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You didn't help anyone here to become famous. -That's what you think, but I don't think the same. -Just you, you're the only one we made famous. -The only person you raised is Hyun Woo. -That's true. -Even Hyun Woo was raised by his wife. -You know, how do you know the situation in my house? -Of course. You always went to the internet cafe. -That's a long time ago. - Let's go. - Oh, my God! -OK! How are you? How are you? How are you? -OK! - Good morning. - Where are you, sir? Why isn't our boss giving us our pay? Hey, did you get the salary? -Salary... - In fact, everyone has a lot of pressure. -Oh, of course. - Actually, there are a lot of burdens. - Now, start the engine, start the engine. - Actually, there are a lot of burdens. - Now, start the engine, start the engine. - Jae-seok. A few decades ago, Ji Seok-jin, who was a real child, has turned middle-aged. You looked so happy. Everyone has a lot of burdens. I'm sure everyone has one. - Actually, there are a lot of burdens. - Now, start the engine, start the engine. - I was under pressure, too. I'm getting goosebumps. What about you? What did you put on here? I can't cover my hair. Why are you putting this on? What kind of tears are Seok-jin's tears? - I thought about it and I thought I should stop making fun of him. No, I'm not saying that. No, no, that's not it. I'm going to cry, really. It's okay. It's all right, it's all right. - You're a crybaby, a crybaby. - Not that's not it. No. - Crybaby. - But why didn't you take off your glasses when you were about to take them off? What's with the action? I held it in to cry. No, I was going to suppress it. - Why are you looking at the camera like this while crying? - Actually, I didn't want to do it because I asked you to say something. A video message. No, we really had a lot of sad things on Running Man. You didn't even cry when Gary left. -Wait a minute. Ask me. Ask if you're going to cry when you leave. -Donghun, you have to keep crying when he gets off. - sobbing, sobbing. It's not that... You're gonna cry, aren't you? Are you ready? I'm getting goosebumps. Preparation doesn't do it. Without me knowing. Without me knowingly. What's that car? What's that car? What is it? - Wow, it's so pretty. What is it? What is it? -Wow... I think the car is really pretty. - It's really pretty. What is it? What is it? Wow, what a great guest today. What if a real star comes? Wow, the car is so pretty. - Bro, look ahead. I should buy that car, quickly. Don't you usually get this at auto shows? - A huge star. - That's right, this is. Is the trunk okay? - I want to have it. -Oh, it's a real star. -It's a star! - Oh, my God, sir! -It's a star! - Oh, my God, sir! Oh, my. Please get off here. - Why are you getting off here? -Yuyaho! -OK, OK. Let's go. -Yu Star. - Jae-seok is the boss. - Why, why? Why are you making me cry? Step on this and get off. Hey, hey. What period is it now? Get out, get out. Is she So-min? Is it So-min? -Come out. I thought it was definitely Gwang-su. I thought so, too. Thank you for coming out early in the morning. - Oh, my God, sir. Shave your beard. Shave your beard. - Good morning, sir. Yes, yes. Oh, you did a great job. What's that? What's on your head? I've decorated it a little bit. -OK, OK, OK. Aren't you going to give me the salary? What? -Three months' worth of salary is in delay. I'm just gonna pull your teeth out! Don't do it. All right, all right. - Cry, oppa. No, no, no, no, no. Why are you making me cry? -Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry. - I'm not crying, I'm not crying. Why do you come to someone else's job and make a mess? Huh? - This is not what I intended. No, why? Why are you crying? Why did you do that? I'm not saying that... I held it in. Why are you crying? - It's a prick, a prick. No, no, no. I have nowhere to go. Don't do that. Everyone has a lot of pressure. - Don't. