Online Learning Made Simple: The Concept and Practice (DAY 2)

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let's start here good afternoon ladies and gentlemen participants of the regional single election series program for regional smiles welcome back to day two original smiles where we are gonna learn about online learning beats involve the concept and practice so this program is as I already told you yesterday if it is aimed to assist teachers and educators to find them he has weighed in the creator of mine classes my name is Alan and I am delighted yesterday we had a quite effective and interactive online class yeah and from Similac team we are very happy to see their enthusiasm and interest may I show you my cast so you won't miss the chance to join any future events so you can visit here you can see I shared some slide you can visit our website here WWE would have been a goat simulator RGV we try to update on the information and have to come next slide please and we also have social media accounts yeah this is actually very beneficial for you if you follow our social media accounts in Facebook cp/m similar get Instagram later FCA and forget also our get to China seems imminent so we always publish our program it is in how social media is considered very effective until nominee and why please you also have this platform the mass you can access looked at similar party and we have various training online training programs that you can follow and also hundreds of educational resources is very so if you wish to download after yesterday and today may I inform you once again you can please go to our registration link where you register before following this program it's it what like / s EA underscore smiles one and check in the there are several you can check in the new synaptic steps the recording of today's session will automatically be available if you have subscribed now you can see the recorded session from yesterday so if I'm a refresher gray again from yesterday session share with us about the basic principle he took us to explore current theories principles so we are to be able together learn about how to create humans reports and prototypes select appropriate today then I say you the practice the theories that we learned yesterday into practice today he will to be a little on how we could choose and follow a strategy to understanding online options and choices that are available and creating courses we are also a way to make informed decision on design and it is expected that you will be able to create the courses that we intersection so later we will also have 30 minutes question of question and answer session with you can ask question and sharing your experience and knowledge on information regarding how TFTP a participation this may be for 10 years you will be provided a p.m. so please make sure that you stay tuned on then we will give you AI will not take more of your time [Music] our second basic principle and everything that we have to prepare before we go into the platform application that appropriate and suitable from us and easy for you to contact the e-learning and also easy for our student to access everything about eLearning I already share is as long as it's electronic it's called eLearning you can get in using internet using internet using city world it's you can say it's maybe has just joined today for the purpose of yesterday cannot join but enjoy myself maybe he called me Dona Dona or maybe later if you have something to discuss just please contact me via because I'm working in Seymour it is must be I have two hours I'm okay and today actually am you I already know that all of you is already familiar with eLearning already implemented elearning is just to refresh for rice you mean maybe some poi ended I already done if you you haven't done and can improve our e-learning and it's good for our student to understand all of the materials okay there will be a three point that I want to share today it's about the planning again just a little bit and then the instructional study for online me and I hope you can able to create courses okay before they're like yesterday I just want to know what issues turn your strategy until now with your a learning you can go to to slash my strategy you can share over there is just articulate what do you use for your energy mmm you can go there you already prepare in public the same and don't forget to write down your name your institution and also your country and don't forget to take a selfie photo so participant hears no no you know all of you are you from and your face already appear in your miniature so with the same with soon with you we just we just want to know yes please go to be to stress my strategy right away we will already Myanmar nine university of malaya not only the platform but what what kind of activities do you usually use with your platform strategy yeah about the [Music] application it's about what is your approach what is your model or what is your strategy to conduct the e-learning okay it's very easier we use that you can also try these apps with your student because it's very and you can doing everything with them right don't exaggerate video and picture I'm waiting all of you right on strategy in padlet I will continue this is another quote from Julie diction yeah actually learning experiences is all right Judy's net restarts where the lemon is now and Edmonds when the learner is successful with your student now some third grade 6 class will be great with that this is 2020 creation the Quran and graduation so they don't you cannot be with each other the friend some students say so it's fine as long as they can get using social media or video conference the journey isn't knowing more but it's doing more with more with all of the cannoli knowledge that you already have only know about about that but try to do okay this is the first topic making for my position on design Chile we have to going back to the model that we already choose like I said yesterday and you see a usually you see Eddie model because and the first thing we have to analyze analyze analysis do some analysis this is the first thing that we have to do and because we have to know who is the audience what their characteristic is what we want to reach what you notify the new bill we have a real outcome and the delivery option based on the condition of our students and our institution and of course we have to choose what the online