Oracle WebLogic Server & EBS R12.2 Q/A: JVM, Heap, GC, Stack, Thread Dump

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hi guys also welcome to this another weekly life my name is Ethel and I'm from team K Tony Academy and like every week every Tuesday 3:00 p.m. GMT 8 a.m. PST 8:30 p.m. est and 4 p.m. UK time because it's a British standard or summer time we cover this roughly around 30 to 40 minutes session I might be doing a little bit quicker today it's a lot of Sun today so I will be starting in a minute but if you're watching this video then maybe skip a minute or two and then I'll be starting because I'm just catching up I was just and what we are going to cover today is about WebLogic server verb logic and specific are targeted for admins ebusiness suite ab CB s so let me go straight on to the web to the to the slides what we going to cover but if you like anything and if something is not clear then make sure you ask questions are from me so let me go and check in my slide one second yep it looks all fine okay so I hope you are able to see my screen let me make it full size let me make it bigger oh hold on yeah so this is what we are going to cover today let me look at the parallely in a come on my or start this on my page as well or sorry on my phone as well I'm just flipping up a litte bit so I hope you can see my screen which says WebLogic and oracle ebusiness wait are twelve question answer and what you see on the right hand side on this screen is a console sorry I forgot your console but coming from Oracle e-business suite are 12.2 so this is a WebLogic admin console which is coming from ebusiness suite our 12.2 okay hold on let me minimize okay so this is targeted for ab CBS parallely I'll also connect and see on the WebLogic console let me see if I am connected to the VPN make sure you post all your questions when connecting to the VPN switcher which means I'm going to do actual hands-on we are going to connect and work on server and I'm going to show you how does filesystem of e-business suite I printer to look like and I'm going to focus for from a from applications or from a web logic point of view and also if you have any question how does this work like that why it's working like that let me know those questions as well those who are attending here say hi a big hi to everyone this is the agenda be able to cover today so let me show you this is all be able to cover today but before that those who are here a he Pablo of welcome here hey RJ hello welcome here then we have shritha hi vamsee mukesh okay so hi everyone make sure you post your questions that you have but this is what we have to begin with we'll start with WebLogic overview very quickly then tasks performed by admins then we are going to there was one question being asked in past which was about that a oracle ebusiness with art world or two runs web logic or is run on top of WebLogic server and that WebLogic server has managed servers and sometimes these manage servers go in a warning state i'll show you all what you mean by warning so why do they go in that warning state it said we're going to look at g vm memory uses garbage collection heap dump stack dump thread dump what are these how does memory look like so just to UM little bit excited because this is something i've never covered spatially not even in any training so this is what we are going to look at as well what is a young generation what is old generation what is a heap what is the permanent generation how does garbage collection look like and some of these performance are things as well so make sure you ask a lot of questions you come even if you are not a apps DBA you are going to get tons of value web logic is used everywhere pretty much every so you'll get tons of value so going back and also if you if you at any point in time you like this session don't forget to don't forget to share and and leave a comment to me and tell me and give me some little hoods so that we have more guys joining hi I use hi Vishal is like session started yes absolutely we shall we have started a hoop Emma I'm audible you can hear me Mithu hi Mootoo welcome here and let me know as well are you guys AB CBA's do you have are you guys AB see behaves or not and have you worked on WebLogic or not so this is what we'll be able to cover so but before we go on to hold on yeah I think I moved forward so this is what I'll be able to cover but earlier in the show so I have this weekly session so early in the show this is all we have covered in Xero one cloud like zero one we covered cloud service model zero three we covered 12-point checklist to go from DBA to cloud DBA and so on so I'm going to move a little bit quicker but if you want you can come back again here and have a look at this if anything of your interest all out plenty of useful information in all this previous shows everything is available on Facebook as well also I did a Fae a WebLogic I did a web logic live hold on there guys so I did a Facebook life I do not Facebook like I did a free webinar on WebLogic Oracle WebLogic server 12c what why and how so these questions came from there so if you want to go and attend that as well later go back to ketone in ford slash web logic 0 2 so before i start everything let's do a quick win and shout out for some of you guys made progress last week so big congratulations for this is for from Quinn Lee for migrating Oracle e-business suite lifting or migrating from on-premise to cloud so big big commute relations also to acknowledge he also did lift and shift it was a little bit painful exercise and why it was painful was because I think Oracle changed something with respect to certificates so we are going to add I am going to a blog about it and I am going to tell you that as well bring congratulations to both Quinn Lee and at least and if you have achieved something in last one week let me know and share it with me as well and guys I'm extremely sorry if there's a background noise because the day door is open it's quite hot here the place where I am so also if you wish to continue on a weekly basis every Thursday we have a newsletter there's a train going next to my house so I'm extremely sorry guys there's a little bit