Opening HEAVY Vintage Neo Pokémon Packs! *$2000+*

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in this video we opened two sealed southern ireland binders as well as the six vintage neopax that are inside here let's go [Music] yo what's up guys welcome back to the channel hopefully you're all doing good and today we have an absolutely incredible opening one that i've been excited to do for a while now ever since i picked these things up and you're probably asking yourself randolph what are these so let's get straight into it these are two half sealed southern ireland collection folders slash binders whatever you want to call them and i picked these up in the massive lot or the massive collection purchase that i made a few days ago really great story behind that one as well uh with who i got it all so yeah pretty much in that big lot there were these two well actually there was three but there were two half sealed southern ireland collection uh folders and what i mean by that is the actual folders themselves aren't sealed usually if you get a seal to the island boulder the entire thing's sealed but these are half sealed so you can actually open them they did you know unravel the uh the seal however the packs inside are still sealed and the actual cards the promo cards itself are sealed so that's what i mean when i say half sealed so in total we have six packs in this video we have two neo discovery one neogenesis in this folder and we have the same in the other folder but we also have these special promo cards which are really really cool and the reason that these promo cards are so special is because quite a few of these cards especially the reverse holo ones have a super low population what that means is in a psa 10 there are barely any in the world for example there's a new inside this set and the mu has a population in psa 10 of 19 and the togepi has a population of 12. so those two cards in psa 10 are really sought after really hard to get in a psa 10 condition so we're going to open these together we're going to see first of all the condition of these cards and then we're going to open these packs as well now these packs are completely unweighed i have no idea if these are heavy or or light now these are super special and can be super pricey so i want to make sure that i get this seal broken you know effectively but also safely let's take out the binder as well now i would definitely be tempted to leave this sealed if the entire thing was sealed you know what i'm saying so if the entire southern ireland set was sealed i may keep it that way because the folder itself isn't sealed and you can actually get into this still i'm tempted or that's why i'm going to be opening them in this video so i guess let's get the trusty electricity bottle opener and uh yeah let's see how we're going to do this um okay so uh should i do it let's make an incision here there we go i broke the seal no i didn't i didn't break the seal i did now i did now okay very careful randy there we go look at that and neo discovery pack now again it may be smart to keep these sealed or a pokemon channel where an opening channel these packs have to be open baby so we're going to open these at the end after we take a look at the promos themselves neogenesis my favorite set of all time i collect this set in first edition but i would love to open the neo genesis unlimited set as well so we're going to do that i have one more pack here which is again neo discovery lovely got an umbrella on the front of it ah i'm so excited to keep them sealed but we must open them we must open them and then we have the promos themselves and i think for this i want to get some scissors to open them so be right back all right so i've got my scissors but before we do open those let's check out the other promotional material this is just a checklist it looks like right at the gathering as well this is wizards of the coast stuff we have some postcards as well very nice postcards you can write to your friends from the southern islands very cool and then it looks like we have a pokemon league promotional document and then some binder sleeves so we're doing all that now it's time for the promos again guys these are really really rare these are you know super hard to get in good condition let's make sure we preserve this condition as much as possible a really clean cut there i'm thinking there we go nicely done i'm like a surgeon guys i'm like a surgeon we've only got two chances at this so don't mess this up randy and then we're just gonna there we go take them out okay oh baby there we go southern island reverse hollows slash hollows we're gonna call this we've got merrell there let's get the sleeve ready all the sleeves here we go we have the merrell very very nice into that sleeve there the vile plume there's a smoking after that as well i'm gonna sleeve them up before we look at the conditioner okay so we're gonna sleeve them up before we check the condition out of these is that it there it is ladies and gentlemen there is the mew there is a southern island's mu behind us smoking let's go there we go the smoking right okay very careful randy very careful there you go very nice ugh there's the view centering center is not the best okay sentient isn't the best which is not great to pee up next there we go again together the low pop card and ladybit is the last of the reverse foils now we have the non-hollows i can