Only Eating 7/11 Food From Japan For 24 Hours

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we're doing a 7-Eleven only today we're only eating 7-Eleven where do you deposit your chocolate in the chocolate Bank we're going to get a bunch of snacks we get some beef jerky should we try squid let's try squid honey butter flavored nuts honey butternuts giant corn it's like the size of a toenail they chopped up the shrimp and turned him into a cracker there's so many little juices I don't know what this is but it has sucker on it a pudding drink the weight is it is there weight loss Coca-Cola oh it is it's like the fit Coca-Cola Guinea Coke what is this you know they got almond milk they got oat milk they got soy milk why can't you milk a peach Taro I don't know sometimes I can read Japanese sometimes I can't I have the reading skills of a 2year old Japanese kid maybe one-year-old I could read very basic kanji barely when I make something really good I went bam in the kitchen okay I need a coffee I like the little ones this is the good one right so in Japan there's a bunch of comies which are the convenience stores and there's 7-Eleven there's Lawson there's Family Mart and Lawson is probably the best one and then 7-Eleven is like second best zero chocolate I think there's at least a couple in here A whole 63 G of PR Simmons I love PR Simmons they got like the fish the takoyaki is this takoyaki taaki takoyaki is the octopus balls sugar butter and sand tree what is a sand tree do that sound very appetizing melon chocolate oh my God this is like my first time using a mic by myself and I didn't realize it had a little record button that you had to press record anyways I had to get back to the hotel because we have to check out in an hour and it started raining I was just going to eat right in front of the 7 11 which is kind of like what you're supposed to do you're not supposed to like walk around and eat in Japan it is considered rude and I take you on a hotel tour but it's it's kind of messy you're not missing out on much views pretty cool but yeah let's see what we got here I'm starving we skipped dinner last night cuz my sister was really tired she came back to the hotel room at 700 p.m. and just like passed out for 12 hours straight oh my God I am so excited I cannot tell you how wait what is this I thought this was a seaweed salad I was just going to tell you how excited I am for seaweed salad and then I get this and it's not seaweed salad it's steamed chicken and Chinese pickles with sesame oil and I thought it was seaweed salad what a scam anyways we're going to try some of this stuff out I guess this is going to be my first meal of the day I feel like you have to shake these so it says cafe latte it has soccer flowers all over it it's cherry blossom so I don't come to Japan during cherry blossom season cuz it's like super touristy and it gets really expensive so I Tred to come before like in February early March these straws are a h and a problem so I guess you just stab it oh okay oh it's like really sweet cherry blossom coffee I'm so thirsty it's like two sips and half of is already gone the drinks are just so tiny iPhone for comparison okay it doesn't look that tiny my case is really bulky what is this okay this one is seaweed tofu and Bonito broth this sounds really healthy it's crazy how you can get healthy food at the 7-Eleven here you know the first time I came to Japan all I ate was 7-Eleven food and I tell people that all the time they look at me like I'm a hideous monster but like the food is actually really good they have like hot food this is Toof it looks like chicken oh my God this is like right up my Alleyway I could eat this whole thing right now I think I'm going to eat the Savory stuff first right this is actually delicious you know when you go to the beach and they have all that like the black seaweed all over the ocean what it tastes like or what I imagine it to taste like minus the sand M you know this is the star of the show The First Time make went to Japan only giri and they just have them at 7-Eleven you know you see these in anime all the time I grew up wanting to try one of these so bad and it kind of like you have to open it like strategically so like the seaweed just envelops the ball of rice and then you take a bite let see the G stuck to my whips ah be gone there's so stingy with a topping at 71 I swear I'm cracked it open so you guys can see the inside it's like a quarter's wor worth of salmon and I think honestly it my favorite thing to eat in Japan besides the Waggy okay I want coffee all I remember is the gold one I believe this one was the good one the coolest part is that they have a section that's heated drinks which is a little bit sus because somewhere on like plastic bottles it's like a fridge but it's heated I got the cold one I prefer iced coffee oh that's good I don't know how they do coffee so good here I don't understand why canned coffee in America does not taste this good it's like they usually have so much sugars and just a bunch of like ingredients and stuff I'm not saying this doesn't this probably does but it it's only 49 calories that's pretty good and it's delicious okay I know this is a really popular snack here smok squid I've never actually tried it or