OPC-UA vs MQTT 2021 UPDATE - Live Q&A 12/28/20

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ripping oh we're live in three two one welcome everybody to intellic integration 4.0 solutions live stream thank you all we have seven eight people in the chat right now let us know where you guys are joining from and i'm gonna go ahead and kick it over to walker reynolds uh hey how's it going guys i'm uh this is our first live stream i'm gonna go ahead and start sharing my screen now um so this is our first live stream where we're going to answer questions so i'm actually going to put the chat up here i had to turn good dan's asking questions here all right um let me go to my notebook and just kind of go over what i want to go over so totally organic um zach vaughn you guys will keep an eye on the chat uh basically we we went through and and we're answering some questions about unified namespace today we shot it we just shot a video like an hour and 15 minutes if you guys go if you're not a member of the discord server um we'll include a link to the discord server in the chat if zach do you want to handle that but uh we have the we managing industry 4.0 discord server i'm sure most of the people who are in here are part of the discord server because that's where we made the announcement but if you're not you can join the industry 4.0 discord server um through the link that zach's going to give you guys um let me close team so i don't get any notifications all right there we go so um where i'm gonna go through and answer a bunch of questions in here um and i'm also gonna go through and answer questions um on youtube um and i'm gonna i wanna show you guys i'm gonna try and figure out how to i wanna show you a magazine you should be reading if you're not already reading it we're gonna go over some digital media ideas i have some videos that i want to shoot and get some more of your guys ideas and add them into the trello board this is my personal one this isn't the one that zach does but i want to start with this magazine called 2600 magazine it's the hacker quarterly it's a magazine that i've been reading for years if you guys aren't currently reading it i recommend that you do be reading it one of the videos that i'm going to shoot it's all things hacker i mean it it fits in the you know it's definitely more on the commercial i.t side but one of the videos that i'm going to be shooting is a response to an article that was in not this month's issue but the last the previous issue the previous quarter um by craig reeds who's a guy that i'm connected to on linkedin he wrote an article on industrial uh security for industrial control systems in in la in the last issue so in the uh summer issue he wrote an article on network security and industrial control systems and um i'm going to be shooting a video that's a response to his his article and and i mean the article what's crazy is that the article he wrote very this is a highly credentialed guy in in security the article he wrote is a industry 3.0 article all day long i mean basically his argument is do not digitally transform that's basically what he says in his article and and so i'm going to give a response to it but if you're not currently reading this i highly recommend you read it it's just straight articles there's probably it's all from the community like 50 maybe 50 articles each quarter you can contribute yourself and the in the you know it's a very decentralized magazine totally worth it but i'm going to be shooting a video that's a response to one of the the articles written in 2600 so um uh one of the things i wanted to share was like some of the stuff that i read you know what do i read at night you know what you know what's the what's the kind of stuff i follow that kind of stuff 2600 is one of them so uh and you'll see i have a video that i want to shoot that's a response to uh to him um dan a bunch of people you so zack you're uh you're gonna keep an eye um and you'll pull this questions out uh for me yeah guys ask your questions in the chat or or in discord as well okay we're gonna do this we plan on doing this every week in 2021 we've actually got some pretty exciting news for 2021 in regards to 4.0 solutions and some new training products that we're launching so but you guys are gonna have to stick around at the end of the stream to talk more about that yeah zach where do i we're right there share my sound is that all i do correct right there okay um all right so i want to do a couple of quick updates so on mentorship um the the for those of you guys who are in digital uh or in mentorship step one um the practical is is going through review right now so it took a couple of weeks to incorporate um the feedback for mentorship so um i got that incorporated into the practical um and it's going through review and then you guys you guys should get it by the end of the day um i will be checking at like five o'clock eastern to make sure that it's been done um it may not be until tomorrow morning but it's supposed to be done today uh the review the final review um so those of you guys are in the step the step one group the the um the federation group um uh hey vaughn what person how many people have completed their training and are ready for the practical right now uh right now we have about six that are ready and okay so we've got uh so one of the things that we've learned is of the how many people are in the first mentorship uh 48 so of the 48 only six are completely done with their training to be able to do the practical we're gonna give the practical to everybody i mean you don't have to be done with the training to get to get the practice we're going to give it to everyone uh how many people are going to carry over to the next group they're going to do step one with the next group starting on january 14th uh at last count i had uh 12 that we're going to carry over all right so that means that there are 30 people there are 12 people we know are gonna do step one with the next group there are people whose schedules just didn't work out or the the amount of work required to get through the step one training was too much for some people and they need they they want to move on to the next group and finish it in the next group because they're better prepared to complete it so um so we've got 12 that are moving over we've got six who are done which means we've got 30 who either have to let us know that they want to move on to you know do step one with the next group starting january 14th or they've got to finish their training and get the practical done by january 14th okay and vaughn will be following up with everyone over the next two weeks so what's the plan with mentorship um the plan with mentorship is pretty straightforward the hopefully the practicals in everyone's hand today um if not it'll be tomorrow um the practicals fairly in depth i there's no way it should take anyone two weeks to get the practical done even if you're just doing a little bit at a time my guess is everyone should be able to complete the practical within a week uh john sindritz asked questions today about will we have to do a unified namespace yes you will you will have a you're going to set up a broker as part of the um it'll be an external broker by the way you're actually going to have two of them an external and an internal broker that you're setting up as part of the practical you will be using a unified namespace you are going to consume some data with a third-party application and then have to publish back into the namespace you will have to do that as part of it you're going to do both vision you're going to have to build a vision window interface and then you're going to build a perspective window interface inside of ignition you're going to be working with a mysql database you're going to be writing some python code including you're going to write a standalone python code uh python application a very simple one okay it shouldn't be more than 10 12 lines you're going to write a very simple standalone python application that you are going to add to the python library so that you can call it from not just ignition but any other application so this is different than running a writing a python script inside of ignition you're going to write you're also going to write one that's outside of ignition and you'll have to create an init file and we're going to have to support you on it we're going to let everybody run into the same problem and then see if the group can if the community can help each other out hey how do i why is it i can't call this package um externally and it you know it and uh so we're gonna let everybody run through the same problem so um and then um you are going to visualize data inside of ignition uh both uh on the vision side and the the perspective side so it it will be a very very good start to doing iot projects industry 4.0 projects using ignition as your iiot platform step two which is starting on january 14th is advanced python and sql and and uh but the the bulk is um you know we're gonna get into some mes we're gonna get into we're gonna do some uh the basics of um machine learning and predictive analytics there's gonna be some basic stuff that you're going to get into but the the bulk is factory studio university or frameworks university