand dollars you have to get yourself there uh most likely you're gonna have to pay for your stay while you're there you're gonna have to pay for most of your food so it may not be worth it to you but that's a thousand dollars if you want that the total cost of the car without that is just over seventy thousand dollars which in my opinion is excellent you're gonna be right around seventy seventy one thousand dollars with the car that i built that has all the things that i think most people are going to want in their c8 corvettes if you have that 9.95 you could pay for it out of your pocket whatever you're going to be around 72 000. so that's really going to do it ladies and gentlemen i hope you enjoyed this video if you did make sure and give me a big thumbs up also if you have not subscribed to the wonderful brink of speed community please consider subscribing by hitting that red subscribe button and bell notification so that you're notified when my new content comes out now also i hope that you'll follow me on facebook instagram and twitter those are all up right here you can see that they're all at brink of speed so they're very easy to follow but other than that ladies and gentlemen i hope you have a wonderful rest of your day and i will see you out on the road you
Channel: Brink of Speed
Views: 208,304
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Keywords: 2021 c8 corvette, c8 corvette, 2021 c8 ordering options, must-have c8 options, Ordering a 2021 C8 Corvette? Here are the MUST-HAVE Options!, brinkofspeed, must-have c8 corvette, c8 corvette must-have, 5 must have options for the c8 corvette, corvette c8, 2021 c8, 2021 corvette, 2021 corvette c8, 2021 corvette options, ordering a 2021 c8 corvette?, c8 2021, c8 2021 corvette, corvette, c8, bos c8
Id: mnUl8jS7Pt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 03 2020
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