Onewheel Pint Beats Uber from Manhattan to Brooklyn

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Pint being demo'd in SF this weekend. See ya'll there.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/leafcutter64 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 15 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

so looks like the Pint gets around 6.8 miles per charge in real world riding situations

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jcygts6 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 14 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

If I could know for certain I could get the Pint through TSA I’d reorder that preorder. I miss my XR when I travel.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/_pg_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 15 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Loved that video. Especially the WOOF.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/atomicmikecane πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 15 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Pretty accurate depiction of the shit roads we have here!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/billbutter πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 16 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
let's go all right folks welcome you are watching a one wheel pint this was a ride that that I documented from Midtown from midtown Manhattan to Brooklyn it's four point two miles 35 minutes by car could have called the uber decided not an hour and 30-something minutes walking you don't walk so yeah come along with me I mean I think here's the thing we go to New York and we have meetings places I just got done with a demo just trying to let the text box being read a little bit watch out for these folks I remember those folks have no idea I was there it's okay I saw them you know one of the things about riding one wheel it's easy yes and it's great all right let's go so one of the great things about writing along was just how many people left in versatile this machine is I feel like a lot people don't realize anything like oh of course it's the most fun thing that you can ride because that's a well-known fact document for alive but I think yeah it's [Music] that's why I whipped up the GoPro how to get home is about 5:00 p.m. was actually trying to make it to the comedy show so you know this was a real situation notice slowed down really really easily on and I actually has probably the best stopping power of any any rideable device that's out there you know you wouldn't think it but here's the thing you are connected to the board in a way that really aren't on anything else your center of gravity is what controls everything so when your center of gravity Shostak the board is right there underneath with you right you can't fly out front of it or vice versa you know super underrated you have cop dawdlin stopping power the ability to slow down quickly lose control in control - you know - the buzzwords that come up here now I'm probably not supposed to be doing and you'll find I go the wrong way a lot and that is mostly because I don't know I am I have pretty much lost occasionally checking my phone to figure out if I'm headed in the right direction but by and large you know I would yes as far as really I would take the bike lane in the correct way you find you were this bike thing here but unfortunately for me so piece we're gonna cross the crosswalk God gotta love it so anyways just got done with a demo need to get home and you know it's funny like I swear that I sit around New York so fast so much mobility people don't understand now we're going the right way fantastic yeah if people don't understand how fast you can get around and sort of like all the ways in which you can sort of hack the grid like this is a great example right here you know because you're so new verbal on one wheel because you have so much control because you can accelerate decelerates so precisely and so quickly that guy did it so it's okay you're able to do so much so I thought why not whip out the GoPro like a total door okay I you know I'll be the first admit total dork that versus dis let's go those you're walking and walking this anyways without the GoPro something that you know don't tend to do often simple stuff but just had to show you guys how to show you guys this because I feel like um you know some of you guys might be out there thinking you know I'm a practical person I you know I don't know if this really makes sense to me in my life I'm sure it looks fun but there's no trails where I live yeah I can't imagine a navigating York City without one honestly absolutely no problem there's a lots of I wrote these captions a while ago okay so we're going the wrong way but yeah as long as you're respectful and courteous now I think that's another thing yes there's a lot of traffic it's really important to be pure use when you're riding always under control you know make sure you're aware a lot of times I worry more about people that are looking down their phone we're monsters leave this guy he's not it's okay I got you all right we've got green light so another thing to know here is that I actually have 30 pounds in my backpack so I weigh about 200 pounds 30 pounds my backpack riding one with height I'm also having fun because this computer wasn't even mad about the pavement like I have a big air filled tires I can roll over just even these bumps