which i want to go over right now so we've been working on frameworks university we've been shooting all the content um and um so this is our structure for the course so we're at we've actually been what you know what is it you guys what is frameworks university going to be so there are several modules inside of the training it's very similar to inductive university if you're if you took conduct our goal is to keep it fairly similar but have it be a lot more useful so um most of the complaints about inductive university are things we've been complaining about for years um we're we're going to fix those things so one of one of the things that you're going to be doing is you're going to be doing um development as a part of every module so you're going to be the university is centered around you building a project and we're going to build it together throughout the university that's how it's going to work so you have a module and then you got topics under the module each topic is going to have one or two videos associated with it we have a module quiz at the end of the module and then we're going to tell you to do some development and we're going to shoot the content and you're going to we're going to do it with you there's a course exam at the very end when you're done with all the modules um that'll just be 25 questions and you'll need to get a 90 or better to pass the university one of the biggest differences between frameworks university and inductive university or any other university is if you get credentialed in frameworks university in in factory studio anyone who sees that credential knows they're they're going to be able to gauge your basic minimum ability to work in the platform okay and your basic minimum ability is going to be pretty advanced um we are not i mean while we are doing the introduction we are going fairly you know we're going iiot with this so um it's important to understand that you know there are no participation awards in iiot in industry 4.0 we're trying to weed out people who you know for your own benefit if you can't do this stuff we're you know we're the bar is high so and i hope people appreciate that because i think most of us are sick of the fact that we get this training and we could we could learn nothing we could go to one of these training sessions learn absolutely nothing and still get a certificate we know that that's not you know it's not worth the paper it's written on okay that's not the case with this okay um so with that i want i want to play uh we've shot we have an intro video that i wanna i'm gonna play for you guys um that is um what is it take one you see you called it right there you go um let me know if you can hear the audio when it plays ahoy i'm walker b reynolds welcome to frameworks university [Music] this is the intro the first video of the training those of you who know me know that i am interested in all things industry 4.0 if you watch our content on intelix youtube channel or you follow 4.0 solutions or you remember the industry 4.0 discord server you've taken digital mastermind step one or two or your member of mentorship step one which i hope you are then you know that i talk about a platform called factory studio made by tatsoft all the time we are working in conjunction with hatsoft to create the university for the newest release of their platform which is called factory studio built on frameworks version 9.1 it's a revolutionary release for december 2020 and the reason you're watching this video is because you are about to embark on the university that will introduce you to the new platform and get you credentialed and certified to work with it in this course what you can expect is training on tatsoft's factory studio built on frameworks which we going forward we'll just refer to it as factory studio 9.1 or frameworks 9.1 what you can expect is a university style training course all on video broken into modules with a quiz at the end of every module and a practical a practical piece at the end of every module all taught within the context of the industry 4.0 principles that we teach about through our digital media and through our community we have no idea how long this course is going to take people we'll be interested to see how long it'll take people to get completed but when you're done you will have a thorough understanding of what factory studio is how it is built how you can leverage it and how does it fit into an iiot ecosystem in a nutshell factory studio is a platform for solving problems and this course it is a platform for teaching you how to use that platform for solving problems so sit back relax get a notepad and a pen if you are old if you are young open up whatever digital note-taking tool that you use if you're a old person who likes to use new technology you do the same if you're a young person who likes to use old technology grab yourself a notebook and a pen and let's get started so now that you guys watch this video mark this video as complete leave any comments down below and move on to the next module a couple of things that you guys might notice is uh you should have seen lately um our logo has changed to 4.0 so um we are actively so 4.0 solutions and intellect integration are our assembly companies i actually own five companies that make up my industrial automation uh holdings uh 4.0 solutions is the product company it's the it's been designed it owns all of our products it's been 4.0 solutions has been i think in business since 17 it owns all of our products owns all of our software all of our hardware we are now actively pivoting and moving our education and outreach to 4.0 solutions so nothing really changes for you guys other than the logo um you'll see the logo different you'll see 4.0 solutions in the video shots but everything's still the same we're just choosing to use this 4.0 solutions brand so that's a brand new logo one of the things uh intelic.online will be moving to iiot.university so we purchase the the domain iiot.university and we'll be moving all of our industry 4.0 all of our education and outreach to that iot dot university piece the reason why is we work with other integrators so i really serve dual roles while i'm the chief executive officer of intellect integration and i'm an engineer and i and i'm a lead engineer and still work on projects but i'm kind of backing off and i'm moving out to the community and teaching the community how to do this stuff so intellic integration still exists still got engineers and lead engineers and we're still doing tons of projects and um and um and growing like crazy but i'm me personally i'm stepping back and focusing on the education and outreach for the rest of the community so that working with other integrators and getting them off the ground and i've really been doing that for the last two years uh one of the companies that we work with is actually really integral in in the discord community so you guys will see that like what is the 4.0 solutions it's just really the brand for um education and outreach um a couple of updates you know we're up to 750 members on discord which is really kind of crazy when you think about the fact that we don't actively recruit that much i mean we'd kind of do it in spurts so um that in in the the the participation's been profound so um all right so let's go through uh these questions let me go i i want to do one other thing uh earlier today we shot a video on uh unified namespace so there was a lot of questions in the discord server under unified namespace and so the the specific questions i answered are here and those videos will be reduced released it actually took like an hour and 20 minutes to answer all the questions so um which really gave us the idea hey we should do this live thing so there's one other question in there i want to start with the question in discord before i move to youtube but there was another question in the discord that i missed under unified namespace and it was uh where did i see it right here i've just started watching and reading a few of the threads here and similar to some of the previous says i'm wondering if anyone can point me to articles that discuss how a unified namespace architecture scales across a global enterprise of multi-region and site so the answer is there's no there is no document yet that um that shows you how to scale across an enterprise why because the solution remember the solutions you build using a technology stack are a function of the problems you're trying to solve so there isn't when if you go and you look across um if you look at the companies who have digitally transformed that they didn't digitally transform they came up during the fourth industrial revolution tesla is a perfect example if you compare tesla with one other major company that we're not allowed to mention the way that they've architected their iot infrastructure is completely different they use the same core principles edge driven report by exception right lightweight open architecture but outside of that the way that they scaled across their business is definitely not the same so there isn't one this is why remy this is why i'm going to go over some stuff this is why some of the standards that come out for industry 4.0 are not worth the paper they're written on and and the reason we haven't