Only 1 Mantra For A Perfect Mind: Ep 20: Subtitles English: BK Shivani

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Never leave a true relation for a few faults. Nobody's perfect. Nobody is perfect. And at the end, affection is always greater than perfection. Affection is greater than perfection. But today we have changed our priority. We are searching for perfection throughout the day. Whether it is perfection in people Whether it is perfection in situations Whether it is perfection in the way we do our work And that perfection is fine. We wanted to do our best. But in the process of searching for that perfection We block our affection. And most importantly, we move away from our own state of perfection. We shift. We were perfect. We need to come back to perfection. But in the process of making other people perfect Or in the process of expecting perfection from other people How far away do we move from our own perfection? And then most importantly, our affection and energy of love Are getting blocked. So, we just need to change the equation a little. These are equations of the way of living. If this equation becomes the opposite Then our quality of life also becomes opposite. Today our equation should have been That my state of mind And the state of mind of other people They are most important. And then comes the work that we are doing. That should be our priority. But today we say that our work should be perfect. We say it is okay if we get disturbed, it's okay if the other person gets disturbed. But work should have been perfect, isn't it? So, we gave the highest priority to work. Result-oriented. But result of what? Result of the work that we were doing, not result of the people involved in the work. Today if we look at it, even at offices Even if you ask the staff at home, even if you ask children The focus is that work is done and that everything is done right. In that process, if my state of mind gets disturbed, if the other person's state of mind gets disturbed, we say it is okay. Because priority was to get work done. The equation went in that direction. Today we have accomplished a lot of work, we have achieved a lot, we have made a lot of progress. But progress at what cost? This progress has come at a very big cost. Because while making this progress We did not prioritize our state of mind and the other person's state of mind. How I am feeling, how you are feeling? - it doesn't matter. I will shout, you will get hurt, it doesn't matter. Work should get done. If I get angry, so what? If you get hurt, so what? If you get hurt, it's fine. It was your mistake. If you made a mistake, it was natural for me to get angry. By creating such equations, we achieved progress. But it has come at a very big cost. We lost our happiness, health, and beautiful relationships, just to achieve this progress. But here I am not looking for perfection in other people. I am not looking for perfection in myself as - Am I perfect? We are not looking for it in ourselves Because we thought for my mind to remain perfect. Which means for my mind to remain stable and perfect. It will happen only when everything goes according to me. But that is not possible. But that is not true. Because I will not feel that everything is going according to me. And most important, my state of mind is actually not dependent on anyone else. It's not true. Because my state of mind is dependent on me. That is not right. Why? If I say something to you and leave right now? You will say - Where did he go leaving the shooting? I will say - He left leaving the shooting. Was there a problem? It's not so simple in life. It's more simple than that. I would have said - Is this professionalism? Is this the right way to leave like this? At least communicate properly and leave. Are you out of your mind? What is happening here? Both options are possible, isn't it? This is natural for me is what I am saying. But we can shift from this option to the second option that we have created right now. You can also do it. Right now. It's not about 10 days or a year from now. Choose it. That next time when someone makes a mistake or someone leaves the shooting Or someone behaves unprofessionally I will just talk about it with calmness. And say what? Just find out what happened and why they did it. And give them a direction that next time you should not do it. My state of mind is not dependent on their choice. It is dependent on my choice. To make them perfect To find perfection in them To find professionalism in them To do all this If I get disturbed Then it's not worth it. If I am stable and then if I get it done That's the way to do it. It's not that if I am stable in my state I will not say anything to someone who makes a mistake. That's also not the way. That's why we say spirituality and practical life should be together. If we are living a practical life And we are not spiritual, which means if the soul is not at its original state. There is no fun in it. If we just say we are doing meditation throughout the day We will be peaceful. But if we don't do Karma There is no fun in it. We get disconnected from the world. It should not be that if someone does wrong then let him be. You said that we need to bring spirituality into practical life. We need to make spirituality practical. We need to bring it into practical life. It means we need to live that way. That will be the way to live life. Why have we made it different till now? It's a simple term. Tell me if Iam right. First I think he is also a soul. I am also a soul. Both are playing our roles. Let's start from here. Let's start from here. The purpose of my life is That I the soul, should keep my state of mind perfect. This is my first responsibility. And then from my state of mind, I should keep other people's state of mind perfect. This is my second responsibility. And then both of us together should correct the situation. This is our third responsibility. Responsibility's priority should be set. Self, other people, and then work. But what have we made as our priority today? Work, then other people, and then self. Order has changed. Work, work, work. Then people. Work, work, work. The more we are stable Our vibrations influence our work. Our vibrations influence not only people, but also nature. They influence everything. They influence every situation. When we work with disturbed vibrations It affects our work also. There should be a smoothness in our work. But it gets finished. We work hard. God teaches us many times If you live in love Love yourself and love God If you live in love You will need to put less effort and get more success. Today there is more effort and less success. Why do we need to work so hard to achieve so much success today? Because we are not aligned with the self. So, the list of responsibilities