Only The Valiant 1951- Gregory Peck/Barbara Payton

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Only the Valiant (1951) [USA:Approved, Black and White, 1 h 45 min]
Adventure, Western

Gregory Peck, Barbara Payton, Ward Bond, Gig Young
Director: Gordon Douglas; Writers: Harry Brown, Edmund H. North, Charles Marquis Warren

IMDb user rating: ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 6.5/10 (532 votes)

Capt. Richard Lance is unjustly held responsible, by his men and girlfriend, for an Indian massacre death of beloved Lt. Holloway. Holloway is killed while escorting a dangerous Indian chief to another fort's prison. The chief escapes. Knowing their fort is in danger of Indian attack, Lance takes a small group of army misfits to an abandoned nearby army fort to defend a mountain pass against the oncoming Indian assault. Their mission is to stall for time until reinforcements from another fort arrive. The men in this small group of malcontents, deserters, psychopaths and cowards all hate Capt. Lance and wish him dead. Much to their chagrin, the men recognize that Lance's survival instincts, military knowledge and leadership are the only chance the group has of staying alive.

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/MovieGuide 📅︎︎ Aug 04 2013 🗫︎ replies
you my name is Joe harmony this is my stamping ground I'm a scout for the army had my work cut out for me for a long time behind that pass there's the whole patchy nation they used to come swarming out of that pass killing everything in sight then we built a fort fort invincible plugged up the pass just like a cork in a bottle things was fine for a while but then patchi's is pretty smart one day the bottle blew the cork plumb apart you No ah just as I figure that's two soos boss all Apaches fella latestarter this whole business is step aside corporal the army doesn't shoot prisoners Joe I'm a civilian take him back to Fort Winston with us you crazy this ain't no common engine he's just about as near to of God as a fella can get it shoot him now things aquire down without to so sternum up the rest of them Injuns would get reasonable just as fast as they can but you take him in alive you'll have every Apache in the territory coming after him we had three years of this you can stop it right now we'll take him back to Winston Joe suit yourself dick all right lieutenant Underwood yes it detail a man to return to Fort Winston having a told Colonel Drummond we're bringing two so said yes sir I put a burial detail the words I want this place looking like a cavalry post before we leave yes that's all he ever cares about it leave it looking neat and the prison over to the guard and dismissed the detail yes sir detail dismount I tell you I never saw the likes of a nice record up for me there were 16 million in years 16 million Michael yeah and they're running through that pass like a bunch of crazy Jackrabbits or stop that noise right there stands this fellow to sauce waiting to be shot just waiting to be shot and what is our captain do he says men I want this place cleaned up and looking like a cavalry post that first thing you do and that's all he said hey collies enough to drive a man to drink that's the last time I ever go anyplace without this do you have any orders to go through the pass or to shoot to Soze how do I know well if he didn't he wouldn't orders was made to be properly not with Captain Lance I ought to know that better than anybody what's the matter what Saxton how that he's tired of Tooting his bugle wants a carbine you should have seen the poor lad up there shaking in his boots II was I was his first time first time yeah I know all about that listen you either got it or you ain't got it and he ain't got sir hmm are you did you want to say something no good two cards please Oh captain from the Colonel's in his room sit down captain argue soon so you got him Richard and they're all dead up there seldom all of them yes it's hard it can be worse there been a few times in my life Richard when I regretted having to obey orders this is one of them I almost wish you'd kill two souls up there instead of bringing him in as it is you saw these settlers on the parade ground they've been coming in for three or four days now looking for protection but it's blast a little protection they've got we're under strength the relief column won't be here for at least 10 days they're sending 400 men which is enough to handle anything but if the Apaches make a sari too free to sauce as they undoubtedly will this can be another for invincible we've got to get to suss up to Fort grant right away the first thing tomorrow morning yes sir have the adjutant write out orders for a detail I'll I leave it in your hands to choose an officer and I'm heavy please go now captain dad oh thank you dear yeah no thanks I'll that's it hello dick come in I was wondering where you were I got the same treatment dick so don't feel too proud I guess it was pretty grim with invincible that's pretty grim what do you think happened Seldon forget to put on Pickett's one's too often no two souls cut off their water supply all he had to do then was wait