P. Diddy’s Ex-Producer Drops Photos to Back Up Claims Against UMG

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people are always alarmed when the federal government whether it's the FBI or some other uh Department of Justice entity uh come snooping around because it's kind of a slippery slope we know P Diddy is in hot water from the federal raids on two of his homes to dozens of accusations ranging from sex trafficking and rape to being the Kingpin in a RICO Enterprise but now one of the main Diddy accusers is pointing the finger at some top record labels too if there's some you know unethical illegal things going on everybody's antenas are up right now who has any involvement with it because who knows where that investigation can lead Lil Rod is doubling down saying not only did Universal music group and its top exacts know about Diddy's alleged sex trafficking Venture but he says they were there when sex workers were in the studio it would matter if the sex workers were applying their trade or they were just there uh in the studio and Lil rod says he has proof and I can imagine that if you had a a room that had many people in it and nefarious things are going on people are going to have their phones out plus there was the accusation that Lil Rod never got paid for his work on Diddy's love album but that the sex workers did if there are some people who who've done some things wrong uh and some way related to to Diddy and his his group they're nervous right now let's get the basics out of the way before we take a deep dive into the nitty-gritty of those newly released Court docks during the last week of March Federal investigators raided the homes belonging to 54-year-old sha combes he's better known as the rapper label exec and entrepreneur P Diddy or Diddy or puffy or Puff Daddy he goes by a lot of different names but whatever you call him we know for sure that two of his homes were investigated by Homeland Security after the execution of a search warrant no criminal charges have been filed against Diddy I asked criminal defense attorney and former prosecutor Matt manino about this but what do you think Matt do you think it's only a matter of time before he faces federal charges well you know Diddy is is facing a lot of different things from a lot of different uh venue so to speak so you have civil lawsuits that have been filed in fact you have one civil lawsuit that was actually settled um but you have a number of these cases swirling around that are talking about sex trafficking they're talking about rape talking about sexual abuse uh you know so those those issues are out there and then of course you have uh the federal government Homeland Security going to his homes in Los Angeles in Miami you know normally uh in order to to get the Federal government involved U you know there there has to be something there I mean typically the federal government Cherry picks cases so they they pick the best cases they can find they don't just jump into any case so you know you know where there's smoke there's fire and you have to have at least probable cause to get a search warrant so you have some evidence of of wrongdoing um that involves you know Diddy or somebody related close associated with Diddy uh for for for the federal government to get involved in the way that they have it's likely that several civil lawsuits paved the way for the search warrant and subsequent investigations like that of Cassandra Ventura known as the singer Cassie she filed a lawsuit late last year revealing that Diddy raped her beat her forced her to have sex with prostitutes and recorded it during their yearslong relationship that specific lawsuit was settled in just one day but multiple other women brought on civil suits in the same time frame alleging abuse to the point of losing Consciousness rape and recording these sexual assaults well yeah there there certainly could be uh you know some link between these alleged victims who who have filed the lawsuit providing information to the federal government you know it's really kind of tricky here uh Sierra when when you when you think about these things so so the civil cases in order to successfully prove a civil case all the you have to do is prove uh by a preponderance of the evidence that somebody you know committed a wrongful act against you and caused you harm uh in a criminal case we know in order to convict somebody that you have to do it Beyond A Reasonable Doubt which is substantial substantially greater burden of proof but we're talking kind of in between the two when we talk about probable cause so probable cause is is there is it likely that a crime was committed and that this person or this place uh if it's a search warrant could reveal some evidence related to that crime so so you know we're trying to balance these these different burdens of proof uh you know burdens of Suspicion uh but all you know from the outset we have to also say Hey you know he hasn't been found liable of anything and certainly he hasn't even been charged with any criminal offense at this point at Le least one of the lawsuits you mentioned has already been settled but there are four more some of them are demanding that they go to a jury trial what would a timeline for all of that look like could it be years that Diddy is settling or going to court in relation to these civil suits well it it certainly could be years uh because there's in a civil case there's a lot that goes into preparing that civil case so so you know after a complaint is filed whatever that response of pleading is whatever the the defendant in that civil suit decides to do they could file preliminary obun uh preliminary objections saying hey you don't have enough evidence in this case you know could there ultimately be a summary judgment filed which those all take time but then ultimately you're going to get into Discovery so you're gonna you're going to exchange written questions you're going to conduct depositions all that takes time as well so you know when you're looking at a civil case there's no time constraints there's no speedy trial rule in a