OP New World Fresh Server Start Guide

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what up skyler here bringing you my first ever new world guide before we get started i'd like to make one thing abundantly clear video games are first and foremost designed to be enjoyed if you don't find the process of min maxing or strategizing enjoyable in video games then please don't assume that i'm telling people that this is the way you should play the game new world could easily be played as a single player rpg and there's a great experience to be had there and many other ways this is simply what i enjoy doing with any game i play discovering tactics and the best ways to move forward given specific metrics of success that being said this is an mmorpg which means that the best thing to do is a hotly contested topic it's hard to say in a game with so much to do is it speed leveling to 60 leveling crafting as soon as possible focusing on controlling forts and territories or a mixture of those things i'm not here to give an opinion on that subject but rather i look to determine what would be a good course of action to take regardless of the way you decide to play or what you focus on regardless if you play pvp a gathering focused playstyle crafting focus on community aspects large-scale companies or anything else the one thing everyone wants is to save time with the menial aspects in new world this most drastically comes in three forms in the early game inventory space governed by bags harvesting speed governed by tools and fast travel management governed by inns housing and azoth in this guide i will be focusing on upgrading bags tools and acquiring a house as early as possible to save as much time in the long run this guide will not get you out to the absolute fastest start possible but for players who neglect these things you will pass them at around level 25 provided you are grinding as hard as they are also keep in mind that this guide is designed for a fresh server start it's fine to be used as a new player guide but not all the information will be viable if you join late whether or not you follow this guide word for word or simply use some of the information available to develop your own strategy i'm confident that this guide is something most people have not considered once the servers go live you will load into the intro cinematic which can be skipped by pressing and holding left mouse button once you complete making and naming your character you will wash up in the tutorial area if you are unfamiliar with the basics of the game go ahead and play through it but for those of us who have already played the tutorial multiple times you can skip it by pressing escape navigating to game options and pressing skip to new world if you do this the only thing you will be missing out on is a sword weapon mastery point if you want that mastery point you have to kill the fourth bad guy in the tutorial his death triggers the mastery point gain so you don't have to worry about killing the ones before him and then you can skip the tutorial from there once on the beaches of eternum open your map and take note of where you are located you will have spawned in one of four starting regions first light in the south monarchs bluff to the west ever fall to the north or windsword to the east most people assume your starting location has little effect in your character's progression but for this guide we will want to spawn in windsword if you find that you did indeed spawn in windsword you won the rng role and should consider yourself fortunate we will however assume you did not if that is the case in which you spawn in any of the other three starting regions then it's imperative that you do not accept the first quest from the initial quest giver on the beach the main quest will be telling you to talk to the npc in front of you and indeed we must talk to them but after the initial quest is completed your dialogue with this npc will prompt you to accept another quest do not accept this quest instead back out of the dialogue and open your map you'll notice that the next quest can be obtained in any of the four starting beaches as bizarre and inefficient as it may seem to run 10 minutes across the entire map just to start the same quest line in a different zone it is what we must do people debate which of the four starting regions is the best and usually the argument comes down to everfall versus windsword due to the fact that monarchs bluff and first lights town are positioned very far out of the way windsword and everfall have a much more centralized location however winsword has a few advantages over everfall especially for this guide the first advantage is that winsword is the closest town to jonas alazar the early game main quest npc who you will end up returning to more than any other npc in the early game having your base of operations in windsword will allow you to save a lot of azoth traveling back and forth on top of that windsword has a natural freshwater source since a river runs through it the town's crafting stations are all very close to one another and finally windsword has a house available for purchase at the level 10 territory standing threshold whereas everfall's earliest house has to be obtained at 15 standing this is the main reason we want to start our early game questline in windsword this questline in addition to teaching players the basics will also give considerable experience points and territory standing