that's a smart one that Apache bottle the whiskey dick follow thanks ed right now I command a cab when a real action besides it tastes mighty good I'll bet it does but I got work to do tonight that's the trouble with you Richard Lance you're always working do this do that ten thousand things to do it and when you finally get around to me it's for three minutes if bill treated me like that Oh bill was a captain I was lieutenant he could make out the reports and I could get here first thanks I like everything just the way it is not that you can't come and visit us from Kathy and I'm married but Jeff how haven't I told you I'm gonna propose to you tonight Oh seeing I got here first I asked for the pleasure of the company the beautiful daughter of Captain Everson hello and behold I got it so I'll thank you not to make any overtures don't worry dick I'll see that they don't stay out too late I will tell you the truth ed I've gotta get a lot of sleep tonight anyway what I'm taking two says after Fort grant first thing in the morning no wish that on you the army what do you think that's a mighty dangerous detail the way things are keeping him around here now the beautiful daughter of captain efficient little I have to sleep tonight right Kathy my building good night dick I miss you before I go if you get up real early to drive a woman insane running off like that show me how much you're gonna miss me I'm taking a lot of showing you know try that's how much I'm gonna miss you better stop or I'll go over there and [ __ ] mm I believe it all like that hey Simpson yeah cowboy right you're on a patrol tomorrow 5:30 tonight I thought you'd like where's caboose probably tagging along after lieutenant Holloway I suppose you thanks Gilchrist I've done nothing for you Murdock you brought two souls back Lance is taking you back to Fort grant tomorrow you going with him what do you think well the country's beautiful this time of year mr. Murdock he just does easy if the whole patrol committed suicide tonight see the catching a lot of trouble and if Lance don't want to shoot himself I'll be glad to do it for him I wouldn't mind having that pleasure myself but I'll say one thing if there's anybody can take to social up to Fort grant his captain Lance I hate his black heart too but he's still the best officer I ever served under didn't the captain really want to shoot him well he's sure but he wants to do it all neat and proper according to regulations the way should have shot you on stud except deserters get hung unless they're lucky I do don't you be in bed I got too much to do I don't like what you're gonna do tomorrow I don't like it at all leave it a why but it's got to be done I'm telling you straight any detail leaves her with two souls maybe ain't gonna come back I just wrote out a couple hours some hills us full of a patches a feeling they'll be coming after him I got my orders and I figured that did you'd say I'll walk peacefully I've got to be getting back girl you still haven't answered me you say it by not answering mean it's not mm-hmm takes the one I want you know no I do I guess I always have and I don't I think of your future I'd tremble what you'll meet your children on break ahead every day every single day Oh wonderful yes eagerly wonder what heaven as asking you not yet your he's gonna do when you say yes no what this Shiina morning Nick Lanz as over near quarters looking for you the colonel must see where's Holloway Court come in good evening samples bro excuse me you sent for me sir I certainly did Richard what do you think you're doing sir I told you to assign an officer to the detail it is taking to those back I didn't say assign yourself you didn't say not to sir I thought you had more sense the land you know we've got nothing but a cat ray here and you should know if you don't that you're the only officer I have any faith in I'm a sick man Richard despite what Jennings tells me I'm in no position to handle the post you're the only person here I can depend on I don't want you taking to source up to Fort grant too many lives depend on your being here we're orders are out sir you can't change I can change any orders I ever gave and I'm changing those right now I want you to wake up the adjutant and tell him to put lieutenant Holloway in charge of the detail that is taking to sauce back all the way he's a good man isn't he yes sir he's one of the best but then he's the officer commanding the detail I've never argued with you but don't argue with me now captain that's the way I want it yes sir anything else that's all Richard Lance stater the minute they started we knew we had him and it was a slaughter high-water mark of the Confederacy they called it come in hello dick not asleep yet you're taking over the to SOSE detail bill I'm sorry they're joking I wouldn't joke about a thing like that no of course you wouldn't looks like tonight's man lucky night that's funny first time I remembered order being changed around here like rewriting the Bible well it's one time I don't mind making it easy on the captain do I Cathy and I guess I'm the one who needs sleep now good night Kevin Big Mac