OnePlus Watch Review: They Settled!
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Channel: Marques Brownlee
Views: 3,195,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: OnePlus Watch, OnePlus, watch, review, onelplus watch review, MKBHD, never settle, update, software update, onelpus app, OnePlus Health, google fit, OnePlus Watch vs
Id: 07mIwEa3xbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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I like the idea of a smartwatch where all it does is show you the time and your notifications, but $159 is too expensive for that imo. Makes me wish pebble was still around
This watch could have been a $30 band.
u/Marques-Brownlee made the classic mistake of mixing up memory with storage. The watch has 1GB of RAM and 4GB of internal storage, not 4GB of RAM.
Honestly all I want out of a smart watch is notifications and health tracking, I don't need all the "apps"
But this doesn't even do that well, sooooo nope.
This sounds like a downgrade from the I believe $25 Wyze watch in about every way except perhaps build materials. I'll settle for the Wyze.
I like MKBHD but it's odd that he hasn't reviewed any of the recent Galaxy watches. I feel like MKBHD overly hypes up Google/OnePlus devices and ignores Samsung. It's interesting since Samsung tablets, watches, and earbuds have a significantly higher market share and are usually the best non-Apple alternatives.
For example, he reviewed the mediocre Pixel Slate, but not Galaxy Tabs even though the latter is the best iPad competitor. He reviewed Pixel Buds on day 1 but took forever for a Galaxy Buds+ review then admits Galaxy Buds+ are the best in Android.
Why doesn't mkbhd review Samsung ecosystem? Such as galaxy buds pro, galaxy watches etc... as soon as a new apple product is out mkbhd reviews it. Purple iPhone gets released and he makes a video about it but not when a new galaxy bud or watch is release
They've been settling since around the 5.
That's a pretty good title.I have no idea what Linus Tech Tips videos are these days with their ambiguous titles. YouTube should allow different titles for subscribers