Opening packages and Christmas gifts from my mom!

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hey guys hey guys uh we have a bunch of packages to open today one of them is from my mom because since most of you know we had to leave America early so I didn't get to spend time with my family this Christmas so my mom mailed us our gifts so we that's open and then we have a bunch of packages for people we're gonna open which should be really exciting oh you from the Cowboys uh we're doing things a little bit differently today with opening our packages we have everything out because I got ribbon like all of the addresses and stuff on the boxes usually when I edit these I noticed like places where we accidentally had the addresses in view of the camera and then I just spent like two hours blurring it out and it takes forever so this time we just got rid of the original boxes and made sure there are no addresses so I don't have to spend a million years doing that sort of thing all right then why don't we start with the letters first please all right super cute this is from Kelly Kelly Ponder's thank you this is the second year of living in the globe oh that's great I'm really glad you like it here and I'm super glad our videos could help a little bit even though we're moving I'm really impressed by your handwriting skills your Japanese handwriting skills better than mine it's an origami swan going up this is open me hug me I think there's I think there's something else in there are you wanna see in a smaller okay wait does it open or is this mouth closed open oh nice a letter M okay the first sentence hello Rachel in turn I wrote this letter because I was bored bored that's amazing oh this is the person from Germany who said gummy bears does oh thank you and I will send you some German Christmas thanks and sweets to Christmas please mail me when you read it yeah just oh my god no this came in October what the heck we just got this I'm sorry well it's Christmas but thank you so much for the thought it's actually okay because we're trying to scale down since we're moving anyway a Christmas card Merry Christmas from Susan at Angel writers angel writer creations calm thank you so much for the Christmas card breathe makes me want to call her now sure Oh it'll be all of your weight our tattoos oh we be in trouble all of our other tattoos are easily covers okay okay this is the first page okay that's why so Jenny and Paul want our input on a few things input yes hope to go to Japan they have a couple of things they're concerned about Paul is six foot six mm-hmm six which is five inches taller than you anyway he's way taller than here and has a size 13 American shoe probably American 13 tells me yeah that size 13 American shield yes how difficult would it be for slippers his size to be available here I had hard time finding my slippers even in America I don't know you just you just have to find one it's really difficult to find your size to here in any capacity I think June usually buys shoes what we go back to America but a lot of some I couldn't even up for slippers June has a hard time finding slippers yes um was asking shoes or slippers yeah this one my mom found it for me a little while ago so it is possible but good luck it takes time maybe it's not as hard if you're in big city like Tokyo or something maybe um st. store is literally cold okie sighs mm mm sizes I've been there but I'm sure that one of these two all right question for Eugene right our slippers required and every sort of establishment such as gas stations malls and grocery stores what our slippers required when you go inside basically any kind of place like a gas station or a mall or grocery store supermarket do you do you have to wear slippers I understood what you're what you said I couldn't understand what you meant like we don't even take our shoes off a gas station a supermarket what do you mean by slippers okay I only think of the issues when you go inside the house a big income if you go somewhere where it's required for you to take off your shoes they will have slippers available for you if not it's totally fine for you to just wear socks most of the time usually out in public the only kinds of places that would how you take off your shoes are some traditional style Japanese restaurants and in that sort of case it's totally okay to just wear your socks if you don't have if they don't have like slippers for you or slippers your science right you mean a Japanese restaurant efavirenz yes yeah well you can't wear those slippers on to the tatami mats anyway if you go over someone else's house they'll probably have slippers for you but it's totally fine to just wear your socks some dentists require you to take off your shoes oh but you can easily tell because they have it of the entrance yeah it doesn't have slippers there although you can't find your slippers the size would it be okay for engineering socks and a dentist like that I'm sure it's okay okay so don't worry about it you don't have to bring us the first year if you want you could carry them around when you're probably not going to encounter very many places where you would need to take our issues anyway oh I see stations moles never some temples if you if you're doing like a touristy visit and you're visiting a lot of temples some temples if you like pay to walk through it you have to take our fear shoes at the door but