OPENING A BUNCH OF STITCH STUFF! #stitch #unboxing #disney

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let's open this first one up in 3 two 1 hey sugar Stars welcome back to my Channel today we're opening a bunch of mystery Stitch stuff mystery figures Stitch food series smoosh and plushies ABC if you love Stitch he's one of my favorite characters and Lilo and Stitch is one of my favorite Disney movies so if you're ready to unbox everything with me tap the like button and let's go so here we are at my desk and we have a bunch of Stitch stuff here to open we have a whole box of Feed Me series 2 mystery Stitch figures these come in like a little tog go box that's so cute and then we also have series three feed me Stitch these come in a stitch head whoo look at his ears and then we have Stitch squishums now these are the slow rise kinds which are my favorite kinds personally and then we also have these mystery Stitch plushies in this super cool box these are really rare and hard to find look how interesting they are I hope we get this stitch on a banana and I only got five of these because these were $25 each you guys that's really expensive so we are going to see if these are worth it so we are unboxing everything in this video today so if you are excited comment a pineapple omoji in the comments below so we're starting off with Series 2 feed me Stitch now here are the ones that we can possibly get here's Stitch with a grilled cheese we got angel with a strawberry oh my gosh all the food looks so yummy I can't wait to see what they look like out of the box now let's take them all out of the box in 3 2 1 and here we have all the boxes unwrapped and ready to open let's start with this one on top oh my gosh the packaging is so cute like you would put a burger in here so there are 13 we can possibly get and we have 16 to open today so let's see what's in this first one so here we have so I have some Stitch mystery figures already these are the ones that I opened from the short and there are some eating food like this one but in this one stitch is eating all the food all of them guys what's your favorite food you know I love avocado hope we get that one I also love sushi oh my gosh she's eating a sushi let's see let's open the first one and see what we get tear to open there's tape o not on this side let's open it from this side and in this first one we got I got avocado on the first B he is so smug with his avocado he's like I'm eating avocado today this is my giant avocado mine and no one else's I eat avocado every single day and I do I think I do almost every single day I eat an avocado so let's cross off avocado Stitch from our custommade collector's guide avocado Stitch we got them and now let us open this one right here wait avocado Stitch let's put you put you right there all right second box opening it up right here and inside we have oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh I wanted this one too this one is Boba Stitch wait okay hold on he is like laying down he's laying down drinking the Boba now I don't know how that works I don't think gravity works that way like maybe like this but I don't he's using a so maybe it'll work this one's so cute wait oh you're supposed to look at it from this way oh my gosh he's laying down drinking BBA he looks so happy and relaxed so let us cross off Stitch drinking Boba off of the collector's guide here he is Stitch drinking Boba complete so that is two out of 13 that we have collected so far box number three 3 two 1 bam ooh this looks like a different one too oh my gosh it is Stitch biting on a bottle of hot sauce I can't tell if he likes the spiciness of this he has flames in his eyes he's like it's hot Stitch I don't think that's how you eat hot sauce I think you take it out of the bottle first Stitch this one's really funny I like this Crossing off hot sauce Stitch I don't like hot sauce you guys I don't know what to tell you if you like hot sauce then you are brave it's too to spicy for me box number four here we go in three two one we got a dupe you guys we got the same hot sauce Stitch I'm going to leave this one in the bag because I like to save the duplicates for like possibly a giveaway I'm going to put this back inside and then guys comment below good luck for no dupes so we don't get any more dupes box number five here we go 3 2 1 ooh this one is Boom we got another dude we got avoc aut Stitch okay let's put him back in the box as well to save for a giveaway possibly in the future box number six this one hopefully no more dupes let's see what else we can get so we've gotten this one we've gotten that one we got hot sauce Stitch I really want Angel oh my gosh he's so cute oh this one's funny too he put the pasta on his head 3 2 1 here we go oh my gosh we got Sushi Stitch let me get him out of there let's rescue Sushi Stitch oh my gosh he's holding the Chopsticks in his mouth and he is taking a big bite out of this salmon it looks like salmon sushi oh that looks so good Stitch I want some give me some I like that Stitch is not picky with his food he can eat everything he's going to eat everything and anything let's go with this box on the top so oh we have to cross we have to cross off Let's cross off Sushi Stitch