civil case that those cases could take years and you could negotiate the whole time trying to settle it as well but it was a lawsuit in February that really laid everything out listing Diddy and big music conglomerates as defendants it's a 74-page lawsuit brought on by Rodney Jones also known as lilrod his civil suit lays out many Bombshells including more allegations of sexual assault forced sex with prostitutes gun trafficking illicit drug use sex with underage girls and that there's allegedly record of much of this activity Lil Rod's lawsuit straight up says he has quote hundreds of hours of footage and audio recordings of Mr comes his staff and his guests engaging in some serious illegal activity because Diddy apparently required Lil Rod to record him constantly several pictures are included in that original lawsuit suit including picks of Lil Rod allegedly in bed with a prostitute the aftermath of a shooting that Diddy allegedly covered up and other high-profile names that Diddy allegedly groomed Lil rod for all that brings us to the latest Court docs filed by Lil Rod's attorney just this week and with these new filings we get more pictures and proof of recordings here the lawsuit shows a screenshot of a video taken on September 30th 2022 according to the suit it shows inside chalice recording studio where Justin Colmes Diddy's son allegedly solicited a sex worker additional screenshots show a similar scene on September 15th 2022 also inside chalice recording studio where Justin comes again allegedly solicited a sex worker Matt says these photos definitely bring up some good questions well I I guess um sah it would it would matter if the sex workers were applying their trade or they were just there uh in the studio you know observing what what goes on I mean you know sex workers they don't they don't work 24 hours a day I mean so they have a a job and they and they have other things that they do so yeah if you have a photograph uh with a sex worker and she's completely clothed and you're smiling at the camera I don't I don't think that's an issue now if you have photographs of people engaging in sex in the studios I think there you have a problem so as of right now we only have screenshots of photos but there's allegedly videos so is it possible that there is video recording of people engaging in sex with these sex workers is that something that could potentially come out during Discovery hey we know everything gets taped uh now I mean you know case after case that we that we examine you know you have uh cell phone tapes you have uh surveillance video you have doorbells I mean we don't know you know what's being taped and what's not being taped in in the society that we live in today and I can imagine that if you had a a room that had many people in it and nefarious things are going on people are going to have their phones out you know unless they have a phone box at the door and everybody has to drop their phone in it before they come into who knows but but I would I wouldn't be surprised if there is videotape uh of some of these uh incidents according to these new Court docs Lil Rog quote personally saw Executives from the defendant record label present at the recording sessions during the times that sex workers were present the defendant recording studio that lilrod refers to could be a few possibilities listed as defendants in the suit are Diddy his son and a few of his associates but also chalice recording studios love records most mtown records Universal music group and two top exacts Ethiopia habt Mariam the former CEO of mtown and Lucian Charles gra the current CEO of umg the original suit was filed on February 26th but on March 29th Ethiopia was dropped as a defendant she released a statement saying quote being falsely accused of criminal conduct is deeply upsetting to me I did no wrong I never saw or participated in any alleged racketeering Enterprise and I never saw aided or abetted or tried to conceal any sex trafficking activity in short there's no basis for any of the claims asserted against me and I should never have been named a defendant in this lawsuit Lil Rod's newest filing actually mentions this too he says that on March 4th defendant sent Lil Rod's team an angry letter quote accusing plaintiff of lying and fabricating the claims in the fac that's the first amended complaint so lilrod says he considered new information and Ethiopia's declaration and she was dropped from the suit a few weeks later but other record labels and a different CEO are still listed so why would they drop one CEO and leave the other well that you know that's an interesting question but there there must have been something that was brought to the plaintiff's attention or their legal counsel that hey this defendant you have listed is not an appropriate defendant there are no way involved in this maybe it's a maybe it's a timing thing uh when you when you look at at at the uh you know sort of the timeline on this case that it's impossible that that she could have been involved or could have condoned any of this activity uh so you know sometimes you know plfs are faced with the possibility hey you know this is wrong you know she doesn't fit into this um you know picture that you're trying to paint but you're leaving her in there you could have problems yourself uh you know for um you know going forward with a case like that uh you know the other defendants again I I I I would be surprised if we don't see some effort to get them removed from this from this suit but but if they stay in the case you know Discovery is going to be an interesting process Lil Rod's latest filing goes on to say that dropping Ethiopia's name from the civil suit was quote not good enough for the defendants as they are desperate to distance themselves from defendant Sean comes and that could be defendants like umg or its CEO for instance Lucian Charles Grange he's still listed as a defendant his name hasn't been dropped but if his team is working to drop his name what would they do in order to get that to happen well there are certain things that you can do pre-trial