Oprah Winfrey 2011 01 18 Ultimate Australian Adventure Part 1

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today all new if you've ever dreamed of a great adventure join us for the trip of a lifetime Oprah's ultimate Australian adventure [Music] that is gorgeous hang on door surprise mate then the headline-making entrance jay-z Bona Russell Crowe Nicole Kidman and Keith are availa first interview together Olivia newton-john a tribute to the croc hunter Steve Irwin's family and every single student is taking off wildest dreams come true a history-making grand finale the once-in-a-lifetime experience in Australia I will never for de télévision event starts now we went all out this year to kick off our farewell season [Applause] [Music] it was our biggest surprise in Oprah Show history 302 of my ultimate viewers and me heading to the other side of the world for the adventure of our lives telling the audience was the easy part the pulling this massive trip together now that's a whole nother story all those viewers 198 Harpo staffers not to mention all the stuff it takes to create our Oprah Show magic I left the wintry states behind for summertime in Australia it was my first trip down under touchdown Australia well hello Australia [Music] beautiful Australia a country known for its rich history natural beauty spectacular wines tasty meat pies and some of the friendliest people in the world after our ultimate viewers landed in Sydney they split into groups and went off on their own Australian adventures Tasmania Oh Luke Kangaroo Island and Perth to name a few my first stop Hamilton Island just off the coast of Queensland on the edge of the Great Barrier Reef one of the seven natural wonders of the world 92 of our viewers were there too but before I met up with them Gail and I headed out on our first Australian road trip [Music] still go and you're still low in yourself though [Music] beautiful gorgeous nice to see you girls bye girls thank you word kind of got out that we were on our way to the Hamilton Island Wildlife Sanctuary [Applause] [Music] I've only been here an hour so far it's been great been great okay we're gonna go see some koalas and guess what Gail wanted to do first hold a koala bear what's his name will she bite if you try to touch the baby yet go ahead Oh protect the baby I don't know leaping I don't mess with any Mama's in their babies how old is she the baby she's been only six months old around the 6 months that's six months yeah yeah when he wouldnít firstborn they're the size of a jellybean so she's done quite a bit of growing when they're first born they're the size of a judge okay well they do they're sticking into you right now she likes my breasts she likes of my breasts that's Phoebe you've got to feel you've got a little boy oh do they bite what's she doing calling my back you're right scratching might don't get long in my shoulder that is a claw in my shoulder ah you're okay you you can take the claw out of my shoulder now that's good that's great though it's really great they never bite they never it's not really you know basically these doesn't run right it's something very very used to being handed by people that's Phoebe this is baby yeah she's one available girl she's two-and-a-half years old so she's a bit older than her hair's a little wilder than Elvis then so are they spayed and neutered no look at him I said I want it now oh that was fun well we saw a little mating that really was the mating mates that really was yes we just saw koala peanuts see Elvis we left Phoebe and Elvis alone for some private time and set off to see some of our ultimate viewers who just arrived they had no idea I'd be joining them soon for an over-the-top Ozzie beach barbecue on the shores of the world-famous whitehaven beach the only way to get to this party was by boat see flame or the way I went chopper with mr. cutie pie Brad the pilot we took the scenic road flying 35 miles off the coast of Hamilton Island to the Great Barrier Reef EBI old up up and away I'm not sure if you can see how far in front of me you can say Oprah but there is a change in color on the horizon there and that is the Great Barrier Reef so we're going from a hundred and fifty feet of water to about five feet that's because the coral comes right up to the to the air the Great Barrier Reef is over 1,000 miles long and 100 miles wide it's really just one of those things that you can heard about and read about and so in school and saw the Discovery Channel so to be this close to it is really the word amazing is a it's alive it's it's all coral that's right well the little coral animals called polyps they secrete limestone so as they live and die they leave behind limestone so they built their reef builders that's the largest living structure on the planet you can see it from space we're just about to come up on Hart reef opera which is as its name suggests a naturally occurring heart-shaped 3 you see it okay I'm gonna come around so it's out of the Sun for you Wow that's spectacular now we're gonna show a bit of a trick over we're gonna hop over in the middle what do you think I print this the heart of the Great Barrier Reef of the Great Barrier Reef ladies and gentlemen oh my god that's cool that is not just cool that is damn cool guys [Music] okay I made my day okay all right to the beach to the beach here we go up to the party coming up all for our ultimate viewers a beach Barbie they will never forget 1500 pounds of fresh seafood a metric ton of ice one hot ozzie chef and guess who's coming to dinner [Music] it was the first day of our ultimate Australian adventure my first trip ever down under I landed in Queensland on spectacular Hamilton Island the Gateway to the Great Barrier Reef I'd only been there three hours and already my mind was on Beauty overload [Music] ninety-two of our ultimate viewers also came to this island as they settled in my team was hard at work putting together a party to celebrate their first night the plan a beach barbecue or Bar B as the Aussies call it with superstar Australian chef Curtis