Oracle Cloud—A Path and Platform: Oracle OpenWorld 2019 Keynote

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please welcome to the stage senior vice president Oracle cloud Steve de [Music] what's up for sheesh you made it man how's every guy's thank you so much for making it today I'm in its theater I thought I'd take a different approach and talk about cloud and interpretive dance so I thought you know just roots sometimes that's just how I like to express myself but no no don't worry about that it's actually not gonna happen thank you so much for joining us it's a really important week for us and I think heading into this week we've really seen an incredible amount of momentum you know not only in customer adoption we're thankful for all the customers that are joining us this week I'll be joined by some customers today who are gonna tell their stories but really the pace of innovation that we've been delivering to market I mean just when you think you know we've delivered a lot you know Larry announces like what 5357 last night so we're really excited about the pace of change and I think any discussion around change is you know it has to center around this incredible transformation that we're seeing in the market today I mean cloud really is changing everything it's changing how business is run and people work it's creating new categories it's disrupting existing categories it's happening at this incredible pace and it's here today if our customers are looking for a bridge to the future one that helps them preserve and protect the investments they continue to make on-prem provides a thoughtful path to the future and when we talk about transformation you know we've gotta look what's going on with respect to these emerging technologies spanning AI machine learning IOT blockchain these digital assistants that are revolutionising our user experience and we're seeing these permeate every aspect of work in life from self-driving cars to precision agriculture to smart cities that are changing the way we interact with the world around us I mean they're fundamentally driving that transformation in an amazing way but I think when you actually look at what's going on we're moving we're like at this tipping point where these emerging technologies are really now becoming a reality I think Oracle's really leading that way in terms of taking these technologies and building it into our offering so they provide out of box value for our customers all right so we're helping to lead that way and it's sort of interesting to see where we came from right we went from this Industrial Revolution to what we call the Information Age right and was it it was a time that was based on an economy based on information technology with networks compute and storage and data was sort of central and we were born in that age you know if you think about worker we began with the belief that the foundation of information technology was actually helping to manage that information and those are things we continue to do today and we believe that we're on the precipice of a new age you know one that is based on an automation you know we call it the automation age or the age of autonomous or whatever term you want to use but we believe this is one of the most important technology shifts of our lifetime you know I'm you know emerging technologies particularly around automation or reshaping our approach to IT allowing us to free our budgets for our resources and free our imaginations to focus on innovation and growth in ways we couldn't before and do that while we're also reducing cost and reducing risk so this is really powerful technology that we're at the leading edge of you know and at the end of the day we believe that this creates incredible opportunities for both businesses and people and that the opportunities that automation and cloud presents are real and present today where we have the core building blocks to drive real change however out saying this is something that we got to continue to caution especially as we make the choice of which cloud providers were going to work with as we move forward you know with opportunity comes challenges right it's just the nature of opportunity you know with especially with respect to security you know as we become more connected the threats become more real with a larger surface area the threats become increasingly complex and difficult to defend and these bad actors often States answer are using these same emerging technologies to wage a highly sophisticated war against us and companies of all sizes are dealing with these persistent attacks and so there's real challenges associated with this you know let me throw a couple stats at you it's interesting in 85% of the cases where a breach occurred there was a patch that was available for that breach up to a year before it happened now think about a system that's self patching there's gonna be 3.5 million open cyber security positions by next year and even if we could fill all those positions people no matter how many can't defend against automated attacks in another stat in seventh in in the average enterprise they see 17,000 alerts a week only 19% err are investigated only 6% are deemed reliable so how do we separate the signal from the noise and how do we help our customers defend against these attacks and there's one other number which I think is is really important and that's a hundred percent a hundred percent is the amount of times you have to get it right versus the bad guys right you look at the example of Capital One bad guys only have to get it right once and so it's really important to think about our philosophical approach with respect to cloud how we continue to take the burden off of our customers onto ourselves how we take shared responsibility with respect to protecting our customers core assets treating them as if they're our own I mean that is our approach and it's all to me when you look at this it's it goes back to autonomous I mean autonomous helps us reconcile these seemingly competing forces of reducing risk while at the same time focusing on innovation right allows us to save costs and reduce risk today 80% of our cost goes to maintenance and only 20% to innovation we are flip in that status quo when autonomous is helping us do that we'll talk about how we continue to extend our technologies with respect to autonomous you know ultimately Tom's to students something else that's really important too it's fundamentally changing how we experience data right what used to be simple charts and scatter plots and tables are now rich visualizations that provide deeper meaning we can take actions based on insights insights that are either collected or predicted