oh good night dick that was a cruel thing to do cruel why did you do it why I know what you're talking about kid you're not fooling me I've lived in an army post all my life dad's right orders don't get changed unless someone goes to an awful lot of trouble to change you Kathy believe me it's just the way things are I was planning to go myself until you saw bill kissing me and then you went directly to Colonel drum I never Kathy I don't know what it's all about dictums whatever it is I'm gonna do prepare to mount mom good luck no thanks dick good luck Joe that you dick forward Oh you've been standing at that wall the last three nights wonder when he sleeps what makes you think he can Oh who goes there I brought back a friend of yours Phil Holloway what's left put him in the garden get done a wrong thing dick want to take a look just as well well you Joe take care of them soldier yes sir what you gonna tell me how it happened yeah I guess you got a right to know they jumped us about three hours after he left here mean I'm two soldiers only got away cuz who was riding rear garden they took bill alive man the two soldiers wrote circles the next three days trying to catch up with him was heading back here at the south tone we found him was he still alive I guess you might call it alive they were sending him back delivered as a warning well those 400 men covered another week that's what I figured I didn't think to socity sent us a war unless he was dead certain he could wipe us out now he's got to get even with us for captured my guess is air a flare behind a pass beating their war drums right now better guessers that is sure thing I live with the Chiricahuas for 10 years you can learn a lot about engines in 10 years what do you think he's coming and sorry to say might be three days might be less I think she ain't gonna wait for that relief column they get here and nothing's for sure - so Scott a look at this place right this minute he knows our strengths better than the Sargent made you wanna know what you decided Baxter captain Lance they want you back at the gates I'm sorry about the town Holloway say it wasn't a finer office we know what he was to you thank you he was a good officer and a good man I say the army ain't got too many like that give me a hand with these boots rubbish it wasn't for Lance Holloway to still be alive and he'd be dead that's what's wrong with the army wrong guys always get killed Oh first time in four days those toes have seen daylight yeah I'm gonna miss lieutenant Holloway ah that's a lot of talk Murdoch if the truth were known you're probably glad that Holloway got killed it just gives you another chance to apply for a commission huh I'll never get a commission as long as lances around and would you say that was his fault or your fault well maybe they were afraid they might not find another sergeant shut your mouth you dirty rebel well I'll say this much for the captain he can tell the difference between a soldier in a trap and if you can do that you're a good officer I'll leave it up to you or that you went to Westport and Lance had him kicked out well is it Lance's fault if Rutledge does something and is foolish enough to get caught at it Rutledge must love me come way out here to serve endure sure that's what it is love now you're all sore because he knows you for what you really are a bunch of flea-bitten Bella Akers you talk about belly what did you do when the captain took away your liquor rice what did I do oh but drinking I just want to ask you one question suppose you found yourself in a dark alley one night with captain Lance what would you do but what I do I'll tell you what I'd do I'd sneak up behind them they put out my hand and grab him by the throat and I'd hurt him around and I'd say captain have you got a drink on you ah spitting polish that's all he is brain the butcher's wrong get even a bad spot need run yeah run just like a dirty rep you no-good dirty son of a Yankee mule come on down rebel I came out here to fight engines not sergeant you come out here because you were sent from a union prison but what about Lennie deserted after you got here you'd still be running if Lance Aetna caution brought you back that's right I would are you coming down rebel I've got no call to fight with you sergeant well I got a dragon leave me up on my feet why don't you get up on start Murdock you want to twist somebody's leg ain't occupied for the next few minutes here's mine dance it honky I could forgive him I can use him where's that a red eye the captain threw him in the guardhouse ain't you heard him yelling no I ain't the crazy gorilla he can't stand the guardhouse just makes him crazy burial formations will attend it Holloway in 40 minutes any man Missy gets three hours latrine Duty you got it oh yeah rooster all right I'll do it man dire and wasted the way yes man give it up the ghost and where is he though the route there of blacks old in the earth and the stock thereof die in the ground yet through the scent of water it will fight and bring forth powers like a plant as the waters fall from the sea and the flood decay it and dry it up so man lieth