Stone I've got about 5,000 pounds worth of food and about the same you know ice maybe a little bit less but a ridiculous amount of stuff it's a beach barbecue like you have never seen before but Oprah's ultimate viewers the setting for our bash is one of the top ten beaches in the world whitehaven and believe me it is really white a little piece of paradise tucked away in the Coral Sea so here we are on beautiful whitehaven beach it already looks gorgeous it's a little bit tricky because I've got no running water I've got no waist and I've got no power it's a big challenge otherwise as Kurtis continued to prep on this primitive yet pristine island our viewers got on a boat with no clue where they were headed I have no idea what we're doing whatsoever zero zero idea we haven't been away by ourselves since the year after we got married and we've been married for ten years in June [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for brandy from Missouri this was the first time sheep ever stepped foot in an ocean as the viewers were partying on the beach I was hovering nearby in our chopper waiting to make a surprise entrance here we go this is call making an injury [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's how you want to arrive at a party party time look at this sand my shoes off [Music] welcome to one - big surprise Bobo go wowie kazowie [Music] it is fantastic we're the heart of the barrier reads that was so fantastic as the world-famous 10 tenors saying I've waltz my way right into the party [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] delicious thank you oh yeah [Music] so ladies and gentlemen we're going to have a traditional Aussie barbecue today and we always kick that off with some nice seafood but we are brought here a really special way you just don't turn around and come on Thurs bring it in [Applause] Curtis made sure the seafood was extra fresh the ocean with platters of seafoods that's pretty good this is why I love lobster this looks great okay you gotta throw your first shrimp on a bar I'm gonna throw my fish on the barbie you just store it on there right just pour a little bit of the oil off okay good just a little bit okay good I like it I like it I can go and grab him by the tail show him straight on there [Music] French getting to share this moment with our ultimate viewers was what made it so special for me I mean this is an amazing being here but with these people that is so interesting that you would say that Amy because that is exactly how I felt about this trip but I'm really excited about all the people who get to experience it on all these people who are like you people who have watched for years so we have that connection I'm excited about that when you saw the ocean for the first time overwhelmed the color was magnificent the best part was filling the sand on my feet I know and this is right this is like saying like no place else in the world everybody keeps asking me how I feel and I thought I don't have words it's a feeling that I have cause it's a feeling it's a feeling yeah no words for it I agree with that I understand well enjoy now that was a Beach Barbie to remember I can see why the people here call Australia home q the car is ten dinners [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] coming up from Oklahoma City all the way to the Great Barrier Reef our ultimate viewer Blake puts his heart on the line Down Under this is one to tell the grandkids about [Applause] [Music] the best part of our ultimate Australian adventure was that I got to take 302 of our fabulous viewers along for this wild ride this is gonna be amazing I cannot wait after our viewers landed in Sydney we split them up in groups to take in all the sights of this glorious country [Applause] gal and some of our more adventurous viewers took a day trip out to the middle of the Great Barrier Reef really is paradise 40 miles from land sits the reef world pontoon a floating Oasis for some of the best snorkeling and scuba adventures anywhere its jellyfish season so everyone who jumps in the sea has to wear a protective Stinger suit mom and daughter Regina and Robin from Detroit were gung ho to try something new you guys have never snore 'cold before do you guys know how to swim if you get into trouble I'll jump in and save you oh okay are you are you nervous Robin yes why why why and this is my first time and I'm not really sure how everything could go but when's the opportunity when you can say this you smuggled in Australia this is our ditch ready let's go all right Regina Robin head under mom did it there she goes there she goes out in the middle of the Coral Sea Blake was a long way from his hometown of Oklahoma City he was taking his first scuba lesson all in the name of love he asked Gayle to help him propose to his girl Sammy so you're confident yes oh yeah this is before years this week I'm so first it've of my mother - my mom gave up her spot so Sammy could come with me so here we go Blake had just 20 minutes to learn to breathe underwater in the meantime Gayle kept Sammy busy on a glass-bottom boat tour of the reef after their tour Gayle and Sammy headed down to the viewing window to check on Blake's progress first time diver Blake swims into view I'm a first I'm dying [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] he said will you marry me baby [Music] now what do we do we should jump in together okay you like a big banana I have to say it is the ultimate adventure right we're taking the plunge the three of us the future mr. and mrs. Overstreet let's go [Music] [Applause] coming up later you may call it Melbourne but the Aussies call it Melbourne and our makes their showed up with time [Applause] next it's the most famous rock in the world gorgeous seeing is believing this this is a little piece of heaven Tourism Australia you are simply brilliant thank you for welcoming us to your incredible country filled with spectacular scenery it's a place unlike any other and a trip all of us will remember for the rest of our lives every day it's a different post cut