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. I understand. - Oh, I can't stand it. I can't stand it. No, you said you didn't cry. Crocodile tears, crocodile tears. Crocodile tears. Crocodile tears. Crocodile tears. Crocodile tears. Fake -Fake. I know. What happened? -Stocks are going crazy these days. They're falling. -Is she okay? -Oh, that's right. -It's not good for me either. - Not good for you either? -It's not good for me either. - Wow, it's all kill. -I invested is a few but they all fell. Recently, I invested without any information, but it's all red. -That's why our staff members don't look at their phones these days. In the past, when the stock market was good. -That's right, that's right. -Even the camera directors, while filming. -Oh, back then. -Laugh. Since the stock market is good. -Smiling. -It was all green, all - They were all smiling back then, but now, nobody takes out their phones. - It's red all over. - There's a famous stock quote. Enter when there's a groan. -That's right, that's right, that's right. I remembered this quote. -So we're going to enter the U.S. this time. -There's a quote. A groan. -But you make that groaning sound, right? -I. -Oh, my. -I'm entering while I groan. -If you go to the opposite direction of Seokjin's stock. -That's right. -That's right, just invest the opposite way of Seokjin. -Hey, I have one that followed in after Seokjin. -Which one? -Which one? -Right, even Sechan. - The investment? -Oh, that investment? -What is it? -I have my trust in this one, brother. -Oh, my goodness. -What do you call that? Unicorn start... What is it? -Oh, start-up. -Start-up, start-up. -What is unicorn? -I don't know. You know what? - It becomes a unicorn. -What unicorn is. - 1 trillion. - 1 trillion company is called a unicorn. It's heading towards the unicorn, it's not a unicorn yet. -Vision, vision. -It's heading towards. -You went in without knowing that? -I'm just putting my trust in it. -Seokjin, Seokjin told me that, too. So I thought about it carefully, but Seokjin said he was going to enter, so I didn't. -Oh, you're wise. -It's not that. It's up to you. -Of course. - You shouldn't do as I say. -I'm deciding for myself. -I'm just giving information. -That's why I asked you. What are you going to do? I'm definitely entering. So I decided not to go in. - But there are times when Seokjin is. -What? -Sends me a YouTube video about investment or real estate, telling me to study. -But you know what? -What? -In the past, he studies hard during the exam period. But he's the type that doesn't do well on the actual test because he studies the wrong chapters or subjects. But Seokjin has this thing. He's consistent. The land he bought 20 years ago is still the same. -That's really interesting, too. -It's painful! - But it's true. - It's painful! - But it's true. It all went up, but that's the only one that didn't go up. -It's really fascinating. -Some day. -Oppa, land price goes up when generations change. -What? -It goes up when the generation changes. - So it will change when I die? - Expect it as a next life. - I have to die for it to rise? -Right. -It will go to Hyunwoo. - Seokjin, hurry up. -You can think of it as investing for Hyunwoo. - It's all like that. -No, but you're doing well on the show. -That's right, that's right. - Then it's fine. -Not bad, not bad. - You can't be successful in everything. - You don't get everything. - You don't get everything. - Your love life is successful right now, isn't it? -What? - Your love life is doing good, right? -It's hot. -It's hot, he says. -It's hot. -He's good at lying now. He's good at lying now. -No, no, really. I think this is what they mean by firing up later. -No one, no one believes you. -You don't agree. Do you think it's a lie? -No one envies this. -Just a passing story. -Uh, it's a passing story. -You're a witness, aren't you? Hey, I didn't give it to you for nothing. -I hate summer. - And don't call when we are filming. -What? -I don't like summer. - Isn't summer nice? -I hate summer. -First of all, I like summer clothes because they are so light and the laundry dries up quickly. I really like summer. First of all, the gym bag becomes very light. -I hate summer because it's hot. -It's hot. - And I don't like sweating. -Of course it's hot, its summer. Of course it's hot, its summer. -Hurry up and change your clothes. -You don't get me. -Why? -You shouldn't talk with people like that. -I mean, it's hot because it's summer. -It's better to just leave. You know what I mean, right? -And summer. I'll give you an advice. -Don't think of trying to have a conversation with people like that. -Come here. -You'll be in big trouble. -Let me give you an advice. -Yes. -In the summer. -You'll be in big trouble if you talk with people like that. -People like that. -Hello, oppa. -People like that. -Oh, Seoksam. - Elder, you're here. -Oh, you're wearing pink shoes. -Oh right, it's pink. -We don't need to wear a mic today, just come. They