Online Learning Made Simple: The Concept and Practice

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you hear my voice so good afternoon ladies and gentlemen participant you know Similac menial except series program Gino smiles so today say welcome to the day one of regional smiles where we will together for the concept and the birthday so this program is able to assist teachers and educators to finder in this way so first of all allow me to introduce myself my name is Chris is call me Andy and and may I also take your time to quickly explain you about Similac stands for see new regional Learning Center it is one of the 26 centers under the see me maybe you are new and is one of many centers as you can see our focus is in open and distance learning lol that's why we help this mini lecture series for Southeast Asia it is actually to help teachers educators lecturers and maybe public classes face to face move now we defend it with 19 we are limited similarly we have four core tasks they are jeggings consultancy services research and development and information dissemination they all do so activities are related to current distance learning so through its programs and activities similar SSE new member countries in identifying a teacher no problems finding a phonetic sustainable and that was the short information about specific power center you can access through our official website WP previously we forget start eclipse seen the video so that was a brief introduction about signal right and today to our session each and today we our instructor will take you to explore theories principles and techniques of online learning create design document step storyboards and prototypes to develop effective assessment tools learning tools and create your own learning basically today we will learn about the concept and tomorrow will put them into practice on how so our instructor today is inform us mizuna is one of symbolic research and development specialists who has been activated various training and Donna has joined Simona in 2008 it was about 12 years ago we thank you for two decision I will share about the basic principles in learning development he may be already introduced me my name is dr. Maddie and currently I'm in research and development in Somali indeed already joined to Lucy in Somali since 2008 reason of years here and you can reach me at don't often aggregates arch realtor you have a question discussion after decision please to send me an email okay so today we have a lot of participant here across from the VP for Malaysia from Italy she the community said needed already 3000 participant already registered to the session it's great okay and maybe you learning is something that you already know in pandemic like this of teachers and lectures already implement a learning actually but today I just theory what the basic principle may be something that we all forgot how we can develop a good eLearning something like that so our students and access our learning good way okay this is about Simone CBO board already knew and we already play some videos this is all right so let's see Malik is Anderson you okay about today's agenda there are some filled topics about the theories principle mythologist is greatness under human development assessment to us how we can collaborate with the subject matter expert and then how how about the e-learning tools that we can use for our elderly ok before there I want all of you to share your e-learning experiences you can open your browser and go to be - that's my elearning you can open the I already prepared a padlet so you can write down you can share your your your experiences don't write too much so figures you can share about the tools that you use already used like that how about your experiences how do you feel about using e-learning is it good for you or good for your students something like it with what your obstacles may be and don't forget to write down your name and also your speech attention and please take a selfie so all of you already know about me about Who I am today you can see my face it is well in place but we just want to ghost we also want to know about you maybe you can take some selfie and write down your country also and yeah write the name it is to share and then your country please maybe three minutes ribbits fire I forgot to mention here come to me your email it's okay before we start please share a learning experiences you can click slash my ear learning and then don't forget to write down your name your institution your country and please have a selfie also this is this one the padlet and you can find the button and you can click here and then you write then your name share experiences and then don't forget the tech selfie right on the padlet you can write down the URL we do with the blue slash my elearning is very simple we will type it on the chat button box you can copy the link and write them on your [Music] you still waiting for okay well I'm waiting for the others to write down and experiences how to use how you use the e-learning maybe I will continue okay some people say that learning doesn't just happen it requires careful planning and implementation so when we are going to conduct an e-learning actually we have to make a good plan we just kind of just this paper one day or maybe two days no we just have to prepare everything just like at the lesson plan your lesson plan or your storyboard for your video and everything you have to determine what kind of video or what kind of model or learning model that will you will use for the effective learning something like that so you have to prepare everything and it's not only about the tools and about the technology but it's also about the planning okay in this session though are we already divided it into the subtopics ation maybe some of you already know but in learning or everything but I just want to share to you to all of you and I start about the what is eLearning actually if you saw this picture and learning is an umbrella actually that describe learning can done by a computer and it's usefully connected to the Internet work for internet or internet something like that and it's giving opportunity to the learners to learn everywhere anytime director and the e-learning is actually is nothing different with traditional learning that we already used every day face to face alert needs or from other form of education and e-learning can be as effective and as valuable as the