from the collector's guide boom and guys we have to look out for this rare we have to get this rare I really want it yeah we have 10 more boxes to go from this series two 3 2 one what is this oh we got another duplicate it is Boba Stitch we got nine more boxes to go let's see what's in this one in 3 two 1 you guys are I'm going to let's just go with this one in the middle right here I need new Stitches new Stitch please in 3 2 1 oh my gosh this is the one I've been wanting it is Boom it is angel holding a strawberry let's get her out oh my gosh she's so cute oh my gosh I love angel is she like only in the in the Lelo and Stitch series or is she in the movies is she in like Stitch two or three I know she's not in Lilo and Stitch one and I don't even remember Stitch two that well but I know she's in the series oh my God she's come back according to Google and my cameraman she is experiment number 624 and she is indeed Stitch's girlfriend M what the heck the first time they meet or something it's like she's licking him on the face that's how they met that's so cute 625 is the one that eats the sandwich and then 66 is a stitch yeah we have seven more boxes in this first series you guys and the next I will be opening probably I'll be opening the squishums after this so get ready you guys wo wo Stitch eating french fries dude he just put a whole bunch of french fries in his mouth oh my God he's so cute his cheeks are full of french fries oh those look so good stitch stitch you're eating so much you're making me hungry now I want french fries this looks so funny I love french fries I eat my French fries plain just like Stitch here I don't I don't put ketchup on my fries I don't know I don't know why I like them plain we have six more boxes to go I have to cross things off okay I did not cross off Angel here let's cross off Angel right now boom and then we also got French fry Stitch right here boom ooh we don't have that many left to get you guys we need chicken wing we need popsicle we need cake we need spaghetti on head we need grilled cheese and we need Taco hopefully no more dupes for this series I am excited I hope we get the whole collection in series two three two one is this a dup wait oh my gosh no it's not no it's not it's chicken wings Stitch chicken leg he's eating he's munching on a chicken leg oh he's so cute this is the best part of the chicken too by the way the chicken I keep dropping them oh my God what I want KFC no no okay we're back he's eating the best part of the chicken this is my favorite part of the chicken the drumstick oh my gosh Stitch you are making me hungry okay we have five more boxes to go no we have to cross it off let us cross off chicken eating Stitch where are you oh I found him okay so it's a different color than the picture the picture he's like his chicken's a little bit lighter and the picture his chicken looks like it's red or something cross this off chicken eating Stitch we only need 1 2 3 four five more plus the rare I wonder if we'll get the rare we'll see though we have exactly five left and that's how many there is left in the series not including the rare though but we do have the rare she's just not sparkly so I'm confused about that maybe it's like Angel but like a sparkly version 3 two one this oh I got Taco oh my gosh we got taco eating Stitch oh my gosh he loves his Taco he is such a gremlin look at him biting into the taco like in the middle you're supposed to eat it from the side and then go this way but he just like went straight for the top Stitch that is not how you eat a taco but you know he can do whatever he wants cuz he's cute look at his expression he's like I like this one I think this is one of my favorites this is so cute Stitch you are so cute I'm going put you right here and let us cross off Stitch and taco eating Taco Stitch this one right there Stitch is in so many there's so many different versions of Stitch I'm going to have so many Stitch figures at the end of this video let's do this one we got four more boxes left to go in the series and then right after I'mma do the squish them whoa it we got another new one it is birthday cake Stitch he is literally sitting on top of the cake taking a huge bite out of it I don't I don't know how to feel about this this one is like he's just this whole cake is his if he's going to sit on it like that oh my goodness he's not even using any utensils that's that's not how you eat a cake it's so cute this is so I wonder if cakes are like really soft to sit on no I want to sit on a cake this one's so cute so cute Stitch Let's cross you off cake sitting on a stitch sitting on a cake and eating it too we still need grill cheese spaghetti popsicle and the rare there is three left in this box you guys and 3 two 1 let's open this one oh we got a duplicate of the cake e Stitch let me put this back last two boxes here we go hopefully it's not a dup good luck for no dbes go ooh we got avocado I have like four avocado Stitch at this point last box three 2 one we got another dupe you guys it is Sushi Stitch oh so here are all the different stitches that we got from feed me Series 2 I think my favorite out of this one is probably Stitch eating Taco I like him a lot I'm also really happy that we got angel