said we're going to use a boom mic as a new concept so we don't need to wear one each. -A new concept? - No, this new concept. - So speak loudly today. -Why? -You don't need a microphone. -There's no microphone. -You have to talk like this, oppa. -He must be hot today. -The puppy. -Hey, are you wearing a school uniform or something? -I'm wearing a school uniform today. -Doesn't it look like a Japanese elementary school student? -You two look good together today. -Do we look good together? -Hey, it's like mother and daughter. It's like a mother and a daughter. An elementary school. -Somin is at that age too, don't do that. -Doesn't it look like she is taking him to school? -Don't say mom. -It looks like it, doesn't it? -Auntie, auntie. -Just accept it. -Yes, accept it. -I can hold your hand since I'm your mother, right? -Yeah, you can hold my hand. -Come here, son. Come here, son. Oh my, oh my~ -Good boy~ Good boy~ -Come to the back, come to the back. -Are all the older members not here, Yeji? -What are we doing today? Why is everyone like this all of a sudden? Huh? Somin is over there. Somin isn't filming. Are you sure about filming right now? I don't think so. No one is doing it. Filming, right now. -What, why? -Hi Somin. -What's that? What is it? -I told you. -What is this? -I don't know, all of a sudden. -Hello. What are you, you're a spy, aren't you? -No, they're just filming by themselves. -That's right. -No, no. -That's right. -Why are you the only one with a camera? -I don't know. Hello, brother. -Why did the camera follow you? -I don't know, he suddenly turns on the lights and starts filming me. -Sechan was the first one to be followed. The camera is filming Sechan like this. -No, it's nothing. -I saw it, I saw it, I saw it. -I saw it, I saw it. -No. -Hey, why are you so swollen? -I told you. I. I ate a lot of gamjatang yesterday. -He's swollen a lot, right? -I ate gamjatang a lot yesterday. With extra bones. -You look a little younger now that you've gained some weight. -Really? -Yes. -This is Jongkook's oppa house. -Well, Jihyo. -Did you come here often? -Looks like you came down from this house. -Unnie. - This is our newlywed house. -That's nice, that's nice. -That's awesome. -You're invited today, so enjoy it as much as you want today. - I like how it's not too much. - Your food. -Of course, I prepared all the food. -Really? -Wait and see. -Today is 'Same Bed, Different Dreams'. -Today is 'Same Bed, Different Dreams'. -No, wasn't it 'All The Butlers' today? -Is it 'All The Butlers' today? -Aren't we going to the 'My Little Old Boy' set today? -Thought it was 'All The Butlers'. -There are a lot of programs today. -It's so comfortable to do it at home. Really. They all know that -They all know. They're all down there. -Really? -This is Jongkook's house, right? -That's right. -How many times are you saying that? -Really? -This is Jongkook's house, right? -That's right. -How many times are you saying that? -Jihyo, come here. It's my first time. Hey, it's the first time saying it. -How many times are you saying that? -What are you saying, it's my first time. -The house is gloomy. -Go up, go up. -This elevator... -What floor was it? -What floor is it? -1O floor. -Oh, as expected. -Of course, Jihyo knows. -1O floor. -You know? -Of course, oppa. -Unni, then you don't have to ring the bell? -We're not that close yet. -You know the password to his house? -With the lights on. -This is why you are amateurs. -Why? Here he go again. -He pretends to know again. -Here he go again, what do you know? -Look at his incisor. His incisor is sticking out. -He's preparing to tease. -Preparing to tease again. -It's more crooked today. Preparing to tease more. -Oppa, why are you purposely adjusting the angle every morning? -No, in the morning. -We came here a lot to film 'My Little Old Boy'. -Different from broadcast to broadcast. - Oh he bought a pretty bike. -Does Kookjong have a bicycle? -Is it yours? -It's mine, it's mine. -It's Jihyo's. -It's mine, mine. -Jihyo noona. How can you get in naturally? -What's the password? -Press it. -It's on. She even know the password. -Hey, you can stay at home. What are you doing -What are you doing? Why are you pressing the password? Oh, man. Open it. -Oh, come on. Open it! -Wow! -Why? -What's that? -What is this? -Wow! -What is it? -It's Busan. Is it Busan today? No, there's Seoul, too. -Busan? -Isn't there Jeju Metropolitan City? -Busan. -There is Jeju Metropolitan Citiy