should be very clear. Taking care of the self is my first responsibility. Taking care of other people is my second responsibility. And then together, we will take care of our work. Then we will shift from Kalyug to Satyug. It will shift and we can all do it. That is why as the line is - Affection is more important than perfection. Beautiful. Very nice. There are so many small lines. We are spoiling our relationships over small things. Most important is we spoil the relationship we have with ourselves, over these small things. Relationship with ourselves. Why do we feel bad about small things? What small things? Anything small. Why don't we accept it? I was sitting here and thinking about so many birds. They are all chirping continuously Since 6 in the morning. And on the other side These white cranes simply are watching this shooting. They don't even make noise They are quiet. All of them have different natures. And I have never thought whether it is good or bad. Not even once did I feel this bird is bad or that bird is noisy. This is acceptance when we don't even get a thought. We will reach this state of acceptance. When we don't even get a thought. But why doesn't it happen with humans? If you start going in that direction, it will happen. Our originality is that itself - that we will be like this with other people also. He is bad, she is like this, he is not good, she is bad - No. As soon as we start walking on this road We will reach this stage which you are talking about right now. Last time I did 2 or 3 homeworks. After that I went to play golf. I met a guest from America and he asked me if he could join me. He gave me such a beautiful compliment. He said - I am surprised that when your ball went into the water, you didn't get irritated. Your shots went wrong, you didn't get irritated. You missed a small putt, you didn't get irritated. He asked - How can you do that? See, would you have done this earlier? If the ball had gone into the water earlier, I would have missed the next hole. I would have scolded my caddie for giving me the wrong club. You didn't realise when this transformation happened. After this man told me that I didn't behave like that I realised that I had thought of walking on this path. It was not deliberate. It is not going to happen deliberately. But when we do small efforts in small situations And when we do meditation every day Our soul power increases. Now it starts coming in the nature of the soul. Now when a situation comes As we discussed earlier, we don't need to put in a lot of effort. And also he said he enjoyed playing with me. See, which means If our state of mind is good, the other person's state of mind is also good. And most important, the game is also good. As you said - Earlier when I used to get irritated, the next hit would also go wrong. Not just the next hit, sister. Later on, even after home in the evening I would keep thinking - I played that shot so badly, I hit wrong it so many times. If I had played a little better, it would have been fine. And in that disturbed state of mind If I had taken 50 balls and gone to practice, it would still have gone wrong. Until the state of mind is not right Everything radiates from here and goes out. It is like a power supply And when there are so many appliances at home If there is fluctuation in the power supply itself. If there is fluctuation in the main power supply. My skill did not change, my practice did not change. I did not get a new teacher, I did not get a new golf club. But because of your homework The best thing I want to repeat again Why is it that I didn't even know until this man told me? It is like, earlier we did not even know why we would get irritated. We did not consciously get irritated, we would feel irritated nevertheless. Now we don't need to be consciously peaceful. We will naturally become peaceful. Because the groove is changing. Even if we pay a little attention to the groove We don't need to pay attention to the groove every time. It will go away naturally. But most important is, as you said, that guilt. That we keep thinking about it. Because the majority of us are experiencing it today. In the office Where there is an office, or a business There are a lot of big things at stake, there are targets. There are interpersonal relationships in the office. It just keeps going on in the mind. It just goes on - She should not do this, he should not have done that .... I have to tell myself If something goes up or down there Even if there is a little loss or even if the game goes wrong It's okay. But the way things are going up and down here within the self The more attention we pay to it As - Why did I mishit that ball? Why did I not hit it properly? The more attention we pay to it and the more we think about it If we think that much about the self, then?. We have done our homework. Why did we criticize them? Why did I think negative about them? Was it right? If we can think so much about a golf game That if I had hit a little like this, I would have got a very good result. Similarly if I had thought a little like this, I would have got a very good result. I will do it now. Like you said, if I hit it wrong I will take out 50 balls and practice again. Do it with yourself. I thought wrong about someone. I thought negative about someone. I will take out 50 qualities from them. And then I will think about them. Let me play the game again. They have to have qualities. Nobody can have only weaknesses. So play this inner game. By doing this, we will reach towards perfection. And most important, like that line said You cannot go away from everybody. Either you accept them or you separate from them. Today we are choosing to be separate. How many marriages will we have, how many staff will we change? In the sense, it's not that we are changing offices or spouses repeatedly. Not like that. But we get isolated from people. We start living separately. Today we prefer to live with technology than with people. Today instead of talking to actual friends On Facebook or any other social networking site We prefer to chat with strangers. So we are moving away from people. Even a phone call takes some courage to talk and say Hello, happy birthday. We find it easy to write a message instead. As - Happy birthday, I love you, bye. You cannot say it verbally to that person. Because you remember the past incident. That he had fought with me. My sister had said this the other day. But today it's her birthday. How can I talk to her on the phone and wish her? Leave it. Her mood will get spoiled. Let me just type a message instead. We are moving away from people. And we are separating ourselves. It is causing us a lot of harm. We feel we are protecting ourselves. We feel we are protecting ourselves by moving away from people. We can move