the shots here are just breathtaking heaven on earth and it is the spirit of Australia Qantas flew our harpo team and hundreds of ultimate viewers round-trip to Sydney and all over this great country Thank You pontus for helping make this dream a reality [Music] all new I'm knocking on doors in Australia surprise mates nearly 500 feet above the Sydney Harbor will we set a brand new world record and our fleet set sail with my first mate Russell Crowe come along with us and feel the beauty of Australia tomorrow on day two of this once-in-a-lifetime experience I flew over a thousand miles deep into the red heart of Australia's outback in the Northern Territory no other country can claim a spiritual centre as visible and iconic as uluru also known as ayers rock this natural sandstone formation is over a thousand feet high and nearly six miles around it was summer here in the outback temperatures hovered in the low hundreds who got to tell you that was hot but before I left the States legendary singer Paul Simon had said to me no visit to Australia would be complete without a stop at uluru and he was right how do you find it oh I'm finding it very hot Mullen Deary McCarthy was my guide to Aboriginal culture they were the first people to inhabit this great country Mullen dairy comes from the young UWE people and is a respected government minister I first set eyes on this breathtaking sight from the air many people's breath away in terms of this incredible iconic of middle-earth now we're just making sense it's just our here at the little bit over I buy it stuff but thank God could have put it there geologists believed that 500 million years ago all this was under water and uluru was an ancient sea floor as the earth shifted and the waters washed away the rock was revealed meanwhile 10,000 feet below 12 very excited ultimate viewers were arriving from Sydney they knew they'd be touring the heart of Australia's Aboriginal past what they didn't know was that I would be sweating it out with them we're just getting started trip how fun tell me about a brief history of the Aboriginal people you know Captain Cook came in seventeen seven they declared this land terra nullius which was a land with no people they didn't acknowledge Aboriginal people as and it wasn't until 1968 that we were actually counted as citizen center in the census of Australia in 1968 it's just like the civil rights movement in the United States 1964 Civil Rights Acts Wow Aboriginal people have lived here for tens of thousands of years it was not until 1872 that Europeans first set eyes on LaRue they called it Ayers Rock as we drive up its majesty is unmistakable this is unbelievable up close you're right to the onna new people this is home I'm Oprah said Judy Cassidy semi and Gloria reveal God's honor to meet you all thank you for elders greeted us they speak pit and Jarrah an ancient aboriginal language Semmy started off by thanking everybody for taking the time to come this afternoon so a translator had to accompany yes whoo that's gorgeous Cathedral so what is this spot call it feels very sacredly luta chulos feels like a like the earth made this Cathedral ladies agree with that feeling [Music] it's one of the most awesome places I've ever seen Judeans bought a present for you which has been made locally oh thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you this is like a holy Jesus experience it really is Wow thank you I can see how powerful a space it is how spiritual space it is this is a little piece of heaven coming up look at now how the rock is change color look at that sunset a sight to behold oh my god that is gorgeous that is spectacular and later off to the big city Melvin rocks our world I've never seen a welcome like this in my life [Applause] from the board famous Sydney Opera House wildest dreams come true Grammy winner Jay Z's million dollar hookup every single student is taking up a father in the fight of his life you will be getting them Oscar winner Russell Crowe a tribute to the croc hunter Steve Irwin's family is a massive rock formation that rises up from the flatlands of Australia's outback after a mystical day of exploring even with the heat and a few flies we were filled with a sense of wonder and awe and then behold sunset look at now how the rock has changed colour it went from light on one side on the western side and then it just it changes every like three four minutes I know look at that sunset what a beautiful day a good day I'm not seeing one like that this just occurred to me I think in this moment we should all close our eyes or open our eyes and have a moment of silence including the cameras and the cameramen cuz we don't want you all to be cursed by not doing it too just to close our eyes and take in this moment because this is a very special sacred holy thing that's happening so you can shut your cameras off for a moment and have a moment of gratitude to whatever it is you call God and let your heart say thank you [Music] with each passing minute the sky's palette became even richer I've seen a lot of sunsets in my day but this was truly a stunner oh my god that is gorgeous the spectacular [Music] within minutes day turn tonight and we'd been given a rare invitation a group of anna new women allowed us inside a special ceremony few have ever witnessed [Music] who's this little one here your grandson this traditional dance called the N ma tells the story of their ancestral heritage to be in that moment with those group of women and seeing that that woman's ceremony was just a treasure just such a gift it's it's it's going to be with me forever you feel the life force connection of the people here women have been lifted up it's a soul growth experience what has happened here thank you god bless as we said farewell to uluru our hearts were full and our gratitude deep [Music] coming up six best friends Gale and Chevrolet sound familiar lookout Tasmania here come the Oprah roadtrippers farewell season premiere my team pulled off a surprise I still can't believe Gayle shocked a group of besties from Boston with