Only These Dog Breeds Can Face a Cane Corso

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in this episode 10 dog breeds that can face a cane corso it said that after the romans went and conquered some greek islands they returned with some large and powerful dogs that were then bred with native dogs so creating the breed known today as the cane corso these dogs were much more territorial more powerful and with stronger hunting instincts cane corso is considered the most intimidating breed in the world with a muscular build that reaches a height of 28 inches at the shoulder these dogs can weigh more than 110 pounds but this is just the tip of the iceberg since the cane corso has a massive head and strong jaws that can crush more than 700 psi one of the strongest in the dog world their appearance matches their personality they have a magnificent aura the kane corso is one of the strongest dogs in the world so there are very few breeds that can face him one of them is the tosa inu compared to the cane corso tosa inu is about four inches taller and about 20 pounds heavier while they've been bred exclusively for dog fighting for years these japanese dogs are more skilled and agile than the corso fila braceliero feelers have been bred and raised on brazilian farms and plantations guarding and confronting even the most dangerous animals so courage is deeply rooted in their history also this dog is only two inches taller than the cane corso but is 70 pounds heavier dogo argentino while the two may seem quite similar their temperament is also such dogo argentino and kane corso are excellent guard dogs and hunting dogs and have the courage to stand up to everyone so they're both crazy enough to face even each other [Music] kangal kangal and kane corso are the dogs of two different natures however both are quite tough kangal turns out to have a thicker fur and is three inches taller and about 20 pounds heavier this might seem little but to these two large dogs the small things make the difference alibi to reach the weight of an alibi the king corso must get together with a pit bull to reach 170 pounds alibi is a mountain beast which besides his weight is even taller than the corso these parameters give him the self-confidence to face anyone he pleases [Music] caucasian shepherd another massive breed caucasian shepherd can weigh up to 220 pounds which is twice the weight of the cane corso the other is that it's thought that the bite force of this dog can reach 700 psi in terms of courage their story is successful livestock guardian speaks for them presa canario also known as the spanish mastiff presa canario has been praised for years for its intimidating stature and brave nature used for almost any job that requires courage such as war dogs guard dogs and even fighting dogs they aren't afraid of anyone the prasa canario is about 30 pounds heavier than the cane corso van dog this dog has no fixed standards and can be created by crossing bulldogs with different mastiffs bandog besides having a rich genetic has the second most powerful bite in the dog world so stronger than that of the cane corso although he has the same body parameters as this dog the band dog is said to be more agile barbell quite resembles the cane corso except that boerboel has no cut ears has a different color is 50 pounds heavier and around 2 inches taller while this dog originally from south africa has confronted apex predators he can confront decaying corso also pitbull although he weighs half as much as the cane corso and is seven inches shorter pitbull has the courage to face him these dogs have been bred for dog fighting for years taking their courage and endurance and over emphasizing it to the most extreme levels possible so this was all for this video what do you think till next time stay cool [Music] you
Channel: ViralBe
Views: 1,323,577
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: top, Face a Cane Corso, CANE CORSO VS, best of cane corso, 10, dogs, animals, pets, Dogs Are Tougher, toughest dogs, best of dogs, These 10 Dogs, extreme dogs, Dogs There Are, dog breeds, guard dogs, top Dog Breeds, giant dogs, These Are, rottweiler, kangal vs hyena, doberman, cane corso
Id: cruPy1O-0uc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 25sec (265 seconds)
Published: Thu May 26 2022
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