pedagogy call consideration also and what is the timeline and everything and then we go to the design this is about the instrument the document that we have to prepare the planning and then how what kind of media the storyboard and everything we will do in English please and of course we have to apply the institutional strategies also according to the attended material come by the domain yeah the complete is the affective or the schemata in this space we also try to make the and then when we go to the development base of course we try to default everything all of the materials and also we already go to the platform that we choose the free one or the expensive one it's okay is depend on your condition you see Google classroom is fine are we using only whatsapp shortly but you have to remember we have go to the design first and then we go to the implementation maybe you can try to using small controllers before you go to the big class and check everything is fine about the registration for you stood al but assignment we choose the student can open it access it and then also the last page is evaluation we have to do some revision of course and it's it's cycling courses here and if every way and then we going back again to the I system so the evaluation is we can try in two days to part the formalities and also the summative so we can know is it effective or not for our student for us - yeah we always need the feedback from our students and from other teachers so it can improve our so if we already go to the training we already make some painting step it is the day you know we talk again on this session and we go to the learning object material we have to choose of the material that we want to share to our students the first maybe we can check our laptop or our Google Drive or our librarian is it we already have then if we have video or some PDF or some ebooks and everything we can redesign it we have to change to make it a small piece so our student can easily understand usually and we use authoring tools you can use the simple one is using PowerPoint maybe or maybe someone using iSpring or maybe some people using articulate 3060 maybe you can try this one and then after you can you make it a piece by piece and make it small you can assemble it just based on the topic and then you can import it to the learning management system that you use assemble you already defied it video discussion and everything here and then going to the LMS to import all of the materials and then using the LMS of course I use easy for a student to access and for us to record of the the learning here the students the assessment assignment the tax you can interact and we can call later on we can find again if it is that already done by our student for the delivery system we can just use this happen when we still have a face-to-face but right now we use fully fully in learning we don't have a branded learning across of the pen too big you can use like this the videoconference you can use zoom or you can use what's up video all but only for each person or maybe you can use a Microsoft Eames is fine you can to spend time on Google meat or you early as Google classroom it's very important to talk to our students and to check the progress of learning of our students okay this is the scan area of we doing some blended learning we have the face to face this is for the practice and interested and examination all of this one is to be doing in in their home so the practice and the explanation between online for the practice maybe you can prepare the instruction for the students for the students so they still keep practice doing some tax or everything at home but based on your instruction and how we assign or check the practice for our student maybe we can video make a video or they take a picture of them they need to parents to help them and ended in the videoconference for the online tutorial and for the web-based course of course this is the independent learning so they have to study by themself let's give them the instruction and some activities in streaming also you can put some video there and you just can make interaction and communication easily they have checked each feature and the Google classroom also has chat feature you can use also and you can make a discussion forum the online assignment and test using the witness course you seen the platform let's go or actually for the interaction we divide it into two for the synchronous it we can use a chat and video conference student always hope they will get feedback immediately from the teacher but sometime for the teacher the only teaching here there's a lot of thing to do so that you can post some discussion in discussion forum or so we can use the synchronous and asynchronous for the communication and for the assessment there will be formative and summative tests of course this is about the cognitive competence and for the assignment for the practical importance and maybe you can try to make us some product competence you can make us some project you can design project or the student so they can build something or create some e maybe for the example we make some article but you want something not usually and only with using word or everything or a word or PowerPoint you can try using fun fun or you can exchange student to design first before they post post it for the assessment you can try to make some rubric to give what kind of component do you want to evaluate for your student you can try to make them too because and this is so we already have the learning object material force like this and we map it into lesson plan and what kind of learning activities that we want our student and to Julia and the content is about the narration the presentation is how do you figure we can put it together in our platform the interactive simulation and for the tutorial we can make it using online video learning tutorials and for the assessment that I said before it will be formative parenting Simon and our project this is the example the syllabus form you can try to make this one for the face-to-face it's always available for your face-to-face because of the pen maybe some of you heaven make this one so you can try to mix it the face to face syllables and become the online e-learning one maybe there will be some changing in the learning activities you can mention the topics or the specific objectives and then you can choose the learning activities learning activities not