you wouldn't wear slippers there anyway you would just go in their socks because there's a lot of tatami looms you'd probably be walking through so I wouldn't worry about it just bring socks jenny is worried about their tattoos they've done a bunch of tattoos that's what the pictures for I think they're wearing long sleeves okay they said would we be in trouble oh yes oh oh yes you will big trouble no it's totally fine tons and tons and tons of foreigners what tattoos come here all the time more and more Japanese people are getting tattoos still I would say there's still like some people may be a little uncomfortable but I doubt you're gonna have any issues the only places that you're not allowed to go with tattoos sometimes would be onsen or public pools or gyms a lot of them have like no tattoo sign but if you can cover them up then use a lot of them will still let you in you think about yeah it depends on the bathroom someone that will ask you to cover-up touches something no in general some you can just kind of like try to hide your tattoos and get in anyway that's a lot of people do that what about favorite one super public I don't know what the rules are at super public baths it's the name of a homes in here there's some reason a lot of my Japanese public bath stores have the adjective before their name super hyper hyper super super public baths super I understand but then when you put it in something like public baths because like it's an extremely public bath glass walls baths like there's no fussing um she's learning kanji hmm herself just stroke order matter overall I think what I learned the purpose of stroke order is is it just makes it easier to write the character correctly I would attempt to learn the stroke order that's what I've always learned most kanji books will show you the stroke order I think it when I was in like school the Japanese language test I have to pick the order I have to assay which like you know if this stroke is a number three and almost thirty whatever like three or fourth or fifth or whatever but it really doesn't matter really yeah what I heard is just it's it's just to make sure you can like draw the kanji correctly it's when is facilitate that if you're going to go to school in Japan Japanese language school it's whether you gain other points on up that's been really hit really but if anyone else has any thoughts on that you can leave it down within the conference I'm not an expert on that or anything I'm deaf news I'm living here really doesn't matter to me Leslie is the chocolate bar Oh shove anyone cool mm-hmm common to find do you know the chocolate bar will show video uncle maybe I've seen it I've never heard I don't buy chocolate bars so I've never looked she said she couldn't even find it on a website oh okay oh never seen it oh well that's so cute it's a puppy I don't I'm sorry I wouldn't know where to find okay and then the Mall of America used to have a pretty Crudup that's where she took the pictures thank you okay I hope we hope to answer some of your questions good luck on your trip thank good luck finding your slippers Frankie's and Katie's looking at the Christmas tree with cat fish bones and super cute that's cute wishing you and your cats good ear thank you I wish a good here - oh she drew a picture first of color if we want to call it that's really adorable oh you're really good oh my god doodle page I haven't even oh my god this looks adorable hang on I feel like I should read yeah she's been watching her video since a week ago thank you so much for sending us already okay um she has a question how old are we I'm 30 June 29 he's a little baby Oh [Laughter] join you soon then buddy um she recommended we come visit Singapore hmm and she asked you would you like to visit Singapore why not yeah I would love to some kind especially the food around that area is really good yeah I'm not trying you fishermen seafood menu she recommended we play undertale I've played other Jill it was fun game and can we play any music interesting instruments I cannot but what about you recorder you know what I bet if I had a recorder I could learn how to play it again - not great I can I can play it would be fine place this a little okay can you really yeah we need to get a recorder oh my gosh dude can you we can like get it intro for our Channel Jim playing the recorder welcome to Rachel - wait you have it still you have one we used to in a video like five years ago we need to find it this is okay the most amazing thing ever this is really sweet um Melissa said she's from Indonesia and she grew up with a negative view of Japan because of Japan's history but watching our videos she came to really liked it so I'm so happy that we could make you like Japan you can wait to judge my country you can still come you try yeah you can come here because judgmentalism what ya see with like these are so cute the most adorable thing ever and I have to get up just so I could show you I'm not sure if you can see it very well because it's so bright this is so cute this is gonna go up on our wall of art I love it I've so much to read through here it's like its references for Moeller videos yeah here's Jim Craig saying wait am I so tall looking I'm sorry you have a fever so you don't have to send us any kind of gift that this is we totally love getting a letter this was really sweet for you to send oh oh no like okay so look it's taking