Operators Reveal The Most Chilling Emergency Calls They Took (r/AskReddit)

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nine-one-one operators of Reddit what's the most blood-chilling emergency call you've heard my mom has heard everything she's taken calls about children being abused and nothing gets to her quite like she's still shaken about one man in particular four years after taking his call a man called an in the most calm stoic voice said I'm going to myself mom started her normal approach to this and tried to ask him not to do it ask him what was wrong he interrupted her immediately and said without emotion there's nothing you can do I made my decision a week ago I'm going to myself today gave his location said my wife will be home in an hour I'll be in my bedroom he hung up the phone mom repeatedly called his number back but there was never any answer with each call she wondered if he did it yet if he could hear his phone ring as he was doing it he died that day when the police arrived he was long gone his wife arrived right on time and the police had to explain to her what happened it was all perfectly planned it's as if my mom was speaking to someone who was already dead he was so far gone when he called her there was nothing she could do it took her a long time to come to terms with that mother calling stating her baby is choking on a coin can hear the commotion in the back and couldn't do anything the kid was choking and dying don't know what else happened after my sister is a 9-1-1 operator she would call my parents whenever she was upset after a call per day at work one of the worst ones she told us about was an eight-year-old boy calling from his bedroom because the kitchen and hallway were on fire outside his room she notified Fire Department but knowing the location was rural and it would take them ten plus minutes to get there she began to try and give instructions on what he needed to do to get out starting with finding an object to break the window so he could climb out but between having to calm him down get the information keep him calm and get him to listen to her instructions he ended up burning to death on the phone with her a couple minutes before help showed up from that day on I real how difficult and strenuous this job actually is in that I would never be able to do it carjacking where woman was dragged out of the car but her three kids weren't got car and kids back 45 minutes later after a chase but little girl had been assaulted suspect told her he her little brothers if she screamed had a phone call from a distressed father his son had gone missing and had left a note saying he loved his family but couldn't go on living anymore the call prior to this one was from the railway manager telling me that a train driver had just hit a human I had already dispatched a patrol car to the area and I had already heard the report and it was horrible my colleague in the patrol car was on the verge of breakdown describing the scene body parts lay strewn everywhere and an ID was found now knowing this I put two and two together and knew that I was talking to a father who had all hopes of finding his son alive again the son had done similar things before the father told me that his wife the dead man's mother was out looking for the son I had a radio running in the background so that I could pick up info from the scene and as I was telling the father that the police would help in the search for the lost son I heard the most bone-chilling scream that I ever heard the mother had arrived at the tracks and I could hear her horrified wailing at what she saw it was horrible and I had such a hard time holding back tears and keeping my tone straight and civil the father thanks me for the help and I could hang up the call was not allowed to give the father the news and frankly it is just not something to deliver in a phone call the son was dead and gone the father had to be kept in the dark until my patrol car could give him the news and the mother was utterly heartbroken her desperate wailing on that radio it knots my stomach to this day being dispatching for 8 years I work in a very rough area taken a lot of messed up calls shootings and whatnot nothing is worse than SIDS having to calm down a parent that just found their baby unexpectedly deceased get them to tell you their address and give them CPR instructions that you both know won't help is probably the hardest thing to handle having two kids of my own it's moments like this I pull out my phone look at the photos and text home to make sure they're okay a woman I know was the 9-1-1 operator that took the call that her own child had strangled to death in her pack n play the one that stuck with me was a 911 starts out as an abandoned call as in a call where the caller hung up before we could answer call back and when I get an answer they calmly explained that their cousin had called and that there was no emergency right before she hangs up I hear cry of help in the background to be absolutely certain I have the operator next to me listen to the recording and confirmed that there was a cry for help in the background unfortunately this was a call that came from a cell phone so automatic location information is not a given and despite an attempt to call back and get Wireless phase two information it is unsuccessful so I call the phone company's corporate security team which is responsible