have I I might have I don't know I don't remember I don't remember what it tastes like oh oh my goodness wow it's like beef jerky it's even got like that Teriyaki flavor in it ooh and it's like chewy this is like suspicious good okay I had the squid let's have the beef I wonder if their beef jerky is like Waggy jerky definitely looks better it's like perfectly cut hard this is really tough I don't know if I could like chew this all the way through why is it so tough bro that cow was jacked it's taking a while for me to chew a single piece it tastes good but it's like the texture I don't know American jerky it's like you get some really tender pieces of beef which I like oh I think this is a peach drink I shook her up oh it's just straight up peach juice but why is it like milky maybe it's like Peach milk you know they got almond milk they got oat milk they got soy milk why can't you milk a peach that's delicious so far everything has been like amazing what I'm surprised sweet potato I wasn't expecting actual like pieces of cut up steamed potato like it looks exactly like the packaging what so you could just take a potato steam it and put it in a package and just sell it why isn't this a thing in America maybe I'm starving maybe everything just sounds amazing you know I hope my ice cream doesn't melt by the time I have to try it we actually got kicked out of the first 7-Eleven for recording oh we didn't get kicked out but some lady was like no video okay I mean I'm a guest in this country I'm going follow the rules and have some giant corn oh wow wow you know I know they have stuff like this in America but this is like next level I don't know what they be feeding these corns this is amazing it's like pop corn that's like super crunchy that doesn't get stuck in your teeth oh my God I'm saving all these snacks for later I'm bringing them on the bus okay Pon if You' never had a Pon I'm trying to like describe it it's like an apricot but like softer these are all right I feel like the texture could be better not my favorite thing I've had today which is sad because I love P Simmons ah the shrimp cracker and if you see like the cover of this it's like those anamorphs those books of human slowly morphs into an animal but like the shrimp is slowly morphing into a cracker or they like sliced up slices of the shrimp and like they made a cracker out of this fool it's kind of disrespectful honestly but the packaging really got me I don't know if these are glutenfree dang they weren't lying they literally took a shrim sliced him up pressed him baked him and voila he tastes like a cracker M these are crazy good if you like shrimp it's like shrimp but crunchy wow you guys probably know by now I have Celiac I'm not gluten-free by choice my body cannot digest gluten but when I'm traveling specifically to Japan I will take my chances almost everything has soy sauce here and soy sauce technically does have gluten but some people can handle Soy Sauce better and some people can't and then sometimes I will do videos like this and like I'll have the tummy ache later I don't care I'll deal with it I I don't think it's fair then I'm so restricted with food it's not by choice I would eat everything if I could or at least try it once strawberry cubes they look freeze-dried I love strawberry everything that's why you're probably going to notice a lot of strawberry desserts it's a strawberry Cube M oh wow what is this you know when something is so good you look at the back and try to read the ingredients but it's all in Japanese wow it's like freeze-dried pieces of strawberry in a cube and it tastes like chocolate but it's a little crunchier I don't know this is amazing 10 out of 10 wow what a delicious little treat koi Ichigo Ichigo means strawberry honey butternuts honey butternuts honey butternuts honey butter nuts do you know what these are honey butter nuts I don't know why I was expecting these to taste like when you go to the fair and they're like freshly roasting the nuts with like sugar and honey and butter and they're so delicious but like it's just like dusted with a honey butter dust this is probably like the healthier version I don't know mid I want to ice cream I think it's about time before these melt okay this one's really cool white ganache chocolate ice cream bar has a little thumb hole to poke it into okay now this is kind of wasteful it's like you have the box and then you have a plastic that it comes in there's like supposed to be ganache on the inside so I just like bite it open okay there it is the ganache M this is delicious but it's a little too much white chocolate I feel like it need strawberry or something definitely not misleading okay this is definitely not gluten-free but these are so cool it's like an ice cream sandwich open gluten Lords won't allow me to have this please I'm begging you why is this the most difficult snack I've ever had to open I feel like y'all need a closeup of this oh wow just a bite it's too sweet it doesn't even taste like ice cream it tastes like just straight up sugar This is highly disappointing oh you know why there's barely any ice cream in this it's like ice cream and then chocolate layer and then wafer I'm not a fan you know that actually worked out because I'm allergic I was trying