OpenTTD Tutorial #25 - Vehicle Groups & Timetables

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[Music] hello there masturbation whoo welcome back to my openttd tutorial series today we'll be looking at vehicle groups and vehicle timetables so if you're just here for timetables jump forward to six and a half minutes first up is the vehicle groups and here you can see we've got a number of road vehicles going between three towns we've got had Asheville like time and subscribe' City they're all going between the different ones and what we've got is three lots of shared orders we've got five vehicles going from Hanish filter like town five going from like town tests subscribe City and five going from subscribe city to parish Ville in a licen triangle if we click the vehicle buttons up here we can see all of our road vehicles let's see we've got 15 of them now you can put these vehicles into groups the groupings on the left-hand side of the vehicle section so you can see at the minute we've got all road vehicles that's a default group and ungroup road vehicles another default group so the options for vehicle groups are all down here you can see here there's a number of options the first one is to create a group so I'll do that when you first create a group asks you to rename it this one's currently group 0 so if we call it Dave it's now called Dave and that's our starting group now I might decide that I want all my road vehicles that are going between two particular places to go into group Dave so we'll do that now normally you would name these groups something a little bit more sensible but you can call them whatever you like now here you can see I'm just dragging the vehicles into Dave from the all road vehicles group so we've got the all road vehicles group highlighted here it's in white we could go to the ungroup ones and now you can see that we've only got 10 in there we're missing the first five and that's because now they're in Dave and you can see that the road vehicle group actually appears at the top of the vehicle information as well in that screen these road vehicles are actually doing quite well considering I just threw them down for a tutorial anyway so we now have our group Dave what can we do with our group Dave well one thing we could do is delete it but we won't do that just we can change the name so we can call it Bob make it much more realistic and another thing that we can do is change the color so if we click on this icon here it brings up the color scheme for our particular company for this particular group and we can say that these Road vehicles here in this group well maybe we don't want them to be the default color maybe we want these ones to be red because they're a special service the Bob service and if we just move that down here you can see that now some of these road vehicles and now red it's an easy way to change the color of groups of vehicles so that can be nice for just visual want or if you have a special service do you want to keep an eye on so here you can see it's quite easy to see which Road vehicles are all going around and as part of that group what else can you do with groups well you can use all the manage options down here so because now we've got the group selected and not all road vehicles the actions that we do down at the bottom here like replace send a service in center Depot add shared vehicles remove all share vehicles um just apply to the group that we're working with now these two at the bottom here that had shared vehicles and removed all vehicles are actually the group options you don't get them when you're in the standard view here you just get replace semi servicing so if I wanted to send all of the Bob vehicles for service in we can do that so we can just go send for service in and what we should see now and I'll just fast forward slightly is we should see all the red ones darting to Depot's we've got one down here just going into a depo we've got a couple up here just going into a depo they'll go in there in service this one here road vehicle five he's probably on the way to a Depot somewhere and he'll go in service as well so that is groups in a nutshell that's pretty much there we're going to show you a couple of other quick little things with grits before we go on one of the things you can do is add vehicles so we'll just quickly add a new group with this one we'll call it Timmy and Timmy has got nothing in it yet but what all dues will add one vehicle to it so what we got here road vehicle 10 yes that's a good idea we'll go down here find road vehicle 10 and we'll drag them into timming now what you can do is because I've given all these road vehicles shared orders and remember shared orders are fantastic but here we have Timmy and Timmy group and we've got road vehicle 10 in what are the things that we can do to bring all the road vehicles in nice and quickly it's use those options I mentioned earlier add shared vehicles so now all vehicles that had shared orders with road vehicle 10 are also pulled into the Timmy group which I will change the colors off so Timmy we're gonna change Timmy's come on there we go so we're gonna change Timmy's to yellow there we go so now you can see we've got red yellow and blue vehicles going around you can color code them if you want or you can leave them the same so grouping a brilliant way to manage vehicles in groups not a hundred percent necessary for my opinion you can get away with most things just by using shared orders however a good way to group things together and the last thing I'll show you is deleting a group so we no longer want the Timmy group remove the Timmy group and you can see that they all now lose their colors they go back to being blue and go back into the ungrouped road vehicles category so in a nutshell that is groups ok and now on to timetables now timetables are not as difficult as what some people may think there's a few key things to remember but then you're pretty much on your way we're gonna use hellish City as an example here we've