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that's a deal right here 10 bucks I picking this up for sure Benjamin hello how much are your big chisel sets uh big chisel sets I would say want to say this one's like 30 I think they're both 30 30 bucks yeah okay there's individual ones as well like if you're looking for just a specific one they're individual ones in boxes okay cool these are all the same brand right the yeah everything's the same brand I think PSI work Benjamin best is there a brand on it PSI woodworking all right so he wants 10 on this one 30 a piece on these see if he'll do a deal for everything yeah thank yeah I'm going to do before someone right got a question uh for both for both uh set of boxes is 15 15 yeah how much this one that one individually would be 10 10 yeah would you what's your best deal on just everything for everything just all that the 50 bucks deal deal yeah appreciate that yeah no problem so I'm just going to leave it here for a second I'll look around a little more and then go for I'll get you yeah thank you you got 50 bucks on you I ran out of money I do all right we'll start a start a tab fresh tab there um look up this thing over quick figma sells for 14 you selling any of those action figures out there in there no those are all my stuff unfortunately okay is this do you know if this one was used or complete No it should be uh I don't think it was used yeah I don't think it was open oh it looks like it might be missing a part that's what I was thinking too yeah okay I mean if if you still want it I'll take it off for 20 just do for 10 since it seems to actually be missing some things that's weird how it's missing that yeah I think um oh yeah it looks like someone up in there I kind of I didn't you know inherited some of the stuff I don't know yeah but you got 10 on it yeah 10 10 fine on it yeah so we're at 60 now yeah 60 you guys done pulling out stuff for the day or uh I think we pulling more stuff out yeah okay cool I'll Stick Around huh are you on FaceTime Julie yeah I'm going to pick this up I don't know the brand new one sold for 14 this looks new but it's missing parts so it's like kind of who knows what's who knows what's going to go for I still think it's going to be pretty good okay we just sag that power cord power so I'm at 60 and then I'll see what he wants so if I just grab them with the the whole whole tool like this one yeah this this 25 it has a lot ofand this one's got the back scratcher I know two back scratchers all right these look like they're going to be a pickup here so for 100 they're asking five this goes in here same thing lot ofs yeah let see what he want just this whole thing all right I'm going asking what he wants for just this whole box what would you want for the whole box I don't you got like $5 a piece uh $5 a piece like you got five on that yeah cuz it's all soldering I'll say you got the little you have more yeah you have like got the machine there the whole combo yeah um I mean that whole toolbx I I would say it's at least 30 okay I'll grab that all right so 30 let's get 90 and then we got you did you add more stuff over there I put a little power cord in there power cord just power cord right there the Chicago hey puppy 95 yeah sound good I think that sounds good we'll we'll pay for this and then we'll keep on looking around okay oh I need to pay yeah that was my that was my qu that was your I do have Chate did you want to pull the car right here where they're moving out no out I don't know these just empty boxes yeah I believe there're supposed to be ammo boxes but yeah they're empty both for five both for five yeah it's both for five cuz they're both empty um all right I'll probably get those man it's going to be a hot one today sorry we bought all that stuff already sir oh you did yeah sorry about that we'll get you a little ammo box oh sure yeah appreciate it man no no problem no snap on or anything crazy uh no I don't think so okay I'm not entirely sure I'm going through all yeah I kind of went through it uh skimmed it so I knew like some of the like some of the stuff that I okay but some of the deeper things I was like you know some of the tool boxes I didn't individually go through any of those because okay it's too much too much yeah okay well I think we found everything thing we need to find all right so today is a little bit of a weird day so we have I think three estate sales that we can go to this one right here actually was going on last week so this is going to be a part two but they say in the ad that they have a bunch of new stuff so hopefully that's what it is I actually haven't been to this one yet cuz I was in Kentucky last week so it'll be new to me and then the other ones are going to be like super busy because they look really good so we'll go into this one first see what they got hopefully it's some cool stuff let's do it all right they got some cool stuff here already this ashtray is crazy it's not marked or anything but 8 bucks that might be a buy little jewelry pieces crazy closing there pick that one out I don't see little custom made Prett cool just keeps on going here's the mama S I don't know really how much I really want these things but they're cool they got a nice watch $10 10 bucks on which one this one this one this what is it that's an older one that's nice is the old one that's nice good find mhm little dir thing here see let's see if it's oh lot of good stuff in there a lot of Runners and some of them may need a battery but um I guarantee they work I know that's okay you're good got a lot of watches oh there's glue in there this is a fake one if you guys can see it but there's definitely glue under there if it's glue it's not for you [Music] you okay there yes got your back yes oh no tragic M this is another coach down here got to be a touch yep that's a nice one what's this okay have to start making a pile here did not the coach so I'm still going to look CU I'm not that well versed in cses that's a coach too okay so that's coach this is probably coach yeah definitely with the turn knobs yep if I did guess yeah this one is too it's got the coach on the side and this one for sure is not going to be no it is all right so these are all Coach purses let me ask him what he wants for them excuse me how much are your purses in briefcases in there oh sorry about that he's a little busy so ask him in a minute see what else we got here this looks like a real cool