to show you guys The View but you got to choose my face or the view the camera will only focus on one I don't know why I got this this is literally like any old chocolate almond hagendaz bar who hasn't seen one of these is that a chocolate almond Bar M oh wow that is amazing I think it's better than the hog and why are these called zero there's at least three chocolates in here zero sugar oh it is it is sugar-free chocolate very interesting oh this is so cute they're like little dice but chocolate M I don't know how the sugar-free chocolate taste better than regular chocolate wow I might literally buy a whole another suitcase just to bring back snacks from the seven Olin I don't remember everything being this good melon oh comes with three packets inside of the packet shall we open one melon cookie I definitely can't eat this oh wow that's very interesting it's like the combined a cookie and a chocolate I kind of really like it the texture is amazing wow I'll be wowing a lot in this video it's literally called melon chocolate the ioso no uh wear in Japan oy no it's crunky let's get crunky crunchy strawberry chocolate it fell on the floor the half I had was really good I don't think I can eat this delicious it's like a crunchy strawberry chocolate what more could you want Oh I got another one I think it's like the same thing we got the crunky op it's called galbo it's also crunchy strawberry chocolate one is brown on the outside pink on the inside this one's pink on the outside Brown on the inside I think crunky might win I I think this is a healthier snack I think it's a newer brand that makes healthier snacks it's called psycho me it looks like white chocolate with 10 g of protein right up my Alleyway because protein bars in America kind of suck oh it's really hard it's like a crunchy protein bar all right it's like okay definitely not tasting any protein just tastes like white chocolate crunchy white chocolate I feel like I'm going to have a horrible crummy ache later I hope the bus has a toilet with a b day otherwise I'm done for wait I still have two more things pudding drink part of me just wants to like rip open the top like a Barbarian and see what oh I can I was expecting pudding what is this what art thou it's like coffee with pudding I feel like it's too sweet oh it's egg pudding it's like egg and milk in a drink that doesn't sit well with me you know when I was a kid my mom used to make something called Magic drink she basically cracked a raw egg in a cup of milk put some honey in it put it in the microwave and gave it to us and she would call it magic drink cuz we would never drink anything that had raw egg in it I mean technically it was microwave so I mean but the drink was delicious and it's supposed to like healed everything it was magic okay steamed chicken and Chinese pickle of sesame oil this is got to be the biggest disappointment since this was not seaweed salad I kind of just grabbed off the thing I was like oh my God seaweed salad I was in Louisiana a few months ago and I was starving and I ordered some seaweed salad from the sushi place and it was the best seaweed salad I've ever had in my life it was just so crunchy it was like crunchy sea grape you love shwy salad now I crave it all the time I'm not a fan of this I mean it's all right it's just onions onion sesame seeds which I like chicken where's the chicken the chicken looks very suspicious I'm kind of scared to take more than a tiny bite you know the bags of cooked chicken you get from the fridge section got are like a little moist I don't like my chicken moist okay that was only one meal I might have to make another run do 7-Eleven and get like an actual meal because that was not satisfying enough for a meal okay CH we're trying the weight loss Coca-Cola I put on a couple pounds was the muffin good it was probably better yesterday but today it's terrible okay we have egg salad sandwich I've been dying to have this since we got here I wanted the Lawson one but uh we are not close to a Lon and haven't been hurry up and try it no they do the thing oh wow I can't eat it because of the bread it's not gluten- free but it's like the softest fluffiest bread oh wow can I have a scoop of egg inside the nail crazy that's pretty good M egg salad tamy yeah this hits to wash this down our weight loss Coca-Cola ooh comes with indigestible fiber I don't know it's good for you but bubbly it's so bubbly she can't handle the bubbles that thing practically exploded when you opened it oh wait L Coca so we have blueberry cream cheese and sauce sandwich it's gorgeous what kind of sauce oh blueberry sauce look at this scam they only do like the middle of it to make it look like it's thick it's literally only in the middle of the the sandwich look at look at the front of it wow this is why Lawson is better they pack their stuff I don't know why I got this I said like yesterday the Japanese are bad at cheese and they are I think the cheese is really good here I don't like the cheese here I like that nasty American cheese it's not that New York cream cheese not that Philadelphia I actually don't think I'm going to finish this I don't really like it so I had the 7-Eleven lunch we checked out of the hotel and then went to another hotel this was probably the nicest