actions we can take that or either self directed or automated I mean so think about the power of this when we think of insights it's not just answers to questions we ask it's answers to questions we'd even think to ask right and that's the power of what we're talking about today and we think ultimately this helps us really reimagine what's possible in both work and life I mean at Oracle and you see examples as you walk the halls as our customers speak on our behalf you know we believe technology can make a difference in the world we've seen it we believe in the power and enabling people we believe that insights lead to breakthroughs and real important outcomes for both businesses and people and so when we look at this we have an important job is to help with the hell and again I have a great job I get to go out and speak to many customers and I'll tell you the conversation has been changing a few years ago it's sort of like you know what's cloud you know then it's sort of like why do I want to use cloud what are the benefits and it's changing to how like I understand that I'm going to be adopting some form of cloud maybe not everything moves overnight but some application or removing some data I want to leverage application development or integration or analytics right help me with the how it altima me how we do that is providing a thoughtful path to cloud one that just doesn't take them from status quo so the difference between what we're offering and Gen one cloud is Gen one was about ok let me take my storage for my on Prem and I'm gonna move it to the cloud and just rent storage from somebody I mean that's ok and you had cost savings in the ad elasticity but they ended a that fundamental you didn't change how you operated as a business it's not just about moving the data it's about what do I do with that data once I moved it right that's the power of what we're talking about and we offer a path that spans every starting point for map occations to platform to the underlying infrastructure as well as continue to serve our customers on Prem and how do we do that we do that by providing really the only the world's only true integrated cloud platform McLeod doesn't just mean apps and cloud doesn't just mean compute servers and storage cloud means something much bigger right we merge intelligent applications where we embed intelligence into the business applications we offer our customers today it spans autonomous database in our entire our entire platform and we'll talk about that where we take intelligence like machine learning we integrated into our data management offering to give you the world's only self-driving database and it's all built in runs on our gen 2 infrastructure that supports AI that supports autonomous that supports these high-performance workload requirements we also run our own applications on infrastructure so our own needs our own application needs drive our own infrastructure requirements as well you know status quo and in current state just weren't good enough for what we needed to do to deliver applications to our customers and I think importantly not to forget is this importance of continuing to develop on Prem we talked about the new exudative product I'll announce it as well this isn't just important to continue to enhance and enrich the solutions that our customers deploy on PEM Prem as we offer them a thoughtful path to cloud but this is also the same foundational technology that we use in our cloud to deploy our own cloud services to deploy our own applications so that innovation is really important so now what I thought I'd do is I just go through each one of these layers talk about them highlight some great customer success stories first one is intelligent business apps I mean it's all about the apps it starts with the apps these are about seamlessly connecting businesses and people allowing them to be more perform informed productive engaged and we have a full suite of applications we provide the broadest suite the broadest center prize suite in a market today spanning every category we allow you to create modern experience as well as improve business performance and productivity we integrate AI to automate key aspects of be ongoing decision-making so we can sort of focus on what matters the most in IOT and bots to completely personalize the user experience and its grief he could walk the show floor and see some of the stuff our team is working on there it really is incredible and engaging to think about how we've changed all that from an application suite perspective it spans financials and procurement and product management the entire supply chain HR as well as customer experience spanning sales and marketing and service and then when you look at how we integrate AI machine learning into these applications we're doing some very different things and everybody else right we integrate into ERP and it gives you intelligent financials so I can automatically detect fraud via audit I mean this is an important thing they're actually helping customers automate for supply chain I can analyze data and pricing and I can give you the optimized requirements and recommendations for HCM I can create a profile of someone who's gonna be great in the position and I can automatically check that profile against a pool of tens of thousands of candidates and come up with the right set of people to contact right away you just couldn't do that right and we understand how important hiring is and then from a marketing perspective against understanding our customers needs and interests help us to better serve them so this is really important the other thing I'd say and I think you hear a lot more about it this year than in past years is the importance of applications Plus platform it's like one do app stop and platform begins when we think about connecting them together when we think about extending and enriching the different types of applications and what they're able to do how we can take a pool of multiple applications and on and data cloud data multiple heterogenous cloud applications and visualize the information across all of them and ultimately it's really important as we move applications to cloud how do we think about securing those applications how do we connect them back to what's on prem how do we secure hybrid cloud as well as multi cloud so these are all things that are part of that application transition to cloud I think when you see what's going on the market - we have competitors they're playing catch-up you know do you know trying to get the analytics piece trying to get the integration piece this is part of a platform that we've been offering for quite some time in a sort of core to what we do from an app's