seen any successful implementations using these standards because you what at the end of the day the iiot infrastructure the unified namespace you put in place is going to be a representation of your business and not every company builds their business the same way that's that's the competitive advantage you know the way you build the business is your intellectual property the way you manage workflow the way that you convert things from a from a bill of materials the way you source raw materials the way you build recipes that's all your intellectual property that's not standardized that isn't standard that's why you have integrators the first thing the integrator learns is how do you even do things they're literally the first thing you're you're learning you don't walk in thinking oh they do it x y and z because that's the way everyone does it that's not how it that isn't how this works right that's why you have to have integrators so the answer is there is no document but there is a strategy and that strategy is the strategy we teach in digital mastermind and mentorship right what are the steps to digital transformation and and what is the approach the agile approach right there is a specific strategy that will get you to that design to that standard that you're going to create that technology stack that you're going to create the strategy is what we can standardize but the the the um the architecture is not standard there's even if you look at the solutions that we develop there are there are some there are some architectures we use all the time but we're constantly extending them for various customers okay uh zach any question i should ask i answer i should answer uh first dowdell asked about the isa 95 standard or oh no was it isa 101 or i say 95 i say 95 standard oh getting a copy of it i i believe every time we have a mentorship call every month and there's downloads available i i try to put all of those into the download section for that mentorship call on iot university so if it's not there i i'd have to double check walker do you remember if you ever gave that to us the isa 95 standard take a look let's see if i download it right so for those of you guys who are not members of isa um it does you have to pay to get um what oh yeah this is the problem that we had gotta stop sharing for a second so no one gets my password you'll see it for just a quick yeah we do not have it yet we don't have yet i have the isa 101 which we dropped on yeah yeah the issue so if you do i say 95 oh wait no i uh i have the document somewhere um all right so let's go ahead and look up our oops so you just go to isa 95 if you are a member dave schultz is um and then what you can do is you can do a stan you can do a search of the standard you're looking for and now there's a couple of issues that you have with isa 95 okay and that is some of isa 95 came from ansi so wherever you see ansi as a as a at the beginning you cannot you have to pay for that individual standard okay because the copyright is still owned you know as part of some what we care about is the model so um what we care about is the individual model um and so what i'm gonna do is i think it's part two that we're looking for isa 95 part two right here objects and attributes all right this is the one that we want we i have it we'll i'll give it to you guys to upload uh i'll give it to you zack to upload this is the one you really care about objects and attributes this is the one you want to read um first right uh you also want to read the 88 and 95. that could be a video we do just on isa 95 for our youtube yeah all right let's go to let's go to youtube i'm just going to go through and answer these these questions real quick um all right scott palmer industry 3.0 system integrator great video you nailed it for those of you guys that did not see the manufacturers video the latest video that we published this is about an email i wrote when i worked at nucor steel and i talked about some leadership stuff um we got a lot of positive feedback on the iot at the edge podcast um the factory studio i can't believe that had that many views 700 views man that's crazy rockwell automation this is how terrible rockwell is by the way hopefully rockwell watches this eventually um open or not that means does rocco no one comes on here and defends rockwell not a single person yet we know that many many people from rockwell automation watch these videos because of the statistics we get we're able to tell like which domains and stuff you know if you if you watch a video while you're logged in we can you know we know like what companies and stuff watch the videos and um many many many many many many people from rockwell watch these videos but they no one ever defends them which is kind of crazy you think like somebody at rockwell would come on and and defend them and they don't it's it's really nuts um all manufacturers let's do this great info why your applications aren't scaling a very good video oh the industry 4.0 rant there was a question here i want to answer can you please suggest which are the top companies offering digital factory solutions all right this is a a very good question i generally do not um i generally don't do this because of there's always people i'm gonna miss okay but the the best way to do this is um let me grab this and uh do it by layer of the stack so on the plc side um you know wago opto 22 um siemens especially with the s7 1200s um uh wago opto 22 siemens help me out here make sure i don't miss anybody guys um uh well you got your easy automation yeah advantech easy automation um uh moxa your back off back off yeah um your rpi yeah raspberry pi uh actually let's just do this any real any single board computer that has linux based os um that can run that library yeah um oh schneider electric schneider is the only one of the big boys they actually have a new plc i and we i will shoot a video on this a new plc that um is full iot right out of the box um i can't remember the name of it um what's that oh wow the m231 yeah there you go yep the m221 free wave there's a there's a lot here on the edge on the hmi uh red line is a big one uh ignition edge in touch edge which is indosoft maple systems maple systems um ignition edge factory studio this is actually where factory studio started when they created factory studio initially in 2013 their first entry into the market was to basically replace panel views that was their whole their whole goal what they didn't realize initially was the approach that they were taking was creating an iiot platform okay um on the hmi so factory studio um there are many others again i'm not you know this is not going to be totally inclusive um scada ignition factory studio win ccoa we'll do canary labs um historian but the truth is is that canary labs can act as [Music] a sata system so supervisory acquisition um supervisory data acquisition it can act as it can't do control or that's not entirely true if you're a really good developer you can do control flow software you got bedrock yeah oh yeah hold on that was at the edge though michael dowdell dropped that one yeah bet so if you guys don't know bedrock so this is high security so if you want to you know this is all military technology bedrock developed also no moving parts that's another thing one of their their plcs are going to last for 50 years i mean they're going to last forever there are no moving parts in any of their their plc's at all um and they have no contact communications from i o to the backplane so there's no place to intercept data i mean super high security um so ignition factory studio win ccoa canary labs flow uh on the mes side this is a um uh um ignition episoft uh factory studio mes 4.0 here's the problem that you're running into in industry 4.0 a lot of people are thinking they don't need manufacturing execution um infor whether the eam you name it all their stuff is when ccoa again all right erp let me let me just put odoo and let me put custom here and stay away from everything else for a whole host of reasons uh at the cloud layer aws uh azure litmus sorba iot there's a ton this is where you're gonna see the vast majority you know this is where you're also gonna end up with canary and flow you're gonna end up with ignition here you're gonna end up with factory studio here i mean the vast majority of the iot solutions you see are going to be cloud-based um on the mes side a big one i'm missing here automation intellect this is probably the one that should be at the top um see this is why i don't do this because i'll i'll end up forgetting like a really important one this is why we created the community though this is really where 4.0 solutions the need for 4.0 solutions was created because we realized it's too much for us to do alone so we created the discord we created the content and encouraged you guys to do the same so we can work together come up with our minimum technical requirements and go scan the market for these solutions and bring them to the surface one of the things that i am very um oh wait uh seek needs to go here see i this is the reason i generally don't do it so i don't because what i don't want is i don't want anyone to think that because i left someone off the list it means they're not an iot platform like to put together a