got 4 bus stations in the various different corners of the city and I'm also going to make the buildings transparent so that we can see the vehicles driving around quite nicely the first thing I'm going to do is create a new bus so I'm gonna go to new bus choose one and buy the vehicle once we've got the vehicle I'm going to give it the orders to go to the four different places so we're going to go here we're gonna go there we're gonna go down to Holley City East and we're also gonna go up here to have city woods now once I've done that and go back into the order screen and you can see this button in the top right hand corner here time table that's how you access the time tables so it's the show vehicle orders button and then click the time table it switches it from orders to time table and here you can see the time table so you can expand this window and have a good look at it you can see here it's got the list of places it's going to visit as well as the travel time between them so to fill this in you you can either select the various different items in the list and tell the gang how long you want the vehicle to perform each task so how long to spend loading and unloading at the station and how long time travel between them now this is very rarely done people usually use the autofill option to begin and this is how you do it so before the vehicles set off you can just click autofill and then send it on its way now I'm going to fast forward the game so that we can see the vehicle rushing round between the four different places and then we go and you can see that as it's going round it's starting to fill in the timetable now the vehicle is a new vehicle so it's unlikely to break down and we haven't got any other Road vehicles in the way that are causing any delays so this route that it's doing now it's kind of an ideal situation it could take longer for the road vehicle to get around and once it's done one full loop it will have a timetable I'm just going to stop the vehicle for now and pause the game so we can sort things out thank you notifications we don't need that so you can see here now it says that it stops for one day at each station and it travels nine days between three of them and ten days between the fourth now it's only spending one day there because it didn't have any cargo to pick up if there's a load of passengers there it'll take longer to unload and load so what we're gonna do is we're gonna change that time I'm gonna say well actually a bit of a luxury let's say spend five days loading and unloading now these times you will just have to get a feel of so it depends on your network it depends on what why are you doing the timetable there's a whole host of factors as how long you might want them to stay there it's a bit of a tweak and experienced thing and the more you do timetables the more you will get the answer the right option straight away now these travel times they're quite good but again we're gonna add some leeway into them because like I said before if the vehicle breaks down we want the vehicle to be able to catch back up again now if the vehicle only needs to load and unload for three days it can spend two days catching up and leave early so if a vehicle falls out to sync with its timetable it will try and catch back up you can see here it says currently this vehicle is running on time and it tells you how long the timetable takes to complete what I'm going to do is I'm going to change these travel times okay we're gonna change them to 15 days I'm gonna give them a massive amount of leeway you may only really want to start with two maybe three days depending how far they're going in fact in a small city situation like this you might only want to give them one but I'm just going to quickly change all these to 15 I want to give them lots of leeway to start off with what I might do then is narrow it down a little bit in the future there we go so now we've got a timetable which takes a total of 80 days to complete the next thing I'm going to do is get some more Road vehicles we're not going to send this guy off just yet so back to the depot and I'm going to clone and hold ctrl to get shared orders with this road vehicle so it pulls the game game and just client them out so we've got four road vehicles and we're going to send them on the way now the game still paused there we go so those Road vehicles are no longer gonna not gonna go anywhere what we need to do now is then pass these this timetable to all the other vehicles and if we have a look at the other vehicles you'll see that if the look at the timetable they do actually have the timetable and this is because it was shared orders but we want these vehicles to stagger themselves in an effective way we want them all to go at different rates we don't want them all doing the same timetable at the same time we don't want them all to be going to Holly's City West and then all of them to go in hash City and so forth so to stagger them we can get the first vehicle look at its timetable and use this start date option now if we just click the start date that will set the start date for the vehicle and because they've got shared orders the game might calculate it correctly but the best way to do it is to hold ctrl if you hold ctrl it sets the starting point of this timetable and then distributes it to all the vehicles shared it sharing this order evenly based on their arrival order and if this order and this order is then all timetable throughout so if we've got four vehicles going round a timetable that's 80 days long it will stagger them by 20 days so at the minute where the 14th of May so I'm gonna hold ctrl click start date and I'm gonna change this to the 1st of June give us a good bit bit of breathing space there we go now the only other thing I'm going to do is also tell the first vehicle to go to Heather City West start the beginning the timetable so all the vehicles now are all about to go to hellish City West ok and they all have the timetable set and as they're going we will see that