only material you see PDF and then assignment you see Google form and include back again the material is PDF and then the assess man you see perform again we can make us some various activities I will show to you okay this is for the example the complete syllabus form the learning activities making it's about the solar system for example this is the blended learning scanner you so if you pitch there will be face to face and it will be some text image for poet and references with you you can check you can choose or maybe later on the other activities you can using an application like discussion you see hot plate or assessment using Google phone or maybe you want to make a project you see on fire you can write down first before you go to the application ok that's how we mean and then we go to the exceptional strategies for online courses and there are be some we can use and only example this is the learning contract if you want to create an e-learning you can use this wonder the learning contract you have to make agreement between you and the students so all of us already know what is our [Music] responsibility completion the period of time and specific evaluation criteria to be used in judging the completion of learning you can start with learning contracts it's usually happen in higher higher education in university usually is the tuition that really want to use an e-learning they have to make some learning contract learning contact is connect the educational needs to the individuals to the needs and it's useful yet because there's a difference our CP in learning needs and interests in a class so you can start with the learning contract okay the next maybe you can try to give some online lectures yeah the only Rick picture is the most frequently used is a tsunami that's yeah because for the lecture usually the expert will speak and the lecture it could be using conference or maybe in this case you are the lecture you are doing the expert of the each topic or topic or own material you are the expert yeah this case for the lecture is smooth should should have make short earlier the video is not too long our student just using watching a movie or cinema something like that so we have to the only lecture should be shorter and more to the point and lecture in life class yeah and maybe we can give some break a long presentation or you want to keep I want to make a video you can make it in 5 minutes or 15 minutes long 5.10 maybe yeah and then you can how you make you can make a video maybe you can use the free software if you don't have like a mirror or everything you can use only use your laptop and your webcam you can use fast on or maybe screencast-o-matic it's free it's really for about 15 minutes make video so when you already have a video you can give it to your student directly or you can upload it first in YouTube and into the studio or maybe you can put it in the learning platform like Edmodo or Google classroom or maybe you can give it in via whatsapp this is very simple actually to make a video I already installed the screencast-o-matic for example this is my material do your material you already prepare your PowerPoint maybe later on our this one yeah this is the free one you can choose the free recorder it's it's very easy and you can make it very fast because we don't need donate anything or anything here and this one is already yeah Ford except oh nice one [Music] I just choose the record like this one and then before get under make a selection just choose this one right button will be 3 2 1 and you can prepare your video but now like this is very easy just tell what is your topic or student you can give them the materials just like in face to face same yeah and go to the next slide anything looks the activists here maybe you want to make some place using this one simple flat you want to know their condition what they are thinking about the con and thank me do you want to do some discuss start with discussion first a very simple and this is the result and this is the result you can save your video so you have your learning material in a video I like this one you can put your face there so your student very cold noise speak in this video oh it's my teacher there okay so they will feel like there's to be from the classroom here in the classroom here you can choose set video maybe you can upload to the screencast-o-matic or you can upload it if you already have the account so it is very simple it's not thick don't need like we have no Adobe Adobe Premiere or everything something because something like that this is very low technology we just download the application just turn on your webcam and knowing if the material in a PowerPoint this is for the lecture so you still can get the material because you're lecturing your student using this application and you can give it to your students using the Watts up or you can put it in YouTube or you can put it in your LMS or editing system okay we go to the second 30 videos that's the first start the second strategy yeah for the contract is the first you have to adjust with our condition right now for an example like what time they have to access the platform or how you a check all the material is already put in here the learning contract for the lecture you can make the video using first on or screencast-o-matic and then you can try to make some discussion because discussion is encouraged nice pattern and before it began acting prettier because it's suitable for adelphia or not for element theory but you can try to make some simple question for elementary but it's good for high school in universities - you can try to make the discussion actually for discussion it's already available in the learning management system discussion feature so you can try to already feature but if you still you don't use the platform you can exclude by using the word sub online you can put some crystal so you'll answer the question and actually the question it will be underlined see something like that the compare and contrast the cause-and-effect and about the clarification you can try to make question this type of question analysis maybe you can start using why or how could you explain or what is the importance of using max now something Oh at least importance of washing your hand or what is the meaning of it's about the analyzes so they they this to our student try to find out what is importance of something and then you can try to compare and compare