Open Source Smart Glasses - DIY AR

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I'm Kaden Pierce and these are the open source smart glasses a fully open source pair of smart glasses let's take a look at how we've made them and our plans for the future for the system let's go yes inside of a small Mountain here [Music] [Music] like And subscribe subscribe and like we're trying to create memory augmentation and live search tools based on transcription of what's currently being said based on the context of the environment the system is focused on transcribing conversations and providing intelligence into your conversations summary of conversations live search based on what's being said if you don't know what the word is we can Define it if we don't know what a thing is we can pull up the Wikipedia page if somebody brings up a topic that you talked about with somebody else a year ago we can search through all of your conversations and pull that up immediately if you're telling somebody about a book or article that you read with an interesting idea we can immediately pull that up from your internet history and give you the option to send it to the person you're speaking to to improve our communication and to improve our intelligence in conversations it was quickly realized that in order to achieve this type of Technology would require a suite of egocentric sensors that can understand the context of the user and that can build up a personal knowledge base of everything the user experiences this type of Technology didn't yet exist and so we began the project by building a multi-speaker array a phased array of microphones that line along the top of a pair of glasses and can transcribe the conversation and discussion that's happening around a individual that text can then be processed with natural language processing in order to understand the context and what's going on I knew I would need some help in order to make something as complex in mechanical prototyping as smart glasses so I called up my friend Adrian papino who's an excellent mechanical engineer to see if he was willing to help out with the project Adrian pickup Adrian oh Adrian listen I'm trying to design smart glasses and I know how to do the software and I think I know how to design the board and I have an idea for how the mechanical is going to go but I don't really know how to do it in CAD and I think I kind of need your help do you think that's something you want to do is that something you can help with maybe Adrian please [Music] yes I designed the electronics board for my apartment and worked with Adrian Papineau in order to design a casing for the device version one was a large PCB that proved out the concept of building a tiny microphone array and version two is a two-part PCB with a flex PCB of microphones that go along the top of a pair of glasses check that out popped right in eh yeah only uh one two three versions and it's perfect [Music] halfway through the project I graduated from Western University where I was studying software and electrical engineering I had to load up my entire lab from London Ontario into a single suitcase solder stencils for brain stimulation we have smart glasses hard drives tools brain sensors SMD soldering station smart glasses mini computer some hand tools of course we need to pack some clothes fly to Vancouver BC and then take an Uber to my RV which I started using as my lab to develop the open source smart glasses while in BC I met up with my buddy Dylan who also lives in his vehicle and we had a sick time hanging out going to the beach in Kelowna surfing on Vancouver Island and getting kicked out of our parking spots in the middle of the night where are we headed Dylan let's go surfing I am setting up the 3D printer in my lab I'm putting some alcohol on the bed and scraping It Off with signature scraper card thing oh oh yes oh yes and we are 3D printing smart glasses that are open source right here right now one of the biggest problems in this entire space is the fact that wearables aren't actually wearable what I realized was needed was more than just this microphone array what was needed is an entire smart glasses solution designed to be worn and used all day version two of the microphone array Hardware which is now really the version one of Open Source smart glasses being developed by team open smart glasses I decided to assemble a team of people all of whom had built their own DIY smart glasses in the past and we worked together the team I assembled has come to be known as team open smart glasses if you want to build Advanced wearable tech smart glasses technology with Open Source Hardware and software reach out to team open smart glasses after landing and getting set up in Vancouver I spent about a month in British Columbia I then drove to the US and drove across the U.S back to Ontario where I am now in Toronto you can check out my other video for a little insight into what I was up up to in the U.S a few weeks before getting back to Canada we'd finished and ordered the latest printed circuit board for the open source smart glasses upon receiving the boards and components I immediately soldered them together in the back of my RV using my SMD soldering setup it took a while and there were some hiccups but over the course of the next few weeks I was able to get the boards fully up and running let me show you a little bit closer up of how the board is in these glasses then I'll cover it up and I'll show you the full thing with battery charging microphone computer Wi-Fi Bluetooth now I am wearing the open source smart glasses these are starting to look like pretty normal glasses but they're stacked with tech let's go this has two batteries equaling 1 000 milliamp hours of lipoly 3.7 volt and we have our Electronics board with sensors built in and prescription lenses which is tailored to my own specific prescription and we can make a prescription for anybody in a couple of days I'm headed to Toronto where I've got a couple connections with SLA 3D printers because we want to start moving away from fdm towards SLA so we can get higher strength a better finish and overall just better glasses and a better experience for the people wearing them you can obviously tell that this has some support material from fdm printing that's not going to be a problem in the future because we're going to use SLA which leaves you with a smooth finish so Adrian and I loaded up into this RV and we took off from Windsor to Toronto Ontario here we are in the RV we're on an intense cyborg smart glasses mission to Toronto here we are in Toronto we're just checking out kishis form Labs too SLA printer we're printing off one of the arms with some clear resin we parked at a Walmart and then Kishi picked us up and brought us to his house that's a robot he made this is a pair of smart glasses quiche made what do you have to say kiji you can show this this is the egg printer oh so you kind of put the egg here and then it's like basically it's a CNC like with an actual egg yeah on your Easter egg oh so yeah I made this for Easter oh nice wow so you could you could sell these at Easter time small children but nobody want to buy this off of the SLA printer we're gonna wash it and and then pull out the the support yeah and then cure it and then cure it look at that I feel like yeah and so what did I do I got another 3D printer and I put that one in the back of my RV and now I've got two 3D printers in the back of my RV while in Toronto we went on a crazy adventure we went to see my buddy Pete who's an expert electrical engineer all right we're here we're here with Pete in the RV I'm so excited Pete so I heard you said you're gonna show us your custom electric vehicle today right yeah definitely so full scale is 300 amps yeah one of those burnt out actually they're not even hooked up I got it I just got it working like last week foreign and we worked on the open source smart glasses and pushed them forward to the example that you see on my head today glasses with a smooth finish that are light comfortable and nearly look like regular glasses this is an early prototype and doesn't feature nearly all of the features that we wish to have the open source smart glasses are now connected and streaming to the wearable intelligence system that means that many of the applications that I've demoed in previous videos are now available on the open source smart glasses hey computer save speech tag ideas we need to build robots that can clean autonomous vehicles finish command as you can see what I just said has been saved into my tag bins into my notes and into my tag bins under the tag of ideas this time we mostly looked at the process of Designing the glasses next time we'll go far more in depth with the use cases in the next month we're going to be launching the H2O smart glasses Community a place where everyone interested in smart glasses can come together to access resources have conversations stay up to date on news and get first pick at the latest smart glasses technology that's being released so check out the link in the description and you can also access that site as soon as it's launched if you join our email list we're now rolling out Hardware devices to select beta users check out the link in the description below where you can apply to sign up for our beta list if you are interested in helping out with the open source smart glasses Project Check out the Discord Link in the description where you can join and become part of the team building the future of smart glasses I'm super excited about this project because we're finally breaking through the barrier that smart glasses have always faced physical Comfort social comfort and the capab ability to be used all day is going to open up a world of possibilities thank you so much for watching and I'll talk to you soon like my channel subscribe subscribe subscribe subscribe
Channel: caydengineer (Cayden Pierce)
Views: 46,532
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smart glasses, homemade smart glasses, diy smart glasses, ossg
Id: PwmGNWkpKW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 07 2022
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