right let me say this New York City pavement is the worst it sucks I mean there's some smooth sections in here in 4.2 lousy hopefully there are some screen sections by and large it's the worst look at this your people walking and walking is walking and you can stop on a dime including that guy I am again going to go the wrong direction oh wait no nevermind it's so perfect that's the thing the newer ability is freedom now people see this single tire like Colin heck can you turn well you can turn better than you can turn on any other rideable in the entire world and it's not even close even in the ballpark you know I don't even have I'm not carrying a remote there is nothing in my head that pavement is terrible and it doesn't matter I think I was talking about usability so yeah I don't have a remote right everything that I'm doing is just connected to my center of gravity and my shifts in my way the board is sensing exactly where I am all the time in it's programmed to respond in ways that are incredibly natural to know how I'm leaning where my weight is and so I'm able to turn look at this just by ya shifting my weight to my heels and my toes like you just saw there in yeah it's just like incredibly responsive credibly the new pool yeah I can't you can turn probably in a two foot radius like a 360 degree turn we just say that you can never view when I was on a you know whatever else when I was doing the wrong way there I obviously like did a pretty drastic turn to reroute here we are passing cars it's like five five in in New York so lots of traffic you yeah you're actually you know most of the time traveling faster than speed of cars where you are here they're catching up on me but I might catch back up on them looks like we're in the right bike lane oh no worries so that's you know that's again an example of being able to just lean back and stop really really responsibly you know board stays on your feet because it has to you because you go and again passing all traffic I wish I could tell you where I am right now I don't really know I think I might even Lower East Side region of Manhattan yeah tough to know but here I have a bunch of new friends who I didn't quite have enough time to meet with a nice they say it stops a simple stop is the new thing with one wheel pint it's a way of being on the portable easy really all you do is just lean back the board will basically good smell nice tuning down this bike lane we're getting green lights things are going our way that's some cool diner I imagine and this video is brought to you by New Balance of kidding but they'll be proud I love the shoes now what no idea where you are occasionally I check my phone again and we're out I'm sure could done this like here's the thing though it's like your options in New York City are to go underground into a tube that's filled with people smells rats everything in all humanity and and sometimes it's really hot in there and sometimes it smells bad sometimes you just don't feel like it and sometimes it's way more awesome to zooming around up here you know or you could be in the back of a car of a stranger and like looking at your phone stop and ya be stuck in traffic you know like there are more yeah there are many ways to do this many of these people are stressed out right now because they're trying to navigate this crazy place in their car but you know I would definitely prefer yeah this beautiful beautiful and here we calculate that I am a dork of inside state so you can watch this I'm sorry if any of you guys saw this bike guys fast we're gonna catch up are you ready for this is this is the Williamsburg Bridge no problem so a lot of people are wondering [Music] and think of this is it you know what bikes are cool but they sure are slow up till blizzards point five yeah we are going by lots of bytes video here and lots of runner the most bikes slow and slower this guy a lot it's still not good and also incredibly believable car being in control and yes we got the handsome man can go go he's crushing this hill again I'm about 2 pounds back year absolutely blasted by these bikers they might someone will catch me all the way down because they are you clean this guy new so yeah so we are basically and this is a beautiful actually visible next second you know imagine this is us for [Music] yeah so on the left you have Manhattan right you have Brooklyn in the middle and you have a lot of water which is why it's secret so in this pile so me in this bakery right now pretty soon now we're going down and then get some fast bikers coming on by do you have to respect the hustle they're peddling heart and so yeah what else do we have here we're definitely a couple miles into this journey and yeah I mean the other coolest thing about having a city was that you know height is small super small and has what's called a magnet so you know to handle that basically pops out of the center of the tire it allows you to carry in reason so I don't think actually show that this video [Applause] yeah this partner was spacing out who's keeping riding for a while right I mean that's good in the subway [Music] [Music]
Channel: Onewheel
Views: 155,291
Rating: 4.7776117 out of 5
Keywords: Onewheel, One wheel, Onewheel Pint, Onewheel Pint ride, Onewheel Pint review, Pint, Onewheel Pint range
Id: iVVx_MLjMzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 50sec (1310 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2019
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