comprehensive list we'd have to sit and list off hundreds of of solutions what i'm posting here this is not all inclusive so um there are specific platforms that i will tell you oh yeah for example uh thing works is absolutely an iot platform right this automation yeah litmus uh didn't i put him right here oh he said it couldn't also be considered as edge they could be litmus is well one that was what i was going to highlight here so i'm going to highlight these two that's why i put them next to each other so one of the things about litmus and let me do automation intellect is these are these are platforms that also have edge components okay so automation intellect has a cloud a cloud component and then a component that runs on the edge okay sorba iot does the same thing where they've got a cloud component that sort of does all of the force multiplication all the mach so sorba iot for you guys don't know is a machine learning tool but it's really an iot platform uh and you know it's just like everything else you know if you're a if you're a you know a plant manager and you buy some piece of software you want every software to solve every problem for you it's it's like that so you'll notice that you may develop a platform that has a really specific niche but but it ends up adding tons and tons of functionality later because the customers keep requesting it even though you can get that functionality easily by grabbing another platform that would play nicely with it you know what i mean um sorba iot started out as a machine learning um platform but it's really moved more towards an iot platform it has an edge component so that you have devices that run out on your equipment that the the the machine learning is done so the modeling and the learning is done in the cloud and then the model is published to the edge and it's administered on the edge on the machine right litmus automation does the exact same thing litmus automation though however could be you could really list litmus pretty much every you know at every layer of the stack uh you could also um influx db so if you do so influx db which is really time series data influx can really live at all layers of the stack because there's a whole host of other solutions like grafana and other tools that um [Music] that all use the same time series data uh database and so you have a whole suite of solutions that's part of influx but this is a good list here this is a i mean is there any that i'm missing that i like are just jumping off the screen that i'm you know that holy crap how did i miss x y or z um i don't think so uh uns gateway um yes so uns gateway so our uns um for example yep oh thank you so qns gateway so high byte uns gateway uh influx db um litmus automation these are tools that are gonna that because they can serve as a unified namespace all of them the influx really can't but it sort of can um it connects it can connect to any of the layers any solution in any of the layers so the the closer you get to being a unified namespace the more you're going to plug into each layer in the stack you're not going to be unique to a specific location in the stack okay your iot platforms you'll notice flow you see or you see factory studio at every layer except for plc edge right um you're not gonna you could do automation from inside factory studio but you shouldn't same thing with ignition you know we i keep reading these articles that you know hey we're going to be doing automation inside of software that's insane you don't we don't you don't want to be running your equipment from um from software that's running on a computer you want it to be on a specialized machine that has direct connections to the i o that has dedicated cores and threads to just your automation and has all of the robustness engineered into the solution for a whole host of reasons i mean part of the software development life cycle is is making mistakes bugs are part of the process bugs are not part of the process in writing firmware for plcs you you try to solve every bug before you ever go into production because you can kill somebody when you're running machines all right michael's there michael wanted to know what the uns gateway is uh i've showed it um a couple of times in um i've showed it a couple of times in our um digital mastermind and mentorship it the unit unit it's the unified namespace gateway that uh allows you to plug right now the it you can basically connect it to any opc server and it converts to a uh an mqtt namespace and publishes it to your broker so it's um i'm i'm i think we're going to open source it completely i'm pretty sure we're going to um where i'm we're just going to make it available you know and as a community tool basically you can take the uns gateway you can connect it to any opc server and um it'll convert the entire opc namespace into an mqtt namespace and publish it to your broker um people will ask what's the difference between the uns gateway and high byte high byte does all sorts of other stuff modeling it has all sorts of other connectors um the uns gateway is it is like a subset of what hibike can do it's just a subset it has a special function for your existing opc infrastructure okay and that's the product of developed actually you're being humble right now walker you wrote the majority of it and it's a product that 4.0 solution is going to be one of our software products i we were thinking about actually getting it in the hands of our mastermind and mentorship folks first at least equipping you guys with it so you guys can go out there and build digital factories at scale with the tools that we give you and then i this is the first time i'm hearing that your open source that you were thinking about yeah so the plan the plan is the plan is i i wrote it as a tool for our team to use so that you know if you want to know part of how we can integrate faster than anybody else we built the tools to do it so in industry 4.0 so i can we can go into an existing solution somebody's got kepware running somebody's got top server running someone's got ignition running you know they've got any opc server they're using daz abc ip in a wonderware system platform environment we can take the unified namespace gateway i can install it i go to the web page i configure the connection to the opc server i configure the connection to our mqtt broker i hit submit and boom everything's done it takes everything converts it into mqtt gets it into our unified namespace then we can use ignition or factory studio or any iot platform to create the isa 95 structure so now what i've got is that opc server namespace is now fully mqtt it's not like the iot gateway that comes with kep server where you can only select certain tags what are unified uns gateway it grabs everything it grabs if you guys write opc you know you have you know you have variables and you have nodes inside of opc variables are generally your tags you also have custom methods you get there's a there's many name spaces if you look at an opc item path you'll have like you know ns equals one or ns equals two that means namespace namespace equals one so if you look at the obc-inpath it means go to namespace one and go grab the variable that's at this node path that's basically what that means but in order to construct that you if you look at most clients that look at opc they're only looking at a small piece of it why because it opc is very verbose blah blah blah so what we did was we wrote a tool a program that can that can handle the fact that it's super verbose it can auto browse everything it can completely replicate it into an mqtt namespace and send the whole thing to your broker and then in your iot platform you can then take you can do all your modeling so we our plan right now is to use high byte to do that so we use high byte to do all the modeling to create the the normalized isa 95 structure the unifi the uns gateway is really a tool that you use for the legacy infrastructure while you use your edge driven strategy for any of your greenfield stuff okay but it it it decreases you know we got 1.1 michael asks will uns gateway support mqtt 3.1.1 and spark plug b so it it supports 3.1.1 spark plug b uh mqtt 4 and and the uh beta release of five right now so in in the spark plug is just a toggle with with three additional fields yep and i've actually done it right now i'm testing with docker so that you can um use the same kernel and spin up you know 12 15 20 30 100 instances pretty slick but yeah that's that's what it is it's uh you know it's a tool we developed that we we generally don't market our tools in you know dowdell we've talked about this with mes 4.0 we don't like actively market those things because you know we we create these products to fill holes in the mark to feel fill a hole in the market and a lot of times what i end up doing is i take what we've developed where we've deployed it with our clients and and we we try to get some other company to develop it i i'm not in the business of you know long-term making products that's not really what i want to do what i want to do is take the product that i developed and have somebody else run with it you know that's kind of the the vision the uns eight gateway is different this is something we will maintain the plan here is to have two