innovation perspective we made several important announcements this week we continue to integrate this intelligence into our entire SAS suite we're really focused on you know that first step was he was like 2011 moving our fusion apps to cloud talk about being one of their early cloud providers right and then driving this intelligence into the cloud into these applications and really that next step of how do we completely reimagine the experience you have with these applications how do we make it natural to engage with them to ask them questions to get results and answers we want we announced CX unity which is unifying on-prem data cloud data first party data third party data tapping into the power of AI machine learning to give you a single 360 view of our customers and importantly I was really stoked about this one right we are taking oracle analytics cloud with Oracle database packaging it together with our Fusion Applications to deliver out of box analytics for ERP and our other applications again nobody else could do this right this is the power of having all these different layers that we talked about and we're seeing great adoption across the entire stack Mitsubishi Electric was a great example where they actually automated 10,000 tasks on their on their manufacturing floor and they saw a 55% increase in productivity Kraft Heinz moved to our HR system our ERP system and connected 1,500 users across 40 different countries in five time zones all on one common payment management system so you can actually see how incredible it is for these people that are getting real great benefits from this another couple of examples I want to share this is the industries for the blind and visually impaired they create employment opportunities for those who have vision impairment they adopted our entire Oracle stack moved a bunch of disparate systems onto the full suite of Oracle applications you know it provided a single integrated platform for them to access their sales and operations data and help create these important opportunities for those who are serving and they're doing that today and I know there's if you walk around you can hear a lot about this example and we're really proud about the work we're doing it we'll come back and talk about why the Y is still really important in terms of understanding what our customers are doing and how we can best help them another great example is RBS Royal Bank of Scotland almost 20 million customers around the globe they were able to deploy new financial models in months versus what have taken years with Oracle ERP and EPM cloud to achieve better insights and controls while also simplifying their processes and they're looking at doing Xero touch automatic forecasting so the really cool thing that I'll always tell people about this technology is it's amazing what happens when you get it in the customers hands I mean they're really limited only by their imagination in terms of getting their hands on the technology and ultimately what they're able to do with it and we'll see some amazing examples throughout here's a video on RBS at RBS we're really customer centric a really customer focused as part of the finance function we want to help deliver that customer centric approach in order to do that in the finance we're looking at new technology such as machine learn and chat BOTS Town one of the challenges that we faced previously was to be able to model scenarios really quickly and we weren't able to do this because it's the number of spreadsheets that we had through the EPM quite we're going really really fast I'm not talking years I'm talking months to deploy and to Airmech our models life so there was five benefits that the Royal Bank of Scotland were able to achieve the first and a very important one was cost-effectiveness secondly better insight and control thirdly simplifying processes fourth a continuous innovation of a system being updated on a monthly basis and fifthly it allows us to move towards in the future a zero touch rule and forecast zero touch forecast and is our aspiration we fail a lot the EPM plied in the future will help us move to autonomous forecasts what we mean by that is that the forecasts will run themselves now we're not quite there yet but an EPM client has put a great base in place for us to start to build towards that I love it marketing team we need to trade market on and it's forecasting that is awesome so again just a real good example of you know a big customer really reimagining their entire business with our applications next is autonomous database and we hear a lot about this it's really our flagship offering it's a complete new category of cloud services a complete reimagining of data management you know based on automation with machine learning so there's sort of a secret sauce to this this is decade's worth of database optimisation combined with a custom policy based machine learning engine all running on top of our gen 2 infrastructure so that's what we're delivering today and when you look at this category that we're creating you know what are the attributes of it you know again it's self-driving so it automatically provisions monitors backs up it recovers itself it Tunes itself securing we talked about that critical need around patching commute this is like the killer app for autonomous with respect to self patching it it also provides the high level of SLA is in the market today less than two minutes of planned and unplanned downtime a month and when we think about these attributes and how they relate to customer benefit there's several again when I'm not spending all my time on the maintenance in the management I'm able to reduce costs as well as accelerate my time to market but up to 80 percent of the ongoing cost of managing it I'm able to reduce risk I mean the real costs associated with breach right you know revenue shareholder value job loss associated with it and again if I'm not spending my time on maintenance I can focus on those things that are much more important to my company around innovation put the resources on being more competitive and outbound facing there's some really important benefits here and the benefits apply to all lines of business I mean Finance we see their time dominated by analytics the best marketers are using data to drive action right sales they're using analytics to better understand their customers and better serve their customers I understand the buying behaviors how we can better serve them and then we're seeing an incredible growth in data with respect to HR not only to better recruit employees but to better retain them as well right our people our most important assets and again beyond lob we still have these really