face-to-face classroom experiences or maybe better because in with elderly we use many kind of media and actually its unique features and experiences where we can live understanding and mastery of new skills and knowledge so we can learn from any country from many many people and we just sit and learn something like that so we can upgrading our skill in our core knowledge just by sitting or and doing the talks that already given and actually we need some instructional design for the e-learning yeah and it's already continuously improve perfect and refined for over many years for using established teaching principle providing benefits not only to the students but also to the teachers as well okay so the e-learning is surely when we connect to the internet internet that were or we're using a cd-rom it's already called back in learning something like that and I will talk about the features of eLearning okay now first the feature is self-paced learning so the student can speed up or slow down how they study so they can if where they're not cannot continue it is something that do not understand they can steal on this topic something like there's some until they can mastery on the topics and then self-directed learning we can choose the content and the tools appropriate to your different interests it's and skill levels so they can adjust about by themself and then because when we are using a eLearning we can add some maybe a picture video or audio or we can do some simulation something like that so it's accommodate multiple learning styles and then when we an e-learning we have to design a learner center so depend on their needs and depend on our analysis because we are when we using e-learning we can access anywhere anytime the broader education options is good for us eliminating their Obito barriers so there's no limit anymore when we are using the e-learning as long they are connected the Internet and they have a good internet access and for the student they can access 24 hour and seven days something like that and also a lot greater number of people to attend the classes like this like this one you come from everywhere and the amount is a lot with a hundred today they already join because when we using e-learning it's also on-demand access and it's mean that learning can happen precisely when we need it something like this we already make a schedule at one end something like that and all the participant obey to the schedule they join something like that so we can make a schedule for our study and then of course of our student costs are frankly less because there's no residence you don't have to prepare the food something like that so it's they have to prepare by themselves and we don't have cost of going from one place to another place from our home to school and of course potentially lower costs for the companies if we if we conduct is a learning in a company right in school like right now in pandemic the teacher becoming a confusing for state because they're not too familiar and never use the e-learning some of the teachers II and then it's and of course this is the benefit of the e-learning actually its convenience and portability we can learn everywhere we can access by ourselves by our Scott schedule and doesn't it require physical attendance that that we are doing now learning is self page flexible unbound by time because it's a four label 24 hour seven days and one by place because we can study at home on work or on the road or maybe somewhere but today we cannot wait anywhere we can only wait to the mall so we just study at home like I'm doing now and for the materials we can download it and then we can read now alright sir I'll be right there and for the cost selection we can choose the degree something like that in it's like this one individual education it if we do a courses we can choose by our needs something like that it's flexible it's procedure because we already the only learning accommodate our preference and needs because it's student-centered yeah we hope so and if we can choose our instructor also and we can skip the material we already know so we don't have to learn everything so we just choose which one that we did and for the e-learning the benefit is higher attention yeah because all your learning will draw you to topics you like and enjoy something like that so we are enjoying because this is this on our need and it's greater collaboration like we're doing now I'm already share padlet to all of you maybe some of you already write down yeah the technology does make collaboration among the student much easier actually like like we're doing now we have from different countries and we gather in one platform and actually for e-learning it's globally important opportunities maybe 10 or 15 years ago we cannot learn from a feature from from Philippines or from Murcia but today or from America but today with a learning we can easily access we can learn from the teacher from everywhere like we can use udemy or everything something like that and for the elearning is also there's descent pages actually it's not only about the technology some people say that oh I don't have internet access or it's difficult for me because I don't the device but actually for e-learning is is independent study so the learner must be motivated maybe from some students right now they already frustrated early study at home and themselves because there's no assistance from the teacher something like that when we have difficulties they just acts to their parents but the parents are busy something like that so the the students is becoming frustrated and also the parents become frustrated because the their children asked a lot of questions okay maybe yeah lack of immediate assistance may hinder learning something like that and then under the sensor pages is learner's need to be computer literate to benefit from in learning so it's some problem also in Indonesia well whether for the elementary school some of the parents cannot access to the computer internet so they cannot access to the the e-learning that already given prepared by the teacher okay for the daily forum methods actually eLearning it's not only about using technology we still can use the print the print one yeah you can deliver the content or the material the effects the textbook or everything and the magazine something like that to the our student or the student can take the the material to the school something like that because of maybe they