versions the one is fully open source community edition that's free you know that's under the uh open an open source license where if you make any modifications you got to share that with the community and then there will be a um you know a commercial version an enterprise version that can have custom you know intellectual property contained within it but yeah we're going to go that model the the community and enterprise model uh um all right here's a good one anthony kuznea a couple of weeks ago um so on the my factory studio story he asked the question how would you differentiate the object-oriented nature of factory studio versus of eva system platform so though all you guys who are going to go through um [Music] um mentorship step two you're going to learn this but one of the one of the most powerful things about working in factory studio is that any anything you create in factory studio a tag a script component a window they all become objects that are browsable using intellisense because and primarily it's because factory studio is built in data native.net and so because it's built in native.net it sits on top of the.net framework and because it's on the it's built into the net framework it that means that any object you create is browsable using intellisense okay so he asked this question how do you differentiate the object-oriented nature of factory studio with system platform which is also built in.net and here's the answer to that question aviva is not the least bit interested in sharing with you all of the objects that you have created what they've done is they've created system platform which it sits it's it's the sub applications like intouch are built-in.net and so is system platform but the way that they play with one another is not native.net okay it what they do is they create an abstraction layer which is aviva system platform so if i create an object inside of system platform okay so that is the object that i would deploy in my galaxy that is something i can browse but if i create a window inside of intouch which is abstracted inside of system platform that window is not browseable that is not that is not a net object inside of the platform okay so my answer to this is this is a great question so system platform is object oriented at the abstracted layer the objects that you create okay so that would be the objects within system platform while factory studio is object-oriented at both the native and abstracted layers okay so because factory studio itself is all native.net it is not abstracted.net it's native.net that means everything you everything that you create is a net object that's what it means and therefore it is browsable okay so moreover not everything in system platform is an object that's browsable in the development environment factory studio being native.net is nothing but objects both native and abstracted that are accessible from within the development environment that is the environment is aware of its existence okay there are some similarities between the two platforms but factory studio is far more open it's much faster more flexible iot ready and all for a little fracture literal fraction of the cost a fully unlimited license for factory studio costs about 10 grand you can't even get the box that the disks come in for system platform for ten thousand dollars actually it's not even true it's eleven nine um the and the reason that factory studio is so much faster than system platform that is the the speed at which visualizations will update is because a visualization in system platform is abstracted it's an abstraction so therefore it has to run through another layer before it gets to the native.net which in native.net you know uses the wisdom windows system calls to get to the kernel which gets you into the processor and makes everything happen it's a it's a slower it's a faster round trip which makes the performance much higher that's why screens and windows run so fast because a window a screen in your program is using a system call to get you directly to you know through the api directly to the kernel which is how factory studio is built aviva system platform is not built that way um blah blah blah blah blah blah i'm scott i think scott [Music] scott palmer asked how would a software developer contribute towards the community version is there get repo somewhere it's a great question yeah yeah the answer is yes there is a get repo that i'm not sharing yet what we'll do is we'll do a big i'll make it public we're going to do a big announcement and and you know share it with the community so uh but everything is um we do use we use bitbucket but um so we don't use github i'll probably move it to i'll probably move the um the uh main branch i'll probably move everything to github and host it on github uh right now we use bit bug and bit bit bucket internally but you can yep go ahead let's say this is the first time we've actually got we've ever talked about it really um also there's other things we haven't talked about for 4.0 like mastermind step 3 and everything else next year we're going to do kind of a big announcement and that's probably going to be coincided around that time where we launched the fort on the 14th we're having the mentorship call and we haven't picked an actual date yet but we're going to have a public launch event for factory or framework university um and so it may or may not be on that day but the uns gateway is going to be a big a big thing moving forward to 2021 and really help accelerate this transformation uh yeah i want to ask one more one more so under the rockwell is rockwell automation open um you know what about the rockwell partnership with ptc is the integration of thingworx and kepware in their portfolio to make them more open the answer is no and actually i wanna i mean the answer is not no the answer is sort of so let's talk about what open is okay what in and i if you guys didn't get a chance to uh iot at the edge so i'm gonna answer a question here but i was on the you know advantech and bnb smart works they have mike faryon he is a uh he has a podcast that i was on a couple of weeks ago and i think we published it um you know somebody downvoted it i wonder if that was derek stickle um the uh we had a um i i was on the iot at the edge podcast and i we had this discussion about open architecture i we've shot videos on what open architecture is and and i think people make open architecture much more complicated than it really is okay um so open architecture is just because you can connect to another piece of software using a third-party standard this is the definition that people used to use does not make you open right i mean um simply because a piece of software that has a native driver like kept server right has two components to it it's got the driver that can talk to your plc and then it's got the server that it shares that information with right that doesn't make kept server open what makes kept server open and it is open uh kept server is open um it's but it's not wide open there are there are elements of kept server that are not available um [Music] to a client okay there's important information inside of the kep server platform that is not available to a client that is talk you would have to go into kept server to access that information things like uh until the api was written things like your communications logs were only available inside of kept server itself inside of the configuration tool that was not shared that information was not made available to clients until they created the api which by the way zach and i helped write the standard for in 2013 we wrote the specification for it because that api in kepware was written for that project that big project we run we won the firebrand award for um [Music] open means that you um open means that the software or the hardware that uses that standard to talk to things that the its owner does not manage is it shares all of the pertinent information over that open standard okay there there is a lot of information this is why rockwell's not open rockwell's not open because rockwell rockwell's only focus is on sharing all pertinent information with other rockwell tools and rockwell partners tools okay and so they are open with only within the rockwell ecosystem inside the rockwell ecosystem they're open if if you if you use the intellectual property inside of your software to steer you to steer a consumer to a very specific solution in the market then that is a good way of saying you are definitely not open you're essentially leveraging the need to access something inside of your solution to drive you towards a very specific solution that's generally an add-on product or that kind of thing when all you have to do is adopt open standards and expose everything you don't have to expose the intellectual property the individual code that's operating but rockwell makes a concerted decision like when they when they adopted mqtt for example rockwell used mqtt to connect uh a gateway there's a blog post i did about it like five years ago where they they used it to connect an individual gateway with a cloud solution that they owned or rockwell or microsoft don't but you couldn't transmit over mqtt to anything outside of the rockwell ecosystem like they intentionally wrapped the mqtt into