Opera Singer Blindly Reacts to the Calamity MOD OST

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hello hello welcome happy Saturday I'm very happy to be with you all today today we're gonna be listening to the Calamity mod uh from the Terraria Columbo sorry we're gonna be listening to the Terraria Calamity mod OST that's what my brain meant to say I've got my coffee right here good morning cheers to you so this is the last of the week of celebrating 100 000 subscribers on this channel I'm really excited to check this out I'm gonna do this a little bit differently and I'm going to be listening to pretty much all of this which is 70 tracks they're all pretty long so we'll do our best to get through everything today uh I'm gonna be stopping and starting quite a bit which is different than what I usually do on these live streams for a couple different reasons but predominantly because I want to take a look at all of this in one go and then I want to uh maybe extract some of these analyzes and add them or create new ones on further listenings down the road since your response to stain brutal Calamity in you're in the jungle dragon or the Roar of the Jungle Dragon we're so positive uh certainly there will be more of this mod on the channel it's very good music of course as well so let's not waste any more time and uh let's dive in and get started [Music] these sacred lands here where life prospers for the creativity of humankind shines above all sentience they had not seen such forgiveness and mercy before narrow lost in time and memory wars were waged Against Humanity monstrosities and gods foreign [Music] foreign of course as we hear this we hear this quintessential sound of the church bells and understand what that represents which it can mean multiple different things in this case I think it represents sort of this this song The Tale of a cruel world is of course an introduction song It's a prequel song It's a song that introduces the whole of the Terraria Calamity mod and this music is has pain to it and obviously what I briefly read there I couldn't read the whole thing but there is a sense of of great loss and great Despair and a great sense of sadness now of course we understand that the definition of a Calamity a Calamity is an event causing a great and sudden damage or distress a disaster and that comes across so beautifully in this music which is very understated and subtle and very simple with elegant strings and a piano and we understand that the piano and the way that the percussiveness of The Piano Works there is an immense feeling of of depth that can come forward from those simple notes and so you really hear the feeling of uh immense loss that occurs in this music and and yeah let's keep listening [Music] and you hear how the strings accompany the piano and and are in harmony with the piano sometimes it almost sounds like they're in unison with the piano and I think that that adds to the emphasis and the feeling of emptiness there's almost a uh a hollow quality to this with where the piano is in its range which is about around middle C there is a space here that that gives us the feeling of uh of real like vastness but of like of of immense pain that is profoundly like expansive and it's not it's not singular it's not it's not to one person it's to an entirety of of things and um I don't know I'm just spitballing but that's pretty interesting [Music] thank you so I'll skip the endway music okay okay right there [Music] that is the thrust of this melody right and yes we have the Calamity bells in the background but that that that feeling [Music] when we have that sort of music it elicits the that's the upper neighbor going we resolve and we resolve in this manner in the sad music we really get this feeling of immense uh finality and this feeling of uh of incomprehensible loss um I think it's repeating so I think we can go ahead and skip to the next track here um which is guardian of the former Seas [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign so it's interesting because in this rock music there is a sense of desperation right which you think like why would the guardian of the former season looking at it this sort of serpent desert snake theme of the desert Scourge like why does that feel so desperate it's like this incredibly there's a there's a real sense of like desperation in this sound right [Music] what is that what does that signify you know like why do we have this tune uh and and whose perspective is it from I love that there's a desperate quality in this but it's not sad it's like very it's like it's violent but there's an Elegance to it by using the electric guitar and sort of like an overwhelming sense of confidence even though there's desperation in the sound quality yeah because listen to this sad music here [Music] intensive section build up [Music] foreign [Music] right here [Music] do you hear the tension that music has this this feeling of tension in it which is really interesting because it's a rhythmic melodic line it's not foreign and that that's not only propelling us forward but it's also like oh okay all right okay this is something okay what am I gonna do about this you know [Music] I think I kind of like this though [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] I find the quiet moment really interesting here too foreign [Music] [Music] why do we have quiet mobile and some music well we have to understand that generally music the structurally and I've talked about this in many videos there's an a section A B