BEST New World Tips & Tricks You Might NOT Know!

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hello everybody and welcome back to the channel my name is invin and today i'm going to be bringing you guys a video on new world tips and tricks that you might not have already known and some of these are going to be quite hidden nifty little things that i've found throughout the game or just things that are fairly obvious once you know where they are but actually finding them can be a little bit tricky at the start so what i'm going to go over is some of my best ones here i've got about 10 tips and tricks for you guys that are really going to help you out all throughout new worlds for new players for experienced players and obviously some will serve as a reminder some might be brand new knowledge so let me know if you do find out anything brand new in the comments down below and without further ado let's jump into today's video so as we jump into today's video i just want to give you guys a reminder that i will be live streaming on twitch tonight we have a war up coming on the day of uploading this video so if you want to get involved with that and come and see what's happening should be a lot a lot of fun so make sure you head over there the link will be in the description and comments and we're going live every single day so if you guys want to join in with the streams join the link right down below through that and i'd love to see you over there now the first tip we've got here is to absolutely get every quest every side quest every main quest every faction quest and every town board quest when you are leveling in a certain area so for example right now i would get this one i would get the turkeys i'd get the common health potions and you might think okay those are the ones i can probably make pretty easy kill 25 turkeys i'm going around fairly good now you can also get the explorers needed ones if they're on there this time i've got three on the town board in cutlass keys and the reason these are good is because when you pair them up with the faction quest the main quest and the side quests if you're going in an area like for example cutlass keys earlier i had about nine quests in this one area so when i headed back up to town i had one handed on the road and then eight quests hand in here so i got about a level and a half in one run now that was with pvp enabled so i had the pvp quest as well which probably made it slightly better so i would recommend doing that if you are in a fairly amicable area this area that i'm in right now is quite a lot of my faction in and not too many enemies flagged up so i was able to do that pretty pretty smoothly and it worked out very very nicely now the next tip here is that the area or an objective for a task for a quest is actually a lot bigger than a lot of people think so let's take salty marshes here and cut this keys for an example when you get the quest marker it'll be somewhere like round around here or just down below here somewhere and a lot of people will go directly to that quest marker as most players would i indeed myself did so in the closed beta when i thought that that was still how it worked but if you have a look on the map you can faintly see and unfortunately there's not a way to make it better right now for you guys unless i turn on color blind assist but if i zoom in a lot you guys can see there's a sort of dotted dashed outline just around the edge here and then a slightly brighter yellow color instead of the yellow that's surrounding it now obviously you can see this better when it goes over the paths and things like that and this is actually the entire area of salty marshes so when i go back out you can see that it says salty marsh is right here but this entire yellow area right here will all be active for any quests that tell me to go to salty marshes meaning that it's not just the chests that are in these three buildings there might be all of these seven or eight buildings down here plus all of these ten up here meaning that you can do the quest there fairly easily and this goes for any zone on the game so let's scroll over to winswoods for example and let's have a look here when it tells you to go for okay let's say greenville farm that one it gives you is kind of a white yellowy box there with a dashed outline and if you zoom right in again it will show you the outline so you can see all of the buildings and all of the area within that area will count towards kills chess etc whatever you need to get for the current quest that you are doing now number three here is letting your stamina go down to zero has basically no benefits in the game and now this might seem fairly obvious for any newer players that have experienced the slow running and very slow region once you do actually get down to zero but for anybody that played the previews or the first beta this has actually changed it used to be that once you got it down to zero it would then regen quicker so there was kind of a benefit from triple rolling if you like you roll let it regen a bit roll and then roll again instantly you'd get a big distance on people and you get that first regen from the stamina this is no longer the case so any old school players for this game get rid of that out of your minds it's now a very bad idea to be doing you want to make sure that you keep in at least one stamina at all times for those of you that are new to the game that have been doing this anyway essentially what i like to do is dodge roll forward or dodge jump forward depending on your weight class wait a little bit stamina do it again and then wait a little bit more do it again and every time you get five sticks over the threshold you can then do another dodge and that will help you move a lot faster and in combat this works really really well as well because it allows you to just maneuver around your enemy close a bit of space and as well don't overuse your stamina walk towards people or run towards people a lot of the time they'll end up dodging you can probably then use your catch-up ability or even just carry on running towards them as their animation locked catch them up pretty quickly and then you've got stamina which they don't have which will give you a good advantage in most fights now number four here is something that quite a lot of people didn't realize off the bat is that melee combat actually has some soft tracking essentially what that means is when you swing your weapon axe sword whatever it is melee weapon at an enemy it will track that enemy if they move a little bit it will kind of go towards them and kind of track round somewhat now this isn't major this isn't like it'll flip around 360 and get you those kills but it is a very good feature but one thing to bear in mind is when this does happen if you do an ability in a direction it might then flick you to the side to think that the enemy's going there and if they dodge backwards that is how you can either use your dodging to avoid it or when you are using melee combat you