in inside of a proprietary wrapper so that you couldn't expose it to a non-um rockwell partner solution sorry um all right and other questions so open architecture is the idea that if you look at ignition or factory studio none of that's going on in factory studio or ignition that wasn't going on inside of thing works until the rockwell partnership in fact thing works ptc thing works has become more closed since the rockwell partnership what's happening is rockwell is pulling ptc into the rockwell ecosystem and closing the doors that you used to to to import into impertinent to pertinent data within the namespace that used to be accessible that's what rockwell's doing they make conscious decisions to cut that off it's just like uh apple right is is ios open no it's not open is the apple ecosystem open no it is not open it is fully and totally and completely controlled by apple open is tesla open uh no definitely not they use open architecture they use open architecture they use open architecture are you talking about tesla like the cars or exactly the data coming off of your tesla tesla owns and then tesla uses that data to enable the full self-driving for tesla's full self-driving but tesla's not allowing the full self-driving technology to be accessed by other manufacturers of other automobiles correct and but but within the tesla ecosystem that is within side the enterprise ecosystem they themselves only use open architecture they they rule out solutions within their iot framework because they're not open but then when they the to the consumers the data is not open obviously yes but within the tesla ecosystem it is open yes so within the iot ecosystem um all right i wanted to answer uh there was a specific question that was answered during that that uh um question at this video i think that he says he i list how opc ua does not meet the four pillars so comments and questions are below number one opc is not report by exception can you clarify in my experience opc ua servers will only will send payloads of updated values not repeat the same value regardless uh as in modbus additionally opc ua servers can serve as different rates to different clients client one gets update queue of one blah blah blah all right so let's answer that question this is not true it it can be true in a specific case okay but when you configure a when you configure a communications driver let's use kepware as an example and this is going to apply to basically every opc server it'll apply to ignition it'll apply to top server you name it matricon opc it's going to apply to all of them when you configure the device one of the settings in the device is um the polling configuration or polling state so one of them is timed that's time cycle one of them's respect the sky client scan rate um one is manual right and then i think there's a fourth one if you respect the client scan rate then what will happen is the oh the driver will pull for the the change when you when the request comes in and by default respect client scan rate is the setting okay so what that means is let's say i've got an opc client that's connected to an opc server and i've got a driver that is talking to a plc and i set up my driver to respect the client scan rate okay that means every single time that the opc client requests an update for that value that value is pulled every time moreover to optimize the polling of that plc device it by default it's done in blocks so let's say i only want to get one tag in the address space i don't pull just one tag that's not the way opc does it what it does is it groups that request into a block and it goes in and it will request let's say that block is um ten words long or six let's use a multiple of four it's eight words long it's going in and i'm and i'm gonna go get a i'm gonna pull back a 16 a 16 bit integer okay and i'm only interested in one value what's gonna happen is every time that the opc client requests the update the opc server is gonna the driver is gonna go request from the plc that update it's not cached in the server under that default configuration okay um and what will happen is it will if if i'm if i'm going and getting an eight if i'm using eight uh eight word blocks then what's gonna happen is it's gonna call the seven it's gonna call the or the the three or four words before me and the three words after me so the response is going to be a block of which only one value inside of it is what you care about that is not report by exception number one report by exception is if on the edge i've got an mqtt client that when that individual tag changes i publish it now the way you configure most mqtt is you use a deadband of say one second so everything that changed in the last one second i group together and i publish all of them at the exact same time but that's the report by exception report by exception is not the opc default okay well it's not well report by exception doesn't exist in any way shape or form in in the default opc ua architecture part 14 or what is it is it part 14 or is it 22. i think it's part 14 is that yeah pub sub there you go so i always keep i don't what is the 22 that i keep thinking in my head uh part 14 is the is the standard for pub sub which by the way basically says use the opc namespace structure but use mqtt to publish to a broker that's basically what 14 says number two opcwa is not edge driven i see your point for your part six 7.1.3 does specify a reverse hello procedure yeah this is all um initiates communication with a client to secure a port through a firewall most devices do not implement this however moreover matthew moreover that isn't the way that the response is sent this reverse hello procedure is is to confirm that you're talking to the correct edge the correct edge node but that isn't the way that values are updated um it it's edge driven is never a component of opc ua unless they're using part 14 for pubsub opc way is not light lightweight it's i'm not even going to get into this one opc ua is 25 times the size of an mqtt header it's gargantuan the opc ua spec is 1500 pages whereas mqtt is 137. that's 3.1.1 uh um spark plug is only like 75 pages so to be fair opc ua includes additional services no we're not being fair here life's not fair it's not our fault that opc ua tried to be everything to everyone and therefore it's nothing to everybody um the that's that was the opc foundation's fault right so he he says that um only relies on other technologies for other services such this is this is a complete misunderstanding of the reality i and we should shoot a separate video on this altogether if we talk about light weight lightweight the question is is how much bandwidth does the does a payload an opc payload take that's that's all we really care about it's not lightweight it's a it's hard to implement i am i the reason i know is because i have written the unified namespace gateway myself and the uns gateway includes an opc client in it and i know the name space that i'm parsing from an opc server and what it looks like when i convert it into mqtt and it's 125th the size and by the way as i as i create new nodes so if i let's say i've got three name spaces in the opc server that's an exponential impact so that's times three times three times three uh opc way is not open architecture can you clarify yeah this basically boils down to um there are many he's these are not services there are there are some services in opc ua but what he really means here is functions there are functions in the opc standard that are optional there are custom methods you can create actually if you want to what it means is what i'm saying is like two-thirds of the opc ua standard is optional in spark plug b there's one component that's optional in spark plug b one a single one opc ua is equivalent spark plug b and opc ua that's an apples-to-apples comparison the difference with opc ua is that you have opc ua server client you know service method you know pub sub blah blah allowing each device uh wait you mentioned that many services of opcwa is optional but how does that detract from opc ua being open allowing because the answer is is that within opc ua um you decide based on the way that you implement opc ua what is exposed okay you make the decision it's baked into the standard itself spark plug b the spark plug b standard is built under the assumption that you are taking an entire namespace and packaging it and publishing it the very assumption of the opc ua goes against our make no assumptions about how the data will be consumed correct and the rea and guess what the reason that they baked that in to the standard is because if you were gonna send everything from the edge over opcua you would hit the critical mass which is what you know you're gonna hit you can't send everything over opcwa um allowing each device application to select what is appropriate above the bare minimum seems more open than forcing all devices to implement to all features that's not true in fact that violates rule number three make no assumptions about how the data will be consumed make no assumptions do you want to know why digital transformation fails it fails because you there is there are there are data points there are events there are context there is information you need to allow machine learning and