4 Easy Ways To Increase Will Power & Mind Control: Part 2: Subtitles English: BK Shivani

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Sitting at home opposite the TV screens It is so easy to say The Chief Minister should do this, the Governor should do that This cricketer should play this way. Why did he play that shot? Who plays like that? It is so easy to talk. Where as we are unable to handle a family of 4 people at home. We cannot manage our own people at home. Things are upside down. But we sit and discuss how how leaders should run a country having population in crores. Giving advice. We have the rights to give advice only about things which we ourselves have already done. Because when we have done something, we have experience. We have certain learning from it which we can share with others. But when we ourselves have not done it If we keep commenting it should have been done this way or that way It is a waste of energy, not just a waste of time. Besides our advice is not reaching anywhere. We are just discussing it amongst ourselves at home. And we believe that is how conversations are. What else will conversations involve? This is what controlling power over sense organs means. Ruling power. Unless we have ruling power and controlling power over the self On our body and our family And then on our workplace Otherwise we cannot get the ruling power. So from today we will stop listening. But what can we do when someone comes to share gossip? We can't listen from one ear and leave it out of the other. Because in-between we have the soul (Mind). It is a big misconception if we believe that the message will not get stored here. Anything that enters our ears will certainly get stored on the mind. Just to please ourselves we keep saying that we did not consume it even though we had something. How can be possible? The mind has received it. It will store it. Why should we even listen to such things? That is a question mark. Even if we want to ignore what we have heard Then why do we even waste our time listening to it in the first place? Anyway we are busy, aren't we? We are busy but still we want to listen to something which we will ignore later. Then why are we listening? What is the answer? We will take a vow not to listen from today. That will certainly happen. Anyone with an intention to make the mind powerful and beautiful Will have to follow this vow. But for that we need to work well on our logic Of finally why do we will listen to such information? We should listen only to things for which we can discussed solutions. Even in that case we should listen directly from that person. Not through someone else. Why do we listen? It's become a habit. It's very easy to change the habit. Today if you decide not to listen, you won't listen henceforth. The only issue is when someone comes to share information, what is to be done? Change the topic? They will change it back to this. Suppose for any reason or for your fitness, you decide not to eat fried food. You take a vow not to eat fried food. I want to reduce weight, I want to keep my heart healthy. I should not eat fried food. That doesn't mean people around us will stop preparing fried food. Even people at home will prepare fried food. It is you who have taken the vow and not them. So the prepare pakodas and samosas Besides papads are are part of every meal. I have decided not to eat fried food. That doesn't mean other people will stop making them. And while they are eating, they love us so much Something which is really bad for your health, suppose you decide not to eat it from today What if people around you eat it They will force you to eat a little bit. How many of you have experienced that you will be offered? We just need to cross that stage once or twice. Not many times but just once or twice. Because they will test us once or twice. Whether we have really given up or just contemplating. Some people will strictly say - No means No. Say it clearly. It should get in printed here on the mind - No means no. This is will power. No means no. But suppose we say no. No the other person insists that we eat a little. We tell them we have given it up. They will say nothing will happen by eating only a little. And then we ask them to give only half. This means we do not value our own words. They will anyway make out that we don't have the power. But our own mind can see that we had taken a conscious decision And for the sake of half a samosa, we broke our own decisions. When we don't value our own decisions, how can someone else value our decisions? This is when they ask us to eat a little, only half of it ... Just eat the outer part ... Just eat the stuffing inside ... You will hear all options. They will come once, twice, or thrice. If twice or thrice you stick to your decision and say - No means no. Your willpower will rise from here to there. And they will never come back to you to offer that food. Once you start saying no means no Your willpower will increase so much that Saying no to wrong things becomes very easy. But if we don't do that, today our willpower has dropped so low That even if the doctor has warned us not to eat We say - Doctor, let me eat and drink what I want. Anyway I need to leave someday. I can't live like this. Just see how low our will power has stooped. Will power goes so low that even someone who is hospitalised will secretly ask for a favourite dish and eat. That means my ruling and controlling power myself is completely finished. And it a is not limited only to ruling and controlling power in terms of food. Then it is about ruling power in what we speak, what we listen Ruling power in terms of our hands and legs. Ruling power over our mind also gets finished. If you develop control over what you eat and drink You will start developing controlling power even over your mind. Because you have become victorious over your sense organs. This is called Swarajya Self sovereignty. Whether I am the ruler over what I eat or a slave to it? But what we say in those moments is - They offered it so lovingly. They would feel bad if I rejected. So we break our will power because otherwise they will feel bad. Is it ok to do that? Is it ok if they feel bad? We are still talking only about rejecting a samosas. We have not even started to talk about weaknesses. Now they are yet to share about weaknesses. Is it okay if someone feels bad? We are so concerned that the other person will feel bad. Where is my own happiness is getting finished. My soul power is getting finished. Despite that if I just want to please the other person Actually if the other person would have become happy with that, how would our relationships be today? If relationships would have become beautiful by doing such things Today relationships should have been so strong. But people are getting angry with each other over trivial matters. They stop talking. They misunderstand each other. We are unable to let go of the past. Is this a good sign? School children are talking about depression. Is this a sign of a strong family? So the purpose of our life Trying to please others by doing what is not right This means losing complete control over our inner world. Actually we will not even be doing it for someone else's happiness. It is only according to