important needs around IT 80% spent on maintenance almost half of the DBAs managed a hundred or more databases each I mean the end of the day that just doesn't scale and we all know if we had a critical project and we were waiting around to get data based resources that could be painful when we're trying to be competitive in a market right and not just trying to sort of keep up but set the pace and then finally again you see majority of this is manual so these are important things we're helping our customers with with respect to autonomous database there's two key services there's a data warehouse again this is around data warehousing creating data lakes and data Mart's both for lob as well as for IT the other important offering is around ATP or autonomous transaction processing and again this is about millions of transactions per second this is about mission-critical databases that are moving to cloud this is about net new app development that's happening on cloud and it's interesting when you look at both of these things together I know we talked about it in our recent earning call you know over 40% of the use cases are net new deployments so this is net new application development this is net new analytics being created as well as having some traditional workloads move to cloud to get the benefits of autonomous so we're seeing it across we have service as well as dedicated isolated private databases for those who require the utmost security so this is an incredible offering for us in terms of our strategy and what we've announced this week there's several so the first one is like how do you eliminate complexity we talked about the manual processes and what we're able to do with autonomous we've taken that same autonomous approach and we've applied it to the important piece of the stack which is the operating system Larry talked about yesterday I'll go through that a little bit more detail and as we said with some of our competitors you have to use 8 9 10 different database versions to do what we can do in a single converge database again that goes to simplifying the overall experience and reducing complexity security we talked about that at the OS level at the database level integrating blockchain self patching data masking application access control right this is a really important really important area for us and again I just urge customers as they think about moving to cloud and as they think about who to partner with as they move to cloud you know step back and really look at that providers philosophical approach with respect to cloud how we approach in and what we're implementing as well I think it's really important differentiator for us and again we do all this while we're moving the limit it's fully elastic free services clouded customer which gives you the freedom to deploy pram our cloud behind your firewall or leverage the firewall only Oracle gives choice of deployment and we do that because that's how our customers are deploying it's not a one-size-fits-all approach and so we have to provide choice for our customers so really in exciting things going on there from an innovations perspective there were several big announcements we did talk about dedicated autonomous database again four levels of security isolation and those who have strict operational policies exudate a cloud at customer now available on our Gen 2 infrastructure we also announce that we'll be delivering autonomous database cloud at customer in the near future and we talked about the enhancements that we've made based on persistent memory rocki delivering 12 million i ops per second so the innovation we continue to do for our on-premise solutions pay massive benefits with respect to our cloud deployment as well so really exciting work we've done with respect to our customers we've had so much success thousands of customers who purchased or trying gitana mmus technologies today you have a company like Hertz they went from taking two weeks to provision a database down to eight minutes we have partners like Accenture who did a third-party independent test it found autonomous to be 14 times faster than anything out there in the market right so it's time the answers it's time to results it's more secure and it's also higher performing so really good benefits there a couple customers to talk to you one is tailor-made leading Gulf manufacturer I'm the worst golfer in history by the way I'm like happy gilmore back there I honestly just try to whack the hell out of it once you had kids to is just too much of a you know time sink so we just spent all day in our pajamas playing for at night which I guess that might be better than being on the golf course but to use a DW to move you know EBS ERP to o CI a terabyte size database and they're able to reduce their cost by 40% and doing so they also saw a forty times increase in performance and they'll tell you that now we can spend less time maintaining and managing and more time aligning with the business needs and focusing IT on higher value tasks the next one is Jack's key software so they're a SAS warehouse management software provider they support billions of transactions a day these ATP to scale mission-critical applications induce sub second order fulfillment they saw a hundred X improvement in database performance moving to autonomous ATP and in doing so they also reduced human error and automated their disaster recovery as well here's a great video from Jackie Jesse is a next-generation cloud platform to modernize supply chains to meet the expectations of our customers of speed efficiency and reliability we implemented Oracle's autonomous transaction processing database some of the performance improvements we're seeing leveraging the ATP database platform have been phenomenal 100 times performance improvements database performance is critical to our customers as we may be driving complex AI decisions at the transactional level that needs to be done in milliseconds we may be communicating to real-time workforces or robotics that are waiting for responses we are seeing results of being able to process twice as many orders with half the labor in the same amount of time instead of managing databases in infrastructure we're now able to focus our attention on building and innovating new levels of technology that dead-end point right that focus on spending the time on creating innovative technology and we didn't make up that hundred times performance increase to you right you heard it there next is infrastructure you know this is our second generation cloud infrastructure that again is foundational to the services we provide today and when you look at it when we were coming into the market I mean we took a good look