OpenWRT : Create your own VPN Server with OpenVPN

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Hello, this is my router It has OpenWRT installed In this video I show you step by step how to install OpenVPN server on OpenWRT These are the step-by-step instructions on the OpenWRT homepage Let's get started You access the OpenWRT router using SSH I recommend you use a software called PuTTY Username is root You just need to copy and paste the command lines as instructed To use OpenWRT as an OpenVPN server you install the packages called openvpn-ssl and openvpn-easy-rsa To use OpenWRT as an OpenVPN server you install the packages called openvpn-ssl and openvpn-easy-rsa You configure parameters such as path, port, protocol, and ip address range You can change it, but if it's your first time doing this, I recommend you leave it as default Here you set up your public ip address or domain name Here I set it up as above and customize it in the following steps Next you create keys for the server and client Copy and paste Copy and paste Initialize pki Then you create a file named dh.pem This file will take you about 20 minutes to create Therefore, you should be patient or enjoy a cup of coffee before going to the next steps Create a file named ca You then create the files for the server Create a file named server.pem Next you create the files for the client You can create multiple clients if you want In this case I'm only creating files for a single client Create a file named client.pem After you finish generating the keys, you configure the firewall You allow OpenVPN to pass through OpenWRT's firewall Save your changes and restart the OpenWRT firewall service This command is quite a bit, but you just need to copy and paste it into the command window It will help you configure vpn server And create a configuration file for the client The configuration file for the client is named client.ovpn I use a command called cat to read a file called client.ovpn You copy all the lines Then you create a new text file and name it client.ovpn Be sure to name the file with the extension ovpn You paste the lines copied in the previous step and paste it into this file Next you update your public ip address I looked up my public ip address on the OpenWRT administration page And this is my public ip address You update the public ip address and save the changes So that the vpn server and client can shake hands with each other, you configure the time zone on OpenWRT So that the vpn server and client can shake hands with each other, you configure the time zone on OpenWRT You access the System menu and configure the time zone as follows Server configuration steps on OpenVPN router have been completed Now I send the client configuration file to a laptop I use this laptop as a client The client is separated from the OpenVPN server by the internet On the laptop I install the OpenVPN client software I then imported the configuration file created in the previous step Now I set up the vpn connection As you can see the connection is successful I check the public ip address to confirm the vpn connection My public ip address is the same as on the OpenVPN server But every time the public ip address on the OpenWRT router changes I can't connect to the vpn server But every time the public ip address on the OpenWRT router changes I can't connect to the vpn server To solve that problem, I configured a dynamic domain name on the OpenWRT router On the OpenWRT router I installed a package called ddns scripts This package allows me to configure dynamic domain names I installed one more package, it's called luci-app-ddns It will give you a graphical interface of dynamic domain names You refresh the router management page A new menu appears, it's called services I use a dynamic domain name service called DuckDNS You create a free account and create your own domain name This is a guide to configuring DuckDNS on an OpenWRT router Again you access OpenWRT using ssh You navigate to the folder named ddns This is the dynamic domain configuration file on the router You delete all lines of this configuration file You then copy all the lines from the DuckDNS website and paste them into the configuration file If the first line is missing or wrong, edit it I save the changes and close the file After you finish editing the configuration file, start the dynamic domain name service You copy and paste the command lines as above I went to the router management page and looked at the dynamic domain service status The dynamic domain service is running and has updated the public ip address It's time for you to fix the configuration file on the client You open the NotePad software with administrative rights You then navigate and open the configuration file on the client Here you replace the ip address with your domain name I remove the public ip address and replace it with my domain name Don't forget to save your changes I set up a vpn connection using a domain name Successful connection, with this method you can use the dynamic public ip address to configure the vpn server You can access private resources from outside the internet I control a remote computer over the internet through OpenVPN Above are the steps to install and configure a vpn server on OpenWRT router Thank you for watching, don't forget to like and subscribe Good luck
Channel: NETVN82
Views: 13,559
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: netvn, net vn, OpenWrt OpenVPN configuration, Setting up OpenVPN on OpenWrt, OpenVPN server on OpenWrt tutorial, OpenWrt VPN setup guide, Configuring OpenVPN server on OpenWrt, OpenWrt VPN server installation, OpenWrt OpenVPN server configuration, openwrt, openvpn, openvpn server, how to run openvpn server on openwrt, how to setup openvpn server on openwrt, how to install openvpn server on openwrt, openwrt openvpn, open wrt, open vpn, install open vpn server on open wrt, vpn, router
Id: IvSxt6msOWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 04 2023
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