our taste. Whether it is about a food item Or the taste we have developed towards listening to others weaknesses. But we say we did it because of someone else. We have three options: To become a ruler, a subject, or a slave. Let's be honest. Not everyone will want to be a ruler. Very few will have that desire. It is a leadership quality. To become a ruler we need to increase our will power. How many of you had decided at some point, to not eat something And then stuck to the decision no matter what other people said? And how many made the decision but gave in based on other people's words? So shall we do it once again today? I the soul will leave the body in one second. Forget other people, we cannot even carry this body forward. We cannot take our family with us. But each and every word which we have heard The person who shared that gossip will not come with us next. The person about whom we gossiped, they will not come with us. But whatever we had gets imprinted here. And the soul carries that imprint forward. So my way of living should be such that The soul will have no stain in this lifetime One who is stainless all his life, will leave the body also in a stain-free state. Because whatever is recorded here will go forward with us. One who leaves the body with the soul being clean, pure and stain-free When that soul enters the next body (womb) After a few months a child will be born The Pandit Ji will say - What an elevated destiny this child has carried. On what basis is that destiny created? The Sanskars of the soul. When are those Sanskars created? Right now. Trying to please people, and engaging in wrong karmas in that process When the consequence of our Karma comes in front of us No one else will be with us when we have to face the consequences of our Karma. When my body is ill, my family can sit around me. They might serve me. But no one can take my suffering. I need to suffer by myself. At that time can you tell them - I did all this for your happiness? So from today I need to become a ruler. So we will eat only what is healthy. These are priorities which we need to set. We will eat what is healthy. We will speak what is a blessing for other people. We should not listen to others weaknesses. And we should not also speak about others weaknesses. Even to that person we should never say - You are like this. You always do this. You cannot do anything properly. Our every word starts manifesting into reality. Speak only those words Which you want in the destiny of the other person. Can our words change someone else's destiny? This is power of the inner world. From today we will become rulers over our sense organs. From today if someone comes and talks about another person's weakness For three or four times we will need to say I have taken a pledge not to listen to anyone's weaknesses. Let's talk about something else. Else we will just go about our work. Simple. Why are we wasting our time and energy? It's become a habit to simply sit and talk about others. Conversation. There was a beautiful line in the Murli, a few days ago. The taste in external conversations And the taste in introvertedness They are as different as day and night. It has become a habit for us to converse because we have developed a taste for it. No matter what happens we want to Converse about it with someone. And somewhere on the other that conversation will turn towards another person's weakness. Our conversations should be such that they enable progress of ourselves and the other person. Can we have such conversations which help the soul to progress? After two or three lines the conversation starts to feel boring. But we will save a lot of time and energy. Everyday we should observe a few minutes of silence. How many of you are ready to do it? Early morning is the best time for silence. Fix a time. This is how you increase will power. These small practices increase our will power. Following vows increase our will power. But it should not be just once in a while. It should be observed daily. One hour or two hours or four hours as suitable. But for the duration we should remain silent morning. Silence increases our controlling power on our speech. Do you ever drive a vehicle where nothing is in control? But everyday we are driving these sense organs without controlling them. And then we complain - I should not have said it, but the words just slipped out. I didn't want to do it but I did. I didn't want to raise my hand but I did. Which means this vehicle of our body is completely out of control. So let's get this body back into control. Observe silence everyday. Fix a time. I will not speak during this time. If you really want to convey something, write it on a piece of paper. It needs to be done so strictly. Indicate with your gestures but do not say a word. Even the tongue will understand that it needs to follow the mind. This increases our will power. And of course our diet should be only what is healthy. As we become rulers over our sense organs Gradually we become rulers even over our mind, intellect, and Sanskars. But if someone is not a ruler over sense organs But if he claims that his mind is under his control That is impossible. If we are rulers over our mind, how will our mind start functioning? What kind of thoughts will the mind create? Whatever we want to think, how much ever we want to think Whenever we want to think about something Only that thought will get created. Which means who is creating our hurt? We ourselves. If it is going on and on, it means we are not rulers of our mind. When we are rulers, our intellect takes one second to discern and decide what is right and what is wrong. Today we are taking a lot of time to make decisions. Often we don't even want to take decisions. We ask other people -What do you think I should do? Do any of you feel it is taking too long for us to make decisions? We are taking time to make decisions We fear making decisions. After deciding we feel it was a wrong decision. This is a sign of weak intellect. What is a sign of a weak mind? Several ways thoughts and negative thoughts are created. And weakness of the intellect? We cannot discern what is right and what is wrong. When will our decision be accurate? Only if we discern correctly about what is right and what is wrong. Today the definition of right and wrong has changed. Our intellect is weak, so the discernment is poor. If we control our mind, next we will control our intellect. About what is right and what is wrong. You will not get deceived by people.
Channel: BKShivani
Views: 338,368
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Keywords: Bk Shivani, Sister Shivani, Shivani brahma Kumari, Brahma Kumari sister Shivani, सिर्फ यह एक One line, मुश्किल ठीक हो ज्यागी, हर मुश्किल, अपनी समस्याओं का समाधान, samasya samadhan reasoning, मुश्किल, सबसे बड़ी मुश्किल, Problem, sabse badi problem kya hai, The Biggest Problem, Increase Will Power, Mind Control, Will Power & Mind Control, increase willpower bk shivani, Man Control, man control kaise kare, मन पर काबू पाएं, Control Your Mind, Mind, increase willpower Video
Id: 124wI0IfSIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 14sec (1274 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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