don't have a good internet connection something like that so they can take the make sure some of the material and then for the exam they can continue by using the smart their smartphone or the application and how about the others print one and then the video describing video that we already use right now by teleconference something like that is for the synchronous communication for the video streaming video or maybe you can give the teacher give some CDs after a traditional from television or maybe I know the popular one is using YouTube all of the video they're learning with video we upload it to YouTube and share to our student and for the audio there will be streaming audio or audio tape or maybe with what's up online something like that the teacher gives some instruction and recorded and then deliver to the parent or the student or maybe for the high tech teacher they already use the podcast something like that because what cases become popular right now and for the student and for the teacher or the high tech teacher they use it they can use it for the review and the exam it could be an intellectually simple one is maybe you can use the Google form or Microsoft form or other like support if there's a lot of tools that we can use for the examination the free one and we'll pour the coffee monic tension for the asynchronous we can use email discussion with blog forum and others and form the synchronous like we're doing now we using the teleconference maybe you can use chatting or something like that just the easiest way okay if we already prepare everything for the material for the video for the audio we already determined the exhibition it will be a multiple choice or everything we have to put it in one platform actually so it's easier for us to control and then to record the learning the learning of our student so of the score of the material we put together in one platform actually we can call it a first wall classroom because they don't have to go to the real classroom for the picture and also for the student you can stay at home and then they still can learn and they can still communicate with others for the teacher so they can the teacher can create some fifth wall classroom or maybe for the office there will be a first well office something like that and we can use many kind of a learning management system that we can use maybe your skull already profile or maybe the teacher will choose by themselves which one the perfect one for the for the teacher for the class for the school something like they're actually the first workers room is a place to media for the students and the teachers so they can use their device they can use their computers or they can use their laptop or smartphone and then you can meet in the place actually they still can take attendance because the list of the student will be recorded by the system maybe the teacher maybe you can share how you make make a fee classroom for the lectures Peter can choose from pretty of synchronous technology actually for the slide presentation for the audio and video conferencing application shots sharing and also shared whiteboard and something like that there's a lot of tools that we can use that for the whiteboard or something like that and we also infer to a classroom we can interact with our students and something like this you can raise your hand something like that and then I will for the moderator will let you ask a question something like that or you will and the participant or the student can use the instant messaging in chat to communicate and then in the virtual classroom there will be some quizzes also to check our student achievement in the other me and the teacher can also present question to the student from the quiz so the filter across from it will provide everything that we need for the learning and not only that the teacher can also make us some breakout session so student we will be divided into groups something like that for zoom its alpha label we can make some group where while we are doing some conference I don't know with WebEx I never try but it's oom is we can have some breaks a breakout session yeah and this is the learning management system that will help us when we are going to conduct the e-learning actually maybe some of you already use like Edmodo or Google classroom or Schoology or everything or your institution alertly something like that or maybe some of you using only using whatsapp or your filter classroom it's okay because it's a it's a pandemic we can use everything as long as we can give some material and our student can access or maybe you can use Microsoft teams maybe it's okay that's okay as long as our student can learn from us and it easy to record it our student learning okay what is your fourth LMS what you you already use what kind of events do you use during this pandemic you can write down on checkbook maybe you can share to us or share to other participant what kind of learning management system that you already use okay some people are some participant already using a Moodle Google classroom the classroom maybe is a friend family a Google person because it's easy to use your Google classroom we don't have a lot of requirement because for the students and for the teachers using Android platform with underperform we have to make some Google account like that or maybe some of you using a canvas is great and maybe you can you choose the synchronous soil using zoom okay some of you using whatsapp group also is okay because the ancient internet connection the limitation of internet connection yeah okay we have so many submission okay we already have a lot of sufficient okay yeah we will check our parklet Oh Oh looking for for the participant want to share experience using e-learning you can go to my pathway you can access a bit do slash my a learning we've got my bigger still maybe we can continue okay after we already consider about the e-learning so with our learning there will be a lot of opportunities here for our students to learn and for the teacher to define the material but in this case sometime we forgot there will be some preparation some planning so we have to choose the right the instructional model because we want also not only giving material nothing like that we also want to make effective learning to our students so we can make sure that they already know and understand about what they already learned ok the simple one is when we are going to develop an e-learning