at what was out there and you know again status quo just wasn't good enough you know we needed something that was not only architected for the enterprise but also did support innovation in ways we knew we needed right so again you know our infrastructure that we're delivering to market today was driven by some of our own requirements as well and when you look at being architected for the enterprise what do we mean we need high performance compute and scale we need the levels of governance control and security that you couldn't find in gentlemen clouds we need to be able to simply migrate all workloads Oracle as well as non Oracle now we needed open interoperability you know multi cloud approach and we'll talk about what we announced there with Microsoft and VMware we come from a heterogeneous environment where you have to work with everything right every hardware provider every software provider we simply took that same philosophy and same approach and we brought it with us to cloud you know these Gentle and cloud providers just didn't come from that background and that's why you'll see level of lock-in with those providers that you won't see with us and some of the major partners that we announced and then we continued to expand rapidly across all regions and have a unique approach to our dr and by the end of 2020 we'll have more disaster recovery zones and then amazon house today so this is real massive fast build-out when you look at cloud infrastructure it spans all these base requirements around compute but as for traditional as well as HPC workload networking storage security we continue to address again not only users you know and our identity is the new perimeter but also applications data and the network in first structure itself and then finally we continue to support our developers with a broad range of development services including cloud native open source server lists bring your own containers to cloud so it's really important we continue to meet the needs of a really important group for us and then with respect to OCI momentum I think you heard a lot about it so far right global data center expansion I think in the last hundred days we announced Brazil and Japan and others Australia so excited about that momentum and we published yesterday how we're gonna continue to expand it growing momentum with the highest V ecosystem including the likes of McAfee you know to address security a growing marketplace that Clay talked about earlier today cloud interoperability with Microsoft again where you can move workloads back and forth or leverage technologies on both clouds and do that seamlessly as well as the announcement we made last night with VMware where you can basically lift and shift your VMware stack to Oracle again it's about making it simple for our customers and then as we announced as well taking this autonomous technology and bringing it to Linux right so not only is the data management layer automated but now we have the operating system automated as well it's a really excited about that but one thing I'll say it's like a Gentoo cloud is more than just infrastructure services so again it's important for us to remember the application development right the integration of Oracle's Wells non Oracle data in applications the rich analytics that we bring to market security spanning all layers of cloud and all different potential attack points and then the autonomous database itself so we're really excited about that from an OCI perspective we continue to see adoption cisco is a company that actually moved off of AWS to Oracle and saw a 15 X improvement in CPU utilization and a 60 X improvement in performance ocean X is a loyalty rewards company who also moved off of Amazon and they saw a 10x improvement in performance fireEye process as millions of emails a day they were able to improve performance by over a third but also reduce their D our cost by half so again we're seeing great benefits in terms of performance as well as cost savings TruGreen is a great example of a companies doing just this they removed a legacy JD Edwards application to OCI their leader in lawn care serve 200 branches across the u.s. they migrated JD Edwards to in database to OCI for greater reliability and support they wanted to get out of the data center business their performance increased by a factor of five x two point zero seven seconds average response time and again they increase their performance while reducing their cost and reducing risk I mean that the benefits are amazing so now all I have to do is is is introduce a couple of customers who are gonna be joining me on stage and I'm really excited that they're here to share their journey to cloud and how Oracle is helping them with that journey first is out front out front is a leader in u.s. outdoor advertising they were actually spun out of CBS they have almost half a million or half a million or more digital and static billboards they used 80 W in analytics to ingest a terabyte of data and process it in 30 minutes versus what used to take them weeks this self tuning is actually amazing it used to take them days to process a complex pricing query the first time they ran did an autonomous database it ran at 6 minutes and then autonomous database self tuned it down to 2 seconds or so just sort of amazing performance as well and they increase their productivity and as you'll hear from Derek they're able to do really incredible things that they just weren't able to do before so please join me in welcoming Derek Hayden who's the VP of data strategy and analytics for OUTFRONT [Applause] [Music] be joining I think Jeff and I were on stage together back at the big user group conference a while ago so yeah thank you so much for getting you guys having me again yeah it's great it's great story you know there's an incredible change or driving maybe you can start by just level setting people quickly on outdoor media you know there were sort of unique challenge with being spun out which also meant unique opportunities maybe way it's a background yeah it's been a we're a 5 year old company but we have a legacy of you know being part of CBS Corporation but we've seen a real change in the media landscape over the last five years so the first thing when we were spun off is we had all sorts of new reporting needs and we didn't have a data center we'd have an analytics team so we had a lot of IT noise and we had people kind of doing things out in in the business lines to get data so we realized we needed to have an analytic strategy and we leaned on Oracle cloud because we didn't have data center we spun it up Oracle cloud for analytics and within five weeks we had production dashboards in into the into