background noise this is that give me one second I'll just quickly come and close the door and see if there is a background noise we'll be using okay I'm back now guys excuse me sorry I hope it has improved a little bit yeah so this is I'm saying is if you have not yet part of our weekly newsletter you can go and subscribe to go and write inside ki Tony Academy comm four slash blog and get it so let me see if there's a guys if you are here if you're an ab CBA or if you're working on WebLogic let me know what you work and what challenges you face what issues you've faced in sooner or recently so a ji man ab c-- be having experience on WebLogic 11g but new knowledge of art 12.1 in WebLogic perfect so if you know WebLogic you should be able to correlate i'm going to show it today with respect to oracle e-business suite how does it look like in e-business way today so what is WebLogic those who are new who don't know WebLogic is nothing but an application server and it's Java EE Enterprise Edition compliant server it could be high version of picked up maybe seven but it could be eight or nine I'm not hunter percent confident but Java EE complained what do you do you deploy and run you deploy run and distribute Java applications on that so any java application you can write you can you run it on top of application server which is Rob logic now it also access other services like databases messaging external enterprise systems like so uh sweet or cloud or any so you can connect from WebLogic to other enter external service or LDAP servers as well where is it use pretty much every product and so if you have not worked on WebLogic you should start learning a web logic because whether you work on premise or you go on cloud it's going to be used and way why because it's used in sua it's using OPI E which is Oracle business intelligence and why the reason it's being used in Oracle access manager identity manager it's being used in EBS at 12.2 so 12.2 uses WebLogic earlier they used to be other application server so tell me now what that application server was tell me what was the application server in a bs11 ID and what was eleven even 12.1 let's see who can answer those are with the ab c-- BIA background apart from that fuse and applications also uses the as an underlying application server anything that runs from the cloud in a SAS software this service uses WebLogic Enterprise Manager 13c uses Oh give me one second sighs I need to close the doors sorry for that again extremely sorry guys um this is yeah so enter phase manager 13 see also uses for D behave now what 12c so those who are coming from 11g background in 12c WebLogic server supports multi-tenancy so we covered this in the free webinar which i've covered earlier on how to how to get out of that free 90 minute webinar where we covered 12c multi-tenancy some of the features like partitioning of micro containers so leave a comment to me or leave a comment and someone will share at the webinar replay link if you want so it's basically one domain so multi-tenancy is nothing but one domain divided into multiple parts which is called as partitions and if you are familiar with docker so Oracle has fully supported now WebLogic on top of docker containers apart so similar to web logic the other application servers are like IBM websphere Apache Tomcat these are two other famous application servers so this is all in a nutshell about WebLogic server what are some of the common tasks done by administrators you do install and configure or you install the project server you configure the WebLogic domain what you do you deploy applications that applications could be test again if I'm going fast make sure you ask question I'm going to answer those questions at each logical point so you deploy applications on top of and it could be a it will always be a java application only but you can deploy so a based application you can deploy a web based applications you can deploy enterprise applications quartz which is commercially of the shelf products like ebusiness suite peoplesoft Hyperion or EPM or Enterprise Performance Management Hyperion or Fusion Applications they all use so these are basically example of deploying application on top of a blodgett also admin they migrate domain from test dev to prod you integrate with identity and access management system you troubleshoot issues and be able to look at one of the issue today which is about performance tuning where what happens if your managed server in e-business 2 it goes into into a running or wait state then we are going to or web admins they also do monitoring management high availability set up these are some of the things all WebLogic admins do ok so let me take question and ok so I usually saying I usually say we are facing high heap uses and high CPU uses continuously so I usually so we are going to cover today first of all what is heap and and CPU and what scenarios it happens I briefly on a high-level overview but I need a little bit more detail in terms of what that application is type what does your JVM settings are do you understand what is heap size and permanent size we are going to cover and hopefully that will give you some insights on to how you troubleshoot how you can troubleshoot Vamsi is saying Apache server in 11 I know Apache was a web server in 11 I and even in 11 I it's not Apache so that's a web server so I asked a question earlier saying oh what is were in 12.2 e-business suite I told to my application server listens hold on let me go and let me take these questions and let me swap myself afraid so I asked some questions earlier saying ebusiness wait well dot 2 uses WebLogic server so what are the previous version so 11 I it's not it's not Apache Apache is a web server I mean it's not a patch age it's it's a web server and web server is witches 11g OHS it uses OHS OHS is the web server however 11 I it doesn't use is a Apaches an application server it's another application server the lexing who can answer that we shall explain 12.2 architecture and how web logic is integrated I'm going to show that it today we shall definitely okay greet is saying in EBS Oh a core I'm free things tucked red ah and do we have five Oh a core and three