we can use the ad model it's very popular it's very famous because in the first place we have to make some analysis first analysis design development implementation and also the last one for the evaluation so for this analysis actually we have to know who is our audience actually and then how about their characteristic they already have internet connection or they in a good internet connection something like that are they how about their literary scene literation about the internet something like that or what types of learning constrains the area axis and how about the delivery option what kind of media that we're going to use and how about the online political consideration and how about the timeline the schedule for the student to finish their their study something like that we have to think about that before we really start to make the eLearning and then for the design pace of course it deals about the learning objective the assessment instrument something like that and we have to make the documentation of the project applied instructional strategies also by we have to think it's about the cognitive affective of schemata in this in this space we have to think about our design and then we can create the storyboard also in this in this pace and then use design the interface or we choose the LMS and we have to make the prototype and for in development in this in space so we can create all of the material that we already choose based on the lesson plan based on under learning objectives something like that so we have to develop all of the material something like that pour point in the video the audio and this one for the implementation pace we can try in small group force before we go to the our big classroom something like that so we can try we give we we expect the feedback from the our students in a small group and then we can give some improvement for the material and everything and then for the evaluation of course it consists of two part the formative and summative this is [Music] give us some feedback from our student so this one is instructional model that we can use the first the ad all of the pace is very important when we are going to create to be a follow-up and in learn me and then how about the others model you can see here they're big and carry design model it consists of 10 step actually this time step it's not actually for its internal model is quite not too different so we because it will start up with analysis so we have to know our stood our platform something like that in with big and carry design model the first we have to end it if I the instructional goal what's our objective elected and then we have to conduct instructional analysis we have to determine a step by step process that will allow the learner to meet the goals and analysis is including what skills knowledge and attitude that are needed for the learner to reaching the successful goals the learning goals and then the third we have in this model we are as a teacher stood teacher we have to analyze learner and context what skills and knowledge and attitudes entry skill this is the appropriate for the student can access the material and then we have to write down the performance objectives also and for the four five plays five paces develop SMS assessment instrument and then for the six continue with develop instructional strategy satiric there what kind of strategy that we are going to use follow then continue with develop and select instructional materials what is the best for our students are we going to use our live video or we combined with EBU it takes something like there and then for the eight pace we have to design and conduct formative operation for the instruction and nine pace is rifice the instanced instruction we can use data from formative evaluation to revise the instruction and we can repeat as necessary and the last one is we have design and conduct summative evaluation to see the effectiveness of our instruction something like that so this is more complicated than Addie model we can ting consider to do to use this or maybe maybe you can when you're going to develop the eLearning maybe you can about using the granny nine even of instruction which we are going to make your learning your e-learning more effective something like that because with a learning it's not only about give some video and then give some ebooks or it takes something like there so in the Gani if an instruction the first is we have to gain the learning attention so it will be profile in our e-learning for example we give some video what is the topic that you re mirror to their life something like that in your environment for example if we want to discuss a metaphor forces what a formidable force is the first maybe we can give them some video and sing together about a butterfly something like that and then for the second we have to inform the learner about the objectives what will be what will what will get after they're having this course something like that and then we can make septum--ah letting recall of priority maybe our student know because they can access matcher from you to all their reading or their bro seeing something so they already about maybe for the butterfly metamorphosis so that you can you can ask them to share about what they already know about the topic or or maybe about the butterfly metamorphosis for the example and then you can continue with presenting the learning stimulus we can you can give them some question something like that and then you can give them also after that you provide their learning guidance what we are going there to do it's about your instruction to your student and then you can allocating appropriate performance and for the the next is providing the feedback and then accessing their performance for the six paces they have to practice they're doing by themselves something like that and then we can give after their practice we give them some feedback to our student and then after that we are accessing the learning for performance yeah the final the final examination and in the last one in enhance the retention and transfer to the job and in their achieve their goals yeah for the insert retention yeah for the assessment performance you can use online test something like that yeah for the for the for the tools maybe you can choose the best one the easy one what kind of tools that you're going to use for this each part of this piece or maybe you can use the rapid instructional design