be a little bit more vigorous and firm with these because there's less hoverfall to scratch we have the onyx and the liquid tongue looks like i put that one up first lol oh war turtle and horsey love that love that a lot there you go exeggutor lapras tend to crawl there we go water free very nice and a cute jiggly puff to end it there we go baby there we go okay so now let's take a look at our hollows and let's see the condition of these bad boys we may be very disappointed here guys this is what it's all about this is what it's all about don't know it's psa 10 you got to work for it you know what i'm saying you're going to work you're going to hunt you've got to spend the money i think so here we go ladybird let's check first okay the back is okay got nick down there already and nick on the ladybird which is not great i can't see any surface scratching it looks good to me the centering is not the best but it's not too bad togepi a really important one right here a really important one let's check this out let's shut the back first and foremost yeah as you can see a few nicks at the top up there as well down here bottom right so yeah that's not gonna be a 10 unfortunately so that's how easy it is not to get tens guys essentially is not great as well and i can see a few print lines and surface scratches on this card as well so there we go not a 10 but it's okay this is why you take these risks this is why you do this in order to get the 10 as you can see with the mu the bottom border is a lot thicker than the top border um which obviously is bad centre and that's what central means for those who don't know who had a term but don't know what it actually is the bottom border is bigger than the top border left to right looks decent although the right hand side is sticking let's shut the back and a couple nicks in the corner down there a little one in the top a little one in the top the centering alone is enough to drop this grade down and there are quite a few print lines as well you can't really see it on camera but down here there's quite a few print lines right there so again not a ten candidate but you open them to find out you know we'll still send it regardless you never know but that's that essential on the last three the slow king looks good essential wise val plume looks decent mario looks decent there's the backs on these the mirror looks pretty good a small nick up there the valve plume looks weird the vaping was really good actually imagine we get a 10 on the valve plume definitely definitely i mean what's the what's the pop on the valve plume just out of interest 37 yes so it's specifically the mew and the tokyo struggle not sure why smoking looks nice okay smoking is it like a it's like a thousand dollar card in a 10 will it get a 10 let's send it to psa and find out you know and then we have the merrell so okay the first lot of promos not bad not too bad unfortunately the togepi and you will not get those grades but we'll keep searching we're going to the second folder now obviously we will be opening these packs we're going to do a big pack opening with all six packs right at the end of the video so make sure you guys are still watching make sure you guys are still strapped in this is gonna get tasty also if you aren't already make sure you subscribe to the channel for more pokemon videos and also leave a like down below cause the action done let's go baby all right so here we are with the next okay that's very zoomed in it's the last one that i have the second one so let's hope this is better than the first we're looking for that mew and togepi in german 10 condition very hard to find highly unlikely but we try our best we try our best okay here we go let's again break the seal on this there we go being very careful promos take those out the packs we can take those out as well again two more discovery and one more genesis meganium on the front looks really beautiful we've seen all this so we can put this down and it's all about again the promos guys again we have our trusty scissors let's carefully get into this there we go right sleeves oh okay these are bad these are bad though okay i'll tell you why in a minute there's a big print line down there i'm not sure if you can see it quite a few print lines let me get some more sleeves always sleeve up ladies and gentlemen and let's get these put into sleeves okay there we go all the non-hollows sleeved up as well now it's time to inspect the hollows baby oh my goodness okay okay right ladybird up first again let's see good center in good century i think back oh the back is clean back is clean surfaces scratches i dare say that is nice guys i dare say that is nice together up next one of the big ones one of the big ones let's see lovely swirl there oh can you see that print line ah can you see that line there the print line it goes all the way up ah that is disappointing that is disappointing because the back is okay a little bit of a nick in there a little bit nick there as well so rough probably not going to see a 10 grade on that card next up is the mu the all important mew okay i can't see any print lines i can't see any print lines on this card the surface looks great century looks fantastic let's check the back oh guys that looks perfect that looks really nice that looks really nice okay here we go sealed up looking really nice got a good chance i'm not saying he's gonna get it but we'll send it