down and rise it not till the heavens be no more they shall not awake I'll be raised out of their sleep all right let's take harmonies word for it let's assume toothless is going to attack that means he'll do it before the relief column gets here and that way we don't stand a chance before he attacks he'll have to assemble West to the Flint heads that means you'll have to come through the pass to get here I'd like to take a patrol out to fort invincible I'm trying to hold him off up there no I can't spare you Richard I can't spare the man I mean a small patrol six or seven men six or seven men to sossel have hundreds we can still only get through that pass a few at a time it didn't look so invincible last time you were up there did it all the way I figured you can hold invincible with a small party but only for a short time if I can hold to saw us off up there until the relief column gets here we'll be out of trouble I'll bet the water supply up there I wouldn't carry enough to last two or three days if we're up there any longer than that there won't be needing any and would you want to leave right away tomorrow morning all right Richard I guess it's that or nothing I'll give you the best men left on the pole oh I'd rather pick them out myself certainly take anyone you want have the adjutant write out the orders thank you sir I am I want to apologize for my attitude last time we spoke I wasn't myself I'm glad to see you looking better sir it's many the calm before the storm I'm afraid lad would you good night sir I'm I'm sorry about Holloway focus he knows that waylynn fighting gather round gather round what's the good word tonight raid you'll see excuse me gentlemen following enlisted men will form at 5:40 a.m. fully equipped for combat patrol to be commanded by captain Lance first austin stroupe a fifth Cavalry senior sergeant Murdoch corporal Gilchrist trooper caboose Ian trooper on state trooper Rutledge trumpeter Saxton second-in-command will be first lieutenant winters J army will act as Scott by order of Colonel drum well that lets me out me to get back in the car came as a mighty ugly body of men it's like he picked the many hated the most are the ones have hated him the most I don't figure I me why anteus well what are all the old hens clucking about this time you ain't seeing this order no my little hero I ain't seen this order if I can see this board I'll bet you just about as good as anybody you must figure out having too good a time around here tonight just to get me away someplace where its driest boot leather hey no matter how dry it is if you're dead ain't gonna be dead I'm coming back like Holloway maybe I hope say the hey wrap still in the guardhouse you reckon he's gonna turn him loose to go with it if I ever put him in the guardhouse had never take him out in patrol Libya huh you're gonna keep this up all night oh let me off nd you can kill the captain so I can kill a captain I don't mind you doing it here right but you got to do it on your own time Lulabelle harbor Lagarde post number eight corporal the Dark Horse number eight what's the matter look what that local way wrap done I wouldn't have believed it well I got orders to let him out anyway he's on patrol tomorrow just as well I don't think he likes it in there oh I guess not all right here on come on get out you're on patrol tomorrow morning with Captain Lance he asked for you especially he asked for me that's right haha so he asked for trooper caboose yet oh they made a trooper named death don't do nothing that will get you back here we got to keep this guardhouse in one piece there's always time always place thank you dude probably what do you want I have to talk to you candy there's something I want to tell you there's nothing you have to say that would do any good not after what you've done and I wouldn't want to listen to anything that you might have to say probably want to tell me you're soaring but you didn't mean what she did or perhaps you're gonna say it wouldn't happen again maybe one another chance what were you gonna say that love made you do it well you're not gonna say anything to me not about love and build at what has been or will be him what might have been because I'm not gonna listen because to me you're as dead as bill is more dead cuz I'm gonna remember him I put you out of my heart did you hear me no leave me alone get out of here get out tick ah chanting you're an angel for doing this you'll be a reward in heaven for girls like you well there better be a reward right down here there's only enough here to last me three or four days darling you know I'll be back as soon as it's gone will you have I ever lied to you Jenny yeah oh Jenny you start talking like that now think you don't love me anymore go go back at who I gotta go I'll wait a minute just one sip to point the way for the rest of this you be a good girl while I'm gone I'll bash your pretty little head in for you now give us a kiss this whiskey at glory that makes the man I'd trade all my medal now now none of that don't you worry your pretty little head I'll be coming back to you all right now give us a kiss ah that's better