you know like like a a preliminary objection you know say hey th this person uh should not be included in this case you don't have you know subject matter jurisdiction over him because he had no relationship to anything that happened to the plff in this case you know um Rodney Jones you know you know you want to argue those those issues the the other thing then if if that doesn't work is you could ask for a summary judgment and say I want the Court to declare me as the winner in this lawsuit me individually because they haven't proven anything against me or they have haven't made any specific allegation against me that would make me liable in this case so there's there's different stages where that issue uh could come up but I'm sure those issues are going to be vigorously um fought over as this case proceeds that leads us to another allegation that umg and other defendants don't have the receipts and according to Lil Rod's team they gave the defendants a major heads up that they'd be asking for this info Lil Rod alleges that the defendants are desperately relying on his lack of access to these documents to justify dismissing the case he's actually asking for a lot of information from them so things like tax filings phone records wire transfers are all these things appropriate that he's asking for would they just have to hand them over as part of a civil suit well they may be appropriate but I think the first question is going to be are these defendants appropriate and so I'm sure there's going to be some challenge by these uh named defendants uh with regard to whether or not they should be uh sued or not but you know Discovery if the if these defendants whether it's Universal or some of the officers of universal um you know or mtown are left in the case so they remain as defendants you know discoveries very broad okay so you can ask for a lot of different information you can ask a lot of questions at the deposition some that would normally be objectionable during a trial but if you can show that your questions might lead to relevant or admissible evidence they still have to answer those questions now that deposition may never make it into court or any any part of it some of it may but that's a very broad uh Spectrum when you say hey my question you can object to it but you have to answer it because it might lead me to admissible or relevant evidence then there's Lil Rod's exclusive recording agreement or erra this dates back to May 4th 2022 when Lil Rod signed on to work with Diddy in Lil Rod's filing this week his team included all 63 pages of that contract much of it has been redacted he alleges the defendant's intentionally redacted essential sections of the erra to hide the details of how they agreed to share profit profits losses ownership of the partnership assets liability to creditors compensation for the defendants and Loans to the organization lilrod says umg turned a blind eye to Diddy's illegal activity saying Diddy had access to at least 1.3 million worth of so-called free money but Matt says it's not up to umg to keep track of what Diddy spent his money on well that would be that would be extreme um you know if we think about our own lives uh you know what if you picked up your paycheck um you know this Friday and and you know the company said hey what are you g to spend this money on uh what are you GNA do where you going tonight you know where you gonna where's this money going I mean that's unrealistic that your employer uh even if it is large sums of money if you've earned that money I mean you can do it it with with you want now of course if you're doing illegal things with it well you're putting yourself in jeopardy I don't think anybody would necessarily say uh that that if an employee committed a crime with their pay check that their employer is responsible for now you know that that that's kind of simplifying it we're not really looking at exactly what the allegations are I think a much better argument if they have one at all would be that that these people were somehow involved in this conduct directly uh you know parties or meetings or Gatherings or they knew what was going on at these meetings and Gatherings and didn't do anything about it almost like it was on company time you know then you might be able to make a connection but saying you pay somebody and they use their money for illegal uh activity is a is a reach for an employer lilrod is bold enough to say that umg and other labels are Partners in the quote comes Rico Enterprise PR Lil rod says the CEO of Universal Music Group exerted some control over the comes Rico Enterprise and recklessly disregarded the existence of sex trafficking that's a pretty big allegation to put on the CEO of universal music group what do you make of that well yeah I mean that's that's a that's a significant allegation uh and and you better have uh some real good evidence to back that up uh because uh you know you're you're making a claim that has far-reaching implications for the person that's the target of those claims but you know I I think we don't want to get confused Again by the idea of of of Rico so again this is not a criminal case and and and Rico is a racketeering uh statute a federal racketeering statute and states have um their own Rico statutes as well but Federal racketeering you know this is a it would have to be a criminal Enterprise so while we're talking about things like rape sexual abuse um we're not talking about them in a criminal context when we're talking about Jones's case because he's filed a civil action uh he's suing uh Diddy and the others in civil court so so you might you know have these terms thrown around a little bit maybe even mentioned in the complaint uh but but you know they're they're they're more like sort of U you know decoration uh they they really don't go to the substance of of the civil case which you have to prove then there's the allegation that Lil Rod's contract was a sham and that Universal Music Group didn't make Diddy adhere to the contract Lil rod says umg and others were quote complicit sloppy and grossly negligent they