section sometimes a C-section and then an Ace and then we go back to an a section now understandably when we look at pop music or general song music there's an a section which is you know the verse and then there's a chorus and there's more verse and there's another chorus and it follows a similar pattern here but it's really interesting uh when we have this introspective B section because when it's introspective when it's softer and quieter not only does it help The Listener to not get bored because this is pretty unrelenting and I think after a while one could be like okay well I've heard that that sounds good right but like actually when you look at it when there's a quiet section in between these big bombastic sections it allows you for a moment of time if you're really paying attention to just like look Inward and be like okay my psychology is like this like this is what I'm fighting for right like this is what I need I need this and every character and every song Especially since these are Character Songs these are written um specifically to uh elicited a character emotion and so when we have an introspection like that we have to think like okay feel like this I feel like I need to Galvanize myself and then boom and then we get into electric guitar and also the electric guitar up top like that has a real plaintiff quality to it and and based that it's on the upper edge of the of the the guitar and the higher range of that strummed music or in the pitches I mean that that will elicit a more visceral crying uh sort of like plaintively violent soundscape as opposed to if it was a bit lower which would be more menacing and so we can use pitch as an indicator for us about what something means right an emotional state oftentimes we get lost in like the technicality of how something is composed which is very important and certainly like we don't want to take away from the skill that DM dokuro has but we also want to understand that all this stuff is written in an emotional perspective so that's pretty cool we can skip ahead to uh Sanctuary but I just wanted to inform I'm treating this as a music lesson uh and an emotional music lesson rather than a uh just listening thing so hopefully that's okay the theme of the sunken sea oops hold on [Music] oh I don't know why hold on this will be a long stream [Music] wow [Music] [Music] foreign ly poetic right there's something so elegant about this I have to and I want to listen to another loop of it but it's really interesting to me because there is a lot of like elegant Grace in this and of course we are we hear like the sort of cave aspect of this and I'm looking at a picture and there's a real quality of beauty and um and a sort of like Majestic ISM if that's not the word I'm looking for but there's a real a real feeling of like you're in this Cavern and it's you know what is the sunken sea why is it called Sanctuary but you you hear this peaceful quality in the music where there is a bit of almost respite there's a there's a pause where things are okay and you can sort of take a breath and that to me is what's in this and in the melody line too I think the instrument choices are really interesting but then the melody too is incredibly elegant and right there's like a a real feeling of of vast emptiness within this which is I think I think very interesting hang on this is giving me a problem I don't know why [Music] thanks for joining and becoming members all right with this piano oh thank you the piano too bad [Music] that Melody is so beautiful foreign it's chill right there's a there's a chill quality to this [Music] [Applause] and it's so singable [Music] wow listen to this in the background too everybody [Music] wow that is gorgeous [Music] oh that's so good foreign YouTube Every time I go into the actual video YouTube is being stupid um someone asked if we're doing the interludes that sounds fine Garbo yeah I was just doing the DM dokuro songs I wasn't doing the stuff in between but we could absolutely do a stream or I do those [Music] um but right now I'm just doing the DM dokero songs all right this is corrosion theme of acid rain [Music] you want me to play the Spotify album oh [Music] thank you wow okay [Music] foreign [Music] I want to see if oh dear God that sounds amazing hold on hmm if you think the Spotify album is better I'll just do that please hold wait what oh yeah okay hold on hold on okay okay um stay on YouTube Spotify playlist worst YouTube is better stay on YouTube Spotify isn't done okay YouTube it is any song that has the before the it isn't in the game okay okay okay okay okay okay okay someone said Spotify and I gotta trust to not listen to individuals on oh boy okay okay okay hold on hold on everything's fine everything 's fine everybody so let me ask you a quick question anyway for instance in that corrosion song we would just listened to which I didn't get to talk about it says it sees everything and then after infestation here this is violence of space am I used to play those foreign okay anything after 59 in this playlist is scrapped all right all right nevermind I'm skipping the anime songs but whatever [Music] whoa look at that listen to that foreign [Music] you're gonna get mad but just listen to me for one second I can't believe that they would you that deandreco will use Maracas or castanets I mean as as to emulate the sound of a crab's claws or a crab walking that is absolutely hilarious and also this is so like ballsy badass this is a crab that doesn't give a [ __ ] about anything and this is a crab