the business that's amazing and now you're one of the early adopters of a autonomous database so can you talk to sort of the deployment you know you know in addition to the analytics and and what you've seen yeah I mean so we have a good three-year run with a cloud database there's nothing wrong with it it's a great foundational asset but you know I think you said you know there's patching and there's backup and that type of thing and I don't have any DBAs on my team we don't have any DBS on staff so shifting to autonomous made a lot of sense I think you mentioned the self-tuning query we had spent six months shutting down any delivery on our data warehouse to start tuning it because we got caught up in the euphoria of delivery and all this new dashboard fun stuff and we kind of lost our way in the where so with autonomous when we brought it in obviously we saw some improvements in speed and my team can focus on data strategy and we get new data sources so we have a third-party media spend that we subscribe to and this is data that were not really that familiar with we brought that into ATW and it was really amazing it was basically a one-week deployment so we spun it up we loaded data and we had you know a see we had dashboards already out into the into the business within one week and I know we talked about this before but you talked about sort of you know sort of the customer facing serving the customers I give you your customers data that sort wasn't even possible right collect before and how that's changing your business can you talk yeah I mean we're gonna our model is changing you know we're we're not just the side of the road billboard company anymore we've got assets in transit systems we've got digital assets New York we have 50,000 digital screens going into the New York transit so obviously we need to optimize our ad placement we have to understand who's going where and we need to be collaborative with our advertisers to say you know maybe you can shift your media spend into outdoor and it'll it'll perform for perform better it's like last question you talked about shifting and your resources and focusing on higher value tasks you sort of talked about what you mean by that and the impact that that's having on your business yeah I mean we're not we actually are no longer called IT we're actually a technology services within the company so we're actually more of a services approach and we're really embedded with the business so we really go in there we understand what they need there's a lot of top-down collaboration from the executives down into the business lines so we're able to deliver exactly what they want you know the messaging that they're looking for and everyone's looking at the same data so I mean from that standpoint we're looked at as a huge within the company awesome thank you so much for sharing the story with us thanks really appreciate it all right join me welcoming my next somebody be joined by gap and this is an incredible story I mean this really is sort of how they're innovating in amazing ways right so it's incredible they're using all layers of the Oracle cloud to fundamentally change things developing new applications faster improving their data quality and innovating in ways they just couldn't before and joining me is connie Santelli who's the vice president of enterprise systems and emerging markets when we first kicked off autonomous I was lucky enough to have Connie join me at a lair event and I'm thrilled to have her back today please join me in welcoming Connie [Music] so good to see you going fast man we was a little while ago it's like when we were first launching autonomous and you know can we start with unneeded gaps such an interesting example in just the retail market and in general can you talk about some of the things going on with respect to the retail market you know sort of its changing at a rapid pace you know there's new ways you need to be able to address digital as well as online can you talk about how that's changing sure so you're right it is highly competitive and constantly evolving and but especially in the specialty retail business that were in in fashion and so it makes it really a fun place to be because it's there's a lot going on all the time and sign trying to stay up with the trends and so it's really a really great time to be in the business that we're in and so you're right about the evolution we're trying to find ways in which we want to engage in our customers and the way that they want to engage with us create the experience both on the commerce platforms and in brick-and-mortar stores and so that change is happening all the time and so we have to respond to it and be quick to respond to it and so we're trying to leverage platforms and cloud being part of that to be able to expand and build that foundation that we can build on to create and innovate on to be able to meet the you know the needs and the experience that our customers want us to engage at it probably all that is data so you can you sort of talk about how you're combining new data with the you know historical data current data to get that full view together to better serve your customers sure it's particularly in our space very data is key it's the Nirvana but being able to really leverage it it's light fully is is really important so you know we look at things across at a macro level and the markets in geographically what's going on and what's happening in fashion trends and even demographics of where to put a store for example I mean all that's key and then as you drill down into the sales data or loyalty information you know what's the performance of a product how is that working how do we judge our loyalty of our customer so that we can keep repetitive you know customers coming back versus you know a single by what's the what's the key to unlock those kind of things over time and then even just again the product performance and how that informs our supply chain from the beginning to the end what are we going to manufacture how do we be responsive so we're bringing the right product to the customer how she wants to buy it and it's it's a very deep knowledge of data that we need and to be able to leverage that to be insightful and how to how to manage and be successful in the business we were talking earlier and it's interesting we made this announcement with Microsoft and we talked about sort of interoperability I get asked a lot like why did you guys do that like what drove that Oracle and Microsoft is it just sort of a press release thing can you sort of talk about the importance from your perspective sure you know we started our journey some time ago I think I shared with you about three to four