Japanese lessons which he likes but he can only take them up right now then because his teacher has a job in another talent so she's like too busy to always teach Japanese that's really second um okay he plans on signing up for rosetta stone there are actually a lot of free online resources to learn Japanese you don't have to sign up for like a paid program even if you want to there are a lot of pretty cheap Japanese programs seriously like if you just google learn Japanese you'll probably find like at least a hundred different websites that can teach you without you I would be paying anything at all so that's the heart there was no Sun it's pretty good too really it's not great means we have no idea but good luck with your Japanese and thank you for your letter good luck Mason your handwriting is way better than mine was any letter that was worth ours no oh so you inspired Neeson to visit Japan this is very sweet thank you so much I hope you do get to visit here and I'm sure you will enjoy it asking you this sometimes I can tell if it's a girl boy by just hearing the name who's Mason is a girl usually okay so this one's kind of tricky yeah okay all right um now we've got a few envelopes open and then we'll go to our boxes okay all right this was sent from Jay it's felicity the Fox and original Fox gosh doll thank you so much she's super cute oh she's good - that's cute little fox oh this is cute thank you so much Jay see you see nice oh this is from Jay it's from the same person I think NFL is that the 7up from the other footballs so much yeah the handwriting this is the same okay these are totally from the same person so this is also from Jay we were remembered in Jake's prayers at the National Shrine of Our Lady of good health champion in Wisconsin and Jace's stop world hunger and support sanctuary worldwide oh I love parks I do love parks support national parks worldwide we can never have too many parks Thank You Jay this is oh cool this was sent on the 20th of December which is very recent yeah so so one of the quickest packages we've ever opened cool please do dry some snack foods from Australia Australian doesn't have Smiths chips which is this brand it looked just like ladies it's Lay's like the American is it schnitz the Australian branding I wonder ladies Smith breads but this coloring this logo it's very similar thank you so much keep enjoying I actually wanted to get these some potato chips so this is great Thank You chicken flavor I love police anyone's yeah and these are her eyes it looks really similar to Java nickel really thicker I know but it's the same sort of package like that French right always flames toys oh my gosh okay a big box of stuff so straight oh whatever Sugoi oh my god she found her YouTube channel a few weeks ago thank you so much for sending in something after just a few weeks she loves cats go skating and gaming I think your name is Janna I have a really hard time breathing like semi Curt I can't tell if these are supposed to like the letters go together or not I think this is from Dana go ahead so when I was in school like when as a kid I had to go to a colleague Rafi lesson if I am I was taking those lessons to improve my writing pen writing skills and stuff do you have something similar is that why your handwriting is so good it's beautiful don't you think so yeah she's from Germany she makes polymer clay jewelry and cards notebooks and more I guess that's why she's so good oh so she made this card I'm doing which is super adorable thank you okay she sent us a movie that was huge in Germany Oh quasi in Japan we can watch it with English subtitles I want to go to Germany I have more German in my blood than anything else what is the name is this like a it seems like the title of this name and of this movies inappropriate from you to stay on her tail without bleeping it out it looks like it's an excellent F you know it's German fu Dennis why you can do is it is that what is it I have a little bit of a difficulty of reading the text well oh yeah we'll watch it I think I think the name is fu Goethe not sure if I'm pronouncing that correctly okay thank you so much Janna I'm excited to see I wonder if you make faces if they come in like little faces yeah okay this is one of those cat food toys they have to play with it to get the food out they were really hard time getting their cats but like participate they get if they can't get food easily they like uh they get frustrated and then they just coming me out at me because they want their normal food and a 3-pack of different types of cats necks cherry like cookies these looks super good and adorable Hey oh my gosh this reminds me of the zebra is it like the Little Debbie cakes the zebra ones except I think these are cookies with like a strawberry filling know what cheer easily these look really good oh we have some postcards nice oh my gosh a bunch of chocolates we're gonna be in another sugar coma and then I think these are things she made I love your box wrapping this is adorable oh it's a logo oh my god are you kidding this is yours how should I take it this out I don't break it lift it carefully lift it up she's a palma koala more clay clay mm-hmm artists oh I'm too scared to take this hell yeah okay oh my god there's two there's a heart underneath did you make that - it's so detailed look at that okay it's a pin oh you should go show this to the camera yeah that