hotel I ever stayed at in my life it's the Aman in Tokyo we only stayed there for a night because it was so expensive but like quick little room tour you can see the entire city you know it's kind of crazy how many buildings there are it's just like modern Japanese I loved it hey there's me and then the bathroom even the bathtub has a view you can see the whole city while you take a bath but also if they got a good pair of binoculars they can see you so we took a day trip to Mount Fuji it was like a 2-hour bus ride the view from the bus was gorgeous and when we got there it was snowing so much it was so pretty when we got there we had a traditional Japanese room this is the view from the window the gardens were completely covered in snow we had an onand which is like a hot spring on our balcony you're supposed to be able to see Mount Fuji but it was cloudy and snowy the first night that we got there if it wasn't snowing and cloudy Mount Fuji supposed to be right there but they did bring us like a 12 course meal for dinner to our room this was really nice I got to try a bunch of new things I've never had before some of it looks a little suspicious it will was yes the shrimp have their eyes on them I'm no monster I couldn't do it the onen was so nice it's basically like a hot tub that's not too hot and it's just really relaxing feels great for your muscles by the way this was all another night it's not during the 24 hours of 7-Eleven Fe thing but I didn't know where to put it I didn't record enough footage for another Vlog so I'm just going to put it in this Vlog there I finally found another one there are only like a million 7el in Japan but when I'm looking for one I can't find it the 7 11 had so many snacks that I've never tried before so I didn't even know where to start and like aside from this video we were buying so many snacks to try every day I think I'm going to make a short or a video just showing you guys my absolute favorite let me know if I should do that this looks delicious but also might give me food poisoning this is jerky in the fridge section you can get a whole piece of salmon all right this is where we're going to be eating just kidding it's like a buffet okay fck bang 7-Eleven dinner I'm starving aloe yogurt drink I am not in a very good mood oh M I made a stank face cuz at first the texture scared me but then I remember this yogurt yogurt and aloe exactly what it tastes like my sister was like I'm going to the com beanie do you want to come with me I was like no I'm going back to the hotel and then she's like okay it's that way I walk like 20 minutes in 10° weather in a skirt I cannot feel my thighs anyways now we can feast on her piece of salmon comes to Japan barely eats any fish oh wow that actually looks amazing a little fishy but I mean it came from the ocean beef rib jerky and it was from the fridge so I don't know is it raw why does it look like bacon go inside and see for yourself M this is suspicious because it's like it's not dried ah you know how you cook beef or you like smoke it and then you dry it that's how they make beef jerky this looks like it was raw and maybe they like aged it it just tastes like Smoky beef this is yummy I'm actually really surprised Banger long Sushi wait till you see this uncut sushi roll this is Nat Nat is fermented soybeans and it's supposed to be extremely healthy for you I only tried it once and I hated it it's healthy it's good for you I swall it this is so ridiculous it's just like a sushi stick M usually if something's really healthy I'll just eat it but like this is I don't know I might give it another try I feel bad throwing away food salmon oh wow even just like any piece of grilled salmon add a 7eleven tastes better than most of the salmon you can get in America Crazy M this is delicious rice cake with smooth red beans and golden Sesame it's basically Mochi with Sesame and then I think it's red bean on the inside peekaboo I do love all of those things especially Sesame wow amazing I'm going to finish this hm and I'm going to eat this later that was so good it's soft it's sweet it's crunchy mind blown I don't want to eat this but it's like it looked very interesting that I had to get it and I put it in the microwave while I was there but then uh by the time I got home it's IC cold this has wheat in it do I have to eat it but I want to see the inside this supposed to be four kinds of cheese oh that was the most disappointing cheese pole I've ever it's not even like mozzarella cheese it's like Vita cheese it doesn't even like pull this is the worst thing I've had this entire trip I got to go watch my hands a few moments later anyways that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to hit that like button the face comment below let me know which one of these Foods would you actually try and make sure you turn on notifications click click and make sure you subscribe J the wealth pack I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 730,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, expensive, Japan, only in Japan, Japanese food, 7/11, japan 7/11
Id: Lsc6w8edxL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 27sec (1227 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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