regardless it's got a better chance in the first one put it that way thing is even on the mu the surface looks good but there's nothing stopping having print lines and that's the issue like i can't see it but psa will inspect better soaking looks good as well by the centering valve plume looks central wise good the back a few nicks here and there okay the merrell as well good centering big nick on the back there so both merrell's had a big nick i think so there we go regardless a really nice collection of southern ireland cars with the hollows intact we've got two sets okay we've got two sets of these to center psa there we go these are gonna go out asap and we'll get them sent back asap and we'll do a whole video on the psa returns for these but guys now it's time to take our attention or move our attention to the packs let's go baby all right here we go ladies and gentlemen we have two packs of neogenesis and then we have four packs of neodiscovery the cards to pull out of neodiscovery are probably the two hollow evolutions so the umbreon and the espeon i really love to pull those in neogenesis obviously you've got the lugia the typhlosion meganium for alligator so many good cars now these are completely unweighed i have no idea if these are heavy packs i.e packs that may have a hollow in or if they are completely light packs i have no idea they're straight from the southern ireland set as you guys saw we're gonna open the neo discovery first and then we're gonna open the neo genesis okay we're gonna hold neogenesis to the end because that is my favorite set after all uh but yeah let's get into this man i'm like a kid in a candy store i just can't wait let's go let's go right one opening man leave a like in this video you're probably never going to see me open southern islands on this channel ever again i mean unless they creep up if you've got any hit me up randolph collects if you've got any cards that you'll never sell me let me know i'm always interested in picking them up and giving you a great deal and great offer for them so let's go right let's get into these now according to google according to the intranet these have no card tricks you literally just open them and um open the cards so we're gonna see what we've got right here you can also get a tyranitar in this set you can also get a hollow magnemite can you believe that sizzle polywrath polytoed a lot of cool cards in this set and i'm really excited let's go [Music] okay pack number one baby oh my gosh this is it look at that wizards of the coast i should really keep these sealed but screw it man it's random pokemon we open things we oh done sparse okay guys here we go here we go right so apparently no card trick apparently right there's the hollow but let's just see we have a unlimited obviously dunsparce as our first card then we have a hoppip oh look at this artwork we got four packs of this what a tree unknown e okay we have a lavator is that a sign of what's to come could we pack the tyranitar hollow again these are not weighed these are not heavy they're not light we don't know yet so whatever we get at the end is what we get we've got a center it up next an unknown oh let's go we have a whopper whoop let's go very nice we have a what was it rare so that is a card trick so the internet lies there's a card trick we've got a non-hollow wobble fat rare okay and what is this from the back it's looking like three so we've got wobble fit there we have pupitar metapod and houndour as the other cards so yeah three from the back we'll do that for next time let's go but guys we've got a rare wobble fight and we'll take that okay we will take that very nice okay next up we've got another pack full camera setup let's get into this and again we have another whooper let's go okay i made a bit of a mess with that that's okay we're gonna go three from the back and that is our hollow okay or our rare card it might not be a hollow we don't know yet in before we get four or six non-hollow packs we pray for a hollow we have a ruin wall okay we have a poliwhirl very nice artwork we have a unknown d huh you want this d i'm kidding i'm sorry for that whooper okay caputo clay animation or clay model should i say it's not moving center it once more we have a unknown e okay a larvitar we're getting to the hollow now or the rare cards let me get the face come on for a live reaction we have a unknown come on let's get an espionage that'll be the dream we then have a teddy ursa look at that i love this artwork man the nostalgia is crazy right now leave a like if you're enjoying this and then we have the final card which is a hollow polytone let's go ladies and gentlemen what an absolute pull that is we got a hollow polito let's sleeve that up and let's take a closer look at the condition let's go ladies and gentlemen we got a hollow politos yes yes yes we take that central looks great we got a swirl near its mouth as well let's go on the back we have a small nick here and a small nick up top that's unfortunate but it's nice i sent a bit of whitening over here as well bit of edgeware so not the best condition to be fair central on the back is not great either um i guess on the front it's the same but i didn't really see it at first this is a comet artwork though very unusual style for come here obviously usually going for the weird artwork but obviously shows their talent as well right here and look at that a hollow polito let's