you just remember darling I'll be thinking of you and only you every minute of the time yes every minute I'll endure prepare them oh no oh oh Oh what about the system dry bone dry hop up here see clear down below busting you gonna tell the soldiers I'll find out soon enough you Jason I think I'll take a look the other side of the past something I can't catch quite when he's coming that's what I can't catch sonata more maybe afternoon nine maybe nuts will do on a day after the other Anna might show up an hour from now we start trying to calculate that fellow to do something at the time you calculate there's a ton of figure for dizzy opposite see dick prepare to dismount Chuck blows it up close it up Gilchrist take commission as a detail and close the gate bring the ammunition and put it up on a fire step sergeant Murdoch I want you to locate suitable quarters for all of us and see that the spear canteens and the tax are placed in whatever quarters you choose for me also detail someone to corral the horses and sexton I want all calls sounded lieutenant windows you'll accompany me on an inspection of the walls you have your orders I fall - just a minute onstott the horses seem to like you better than any of the rest of us you take care of where are you going with him can t you heard the captain just leave mine be I never saw you get so hot about water remind what you never saw give me my canteen I can take care of anybody that questions my rank lieutenant you'll get the same water ration as everyone else understand Gilchrist yes sir now get back to unpacking that horse carry on sergeant yes well that's one way to handle it he'd been drinking Gilchrist on me water in this country you need an ER you can come around to my quarters I'll take what you're asking the men no more speaking of quarters you're entitled it share mine wherever they are I'll get by Thanks suit yourself stick with these walls captain this is mighty thirsty work Mouse work is aa sum up the walls and fluid shape don't stand up on it on the rifle fire yes sir after all I can only come through that pass a few at a time with bringing up fire to bear to take care of that situation it wasn't taken care of last time and there was half a troop up here yeah maybe we got a couple of tricks up our sleeve captain Lance yes son sir I put the men in the old barracks they can fix the lane - against the wall but lieutenant weathers in the QM building good work sergeant and I figured the best place for the captain was in the guardhouse very good sergeant go there I'll join you directly now you better get some rest gonna take some that up to the pass tonight you'll be in command here in command of what we're horses hey captain yes I know it's thirsty work mighty thirsty work go easy with that more of it in there what is this stuff captain I don't want anybody gonna here unless I'm here understand yes there's something I'd like to discuss with the captain if he's got the time what is it sergeant there's a vacancy sir on account of lieutenant Holloway being killed so well sir I'm the senior non-commissioned officer in line your application for Commission's but in three times each time I ask that it be turned down I figured maybe you did seeing the way things are you know if anything should happen to the captain great many of us coming out of this maybe only one or two maybe it will be one that's quite possible it'll be interesting to see which one it is won't it second sorry I wanted to take detail tonight half an hour at the mess Maddie I've learned two things in my life wanna miss it you can't even upper feeder nail by painting it the other is that you can't go to court a whiskey every day our life and stop just like that I need healthy every day of your life hello Annette quake just since I was three years old maybe you better go back to the water water that's for fishing go get me a new picker on stone yes the holes are drilled from the Dynamite's are a couple here in the past and one halfway between the past and the fourth do you think you can handle this Stefan um ever hearing them tell us about it at the point yes you've got a good memory repitch all right take it turn them out a little brighter stuff yes Oh captain your partner liberty saying are you gonna see car wreck again oh thank you thank you wait Astro harmony coming back huh one is ready - for sure hey these things make you thirsty don't think yeah don't smoke a bit so far can't do nothing Oh Lucas let's let's go back to the fort tonight you stay here on God you first shift it pass you should put in an appearance all you have to do is touch off the decklid yes 20 years thirst captain Lance motor 10 acquitted I came up very late get back to the floor I'll put young girl Rex I'm tired of being put on the Shelf by you go on back I'll take over here Juliana give a strength to stand up straight you think I'm so sick why'd you bring me here you're drunk Victor wherever I am would you get there's a whole river up and running right through the middle of the fort now it won't be for long sergeant Murdoch yes it holding the man I pick up your equipment pritch pritch yes sir hurry it up