they're staggered so we can see in the timetable we've got this 80 day cycle to go around the city for the road vehicles and we can see that the start date for this road vehicle is the first ok the first of the 6th if we look at the next rail vehicle and look at their timetable this one is the 2nd to the 4th so I'm guessing that this one is not the 2nd one in the loop-the-loop of the vehicles does not always match the order of which you created them so if we look at Road vehicle 3 look at that timetable this one's the 2nd the 4th and if we look at this one over here 22nd to the 4th sorry and road vehicle for start date didn't mean to do that is currently the 12th ok so it's working out that the staggering it's doing it in number of days after each other so we should see these vehicles all nice and laid out so looks pretty good to me overall let's get these road vehicles running can unpause the game and we're gonna fast forward and let them sort themselves out so hopefully yep well road vehicles won't quite stack up and get too clogged up at the beginning you don't want them to do that but they'll be all on their way now now it's going to take them some time to get themselves all sorted out some of them might be running a little bit early some of them might be running a little bit late if we look at this vehicle here and we click on its orders with time table you see that this vehicle is currently running 19 days late that's not really a problem because that we've put a lot of leeway to this timetable so you can see now already after that stop it's only 11 days late and now it's only 5 days late 2 days late and it'll be catching right up soon so all the road vehicles now are catching up that one arrived three days early now but it will wait until the right point now what do we notice well we've got a lovely timetabled bus service now you can see that all four buses are waiting until the same points and crossing over in the city and all heading back now one of them went to the depo then so it will be slightly behind schedule but it'll catch back up again and we should see that all four road vehicles leave the stations at the same time and go on to their next destination I find this beautiful and hypnotic that's beside the point but this is how timetables work you just have to get one vehicle set it to go on its auto route once it's automatically filled at that timetable you adjust it to how you want it to be and then fly out your vehicles set a start date and off they go now there is a little bit more in-depth information on this on the wiki but I've given you what you need to know to get started on this and you should all be alright now there you can do a wealth of different things with timetables and really it's up to you to be as creative as to how to use the time tables did you like I'm not going to tell you every single situation that you may use timetables but this is one of them getting vehicles to all arrive at the same time now what happens if I double the number of vehicles on this route well it's actually quite cool so I'm going to clone this vehicle and set it out so we've got 8 of them in total then what we're going to do is get those vehicles set out on their way now we're going to find a road vehicle do the timetable and we're going to sort it out and reset the start date so at the minute we're in January the middle of January I'm going to set the start date to February the first I just like to do it like that I'm gonna make sure I hold control while I do this so February the first set date so all of these vehicles now have had their timetables reset let's see what happens now we've got 8 now they might clog up to begin with because the stations that we've got here or only it's an example this isn't necessarily a good layout to do in a city it might actually it looks like it's actually making relatively good money but there we go let's have a quick look at the money situation yeah we're actually making a profit on this example so once all these vehicles have caught up on their timetables and all got in sync you'll see something similar to what we had previously we'll have probably four vehicles all leaving the stations at the same time and crossing over now we're nearly there I think and remember we're running this extra fast but we're yeah we're pretty much there we've now got a number of vehicles all leaving the station's at the same time that also we've got a vehicle at the station and this is because the game has spaced out all eight vehicles along that 60 day route sorry 80 day route and this is another brilliant way of making sure you've always got a vehicle sat at the station loading and unloading having a vehicle there at all times increases the ratings and that increases the amount of people and profit that you will get in the future so this is a good way to make sure that you've always got something at a station at all times well we're going to leave that there for the time team and group so that's the end of this particular tutorial video if you've got any questions about timetables please pop them down in the comments along with any requests of things you'd like to see in the tutorials in the future thank you very much for watching if you enjoyed the video or it's been useful please give it a like and for more openttd and other gaming videos please subscribe I will see you soon thanks for watching take care good bye [Music]
Channel: Master Hellish - Gaming
Views: 30,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hellish, Gamer, Games, Tycoon, OpenTTD, TTD, masterhellish, Master, Game, Computer, Open, Tutorial, transport, Transport, openttd tutorial, open ttd, openttd (video game), openttd windows 10, transport tycoon deluxe windows 10, transport tycoon, transport tycoon deluxe, tycoon games, master hellish, transport tycoon (video game), open transport tycoon deluxe, Groups, group, Timetable, Timetables
Id: rwRMgveheJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 05 2019
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