I Think I’m Done with the Pixel Watch

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foreign Let's uh let's change gears a little bit and go to something that we might not have as much of a universally positive experience with and that's the watch the pixel watch we have a Google pixel watch okay so this this podcast we're recording on Wednesday it'll it'll be out by Friday so maybe or maybe not by the time you see this the pixel Watch review is also live but in case it isn't let me give you my up front two cents about the watch which is that it is a pretty good first gen uh slightly overpriced but still nice experience for a Fitbit slash Google smart watch and I can elaborate on any of those pieces that you want but basically it's it's pretty nice wear OS is pretty nice it's a nice OLED it's small and really light that's the thing that I noticed most about it the uh the battery life is the biggest weakness to me it is the if you actually look it up it is about the same physical size battery as an Apple Watch series 8 battery but it is an up to 24 hour battery life which is as you know best case scenario always on display is off by default when you take this watch out the box and I it's a charge it every night type of situation I had to charge it twice in one day once the nice thing about it is it is such a small battery that it charges very fast much faster than the Apple watch I don't know why I think the charge curves might be different because I found like I'll put the Apple watch on a charger and I'll go away for like 20 minutes and I'll come back and it'll gain like nine percent if I go away for 20 minutes this thing is gaining like 45 yeah huge difference so you know it's got the Fitbit stuff it's got the heart rate constantly going I say first gen a lot in this review that you'll eventually see because there are a bunch of things that It just strikes me that Google is just finding out in their first generation of a smart watch um one of the things is like it's pulling my heart rate once every second why I don't know I don't need to know that like it's cool it's a cool feature I have a complication that shows I'm at 60 BPM right now that's just 58 60. that was just 63 64. it keeps going but um Apple has known and learned over the years that yeah polling heart rate and GPS a lot kill battery so specifically the watches in low power mode will just pull way less often like that's how you get more battery out of it I haven't found an option to pull heart rate less often in this watch I mean that's just the first step thing um the charging situation is funny it does work with uh an Apple Watch charger if you line it up perfectly which is kind of funny sort of it's almost impossible to do though because the magnets are the magnets repel so it doesn't it doesn't sit on the middle of the charger but it it will still sit on it and charge slowly but I wouldn't I think you have the Nomad base station right I have one yeah so it's like flat it stands up so I think like you know the friction of the bass standing vertically that's about the only thing yeah um I don't know I'm curious what you guys think of this watch I have not had the connectivity problems that others have had but I have had from I've heard from almost everyone I've talked to about this watch a pretty terrible story of trying to get it connected or once it gets connected having a hard time keeping it connected or having to reset it and that sounds pretty annoying uh what's your pixel watch experience been this is my black one you have the gold one of the gold yeah the silver one we've made Daft Punk helmets now out of our watches yeah how's it going I'll go first this time okay cool um I've heard the stories of the bad connections mine connected perfectly the first time and the only thing I can think of I mean it might be an issue Austin when he came over said a lot of people's were connecting it before they got that first uh over-the-air software update for reviewers I think that didn't go out until like later that day or something I got it later that day so I think that may have been some of the early issues I'm not 100 sure I did though have the issue that you mentioned which was getting disconnected and I don't know if this is a pixel watch thing or an Android thing but essentially what happens is your watch says you've disconnected from your phone and you have to completely factory reset the watch in order to get it connected again but this happened with me on my Galaxy watch 4. so I think it's an Android issue but it is the most annoying issue possible because you have to literally like reset up Google Wallet redo all your notification settings and and one issue I have with this if you're going into your phone apps that you want to do for notifications they're all defaulted on and you can't trigger all of them off to then just turn on the ones you want you have to go down the list and unselect every single damn app there's like a hundred it's really really annoying and now I've had to do it twice because of getting disconnected yeah um other than that I actually like the size I like it smaller I think it's comfortable I kind of I'm not I don't dislike the gold I actually kind of dig the gold I think black looks better I agree it's matte black by the way these are glossy yeah I would like to see the other bands in terms of I'll save my battery life hot take toll