it's happened now because we don't we don't think much about the early made model as long as we can give the material to our students and then give some examination our student and that we think it's okay it's it's it's fine we already got a teeth go lingo something like there okay for the rapid instructional design is very easy actually to implement so because it's only divided into four piece this is the preparation the creative presentation pays practice pays and a performance piece but actually there will be seven principle there we have to remember yeah actually for the preparation its we can start with discuss discuss about the learning goals and the benefit for our student something like that and then and remove any barriers that might hamper learning so we remove everything that not necessary to our learning something like that like before the preparation we choose the easy easy tools for us for example because we think our students do not have a lot of quota or internet connection good connection we choose whatsapp for the communication and for delivering our material and then for the presentation its we just you just saw the example of real world phenomenon something like that so this in this in this space we use the real situation that nearly to our topic our starting topic something like that and for the practice maybe you can use a learning game something like that for learning game and use plenty of skills building practice exercise is also good something like that and for the performance they just have to apply their core knowledge to the skills on the job or maybe you can use some simulation to check are they already reach the goal or not ok ok there's some question from me which instructional model do you use we can write down on chat box or maybe you can use you do not use instructional model at all you just go to the the tools and choose and give them student the material and in the exhibition you can share to us which instructional model do you use or maybe you can share it's there any section or model the one and then that already explained the recession or maybe a sectional model I just give them the material and go to my Google Form for the extermination you [Music] [Music] [Music] okay okay we already go to my path where there's some teacher from forget anymore Aisha for a platform like the classroom you took block form and zoom okay its a mix mixed nut they're like mixed nut use everything that we already know and the refer our students yeah we have here from Department of Education Philippines hello okay a little bit but I guess okay go after dinner in Philippines using at Moodle or cage grade from Christine and Pharaoh from public TV reporter University okay emotional you know technology to total afternoon okay I can see the participant face here Zera dairy Marsha it was zero prefer using zoom it cause it's convenient and easy to use and I heard that using zoom is also a low bandwidth here then we will be using now are using WebEx [Music] yarders like it was near the my were sleepy okay Maricar mascot here from primitive fellow billeted Batangas Philippine hollow afternoon you've seen Addie model in person learning process of th grade and new fear of maturity limit theorem whose limits Ian from Kathleen from Pampanga Philippines using at Moodle okay it's great so some of the features in Philippines prefer using at word where he and about bhaduri and real heart on weibo good afternoon sir almost 700 PP that's why you're connected it's very hard to access and the EBU Delhi University test muhammediye industry's limits young you you see Google classroom WebEx everything you use a syllabus yes internet connection ok the EBU renaming theory during my semester on you on you did react to problem go is the effort at experiencing a little snippet from logo and bypassing Zender II Chippendale II and it would there's mom j-jake Claire okay I'm using platform study or maybe there's platform or a learning management system that already developed by your institution or from your Department of Education Ministry indication ministry okay the receipt time from Indonesia but by reaching of hello from the pet la uniĆ³n we are using gloss Google classroom okay it's great from friends trader very experienced using Moodle ok scrape from Karen ok current from publicity Laguna okay from Rio from Manila okay put in the real ampoule using spider ok scrape is already provided for our education industry okay I hope this pandemic will pass soon of course so of us hope the same same hopes would be enter fee ended early but this kediri ok you lose your fear there is a simple it again so how much you try to use creeper at model in Google classroom is great as a predator you can tera Indonesia you will be if it well provided by micro co okay is great yeah yes pandemic is very hard from all for all of us for the tort for this teacher also for the student like my son is already bored staying at home he really wants to be his friend he we also have from Eklund high school okay is was of it will be practicable such a car turns now much younger you and me from Asaduddin University and the cut clean from on long follow a forest ecology amis I have a little experiences about e-learning Sookie sir he will get from all of Marky's holy spirit nestled high school high afternoon from Emily answer me and Paul I'm currently from the Philippines you could be from Parfum you learning okay from Nana SMK Purushotham Matlin I think the most appropriate method in the time for the mechanical teachers and students because it's too risky when we are going to our school or outside okay mr. element Lopez from chat Philippines Maluku tera using Google classroom zoom WebEx guess all of you already experiences you see it's great it's great it's very great we also have to think about our students our student already literate using the Internet the technology or our student can make some they can do the independent study something like that this is the problem that we already that we met usually meet in our e-learning so that's why actually for our e-learning we have to give her the clear instruction to our students there's a lot of activity so we can check the our study our goal or goals you know that means okay my screamers my scream from the from the checkbook some summer participant you see an engagement of instruction instructional model okay you see blackboard I cannot use your part that is okay okay there's some