approximately four and a half thousand territory standing which for the early game is quite significant especially if you want to obtain a house as soon as possible if you decide that it isn't worth it for you to travel across the land to windsword that's fine most of this guide can be adapted to any start location just keep in mind that the 10 minutes lost in traveling is not enough time to make up the difference in territory standing you will have at the end of the beginning questline that is to say you cannot farm four and a half thousand standing in ten minutes before we set off on our great trek be sure to grab four wood and four flint in order to craft a full set of flint tools at the campfire on your starting beach by the mpc once you have your tools set off to windsword along the way we need to collect multiple items for upcoming quests and objectives iron ore should be collected at every opportunity up to 138 units 40 stone will need to be gathered for an upcoming quest we'll need 65 greenwood collected from bushes for quests and materials the smaller the bush the better because we have a chance to collect woodlouse bait from them any herbs you see should be collected for hyssop as much as is available be sure to pick up any flint that is directly along your path we will need a total of 232 flint for our overall goal but don't worry about picking it all up before you arrive at windsword also nuts should be harvested if you come across any throughout your playthrough in addition be sure to stop by any settlements or spirit shrines you pass closely by along your way personally i use a new world map website to help me recognize when i am near anything of interest this will save you time in the future when you need to travel back to these locations you will also need 35 rawhide but that can be obtained later when you kill boars or wolves in windsword furthermore read any glowing blue lore pages for quick exp by pressing t to add them to your journal without having to stop to read them and pass by any new locations for the discovery experience as well take notice if you manage to collect five wood last bait from bushes on your way you can turn in the first fishing quest near windsword for an additional 280 experience considering the distance we have to travel taking advantage of any movement speed bonus will save us significant time there's a lot of foot travel required throughout this game so the next technique is really important to get comfortable with it's called animation cancelling and as the name suggests we will be reducing the end of our rolling animation by cancelling it with a weapon sheath normally when you roll your character will stop for a moment before continuing to run if however you sheath your weapon or swap your weapon during the last handful of frames during your roll animation your character will simply continue running in one fluid motion keep in mind that this can be done with any type of dodge in the game but the lightweight roll is the best for movement also be aware that rolling costs 50 stamina in most circumstances and depleting your stamina bar will reduce your move speed until it fully regenerates because of this it's best to only roll when you have over 50 stamina available once you reach windsword drop off your wood flint iron and hide if you have any then check into the end and head down to the beach from here simply continue the starting questline as if you had spawn in windsword normally you'll be a bit behind the curve at this point but don't worry it'll pay off later as you continue to pick up flint everywhere you go there are a couple small optimizations that can be made here and throughout our travels such as drowning or dying to mobs to teleport back to a respawn point which is considerably faster than running in a lot of cases and cheaper than teleporting just be sure you're close enough to the location you want to travel to when you die basically if you have the means to respawn and are close enough to the town you want to go to it's faster to respawn than to run also as you acquire territory standing it's important to spend it on the right cards i recommend choosing standing gain and storage whenever available standing cards have diminishing returns but the overall cap is at level 300. that being said getting 300 standing in any region is something that 99 of players will never achieve storage does not suffer from diminishing returns and as such should be prioritized because standing gain gets us more storage faster it also should be picked until the diminishing returns get really bad at around 26 percent additional standing gain and don't worry standing gain and storage will never be available to be picked together when you are required to kill boars during campfire feast be on the lookout to skin any dead bores that are left unattended this is a perfect area to acquire the 35 raw hide we need for our iron gear and quest if the bores are too competitive on the beach you can look to harvest some during the truffles quest which you will get on your way to the town another tip with the starting quest is when you are directed to enter the corrupted cave you can actually enter through the intended exit by scaling some rocks and running to the veil to activate the checkpoint which saves a bit of time when in the caves be sure to harvest any available saltpeter and loot the chest for weapons my leveling build focuses in on three weapons hatchet great axe and lifestyle i