artificial intelligence to make optimal predictions and and recommendations that they don't have access to because you made those assumptions upfront i agree it's not enough for a marketing person to say our devices support opca which is about equivalent to them saying i speak english which the right response would be you speak english well what can you actually do okay so then he says maybe this video um addressing the enterprise level unified namespace these papers suggest that opcoa is only appropriate for workcenter and lower whereas mqtt is more appropriate that's exactly what i'm saying what i'm saying is that opcua is not the future of iiot so we we're in agreement there moreover um these are both he's he must work for this company he probably works um he's probably a member of the consortium or he works for a company yeah it looks like he works for someone who sells the the um a solution that uses ramy 4.0 and for those of you that don't know we're going to go over this in step two which is the reference architectural model for industry 4.0 it's completely excrement i'm going to tell you what to stay away from there are pieces of this that are valuable but this is another perfect example of a white paper that provides no value to the end user who's reading it it only it only serves to confuse this isn't a white paper that contains nothing but buzzwords okay it contains nothing but buzzwords um but this is a this is a really good this is a re this is really good feedback um from matthew paris but in it one of the reasons we shot the unified namespace video today is because he's he's making mistakes that we see people make all the time about are he making assumptions that people make all the time that they can't make okay and we'll post that full video wednesday um and we're gonna do questions like this every week so we're gonna try to keep it to one hour to respect you let me let me go i'm gonna i'm gonna just answer these that were listed here uh i it ot security does mqtt make it easier or harder the answer is much easier primarily because you're if you if you adopt edge driven dan then you're not opening any inbound ports number one number two if you're using spark plug b then the connection it or your payloads are encrypted um number three and this is the beauty of it if you're using a unified namespace and i answer this question in the unified namespace video it can have their their policies and procedures ot can have their policies and procedures and they just happen to share from the same unified name space so think of them as separate ecosystems or separate separate groups plugging into the same ecosystem um paulo rossi said how do i join the mentorship program and where should i start to learn zach i'm going to let you answer that one and didn't mario have a question i thought mario had a question did you delete or something okay um any let me go back here any other questions before we this is gonna yeah i'll leave the link to join the mentorship program right here um mario right here uh aside from the bigger companies like siemens with mindsphere many iot platforms are popping up are we having a bubble in the market many try to centralize their data the answer is yes the absolutely uh mario the answer is absolutely yes we've got this bubble right the um the issue we have is very few of these iot platforms are adopting open standards for the way that they construct their data that's the issue the issue is think think of it as the unified name space is absolutely in our opinion is absolutely critical to successful digital transformation across um and an entire enterprise even if you do it at the plant level you know what i mean it's just it's it you know the unified name space gives you the ability to standardize and remain flexible from the edge because the changes from the edge are pushed into the name space automatically um uh blah blah blah any other questions here uh mo as if comparison of opcoa and mqtt performance and ptt is going to win due to smaller payload it's that simple spot on scott um hey uh invalid invite expired zach um i think i fix that where was the did does mo just want me to talk about opcwa and mqtt performance yeah let me do that real quick uh and then that'll be the last the last one i i talk about uh let me go here i i've done this before but let's take a look at um i can actually show this in the unifi the uns gateway all right so let's look at opc ua there are two pieces that go into the overhead okay number one is the opc ua header which is just huge right it's huge because that header contains a lot of information that is or it references to a lot of information that's optional okay so the opc ua header for a an opc ua communication between a client and a server is yea big and the header for a an mqtt communication is yea big it's actually smaller than that okay here's another thing inside of a plc one or seven out of out of every 100 tags has a value change once there at least once at least once uh every minute okay so that's a csia number so for if you have a thousand tags inside of a plc okay and and this is with there are this varies like if you're working in like a batch system um if you're working like in a batch system this number is going to be higher so the more analog values you have inside the plc the higher this rate is going to be but based on the standard which is you have four 16-bit or 32-bit um digital inputs and outputs for every one analog eight channel analog in out it's seven out of ten okay um seven out of every 100 tags i mean 7 out of 100. 7 out of every 100 tags values change at least once every minute in a plc okay with mqtt with mqtt um you would send seven payloads let's say there were only seven that changed and they only changed once in that minute then you would send seven payloads with opc ua depending upon if you use all the default configurations all the default configurations and depending upon how these values are spread out in the address namespace you could send uh 100 payloads um easily you could easily send 100 payloads um our 100 100 uh 100 payloads overall using opc ua okay because only if you think about it when you when you um mo if you use all the default settings which is the way that we do this if you use all the default settings in a server you're going to respect this client scan rate you're going to say hey show me the value every you know i want to uh you know my scan class is five seconds or one second in my scada system my opc client and even if that value changes once every 10 minutes or once every hour you're still checking on it every second or every five seconds or every 10 seconds i you know generally we don't see scan rates longer than every 10 seconds so what ends up happening is mqtt sends fewer transmissions per 100 tags far fewer and each transmission is a fraction of the size of an opc transmission because of the header the head by the way the header is the initial communication you know every every communication has you know has uh some default header plus data right this is what it looks like you know here data in mqtt versus opcway then what you do is you take just the total number because we're doing report by exception then we're sending fewer transmissions because fewer data points are changing as opposed to the checking i'm checking to see if something changed which is how opc ua operates opc checks to see how things operate how often it's changed in mqtt you're notified that it's changed so when you take this delta and it's an exponential difference and you multiply this by that and you multiply this by that okay what you get is mqtt in general is 125th the uh the overhead of opc ua and by the way this bears out so using my so one of the things that i i did with the unified namespace gateway was i did a comparison of our mqtt publishes to the broker versus the opc server pulling the data from the edge and if just in the first 60 seconds i can give you guys all the results just in the first 60 seconds we went from like it was like 30 kilobytes versus um 30 kilobytes versus like 800 kilobytes um oh mtt to obc way for the same i can't remember 200 tags or something well that's almost right at 25th is it well if it was 100 i think if it was 100 times more efficient then it would be 300 kilobits would make like three megs right so and what's great and what's crazy is in our simulated environment we don't have the seven out of 100 tags i think there are many more tags that are changing so opc opcua has fewer wasted requests i mean that's really what it is it's a you're checking for a change that didn't happen and that and every time you check for that change it's this so the how do you optimize that right so how do you solve that what you do is you have to configure your opc ua client you have to optimize the re the request rate for your opc ua client i mean whenever i have these conversations like you know like when i was talking to the the vp of technology at ses me or you know if you're talking to stefan hopper you know i get lots of objections on the opc ua side hey man i don't understand this or i don't think you're being fair there i mean once you basically sit down and i you know or i show them the benchmarking they don't really they're like the light bulb comes on like oh yeah the only way