application server okay so interesting question first of all what is what is stuck thread what is thread dump we are going to cover that as well finally share webinar 12c AJ I am going to leave a comment on that so 12c webinar I'll share that as well thinks I use okay good thanks welcome Naga welcome Ranjith and there's don't forget to give me a thumbs up or little hearts as you see something valuable coming okay so this is the free webinar I was talking about Katyn WebLogic 0 - there'll be a workbook what we covered we covered all these things what you see on the screen so this is all things we covered we covered what is WebLogic common tasks tools then why you should learn web logic we covered 12c architecture we covered WebLogic domain JVM deployments dynamic so we also covered clusters and 12c introduced a new concept called a dynamic cluster which was not there in 11g in WebLogic so dynamic cluster and how cluster communicate each other including multicast versus unicast we also looked at partitioning or multi-tenancy in that we covered what is micro container what is partitioning what is virtual target what is the resource isolation I also looked at elfin checklist to learn like an expert and then taking it to the next table so this is all in the webinar that I covered earlier ok so let's begin with first question in that webinar was asked by vivek there were a lot of questions I answered some but because of time we couldn't finish all so this is what we are going to cover first question is managed server an e-business suite are 12.2 comes into warning state so before I go and answer that lets first so this was a question being asked I'm working in Oracle e-business suite Perl 2.3 my question is that our way core manage servers are going into warning state frequently and so this is a note I added on top of that which is Oh a code is nothing but one of the manage servers in a very logic domain how many of guys who don't know about what is WebLogic domain if there's anyone here I'm going to explain that what is the verb logic domain those who are not coming from 12.2 background or not coming from WebLogic bad known if this only someone who knows if everyone knows about 12 herb logics I'm going to skip that so what his question was oh I have increased the Java heap size so first of all what is the heap size how do you increase it from one get to 2gig is increasing from 1 to giggles a solution or is it applicable for everything but he's still getting this error and after collecting the garbage collection so after collecting garbage so what is garbage how do you collect the garbage and is it so his he's saying after collecting the garbage it will it was okay but I want to resolve this issue permanently how do we solve it okay so what would you do if you are in a situation like that wave will you look will you simply increase 2 from 1 to 2 get are you able to do this is something be able to cover all set okay so let's first begin with ABS 12.2 architecture and those this is for oracle ebusiness wait for apps GBS and I think those who are not coming from a business sweet background will also find it useful so ebusiness suite 12.2 has like in previous versions is a three-tier architecture you have a database here you have an application tier and you have a drip tier now in database tier what are the some of the changes which I can tell you now from you can install 12c virgin database using your start CD I think it's 51 so when you install eby's this week there is something called a start CD and there's a number for that start CD so by default in previous 12.2 Datuk 4 or 5 it used to be 11g are 2 database now when you start with 51 CD you get great directly 12c now the 12c database other thing which comes in ebusiness suite 12.2 is that during install time itself you can do rack where is in previous versions in 11 i or a 12.1 during install you can't configure a rack you install first single node database with ebusiness suite and then you migrate it to rack so that's difference or some changes in on the database side also there's a new concept called addition based redefinition introduced for for online patching which is another new feature introduced in our 12.2 so then the major change happened on the application tier in application tier Oracle introduced WebLogic prior to that in 12.1 there was OC for J so I asked this question earlier that in 12.1 what was the application server and application server was OC for J Oracle container for Java which is a 10 G application server and prior to to L dot 1 or it 12.0 in 11 I it used to be J serve Java server J sir which was 99 application server of oracle application server prior to the WebLogic server so that's called as J serve Java server so in 12.2 oracle introduced WebLogic server and application T or web tier is sorry the the client here is pretty much more or less same there are some additional features or additional JDK version so J GRE and new additional browsers being supported so quickly the database tier is this the application tier new introduction is the logic and web tier or planked here also there is a dual patching and I think I've not covered that on so I'll skip that at that particular point now this is all about 12.2 architecture now in 12.2 oracle also because it's WebLogic and WebLogic has a concept called a domain and there's no one who said I know what I don't know I'm not sure should I cover this so guys I'm going to wait for a second and tell me should I cover WebLogic domain or not are you clear anyone even if once a person says Oh cover logic domain I'm going to cover that other result skip that the blodgett domain I'll take a strip of water and then I'll come to that point and tell me should I it should we do WebLogic domain or not in the meantime let me tell you how does it WebLogic domain look like so I'm connecting to one of my servers and I think it's 63-65 console so this is I am right now logging in this is an Oracle e-business suite and I'm connecting to 7:01 3 which a WebLogic admin code so I say WebLogic and click on login and Armani WebLogic domain so this is called as a domain if I go in left hand side and I click on servers and then I see there is on top