and contrast right what is the difference between what is the similarity between for example the differences between using iOS and Android maybe be something else you know the material you want to picture okay and maybe you can start to cause an effect for example what is the connection between NASA and for the clarification you can start the discussion by explain something here for example explain about coronal maybe they know about or honor the discussion if you do not use the learning management system because you do the application partially so for the for example and for the discussion you can use this one the back-channel chat do you eat or the TR this is very interesting platform then you can use for the or you can use this one this is before example its first you can start to make the question here or you ask your student join the available discussion here do you have to make the account force this one we we have a lot of issue here is not a good precedent or subsection B mandatory pro-life and pro-choice everything you can start to make the decision discussions for example such facts and be mandatory it will be some big groan here blah blah blah instruction for the 194 participant is discussion and already 23 verse 7 and it will be divided into two the pros and the cons you can try to ask this issue or make your own question and this is feedback from the from a girl participant here you can try to access student for indonesian student for their race and it's good to think critically to make some argument to the others if you're really good it's yellow you can try to access and for the next strategy maybe you can try you can try to access student to self-directed learning it's independent learning it's a race is based on their ability to learn by themselves and this is if we make the material fully in our e-learning or maybe for the elementary student it's hard to them to access the the e-learning platform like a photo somewhere else maybe you can try to make your your mini elearning something with it we need directed learning you see iSpring or maybe you can try using Google slides I will show you I will show to you we can make the material in Google sign this is the example for the of my google soil actually is the same like a PowerPoint and we can give some formation in hyperlink connection in every slide to sleep okay this is this is the lighter side this is Pharisee I just this is good for elementary student so they can access it and they can learn by themselves but for the material is just for the example is very simple material this is just the same as like the existing web online web using gift to make it interesting for students and you can click the enter one I already defined it to material system bahasa sorry you want to know about the structure this is the same as like a access a website but it's actually made by ourself here it's very simple you just make backup mind please you can be more proactive and you see the goodness light and we give some hyperlink he'll means and you can put some exercise also for exercise actually I connect with the Google Form so usually you give it only the googling it we were stood in here but right now you can start to make the material first before you give the quiz or the accommodations or the material offers that you already Chan they make it simple and easy to understand for student and already read all of this still don't understand about safe of Earth you can go back I still don't understand but the layer of Earth's so because it's just example is very simple material and you can make it complete since this one I'm sorry this is for the explanation so after they go to the Google site to be accessed of the material it click this one and it is the same this amateur very simple you can make some mini eLearning you see the swipe it's very suitable for elementary student high school but the discussion I did I already show to you is very good for posting that's why I make some little mini eLearning you see a good slide or maybe you can't install ice cream ice cream there will be some free feature for the ice cream I already installed and she can add some twist YouTube and web optic here actually you can publish it you can try to install the ice cream there will be free version of ice cream okay this other scenario the mentorship this one is to promote learning the flop linear moving out and giving form to Lester early knows actually in this strategy we can ask them or communicate them with email we we have a lot of dialogue here because we give we are as the role model actually it is it's hard to implement but it is one of the strategy that you can use and then the guided by design this is also you can try this one this is you are as an instructor and you are the consultant of your student its and you give us some some some instruction here to bring some project and you can ask them to solve the problem okay you can also make some role-playing here make some simulation so they can to reach the real work problem so you can give them some some some some role some role because in this with this scanner you we want to understanding under post people position and a teacher there as well as the procedural because they we want to be honest and solving the problem it's the point how the student can diagnose problem and solve the problem okay and then you can use the games you can use the games E and before we going to have some games here I will going back to the tablet worse this is interesting when using the games but it gives we have to make the full procedure and the objective of the game you must be clear and concise so it's a rich tricks the object is only D this is the padlet master to and it will scream because it can offer coffee now it's open it's cross again okay ray her a key strategy is still a loosening of mr. different or at least you see Suzy pro video tutorial is great I I already mentioned before and you see mr. Ronald Foss FM abilities to City for each a student is free meaningful and airy turned away already using Padre leadership we ex-copper using audio and zoo it's free honestly from a subside high school I believe in using Facebook messengers okay because Facebook is very popular area you okay we already have here if you see Hanna Clarice Myron very important learning add to make for fun and do a particular journey across the same zoom for our increasing produce activities Mario memorial spring cosmetics friendly