that's an absolute badass and it's very tough and ruthless and that's very interesting foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I can't get over the castanets [Music] that's hilarious [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] like low-key hurts my ears [Music] foreign [Music] you seem to like that song uh what's really cool about that to me is that uh that was absolutely like heroic in a weird way right so that's the irony is that it's actually a corpse with the mushroom inside that's controlling it a fungus so that's pretty funny uh subverted expectations [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] do you hear how that sound in the guitar it literally sounds like blood melting and like like blood running and like flesh being burned and stuff it's really interesting this song is incredibly intense and what's really interesting to me about it is that it's it's visceral right like it's a real Primal sort of like life and death which all these songs for life and death obviously for various reasons but there is this feeling of like disgust and violence and like like you know like there's there's something really really like disgusting about it in in its intensity and I think that the intent bottom bottom you know that that's all again it gives us this feeling of like great dis ease and great discomfort because uh looking at what it is that we're fighting it's this disgusting sort of like brained amoeba type thing and this is like like a blood thing that wants to Feast on your flesh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thanks Kitty [Music] foreign [Music] and you feel like it's this thing that's been consumed right and I think that that's the other indicator too is when you hear that in the music [Music] that's like you know like you can't you can't escape that which is really interesting foreign [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] you hear that that's again this disturbing this is all disturbing music that's given the what's the point of that disturbing music the point of the disturbing music is to give you the feeling of um dis-ease again like the last one it looks not totally dissimilar to what we just were listening to with the uh coagulant there and this again uh the music is inferring what this character sounds like right like what the what the characterization of the character is and in this case you can tell that it's just like like some sort of zomboid some sort of zombie not not in its faculties not able to control itself this sort of corrupted thing that you know is wants to feast and wants to hunger and it is hungry and but also when we start at the beginning there's this bit of like almost like we watched the thing become possessed right so it before it was fine and then when we hear especially in that piano section at the very beginning of the track then it gets dilapidated and it gets turned into this sort of this filthy mind which is this this deformed sort of goopy uh you know loss of itself it's it's pretty interesting [Music] laughs foreign [Music] this the guitar flute music I had to pick one [Music] [Applause] [Music] crazy okay [Music] wow [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] the Elegance in there is really interesting because it's beautiful but there is a sense of loneliness in that music and there is a sense of like looking out at the Wasteland and thinking like wow this used to be something right like this used to be populated or whatever and and there's a real feeling of uh I'm pretty impressed by the constant feeling of vastness that I hear that said uh there is a there is a degree of pain in this music and there's a degree of like a of a memory of of what once was um next is uh hydropologic pressure [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] you feel the pressure when this starts right you you feel that sort of like tightening on your head [Music] there's like somewhere you shouldn't be tension [Music] [Music] foreign this song really to me is like seeing something you shouldn't see or like exploring and understanding that you're in a spot that's a little bit precarious and a little bit dangerous and as you are on the move you really get this sense of like oh I really shouldn't be here there's something that's not right like there's some sort of there's something here that is seriously not good and I wish I could get out of the situation but I'm a little bit too far gone it definitely sounds like either you're seeing a Vista well obviously I'm looking at a picture so I understand we're underwater but you know you get a sense of that underwaterness with the arpeggios but on top of that it almost looks like you're looking out at a Vista and you're seeing things you shouldn't you're seeing things and and there's sort of like this like messed up Beauty in it where it's not necessarily uh uh terrifying but it's you know that there's something under the surface that's not quite right which is pretty interesting I say that every time I listen it's pretty interesting oh wow [Music] do you hear the slight uh the slight diminished sound quality in this [Music] there's a slight Distortion and the Distortion AIDS return to slime uh theme of the slime God I think maybe that Distortion is to highlight this sort of like creepy crawly nature of slime where it slides towards you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my God [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] let's talk about this for a quick second so this is really interesting for