OpenAI Codex Live Demo

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You guys don't let Voychek talk. He sounds like a robot

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/hoipalloi52 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

just got access, any ideas on what I should build first?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/valueorbust πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 10 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/moogrogue πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

So does it only add sources, or it can actually rewrite the generated source? How does feature addition to the existing code work? What if, after the program knows how to react to LEFT button, I ask to move left ONLY if SHIFT is also pressed? How will it add IF condition?

So basically, what is the flow of development here?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AskarKalykov πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 17 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Can two instances exchange messages and ask for knowledge or actions? πŸ€”
How [knowledge] database could be emulated? πŸ€”

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AskarKalykov πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 17 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Here is one more: can knowledge be imported from API and incorporated at runtime (similar to knowledge databases)? πŸ€”

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AskarKalykov πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 17 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

so this is dead, right? I cant get any access.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/coveredwagoneer πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 28 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
hello everyone welcome to the open ai codex live demo today we're going to be showing you the latest version of our model that can write code i'm greg i'm voice and i'm ilia before we get started i want to talk to you a little bit about how we got here so a year ago we released gpt 3 which is a general purpose language model it could basically do any language task you would ask it so the thing that was funny for us was to see that the applications that most captured people's imaginations ones that most inspired people were the programming applications because we didn't make that model to be good at coding at all and so we knew if we put in some effort we could probably make something happen so voice check and the team sat down to really make it really make it reality so actually that was a quarter of company being involved in the effort i bounced ideas with ilya for a year and actually even in reality for multiple years we're dreaming about models that can code and greg personally he was babysitting this model so when we started we created the benchmark on our benchmark you know despite the fact that gpt3 had some rudimentary coding capability it achieved zero percent uh accuracy in the meanwhile we got to the models that can in 27 percent write entire multiple lines of code and solve our coding benchmarks today we are presenting model that solves 37 percent of problems but of course these are just their raw numbers how does it feel you're gonna see today and before we jump into the demos i want to talk about how you can get access to codex and that's really the point of this demonstration we want to help inspire people to see the kinds of things that codecs can do and we know that we're actually just scratching the surface of what's possible so we actually really need your help to really dive deep into this model so the first announcement of the day is that starting today the codex model will be available in openai api so we're going to be doing a beta please go and sign up get on that that wait list we're going to go and scale up as quickly as we can and try to get this out to everyone so the second way that you can get access to codex is we're going to be hosting a new kind of programming competition this will be held on thursday at 10 a.m pacific i everyone's going to get access to codex as their teammate it will also be a competitor on the leaderboard so it'll be really interesting to see what it's like to work with codex everyone's going to be able to play with it and be able to really experience the kinds of things we're showing you today so please show up it's going to be a lot of fun and i think a very unique event it's all right let's get started with the demos cool thank you friends have fun all right see you later wojciech all right hello greg hey ellia so you have a coding demo we do so there's only one way to start a coding demo and that is hello world all right of course so what you see here is that greg is typing say hello world into the text box now he'll press the green play button the model will produce the code and then you will see its output below and so exactly right so what you're seeing here is a sim simple interface we built on top of the codex api so everything you're going to see today is just using the same api everyone's going to get access to um so you could build the exact same thing so this very simple interface all that we do is we format the instruction to the model and we happen to format it a little bit like a python docs string so that you know it looks a little bit like a like a comment um the model generates code which we then just execute and the output is displayed here so as a user of this kind of system you just kind of ask the computer to do something and it actually does it well it looks like he did a good job with hello world but let's make it a little bit more complicated let's say hello world with empathy say hello world of empathy interesting all right it's just a slightly ambiguous instruction do you know what you would say to this i mean i can think of multiple things i want to know what the model is all right let's see what happens i think that's actually a very reasonable choice and you know you can you can ask the model you can you can modify your instructions to the model as well um so the kind of thing that you can do is you can also ask it for information that is kind of stored in a session so now i'm going to say instead of saying hello world with empathy i'm going to