as well. Metropolitan city bro. -What is this? Today's setting. -Hyung. -What is this? -Hyung. Look here, bro. They said it's 'find Jeju Metropolitan City.' Find it. Find Jeju Metropolitan City. Hurry up and find it. -There's a lot. -Hey, what is it today? I don't know what it is today, but it looks fun. -Hyung. -Why? -It's what you like. Real estate. -Oh! It's my life, real -This, this, today. -You know, right? Se Chan, Jong Kook, and I did a program like that once. -That's right. -We know. -When? -Real estate? -As soon as we heard the information, wow! No, Woljeong-ri, Jeju Island? -That's right, yes. -Hey, but what if you invested in that old information? -Jeju Island? -Oh, Jeju Island. -I won't be here right now. -Really? -I won't be here. Hey, more than thousand times the amount. -Isn't it 20 times the amount or something? Hey, thousand times the amount is too. -Thousand times the amount is too, hey don't be too over exaggerating. -Woljeong-ri was 86 times the amount. -86 times. I'm Only Cash. -Cash. -He is frustrating. -Only cash. -He's not investing, nothing. -I'm only. I don't know. I don't know. -There's a rumor that a jangdokdae is buried near the apartment where Jongkook lives. -Cash in there? -With this much cash. -Underneath the floorboard. -Jong Kook goes there once a month and digs. -Everyone, it's a superstition. -Dig it well. -So I'm taking a close look around there. I don't have one. I don't have any property. Seok Jin, if you only listened to what I told you. -He won't be here right now? -Sure, he partied a lot, bro. -Because I'm an active investor. -You can lose your health again when you have that kind of wealth. -But, Seok Jin is. -I won't go easy on you. -But, you know Seok Jin, right? -Think positive, think positive. -You know Seok Jin, right? He never listens to people who have been in his life for But by chance. -Someone who suddenly came up. -Someone he happened to meet at the airport. -An old gentleman. -Someone's story when the elevator closes. -An old gentleman. -His ears get this big when it comes to things like this. -After hearing from the Korean CEO, I invested and got smashed. -No, it becomes like that. It's weird, so am I. -Why is that? -So did I. -You can't help it. -I don't know why. -I was living a normal life without doing any investment. -Yes. -I heard a person's story and did it, but it failed badly. -Right? -That's what happens. -Jong Kook's style is... -He blows it. -He's the type to live with his ears closed. -Really. -The type that gets tricked by a close friend. -At once. -At once. -I was tricked badly, -But honestly, Ji Hyo is the type that is easy to trick. -You're the easiest. -I doubted it. You really tricked. -Some of you may have done it in the past, but it's an upgrade to the special episode of Ttangttameokgi. (Territory conquering -I wanted to do this. -This mojito is artistic. -This. -I think I did this before. -You were the guest once. -When the guest came, once. -I'll mark it. -Here, haha. - Okay, 3R. -Come here, come here, come here. You come here, you come here. -I haven't done this before. -Yes, when the guests came. -I was on the same team with you. -So, you were on my team, right? -Yes. -That's why you entered this place because I was so nice to you. -Don't say that. -You look carefully. -No, it's not. -Hyung, I. I'll really talk about you. You didn't help anyone here to become famous. -That's what you think, but I don't think the same. -Just you, you're the only one we made famous. -The only person you raised is Hyun Woo. -That's true. -Even Hyun Woo was raised by his wife. -You know, how do you know the situation in my house? -Of course. You always went to the internet cafe. -That's a long time ago. It's a long time ago. -So I told him because I was But don't you need to take care of Hyun Woo? Oh, it's okay. -He will grow up on his own. -He grows up on his own. Of course. -Of course, they do grow up by themselves.
Channel: 런닝맨 - 스브스 공식 채널
Views: 1,705,358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Runningman, #런닝맨, #보필PD, #예능맛ZIP, Gary, Haha, Jeon So Min, Ji Seok Jin, Kim Jong Kook, Lee Kwang Soo, RunninMan, Runningman, SBS, Song Ji Hyo, Yang Se Chan, Yoo Jae Suk, runningman, sbs, 김종국, 레전드, 본방송, 비하인드, 송지효, 애드리브, 양세찬, 예능맛ZIP, 예능맛집, 웃음참기, 유장꾸, 유재석, 이광수, 전소민, 지석진, 최신화, 런닝맨, 형인PD, 오프닝톸, 오프닝토크, 토크
Id: uT0GfSjIyYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 09 2022
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