Op Milagro V Episode 5 - "WHALE WARS"

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plan today is to head over to the fisherman's dock be met there by a truck with a big crane and offload all of the illegal fishing here this is a culmination of you know thousands of hours hundreds of days of work left the dock today a half a mile from port there's poachers in broad daylight right now the Sharpie is transferring our bags of nets whenever we transfer nets it's a very public thing that we do we transfer big bags and sixty Shepard on them and last time they seemed that they were very angry and attacked us and we're doing it again today so we're on we're on high alert today the last offloading of gear was met later by an attack from the poachers so at the moment all of the crews in heightened security heightened alert we know that this operation is very risky we're unloading all of the gear that's the poachers gear that we've collected and they obviously want that stuff back yeah I have them on radar there's actually a large gathering of pangas all moving east straight in front of us I count five boats today is an interesting day because we're not quite sure what's going to happen but we're prepared for whatever they throw at us Octavio Octavio Jack Jack all these pangas in front of us have just stopped let's go to stealin Paula cruise stage 1 stage okay I got yeah stage one is on piracy why we're just gonna see what they do we're not gonna pull these mats right now we are not gonna pull these bands you got nine I guess this is gonna be interesting [Applause] be honest I can't tell you who because I'm not sure fishermen reported that there is a dolphin right now trapped with a hook on its mouth and it's like breathing by coming out to breathe but it cannot really move or escape if we can't able if it's like out there we contact the Farley yeah every second count right now they're roaming around they're gathering off their on their cell phones calling each other it looks like they're gearing up to attack us all right hopefully see it all right let's do it I'll go quite fast here all righty we got other work to do we ain't got time to be attacked today what happened there was we had a lot of hangers around us and then all of a sudden we have order to go find a dolphin that was caught in a net at this location so basically what I want everyone to do right now is just keep a sharp eye and see if we can see anything on the surface [Music] something we think we saw something in our friend three o'clock yeah we see it just our whale came up just over there don't think that's what we're looking for [Music] they're staying in the same place I don't see any net on them but they're staying in the same place yeah they're staying in the exact same place you're right it looks like they're stuck they're really not moving this one makes me think it may be on this guy it could be that well you guys it could be that well I'm not a whale expert but I've never seen whales behave in this manner they're usually scared away pretty quickly with these engines don't miss to ship I mean we could have a flipper caught we could have something like that we got the tail fluke for that but what about this guy no flu there's mud right there and then she dragged up let me just go forward a little bit see how I can go they're not moving there they've been sitting here for the last five to ten minutes in the same area we do not see the tail of a second well yep she's kind of we're almost surgically a lot of mud we're going at zerozero knots right now I'm pretty much gonna call it that this guy's stuck in a handle I would like the small boat on the bulwarks and make sure there's a full tank of fuel and she is completely ready to go we have a hot back whale stuck in a net we call profepa the Environmental Protection Agency here and we will hopefully have them out here to help us untangle this I'm back right now we're gonna go pick up handoff the manager who sailed about yenna see how he wants to do that entanglement he's gonna come up word just maybe put it in neutral and see where they pop up we just want to get a better visual of where the net is then we can tie the buoys onto the net and hopefully release them when you see them go as fast as you can go over there but we need to verify that they have no net on them and the thing is one of them this tale was not coming out before and it appears that his tail is now coming out so that's good news it could be that they disentangle themselves [Music] Jack Jack Jack we're having a hard time getting the herb the whales they're getting scared of us so it might be better to send the drone and what what we might do is I might switch places with you and you come on to the small boat with the drone please [Music] [Music] [Music] nothing entangled nothing I had a good look there's no there's no lines left on those whales there is no lines on the pectoral fins nor the tail fin okay good news yeah very good news possessive experiment estamos en una zona en las casas cos encuentran muchisimas gracias y otra vez que es una mente was cows an ester in fact more marine Ramaiah Wakita marina pero Samos Katamon on a policy doe-larios piranhas empanadas si como la encontramos Mazda Intel Venus comarcas and my kin lisanna that's what yes dear mentor personal problematic okay again San Felipe because I'll go pro cual estamos example having to say various your mom's purse Calvin because in Crayola la Capilla res Cassandra
Channel: Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
Views: 76,640
Rating: 4.8444443 out of 5
Keywords: Sea Shepherd USA, Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, Sea Shepherd Conservation Society USA, SSCS, SSCS USA, Sea Shepherd
Id: gdUZpEl3wAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2019
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