say it with empathy and again the model is kind of free to make a choice of what it wants to do with that um in this case you know it decided to do the same thing which i think is is a reasonable choice it formatted the code a little bit differently um but fundamentally if you notice it now has to kind of back reference to to the previous part of the conversation and under the hood this is just a single request to the codex api that we're formatting just like you would a gpt3 request so it's almost like a chat session of human model human model and so forth so it looks like the model did a satisfactory job with saying hello world with empathy but could it say it five times okay that's an awful lot of empathy i think it did not a bad job but it's not quite exactly what i wanted i didn't i wanted to be hello world with empathy with each line which each one of those things appearing on you on a new line now if you if you if you want to look at the code you can that's the great thing about a model like this this is very interpretable and so you can actually look and see hey this just did print where it multiplied by five so you couldn't say and still instead say now instead do it with a for loop which again starts to be a lot of back referencing but there we go is that what you wanted it also did what i wanted as a byproduct in addition to doing it with the for loop so i'd say it's it's not it's not a bad start or a hello world demo yes but i think we can go further all right we should say exponentially more hello world by making it we should make a web page we've got to make a web page if we really want to broadcast our message of hello world to the world um so first of all i make a web page that says let's say our message and save it to a file oh oh yeah taking a little bit of risk here it worked there we go so i if you notice if you can see the code it's actually writing python that then emits some html and that's again one of the powers of this model is it's a single model that's proficient in over a dozen programming languages and that means it can kind of just seamlessly figure out okay i'm supposed to do html here or if you want to translate from one language to another it's quite good at that um and i think this shows you why you really want all of that capability in a single model okay so is is that all we need for a web page well we should probably let people see the web page seems like a good idea all right so let's start a python web server to serve that page let's give that a try it looks like pretty complicated specialized code yes um so let's actually take a look so we have web server running on port 8000 so we'll take a look oops oh close to 8 000 excuse me and there we go hello world with empathy oh i would i would say it's a success i think it's a success yes so this is the first time we've ever generated this particular message so we actually didn't know what it's going to say um so you know that this particular web page was in fact generated just now on the fly for all you viewers out there i think that was nice to say hello world with a web page but we should go further even still i think we should and so you know first of all i do want to point out that this particular example of writing a python web server is something i've done a dozen two dozen times and i still never remember how to do it because between python two and python three the exact like structure of the modules changed uh that you have to like create this handler object you pass it to a tcp server that you pass the address here and a port and oh yeah your address could be an empty string if you want and then you do serve forever and this it's complicated and this kind of stuff is not the fun part of programming right the fun part of programming you know i'd say programming is kind of two things one is understand the problem and that includes talking to your users that includes thinking super hard about it and decomposing into smaller pieces this is the like really cognitive aspects of building something and then there's a second piece which is map a small piece of functionality to code right whether it's an existing library an existing function whether it's in your own code base or out there in the world and that second part is where this model really shines like i think it's better than i am at it because it really has seen the whole universe of how people use code you should think of it as a model that's you know gpt was trained on all the text out there this model's been trained on all the text and all the public code um so it really i think accelerates me as a programmer and takes away the boring stuff so i can focus on the fun ones okay so that is a working web page that you've got but wouldn't it be nice if you could send lots of emails with hello world to everyone who is listening to us on the on the live stream yes so here's here's a moment for for everyone to participate um so if you would like to receive an email as part of this demo from codex i i think that we should be posting a link to sign up in to the chat now i should also be displayed on the screen so please go ahead and sign up and will we'll give you a moment to do that and while we are waiting for you to sign up i want to point out how insane it is that what we are showing to you works at all it is fundamentally impossible to build such a system except by training a large neural network to do really good card auto complete that's all we did it is really simple conceptually although perhaps not in practice to just set up a large neural network which is a large digital brain which has a mathematically sound learning procedure and that part can be understood and it is relatively simple and then you make it work you make the neural network big you train it on code autocomplete and by being good enough at code autocomplete we get the capabilities that you see here it actually reads all the letters all the words that we are giving it it chews and digests them inside of its neural activations inside of its neurons and then it emits the code that we see and because the autocomplete is so accurate the code actually runs and it runs correctly so now let's show you how to hook codecs up to sending email so we're going to be using the mailchimp api in order to do this um and you know codex again has seen all the public code out there but