holding her strawberry I'm really happy that we got her cuz she's pink and I love pink and I love angel and now it's time to do squishums so I also have a whole box of Stitch squishums and there are six to collect we got Scrump here we got Stitch wearing sunglasses he's ready for the beach and these are very detailed and they're also squishy so I'm really interested to see what these look like how many do I have I think I have six so let's take them all out of the box in 3 two 1 and here they are all out of the box now let's take off the wrapper so we can get them ready to be opened in 3 2 1 and here they are all unwrapped ready to be open this looks cool I like squares but they're like round squares they're round orange squares I wonder how big they are because the Box seems big but then when you shake it it's like not as heavy so maybe these squishy are really small let's open this first one up in 3 two 1 where'd he go did you guys see who that was I think I did yeah okay first here's the collectors guys oh my gosh oh that's what they're all called so we have pet Stitch hero stitch angel Beach day Stitch Scrump and experiment 62 six oh he's in here okay he's in here so let's turn it around in 3 2 1 we got scr on the first one this one's so cute wait I love this so much oh very squishy indeed wait this is actually so cute though Scrump ISM Handmade by Lilo right she made this herself what a crafty Queen Let's test the squish again let's see how flat it gets ooh it is very slow Rising indeed squish again squish test oh I like this a lot I Love Squishies there you go Scrump welcome to the family then I got this box if you want to go back in your home later oh we got a cross off Scrump so the first one we got is Scrump Let's cross Scrump off boom bam I crossed off Scrump and now let's go ahead and open this one up wow I'm so excited for these These are actually so nice 3 2 1 oh my gosh I like how they open I got angel I like her little fluffiness on her chest here that's so nice oh on the back she has like a heart on her back I didn't even know that angel is so cute I just love how pink this is like the squishiest squishy I actually like these kinds of squishies more than the Water Squishy like like these are like I I don't have to worry about stuff getting stuck onto the squishy like I can take this to Disneyland and squish them like well I'm in line waiting like this is really nice and it's so cute so cute and pink Let's cross off angel from the collector's guide and these are very true to the picture like this is Angel in the picture and then this is Angel in real life it's actually very accurate wow oh I'm so excited put you there they so cute I love that and then like you could squish oh my gosh they don't even look like they're squishies they look like they're figures um let's open up this one third box no dup so far we're so lucky 3 two 1 I got Beach day Stitch oh he's so cute in his sunglasses and he has shorts that match lilo's dress so they can twin at the beach let's squish them squish squish you know what's inside a squishy okay if I get a dup I'm going to cut open the squishy to see what's inside cuz I have no idea what's inside this like is it I don't know foam there's there has to be foam okay we'll see let's see if I get a dup all right Beach day squishy Stitch let's put you there and I will cross you off Beach day Stitch here we go boom Oh my gosh no dup so far we just need three more to collect let's see let's see let's see I'm going to go with this middle one right here open You Up 3 2 1 boom no do no dup not a dupe not a dup this is Stitch when he gets adopted from the pets the from the from the shelter yeah it says here pet Stitch oh my gosh Lilo literally thought Stitch was a dog I mean he kind of looks like a dog a blue dog or dog no dogs aren't blue that's so funny bark bark bark bark stitching a collar looks so funny he's so like obedient what a cute dog bark very cute very cute let's put pet Stitch right here and I'll cross pet Stitch off right here we need two more but if I get a dupe I will cut it open cuz I want to see what's inside okay opening this one 3 two 1 I got a do no oh no scrub scrub oh no okay okay okay okay okay okay okay let's let's set you down here and and I'mma open the last one I'm no I'm okay okay maybe maybe I'll just like cut a leg off no I don't know I don't know yet okay let's open this one and then we'll decide three two last box 3 two one which one is this oh my gosh this is the one where he's like Peak Gremlin Peak Gremlin Stitch fresh from the alien spaceship 626 626 experiment Stitch this one is like when he hasn't even gotten his name yet his teeth look funny I never realized that like how crazy his teeth look look experiment 626 let's spin him around he's in his prison outfit fresh out of jail Stitch he does have no he has six arms he's like a bug see look 1 2 3 4 5 six six leg Stitch I forget that he has so many arms he's literally like an alien Let's cross off experiment 626 Stitch and Scrump Scrump it's time all I'm going to need to um give you some surgery here where are my scissors scissors please am I really going to it says do not eat do not eat where's my cineral scissors my assistant is coming with the scissors cineral doctor