later and see what you guys think of it wow okay I've made it through a whole day no problem I'm not a sleep tracker though so I always charge it at night okay very different for me potentially and I have brought it rock climbing once for a quick trip I have like three little Nicks on the top of it my only issue is like I was only climbing for like an hour and it already has scratches like that because of the Dome shape similar to the Apple watch which my Series 6 Apple watch is destroyed from climbing I think this thing's gonna get messed up pretty hard yeah I've seen some other people have scratches and dings on the watch pretty quickly uh we'll see it it it does seem like I really like the design and I also have a feeling it's designed to be like a sort of a like I wish there was a bigger one basically this is a nice small single size and a nice OLED with a mostly black UI and it's got the Google Assistant thing and the time it's high resolution it's bright it's just a nice looking watch but I don't imagine it as something I would go play a sport in even though it is a Fitbit yeah it feels more like a really a nice looking I like the size I love the size actually I would not want it bigger it feels more like a um like an everyday smart watch where you do like some physical activity like walks or runs and stuff like that not the really extreme stuff um one more thing before I let David go over his notes is I don't it's so it does we found out it doesn't have Auto workout out detection I don't mind Auto workout starting not having it but I really really wish it had um to like check if you're still working out Auto detect end because most of the time if I don't start a workout I probably was just doing like an outdoor walk and it's like oh you're doing an outdoor walk do you want to start it sure I wasn't really planning on starting one but the amount of times I'm tired after a workout and just go like sit on the couch and don't stop it it's very often and I stop it immediately and check the calories no matter your stats I've already had like three workouts that are half an hour longer because I just went and sat down and then like when I checked my watch later I saw that I was still in the middle of a workout so I wish it had Auto Stop somehow which seems pretty easy but yeah yeah something I feel about the pixel watch is similar to something that I felt about the pixel 6 and pixel 7 and that is I think the pixel 6 was sort of like a gen one for Google a second try at a gen 1 because they were going they're going for that look they're going for material U like everything about the pixel was reinvented with the pixel 6. and a gen 1 of anything is fairly rough right it's got kind of like unfinished stuff because they're trying to rush deadlines they're trying to fix problems and the Gen one of the pixel watch is like a good first attempt that makes me excited about gen 2. um because everything about it is I think it's got the right the Right Moves but it just needs a little bit of refinement um the Fitbit integration for example I think I think I've said this before but they just need to rename Fitbit to Google Fitbit and then use the ux design from Google fit because currently the watch sort of feels like an Android Wear watch that has a layer of Fitbit on top it's like bolted onto the side yeah it's like bolted on it yeah that's how I would describe because it's when you do any of the fitness stuff it shows like the calories or the steps but as soon as you tap it's like launching Fitbit yeah whereas it's not it doesn't feel like a native application that is Google Fitness you know and if you're gonna use a pixel watch it's kind of weird that it has all this physics I don't think they should get rid of the Fitbit name because it has a lot of really strong brand cache for people that have used fitbits in the past and I think they are potentially going to sell a number of these to people that wanted a Fitbit that was more of a watch but they really need to fix that because it just it just doesn't feel cohesive enough it's also slightly annoying and confusing having to go back and forth between two different apps to check on well when I was talking to the manager of the Google pixel watch at the event he was like yeah we're not really like recommending that people download Google fit like you could if you wanted to but it's not part of the setup process and we're not really thinking about Google Fit when we do this and it's like you just did an entire campaign like a year ago like get fit with Google trying to you get people to use Google fit because they like redesigned it and it's still tracking things in my pocket with my my phone I have Google fit on the phone so I have Google fit on my phone tracking steps on and whatever else Google Fit takes tracking of but then there's also the watch app which is like my watch faces my watch settings all those things and then there's also the Fitbit app which is where it keeps all of my fitness data and my sleep data yeah which is actually technically also what Apple does even though they're all Apple apps so there is a fitness app for closing my rings on the iPhone and there's also a health app for all the health information and sleep information it's just not a separate logo company type thing for what it's worth I also think that Apple should just have all of your health and solid stuff into