there is an admin server and this is managed server and it's very important this is one of the most important thing the whole thing that you see around is a domain and there is a admin server and there is madness servers there's also applications deployed and also the connectivity to the database so what you see here datasource so there are two data sources one is we have its going to the e-business suite database and also there is a oaa this is this doesn't come by default on this environment we are using this environment this environment is also integrated with Oracle access manager so you have a additional man data source connecting to the database called as oae a so let me see if there's any question related to should I cover the project domain or not and if I see not even a single person asking about domain I'll skip that and if if otherwise if there's a question then I'll cover that in a minute but this is all itself WebLogic domain coming from ebusiness suite are 12.2 so in servers you might be familiar with in 11i as well as in 12c or sorry in our 12.0 and 12.1 you have Oh a core so you used to have OC 4 0 a code if you are 12.1 if you're 11 I there's already an OE core J sub similar to that here Oh a core here also but it said a managed server this is this is Oracle application Fusion Middleware oae again that doesn't come by default that comes very empty this is my access gate Oracle application ebusiness suite access gate so oaa this is for EP om integration and these are forms let me see and take any questions if you guys have ok so I should saying cover it at all please cover and jeath we shall definitely okay so let me cover very quickly what is WebLogic domain it's nothing but logical collection of all the resources clubbed together so what I mean by the sources is servers all machines deployment is nothing but web applicants or application deployment or jar file deployment these deployments also JDBC so these are applications so if you see here there's a web application called cat this is another web application called DMS so collection of all this is so logical collection of all this is a web logic domain and domain this is a two type of servers admin server in a managed server and it's always one and only one admin server and multiple manage servers so that's what we saw here and you will always have once admin server in a domain when you create and you can have zero or n manage servers so this is what you we see here now on these manage server so admin server you deploy something called as applications or resources which are nothing but war web archive er enterprise archives are job archive JDBC Java Java database connectivity JMS Java messaging server and each server has its own JVM Java Virtual Machine what I mean by that is so forms will have a OC for oh sorry JVM this boy code will have a JVM this will have a JVM this will you have a JVM as long it's running and JVM is nothing but a java virtual machine which is what which is nothing but it executes your Java class file on a microprocessor so developers will write a Java Java file they will compile that it will become class file and those class file will be combined them into a jar file these are deployed in the server and when you sum run these these Java files are are executed bytecodes on the JVM so how does GBM look like or how do you know of it kind of a JVM we have let's go and connect on to the server so I'm connecting to one of EB a servers behind putty so this is how you can see what is the JVM running so I'm connecting at Appl MGR which is my application tier user and I'm going to show you how does Geum look like give it a few minutes guys okay give me a feedback that are you learning it is it making sense or not and why it's not slow okay okay while it connects maybe maybe because it's waiting for your little likes and the minute you give hurts and likes and thumbs up it might come okay white slow new session EBS load open okay I don't know why it's not working but this is this is inactive or at a we are we are here now so PS UX and pipe so all you need to do is if you do want to find the JVM you say PSU x-pipe and grep for grep - I and Java so when you say grep - I Java so each of these processes is a JVM so what do you see here this is one JVM what you see here it's running Java or JDK from here this is the name of the JVM which is OFM so earlier we saw this there is a OFM but important and interesting fact or interesting thing is what is this here this is the key lot of you guys hit these problems which is palm-sized 128 m max palm-sized what 3384 XM s 1 0 - 4 XM x 1 0 - 4 so tell me what is palm-sized what is difference between XM x s and pump size what are the pump size and XM s denotes what I should sing definitely I feel I'm learning a lot great thank you very much so tell me guys leave a comment and tell me and if you don't know just say I don't know and and that's why I can go in detail about if you don't know about this so this is and this is all your cleaning parameters this is where the maximum tuning will happen around JVM or Java Virtual Machine so going back to this is the manage servers which you see now I'm going to also tell you how does it look like or file system look like very quickly so I go on to EBS apps and right now you this a dual file system - I am setting it environment variable to say source the run edition again I'm not over what is a patchy addiction or effects file edition but there is a Fusion Middleware home in e-business suite so I'm right now in Fusion Middleware home and inside that Fusion Middleware home I have my WebLogic server this is my verb logic home this is my actual TP or web server home this is my under user projects I have my domain this is my web gate home if you installer and ticket with identity and access management system this is a common home so I'm going to go into the user projects and inside that domains and this is my domain name which is eeap's abs underscore domain underscore sid and incite that i have been this is where my starts top of this domain are going to be this is where my servers are going to be so if I go under servers folder and this is where my admin server domain and these servers are