Sophia you see Google classroom what's up feed you from lead to for the material you see a lot of e-learning platform it keeps the donor you welcome various various application here it is [Applause] looky the some okay if you see for s4 for a s analysis of section application and assessment its prey leaner Sacramento from PPP free duolingo so maximize or subgroup ok the community related because of the internet phonics so here you'll already share everything that you already implementing we were the master of the e-learning because you already try many kind of platform and you adjust to the condition of your student and also already doing this for about three months yeah three months yeah this is already make a story jumper it's great also you think ahout Weezie's okay is great so the application help us our student not report their getting bored you pre handed text were learning ok make interactive and make sure the student practice the subject already discussed ok is great start with the planning and start with the instructional model and go to the platform is great you sing a synchronous learning usually I'm impressed this year using asynchronous and synchronous everything from Alesia for personal feature using Google classroom Google me it's you seem rapid instructional design on a screen I usually give them a video text or link so they can tas bot synchronous and smoky from Cebu Philippines Holliman different online and offline tool as long as you can understand model and video on the Google classroom also you see except for Cristiano dancer Ellie hello Ellie [Music] hey Amy Hollander from SMP one great image did it in the crank so enjoy strategy this is by using games this application that we can use and try usually you think of this is just for the example you can go to the castle and you can join this game right now make it classic optimal for the team can share the device for the participant please go to the e or you can go to off or you usually you think ahout you can go to the castle already available in your device your smartphone and the game pin is or zero to nine five one nine I'm waiting for the players please join okay it's already here Jan he still have one player re ok faretta already join OTG players for players Ian a fast player and we just if you want to try this one code you can go to cut the IP and the game finish four zero two nine five one nine there's already 15 players now 16 17 how many person that already online this afternoon I'm waiting for all of you I try this axiom try I'm using my phone yes jump in without doing already have 9659 three years 102 is it enough is all participant hundred fifteen [Music] [Music] [Music] now there's no about a movie quiz gay are you ready question number one who hasn't play spider-man for 2015 sir the correct one is Chris even on the 20% to the second question finish the title Harry Potter and the order of the yes sir okay and the correct one is Phoenix direct answer answer predicts the first point and Benedict see Harry Potter fans here he who played answer Jennifer Lawrence the big fans of Hunger Games okay we go to the next question Lawrence wanna one skir on her performance in careful the same difference [Music] little person still programming boots I already watch the movies okay buzz oh this one is James Bond film from the oldest percent all right answering this question the correct one is Casino Royale Quantum of Solace Skyfall inspect Zuckerberg in social network no one else can join or the question you can change him because this is therefore a simple question but maybe you can if try to make a question related to your topic and your subject the record amount of scar on the record come on Oscar it's very difficult many play until 10 question you already watch all of his music that's life okay Rangers in game Joker into the story for were released in which year story form okay before the pandemic come I think it's just doesn't last year because there are about you never won the Oscar okay it's great I will stop it yeah yes we can try to trike a food and we already tried and you can implement in your class or giving some assessment to your student so they can pray it's not too serious anymore and they're doing some question and also here there are some attractive lesson assessments they already prepare for this there so we can use it like this one without study so on you can choose which one for the English language you can share so we don't have to prepare the material by ourselves but we just choose which one the appropriate hours to the Delhi so we don't have to make a lot of material because they already PT is the winner okay this the games so here's a time and then for the next strategy is about using a project like that you can try to ask our student to make some project you can give them instruction and to make it interactive actually for the project you just put it in email sending an email or making YouTube videos you can try to sing that also so the project like this for example they have to give a photo for the project you can make let's hear it send them the link and they will they will post it and we can it's could be like not only text or photo maybe they can give a link from YouTube maybe they already upload the video from YouTube or they give some other references if you want to make discussion or reflections because with padlet it could be anything here we can upload it here the place or something like to play for example there come from something we can tell story about their favorites or something this one will have a la-z-boy and so on this is my office here we can put everything here not only tags or a picture we can post video maps the orders and if you want to ask them to make us or retailing or reading a pool okay or do you want to make some project like each time or everything you can use confer poster wall - great it's based on your plan what do you want - on the objective that you already set up here and then this is for the project also the last one is about colored all up under your scenario the collaborative learning is also great to make a call about learning it's a process of two or more students actually - also greater to learn at modo we can divide it into small group actually and and of course you can put it in using card padlet it's okay it's fine or other application you can choose you find another application you can share to us also and the last one is the case study