will be pvp flagged for most of my leveling process so my build takes pvp into consideration that being said we take the hatchet because berserk is one of the best abilities for pve and has great pvp utility as well the main passives that throw berserk into overdrive are berserking refresh and uninterruptable berserk i won't go into a full weapon breakdown but just know that these abilities will allow you to solo level very quickly the reason for the great x is the mobility and the chase down potential of the weapon between reap charge gravity well bloodlust and the lunge on its basic attack you will have more than enough lockdown and chase to kill any player who is weaker than you and between gravity well charge and on the hunt you will have the ability to run away from most groups of players or stronger solo players my pvp philosophy while leveling is if you can't win the fight quickly it's not worth engaging in the first place so run from groups and run from overleveled players i know i'm lucky i'm lucky i'm lucky obviously if you want to just have fun with pvp then go for it if you're smart with your camp placement you shouldn't really ever lose much time to being killed in pvp as far as the life staff is concerned i will be swapping my great axe out for the life staff during expeditions and focusing on obtaining the second passive of sacred ground which will increase the refreshing berserk heals by fifty percent in addition i will be speccing fully into constitution in order to increase my berserk heals even further and to ensure i will give myself the ability to make as many mistakes as possible without being punished for them you can go any build you want and i think everything is viable for both pvp and pve but that being said different weapons and skill trees perform better at different things than others so my best advice is to just use what you enjoy for me i think berserk is just too powerful to pass up for solo pve leveling now that we're in windsword you should have most of the materials to craft your iron tools in either our iron hatchet or gray axe assuming you didn't get one from the chest before we craft however it's a good idea to progress the quest line until fire up the forges where we acquire the heavy satchel which contains 90 iron ore and 20 rawhide which are the remaining resources we need to complete our iron set and build the iron sword for the quest also grab some water from the river and craft as many weak health potions as you can provided you picked up some hyssop which you should have any nuts you have at this point can be turned into light rations from here our overall next objectives are obtaining 1 000 faction tokens 250 gold level 30 gathering level 25 skinning reaching 10 territory standing in windsword reaching level 50 smelting and engineering progressing the main quest line to destiny unearthed which is the point where you have to clear the first expedition amreen excavation then obtaining 2500 gold for a house traveling to cleves point and finally crafting a set of steel tools beyond that we want to reach level 24 and get rank 2 in our faction an additional 9 000 faction tokens as well as an additional 1 500 gold and finally level 50 leather working then heading to mountain rise to craft tier 3 bags additionally at this point you can also craft a bunch of extra steel tools depending on the amount of flux you have to make some money on the market to achieve all these goals you will primarily want to focus on the main quest but subsidize it with faction quests both pvp and pve as well as side quests and town board quests i recommend cycling through pve fashion quests every time you enter any town to try and roll quests near the main quest objective i also recommend having a notepad to write down all your tombor quests on town board quests give a lot of territory experience so having ones that you can complete and removing ones that are not viable is important we're looking for things like wolf kills boar kills rabbit or turkey kills night crawler bait wood last bait flint turn ins weak health potions and really anything that seems straightforward to collect we want to avoid quests such as killing bears alligators links or turning in large amounts of resources like 300 green wood or something like that while you're questing it's important to be collecting resources along the way you should still be collecting flint up to 232 total and nuts whenever you see them you should also be harvesting hemp hyssop blueberries and fungus until you reach level 30 gathering then put less focus on collecting hemp and basic fungus but still harvest herbs berries petal caps and plate caps every time you see them for the early stages we only need about 100 hem for our tier 2 bag once at 30 be on the lookout for magical plants to collect as well but don't go too far out of your way to get them i would say river crest and earth spire are the ones to go out of your way for everything else grab if it's convenient later on we will need three river crest stem and three pedal caps for the main quest weakness of the ego anyway any iron you see is imperative to collect silver is also nice do not pass it up and be competitive about collecting the notes 50 mining is a great threshold for alchemy stones which should never be passed once you can mine them any rabbits or turkeys should be murdered on-site and harvested any dead animal corpses should be harvested and the animal that you kill should also be