multiple different reasons I say that every track is interesting because every track has its own set of layers and things first of all ha ha it actually doesn't it reminds me quite a bit of Final Fantasy VI's dancing mad in some ways which makes sense because that's also fighting a god of sorts so theme of the slime God you know there is a bit of desperation in the sound quality as well and we understand that all these pieces are from the perspective of the character we're fighting which is always interesting musically there's a couple interesting things here where huh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha that's all like right here from the uh right from the chords and the chords are popping together and in some ways it makes me wonder like if the slime God isn't jumping around and there's a sort of bouncy quality to the Slime that is then being emulated vocally in a way it's actually a glottal stop which is when your chords come together sharply uh and usually we have to have produce a lot of air to come up out of the cords just a little technical thing vocally speaking but notice that the quality is pretty dirty in the sense that there's a lot of like there's smoothness here there's no there's a lot of there's no edges everything about this is all to like symbolize the Slime and I see here funny story for this track I wanted to mix the mix of uncomfortable and revolting to work together and you do hear that because there is a bit of discomfort in this quality and yes we hear revolting with the choir but also just again I'm always looking for the the internal emotional dialogue of the Slime or the character and in this case it really feels like it's like a God protecting its people and a God protecting uh what they believe in and so in the double bass when you hear the double bass drum there that too is like I'm gonna kill you because you can't possibly believe that you're going to come into my domain and try to mess with what I know and and the things that I care about probably not but but just an idea and so it's really interesting uh just to have that sort of in the ear [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you this really sounds like a theme of reflection doesn't it the theme of uh I'm really you know actually these landscape themes are pretty interesting I see a picture right but like these landscape themes are pretty interesting because they're all kind of introspective in the sense that they're all based on like what I see and how I feel about what I see and reflecting on what's come before but then also reflecting on like the site before me and so in this it's like looking out at a vast dead landscape which is makes sense Calamity destroyed everything so everything is is vast and in its own uniqueness and everything it looks empty in its own uniqueness and this is another one of those cases where it does feel uh really lonely and there's a quality of emptiness here that you know when we listened to the previous Wasteland biome the Wasteland has its certain character right and it's certain sense of like wow this used to be a thing whereas this the Heaven Sent Abomination the astral infection I get the sense that like I'm looking at something that is just dead you know there's just it's a sad decrepit State and it it's nothing it's a nothing and um and that piano Melody over top really brings out that sense of feeling like you know what is this even like it's just it's so sad you know what I mean like wow like I guess I have to pass through here to get to the other side there's just nothing here um which is really interesting and then of course we have an underground version of that [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] right in some ways like when listening to that there is a bit of Hope in there right like I understand that this is like we're in inside the Abomination inside the astral whatever this virus or what have you but there is this feeling of uh like like it's not so bad it's weird like I don't feel like like life is at stake or like something terrible is happening like it's just like I'm just exploring you know what I mean hmm [Applause] yeah of course you hear the Antarctic sound [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] it almost seems like he's trying to escape out of that prison right the Beat Drops and the different rhythms are like symbolizing like let me out let me out [Applause] but then also the instrumentation here giving the impression of the snow the snowscape [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] about that is it almost sounds like uh like a feeling of loneliness in this well obviously the outcasts of the sulfurous Season I'm starting to think about this and I understand that it's like a remix of the first one but it's almost like the The Aquatic Scourge is like so sad to be alone like there's a there's a lonely quality to that music well it's almost like it's the last of what there's like two of them and so this one decided to go find you know a way to take care of itself and so there is this feeling of uh of real sadness in it and almost like a I'm alone like what am I supposed to do you know what I mean and I'm always looking at how the emotional impact of I mean sometimes composers don't necessarily think about the emotional impact but certainly my experience and having to figure out how to articulate it to an audience this sounds like I'm really lonely and I just need someone to help me instead I'm having to fight yeah so that's cool [Music] oh wow well [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] like at all the drumming here in the beginning makes it sound like it's going to be a lot more intense than it will be because just step below hell right so there's the sound quality of rage and anger with these drums I know it's a loop so I'll stop here but do you hear how and you've you've mentioned it in your comments but like that plaintiff quality comes through foreign [Music] which is to signify like strength and and you know demon possession or whatever and then on the and then on the flip side you have this oboe which a singular oboe mixed with um what sounded like a clarinet obviously it's it almost sounds like it's the real instrument and those two things together those Woodwinds give us this feeling of hollowness because of the fact that they're Woodwinds and they're made of wood and so there's a hollow quality to the music and we do hear this plaintiffness which now I understand based on what I've read from your comments that that plaintiffness is like the loss of a civilization and there's an empty feeling in that and it's interesting how the use of instrumentation and Hollow um Hollow being empty makes sense very cool stuff [Music] [Music] isn't this the same Melody but faster foreign that is the symbol of if she's a goddess and motherly figure those are the residents [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] also note that the harp usually in music in general and I don't know if you've seen my other videos where I talk about the heart but the harp usually signifies um like Holiness or peacefulness there's a quality there that's very um you know usually like a soprano is used for a Celestial voice than a harp usually signifies goodness and Holiness and so if this theme left alone if this is the the brimstone Elemental the last Brimstone Elemental there is that feeling of like this was that caretaker like I just read There is that feeling of like this is a caretaker that was there to Aid their people and other their people are no more uh they are still holy but they have no other choice and we sort of back them into a corner raw unfiltered calamity [Music] right so same as brutal Calamity but different foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign something about these strings there's such a sense of force behind this right and it's interesting because in a way it's it's very uh as a real religious sound quality to it it's almost like you know this is the end of the world this is like we're at the world's Edge in a way and and you have like no other choice but to take on this Challenge and there's this real thrust and this feeling of like I have to give this my absolute all because there's nothing else I can do right now like this thing is coming right at me and you know being that there are motives from previous bosses it's almost like well I've had to endure all this previous like stress let me take this on and let me handle this you know does it Loop [Music] oh wow [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] yes I am [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you wow [Music] I love when a theme does that right when so we we've just heard the same thing over and over and you notice that in this theme we start off with just the piano which is really contemplative and reflective and I understand that you some of you said that this isn't in the in the mod itself right so we start really contemplative and really tenderly reflecting on what's coming reflecting on what's to come again then we shift and we add instrumentation and it's called layering right and the whole idea of this is that we take one Melody and we layer it and layer it and layer it so that by the end when we have a big drop like that we are struck emotionally by the the feeling of of having heard something over and over and over again which causes us to have a deeper and More Beautiful emotional reaction to it so really cool is it's it's stunning and it's it's so elegantly written and so simple and it's it's it's beautiful and I think it goes to say that you don't need to have a complicated melody or a complex melody in order to really bring out a deep sense of emotion it's really awesome meanwhile [Music] this is like a siren song that's so cool I didn't realize the [Music] thank you foreign [Music] wow [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] holy [ __ ] [Music] foreign [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] oh man I love that beat sword [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] wow okay I have a lot of thoughts about that Chad's acting silly I will fight the entire chat in about 10 seconds so siren so it was really interesting to me about this is siren's call first of all Sirens calls in any sort of Music are always really interesting now we understand that sirens in Greek mythology you may not know this and if you do I'm about to mansplain the hell out of it so sirens were human-like beings with alluring voices they appear in scenes in The Odyssey in which Odysseus saves his crew's lives Roman poets place them on some small islands called serenem skopoli and some later rationalized Traditions the literal geography of the flowery islands of anthemoisa or on the Musa in who cares Sirens continue to be used as symbols for the dangerous Temptation embodied by women regularly throughout Christian art of the Medieval Era essentially Sirens uh would lure Sailors and to their deaths with their siren Call and their song and what's really interesting is that this Sirens