want to make sure that you actually recorrect it if it does go slightly off because you can drag it back with your mouse to a roughly place where you want it to be and that will actually work out as well so just be aware that that is the case this is why terrain and pvp makes a huge difference so if you're higher up with a hatchet you're going to be able to hit less shots than you would be if you were actually on lower ground which sounds weird but it's just how the way that the shots connect with the melee tracking whereas the great axe you have a big lunge on which is why a lot of people think it's rp but it's actually just the design of the game and how the mechanics work which is why i've really really enjoyed the great acts that extra reach and those extra ability to hit those ax hits a little bit better now this is something that a lot of people have not yet taken advantage of and some people know it some people just do the thought because it's part of pvp but if you are actually pvp questing as you guys can see when you go into the thought here and hover over it it will tell you who it's claimed by and who currently controls it and underneath this there is something called territory bonuses now this means that you get plus 20 influence in a territory and plus five percent experience now the faction bonus which is just goes to whoever earns the settlement in that area is lower fast travel base cost by 50 but that goes to whoever owns the settlement so if you want that you will actually have to take the entire settlement not just the four now the fourth can be claimed any time it's not an invasion or war lockout period so for example if you go to monarchs bluff and you see this one right here is currently open and available to capture even though there's a war going on but once that war period starts you will be locked out of kaepernick during this stage obviously because it's used in the war instance and such that it gives it a bit more of immersion to the game which is a very very cool feature now what this means is if you've actually got the territory bonus active from capturing a fort let's say i wanted to capture cutlass keys i'm currently playing covenant this is a syndicate earned area influence points increased by 20 when you have it which means that if you're running the pvp faction quest with a even just a small group maybe three four players you're going to be getting a ton more influence towards your own faction's progress towards throwing the territory into conflict when you have a fault captured so always always always when you're pvp questing in an area try to capture a four but do not be surprised if you get contested because obviously the enemies will be aware of this most lately or they will be after watching this video and that will mean that they're going to defend that so you can't cap it quite as quickly so you can still do it without it just makes a huge benefit to do it and if you're running past there's nobody online you're playing at an obscure time or it's just very quiet in the area you're in you may as well try and cap it because it will give you a plus five percent increase to experience points in that area so if you're just running around doing some questing you're pvp active try and get it you might as well now another thing that not a lot of people know or people tend to forget about on the map is that you can actually check the tier of the stations and the taxes from clicking on the settlement so let's take everfall in my world for an example you can click on this here and you can see they've got an upcoming war they also have crafting refining and taxes all in the bracket just under here now if there isn't an upcoming war obviously if we click on somewhere let's go back to cutless keys trust your cutlass keys it just tells you straight under who controls it currently and which faction they are and then all of the stuff is right there now as you guys can see it tells you each tier of station so if you're looking for let's say you're looking for a tf4 forge you wouldn't go here but maybe you look at winswood and go okay they've got tier two as well monarchs bluff they've got tier three so that's the best one so far what about cutlass keys oh they've got tier two and you can kind of go around the map and see which place has what you need if any obviously would have been early doors some might start you know not getting there quite as quickly yet but i'm sure that most things will be on their way to begin upgraded now another huge huge thing is the taxis now as you guys can see these guys have got extreme on crafting and refining it was extreme across the board last time i made a video for any of you that saw that the tech trading tax was also on the extreme they've lowered that to moderate now which is decent and we've also got property attacks at medium or moderate for now but i don't trust these guys they're kind of sneaky they play well but that's just their way of playing if you look at somewhere like winswood they've got it all on very very low except from average on trading tax which makes sense because that's where the money maker is for most settlements and so you can go across and just see say for example you wanted to craft you'd probably go here to winswood and craft and currently you might go to there to trade but you might also go over to monic's bluff to trade because that one's slightly cheaper so you can kind of pick and choose where you want to trade things where you want to craft things etcetera based on what they have and the cost of doing so in a certain settlement and also it's kind of like a bonus tip linked onto this if you go to a settlement and zoom in on the map so say for example where it cut the skis if we zoom all the way in you can actually see what is inside the settlement and if you hover over it will tell you that's where the smelter is that's where the workshop is obviously that's your player one and you've got trading post covenant adjudicator blah blah blah blah blah and you can see where everything is including the in on the map so that if you do want to go ahead and find a specific thing in a settlement you've not been to before you can just go ahead and do that these chess ones here are also your storage shed so you can find out where they are too now if you are getting full on repair parts i've got quite a few if you press tab you can see this just at the bottom of your inventory currently i'm on around half there as you guys can see but one thing you can actually do if you want to save a few of these is actually when you start to get towards the cap you can make these into standard repair kits or whatever level you have unlocked now usually these are pretty bad they give basically no experience in the required skill and it fully repairs any tier 2 standard items so obviously you'd need to level this up for the higher tier items right but it costs a crafting mod and it does craft repair parts so it's not the most kind of easy thing to do or most beneficial thing to do but if