I mean nurse cinam roll scissors please excuse me oh thank you cineral for the cineral scissors okay where should I do it um um maybe in half maybe like right in half so that way like I can stick them together and then it won't look like scrumps spin disfigured okay here we go cutting the Squishy in 3 2 1 snip snip snip snip snip snip right in half ooh that was a pretty clean oh almost clean I kind of I kind of did that but this is what's inside wo wo actually that's really cool and like the foam inside is really soft it's like it's like dough it's like bread dough ooh so that's how they get them to be like super slow Rising well that was fun I've never cut a squishy open before 3 2 1 boom that's what's inside what are you doing where you what are you taking him what are you writing Scrump is back hello Scrump you look whole again but I think you have a secret inside my cameraman wrote me a letter 3 2 1 I Heart Taco I also heart Taco that's a good taco that's a good taco drawing thanks coffee Taco I love so here are all the Stitch squishums that we got we got five out of six which is pretty good I must say with only one duplicate I think my favorite out of this would be Angel she's so cute it's so pink I just love how she looks in this and then Scrump is a close second Scrump is just so cute as well I'm glad Scrump is finally getting some attention because Scrump is cute now I am super excited to open up this mystery Stitch plush in this shiny box look how shiny this is this is so crazy to me and it's so expensive but before we open these up we have to get through the entire box of feed me Stitch series three now this is a brand new series I just found this like this just came out like not too long ago new series with brand new figures and brand new foods and look at this rare he is like seethrough drinking a coconut oh my gosh stitch in a baguette Stitch holding a baguette his face looks so funny Stitch with a donut okay these look so much more high quality than Series 3 and also these come in a very different kind of packaging like it's a stitch head and it's made of like it's like plasticky so let's empty out this box in 3 2 1 and here they are all on the table I have 16 in total just like Series 2 now I believe every box comes with 16 cuz I get the boxes fresh from the store right when they put them out they look so funny this is interesting instead of a to-go box for Series 3 it is a stitch head with like ears I guess it looks like Stitch yeah looks like him now let's go ahead and unwrap all of these in 3 2 1 and here they are all unwrapped and ready to open so in this series we have 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 again including the rare I have 16 to open and this is a fresh box so we're going to have duplicates but hopefully we get the whole series boom okay let's go ahead and start with this one so now without the wrapper you can really see like this is Stitch's head got some ear details here let's see if it's easy to open I think it might be you just have to break it in half right here first Stitch head 3 two 1 okay so now we're seeing them in a blind bag so we cannot see what's inside right away here we also have a collector's guide with all of the Stitch figures we can possibly get oh my gosh gummy bear Stitch wait that one's so cute and then we have another strawberry angel this looks like the other one except this strawberry has like some chocolate on it and then there's popcorn Stitch oh that one's so cute pancake s okay we got to open let's see what's in our first bag in three two one and we we got what huh wait we we got the rare wait we got the rare on the first bag oh no way I thought it was going to be like transparent but it's actually like super shiny like they covered this in like super metallic paint or something wow I am shaking because this is the first rare we pulled this whole video oh my gosh it's so pretty for oh the back is so pretty as well look at that oh I like that oh my gosh first one we got the rare oh my goodness I feel really good about this box then second Stitch head we got to open it in three 2 one ooh this looks like a big bag I like that these comes in bags I like opening bags seeing what's inside like a surprise 3 two one and we have boom it's bag Stitch oh my gosh oh my gosh we got baget Stitch okay in this one we can also see their names so okay they didn't list the rare on this one for some reason so I don't know the rare's name I'm just going I'm just going going to call them coconut sipp and Stitch oh for this one they called it hogy Stitch I guess this is called a hogy so let's cross off a rare coconut sipping Stitch Crossing him off and then we also just got h hogy Stitch boom let's take a look closer at hogy Stitch let's look at a s his expression is so I don't know what he's doing here he's just really happy he's happy that he got his sandwich that's like bigger than him I'd be happy too let's open up this one and see what's inside 3 two 1 I didn't think it was possible to create another series with totally oh totally different food but here we have angel with her new strawberry this time it's a white chocolate strawberry with strawberry drizzle on top I'm going to compare this with the other one and see how