calling forbidden lullaby obviously either the Leviathan here is pretending or a faking being a siren in order to lure the player into the domain but what's interesting is that we start with that soprano singing in the very beginning when we have that siren Call and as we progress um that siren Call becomes a flute and it's it's incredibly powerful and it's just like so damn good you know like something about that the way that it it drums and the beats and stuff it really feel that's actually might be excuse me I just that coffee just came to to fight me um that may be my favorite track I've heard so far uh forbidden lullaby especially I did not expect that at all uh that will be going on the channel because I'm really interested to really really really explore that from a uh perspective of emotion [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] super cool really intense like shockingly intense hmm [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign whoa wow almost like a jazz switch there that's interesting [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] the wings flapping and the music right here [Music] it feels like it's ascending right [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] so you know what's really interesting about Beelzebub is uh in theological sources predominantly Christian Beelzebub is another name for Satan he's known in demonology as one of the seven deadly demons or seven princes of Hell basil but representing gluttony the dictionary infernal describes basilbove as being able to capable of flying known as the lord of the flyers or the Lord of the Flies that's pretty cool name interesting little connotation there with the whole flying aspect [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] about four okay [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] it's similar to the original two themes of the worms but obviously this like space thing foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] big shift here yeah of course [Music] [Music] whoa [Music] [Music] whoa foreign [Music] stuff's about to get crazy crazy [Music] there we go [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it sounds like a murder swarm [Music] foreign [Music] whoa [Music] so crazy it's like crazy heroic too foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] man I am awake oh yeah there's a choir back there [Music] [Music] [Music] a second [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] I saw this requested a lot so I'm going to listen to it here and then probably end up recording recording a oh wait I skipped I skipped I think I skipped something oh [Music] well I'll go back [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] hi thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow foreign [Music] there are those bells [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] excuse me foreign why okay [Music] excuse me [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] holy [ __ ] balls okay [Music] wow let me take a quick pause and mentally after that hmm whoa okay that was intense that was very good I would love to break that down so I will that's very good um how you doing chat sound out sound out chap how you doing tonight today this morning this afternoon this evening you good you good chat I see some of you were bad and God silenced by nightbot do you think you deserved it I think maybe you did good I'm glad you're hyped as well you're welcome good good good good good good good still hyped yeah I've definitely woken up from this so all right [Music] oh wait I know this song [Music] [Music] I skipped one oh yeah [Music] I'll have to go back [Music] foreign [Music] same oh that's cool it's the melody [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] if I heard this in a musical I'd be like what [Music] again [Music] [Music] is [Music] actually like super tragic re-reading the lyrics [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] going to wait to lose [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yourself [Music] again [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] what's interesting about that is that the um the the distorted trumpet many meanings there deformed decrepit you know you know all this sort of stuff it's really interesting [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] wow the interludes are some of my favorite pieces actually the animal Leviathan tune very good stuff [Music] yeah nightmare thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] liking it a lot really cool stuff all with this 8-bit sound quality it's sort of like shockingly impressive it reminds me a lot of some other soundtracks I've listened to that are using full instrumentation or you know it's pretty impressive [Music] sounds like the Windows startup screen or the Mac startup screen foreign [Music] couldn't leave us well enough alone could you everything was going well came along bye settle this now [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] before so this is really interesting so here's an expansion on what I talked about in my video grief this is the first movement I didn't realize this was four movements which is very common for symphonic Works to be in four movements grief no more holding back they'll wish for demise they thought they were Invincible but you could see through their Hollow lies you've seen how far they've come how many they've slain you will gladly tear their limbs apart all before they start to kill again they were seen as a threat by the