participant you see one book also one notebook and Flipkart is great for this this one is you can you can use any time any kind of a learning to us okay and then after we determine the instructional order that we are going to use actually in ad years analyzes design and development and development pace we also have to create some the commenced our storyboard or prototype something like that so everything that we are going to make or we are going to produce like the video or audio or everything just like this webinar I also have already make some planning some [Music] activities what what is the some activities okay for example like this one this is for our courses this is for one of our courses the whiteboard animation online training so in this lesson learn a lesson plan we already we already make the syllables is the synopsis of our course the objective everything and what the student what the participant will achieve and then after we determine the objective or learning objective we can make like a storyboard step by step one by one what the ATP we're going to conduct the synchronous or asynchronous what the material is it are we in it [Music] like a video or maybe some how do you we have to write down everything here is it need a discussion or everything what what will what question that we will provide in our discussion forum what activities we put everything is written here so when we go into the LMS or the tools we already have like a blueprint something like that so we don't confuse when we are in front of our e-learning platform and this is the example for the video something like that this is the video when we are going to make video produce some video we also have to provide the video script it will help the student or not for the video something like that so we have to make the preparation the plan for the kind of video script to our courses ok and the third actually we have make some summative or formative assessment to to know our student achievement learning achievement are they already are understand but we are what what did we already given to them is it our video is already our video is good for default not still like that so we can choose some activity for our assessment the first time for the first for the first maybe you can make some quiz the quiz you can use multiple choice or everything so after you give them some learning material learning Tex our video you can give them some peace so you know that it's already this our student is already understand and then you can choose of the body of an assessment true or false or matching exercise it's very good therefore for a learning because it's easy for us to develop full of end it's very easy for us and it's and then we can continue with self-assessment opportunities it's like when we make a SAM module learning module there will be some question so they can give score by themselves something like that so they know is it already they already understand or not they doing that the the answering the question and if they're on ask or something like that so they again they can doing some self-assessment and then maybe you can provide some problem-solving case studies or student it's also good to give some assessment to our students so they didn't know we're not going to be bored because of maybe we just only give them some multiple-choice something like that so we give them some problem problem there they can solve together with their friend or you can make some group students so they can collaborate may be using padlet something like that or other elaborating tools and for maybe you can try using for the assessment using the introduced scenario based question so it's like a story telling something like that you can give them some story there so there will be some scenario the instruction for the for the student and there will be some question also then they have to answer and the last one maybe for the assessment you can using games for the assessment we know that they already like a platform that profile like playing games like Kahoot maybe you have heard that Cawood is allow us to give some assessment to our student and it's like like they are playing games maybe you can try Kahoot maybe you can using simple simple games like using google stripe it's also good for your student okay and and what what what we were going to do to make our e-learning effective we also have to talk collaborate with our subject matter expert actually when we will fill up in learning there will be a team yeah there will be a team doing to prepare to the floor to conduct our journey so our e-learning runs well so what we need for our e-learning eLearning maybe it's when you see this slide oh there's a lot of person that in charts in in e-learning development of course this would be like this but sometimes because of the situation we don't think about this anymore we just go to our platform and create create the material and then give to our student and then we forgot about this one actually there will be some human resources or capacity development manager this role is he will make some analysis before starting the e-learning project actually he will coordinate end of the 80 feet piece enroll in different stages of the process and evaluates the degree of transfers and the result of the institution so his theory works possible for everything that running in in eLearning and then the important person is also the instructional designer like me I mean small actor as instructional designer when developing e-learning because the instructional designer is responsible to for the overall instructional strategy you will choose the exceptional method something like that and they will doing with the subject matter expert and then the content creator or web developer and maybe edit editors so the external designers will bill the responsibility is to choose which model let's create with the learning the learning goals and then of course the subject matter expert this is like all of you here there will be some mathematics teacher physics teacher or biology teacher the subject matter expert will give with which topic and everything about the learning and then the next is web developers and maybe editors you just like when we need a video or which one that we need for the platform like Moodle and install and everything this is for in one institution here the self or the database programmers everything that need to be installed or not about the tools about the application