skinned i would recommend getting 10 skinning before leaving the second wolf questing area during the quest survival tips any large game that come directly across your path should be killed and we want to reach level 25 skinning before feeling comfortable with letting animal corpses rot wood on the other hand can be neglected and harvested when needed any supply crates you see should be collected we are going to want as many refining reagents as we can get our hands on especially flux into a slightly lesser degree tannin at some point if you are progressing the early main quest and side quests you will be given the quest between in keeps this quest will reward a tier one bag which will increase your carrying capacity by 50 pounds however once we obtain 1 000 faction tokens which should be shortly after this quest if you have been doing faction missions we will be able to purchase a minor rune of holding for 250 gold at the faction shop along with our tokens and a bit of linen leather and iron this will allow us to make a tier 2 bag which will increase our carry weight by 100 pounds and potentially give us a good perk be sure to not spend your gold on anything else aside from this as we will want 2500 gold when we hit 10 territory standing in windsword when you first meet jonas alazar during the quest corruption expert the quest you turn in will be worth 100 territory standing fisherman's ben lays on the border between windsword and monarch's bluff and depending on the region you are in when turning in this first quest will determine where you gain the standing do it in windsword none of the other quest turn-ins to jonas grant territory standing so you only have to do this small optimization once once you progress the main quest to the living seeds you will be near a cave called ebon rock quarry above this there is a location called eben rock mine chances are you will have some side or faction quest telling you to go there anyway this cave is where we will be farming our saltpeter for gunpowder to get engineering to level 50. there are a ton of saltpeter nodes and farming up to 116 should not take long provided there isn't too much competition at this point you should have 232 flint if you haven't neglected picking them up and 116 saltpeter for crafting your gunpowder the only thing left now is the charcoal you can farm up the wood for the charcoal at any time at this point before or after you reach destiny unearthed you will need to chop 1 360 green wood to make 580 charcoal which will also give you 10 440 smelting experience which means you only need to smelt 403 iron ore to get the remaining 3625 smelting experience for smelting level 50 which will give us access to steel ingots the final component for steel tools at this point craft your gunpowder and you should be at least level 50 engineering keep in mind crafting 580 gunpowder will also give you over one and a half thousand territory standing in windsword if you craft it there and over 5000 experience points you will need 40 extra green wood for timber and 24 rawhide for coarse leather in order to craft the steel tools but the bulk of the wood is turned into charcoal for steel so with engineering and smelting both at 50 all that is left to do is to reach territory standing 10 at windsword and obtain 2500 gold to purchase a house you should have the gold by the time you reach destiny unearthed which is the am marine main quest and if you are short on territory standing it shouldn't be by much and you can just complete some town board quests to get yourself there the main reason we want a house is primarily because of the house recall that becomes available when you are a homeowner but just as aside you can also increase your storage with chests in a house the tier one house has a four hour cooldown on fast travel which seems like a long time but in reality you can just pay azoth to reset the cooldown to zero imagine house recall as an in-recall that you can pay to reset whenever you want to have the ability to travel back to your base of operations whenever and wherever you are normal azoth fast travel is only available within sanctuaries that is towns or spirit shrines and its cost is based off a base cost plus distance and weight modifiers finally being discounted by faction or company modifiers this can be less than convenient and end up costing a ton of azoth if you have a full inventory or want to cross the map however if you have a house you can simply reduce that cost to at the most 49 azoth to reset the full four hour cooldown then you can travel home from anywhere in addition this frees up your in selection to whatever town you're requesting near to further increase the ease of travel personally i will be setting my in at cleves point which is very far north and usually is a 200 plus azoth fast travel cost this will allow me to make steel tools as often as i have the resources without needing to spend much azoth on fast travel once you have territory standing 10 and have purchased the house it's time to gather our steel coarse leather and timber to make the long trek north to cleves point outpost to access the tier 3 engineering workshop there at the start of the server all town stations and workbenches will be at tier 2 and cannot be upgraded until the region is under a company's control and chooses to upgrade a specific station with gold and town board contributions we need a tier 3 engineering workbench to craft steel tools fortunately the northern