similar they are they are very similar they're almost the exact same Angel except with with different color strawberries and we have both of them now so cute I think I prefer this one better actually I don't know this one I like the colors more on this one because of the white strawberry but this one's also so super cute yay we got another Angel that's so good okay next one let's go with this fourth one so far no dupes comment good luck for no dupes so we can keep getting no more dupes here's the bag let's open it up three two one and we got boom ooh is that a cookie that's a cookie Stitch is eating a cookie he's got heart eyes eating his giant where is Stitch getting these Giant Food okay like I've never seen a cookie that big but maybe Stitch is just that small oh he loves his cookie there's his teeth again his weird Gremlin teeth so cute oh this cookie looks so good I'm sorry I haven't been Crossing them off I'm just I'm just so excited so we have Stitch no this is a we got angel holding a strawberry again and then here is heart eye cookie Stitch I want to see their official names what are they so Angel she just says Angel and then cookie Stitch is definitely cookie Stitch so we have four out of 13 that we can possibly get and we have 12 more to open we're doing very good here fifth I dropped it and it opened fifth Stitch head let's see what's inside the bag 3 two one and we got hopefully no dup 3 two 1 another birthday cake Stitch wait this one's so much better than the other one instead of pink there's like confetti on it wo they're so similar okay which one do you guys like better do you guys like number a or number B personally I think I like number a better this one looks like so much more detailed yeah I I like I like how this looks and this one this one's just like cute and pink but like this one's so much better a so cute birthday cake Stitch I'm so jittery oh my gosh I'm shaking ever since the since getting the rare I'm just so excited or maybe I'm cold I don't know maybe I'm cold okay let's cross off birthday cakes o you don't even see the confetti sprinkles on the picture so even better if you get it in real life Crossing off birthday kick Stitch and let us open our sixth head boom got it Oho no dupe so far 3 2 1 I'm going to have so many Stitch figures oh my goodness where am I going to put them all should I have a shelf or like a display case I don't know what to do you guys okay 3 2 1 let's see what's in this one it's a donut oh my gosh Stitch is holding a dut the dut looks very squishy it's like squished up against them it's so big where is Stitch getting these big giant Foods oh I dropped them again oh what a cute big pink donut okay guys if I had a dut I don't like donuts with icing on them I like my Donuts plain I like plain glazed donuts I don't know why they just taste better to me but Stitch looks so happy with his giant donut Crossing off Stitch donut he's so cute Stitch Donut oh my gosh no dupes yet you guys this is amazing we only have one 2 3 4 we only have 10 more Stitch heads to open and we have not gotten any dupes and we only have let's see how many more is left 1 2 3 4 5 6 we only need seven more so I think we get the whole collection let's open this one up and see what's inside feeling around feeling feeling feeling opening 3 two 1 and we got in this one a stitch with a oh my gosh is that my favorite vegetable it's Stitch with a broccoli yay Stitch is eating a vegetable wait actually okay this one might be my favorite cuz you guys you guys I love broccoli broccoli is like one of my favorite foods I love eating broccoli I'm not joking I love broccoli so I'm super glad that Stitch is holding a broccoli and he is happy to eat it wow I'm actually I actually really like that one stitch is broccoli I didn't even notice this being on here oh my gosh Stitch thank you I'm going like I'm going put this on my desk and it's going to remind me every day to eat my broccoli that's so good I like that one let's open up this one and see what's inside oo okay 3 two 1 oh we we have a duplicate our first duplicate for this series it is stitched with his donut I don't mind this being a duplicate though Boop there you go stitch stitch and donut I like having this laid out like this so I could see which ones I got and then which on we have left so that's cool let's open up this one eight more to go and then after this series is the last thing that we're going to be unboxing in this video which is the mystery plushies so get excited for that we're almost done with this series 3 two one one what's in this we got Angel again with a strawberry so pretty next one we have seven we have seven more seven more heads to open bag we got a bag let's open the bag and inside is a oh my gosh this one's so cute this one's so good because okay I thought the gummy bear was going to be solid but it's actually translucent do you see that you can like see through the gummy bear this one is so cute Stitch holding this gummy bear like a teddy bear the gummy he found a gummy bear that's big enough where are you finding these Giant Foods Stitch please tell me I would like a gummy bear teddy bear lucky I wonder how he tastes let's open up this one next we have five more after this one oh I need to cross it