i wanted to use my mailchimp account and maybe i have a particular way that i want to call the api so it's very easy to give codecs new capabilities almost the same way that you explain to a programmer how to use a new method you can do the same thing for codex and so i want to show you the only magic that's going on here is that we have uh this plugin where on the left is instructions for humans uh for humans and uh we can take a look at the actual code that is supposed to be installed on our system it's just a very simple wrapper around the mailchimp api where i plugged in the api key already and now we can simply take this documentation written you know in very readable form and paste it to the model so literally just those three lines of text is enough for the model to understand how to use the api exactly um but before we send the message what actual message should we send to people i mean they should obviously hello world as well as something truly useful like the price of bitcoin that sounds extremely useful so we'll ask the model to look up the current bitcoin let's see if it works all right so it seems to have done something and by the way this particular api i guess is used enough out there in public code that the model failed is worth its while to to memorize exactly how it works um and now let's actually send the email blast now send everyone in email telling them a hello world and b the current bitcoin price so we'll leave it a little bit up to the model to decide exactly how it wants to format that email yeah i'm curious what messages will choose let's see what happens all right oh looks like a very sensible message indeed so now it's calling the the mailchimp api so let's give it a moment spinner is still spinning yeah so it will probably oh there we go that's a lot of emails yeah so we're sending 1472 emails it may take a little bit of time for these to deliver again at this point codex has done its job uh at this point we've made the call to mailchimp mailchimp is cueing these emails up on its servers as we speak but as you receive the emails please post on twitch chat so everyone knows that they were received so i feel like it was a pretty satisfactory hello world demo i think this is the world's most advanced hello world demo and while 1472 lucky recipients are waiting for the email it's time for us to move to our next stage i think so let us build a game all right so we've shown building you know sort of very simple functionality right so that it's kind of single shot you know it required a little bit of back referencing but mostly it's you ask for a particular thing you want done right away and maybe it involves doing some complicated import of a particular api and use it in a specific way but what we want to show now is building up a more complex program actually you know sort of building building something that spans many lines of code that's right and the game i have in mind is one where a person will be trying to dodge the boulder all right well let's give that a try um so first of all i'm going to look up a silhouette of a person i figure we should probably not use a real image of a person for this because they're going to get squashed by a boulder that is a very wise choice and what you see here is something very similar to the previous demo where greg is typing the instruction to the text box then he presses play the model does its neural magic and produces code and now we get this oversized person on the page yep and i want to point out so the the only difference here as far as the output is concerned is this is outputting javascript as opposed to python it's actually the same model under the hood so the only piece of magic we're not showing you right now is that we provide a little bit of context to the model in the case of python we have just one example of following an instruction in python in the case of javascript we have like two examples of doing it and from there the model latches on and just continues and continues yeah so i feel like it was a good first step but what i would really like is for the person to be a lot smaller and for it to be controllable with the left and right arrow keys great and we also just got a report that the emails have started rolling in so i think that's a success for for mailchimp and for uh for codex so i think that's great um so let's see how big we want to make the person maybe 100 pixels does that seem about right let's find out all right let's give that a try and actually what i'm going to also do is i just want to show people the full prompt that's being sent so that you can really see what's going on without any magic so i just opened up the chrome inspector we have a completions endpoint and you can actually just uh scroll to this is the post message and you can look at the entire bit of the prompt and let me show you what that looks like expand it out and to just to just explain what you're seeing here the way this neural network works is that it's a really really good pattern completion system that happens to work on patterns in code it's like the world's best yes and improv actor whose domain happens to be code rather than improv exactly and so we simply provide it with this context of oh you're supposed to follow some instructions and then the model realizes my job is to latch on to instructions okay so let's get back to building so we've got the person's 100 pixels look pretty good i think so all right now what do you want me to happen next next so i want it to be at a reasonable position at the bottom of the space of the screen and to be controllable with arrows all right well let's do that so first let's set its position to uh let's say you know 500 pixels down and 400 pixels from the left seems reasonable as far as i can tell all right let's see what happens all right perfect and now make it controllable with the left and right arrow keys now this is a pretty high level instruction you know exactly what's supposed to happen when you push left and what's supposed to happen when you push right you know the model really has to infer what's going on in here and it can't look at the screen the model only has access to all of this text over here and so from that alone it has to infer what to do but let's see if it worked let's see i'm curious myself the code looks reasonable okay it's quite good but this