write down all in all right look alive get in there but we get back consider yourself under arrest and remain in your quarters come down here a Thousand pardons Effendi the rock fell it might have kill you it must have been the will of heaven you can see for yourself no man can move that rock get it out of the way alone then D get it out of the way yeah get it out of the way or I'll have you shot now take your place all right straighten it up you do better on purpose it was the will of heaven et al atten-hut right hey forward hi Oh jury Thanks oh good at the devil more Effendi I'm big man that's not life hey guy don't know what my teeth you old enough to have teeth yeah I'm old enough and you're old enough to get up in the past and relate Joker's right now right now he's done to our he'll tell you what to do up there you don't look thirsty Rebs don't need water any be some of that horse water yeah come to think of it a tourist suit at the Surrey what about the extra canteens captain saving them for tomorrow sure he's saving us George seemed funny to you there's no news at Joe harmony nothing seems funny to me we've got no imagination maybe you got enough for both of it maybe I have got enough to be nervous anyway I've been kind of out of line you and you put me out at a time that's why he gave me the carving what's the trouble Gavin somebody fired a couple of shots in here it was not I Effendi I have no coffee or all the others accounted for as far as I know is here well check on it yes I came to watch over you append II see no harm come me that was very thoughtful of you everything all right up the pass yes Sikes titania you better tell me what happened it's hardly get jumpy hear those shots and check on this man's story yes all right a rat get movin at the land Oh simply [ __ ] those shots at you captain I guess he got scared when he seen Joe there and I can't find Rutledge worry about that later come on on your feet on your feet dick can you hear me here you should have let me shot him when we had a chance now it's too late he's comin dick I love you listen you remember that something couldn't catch her I finally got a hole to source knows everything he's in no hurry dick it makes no difference if the relief column does come it's John because he knows the whole relief column is made up of only 31 men just 31 men all right commission the moment I think we can assume that by this time tomorrow some of us will be dead I never permitted men to risk death in a combat detail under my command without explaining why also I'd like to straighten out any misapprehensions you may have as to why you were picked for this detail in each case my only consideration was the defense of fort Winston the fort is under man and I picked the men that I thought could best be spared I'm prepared to give you my individual reasons if you want them if not the Detailers dismissed very well sergeant Murdoch as for you your record is an on commas full of nothing but bullying and brutality that's why you haven't been offered your Commission the result is you're a malcontent your absence from fort winston is no loss yes trooper onstott a man who will desert once as a man who will desert again given the slightest opportunity here there won't be any opportunity the desert would be a much worse enemy for you than any of pachi you might have to face trooper FH you came 2,000 miles to serve under my command with only one motive revenge but your intelligence and your training you should have been promoted many times but your record shows nothing good or bad at Winston they need men who are more than adequate yes sir to Picabo check the reason for your presence on this detail won't be found on any record book impossible to transcribe the feelings that a man carries in his soul here the dark thoughts that you carry will be less harm I don't think any other explanation is necessary no sir trumpeter Sexton you have long and publicly made known your wish to trade your trumpet for a carbine last night I gave you one however both you and I know that you're a coward and have no such wish no sir corporal Gilchrist yours is a record of drunkenness brawls and destruction of army property that is unequaled in the United States cavalry somehow you've managed to keep your stripes but in the event of an attack on Winston the proximity of the fort's whiskey would see you end up inevitably in front of the firing squad you've omitted me in your analysis captain your rank entitles you to privacy lieutenant I wish to know why I was included in the detail very well you're here lieutenant because you're an extremely ill man I needed an officer there was nothing to lose by selecting enough you see what I mean any questions yes sir what is I'm sure we all appreciate having our little faults and weaknesses pointed out to us sir but I imagine the captain has a reason for being here too do you think so yes sir I think so we all think so and just even things up a little bit I'd like to have the pleasure of telling the captain what I think that reason is your head you were supposed to take two sus up to Fort grant but you had the orders changed the