is so cute oh my god oh no better designed better sign it's not focusing okay it is all right guys are we gonna change the battery no no we're gonna change it batteries now okay I'm gonna turn off for now okay see you guys in one second guys we're back thank you Latvia logo like yes she likes us nice guys two pockets tickets and stuff the back side has plastic surface to store sticky notes I put some stickers on it for you to use the notebook has four divided parts square paper for your note move plain paper coloring pages triangle paper and stone it won't bleed when you use ink on it it has 12 tabs for months you can use some great down dates and appointments what are you get an appointment notebook another space to write down things which I don't we're top in part at the end are for pigs to fit in this box oh my gosh oh my god this is so cute oh my gosh in this box oh my gosh this is so much work are you kidding look at all the tabs that's now your favorite these are both works look they're like custom book works oh my gosh you should close it I will sorry I'm still looking through it this oh my gosh there's so much stuff in here ah there's coloring pages oh when you get bored when a train guide let me show you guys this up close how much time did this heat okay it's the notebook it's got okay all of these adorable page oh my gosh these are bookmarks this is amazing and then like different kinds of there's oops there's graph paper there's regular lined paper there's thank you I think this is the special stone paper baby or drawing wait maybe that's at the end okay triangle Cooper coloring pages I think this is the stone paper special non bleeding paper for pens and then bigger graph paper like light for photos and stuff this is so detailed this is amazing you could sell these like if you and a pen whoa it's a special pen slot oh really so we'll follow up the bottle thank you thank you so much this is an insane amount of work thank you so much for all of the gifts Catherine join your toy yeah they've been this was the last package for people next we have gifts from my mom oh yeah so actually some of this stuff is my stuff that I bought in some my mom stuff she bought so oh good good my mom got me Kitty slippers which is actually really good because it's getting super cold and I have no idea where any of my slippers are this is sighs wait nine and a half to ten and a half because it's extra-large right so I got three kids it's okay it's better for slippers to be big and small and we don't have any stairs here so it's not dangerous actually this is perfect like a scent some aloe infused comfort socks supersoft socks which is great oh it's a tree Rex it's a Christmas tree Rex Oh tree like Brooks that's adorable and I see a tree right you can never have to me like wiring puffy socks for winter tree you wear them too much and then they get all like flat and we're on the bottom and I just wear them back-to-back this I bought for myself it's like here in Japan they have like scratch art is a thing now if you go to village you're en garde you could or like I guess bookstores you can buy these like scratch our pads and I've been doing a bunch of them and I wanted to get an american-style like tube so I got one with mythical creatures because it looks like it's gonna be super cool I can't wait this has been I've been doing so many of these it's really relaxing I'm super excited this one has a bunch of pages and it was cheaper than the ones here in Japan soo these are pretty selling mythical creatures looks like they don't know what I got for you know it's gonna be anyway I bought this for myself I was gonna pick it up when I went back to Japan wait sometimes I just buy stuff on Amazon and have it shipped to my family's house and then I pick it up when we go there and next time so I was gonna pick this up when we visited but then we never got there so mom nailed it us this I also asked for these specifically because I didn't have we didn't have enough time to go out and bring a bunch of snacks back to Japan right now I'm huge into munchies the flamin hot lunches so I asked mom to send us some bags of these I brought back I think maybe like four bags of four or five bags of hot snacks from America and then I ate old within a week normally we would school actually we be heading back from America no but I would have been eating like a bag of hot snacks this time so mommy's that needs an extra one and then my grandpa made cookies he always makes chocolate chip cookies they're Christmas so yeah some homemade cookies even though we're in Japan that's so sweet another question yeah and your family is it always a man who's oh no um Papa didn't used to cook it all but since grandma can't really anymore then he has to do let me show you guys something but the other day I put my only pair of sunglasses on and it snapped in half like literally literally in half and I have all the pieces but they don't fit together which makes sense as to why it snapped because there must have been a lot of strange pressure I cannot get them to fit with the other lens so I asked my mom to send me some cheap sunglasses because she always she can get them like super super tube into the flea market so my mom always sends me or gives me a couple pairs of sunglasses because I'm blind with the sunlight outside so I asked her to send me some more sunglasses so thanks mom [Applause] [Music] I