looks like something i don't quite like i don't want it to be able to get out of the screen right you found the problem but it is alive which i think is pretty good but let's see if we can fix that problem so constantly check if the person is off screen and put it back on the screen if so so again pretty high level um it's possible that the model won't quite know what we're asking for but let's give it a try okay let's test it okay this side looks pretty good to me pretty good what about the other side let's see what's happening there okay so that looks good too except that you see this flickering scrollbar at the bottom that is no good well fortunately you can just say disable scroll bars by the way i actually don't know how to do this in javascript that's the model now let's test the model does no there we go so phase one complete the person is movable um so there is there is a suggestion from twitch to see if we can make it move upwards if you press spacebar all right well let's give it a try um so also make the person move upwards if you press space bar let's give that a try all right you think it's going to work let's find out oh and there we go that is nice we need to make it also move downwards oh no okay and make it move downwards if you press the down arrow key so we now have this nice flying person let's see okay so now we have given it full okay all directional control good good good all right perfect so we now have this very nice game where the person can go anywhere with very unintuitive usage of a space bar right you know if you want to modify this uh please feel free to try it at home one of the great things about this playground is that it's very easy to export these commands you know you can almost think of this text as the new kind of source code and people can modify it and fork it so i think we're going to see lots and lots of games appear once people start playing with codecs okay so a moving person is quite nice but we need to get a boulder that we'll be dodging all right so let's search for an image of a boulder this one definitely this boulder all right that's a very nice boulder i i could not agree more i would not want to be that person having to run away from this okay so once again we just request for the boulder to appear and it appears i i hope it will appear oh it does appear an oversized massive massive boulder let's make it smaller all right uh how many pixels um can you just ask it to be small that's a great point make it small okay this is too small can you ask it to be four times as large let's give it a try that's actually interesting so it actually used uh it used a style.transform now you might want to do it that way if you want to do it a different way you can also just say you know set the width to be 4x larger and the great thing about i all this javascript just running directly in your browser and so we actually have all of this this this playground set up so that if you don't like an instruction you can just delete it if you want to modify it you can always just edit it and then you can edit the code directly yeah so i like the size of this of this boulder perfect but now i want it to fall down okay and then when it hits the ground i want it to reappear from the top again somewhere else now the thing about codex is that you know again coding is two things it's deeply understanding a problem figuring out how to chunk it up into smaller pieces and it is secondly mapping a small chunk of problem statement to code and codex really excels at that first part the first part if you ask for too much at once it won't succeed and so let's actually let's actually give it a try just to say you know now fall from the sky and wrap around okay i wonder if it will work let's find out so this is going to require doing a lot of things um so in fact if you notice all that it did is it just did the first part of saying you know what i got to get it absolutely positioned i put it in a particular location um it didn't do the second part and so when when codex fails like this the kind of thing you can do is you can just try again and i think that again like one really nice thing about doing this in javascript is there's no punishment for getting it wrong right you have a system that's very stateless that you can just re-execute and try again your iteration cycle can be just truly immense and that for me has been kind of the most exciting part about working with codex is that it just kind of means that you get to just think about what you want and you spend less time of like okay now i need to go to stack overflow and figure out how you know whatever uh you know what whatever property it is to disable the scroll bars which i have already forgotten um but let's now try breaking down this instruction into smaller pieces so first you know i think codex had a good good point that we should set uh first position it um uh to you know let's set its position to the top of the screen at a random horizontal location hopefully that's a simpler instruction that it could do seems pretty good and it did it yep and if we want to verify it's actually random we can just kind of re-execute this code multiple times it seems pretty random to me now have it fall from the sky and wrap around let's give this a try so again still a lot going on in the construct this instruction so it may not work the code is since oh it's moving it's going down okay we got something we've got some signs of life got some signs of life he's going back and yes there we go all right very nice this is very very nice indeed it is alive all right great so i think in order to uh in order to put a capstone on this game uh we just need to indeed there's no game if you can't lose sad sad to say but we do need to implement that loss condition so first define what happens when you lose clear the screen and show a message saying you got squashed it should be an encouraging message ideally um okay well let's let's so i just kicked this one off let's make it encouraging so now modify that function now rewrite that function to also include some words of encouragement excellent i'm also curious what words of encouragement the model will choose so you can do it um so that that's that's pretty good and uh so so the only thing is that the way that this actually was implemented is implemented as a key down listener and