lieutenant Holloway went out and got himself conveniently killed in your place then you began to feel guilty about it so you figured out a suicide mission and fixed it so you could take every one of us that you'll hate it along with you that's all captain that's the way it is so that's the way it is yes detail 10 this Mitch neurotics yes cap you disappeared for a while last night where were you I went down to the corral to take a look at the horses you're lying aren't you that's an enlisted man's privilege captain it's sign from Homestuck Nelson hasn't showed himself for about 15 minutes you better go out there see if he's alright yes you think you can handle a carbine now about getting careless I think so sir Hey thank you captain don't I get any no do you want to know why no the Indians are on the other side of the wall Cobra why did you shoot your fool I thought better of it shoot him would all be done for the only man can keep this outfit gone where are you on stunt ass Murdock five years I've been in the air and I get captured on account of a dirty breath captain what is it there's Murdock coming back wait a minute captain let's Murdoch no trooper ever carried a carbine that way they'll be coming now fired will okay back there wounded what does he know the trails were Rafa waarom I do yeah as I know it why those knows I can figure it relief column oughta be at the rim sometime tomorrow I want you to ride out there and tell captain comprehend to get here as fast as you can do you really mean that I just said it tonight you might be dead when I get back I'll take my chances on that how do you know I tried to calm her hand how do you know I wouldn't ride for the fort itself all my troubles you know ya know I also know that whatever your faults are you still an army man you can take my horse if you wanna no thanks I got a good one good luck dick good luck to you Jerry I'll bake a column of Kandra ham got 400 men nice round number you already happen pushing open the gate you all right Sexton yes sir fine sir I'd like to try to get through sir hey Rob what do you think about when you're thirsty water why huh sometimes melons you're a great help the great help yours yes sir sometimes blood you got a Seeger corporal sir I said you got a/c guy yes sir in my saddlebag go get it I take the pennant off the guy Don and put this on it well sir you gonna surrender no corporal we're gonna have a little talk with two cells but what's the Seaguar got to do it you just go and get it and you'll find out oh and take that pistol off your belt yes charge of dynamite is under the rocks all you have to do is light the fuse with your cigar when I give the signal yes you have any trouble call my name out once and get back to the floor immediately yes I'm short hard one why you come out under pale flag I came to offer you a chance to surrender you have strange courage dog soldier do you command my tea party that you can speak such words or is it because you think no army but your army no warriors but yours by weight and half-day I kept you your men with beg of water your warriors have great thirst odd one my terms are simple your men will lay down their arms and come through the pass on foot Scout I send back to you he able to speak before he died he spoke still you make turns to true souls you heard help you have send for will do no good one in 30 men our chieftains have promised 400 men it is not their way to promise much and send little I know what I say is true you're a liar there is no more to hear I do not speak foolishly of surrender I have brought with me strong medicine medicine it will make these mountains tremble and leap from the earth I can destroy this pass and all of your warriors with it watch you will see all right corporal captain Lance very well corporal go back to the fort this medicine is controlled from the fort soon you will see you lie hard one your medicine failed you who know all things no nothing to sauce is growing old and foolish no more time for toppdogg soldier returned to fort soldier with no water you will soon be as dust under hooves of our horses what happened I don't know captain the fuse was gone in that little cat thing - somebody tampered that's what I'd say looks like the fuse was gone out of that demonstration charge it's funny could have sworn I put it in makes me wonder about to charge up in the past maybe the fuse has gone out of that one too will captain why don't you take a run up there and see why did you do it Rutledge for all of us caught up here together where did you expect to go with You captain and just remember this I'm not committing suicide I'm killing you no Rutledge you are committing suicide because I'm going back up in that pass with a new fuse the first chance I get from blow it sky-high and whatever you think I didn't bring this patrol up here to get every man killed I'm gonna get out everyone alive that I can and especially you Rutledge I'm gonna get you back to Winston and have you court-martialed I'm gonna have you hung with a strongest length of rope in the whole New Mexico Territory you miss advantage by quarters this was wanted captain luckily