didn't see the other one but yeah that one looks like works better this is crazy darker right yeah this is great really really I have a really she's gonna have to send you oh cool right yeah as long as I can see outside that's all that matters it's really dangerous to drive when you're blinded by the Sun this is for you no what is this timer yeah Thanks so and made in China where did she go yeah but not in our city I don't think she went to buy something else no I know we're just where on earth did she get it oh my god now hilarious I'm gonna tell my mom she I bet she has no idea what Dyson okay yeah this is a yeah it's just called like a selfie or a white but it's super good like this was less than 20 dollars I think I have one of these I use this when I stream on Twitch my other ones a little this oh oh no it just stretches anyway this has like multiple brightnesses and then I'm like it switches between cool light and one light and I have one of them and it's like small enough but it's easy its bendable you can like clip it to something but the saying is I'm gonna leave in using one I can only have it on like one side of my face and then I have awkward shadows on the other side so I waited um I've been waiting six months I guess to get another one finally I have it so now I can even lighting when I stream not that it matters I'm so excited okay this is great this is a super fantastic person I'm really excited I'm gonna eat these right away I'm definitely gonna be using my socks and slippers right away sorry this is a lot of stuff from YouTube no it's okay you can have some of my spicy snacks but only a little bit but why I offer no I'm just kidding yes thank you to everyone else thank you these come from their plant Birds all right we're losing light so I think we're gonna do Christmas for our cats a little bit later maybe next video even though oh my God we're so behind on videos guys we're gonna make a gingerbread house I know it's gonna be January but I brought a gingerbread kit from America because I really wanted to make a gingerbread cake maybe after we I really okay last year I really wanted to make a gingerbread house with Jun in a video and I bought all of this nice stuff and then we didn't have enough enough time so I had to give it to my brothers I don't even know if they made a house out of it but I bought a kit again this year the very last day we were in America when we were rushing to pack to come home and I cry it back yeah anyway we've got it on the floor in the other room either we're gonna have to like move it down to our new place or just try to make it soon well we've been so busy with moving oh my gosh you guys I don't know how people move I probably had three times more than the you think I don't know how people move within like two weeks there's so much stuff you have to take care of I'm like changing your address and scheduling all of the like cancellation of utilities and like Oh scheduling the move it's because yeah we need to schedule all this stuff we have to turn on in our new apartment anyway thank you so much for the presents and watching this video so much that's always yeah we're very very excited little stressed out with how much stuff we have to do but very very excited uh-huh we've been saving and then thanks so we have patreon support - yeah you fridge and all that kind of stuff we needed yeah we're shopping for like furniture and like setting up a new apartment it's one of our greatest joys no joke like when we moved into here the whole first year when we were like figuring out how to organize things and just going to home centers and like furniture stores and me Tony this is a really really cheap furniture store it was so fun oh I'm sooo that's the really fun part we're looking forward to we've already got a couple of new things that we bought for special needs kitchen that gene is building it's also the end of years like the New Year sales it's very good it's like Japanese Black Friday kinda is it this is like the time of the year reckonings cheapest one of the super science is that for you and because the stores they are lower they're priced the others towards try to compete with them that's why we can negotiate the money nice - what's the other cheapest like holiday or cheap days Golden Week no I mean really kinda like when they're closing but I mean it are there general like days of the year or their big holidays things I'm gonna close Christmas really sale so this a year yeah basically just this time same as me right no Black Friday is one of the biggest holidays I guess I feel like I'm winter after Christmas I don't I don't know okay anyway we'll keep I pity you guys too and we're gonna make a film - yeah and you will get any presents - from us it yeah we're trying to film as much as possible but as you guys know moving it's just crazy it's yeah all right thank you guys for watching this another long video we'll see you again soon bye bye buddy wait you want to go out therefore there's nothing out there
Channel: Rachel & Jun's Adventures!
Views: 352,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: japan, japanese, rachel, jun, rachel and jun, rachel & jun, vlog, blog, daily, life, opening, mail, packages, gifts, letters
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 44sec (2744 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 30 2019
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