years ago about trying to get out of the data center of business and trying to move our workloads into the cloud and so we have very deep Oracle background we run a lot of products on Oracle databases and we have a lot of Oracle products in our house that we run at applications and so we wanted to start to migrate them as well as some of the other workloads that we have and so we're very excited about the news about the partnership between Microsoft and Oracle because it allows us to seamlessly more seamlessly lift on to the cloud platforms which has been our strategy for some time now and so as we're building them out we're looking for ways to be able to innovate to create high availability high resilience platforms and so it's the growth we expect that to be the foundation of the growth of our companies and our businesses for time to come so we're really excited it couldn't come at a better time for us appreciate that and it's just sort of like last question as we sort of look forward and you think about what you need to do sort of how your again sort of blending the the virtual and the physical you know how do you see Oracle cloud playing a role in in sort of your direction going forward yeah again right that the you want to be able to have a really highly profitable fleet of stores as well as you know robust commerce business and marketplaces in which we operate so it's key that we really accelerate in all those areas and and the ways that we're trying to do that is to leverage technology how do we create things such as you know digital assistance in terms of styling how do you leverage mobile in the stores how to you know do we have mobile checkout that you know people can checkout in the dressing room things like that so the technology is just key and an unlock for us in terms of being able to create the experiences that that they want to have both ecommerce wise and in the stores and so again the cloud platforms are gonna be what allows us to do that because we're looking for ways again to scale but having platforms that allow us to use tools to to have that kind of flexibility to leverage all kinds of things that are you know at our fingertips to be able to build those kind of the great opportunities of you know experiences across any of them with lots of ways to do that thank you so much anything today it's not our story it's your story and we appreciate you sharing that with everybody thank you thank you so much thank you for this again yeah awesome so I can't just you know real great examples of what we're doing in the market today you know in retail is just one of the really great examples of how we continue to serve industries in different ways we invest almost a billion dollars a year and creating custom solutions for industries as well as you know leveraging our entire cloud offering if you look at all our GPUs combined I think we're the fourth the largest ISV in the world and it's actually interesting again we've already had 40 of our own GPU applications migrated to Oracle cloud and OCI so this is a really important one for us healthcare is important as well and you know at the end of the day this is about driving outcomes for both businesses as well as people it's really important for us to understand our customers as well as who they serve and how we can best help them there's one great story I want to share with you this is Narayana Health they're an india-based hospital that supports heart related pediatric issues they serve 20,000 customers a day 20,000 customers a day either focus on using technology to help them save costs so they don't have to turn anyone away for their lack of ability to afford care here's a great story this is Narayana Health one out of one hand forty children born anywhere in the world has a heart problem nah Donna have started with a single mission to build a hospital that would never have to turn anyone away for lack of funds and it sees 20,000 patients a day and they generate billions of lines of data all our data system is on a cloud oracle helps us crunch all that data and enables our decision-makers to run a very cost efficient organization what technology allows us to do is to bring standardization and standardization can reduce error it can improve quality and ultimately make healthcare safer I'm a doctor my job is saving lives and helping people but when you run a hospital with the wafer thin margin you need to be very careful about your financial health we need to have reliable data real time so you can take major decisions we believe in God but for everything else we need data you know so again I think for us it's a body I love that it's important right for us to understand the why to never forget the why in also me as we understand the why we can better help with the how all right so that's what it's about understanding why our customers are doing what they're doing what they're trying to achieve and how we can best help them all right so that's what it gets to was sort of interesting if you think about it like an Oracle did start out as a little company with a big idea you know we thought companies that set out to change the world should stand for something something that matters this is actually our first office and this was our first signage we started out as software development laboratories over 40 years ago and well I think the signage has got maybe arguably better I kind of like that retro look you know at the end of the day some things never change we're still on that same journey it's about connecting businesses and people to information and ultimately about empowering people to innovate on inspiring them to create in they couldn't before last example I want to share with you is one that's close to us you know we talk a lot about Oracle on Oracle and there's some great examples of what we're doing there this is one of our own developers who actually is using our technology as a developer evangelist who's using our technology to drive change for something that's really close to home let me roll this video for you yeah it's a big pain so I wanted to ask you if it's okay with you I'm gonna actually demo this app at my conference in September and I wanted to know if you'd be okay with me telling your story to people yeah okay I just want to help other people who may have this disease and maybe inspire them to build some more things that are pretty cool and help out you know people with needs and make their life easier and use technology to help people rather than just for like social or games or stuff like that right oh man please join me in welcoming Todd sharp butter debate developer Angeles for Oracle [Music] thanks for joining in oh man that's such a great story and