you can use this one for example you give them a story about something and they have to solve the problem for example they go to the market and there are some their mum ask them to buy some fruits and vegtables and the price blah blah blah and then the correlated with mathematic question is this case study so and the case study maybe you can pause it in fact it also or maybe you can post in your LMS platform so the student can directly answer the case or maybe the case is from the newspaper or magazine is great this near to the realistic situation is great so they will enjoy to learn from you so eLearning it's not only about using the PDF and give on the video or anything else but you can try to mix with other application okay maybe for the case study you can try this one also I love to using with this one puzzle you have I haven't make a demo for this one surely this is to give a question in our video this one I make the online class and then you can find the video here it's from the episode or from YouTube or from Khan Academy so you don't have to prepare from a zero because they already prepare the materials here you can use The Awl from that you view for example at least if you want to teach about the solar system you can start from this video then there are other papers that already make questions so you don't have to make question again is already prepared at the picture you can sign you just go to assign it is publicly you can access it I will put it on checkbox you can try to open it usually we just give the video here for our student if you can give them some question here so the feeder is running now the picture you have and we can create if you want to score record by the system you have to make your excessive fear video here that you can directly use if your question is I don't have internet connection my connection is very low so you have you make to make sure the internet connection is good so you can use a puzzle you can try it so our student and the last one how we create to the courses actually what you have to do is we're going back again to the notion of theory we have to make some analysis for us how the condition of our student your device or student defies the time scheduling on anything you have to analyze first and then you try to design the the plan something like that you plan it what kind of application do you want to use if you want to use the puzzle you can you you can write down it sample using pod where you're using a Google form I try to write down everything in your training so it's easy for you to continue the learning and your student it will be a nice fun for your student and then try to continue with the development and the implementation and don't forget to resolve it so is it effective or not using this platform for example using pilot but there's no only few students access it you have to find out what's the problem maybe they don't have device of they still think they do not have a good internet connection so you have to change the application or maybe you want to use a puzzle something like that that the your student cannot use it okay so you change your chance you make it video in a small small size and give it to whatsapp something like that so you have to analyze first and then the last one is you have to evaluate everything that's already only [Music] you many moments in positive puzzle specimen your session today it slip to a sister to find a new platform for open access so this is the question from saving power 7 from CBI Aparri there any Islam I can unmute I can unmute you can hear my voice for the country's actually for the picture can access our moves and for the application it already show to you today and yesterday actually it's free it's free so you can use it directly after this you can prepare for next week learning so you can prepare today for next literally so your student can access can participate you're letting you see Patrick you see [Music] puzzles - teacher teacher around the world can you how to support student with low motivation witness yeah everybody is get bored see only the student the teacher the parents the workers everybody get bored it works but how we maintain this situation you can try to use many type of platform that already available not only using Google fall again and again or we just give the PDF you can try to make it in Google site maybe or maybe you can use the ice cream that it's free and you can be using that this is the same question but a guru yeah to maintain the learners is the same the same question IP and the same answer basically we have question from what it's now more popular and learning purposes yeah yeah what's up is no pool area yeah people eater you see what's up because it's we don't have to install under platform actually but what's up we can improve their what's up by using other application for the example if if they want to watch a movie we can give the link from a puzzle or maybe we can give the link for the material or the Google slide you can give from what's up so what's top it's only for the decor media the base but in what's up we give another applications how in early for example for examination it's usually student access the question by using Google for Mia parents today is only only take a picture of their son on their children and then give to the teacher but if you really want to pre-fund TP you can you sing zum-zum or maybe you can use Microsoft or other other conference application and acts to the student to turn on the webcam but it's not a lot of Tyre it internet connection so they do the examination we can see their face so the picture can know this no other people help him or help the children to answer the question so we open to application the conference application and also the online form application a lot of free friendship nearly it's to make learning contract really work for for it's to deal with different character and learning motivation because of their different character and different learning methylation we make a contract name so of course the first thing we have to determine the learning objective first and then based on the every student situation we make the contract so it's depend on your situation your students the situation and the feature situation so you can make after that you can make the contract the early functional so so the learning contract is based on the character and the learning motivation yes so you have to analyze first and