off Crossing off gummy bear Stitch oh I really like this one too that one's actually really well done we just need to get popcorn pancake pie matcha and watermelon and then we'll have the whole series the whole collection the whole Stitch collection let's open this one up and see what's inside this one 3 two one what's this boom ooh it's pie oh my gosh Stitch got the pie but he's not he's not eating it yet he's just like he's kneeling and presenting the pie to I don't know who maybe Angel maybe he's presenting it to to his girlfriend Angel like here will you marry me with a pie it's so cute oh I love the detail of the pie too there's a little cherry on top and the colors are spot on this one's a very nice one this is a oh you can see his hair hair reveal wait no they all have his hair just kidding I I just noticed it more on that figure for some reason okay oh Angel sit back up you stand there we only have five more left you guys and then we're going to open this this whole the five of these whoa well I'm so excited fifth it like jumped out at me let's open this in 3 2 1 see what's in this one this one looks different boom this is you is it every single day what are you talking about Stitch tongue reveal oh my gosh popcorn with butter I Love Popcorn this is making me want popcorn so bad look at Stitch eating his PO I'm okay the other day I so there was this movie I watched at home but I really wanted popcorn so I drove to the movie theater just to buy popcorn to bring it home and it worked they let me into the movie theater to just buy popcorn and I was so happy I just love movie theater popcorn it's way better than popcorn you pop at home it's just it just tastes better and the way the way they butter it up professionally it's like I can't do that I have to get a a professional to butter up my popcorn okay there's only four more left to open wait got to cross it off got to cross it off I have to cross off pie Stitch pie Stitch we got pie Stitch and then we also got popcorn Stitch eating his popcorn we still need to get watermelon Stitch and also matcha drinking Stitch and also pancake Stitch o he's like pouring the syrup we only have three we we have a good chance to get them opening it up oh I'm scared oh my gosh it's hogy we got hogy again oh no another two three left to go boom ooh okay this feels different I think this might be different I hope it's um one of the ones we don't have oh my gosh I just peaked it's so good 3 2 1 look at that look at the syrup the syrup's translucent I love when they put like translucent um paint or whatever on the figures it makes it look so good look it's Stitch pouring syrup on its pancakes and look at the pancake just drip drip dripping oh this one's good I'm so happy we got pancake pouring Stitch oh so cute this one's so cute I like this one a lot yay we only need two more left we just need watermelon and matcha I feel like matcha is going to look like the other ones so if we don't get matcha I don't mind either the ones are just like the same as the old ones but like a little bit different I don't mind if we don't get those okay two more to open and then we're going to do the mystery P plushies later 3 two one and we got we got another broccoli hi nice to see you again eat your broccoli I eat my broccoli broccoli is so good last Stitch head we got most of the collection so I'm pretty Happ and the rare we didn't get the rare last time so I'm really happy about that but we got to open this guy up see what we get for the last one of feed me Series 3 it is Boom who are you three two 1 and we got a dupe of pan no this is a pie I'm very happy with what we got we got so many of them this series is definitely a lot better than Series 2 so if you find this in the store I'd rather get series three than Series 2 that's for sure this series is like so much better so it is finally time to open up the mystery plushies the rare Stitch mystery plushies but I actually figured out how to display the figures all at once in something really cool and awesome and it is this light up display case from popmart so you just press this button right here and then it will light up oh different colors and you can open open it up right here and then everything goes in there and then ooh ooh this makes it brighter I like that it's a TV too like it's so cute and it's also pink and blue two of my favorite [Music] colors yay and here they all are displayed in the popmart TV case this is so cute I put all the shiny ones up there like pancake Stitch so you can really see the light shining through his syrup wow they look so good all together in here and then you can put like other figures in here not just popmart but also like whatever figures you have boom wao that one's weird ooh let's see it in the dark wo that is so cool in the dark Bo this one makes such a cool NightLight in your room or oh this is so cute here it is from the side this side too go on this side boom this is so pretty oh wait but what's this behind here you guys we still have to open the mystery plushies we need the lights and let's open these up and now it is finally time to open up the rare mystery Stitch plushies now even the box says right here best of Stitch so that means these must be the best I mean they were 