if I go back under config folder and this is where the entire configuration or WebLogic configuration will be under here WebLogic config ok hold on VI WebLogic dot XML oh sorry config dot XML is my mistake so it will be config dot XML so how you know where is my admin server port you go and search for look for this admin server here and it's saying my machine is this my listen 4701 3 it's listening on address 1705 a cloud Cayden like so I need to just this and that's why you see this I'm going directly by IP and this is the port number seven zero one three four slash console here ok so let's move on now back to slide so this is about JVM I've told you about WebLogic configuration that where does WebLogic configuration you set your environment variable or an Edition go to another environment variable or going directly to do mean you go to EBS domain home countries then you open config not XML we'll file you will see file like admin server look for admin server and listen address and listen port number this is the WebLogic domain I showed you earlier this is how it look like this is the JVM I told you earlier there is a XMS X MX maximum size and other variable point things on JVM so now comes the real crux which is oh how this memory is being used so whatever we saw in in earlier this is JVM that you see here and we are going to discuss next is important thing this is where you need to learn so JVM is divided in two or memory within the JVM is divided into multiple parts and two broad parts which is called as heap and heap is nothing but collection of young generation and old generation ways another one is permanent germination which is for other purpose and we'll cover that in a minute what these are if you look at the below diagram below that younger generation is further divided into three parts called Eden s 0 which is survivor 0 and survivor 1 and things as name suggests if and we'll cover that in a minute as well so there are two main areas one is called as permanent generation which is used by JVM so JVM internally uses a metadata and some files so permanent generation is reserved for that so if you have lot of program if you have a big memory big application you may also need to tweak the perm size or maximum size as well but this is permanent this is not where your objects live this is not very of program object lives this is the program which is reserved by JVM and this is where the permanent space or metadata of Java classes being exist heap is actually the area which is young plus all generate old generation and this is where the objects which your program uses or the business logic uses or ebusiness suite uses or any custom application uses they need to they need a space they use it from heap which is young plus old generation making sense so so collection of XML Plus or so XMS is the Eden plus survival zero propels survival one and and tenured all this collection what you see here from here XMS this is the area so what you saw on earlier in one of the diagrams of one of the screenshots here or let me go back XMS yeah so this so this means that your heap will begin with 1 gig of memory and this is the area which is here then it can grow up to 1 0 to 4 it can grow up to so the in disk in our case that means these two areas are saying my minimum and maximum are same for heap similarly palm-sized this is here so my palm size it started with 128 MB I can grow up to 384 MB so now when you resize this permanent jump pummelled generation size and if you resize it quite often it's an expensive affair it takes a lot of time to resize or it impacts your performance so if you have a bigger application if you have a application which is memory hungry like some applications within e-business suite it's always good practice to keep pump size same as maximum size so that your CPU or your JVM doesn't spend time in changing these spaces also as I said young generation is further divided into two parts and in answer to server as five spaces so what happens when a new object so when when you when you access something or when your application access something and they need a space or they need to bring some data from in the code from the database or some other place into the memory of the GBM the data first comes or that those object comes into the Aden area and over a period of time then something happens and what that something is called as garbage collection which I'm going to cover that in a minute so then the Aden space is full or at a particular regular interval there is program called garbage collection and when the garbage collection is then our scenarios in which garbage collection in Iran is when there's not enough space and JVM needs memory to do more code so garbage collection is run so let's look at garbage collection what is garbage collection guys am I making sense just give me a thumbs up or thumbs down or let me know and give me a little hearts as well is it making sense what is garbage collection what is the previous slide that we covered here I'll take a sip of water okay let me take hi MA Jean welcome here thank you very much guys for these little hearts thank you very much and these means a lot to me this inspired me to do a more and more so and also if you like this don't forget to share with your colleagues and friends as well I used to sing don't know about palm-sized and XM s don't worry we'll go back to this slide one more time I don't know and palm-sized is where the WebLogic class package are loaded absolutely unfamiliar with optimal tuning for the different servers in JVM and you so this is where palm-sized is where you have the metadata of the class metadata of the class not exactly the yeah okay so coming back to garbage collection and this is very important this is where a lot of tuning especially with the memory hungry application so garbage collection is nothing but process of looking at objects in heap and we told you earlier what is heap heap was nothing but old generation and new generation or young generation in the old generation area so process of looking at the heap objecting here and deleting the unused one so if any spit any object is no more you in use then deleted to clear some space and there are two