one app and it's like if you get an Apple Watch it adds a little tab that's like Apple watch stuff you know it's it seems simple but who knows maybe it's not real quick if you do want to do that and I didn't get to test it because when I set it up then my watch need to get reset so before there is a app called healthsync where you can sync all your Fitbit uh like recordings into Google fit so that it's another app a third-party app you have to download kind of sucks but I'm sure there's someone out there who might want to do it and you can do that and have Fitbit throw into Google yeah how long does it just kills Google fit like they killed stadia just make it Google Fitbit I really think that's the best come on it's it saves everyone time and energy I'm just terrified to like invest that much time into like tracking my entire life in Google fit and then Google is just like yeah I'm gonna not yeah exactly Google Fit for sure I mean fitbit's been around for long enough and it's its own like they have so many fit bits I don't think Google will ever well I don't know but I don't know who knows but I I feel like they would be more hesitant to like completely kill off Fitbit than they are to like kill somebody on Google app you know um but other things about the watch I think that the watch faces are gorgeous I think that the bezel is not a big deal at all in the renders it looked chunky the UI is specifically doing a good job of making you not think about the bezels too much yeah all the watch faces are completely inside of the bezels so that you go right up to the edge but never see overlap if you ever scroll through lists and stuff yeah you'll see the bezel when you scroll but it's like fading things into shadows in the corners the UI is mostly black in the background yeah they've thought a lot about this I'm sure future versions will have smaller bezels but I'm not as concerned as someone I think this is the the perfect use case of something where people on the internet see an image of it and can complain about it but they they don't actually use the product it's like the notch if you're not using a product you stare at that thing and you're like that is ugly yeah but if you actually use the product you're looked at you're looking at the contents on the screen and it's not a big deal it's the full crease yeah it's kind of the fold crease the fold crease you actually have to tell yeah so yeah but yeah I think it's easy to ignore the yeah bezel I love how light it is um the way that the latch works for the bands is smart but I feel like they did it backwards because you currently have to press in with your index finger and then press against your index finger with your words towards what you're pressing into which kind of hurts a little bit I feel like if they did it the other way where the button was here and you could just slide your finger that way it'd be a little better I don't think it would work that way though because you're the reason you're pushing in is because that's the piece blocking it right so you have to push down the thing it slides over right I'm just saying they should do on the other side oh doing that with my thumb I think would be easier index finger that's like a minor thing um the latch seems cool and it makes it feel like it's coming directly out of the watch which I think is very I really like the way it connects this is aesthetically very well done yeah and I like the look of this watch a lot it is nice lightweight little computer on the wrist yeah I had to switch to analog watch because I feel like you can see an Apple Watch from a mile away and I think there is a use case for a wrist computer that's why I actually like the Apple watch Ultra because the bigger high resolution screen it's like this is a better risk computer if that's what you want it does all these computer things and a watch I feel like is more of a accessory and obviously it shows time and obviously this is a smart watch that can do things but as far as being a computer it's less efficient at doing that because it's circular right but I feel less weird like going out into public and hanging out with people and wearing a circular watch than I do a square watch yeah I think it's the best looking one yeah I think it's really great looking the silver I think is probably the worst color only because it kind of looks cheap compared to the other ones like even the gold looks higher quality than the silver I would agree yeah yeah but the matte black is awesome so as usual I think it's a really great first attempt the software is great um there's a tiny bit of lag occasionally in like random things like if you're going from always on display to not always on display sometimes it kind of like stutters open the apps will stutter open but it's not that much in the future I would love to see a cut down tensor as the pixel watch chip because that's what Apple does for um for the Apple watch that would be cool yeah I think it would be good for them too because they could make the unit price of tensor go down so keep printing tensors baby yeah I think it's a good first first uh choice the battery life thing really quick for me battery life is great during the day I usually end the day at 25 problem is uh if you don't put it in sleep mode or bedtime mode when you go to bed it drains 40 battery which is nutty and then if you do put in bedtime mode it drains 