for assisting us in such cases it's unfortunate that it takes something like half an hour to get through the necessary authentication steps but they are able to give us an address for the subscriber and a last available GPS location in this case the two locations were close together the GPS coordinates came back near a creek behind a school the address a house about a half-mile away a typical response for a 911 officer who will casually drive through the area with the windows down if anyone needs help they can approach them or the officer will hear any signs of an emergency this one got three a road patrol unit the student resource officer for the school the GPS coordinates came back near and the watch commander they were out in the area for about an hour looking tried knocking on the subscribers address door and went out on foot down to the creek but found nothing maybe it was never really anything maybe the person who answered the phone was telling the truth I'll never know I was a dispatcher for about four years in a rural County the worst call I got was a hunting accident a guy took his six-year-old son out hunting with him and gave the kid a loaded rifle to carry with him the kid while trying to get through Tamarack bushes grab the weapon by the barrel and dragged it behind him the weapon got caught on a branch and discharged into the kids head the father called 911 didn't know where he was at as he wasn't familiar with the area and it wasn't his land all he could tell me was that they had passed a lake or pond on a dirt road there are several dirt roads with ponds and I was able to narrow it down to six roads with the location data from the cell towers this was the early 2000s and triangulation in rural areas sucked not sure how much better it is now and his information I dispatched every deputy I had on do tile two of them the one city cop I had on duty in both our ambulances and fire trucks to the area's State Patrol also assisted with the search it took us over 20 minutes to find them and the whole time the father wept uncontrollably screaming please don't be bed over and over again through the instructions I gave him from the flipchart to check his vitals try to stop the bleeding etc my instructions only lasted about five minutes and I had given him all the info I was trained to give the remaining 15 felt like an eternity and from what the father told me and what I was told by the deputies after he was pretty much dead immediately after the accident the EMT still went through with their routines and loaded the kid in the ambulance because none of them felt comfortable doing otherwise I in this situation this was my first shift back after the birth of my son so I think that's why it sticks with me to off the top of my head car crash where the caller says hey this guy is bleeding from his head you guys need to hurry up can you put pressure on it to stop the bleeding nah I don't want to get involved the guy died trying to talk to an 18 year old son calling because his dad was just shot in the head randomly by the drunk roommate mom comes downstairs to see what the commotion is total chaos edit for bonus story I once took a call where it was an estranged cousin of mine now living in a sober living home who got into a fight with his roommate obviously I didn't say who I was to him but it was strange I thought back to when were all kids at my uncle's pool and thinking someday we'll be on opposite ends of a 911 very strange didn't happen to me but a co-worker I used to work for a company like Life Alert the person who rang in was quadriplegic and there was a house fire the fire truck didn't make it in time they said the screams messed him up so much that he couldn't take another call and move to IT I still get chills thinking about it are the worst and way more common than people might think a few days before Christmas 2017 we got a call from a father who woke up and found his 15 year old daughter hanging in the basement to make matters worse officers revived her but the loss of oxygen left her brain dead her parents ultimately had to decide to take her off life support like losing your child twice I was the caller in this case but when I was 12 I woke up to my dad single parent making strange sounds I walked into his room to find him sat at his computer eyes open blood trickling down his chin non-responsive one of the most horrifying experiences of my life immediately called 999 and British operator was a champ and did a great job of keeping me calm until ambulance arrived paramedics managed to wake him and took him to hospital turns out he'd had a seizure the blood was from where he bit his tongue he continued to have seizures for a few years after that caused a lot of permanent mental issues such as memory loss turns out quitting alcohol cold turkey after being a moderately heavy alcoholic for years will you up [Music] you
Channel: Reddit Master
Views: 10,887
Rating: 4.7256317 out of 5
Keywords: Reddit, Askreddit, r/askreddit, Best Reddit, Best of Reddit, Funny, Funny Comments, Funniest Reddit comments, Best Reddit comments, Best Reddit Thread, Funny Reddit thread, Best AskReddit, Funniest AskReddit, Best Stories, Funny Stories, Funniest Reddit Thread, Top Reddit Threads, Reveal, Share, People Reveal, Unbelievable Stories
Id: koj0l-Vxrt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2019
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