away from people for two reasons. Because of their Sanskars. And sometimes because of our own Sanskars. That I get angry whenever I am with them. Or I get hurt whenever I am with them. So it is better that I just keep away. This means because of our own Sanskars, we sometimes move away from people. But the more we move away from people Our energy will not circulate. It will not move. Unless I come into interaction with people. Even if I hate others or myself I will still have hatred from within. Yes, but if I choose to move away from people Instead of choosing to change my thoughts We had to choose that option. But we chose to move away from people. By moving away from people Suppose I move away from someone My energy of hatred has stopped. It has stopped. It is my benefit. But by moving away from people, my energy of love has also stopped. Unless I come into interaction That is why we say relationships are so important. Because by coming into a relationship By coming into an energy exchange with a soul My energy gets created and radiated. I had asked the same question in our Satsang a few years ago. The answer was Not to take revenge, but to change. Not to take revenge, but to change. Revenge means not to retaliate or copy what they did. You need to change. Most important is to not withdraw from them. Change in the sense of positivity. We should not choose the option of withdrawing from them. Change ourselves with acceptance. Relationships are so important. Today even small children Instead of playing with other children, they are playing with technology. And this will have an effect on soul power. Just like when we don't use any part of our body Its power reduces. In the same way, until we don't use soul power in relationships Its power reduces. I remember a very good example. I have two grandchildren We used to keep both of them locked on a chair. And we used to keep a phone in front of them while they ate food. One day I tried to not lock them in their chairs. Just made them sit there. No games. No technology. When I went to feed them, they were putting food in each other's mouths. See. They were saying to each other - You eat, Arjun .. you eat, Vivaan. They were feeding each other. What a change. This is it. This is relationship. Otherwise, what were they doing? They were watching cartoons on iPad and eating. This is our life. Which means, if we get hold of technology We are only living by connecting to technology. And if we disconnect from technology and connect to each other You will see that their own vibration will change. They were dancing, they were eating on their own, they were feeding each other. Their whole circulation of feelings will change. This is so important. We get to learn from these children. This is our scene today. That instead of connecting to each other We say - I don't want him, I don't want her, I don't them ... While having lunch and dinner, everyone is busy with their mobile phones. They are busy with their phones. Someone is sitting with his iPad open. Someone is sitting with earplugs in his ear. This is harming us. Even when in a car, each one is listening to music with their earphones. Technology must be used only to communicate. That's all. Full stop. Technology cannot be a substitute for relationships. Instead of talking to someone, we spend an hour on the internet when we have an hour's time. Technology will only take us away from our originality. Because our feelings and emotions are not getting circulated there, though it needs to happen. Even if I hate someone Even if I am angry or in pain I thought I will just sit with my computer or TV. But I have not resolved that emotion present here. I have not changed that feeling. If we don't come into interaction and just sit with technology That wound will remain there. We will become so lonely. Because our own power is not getting used. This is so important today and that's why that line is so beautiful. Either accept them or live without them. And if I live without them, I will reduce my power. So we are left with only one option. Accept people as they are. For a small perfection, you are leaving out your affection and love. It's not fair. Most important is that you are leaving your happiness and health. This is very important. In this process of perfection, we have also lost our health. We have lost our health because of seeking perfection only outside. Because our every thought was affecting every cell of the body. We have become such a tight personality. It should have been natural, simplicity, flowing, love, purity. I was thinking that I will not call this word perfection. I will call it finding faults. What is perfection? One person eats with his left hand and the other with his right hand. One person holds a spoon like this and another holds that way. Even when playing cricket One person hits a sixer like a textbook shot and the other person just smashes a sixer just like that. Breaking all the rules. And he makes the maximum score. There is no such thing as perfection. We have made an excuse of finding perfection. Actually, it is just our habit of finding faults in other people. The more we do it The more we get used to it. The more we get habituated to it, our soul power reduces. And we start moving away from other people. We are moving away from ourselves. Nobody will like to come close to you. Nobody will say - He likes perfection, he is such a nice man. Nobody will say that. Now we need to make this a Mantra. That affection is more important than perfection. And moving from affection to perfection That we can achieve. If you work with everyone lovingly We will see that the work that is happening It will go towards perfection. And even if it is not fully perfect, at least we will enjoy the way we work. Today we are looking for happiness in perfection. That when our work is perfect, then we will be happy. But if we are happy and then move towards perfection Which means doing our best If we don't even achieve perfection as per that definition At least we would have enjoyed the whole process. That is the journey of life. Enjoying the process of doing something. Not being happy after it is done. That is very important. Om Shanti. Thank you.
Channel: BKShivani
Views: 93,308
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Keywords: Bk Shivani, Sister Shivani, Shivani brahma Kumari, Brahma Kumari sister Shivani, Only 1 Mantra For A Perfect Mind, ये 1 मंत्र आपके मन को Perfect बना देगा, Mind Tips, Best mind tips, मन का मंत्र, ऐसा मंत्र जो जिंदगी बदल दे, मंत्र, mantra, mantra jaap, mantra jaap kaise kare, Perfect Mantra, Perfect man, Perfect life
Id: 2cu-Qvfriz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 36sec (1596 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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