moment the dragon was killed by their hand now yours now you're sent to demolish the foe upon your ruler's despondent demand something tells you they have scaled in their power should they win it shall be your final hour but you still have control of the fight if they mess up you might have a chance to destroy them but is this the right path that you've taken are your morals correct or mistaken are you sure you want to lose your mind from a legend whose power could Salvage mankind hmm no more holding back they'll wish for demise the thought they were Invincible but you could see there through their Hollow lies you've seen how far they've come how many they've slain this must be in reference to the player they were seen as a threat by the moment the dragon was killed by their hand yes so interestingly the player was not viewed as a threat until the dragon was killed now you're sent to demolish the foe upon your ruler's despondent demand now you're tasked with going forth and slaying even though chances are you will be killed something tells you they have scaled in their power they have grown in strength should they win to shall be your final hour but you still have control of the fight if they mess up you might have a chance to destroy them but is this the right path you've taken are you sure that you're right in all this are you sure that this is the right call to go ahead and do that I don't know are we sure that we're doing the right thing are we sure that our morals are in the right place are you sure you want to lose your mind from a legend whose power could Salvage mankind this player this character could save the world and are you sure that you want to choose to fight against that grief interesting [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] by the moment the dragon was killed by their hand that is were rising in tension here it's all repeated that is again we're building up to that that's a that's like proclaiming it shouting it to the rooftops foreign using the double bass drum there now you're sent to demolish the foe upon your ruler's despondent demand that is like the real threat that music is is something tells me that they have scaled on their power that's the music that's the edge oh is a warning I don't know I don't know I don't think you should do this [Music] okay you might have a chance I don't know [Music] there's three movements [Music] from a legend whose power could Salvage mankind that as we ascend that's talking about Salvage [Music] [Music] listen to this that's another question you have known for certain your path is one of Justice it's not a question but it's a feeling of like there's a little bit of doubt you have known for certain did you your path is one of Justice foreign [Music] [Music] very common again we resolve to the tonic [Music] foreign so this is now from our perspective but you remember what she tried to sacrifice are you sure yes your foe is overwhelming but you remember what she tried to sacrifice [Music] foreign disappointment start infiltrating doubt begins to enter into the spirit these putrid emotions begin to take control symptom of symptoms of paranoia begin invading such Petty emotions have sabotaged your soul your mental fortitude is fading losing trust ending friendship and rage escalating right on the road to your sadness watching closely as courage turns into madness are you sure you'd want to lose your life from a witch who had caused you nothing but Strife is it worth it to do this [Applause] [Music] let's go still today [Music] asking the questions [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] awareness [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so at this point we don't actually know who's winning right the end has come the witch and the prophecy deciding Fates with the world on the line who shall emerge From the Ashes of Calamity how shall this Fable end through these Legends intertwined end of reasoning Carnage and pain a feral sense of dominance as all the blood melts in the rain a clash of history in Blood Sweat and Tears this war will cause our world to change and will be remembered through the years sort of like okay well what's to come [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] of History [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] we're ascending now so much movement upwards and downwards here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] of course the bells in the distance [Music] thank you this is such a like a reflective moment of reflecting on everything that's come before the tiredness and the fatigue and the [Music] no [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] this is the last track of this stream [Music] stunning music here I wanted to say thank you for hanging out for the last uh three hours [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] yeah this was beautiful I don't rate music because it's all very good thank you again everybody for getting this channel to 100 000 subscribers I certainly really appreciate it and yeah this was really fun I will see you in about a week I'm taking a little bit of a break next week from streaming but I really appreciate you hanging out with me for the last three hours and we'll talk soon okay see ya [Music]
Channel: MarcoMeatball
Views: 577,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3gXBCfZtscc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 188min 44sec (11324 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 05 2022
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