It's called the... Sound Burger??

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hidden in this thing is a vinyl player a turntable a record mcdor whatever you want to call them and somehow it fits in this box on this table a quite unassuming outer box there's a hint right there this actually was made for 60th anniversary of Audio Technica makers of many things from industry standard headphones to microphones to turntables is this water or is this dryer lint I can't figure it out do doesn't say it there oh there we're going to have to get in to see it for reals I've had this for like 2 years and I'm finally getting around to this is brand spankers mate o what oh wow this rustic torn bit of paper Quickstar guide to their anniversary oh no I forgot caution Guide to the 60th anniversary anniversaries get serious at this level oh there it is it the sound borar I want my borar cers who cares oh wow it's heavy enough thought nothing else in the Box yay I got so excited when they were reissuing this let's do the peel my brand new nug so back in the'80s mate this thing first ever came out and in America it was called the Mr disc n the Bor I'm why Burger sound Burger I mean I know Japan English you they don't something but sound burger and this was a limited edition run I think they did 7,000 of them you know for the anniversary but apparently this did so well that now you can just buy them from JB highi in multiple colors where this special edition is only in red see I got excited cuz these old turntables they're belt driven and like ancient stuff with rubber in it just decomposes into rubbish I have a car Channel I know what happens to rubber after 30 40 years although it does make me wey cuz new stuff tends to be crap oh that's okay now in terms of small compact form factor like vinyl players and things I'm never going to get a flamingo boy I'd love a Sony Flamingo but this is almost like the next best thing but you can't set it up like this no no the ball gear does not do that oh there's my special serial number out of 7000 it's got USBC oh it's kind of crushy on top got to be careful with that wireless stereo display system oh and rubberized legs very good cuz yeah um turntables are very sensitive to anything touching it or doing anything with it you pick it up in the stylus right yeah that's right it's got a freaking battery in it a Bluetooth button so does this send the audio out to something or does it just receive the crap well I just love to see a like vinyl disc turning on this table that'd be fun this literally just changes the speed because the smaller disc needs to spin at a different rate and this isn't letting me have it and I don't want to tug on it too hard all right we are reading the Quickstar oh good it's a foldout map my favorite thank you oh boie why oh remove the tone arm fixing screw oh for transporting yep turntables of fragile equipment I say a keep it and I'll try yeah you just pair straight to headphones and things wow how do you okay apparently they just figure it out somehow without a user interface or nothing I'll believe it when I smell it I've actually got my parents vinyl collection these are actually from back in the day will it fit oh I think we've got this we're do doing this we're doing this on the table oh it's it's scraping it's making scraping noises this disc is so heavily warped come on bowi oh that's better all right Bowie ain't scraping it's fun if you get really up close to it you can actually hear the music being scratched out we're going to get speaker power on Bluetooth mode yeah baby we need your Bluetooth mode she low on bats mate oh it just automatically did it whoa what wow I mean I got to talk because copyright this is Bluetooth would this battery keep going it will wireless wireless vinyl from the Dingus amazing copyright let's change the speed battery low you [Music] H I don't know how I feel about it just kind of figuring out bluetooth and working well on your Bowie cheers mate thanks for working this is one of my dad's like something to do with Cricket it's just talking about Cricket but on vinyl for some reason it been on telly ain't good enough W scratched the heck dad got good usee of this one oh this is so dirty welcome back here to the MCG and welcome to Melbourne viewers for the first time today is this like Cricket my it really has turned out to be a marvelous day for Cricket indeed this all it's it's 80% cuss words all right this is clearly device disconnected shut up this is quite clearly something dad would have playing in the shed with his mates while he's drinking cultosaurus this is an amazing album cover blow to I don't even know what this this is I've never listened to it I just remember this as a kid cuz this is the one that I held as a kid and just being like that artwork is amazing look they're like weird Franken noodle things Frank it could be you oh so dirty so sorry sound bger yeah Rock here mate go get him [Music] yeah oh it's got jazz in it [Music] mate all right this actually sounds kind of cool as heck in 84 Van Halen's jump I mean I have to talk over this it's so copyright so copyright so uh wow I wasn't expecting it to just kind of work you know you know Bluetooth is a raging headache and it just yeah it found its way a little concerning cuz I didn't like approve anything I didn't like yes do it it's like I'm doing it that's what I wanted it to do so well I mean for the price of one of these you could just get a standalone turntable which is going to be you know a little bit more robust and more you know something you could set in but I mean the Bluetooth is really fun and look of course look vinyl doesn't sound better than streaming it doesn't I've already talked about it ages ago for me the super fun of vinyl is having your music scratched out for you that it is so physical that you can hold it literally hold it and it's amazing how good vinyl really does sound like on a high-end system with great amps and speakers like switching between them you'll barely tell I was only able to tell because I had it synced up between like high-end streaming and and like a vinyl and clicking between them perfectly synced so I you know it's only the very Tippy tops and the Very bottomy bottoms that you're missing out on cuz like The Stylist literally can't vibrate enough to make those frequencies it's a hardware limitation but see how compact it's got a handle so compact when you're done with it you can just pop it in a shelf you can just pop it away and you maybe you only listen to vinyl every now and then and it's more like the Romantic side of it seeing your music scratched out in front of you I'm a big fan of the B gear but now I kind of want to get hold of like an original Japanese made one and see how it's held up and I said this was limited edition special run that's why I grabbed it and now you just go down to JB's and get one if you want it you know where to get it and that's it thanks so much for watching sh thans be floaties mate Franks there and you know like I'll smell as all next time Frankie how do you squeeze through it in my hammock I can't get in cuz you're in my hammock you have two hammocks Frank you have two hammocks you have one statement your one chance you your one chance of getting your your word out on this horrible crime of stealing my hams F going on the police
Channel: DankPods
Views: 458,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NdkPkg_9jxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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