what we really want is we want a function that gets called when you lose so we can get rid of both of these and we could try this one more time and so how would you make it different so you can say define a function so make a function that gets called okay let's see if it works oh it is a function it is called you lose and now rewrite that function to include words of encouragement all right let's see what happens here and sure enough it makes a new eye try again all right let's let's see what happens now we actually have to wire this function up so when the person and the boulder overlap at all so constantly check if the person to boulder up over up at all and if so you lose so i'm not even going to say explicitly call that function just it's got to figure out that that's what we want so we'll see if that happened um yeah do you want to do the honors definitely oh man all right moment of truth here moana truth success you got squashed and a very encouraging message to try again i think that's very good life advice from codex right there okay i feel like it was a nice game that we built in a small number of minutes i think so so we have one more thing to show you and that uh with this demo we want to help expand your mind to the you know to the possibilities the codex can really offer and indeed one of the things that we showed you in the hello world demo is that it's very easy to teach the codex model to use whatever api you want api doesn't know and conveniently all your favorite software comes with an api in fact i used to work at a company whose entire job is to build an api apis are out there that these days the world is really programmable and codex is able to hook into those apis on your behalf and so that the kind of end-to-end functionality that i think starts to be unlocked is that you talk to your computer and it actually does what you ask all right let's let's see how it works all right so here we have my ipad with just vanilla microsoft word installed on it um there's one little one little secret within it that we'll get to in a moment um but it turns out that microsoft word like many pieces of software has an api in fact it has a javascript api and hey we built a model that is pretty good at javascript quite convenient very convenient so all we did is that we took this api reference and we formatted it for codecs and so you know we kind of trimmed it down it's not the whole whole implementation of the whole api um but it's enough to make a very interesting proof of concept and so let me show you the kinds of things you can do so here is a poem that was actually one of my favorite poems as a child really oh yeah yeah it's called the jabberwocky uh it's very fun um so i'm gonna paste it into microsoft word and uh oh shoot let me get rid of these leading spaces before we start sorry on this greg this will take forever hold on hold on you know what fortunately with the codex add-in i don't have to delete them delete all initial spaces and it worked it did work the initial spaces are gone but all the other spaces are still there still there and just like before the instruction at the top was turned into code which was then run by microsoft word exactly and so we're just using the standard microsoft word api here so they provide a function functionality for you to get your little sidebar that we show here and we just basically reuse the exact same code that we've written for those other demos and so all that's going on here is that we use the built-in speech recognizer so we didn't write that so if it has transcription errors we take no responsibility for it um but then we send whatever request is put here to the api and it generates actual code in the microsoft word api and what you see here is a taste of the future as the model gets really good as the neural network gets really good at turning instructions to correct api calls it will become possible to do more and more sophisticated things with your software just by telling it what to do and i think this is the biggest contrast with gpt-3 like the biggest step on top of gpd3 in my mind and this wasn't obvious to us going in but i think it's kind of emerged from what we've built gpd3 is a system that you talk to and it talks back to you so the only impact it has is in your mind with codex you talk to it it generates code which means it can actually manipulate or you know it can actually act in the computer world on your behalf and i think that that's a really powerful thing that you actually have a system that can can carry out commands on your behalf for example let's do something a little bit more complicated yep um so uh do you want to give it a try yes now make every fifth line bold okay few i was really worried about the speech recognition part yes well there we go oh a success a success indeed so i think that's pretty good and you know i think that that what this kind of demo shows you is what today's voice assistants have really been lacking that i think that what you really need is you need a system that has the kind of gpt world understanding so it can flexibly sort of interpret between different languages and can really understand the intent that you're you're putting forth and while we are very happy with the neural network that we're showing you today which is a better code model than the one we had previously it is still only just a step the neural networks the code neural networks you'll have in the future will be far better than this so this is only the beginning of an exciting future and so that's the end of our demos uh we're really excited that you were able to join us and so just to review uh today we showed you the latest generation of the codex model it's available in open eyes api starting today so please sign up on on the beta list if you want to be able to play with codex in the context of a pretty awesome new kind of programming competition that will be thursday 10 a.m uh we're really excited for you to get a chance to play with it so thank you very much for for tuning in we're excited to see what you're going to build and thank you for joining us to experience the magic of neural networks
Channel: OpenAI
Views: 382,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 42sec (1782 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 10 2021
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