a road trip to Chicago what they didn't know is that their road trip would end on our show stage in the middle of the show now they've been told that their driver is now taking them straight to their hotel what they don't know is that their driver is now pulling them straight into this building [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we are on the air right now [Music] four months later Kathy Evelyn Linda Debbie Mary and Peggy hit the road again this time on the island of Tasmania about a hundred and fifty miles off Australia's mainland tazzy as its call has miles of rugged coastline spotless beaches charming farms and some say the cleanest air and water in the world the ladies drove along Tasmania's picturesque coast and took to the Seas [Music] once again Gail was hot on their trail [Applause] can you believe that we're here no yeah together they discovered the island and checked out the most famous resident Tasmanian devils now I'm this is little chopper kilometers away and the jaw strength is about Fogg American people go through anybody's friends have been through everything together but they've never done this before I won't be going very fast they four-wheeled it to a little stretch of paradise remember how this all started Zachary Steiner Massachusetts yes Benson that's only part one I know I really it's hard to lead now but you gotta go to Sydney to have been brought on this chance of a lifetime and given to me more than I ever ever could dream of and I just we were treated so special I did it with my five best friends and that's what the tiers afford coming up the city of Melbourne hello I have to say I've never seen a welcome like this in my [Applause] from our season premiere to a jaw-dropping jaunt through Tasmania Chevrolet put our road trippin viewers on the fast lane to quite an adventure that's why we love you Chevy before we go to break I want to send our thoughts and prayers to our Aussie friends in southern Queensland we've all seen the devastating news footage it's the worst flooding they have experienced in over a century our hearts continue to go out to the victims and their families we know aziz are strong and resilient and are already starting to recover if you want to help you can go to over comm for more information while Gayle was road tripping in Tasmania I was leaving uluru with my spirit soaring that is so wonderful and two hours later I landed in the ultra-modern city of Melbourne as the Aussies call it but you may call it Melbourne Melvin is the second largest city in Australia and has been voted the third most livable city in the world it's known as the cultural centre of Australia the folks in Melbourne love their sports cafes and la-dee-da shopping especially in the quaint laneways and alleys in the heart of downtown Melvyn also boasts one of the oldest and largest tram systems in the world look what they did just for us [Music] and 487 of our ultimate viewers Melbourne literally rolled out the red carpet in one of the most picturesque spots in the city the banks of the Yarra River I had the honor of meeting Australia's first female Prime Minister Julia Gillard born in Wales the Guillard family emigrated to Australia when Julia was just five years old she studied law entered politics in her 30s and has been blazing the way for Aussie women ever since Prime Minister Gillard has a home in Melbourne with longtime partner Tim Matheson a hair stylist in June of last year she made history and she took the top office so tell me how exciting is it for you to be the first female prime minister of this country or does that even register for you it does register for me and I don't get up and think every day I'm a woman doing this job no I really recognize that there are a lot of Australian women and girls and I just do think if there's you know a girl in an Australian school who lifts her eyes that day and sees me and says I can do anything I can grow up do me anything then that's just so important there seems to be a vibrancy and aliveness a friendliness and energy [Applause] a very warm open accepting people it's a vibrant modern country we're confident in ourselves but we bring tonight there's a confidence confidence so if your mate is someone who worked in a hair salon it means you never have a bad hair day the team I did meet in a hair salon he's a hairdresser and he doesn't get the opportunity to just follow me around just like everybody just about a mile away thousands of Aussies gathered to greet us at Federation Square our team enlisted some of Australia's top talent to entertain the massive crowd Australia's top pop star Jessica Mauboy and Ozzy's number-one vocal group human nature [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the crowd was on fire the energy electric this is your opportunity to say [Applause] when did I - I pray we pray [Applause] I have to say I've never seen a welcome like this in my life [Applause] the fact that you all have supported me and supported this show and cared enough to come down here to Federation Square to say hello I'm sorry to arrive in this country and hear about all of the devastation happening with the floods but I know that your open-hearted big-hearted giving people and you will look inside yourselves and where you can give back and where you can help and where you can be generous with those victims of the flood you will do that I can't wait to see how you live how you love and how you party [Music] I felt the love in Melbourne and they were just getting started coming up tomorrow it's day two of our four-day Australian event it's a party at taco night with an Aussie ultimate viewer and she's expecting but she wasn't expecting this how are you next onto Sydney where we attempt to set a new world record nearly 500 feet above the harbour don't look down look straight ahead see every pinch me I'm dreaming moment you
Channel: kev mc
Views: 305,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 58sec (2578 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2018
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