type of GCS or garbage collection we call some one is called as - GC and second is called as major GC now when a young generation fills up a minor GC is kicked in so I told you earlier what is young generation the area space you see on the left hand side which is new sighs sorry the area which is some part of of the heap so when that fills up then minor GC kicks in and what happens when minor thing - GC kicks in the application threads stop application Hanks or halts comes to a halt for that GC to finish so we call it stop the world event it stops everything so imagine you are in middle of if application is running doing something and the minor G C comes application will come to a halt but your objective should be to keep that GC of finish as quickly as possible then there's a another one which is major GC which cleans up unused objects in the old generation area so major GC also like young like minor GC stop applications and it basically also stops applications so objective should be to minimize that time application works or spends on running a major GC and ideally try to be keep it between three to five seconds yeah so now GC can be of type serial parallel CMS and g1 I'm not going to go into detail here but if you want further detail leave a comment I'm going to give you the references on where you can read further again we cover in one of the other performance tuning our training on for ab CBS as well as on WebLogic these these go in detail ok so what now if you are working on a performance issue what your objective should be to you the time spend in GC to be at least or minimum or less than 5% of execution type of the full JVM also the Jeep JVM heap size did determine so the heap size of the JVM which is collection of young and old generation that determines how long and how often the GC should run also if there is a large heap full GC is going to be slower but it's going to be less frequent so the size if you if you make it too big it it's going to be slower the GC is going to take longer but it it will be less frequent so what happens if GC is full and after sorry if the JVM heap is full and even even after running garbage collection it can't find any space and all the objects aren't in use that's when you get errors like java.lang out of memory error you might have seen a lot of these Java lying out of memory errors as well then if you want to see how much time is being spent by the application or the JVM in order for the GC or during the GC time then you can meet there's an option in when you start the GBM so this like this here you put one more option here in one of the environment variables and you put - verbose GC to find out how much time is being spent on GC so this is how you do so this is just a nutshell about just to do a quick recap before I take one or two questions and we'll move on so JVM there are two main areas palm gen and heap and heap is young plus old generation there's a within young generation this is a Eden and two survivors so basically the objects move from one survivor to another survival before and still ye being used then they go to the old generation as the cleanup words garbage collection process of cleaning up the unused objects there are two type minor and major and objective should be to minimize the JVM time spent in in running the GC and else otherwise you might get out of memory errors so before we move on to the next one let's look at one or two questions and then I'll move on to are you guys understanding learning getting value on that let me see okay good thanks give me a little Hertz and tell me you're enjoying this session or not I can see a lot of you guys here when GC runs user will be terminated from application no user will not be terminated user will continue it just they might see some short a certain performance hits in terms of it might be it might wait for a few seconds or you might see or everything frozen that's how but user will never be terminated or user will not terminate from here okay let's move on so what is so what is heap dump you will hear that word coming again and again the guys are saying oh can you do the heap dump so heap dump is nothing but process of dumping the entire memory allocation within a JVM whatever is going on right now with the JVM you dump that that's called as heap dump so you are going to do heap dump analysis mainly when you get out of memory errors or memory leak in the application how you're going to identify whether the same memory leak or if it's out of memory issue you will see in the log file is out of memory or if you increase the memory and again and again you are seeing out of memory so let's suppose you have increased from one get two to being and you still get out of memory error that means hey that means there is a memory leak and so you dump that heap dump and it'll tell you or it will give you a hint whether there's a memory leak or not so heap dump is different from thread dump again another important thing don't makes heap dump is for memory thread dump is for thread and we'll see that in a minute so how you can take the heap dump there are various parameters and one of the parameter you can add it in with in GBM start up and you say xxxx heap dump on out of memory and then you say heap dump path and you specify where should it generate that file so you put that and so you can do it so on on the startup in an environment variable so when it does and any out of memory happens the heap dump will be automatically on the time or you can use an application like third party or external part or tool like J map or also there's a another one which is Jake on so these are gray or graphical user interface so once it's dump is done you need to read it and how you route read again there are tools like Eclipse memory analyzer or J hat or IBM or IBM heap analyzer again good point in e-business suite if you're hitting problem like ebusiness suite because it's commercially of the self application you don't need to worry about it you give it to a business suite or the product support team they will look out look it for you however if you develop your custom application on top of ebusiness suite then you might have to look at this application again give