honestly thank you so much for sharing it with us thanks mom you know maybe you could talk a little bit about sort of you know that the state of the art what are you sort of dealing with with respect to fighting that disease and what sort of drove your approach sure um when it comes to diabetes diabetes management I really kind of think of it as like two different processes there's like an analogue process and what I consider like a digital process so for the analog process and I'm sure you know there's probably many folks with that have you know knowledge of diabetes and maybe even some diabetics in the audience but so the analog process is like manual finger pricks and using glucose monitors to measure their blood sugar levels manual injection is manually looking up how many carbs are in the food they're about to eat right and then there's that what I call like the digital process where we're really seeing some advances in technology in this field with things like continuous glucose monitors so they can wear these little wearables that read their glucose throughout the day insulin pumps that provide constant and on-demand doses of insulin throughout the day but really when you look at the landscape there's kind of a missing piece and the missing piece is that regardless of whether they're doing manual injections and nice or they have pumps they still have to manually count their carbs in in order to determine their insulin dose so that's really kind of the problem that I saw and that I really wanted to address with this application that I've known so let's talk about that application what what did you develop so what I built was an application that allows diabetics to determine their whatever carbs that are in the food they're about to eat right so it uses things like image recognition and OCR technologies optical character recognition and speech-to-text and it uses those things to identify the food that's about to be you know eaten by for the meal and then what it does is it goes to the USDA's database and it pulls the nutritional information but the really cool thing is that the next step is it pairs up with like a scale via bluetooth and allows you to to weight or portion size and it takes that directly in the application because I don't know if you've ever tried to like measure a cup of chopped apples or egg noodles you know do you measure it I have a problem portion control and you're feeling trust me that's a struggle so it allows you to get that exact portion size right instead of guessing cuz this is a big deal I mean you're using this to calculate your insulin and if you're off this could be overdose or hunger dose and then it pairs up with bluetooth with the glucose monitor and it pulls in your blood sugar and so it uses all those things to determine the insulin dose that needs to be delivered to the diabetic in it and it really lets them take the time to focus on things well what I hope it that it will do is to focus less on managing diabetes and focus more on for at least for my daughter being a teenager right and just my last question just in terms of the technology behind the application can you talk a little bit I mean being a developer Jam Vangelis I mean it probably you know it closer I'm glad you saved a half-hour for us yeah yeah I'm rolling out the demo yeah sure so basically Oracle enabled me in two different ways to build this application and one to me is and I was thrilled to watch her presentation in the back because I have so many tie ins with what you said one is Oracle's commitment and contributions to open source in the open source community so things like the java programming language the hello dawn framework oracle rest data services on top of autonomous database those things helped me develop the application really quickly right so i built it in two weeks as opposed to you might normally take two months to build it and the other thing is just the ease and flexibility and I'm not a marketing guy right I'm a developer but the ease and flexibility of Oracle cloud just enabled me to deploy it really quickly and so the reason that's important to me right is that I could take less time focusing on the development and deployment and more time on the motivation behind the application right right so what I really want to depart is that as developers we have access to months so much technology AI machine learning we have so many skills and abilities as developers that you know it's great that we build these ERP applications or you know some of the amazing technology that we built today as developers that we saw today but what I really want to encourage people and inspire people hopefully to do is to find something that you're passionate about you know whether it affects you directly it affects you indirectly maybe it doesn't affect you at all but let's use this technology and our skills to make this world a better place to make it a safer place you know and that's really what I want to hope to get across today I appreciate it thank you so much Mike you get it all right all right okay Wow I definitely had beard Envy - I was telling that to Todd earlier so again you know I think you know what's really exciting is that we have a hundred and thirty thousand employees that are focused on really sharing our customers journeys to cloud and I mean Todd is just like one amazing example of that and I see a lot of face in the room as well that I get to work with every day who try to advance the causes of our customers and what I'd say is you know in a world where autonomous technology can be delegated to robots and computers these things are on empathy aspiration and human creativity they remain a human pursuit right they main our pursuit and you know that's what we're here to do right help our customers move forward with you know not only they're wise but how we can help them do that with that I like to thank you for your time and and please enjoy the rest of the week thank you you you
Channel: Oracle
Views: 1,882
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Oracle Cloud, General Session, Oracle Open World 2019, Data Integration, OOW 2019, OW-19-20, OpenWorld Keynotes (Full), OOW, 3play, Oracle OpenWorld 2019, machine learning, search-gallery, OOW2019, human interfaces, Keynote Presentation, Keynote, Cloud Infrastructure, Application Integration, blockchain, serverless, retire-2024, IoT, oow2019-gallery, Cloud, Internet of Things, Steve Daheb, General Sessions, ML, AI, GEN3250, Oracle Open World, Cloud Platform, 40151125
Id: 19ATH4puUfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 55sec (3415 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 30 2019
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