Pur uh so all the briefcases and then that small purse mhm what are you thinking on those maybe this one like I don't know if you have a like a set price on big small or yeah they're cool yeah some good stuff in [Music] there you want price on everything uh yeah I mean we can do a yeah we can do that well these I need get like 10 bucks each they stif oh stif is that a good one yeah Germany they're the best stuff them wild there that's a hell on okay and um yeah just give me a price on everything and then we'll say yes or no I do um these are no big deal with this is coach too I do maybe have this one in there too if you don't mind and I'll probably buy a bunch more stuff too I just got I do 15 one okay I'll do 15 on that you can get 40 50 bucks each on these things you know got to convince me I'll yeah y yeah appreciate that and I'll try to make another you can um fill up a box yeah they came they came in this perfect yeah all right so we're at 150 yeah in this box I'll just put all this in here that sounds good cool thank you the luggage fits perfect in there perfect lined up in there that'll work good for me what's in the box oh I think it's just a piece of one of them okay yeah cool like a little oh it's part of a Duty yeah you got any yeah got two yeah all right what did I miss here these little owls are cool made in Occupied Japan really don't know what these things are but occupy Japan usually sells very fast for me so I'll put these in and we'll see key key all right we're going to go Mi key salt flour let's see if this pulls something up okay yeah see like 250 for the really green ones is a very similar set for1 so depending on what he wants on these I might grab them and these look pretty cool as well so boom boom boom boom boom I'm pretty sure with the black light those would pop up too got some fiesta wear over there think those are fiesta wear here's another one that goes with our set over here okay what else we got this thing's really cool still got plent Jefferson golden Jefferson golden R Jefferson golden hour no didn'ts for about 100 bucks 55 100 all day look like they have it plugged in not I if that's working or okay it's like right here right now so I'm going to come back see if that moves down some amazing lamps up here Schneider on this one if that's worth something let see here's the same one listed for 2000 whats for there's no price on it do you know what you want on the little salt and pepper shaker things on those I do uh two sets so they got that set and that set mhm I do um 35 on them all for is that including the owls there too in the back corner I I'll do it if it's including owls for sure no it's not just on the the owl I think they're occup Japan they're for the bird cage oh they're for a bird cage okay yeah they're bird feeders and bird water okay I was wondering what they were um there's one more set somewhere too of a different one okay um what do you want on those these I take um hell will buy 10 bucks on so 40 there yeah total okay I'll do that so we're at 190 now all right put V in my truck you know and then when the vent goes I took them over to like a little PL here's the other two you want to do another 10 on those sure okay so we're at 50 in this box now so 200 let me go see what he wants for this real quick it's cool that it's working so this was some 50 to 100 so hopefully it's like 20 or less but we'll see Manfield Mansville sure yeah you I'm I'm at I'm at 2759 so I'm right before this the light okay that in the kitchen yeah I'm on the right going someone's coming back I pluged it in it works ands it works yeah they're going to buy it how much did you sell it for okay that's a good deal that's cool I'll uh you we just put it back in there orely definitely he called me told me okay awesome see if we got two here one two three four five six seven 8 9 10 20 all right I'm going to go pay him off camera real quick all right so I just got out of the statale it was super tight in there so I didn't actually record I can show you guys what I picked up real quick so first off we got this vintage box here and this thing's like full of skeleton super cool super kind of rustic looking that dude just farted uh another really cool piece that I got was this alligator this is all handcarved like exposed burlwood no markings on it or anything but uh these people were like World Travel um I did pay up on this so hopefully it's good I don't know I just really liked it um let's see what else we got so couple things in here might be for Kayla as well she's always going to get firsts on anything that I find got this cute little squirrel she actually has an ostrich made by the same person so everything was half off today so that was 10 bucks originally it was 80 so not too bad we got another one of those this one is some kind of a big dog so I don't know if she'll want that one but it's possible this one was $9 so we're paying up here but it's okay uh what else do we get at this point I can't really even remember what I bought got a vintage ornament this is a uh alligator he got a cool little felt hat again no markings or anything but this one was $4 uh what else I think the last thing I got this is just like a $2 little mug or something with a little pinched pottery Tip hand painted made in Italy so look at that handle that thing's crazy so two bucks I think that was probably nice little one to flip and that was it so all the stuff was half off I think it was like $64 total so it paid up but got some cool stuff [Music] big chisel [Music] set um I hope [Music] is [Music] czy I don't [Music] know I I do 150 okay I'll do [Music] 15 you know what you want a little salt and pepper Shake your [Applause] [Music] thing [Music] f
Channel: Part Time Pickers
Views: 98,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flea market, garage sale, yard sale, yard sales, garage sales, yard sale finds, garage sale finds, yard sale ebay, garage sale ebay, yard sale flipping, garage sale flipping, yard sale ride along, garage sale ride along, yard sale haul, garage sale haul, yard sale pov, garage sale pov, yard sale gopro, garage sale gopro, american pickers, part time pickers, parttimepickers, ebay haul, yard sale video, garage sale video, modern day treasure hunter, reseller
Id: _uvgFH2lleE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 32sec (1352 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 14 2023
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