it to the developer they might they will give you a hint or they will tell you okay then there is a next one as I said is javis tech trees and threat dump again thread dump is different from a stack trace and also thread up is different from heap dump so state trees is it's nothing but a user-friendly snapshot of threads which monitors and including monitors in JVM so JVM has threads and monitors so the snapshot of of that at any given point in time is called a stack trace it helps in troubleshooting hanging or spinning java applications so some of you guys were saying oh my application hangs or taking longer than it should or sometimes we notice that performance issue or my J my JVM or my processes reach 200% CPU so in that case you should run Java stack trace similarly sometimes you will get a warning state in application says and this tie back to the error everything we are discussing about is the error from the webinar that we discussed at the start so what happens there's a thread dump so if there are stuck threads then you might want to do read dump which is nothing but snapshot of all the threads in the application at that point now stack trip sorry it's a typo it's a stack trace will not show memory distribution for memory if you're in memory you need to go back to the heap dump if you want ten dump or stack trace then you pick it here now again how do you create a stack trace you run you simply say kill as you signal quit signal to the JVM so you need to find out what is the JVM how do you find out GBM again you do psu X and now if you see here on this here screen update PSU X and grab for Java and I found out let's suppose I need to find out J process ID for JV of form server I'll simply do that and six six four four is to the process ID so once I know the process ID I'll simply is a kill - three and process ID and there are one or two different type of kill as well you can even do that now output will be written in ASCII format and simply use any format like editor or VI or notepad to open that stake trace or third um okay so just to do a quick recap on what we looked at so we said there is a heap dump which is the dump of memory there is a set dump which is a dump of thread at that point in JVM stack trace which is a snapshot of threads as well as monitors in JVM so coming back to the main question oh I'm hitting this problem how should I troubleshoot so now first of all if there's a warning you need to look into the application log file so that warning could be for multiple reasons so make sure you look at the managed server log file now first you to find out and where these log files will be visible give me one second guys so let me swap my screen and let me take one any question is there's no question no oh okay so there is a question from Mozilla saying my report server is hanging very often often so first of all there are some magic if you are your report server is hanging first of all which version of e-business suite you are working on also check that are there any performance patches available because Oracle e-business suite team gives you a performance patches are quite regularly so make sure you have those performance patches or not but if you tell a little bit more detail in terms of which ebusiness suite version it is what path sets you have we should be able to add a little bit or give a little bit more value or such on my Oracle support there are performance patches of way available for reports which should not is saying some of us missed the session can we have the presentation public so that we can download and go through so don't worry you watch the replay so replay will be available on the same page which is Katun first eby's flour 0eb is sorry cloud-like 13k toning ford slash cloud-like 13 which not go back to that and and ask again so let me hold on let me see the whatever stock yeah so let me swap okay so this is what I was talking about right now state is running shutdown running running running so I have 4 J 5 J I'm running and one is down and here if there's any problem you will see warning here so he will see his status as a warning and if you're in a situation like that look at make a note of which application it is and then look at sorry which man is over is this oayk or here so the ones will you know the application then you go to the oayk or managed server log file so where are those log files we told you that it will be under domain home so right now we this is my domain home inside inside that I'll go to servers an inside server I'll go to the appropriate server in which where I'm hitting this performance problem or the warning so I'll go to way code and then logs and within logs do LS - ltr' and this should be out file and this should be a diagnostic file so these are the two files you should focus out and diagnostic so in out file most probably it will be in if it's out of memory it will be in out file output file and right now I don't think I'm hitting any problem no there's no error there's no memory error so otherwise you will get the warning here this is what you will see like so the warning could be for multiple reasons and you can't predict by telling oh I'm getting a warning it could be for multiple reasons so this question was asked by forgot name of the gentleman in the webinar so it could be JDBC connection issues so have a look at so what is JDBC I told you earlier that okay here this application needs to talk to the database or WebLogic needs to talk to the database and that database connectivity is is this JDBC connection issue one so if you see error like Oh pool connection Oracle GBPC driver if you see something like that that means it's a JDBC issue or you can see stuck thread so other application will tell here stuck threads so you will see the message as stuck thread so you click or you do the thread dump and thread dump you will you see which where exactly the stuck thread is waiting on again there are lot of known issues with respect to e business suite so make sure you have all the performance patches applicable on that so this is this was one question and as I said if you want to watch all other questions which have answered in the webinar if you have to go through the WebLogic 