you have got a ton of spare crafting mods this is not my main area so i barely have any here and you also are capping out of repair parts then it's certainly worth doing because you're not going to be scrapping things down and letting the repair parts go to waste so it's certainly something i would look at if you are getting towards that cap now another thing on the map interface that a lot of players have missed out on is actually this thing on the left here which says resource locations if you click on this one it will tell you where each of the resources in the game can be found or at least an example of that so impossible areas are things like the rocks here which as we all know we can kind of climb over but is what it is it tells you it's kind of impassable there you've also then got things like forest which will tell you trees hemps herbs so that will mean that those lower tier ones but also the higher t1s it just gives you that as an example you've then got things like grassland highland marsh etc and it will tell you roughly where you can find each resource based upon this now obviously i know a lot of people use an external map such as new world fans or whatever but this is a quick reminder in game if you're looking around you haven't got the map up maybe you're streaming or maybe you're just playing you can't be able to tap out if you especially if you're on that one monitor this is really really going to help you out to be able to go okay grassland forest i need hemp yep they're going to be able to go north here and basically find it and that's really kind of a good way of finding a key in the game now following on from this this is a really handy little tip you will actually see on the map especially when you scroll out you've got all these big bars telling you kind of like the experience and if maybe you want to let's say you want to zoom in and see you've got upcoming invasion you want to see who owns this town kind of everything's in the way you know there's all kind of stuff there what you can do is go into the filter at the side you can toggle your player off i personally obviously like that one on your respawn locations so obviously if you've got a campfire where that will be on the map landmarks so you can see if you zoom in you've got like buccaneers fall for example he's currently there if i do that they'll disappear so it's up to you again if you want to take that off or on personally i like it on outposts again you can toggle those on and off and faction influence now faction influence is going to be the biggest one because as you guys can see if you if you get kind of annoyed about the upcoming wars upcon invasions all being on the screen go on there click faction influence and that disappears it also gets rid of the bars obviously they tell you how close you are to capping it when you do kind of look on those ones as well so for example greek water the one we own currently if we go on that and toggle it it won't tell us but it does get rid of all of these wars and invasion notices so if you're finding them annoying filter them off on the side of your map and finally here one last thing to go over for today's video is gonna actually be that the higher level zones give higher level faction influence and faction tokens now what i mean by that is if you do it in a higher level zone you're going to get more tokens and more influence for completing it for example if you have a look here i've got faction missions which will give me 505 faction rep and 625 tokens on the old pve missions there and the pvp ones give obviously significantly more now if you go to a lower level zone like winswood or everfall or any of the starting zones they're only going to be about two to three hundred points and tokens per one so obviously always try and do the highest level faction zone that you can do the quest from there take a couple of friends if you need to but you will be able to gather these influence points and these tokens a lot faster and this is something to really really consider if you are trying to get that new tier so for example i've just unlocked exuber so i'm trying to get that level 40 gear just ahead of reaching level 40 in game and that's gonna be something i can grind out a lot easier if i do it in the cutlass keys weaver's fen or indeed brightwood which are my highest level zones currently so hopefully you guys have found this video useful and informative hopefully you've learned something new or you've been reminded of something that maybe you forgot about in the world because it's been a while since we all played it and get back into it these are a few of the things i've come across that i thought oh yeah that's actually really handy so i thought i'd bring you guys a video kind of summarizing a few of those these are kind of like my best tips at the moment so hopefully you do find it useful if you have please do be sure to leave a like on today's videos that really really does help me out if you are new to the channel here and you'd like to see more new world content i'm going to be posting content every single day so make sure you hit the subscribe button down below with the notification bell so you don't miss out on that we're getting ever ever closer to 10 000 subs and that is my current goal so if you can help me reach that i'll be much much appreciated like i said the beginning of today's video i will be live streaming on twitch later on this evening after the video goes up if you're watching it on the day or at the time of it dropping if not i'm going to be going live on twitch every single day so make sure you do drop a follow on there if you want to be part of the live streams it would be awesome to see a lot of you guys over there if you'd like to join the discord community we have tons of tons of players over a thousand people in chat and all things new world you know kind of crafting theory crafting builds pvp pve everything so if you want to get involved in that the link for that will be in the description and comments as well and of course if you want to support me directly here on youtube as a content creator the join option for the memberships is down below as well and that's much appreciated if you want to click on that and have a look through the options there then by all means do that other than that as always guys thank you very much for watching take care and peace [Music]
Channel: Invin
Views: 68,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Invin, BEST New World Tips & Tricks You Might NOT Know!, new world, new world tips, new world tricks, new world tips and tricks, new world help, new world secrets, new world hidden features, new world tips every players needs to know, new world tricks everyone needs to know, new world best tips, best new world tips, best new world tricks, best new world tips and tricks, best new world secret tips, new world launch tips, new world best launch tips
Id: crlFgsqxhpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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