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[Music] [Music] my name is Isaac so much life is full of choices they say when your time comes is your life flashes before your eyes you see all the things you've done I should have done I guess that works for most folks but for me all I see is this this was my first real test as a sniper it's how I got into the TR be the tactical reconnaissance battalion otherwise known as the tar babies I've never had a solo mission before I've always had a tandem or a spotter along for the ride someone to watch your back or bounce ideas off of he'll hold is grateful for the company not at all baby each man has to be able to make hard decisions think for themselves there were a lot of choices to make on this day patience being the foremost it's about taking that time to apply all the skills and knowledge gained over the years others like me have been here before but none of them had the patience to make the hard choices our mantra is there is no right way there was only the hard way the tar-baby way you see we get the hardest missions the impossible missions the suicide missions because table babies don't always come home but we're resigned to this we chose this life we are all competitive by Nature just not as much with each other as we are with ourselves this solo mission wasn't just to test my skill but my resolve you see sacrifice is the most challenging test because it's about what you're willing to give up to win once you've accepted to live this way you no longer becomes an issue of sacrifice it's just living and to live is to die nothing else matters and once you accept death dying is just another part of the job pain and suffering become challenges that you relish in overcoming no soft bed or warm blanket no hug me or friends or family only endless days and sleepless nights from the cold hard ground sacrificing discipline means never giving up even in the face of the impossible which sacrifice panic gives way to patience you accept that you are tool a piece in the game of chess and sometimes your purpose is to lay down so that another piece can gain the advantage gobby now discipline forces you to do the job right wait for the right moment to move sometimes you're not the sacrificial pawn sometimes you're the rook or Bishop that strikes from across the board play your opponent's focus is on the Queen together discipline and sacrifice make you take the time to assess your target check and recheck the conditions and the opposing forces they let you see all the available options when you have no choice but to get it right the first time there is ZERO room for error everything has to be timed perfectly every condition has to be accurately assess and every contingency has to be accountable before you send perfect the second shot is where the test ends [Applause] [Music] negative [Applause] sniper name and number someone's as it eight see really early I was standing right next to you wasn't it you just breaking all kinds of rules today aren't you a souvenir for luck great job head on back like I said at the beginning life is full of choices this is mine [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music]
Channel: emptycanfilms - BTS
Views: 14,141,172
Rating: 4.587851 out of 5
Keywords: sniper, military, drama, narrative, Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, short film, U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S. Marines, U.S. Air Force, special forces, spec ops, U.S. Special Forces, operation jericho
Id: RhbDzYBSmwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 28 2013
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