12c multi-tenancy micro container partitions again the replays available on Titan Academy Comfort / web-browsing 0 - again we are not going to keep this replay for long and so I'm going to take few more one more questions and see if there's any question but there were a lot of other questions being asked and I think looking at the time I didn't expect that it's going to take that too long so I'll I probably should view this remaining questions in our private Facebook group and I will tell you what that group is will be discussed there so remaining questions I'm going to take it in private Facebook group so Dave jeath and green that asks the same question what if host one hosting the admin server crashes so I'll quickly tell you that admin server is a singleton service which can run only on one node so what if that node goes down how do we failover how do the admin server is going to work what what is going to happen with remaining manage servers what will happen to the classified min server goes down and we also looked at the clustering in the webinar which is horizontal versus vertical clustering then there was a concept we discussed about virtual IP and where is it used what should I be any in admin server also how does admin server high-availability works there's also a question from vedanta bout certification when is there a certification for web logic or not so there are certification I'm going to tell a little bit more in detail there's a question from Syed Sahib sameen can I configure a load balancer between the WebLogic and HTTP server sorry WebLogic and end-user so this is the architecture which said you have users going from the firewall to the load balancer to the web server to the WebLogic so this is the on right hand side yes few users load balancer HTTP server and web logic so the question was is that Oracle HTTP server or OTD also we discussed in the webinar is that mandatory so that question again I'm going to pick that also if you're putting load balancer what is Oracle's recommendations for these load balancers so as I said go and have a look at it WebLogic zero two and salumi Dean also how to connect to the JDBC or data sources what is Gridlink what is multi data source so this is also supposed to cover which is how do you connect to the database what the JDBC sees so I'm going to discuss this all this in this community which is catered in /join FB if you're not part of this I would highly recommend you to be part of this be part of this community I'm going to cover that apart from that we also have a worship group it's what we have a separate whatsapp group for paid members this is for free members if you want to discuss and communicate Kate Undine /what self also if you're a DBA I would love you to be if you're a DBA or interested in cloud either DBA or cloud we are doing a free live webinar on this Saturday which is on 12th where 12th of May we were able to cover everything like why you learn cloud what is cloud computing what is the cloud service models SAS pass idlest what are the cloud deployment models then be able to look at how do you build your first Oracle database on cloud not in infrastructure and service but in plate formatted service how do can you create it under 10 minutes or so or everything up and running within 30 minutes then 12 point checklist to go from complete beginner to expert if you're a DBA you'll get tons of value if you're not a DBA you will still learn but focused on cloud so the URL is ketone forward slash cloud zero - so with that as I said go and make sure you become part of this community and let me take few questions if there's any question if I need to or if there's any but I think I've covered all the questions let me know if you found value in this webinar so if you found okay I'm just telling to my wife are my kids I'm just about to finish this webinar so let me know if you have any questions and and give me a thumbs up or did you find value should we continue doing that what should be the next topic we should do so next week I'm planning to do either on ebusiness suite or or on plow networking last time I asked this question there were a lot of questions came about cloud networking what is virtual cloud network what is SSH connection what is fast connect what is Reuters what is gateway what is class IPs what is a so if you're interested in that let me know thank you very much for these Hertz means a lot to me and don't forget to share with your friends and colleagues every Tuesday we cover how to recover basically a topic in Oracle and so make sure you ask and and you tell it tell it to others with that ok let me take thank you each one of you for being here and spending some time with me and so next week either I'm going to wait for comments either were able to cover networking in cloud or which is Oracle cloud infrastructure so things like or I might cover the Blodgett or I might cover DVR ebusiness suite or ab CB o so AJ saying I'm eagerly waiting for that network session so AJ of great yeah so networking one and the lot of questions come coming on networking as well so with probably most probably chances are networking will be lot of value in that I learned a lot in last 3-4 weeks about networking in order to prepare for that webinar or networking sessions or things like subnet things like internet gateway a dynamic routing gateway VPN fast connect virtual cloud network and so on thank you guys are with that thanks for more - and with that ba bye take care and as I said don't forget to share it with your friends and colleagues and be part of that group which is Facebook group we are going to take up follow up questions related to this um Kay tuning /join FB I'll see you next week same time bye for now
Channel: K21Academy
Views: 26,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oracle, Garbage Collector, Oracle WebLogic Server Q/A: JVM, GC, Stack & Thread Dump, JVM, WebLogic Server Heap, oracle cloud, WebLogic Server JVM, WebLogic Server GC, WebLogic Server Thread Dump, Oracle EBS R12.2.3, k21academy
Id: Zmd96z-5qO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 23sec (3383 seconds)
Published: Wed May 09 2018
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