20 or that's what I what I got um having to manually put something into bedtime mode every night is not good because I will forget they need to put a setting if I haven't found it I'll let you know if I find it but the Apple watch I just have like a time every day where it just switches at 11 PM for me automatically I would hope that I can do that here too because I'm gonna forget one day and it's just gonna die yeah and it's like I people always say like oh just charge your watch when you're showering I shower in the morning but first thing before I put the watch on and if it's gonna die in the middle of the night but it's supposed to do sleep tracking then I can't do my sleep tracking it's gonna die then I will say if you find yourself about to go to bed and realize it's at 20 and it's gonna die overnight plug it in for 7 seven minutes yeah and you'll have more than enough that's annoying now it's just annoying it is but it's like I brushed my teeth and I came back and it was full it was like ready to go yeah so I that's my little Pro tip I guess yeah yeah anyway yeah okay can I end with my battery hot take yeah oh yeah I want to see if you guys agree with this I would love to hear it okay so oh man I hope I don't go that it's not that bad so as someone who doesn't sleep track and maybe that's the key Point here I think I'm getting to the point where as a watch I it either needs to have one day of battery life or over two days of battery life 36 hours to me feels pointless because if I'm not wearing it to bed I just need it to last through the day and then if I want something more than that I want it to last like a whole weekend so this like past 24 but not quite 48 feels the same to me as just 24 and I don't think there's really any benefit like I don't think the regular Apple watch battery life is that much better in this comparison for everyday use I get the logic I think for peace of mind having you end the day at 35 instead of five is nice and if you happen to have a heavy day you work out you you go for a hike you do a bunch of stuff you'd kill this watch rather than having five percent left on the Apple watch but I get the logic of like I'm gonna charge it every night anyway so I hear you you said like 24. if you take it off the charger say say it's a Friday right you gotta get up at 6am to go to work you take it off at six you wear it to bed but on Saturday you don't have to get up till eight so if it's 24 hour and then it dies at 6am but you're still asleep this is assuming not sleep tracking though so it would be on the charger at night oh I see yeah so that like oh in that case yeah I just need it to last during the day I've had no issues with that I've had double workout days and I haven't had to charge it again I know you had to twice once I had a double practice weekend but for one of the weekends I like woke up got in the car did a road trip had a practice um and I think by the end of the practice I was low enough that I had to put it on the charger and then I had I had enough time to charge it back up to like 60 and then I ran it down again through the end of the day where I needed to charge it again before I slept so I was like just not quite enough battery to just peacefully go about my day but that's the price you pay for you know little bit of first gen I do have to say I quickly disabled the battery charge percentage on the home screen of this because yes it was making me anxious I I don't have that that's something I've always done on my Garmin and my Galaxy watch and I do not do it on this let's end this by saying what all our battery percentages are right now all right I'm 67 57 62. that's literally a five percent Delta between all of us what time did everyone wake up this morning woke up and charged it up to like 88 before I got here oh do you guys find anything interesting in your sleep tracking uh no but I get a score now which is huge for me because I think competitively asleep now there we go that's all you need 77 and then I got an 82 last night it's already difficult for me to compete with you yeah who's on the Sleep high scores here I'm gonna sleep for like nine hours oh look I can't get the highest score you've ever still coming to work all right well thanks for watching this waveform clip from the metaverse we appreciate you I'm sure you're hitting that virtual subscribe button uh also shout out to the to the legs the legs Marcus thank you how much of those cost you these are 30 meta jeans meditate yeah they cost more than my actual pants how much is that in ethereum I actually don't know not not a whole lot it's pocket change that looks nice to your do your meta jeans have meta Pockets with pocket change meta Pocket Change meta change complete guys please click the like button so I can take this headset off and take me out of the metaverse get me out of here bring us to the real world my face is getting kind of hot your legs are kind of they better be they cost me like five ethereum dude close this video before we do the metapocket thing again [Music]
Channel: Waveform Clips
Views: 473,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Waveform, WVFRM, Podcast, MKBHD, Marques, Brownlee, Andrew, Manganelli
Id: 3ZNf-htYHJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 3sec (1263 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 18 2022
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