25 so I think I think they were worth it like look how dripped out stitches here with his gold chain and his sunglasses the Box itself is very intricate very detailed it looks like there's like honey running down from here there's the Disney seal okay here we go in 3 2 1 first mystery plushy box oh ooh I like how it opens up and then the the plushies right here oh they're actually keychains ooh so there's the keychain there it says Stitch right here and then I believe we got the one where he's sitting on a cute little watermelon ooh it's really soft and then the eyes are embroidered ooh very good quality and then his nose his nose is so C cute oh I like the nose it feels like a dog's nose very detailed plushy indeed there he has a little shorts o can you take off his shorts you can kind of oh and then he has a little flower on his head a little Hibiscus flower because Stitch is from Hawaii first mystery plushy guys rate this from 1 to 10 ooh in the Box here too you can see like Stitch designs on the inside do you see that let's do a second box let's do this one now there are 1 2 3 4 5 there are six in here to collect we got this one this one's a secret um but hopefully we get the other ones too let's open the second box up three two one we got a dup already we got Stitch sitting on a watermelon for the second box okay well these are easy to like put back and you know give it away as giveway so I'm put you back in here I really like these boxes they feel very like high quality like look at that opening up our third box here we go and these are very easy to open there's just like a sticker right here you just have to take off so here we go 3 2 1 wo oh my gosh you guys I think this is the secret it is Stitch hav't fun in a rocket wow o this is so good and then the the Bottom's like really flat like there's a piece like a cardboard in here so I think you can really easily set it down is this the secret yeah I think so look look this one isn't on the picture oh I'm so H look it stands up so nicely wow I'm so impressed by this one here's his hands his little tiny hand his mouth he's like saying yay I'm on a spaceship woo I really like this one the SPAC looks like a whale it's like looks like a fish like a shark oh my gosh I'm so happy we got the rare we have two more to open yay let's open this one right here okay third mystery Stitch box three two one see what we get okay we got the banana we got banana Stitch banana Stitch with pineapple sunglasses ooh the quality of these sunglasses too they're like a hard felt very nice and then let's look at the banana he's holding on to his banana Stitch's food always has to be like as big as him it's a rule Stitch won't eat it unless the food is gigantic oh my gosh I want to see how these look like on a bag oh these must look so cute on a bag this is so so nice and then let me zoom in let me show you how like shiny his fur looks like I like how soft and fuzzy he is oh my gosh I like Stitch bananas will he stand though I think he can stand like this yeah you could stand like this boom bam like that wonderful we only have one more mystery Stitch box to open you guys this is the last one of the video guys let me know what you want me to unbox next I have San Rio so comment below if you want to see San Rio and I also have squishmallow so I have those unboxing videos coming up very very soon this video has been so much fun to do I know a lot of you guys really love Stitch and there's so many Stitch stuff out there to unbox so I'm really happy that I got to with you guys let's open up the very last mystery Stitch box and see what we get in three two one I got dripped out Stitch with his gold chain and his sunglasses wo let's get a closeup on his chain it is gold Wow and his clothes are so nice too look at the flower print he also has shorts on this is the coolest I've ever seen Stitch he is so stylish and then his little nose little nose look like a dog he smell smell good y' all smell good at home and here are all the stitches that we've got in this video that we unboxed today they are all so cute and I'm glad we got most of each series and they all turn out so cute and I'm super happy that I'm able to put all the Stitch figures inside this pop Mark case that came in really handy for this video comment below which Stitch was your favorite out of all of these there so many to choose from for me I think it would be I really like the plushies actually the Plushies are so nice and very high quality so I'm really happy about those I hope you guys had so much fun unboxing all the stitches with me and I'll see you in my next video bye
Channel: SugarStar
Views: 428,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adopt me, roblox adopt me, adopt me asmr, roblox asmr, asmr, roblox, satisfying roblox, tower of hell asmr, tower of hell, sugarstar asmr, relaxing keyboard sounds roblox, relaxing obby asmr, sugar, sugar roblox, sugarstar roblox, sharla sugar, sugar star asmr, keyboard, keyboard sounds for study, study sounds, study asmr, i'm sugarstar, sugerstar, imsugarstar, sugarshar
Id: zv45WFwbcu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 45sec (2685 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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