go let's go leave a like in the video right now for that ladies and gentlemen what a pull indeed what a poor let's leave the polito right there and let's let's do it again man let's do it again we got umbreon on the front of these two packs right here can we get an umbreon restaurant that'll be my dream umbrella espeon in these packs will be an absolute dream of mine so let's see if we can do that let's get this pack open so two packs one hollow so far that's brilliant that is brilliant let's go let's go come on come on right three from the back once more oh it's light blue is that another hollow sometimes they print they will usually print the hollows on a different you know sheet as the rest of the cards and that cardstock is different color you see it's a little bit lighter let's see oh we got an awesome cocoona artwork let's go an unknown f bro we've got all the unknowns omistar very very nice artwork one of the first all-star cars i can remember we have an unknown e it's like taking a trip to my childhood right now center it and it's nice to open vintage packs for myself for a change obviously recently i've been doing the box breaks open the packs for you guys but it's nice to have some of myself you know being selfish we've got on the night here we got the hot pip come on baby is it another hollow eccentric once more we have a unknown o again and come on the final card is a no we got one more card teddy ursa again and then we have a oh tops none hollow so i guess the cardstock is just different maybe it's just different on the rays uh in this set but um or in this particular print run but we've got kabutops shame it's not the holocaust because that's a beautiful card but we got it regardless uh we've got a rare let's take that let's leave that up put it down here let's get the wobble fight here as well so we're one in three so far for the hollow which i guess is a good rate if you open the booster box of 36 packs you usually get in the what's the era 12 hollows so 1 and 3 so far makes sense let's see if we can increase those odds with our very last near discovery pack before we get into the neogenesis packs where we're going to pull the hololugia guys so let's get into the neo discovery right here the very last one man the very last one look at this pack the umbreon right there oh my gosh let's go the pack opened real nice let's get through from the back here ladies and gentlemen three from the back again we've got a lighter cardstock wait i don't know what it means anymore i'm not sure what that means anymore is it hollow or is it not oh i hope it is we got a hyper devolution spray or de-evolution spray we have a unknown m hmm a iggly wolf oh this artwork is so cool man it's like it's going to a birthday party or something with the balloons another on the knight another tedious that's three teddy users in a row we have a gnar too i always pack naruto no matter what set it is whether it's vintage or modern you always see a naruto ah i remember this artwork we've got a caterpillar that's got the face onto this pure joy on my face right now we have a poliwag come on guys pray signs in the comments fight emojis in the comments let's get a flippin hollow of a kabuto i believe we have one more card yeah we got one more spinner rack and come on guys a hollow please let's go let's go we have a let's go we have one more hollow and it is a hollow houndor let's go look at that swirl up in that corner as well two hollows from neo discovery and two swirls let's get this sleeve though i can't believe it man let's go aye two hollows come on come on wow wow the back looks little nick in the corner that's not bad though really clean obviously top heavy top boiler stick in the bottom border it's not about the condition it's about packing these beautiful cars and i just packed a hollow hound door out of a southern ireland neo discovery vintage booster pack let's go man all right i asked so many times but if you haven't missed a like yet what you do man leave a like subscribe but there we go from new discovery let's take a review of what we've got we have two hollows the hound door and the polytoad fantastic stuff fantastic stuff let's go and then we have the wubbuffet and the kabutops yo let me know if you want to see a neo discovery box break if you would be interested in buying some packs for near discovery let me know i'll do my best to source a box and we'll do a box break in one of the coming saturdays let's go so let's put this to the side for now real quick make sure they're safe and sound near the southern islands cards and then baby we're going to get into my favorite booster packs and my favorite set of all time neogenesis now i collect the first edition card from neogenesis but i actually don't own many unlimited at all so could this be the start of my unlimited neogenesis collection right here the cards we're looking for in this set are of course the lugia the typhlosion meganium for alligator let's do it let's go with meganium first we'll leave the gator to the end and here we go ladies and gentlemen here we go like what is the card trick for neogenesis on unlimited i don't even know apparently it's one from the back but does it really matter like we'll just see we'll see we only got two chances though we've only got two chances end of the day doesn't matter what matters is the cards inside we've got a chickarito already my guys we have a chickarito already okay so