to get this the only way to get this down i mean think about this you get to you know this you get to make six requests for for before you use up the same amount of overhead that one opc ua request makes i mean it's it's not even close this it really just isn't even close all right um any other questions you guys subscribe to the channel we're going to do this again next week and um leave your questions below join the discord server guys we are going to close mentorship program we have to do that so everyone kind of stays in the same track we're it's you guys so we don't know exactly what day we're going to close it but it's definitely going to be closed before the orientation call on january 14th the sooner you sign up um the sooner the better so any any other questions any any anything even unrelated to discord or um you know that i can i can answer if anyone wants to convert from a monthly subscription to an annual reach out to me um you save two months but if you guys already a subscriber i'll give you three months off so that way you get a you are planning on subscribing the whole next year convert to an annual subscription that will help us out with our you know forecast mo had a question on mentorship where was moe's yeah so he asked how to join the link the link will be down below [Music] hey i see john um all right cool i dropped the link in the chat right now thanks guys why michael why use oh yeah okay dowdell asked why use high byte if we have the uns gateway and ignition or factory studio um the answer to that question michael is um [Music] ibyght does modeling um for a much lower cost and it it you know ignition and factory studio are going to be able to do pretty much everything that hibike can do um you're going to be able to create the models all that's a really good question you'd be able to create the models you'd be able to select the interval at which you want to transmit the updates all that stuff you can do that the the triggers the events um by going more and more in depth on this question specifically we'll say that again maybe um we should go into this specific question about the uns gateway and high byte and how these systems play together um you know in our next q a okay yeah are you trying to get off here or is that the no no i mean um i want to give people a reason to come back next week oh well let me yeah but let me let me just go ahead and answer the right um so high byte has a lot more functionality than the uns gateway has the uns gateway is a very specialized tool that i hope i in fact i even said to aaron semley at highbyte that you know i want to share that functionality with them and have them take it over um but then but i i decided and i do want to share it with them but they want to incorporate it they can but i i really want to make it available to the community i want people to be able to use this tool without having to pay anything if they don't want to and and and be able to start solving problems they go into an ecosystem and they they don't have to go and buy a bunch of licenses and all that kind of stuff high buy is high bike can do a lot of things the unsaid gateway can't do i mean the the real strength is is that high byte was the is being developed by the people who built kepware and and i mean tony you know tony payne really built kepware you know he i mean i remember kepware when it was you know a regional company in the northeast when i was in new york i remember when kepware was really just a regional solution um and you know hi what high bite's going to end up being is basically your it's going to be two things it's going to become your industrial um it's going to become your industrial connector you know just like it's going to connect to everything and allow you to turn put it turn everything into the models that you need and on the other end you're going to end up with a high byte unified namespace so you're going to end up with like this point-to-point high byte you know inexpensive implementations a high button on the edge and then your unified namespace in the center and everything's going to plug into it now someone had asked the question how do you avoid vendor lock with high byte and the answer is that's a really good question because if you're doing your modeling in high byte you have vendor lock if you're doing your connections and publishing to the unified name space with high byte you don't at some point you have to commit yourself to um you know you you got to commit yourself to a platform but you you want to do it in a way where you can back out if you need to so designing those models so that they're not just designed i mean high bytes using like standard print principle aaron's using standard software development software modeling to create the model the modeling feature in high byte so it's standardized i for me the reason that i'm so big on high byte is that we as a community we are going to need a platform that is going to we're going to get to a point where our iot infrastructure and these enterprises is going to be massive and what we're going to need to be able to do is plug in a connector and connect it to whatever whatever new node we've identified we're going to need that connector we're going to need that node and we're going to need to be able to point it to our infrastructure and high bytes going to be able to do that the biggest advantage is that high byte is going to be able to do the two things you got to do well the three things you got to do number one you got to be able to do the modeling at the edge you got to be able to convert unlike data structures into like data structures you got to be able to do that you're right dowdell an ignition and factory studio can do that but not for the cost you can do it in high byte number one i mean you're talking like a one-fifth investment in one case and like a one-eighth investment in another um so i mean that is a huge difference right and as high byte sells more and more licenses the cost is going to go down right we could get you could get those edge costs could be fractional i mean you know 100 bucks a license that kind of thing um on the edge um the the other thing is high byte can serve as the unified name space as well so can ignition in factory studio so that's where they're comparable and then the last thing is a high bite will also give you the ability to stream data from the edge directly to um the cloud and you're going to do that for like uh instrument based um instrument based uh um machine learning uh let me let me answer any final questions i bite when i don't have a uh uh i see high bite when i don't have ignition or factory studio i have a lot of reason you're you're right dowdell there's nothing you're saying here um there's nothing you're saying here that's incorrect how do you select a broker to work with high byte um well it's going to work with any broker but um the i you're i think you're going to settle on a on a you know we're using emq that's what we're settling on now um we're using mosquito for all of our dev but then we're using emq for all the production environments i would not use the unit as gateway without modeling functionality correct the uns gateway has no modeling in it it basically is i've got this existing infrastructure i want to connect to it convert it and get it into my iot infrastructure and i want it to take me 10 minutes that's what the uns gateway is i buy it would be more compelling with drivers like litmus it's funny you say that uh michael because um i was saying the same thing to um i mean but the the advantage you've got i don't know what the uh is omar or anybody on here from highlight uh i don't know what their relationship with carl was omar was on here actually was he um i don't i don't know um scott palmer just heard the emq yeah we picked em q because of tony does not want to do it or he does want to do it good awesome what what if let's talk about litmus automation real quick and then we'll drop um i bite is only upstream yeah it's upstream from the device right now it's uh well it's up through it's upstream from the abstracted device so database it's got connectors for i don't even know what how many aaron's got now but um or how many he's developed but i i know uh sap is one of the ones they're working on um osi pie tony does not want to do it i i but i think the reason that tony there's probably a partnership there between them and kepware and that that would be getting into the you know stepping on kepler's toes you know and as much as i hate to say it those types of things play a huge role so um all right cool that's it i'm uh so we're gonna do this again next week we'll try to keep it to one hour um next week but i i appreciate everybody jumping on this gave us a good chance to answer all the questions that everyone had um thanks see you guys next week appreciate you guys thank you
Channel: 4.0 Solutions
Views: 1,663
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: intellic integration, walker reynolds, intellic, iiot, industry 4.0, digital factory, opc-ua vs mqtt, mqtt, opc-ua, is opc-ua the future of iiot
Id: PsLt_Pj6Yi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 14sec (5534 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 28 2020
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