then you make the contract based on the result of your analysis so about the time how what time they have to access the material along the duration between the explanation about the scoring which one good one the best one is based on our budget for this one for charting tools but I think we can maximize the pork oil you can put it in Google so it's it's free OE free yeah I think I think to strike now like articulate 260 like iSpring or the others but the best one for the teacher it must be the cheap one the free one is a PowerPoint I think it's enough for the PowerPoint for the teachers this maximizes [Music] [Music] yeah so we online when they have to or we do not use blended learning anymore because it's mixed learning between using online and offline offline but still stay at home oh sorry this is I think problems besides how to avoid learners getting bored for adult learners during online lectures what is the recommended learning English and sitting before the learners I'm asking question to all of you are you bored with my presentation let's the question if you're not bored with representation because I give us some activities during my presentation so you can try to make a lot of activities for this for your students so it's real - were there for the student so you give examining activities and then you using many kind of application you can use the I already so to you using casual and what the recommended learning duration person for ordered online learning may be for that person is one day is only one hour or two hour but if you already join to this course since one o'clock it's great so we can try to our early childhood actually there's no many kind of activities that our early childhood only can watching a movie maybe but it's not good for them because you see engage it I think it's better for people / children around seven or more but in opposite return is not too much using agent so maybe you can give this instruction to the because you have to do some analysis first and then actually our our government is already provide many kind of media something like that the mature can you can solve from the television so it can access the metal from television or maybe for the teacher can prepare module model for the student so maybe they can take it from the stuff from the school go for it big number of student taking the boat so you give some schedule what time they have to take the module and then they they learn by themselves at home yeah something like that because not connected to internet yeah but if you if the student have a internet connection you can try an application that I already showed to you [Music] learning a tool you will use in teaching online actually learning is I already mentioned is the day electronic learning so as long as it's not only online we still can doing it's offline but we can use some CD room but it's not a fly ball right now maybe you can put the video of the material in a pendrive first if something and you can give it to your student because there's while they have the material in pendrive they can still play in their smartphone because they're not all student having a laptop or computer but most of our student apparent have smartphone so you can act to the picture by some converter to or you can pull up the pendrive so they can open the matter that you already prepared so it's the elearning not only teaching online but you can do it offline but you have to prepare all of the matter in detail that you have and also if the clear instruction for the activities and everything they have to do while they access the digital material and you also after the rubric and question so the student not only access the digital material they they and and they also do the activities that you already prepared for students so we can I know the material is already understand by the student or not which the objective goal may be to participants you can a bra or ready to print training on Scripture is accomplished area so we will have questionnaire for the sessions please fill out this form as you can see in the screen now it's questionnaire underscore see smiles when we will use all the information from your answer from your submission to improve our services here for the next program you will have any more program like this we can improve the services later based on your answers they can go to the next slides so yeah many what is even ask technical our registration link nice less see and the small smile Swan and please make sure to check on the tab use an update staff yeah it will be available for day one and they do but maybe our comity is there any times to have it if it's not a meaningful yet now we can check letter from time to time and if you want to take this pin shot please now okay you know that this is maybe for your information on our key certificate of participation so the a certificate could be available on June 16 30 to 50 some five more days from now you can go to our registration again yeah and check the sale tab news update there will be available information about how you can down if they're still more information or technical correction you which as you can contact through how many now yeah it is retraining F Sigma 2 RG you can go there you can wait until June 16 to the hope is a people so if you have any input shell can we make slice yeah and this is once again please follow us in our social media in Facebook Instagram and Twitter so you morning summer next program activities like this some of our programs we limited precede participation that's why we serve the space the seating for those who are quick enough to register and you will be the person meet your also to check website and that's all information thank you for everyone they already join to this online course this course keep healthy stay at home keep work out doing some work okay and drink a lot to you thank you assalamualaikum warahmatullah with a captain
Views: 9,249
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Keywords: Online, Learning, Made Simple, The Concept and Practice, elearning, e-learning, instructional design, seamolec, seameo, principles, methodologies, techniques of online learning, assessment, Subject Matter Experts, SMEs, online learning, courses, curriculum, create courses
Id: w1ZlmNv0uDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 55sec (7015 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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