provided Shan Colmes with $1.3 million upon siging the erra without ever receiving an invoice or proof of what he was using that money for then there's the other allegation that Rodney Jones was never paid for his work on Diddy's love album so he produced nine songs that we know for sure the album came out but he says that he didn't get paid for any of it is this something that could be easily proved I mean look through his pay stubs or his bank account and see that nothing was there I would think so I mean I I wouldn't think that you know he's he's going to be uh the producer of this music and and they're going to come over and you know put a a pile of cash in front of them I mean these companies file tax returns they have you know they have payroll they have you know these are sophisticated companies um I mean I that should be easily traceable uh you know if you know how long did it take you to produce nine songs and how did you survive uh necessarily without getting paid uh while that while that work was going on I mean I mean there's a lot of questions that would have to be answered about that but I think it there's there's got to be a payer Trail so who does the responsibility fall on there's a lot of allegations about rape the sex workers as we talked about shootings that sometimes or people using illicit drugs there's a lot happening there and that begs the question is it up to the record label the studio to make sure that there's security there is that something that they could be liable for not having the proper security allowing people to bring in guns or underage girls things like that well I I think if illegal conduct is happening on company property and Company people know about it that could be a problem okay um listen you know we we know from what we read in in the Tabloid and things like that that entertainers and famous people can be pretty particular and they can get easily agitated and and they're your Breadwinners so you don't want to make your star mad if you can avoid it um and so I'm sure that things happen or things are tolerated more than they might be you know down at uh XYZ corporation's office um you know but still that doesn't eliminate responsibility if you know people are being abused if you know people are being victimized you know on your company property that could open the door to to having some responsibility now you know if if everything at the at the studio is fine and everything at the office is fine but you know downtown at the hotel where they where they've uh um um reserved a suite I mean then I I don't think you can hold a company aop for that even if you have rumors that hey bad things might be going on down there there there is the private life in your professional life and I and I don't think necessarily that employer an employer can be responsible for an employees private life but is it possible that the allegations in this civil suit against for instance the CEO of Universal Music Group could lead to Federal investigations into him and potentially Federal charges well you know I I people are always alarmed when the federal government whether it's the FBI or some other uh Department of Justice entity uh come snooping around because it's kind of a slippery slope I mean you know sometimes the federal government will come in they might be looking at something specific and they find something altogether different that that's illegal um you know so I'm sure if there's some you know unethical illegal things going on everybody's antennas are up right now who has any involvement with it because who knows where that investigation in Le I mean who and and what they're always looking for uh in in in any type of criminal investigation when there's multiple people involved there someone who's willing to talk about it you know someone who is is the nomenclature someone who's willing to roll over and start giving information so uh you know I would think that you know if if there are some people who who've done some things wrong uh and in some way are related to to Diddy and his his group they're nervous right now so what did the defendants have to say about all this Lucian gr's attorney says adding his name as a defendant to the civil suit is an attempt to fit a square peg into a round hole Donald zacharin who represents Universal Music Group Motown records and Grange recently made a filing including sworn statements from two executives at umg who counter what Jones has alleged zacharin also makes clear umg has no ownership in love records that's another defendant that's listed in the suit Diddy's most recent statement about the allegations dates back to 2023 when he made a social media post reading quote enough is enough for the last couple of weeks I have sat silently and watched people try to assassinate my character destroy my reputation and my legacy sickening allegations have been made against Me by individuals looking for a quick payday let me be absolutely clear I did not do any of the awful things being alleged I will fight for my name my family and for the truth as for the federal raids Diddy's team calls it a gross overuse of military level Force saying there's no excuse for the excessive show of force and hostility exhibited by authorities or the way his children and employees were treated in response to Lil Rod's lawsuit Diddy's team says in part quote his Reckless name drop about events that are pure fiction and simply did not happen is nothing more than a transparent attempt to Gardener headlines we have overwhelming indisputable proof that his claims are complete lies so what's ahead for Diddy his civil lawsuits and the other defendants listed well that remains to be seen but whenever any new developments do come down the pipeline we've got you covered with the latest reporting for long crime I'm Sierra Gillespie
Channel: Law&Crime Network
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Id: WDr3WWrsZAg
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Length: 26min 56sec (1616 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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