this is the responsible for the for this part and then there will be cost estabilished raters because in learning there will be a lot of courses that will be available in that a learning and then online facilitators and also the tutors because they from the place maybe they're not in one office of the director and that's why we need the course administrator to give the schedule and everything the time for conference and everything and then the last one is technical support Support Specialist this is very important because they will be help the the awesomest a term the web developer you will have everything the technical support specialist so this is the video is for when we are going to make learning in our institution there will be some human Human Resources Development Manager there will be the instructional design the scepter matter expert the web developer and maybe editors the first administrators and also the technical support specialist okay this is what I'm doing yeah so Shannel design so the design is we choose the systematic approach to creating the effective courses of course and we also have to structure of any courses and promote meaningful and active learning so the learning is a student-centered not interested center that's what I give some activities to my video lectures today of course the instructional designer is combine a variety of methods and multimedia to create fallible courses here to achieve the result and improve the performance okay and the last one the e-learning tools so some participant already asked question what is the best LMS for me for us hello Ben we but high high quality something like that but actually when we choose the tools it's according to the needs of a learning development so we're going back to my first slide to previous slide that I already mentioned the first one is we have to do some analysis first so based on the hour is of the in the analysis we can we can choose which tools that perfect for us by what learning management system maybe your institution don't have half a limit budget so do not choose the blackboard and everything because it's expensive so you can use the Edmodo or Google classroom or maybe based under the analysis your students do not have a good internet quality so if you choose what's up only what's up for the first well possible or maybe because there's no media developers there for the video you can use from YouTube it's okay everything is okay so the first one is you have to make some analysis first and then you can continue with the next one what-what-what-what platform we will use what kind of media you will use something like that or maybe because there's a lot of tools on platform that's free air free from for us here like in the chat box there someone offer I'm as free LMS is okay you can try also use you can use them any kind of platform and then after that you can if with which one with the best one for you and for your students okay thank you that's my presentation for today maybe there's some question or maybe we will discuss or maybe you can share everything already everything else you share and we are indeed very surprised that today we have more than 2000 participants doing it on their beds really and also extreme people so it's not only coming from French in here I'll and podium mostly coming also we will share here we have now we are in the question and answer session I would like to come here maybe the first two participants are u.s. pyramid Andy if you can unmute yourself and go at spoken for any question please [Applause] [Music] so okay maybe we can move on to next session maybe from I'm sorry mister or ma'am Eli ride if you can unmute yourself you know only question you can share everything your experience okay hello can you hear me oh okay okay everything is I'm thankful of conducting these goals from premios is very helpful for us who deals with education in every respect so thanks for Donna opportunity but I have a specific one or two questions if how can we manage the funds to develop the infrastructure for the e-learning in like government or semi government organization educational organization number two is it you what are you thinking about is it parallel system of face-to-face learning do you think okay thank you actually I am from Paco jamon Vishal Haru TV show hearty a Central University and an institution of national importance it is situated at Shantiniketan and founded by Rabindranath Tagore the Nobel laureate and it is situated in West Bengal the state name and the country name is India thank you very much okay for the first question about the funding actually is already mentioned in our process for developing and your learning the first piece is about the analysis so we have to analysis also about our lips what kind of bread probability we already we are going to use or maybe about the self or something like that are about is it our institution have good budget so we can prepare our own server then install it may be Moodle or maybe or anything else something like that but if we our institution have a limited budget we can using some free learning management system like Google classroom or Edmodo so but the funding is will depend based on the result of the analysis something like that so maybe when your institution already have like a surfer or anything so there's there are free space in yourself or so you want to use for your e-learning and it's it's it's great something like that so you have to start with analysis first actually it's also about the budget and something like that the platform the media everything so it's start with analysis so it will be different situation for its institution okay so is the answer for the first question the second question it's about what yeah man man and also you wish to download the presentation materials please go to our registration li and check the news and updates tab you will find the presentation and its people and the recording of today's session they will automatically be available in every chip town so to make it easier for you maybe you can please subscribe to our YouTube channel so you want this also will change tomorrow but if you already subscribe to our YouTube channel we will get notification when the session next question compiled by our company if some segments so also don't forget to go in tomorrow sessions at the same time you keep doing the WebEx the were mixing between say and today we it was merely how can we gate that