OpenAI Releases World's Best AI for FREE (GPT-4o)

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so it happened again open I just smashed the ceiling on what we thought was possible with its brand new GPT 4 old model this video is going to give you an overview of all the things that came out including the extremely deep blog post there's a lot hidden in there that was not covered in the live event plus I'm going to talk about some of the implications that might be not so obvious because I just spent the past few hours talking to other YouTubers YouTube community members AI Advantage community members all about this brand new model that is the new gold standard when it comes to AI as a consumer and trust me I tell you there's a lot here this is one of those moments where all these exaggerated YouTube titles are more than warranted because open a I just changed everything again and here's what you really need to know okay so first things first they just kicked in the door one day before the Google event happening tomorrow with their YouTube live stream titled introducing GPT 40 now the O stands for omn modal this is their word for multimodal so now we have GPT 40 what's you you might ask well first things first it performs better on all the benchmarks than any other model including their previous GPT 4 model but that just scratches to surface because it's also much faster it's two times faster than the previous version in English and it also has improved capabilities in 50 other languages as outlined here now here's the interesting thing that they did not talk about these improvements stack so because it's two times faster in English and around three times faster in Hindi in practice it's actually six times faster in Hindi because these stack and look at all these improvements it was decent in other languages now it's great so those are some of the objective stats but as you might know a lot of the power of chat GPT lies within the subjective experience how good is it for you for your use cases for your everyday usage of this application well GPT 40 is now their omn modal model which means it has better performance across text which we had audio which we also had and images which we had but they are adding capabilities for it to take in realtime video from your phone too so they will be shipping brand new applications not available today we'll talk about that in a second but you'll have a iPhone app and a desktop app that can either use your camera to scan the real world and interact with it in real time time with the new voice AI assistant which we'll also talk about in a second here they completely revamp The Voice capabilities and with that voice assistant it's going to be able to see your desktop it's going to be able to see the world around you with the phone on your camera and assist you that way and this was simply not possible yet as there were massive limitations on the vision capabilities you could upload one picture then it took a few seconds and gave you a Half Baked answer from the various demos they have shown now and they were two in the live streams and there's more than a dozen demos here on their website it's actually a massive Improvement to what we had up until now so before getting into all the details just check out this demo where our father uses chat GPT on an iPad next to a math problem and the app essentially guides the student through how to solve this it's a tutor can you first identify which sides of the triangle are the opposite adjacent and hypotenuse relative to angle Alpha all right so I'm pretty sure this is the angle Alpha right here right CS correct now looking at the triangle which side do you think is the hypotenuse I think it might be this one but I really am not sure this side AC you're close so as you can already see there's a lot of differences to the current version first of all you can actually interrupt the AI assist and secondly and maybe even more importantly it is Snappy it answers like a human being there's no answering and waiting for 4 to 7 seconds for it to come back with a response plus it's taking in the iPad screen in real time something that just simply wasn't possible up until now this is a feature that is going to ship over the course of the next few weeks to plus users but this entire GPT 40 model might be an even more exciting announcements to free users because every single user will get GPT 40 for free that includes voice input gp4 level intelligence gpts all these premium features that were pay walled behind the $20 a month pay wall up until now everybody will have gp4 in their pocket now and finally you will be able to share G G pts with other users gpts that are powered by this more capable model this is huge if I wanted to show family members some things that I've built or done or maybe make their life easier with some of the skills that I have taught on this channel over the last year I couldn't they needed a premium account and that is a barrier that you're just not going to cross with your grandma and the $20 a month is just something that most people did not even consider in their everyday life now you can show them the power of these tools firsthand but look the base facts that I covered here just scratch the surface there's more as I mentioned they uploaded the Dozen videos with various use cases and you can actually go to this part of their blog post which I'll link below where you can look at all these different improvements and some of these are super unexpected like 3D object synthesis look at that the model can do that now also the model can create fonts which means they also solve text there's so much more I will turn all this and everything that the community and the internet brings up into a separate video on use cases of this brand new model so what else is new here well the fact that it has better Vision sounds like something very subjective but in the live demo during the event I was actually very impressed with one particular part of this yes it's a fantastic life coding assistant we had versions of this before if you really wanted something like this you could make it happen but this example where he uses his phone and he actually shows emotion and chat GPT 40 correctly identifies what he's feeling this one in particular really blew my mind it looks like you're feeling pretty happy and cheerful with a big smile and maybe even a touch of excitement and here's my point all other models could pick up on basic emotions if they had Vision capability right you could send a picture to chat GPT and it