apparently it's one from the back so let's see apparently there's one from the back it might not be though let's see right oh my gosh it looks clean though if that is a hollow it's clean right we've got to skip loom okay gone well so far chikarita here we go baby totodile back to back snubble oh man i love this set so much i love this set so much man we have a pokemon march okay come on hollow energy fight emotes down below fairy energy down below let's go swine up spin up oh and here's the rear there's the real ladies and gentlemen i think it was a hollow i think it was a hollow we have a hollow mechanium let's go oh my gosh ladies and gentlemen the reason i thought it was a holo is because we have the uh the 11 out of 111 and i know that is meganium so there we go ladies and gentlemen we have the hollow meganium oh my goodness me we are so lucky today ladies and gentlemen what an opening so far what a video so far wow wow the meganium the condition looks great on the back let's get the full camera here for you guys a bit of a nick in the top corner the centering is great though the center is it's off a little bit neogenesis is often off center this looks good and it print lines now that i can see that is really clean guys that is really clean let's go come on come on and then we have from the back four so four from the back maybe obviously including the uh the first card that we did so i think that's correct regardless it the matter we still got a hollow it was still a great opening so let's put these cards to one side and guys let's get into our final booster pack of the video before alligator right here can we go two for two with the hollows from the southern ireland sealed opening let's see baby let's see let's get this open i don't want to open it look how clean and beautiful and silver this is but can we get another hollow i'm really gassed about that meganium i love that card so much what a great card it is right and let's see i'm thinking it's four man i'm thinking it's four so i'm gonna one two three four that should be right if not it doesn't matter it doesn't matter it doesn't matter right let's get this open we have a energy is that correct then we have the bills teleporter come on hollow hit his pack please for it skip loom spinner rack okay sunken i'm russian man let me take my time let me take my time okay we have a total dial stars are very nice we have a whopper once again we have that in discovery as well we have the slowpoke can it evolve a couple times into smoking let's see we have a pikachu very nice we'll take that here we go guys we're going to get hold on from the top down instead we have a ah a time capsule rare but you know what we'll take that three hollows out of three booster packs very very good odds very very well done and let's check the cards out that we've pulled here we go guys here they are three hollows oh my goodness look at this fantastic fantastic pools right here with the houndor the politoed and the meganium does have a swirl i was gonna say no swirl if so we had three swirls as well really nice we've got one here for the handle one there for the poly toad and look these are all packed fresh all really good condition i'm saying nines i'm saying these are strong nines potential tens on a few of them well there's only three potential tens on some of them but i'm thinking strong nine so we are going to send these up to psa with the southern ireland cards that we've packed or we've revealed or opened in this video uh so guys let's go leave a like in the video if you enjoyed this um what a great video this is really really you know i love content like this i hope you guys do as well uh shout out to russ as well the pokemon professor obviously letting me purchase these cards off him and the boys as well i don't want to shout all your names out in case you don't want to be public actually you know what i can shout one of them out because one of them does youtube shout out to the lonely goomba okay the lonely goomba on youtube i'll leave a link in the description and i'll put a picture of his channel on right now makes awesome videos super super high quality nintendo videos and uh make sure you check them out ranges from retro games newer games as well so make sure you check that out really really good content but guys i want to say thank you to you as well for watching this video if you did enjoy it leave a like i've only asked you about 10 million times but if you did enjoy it leave a like why not man scroll down sometimes people forget scroll down make sure let's see if we can hit 15 000 likes in this video that'll be insane let's see if we can do that also if you aren't already subscribe to the channel and move that camera out of the way there we go subscribe to the channel for more pokemon content like this and guys i'll see you tomorrow for some more pokemon content for now though take care and peace out three hollows baby let's go
Channel: Randolph Pokemon
Views: 171,521
Rating: 4.9594626 out of 5
Keywords: randolph games, randolph, pokemon cards, pokemon tcg, opening, opened, charizard, booster box, tcg, elite trainer box, unlistedleaf, maxmoefoepokemeon, leonhart, realbreakingnate, pokemon, profit, investment, pokemon investing
Id: sp0aThVlLtM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 45sec (1425 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 08 2020
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