presentation news new set then you will finally okay okay thank you it's easy to share student this is from Miss money Gillian's teach by sending video clips that we recorded for the students to follow we have my heart wrap and with you we sent them they will be sending to chat so the teacher can check it this is some sharing here from inside oh yeah thank you for you sherry the next this is the question here from in principle elearning is not suitable to be applied at me elementary school ever so what is the best solution for this learning reading teacher elementary school teacher there's only one question here from packability what is the best solution actually area in the principal learning is it's a independent study so and it's a suitable for for adult adult learners something like that so for kids to in elementary something it's not suitable for for them so what we're going to to do with this situation for the our elementary students actually over government or edit profile and some learning material they already profile in the websites of director and then also in fiction also there were some material so what we are going to do with our students in elementary like my son my son also in elementary the same they are the only half instruction for from the students so not all of the material will be in uploaded in Internet so there will be some instruction like like they already have a book book so the teacher just give them instruction they have to read from this page to the next and then there there will be some assessment or some question or some activities that they can do so the instruction will be delivered will with what's up something like there and for the assessment we can use Google or Microsoft perform something like that or soccer TF or Kahoot you can combine everything so maybe for the elementary student a learning can be done with a hundred percent but we just insert the e-learning just for the examination and actually so there are a lot of tools that we can use teaching teaching from home and we also can use in face-to-face as long as I do not if the same is the same with like how our funding or what kind of [Music] no media or video or with video editor or everything it's depend on the situation that's why the first we have that's why analyze a smooth must be on the first on the first one that when we are going to develop the elderly so there's no snow best assessment or best tools they already have limitation also the easiest way right now for the because it's an option choice already needs from his princess our analysis we can choose with what what living model there [Music] appropriate with our students to the condition actually that's why we have to prepare some star to be subjected like this one decide I already we we use way back we also another option so we just have to we have to we also we have to [Music] [Music] yeah already actually already mentioned in my presentation is it we will record the try for the axis access to the record that point I already explained about this one one school Indonesia how are we going to get the students interested yeah yeah for the e-learning maybe yeah it's it's very very hard to learn with in learning for doubt it's also the same for the student I don't know my son is already get bored they're learning from home cannot playing with his friends and directed yeah and how we how we solve this problem maybe you can prepare activities medical activities only give them some instruction and Google phone and instruction Google Form everyday but you can also prepare some activities like maybe you can use another tools like padlet or maybe for the video not only you do not only give them linking from YouTube you can use at puzzle something like that there's a lot of a lot of tools that you can use to make various activities when we use video you can use a puzzle for the games you can use cat food something like that yeah actually learning is very suitable for the cognitive yeah for the committee main domain yeah we can we cannot check about the attitude or schemata is we cannot assess so yeah going on but today because of the effective variable creating the signed up documents or the first one if we have to determine the learning objective actually and based on the learning objective we can chunk into it in the cart order to achieve the learning objective and then we can put everything there something like that like the material the activities the discussion forum the question and the first we have to make the learning objective parts on the storyboard on the document of course actually the guideline is depend on in our country we use the guideline from our ministry actually so during the pandemic we also create the guideline how the student can learn from home something but the easiest way to to check to check the outcome from our student we can make some rubrics we can make some rubrics so we can based on the our activity they already give to them the activity the quiz everything we can check our student is already achieve the lesson goals or not something like that personally are your challenges in use actually we we face a different different problem actually when we are going to use the e-learning such as for the infrastructure maybe all of the students can access or maybe they already have an access because the or maybe we can use online so to finish this is the last last question we're coming normal maybe of the best the best choice form yeah because we just enjoy the experience [Music] [Music] okay foreign teacher you can access with the ply so s class underscore dairy i already provide some video to help you teaching with various kind of tools yes please access already so you can give some various option how to teach using learning okay thank you for everyone I already write down box dot slash underscoring for Indonesian teachers yeah in bahasa okay welcome thank you for today assalam aleikum wa rahmatullah everyone
Views: 20,264
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Online, Learning, Made Simple, The Concept and Practice, elearning, e-learning, instructional design, seamolec, seameo, principles, methodologies, techniques of online learning, assessment, Subject Matter Experts, SMEs, online learning, courses, curriculum, create courses
Id: kmkAF_8zSok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 39sec (7059 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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