would identify what emotions you have but only at a very high level if you look at the full spectrum of human emotions and there's many versions of this wheel I'll just be using this one usually it only managed to identify the first Circle here okay so it could tell you hey you look happy you look sad but it never managed to hone in on the details here as you could hear here it told them hey you look pretty happy with a hint of excitement now as you can see excitement is actually in the second wheel here and up until now these have been pretty much impossible to identify for most AI models I'm going to be testing and comparing this extensively but that will'll cover in another video so Subs subscribe to the channel to catch that video but moving on this is not the end there is more here because it's not just smarter can talk to you in real time can see what your smartphone is seeing or what you're doing on your desktop but it also has better perception of emotions and all of that and more happens faster but don't take my word for it let's hop into the web interface that by the way also slightly changed as you can see here now it's more of a conversation with chat bubbles this is old gp4 answering in real time as I'm talking this thing is generating you can get a feeling for the speed yourself I'm going to stop this generation and switch on over to G PPT 40 which by the way is rolling out as of now I talked to the advantage community and most people actually have it already so if you're a plus subscriber chances are you have it cuz I'm recording this from Europe and that means I'm usually at the end of the queue of these rollouts so let's just do the same thing in GPT 40 you can instantly see the difference this was more than a 2X speed Improvement that's what they promised but it's done generating look I didn't even manage to finish my sentence here and as you can see there's new features here where you can switch the model and regenerate I could regenerate in 3.5 basically allows me to mix it match models as I go like so and that brings me to an important topic which is now that everybody has free access to this why should you stay subscribed to the plus plan well this was one of my main questions and there's two really good reasons first things first you have five times higher rate limits than the free users which some members in our community actually did the research and said it's about 80 messages per hour right now so this allows real gp4 usage where you're not going to run into the limits easily you're going to be able to fluently interface with it and just get the responses this is even more relevant as the GPT 40 model is way faster at generating but the second reason I think this is the main one all of the amazing Vision features where it uses your screen where it uses your phone camera as context on top of the prompts those are only going to be rolled out to the plus users these are not available today they said they're coming over the next few weeks that is all the info we have right now in typical open AI fashion this will probably mean a gradual roll out and by the way to all API users the API on GPT 40 will be 50% cheaper than what we're used to with gbt 4 that is also available today in the playground and food API you can simply go through this link and here you have the GPT 40 option again Lightning Fast generation and it can do something like writing a simple snake game in python as most top models can do these days but look at that I mean this took 10 seconds to generate and once we have the voice control I will be pretty much going for every single app and workflow that I do on a everyday basis with my GPT 40 assistant open and I'll be sharing my screen and trying different workflows and see if it can assist me or come up with new ways to improve my productivity with these tools and I think this is really the key here this really opens up the superpow of enhancing workflows that you already have making the applications you have more powerful as I said so many times AI is the next evolution of software and this is the form it's going to be taking you're going to have an assistant on your desktop on your phone that is going to be aware of your surroundings of your work that's happening right now and it's going to be helping you along the way with all of its knowledge and experience and the context that you provide to it in advance but just like you're raising your awareness of this tool by watching this video it's important to be aware of some of these use cases and the possibilities that this hides because the these tools are deeper than they seem so at this point I would be curious what are you excited about doing with these new tools you will have access to this within a few weeks what is the first thing that you're going to try what part of your life do you want to improve leave a comment below with that and matter of fact ask this exact question in the advantage community and people started to share how it's going to affect their various professions and then they brainstormed together on how they could take it a step further most days of this week we'll have events doing exactly that tomorrow I'll be covering the capabilities and use cases that I find so if you're interested in discussions like that and really taking the next step on educating yourself about AI you can check out what me and the team build under AI advantage. Community but if you want to Simply explore what this technology holds for you and stay informed YouTube might be exactly the right place matter of fact I actually have an extra recommendation which is another YouTube channel that we're doing with some other AI YouTubers and we just held a 80 minute live stream watching the event together and most importantly sharing our first impressions so if you want the first impressions in a live setting between multiple AI YouTubers you can check that discussion out over here and other than that I'll get back to exploring what this can do and once I discover more I'll be reporting in back on this channel oh yes and for anybody asking what's up with GPT 5 all they said is the next big thing is coming soon whatever that means we shall see but this is fantastic for now
Channel: The AI Advantage
Views: 113,723
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: theaiadvantage, aiadvantage, chatgpt, ai, chatbot, advantage, artificial intelligence, gpt-4, openai, ai advantage, igor
Id: hiEeD08Dxps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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