regions start with tier 3 stations thus why we must travel to cleves point outpost this is a very treacherous journey and great care should be taken to avoid getting obliterated by the high level mobs because all the mobs in this zone will be over 10 levels above you they will have increased aggro range i recommend light armor to help you dodge any attacks that come your way the main thing to look out for is wolves or other four-legged animals they have a leaping attack that can reach you while running it's very important to dodge these attacks as they perform them and not too early it's imperative to not run out of stamina during this journey as the reduced move speed will prove deadly you can make camps every 500 meters to give yourself a safety net if you do indeed die so as to not be sent back to timbuktu once you make it be sure to check into the inn and then simply craft your steel tools with azoth and pick the ones that roll the yield perk i personally think yield is the only important perk on tools but luck and experience are nice as well at this point you have your set of steel tools but now we need to increase the amount of flux we have in order to continue to make a lot more to sell my best advice is to continue doing side quests or clearing amarine excavation with a good group until you reach level 24. at this point you should have easily maxed out your faction rank 1 reputation and will have access to the faction rank increase quest at level 24. once completed you will have access to purchasing material converters my recommendation is to swap all your solvent cross weave and sandpaper to flux make as much steel as you can and craft as many steel tools to put on the market you can also check the prices for refining reagents to buy some yourself obviously if you're not interested in selling tools or making more for your friends or company members you don't have to but seeing as you will be one of the few players to have steel tools this early on in the server you might want to consider it the next step is tier 3 bags for this we will need 50 leatherworking 50 outfitting and a lot of hemp and rawhide i suggest traveling to awful grotto to farm rawhide off the divine links there you will need 25 skinning in order to harvest them in order to craft tier 3 bags which i recommend you do you will need 2 160 rawhide this amount will get you more than enough leather working experience to reach level 50. reaching level 50 outfitting can be done by simply leveling off of linen shirts from 1 to 50 which will require 27 linen shirts which will cost 108 iron ore 1296 rawhide and 2 376 fiber add that on top of the 2 160 raw hide and we will need a total of 3 456 total rawhide alternatively you can subsidize some of your outfitting experience with weak oak flesh bomb available at level 20 outfitting to get from 20 to 50 on just bomb you will need to craft 227 of them which will cost 227 oil 227 earth motes and 227 water moats moats are pretty valuable but this will save you considerable time if you have a bunch stored up at this point from farming magical plants you will also need 75 linen and 30 iron or steel ingots the last thing you will need is three major runes of holding which in total will cost 1 500 gold and 9000 faction tokens however you go about it you then need to travel north again this time to mountain rise to access the tier 3 outfitting station mountain rise is in shattered mountain which is the highest level area in the game so i recommend placing camps down since it's easy to get one shot by random arrows and that's all folks i didn't get much end game footage because i didn't access much end game content during the closed beta i reached level 50 and during the open beta i was focusing on getting uh footage but if it's end game guide you're looking for i'm sure there's plenty of other videos on youtube to help you out in that regard the last tip i will leave you with is the most important one i could possibly ever think of have fun this is a game after all and you should play it however you want regardless of how anyone else plays i'll see you all in a tournament but yes if anyone's interested i will be streaming on twitch on the west coast server called el dorado we'll be a casual covenant company of friends and fellow gamers if anyone is on the west coast and wants to join you are all more than welcome to i can't promise more guys like this in the future as my primary content on my main channel is concerning videos that everyone can enjoy regardless if you play the game or not but i love making guides and if i do drop another it will be here so subscribe and check out the socials to keep up to date thanks for watching [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Schyler Love
Views: 104,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: New World, New World Guide, Guide, New World Best, New World Best Guide, New World OP, New World OP Guide, New World OP Best Guide, New World Starter, New World Start Guide, New World OP Start Guide, New World Beginner, New World Best Beginner, New World Tips, New World Tricks, New World Strategy, Tips, Tricks, Beginner, Stater, OP, Best, New World Overpowered, Overpowered, Fast, New World Fast Guide, New World Best Strat, New World Best Strategy, New World Server
Id: AOiU0Cz80Bs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 19sec (1339 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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