this pocket that's exactly what I wanted I can reset these fuses this mission may still be a success judging from the ruckus I hear out there our red brothers are too busy at the moment to pay much attention to us I'll leave somebody to cover me how don't cap I am ready Effendi no you can't go with that shoulder push it I will not let anyone else go all right come on Volta TV burn up get up fat man look good before they kill me I'd like to get my hands loose by just five minutes it looks like you're gonna get to wish rip the boys had me tied with your dirty Yankees stripes they're going car why you fight till soon before you die because he's a no-good son of a Yankee mule hater strong dog soldier yeah turn me loose now show you out dirty Yankee soldier died Medici Medici I've waited a long time for this side you just don't run away rebel no AC no a [ __ ] you hurry hurry go saxton anything moving no everything's quiet looks like they cut us down a bit I kind of figured they would next time they come you're gonna cut down the rest of us looks that way don't you try to shoot me didn't you sir aimed your carbine at me the other night well I I guess I got nothing to lose now if I admit that that idea might have flitted through my head of it why didn't you do it I can't rightly answer that captain unless unless maybe I got the sudden notion that might kind of spoil things for you not going down the line of duty which is so fond of so to speak no you're a soldier Gilchrist a professional you may be creations worst new son of a soldier but that's what you are that's why you couldn't do it I knew that that's why I didn't have you shot five minutes after I saw you point the muzzle that thing at me you could have had me shot for what I did to them canteens yeah both cases I didn't have enough men for a firing squad anyway I knew that captain meanwhile I wonder if you do something for me anything you say sir I doubt my quarters you'll find my loose tobacco cigarette papers I'm not quite certain where I left him that might have been under one of those canteens you understand I need a smoke corporal it may take you a few minutes to find the makings no long yes sir sorry you didn't get to find out how it was at me sends in Holloway off to his whiskey not love brings you here at this hour Oh Barney dear Barney I can't let you win from the look in Europe Oh sir I forgot I couldn't find your papers in your tobacco register I didn't think you would but I look again sir what are they doing on Tisha doesn't matter much what they're doing you only got about 40 coverages left between us come on you beautiful creatures come on you registered Devils I'm waiting for you they'll be coming corporal nothing like hurrying him up a little bit is different here we go I can't let you to your spa beans called back to be my slip catching that's hey listen I got me a compliment you that lamina sides it Thompson take over about ready to go Lance you'll fit the ride yeah I'm alright I'm taking a look at this new weapon really something a call it a Gatling gun 350 rounds a minute they're talking about my last year at the point does the work of a regiment that's why they gave me only 31 men all I need that guns going to revolutionize war leave are you sure you're alright get me that orderly parka is whiskey not you know want me captain relieve it here that is where's my captain Oh captain we got everything packed everything you got captain except except two canteens hey we're gonna des sir so we didn't bring them no not up his whiskey come and take over the beach yes sir detail oh hello doc didn't expect to see you back I did healthy that is as may of the circumstances I prescribed a drink no thanks I'm good time sorry I got a report to me don't ever go isn't here I sent him back myself yesterday ordered him as a matter of fact told him I wouldn't be responsible beer to go he's had two bad spells a third time I have one with cerebral hemorrhage you don't have another you're gonna make your report to the mirror hmm I'm acting in a commander was till they sent out another colonel or some chowderheaded major but if you insist on making a report to flesh and blood I'd suggest Kathy Everson captain she knows now that she was wrong she's sorry she's in love with a dick believe me she is now take it easy you've had five hard day let's doctor's orders and brought it with women delightful to see but the facts of the matter alas is that women are always most happy bedevil and me haha if I was a human instead of a sword I go to my captain and speak to him true aha I'd say me poor bucko you're heading for trouble captain dear captain it's trouble for what he says is true I'm gonna take him out and have him shot it's safe it's not to me on self that I didn't know captain captain dear culture you
Channel: ClassicsFilms3030
Views: 1,529,354
Rating: 4.6280775 out of 5
Keywords: gregory peck, barbara payton, james cagney, kiss tomorrow goodbye, trapped
Id: nKfFrLwFE7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 52sec (6292 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2013
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