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okay so I'm live now I'm only gonna do this very short this very short little livestream to add to the video that I posted this morning on here there's a lot of comments that are coming about about politicians and particularly one in particular our president the President of the United States Donald J Trump okay and it's do you think Donald Trump has my best interests at heart well there was a president a long time ago and he was a recent know how respected he was when he was in office because I wasn't alive at that time but he made it he in one sentence he summed up America and it was ask not what your country can do for you ask what you can do for your country the president the United States does not take individuals and say I'm gonna do this for you I mean that's what they're doing trying to do now like I'm gonna give you a bunch of free you know free doesn't doesn't run a country free ruins a country so our government was set up to govern its people in the best interest of the whole country not just one person not you not me definitely not me but the whole of the country to keep it safe to keep it productive to keep it independent and to keep it free not I'm gonna take from the rich guy over here or the guy that works really hard we won't use rich or poor but well we can use rich and poor well hard working and non-working let's do that that's because you can be poor and work and be happy or you can be poor not work and unhappy but twice a month when your disability and your welfare check show up because people like me and most of people that are watching us get up and go to work people don't understand that the government's job isn't to take care of individuals is to take care of the country itself to protect us to see to it that our economy is doing well and it doesn't prevent us from failure it doesn't it it does certain things to make sure that us as a whole are prosperous but that doesn't rule out good morning ad ever it doesn't evening in Brunei it doesn't rule out the the failure part it's okay to fail that's how we learn there's no government agency out there is going to prevent us from failing there's government agents that will take failures and prop them up with money promoting failure generational failure there's no programs out there that I know of that a a welfare recipient or a failed attempt can you know and I'm all I'm all for of this a little bit of help to get your failed attempt you know rectified and get you productive again so that as a whole as Americans we can thrive together not this individualization that you know hey you know what the farmers are the farmers are too big you know and we got to prop them up how's this sound let them fail it's okay if a farmer fails there's another farmer that'll take this place it's called correction price correction free food there people are getting free food now which I find to be very very wrong if you are a parent and you have children and you can't afford to have food for your children you need to rethink your you need to rethink your life choices and work harder so that you can provide the basics for your children the government is it's not the government's job to feed your children clothes your children and house your children that's your job as a parent if you are a drug addict and you are choosing drugs over food then maybe that's when the government should step in and see to it that that child is taken care of by another family member of yours and then in the worst case scenario if there's no family member that is productive enough to take care of those children then foster children foster care and you know until the child is 18 years old and they are taught the the productive way of life you know that's just those are just my thoughts on this thing and I just I just read a comment on here and it was does Donald Trump have my best interest at heart no he doesn't that's the answer it's no he doesn't Donald Trump has the interest of the country as a whole at heart you are just a very small peg in a very large pegboard now if if what you're doing is failing because of a dying art or something like that your wallpaper hangers we used wallpaper hangers do you know anybody that uses wallpaper anymore I mean that's done that was done in about the mid 90s a wallpaper or people just started to die off back then that was it that it's no longer and it's no longer something that a job that is thriving it just isn't so because wallpaper hangers aren't making the money that they did or people aren't hanging wallpaper anymore is it the government's job to say hey everybody's got to use wallpaper is it the government's job to say hey you can't eat a hamburger because cows fart no it's not that that is a that is the destruction of freedom I should have the freedom to eat a hamburger I should have the freedom to choose a cardboard straw over a plastic straw over a glass straw because before a cardboard and tape plastic straws were glass yes so if Pyrex the company in New York up here Corning New York or Corning ware decides to make glass straws and glass is very durable they've got some really good glass you know products now that you can drop them and they won't break very easily if that's the case you know what it's personal choice it is personal choice if people don't want to use plastic straws and there's three there's you know or they charge for them you can either buy a glass one a card one or a plastic one or you can actually drink out of the cup you know that's that's the choice that should be made you know that's just the way it is and the government shouldn't be pushing this it should be the company that's selling you the soft drink that you either need or don't need a straw for the only reason you need a straw is to put because of ice because it's very difficult to drink out of a cup with ice in it well ice if you didn't know is just to take up the space of the soft drink that you're drinking from the McDonald's Burger King Wendy's Arby's wherever so that they don't give you something cuz ice is cheap to produce and it's water you can pump it out of the ground turn it to ice there's no regulation on it you don't need chlorine it just needs to be now clean obviously so charge for straws or take ice out of the cups and people can just drink out of them coffee do people drink coffee with a straw hell no but do we need a little swizzle stick to stir it not really you know not really ain't remember the old soda jerks you know they and then at the ice cream parlor there was a little machine you put it in there turn the button and it stirred it up they could do that with coffee oh by the way here's your here's your coffee creamy sugar and you stick it in the thing hit the button it stirs it real slowly for a second or two boom you don't need a little swizzle stick but whatever that's just me ranting on I don't think that this is very interesting I just found it interesting that the the mindset of Americans today is that the government needs to wipe our asses it needs to tell us what to eat and it needs to tell us what we can and can't do I mean it's basic thou shalt not steal thou shalt not murder thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife whatever use the the Ten Commandments I mean those are actually really good rules to live by and I'm not a religious guy but if you look at those and you follow those rules pretty much you're gonna stay out of trouble in the modern world just the way it is that's just the way it is so anyways I hope I've ranted long enough and you understand what I'm saying here that rethink your idea of what the government's role in our lives is and stop pushing for an agenda that you will regret in the future and this is the truth you will regret it yeah anyway thanks for being here thanks for watching thanks for commenting and let me know what you think do you think I'm an for saying that the government shouldn't be wiping our asses our noses on our whatever else and they shouldn't be taking care of our children because honestly they shouldn't even tell us not to spank our children beating is a different story but correction by corporal punishment is okay it isn't it isn't abuse it's called hey don't do that again or you're gonna get this you know now people can take it too far and then that's when the government should step in but other than that thanks for watching please comment rate and subscribe and I hope you enjoy this stuff because you know what I certainly enjoy bringing it to you
Channel: Ag Talk In The Raw
Views: 11,738
Rating: 4.9083729 out of 5
Id: Qh3XXVxK7qo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 07 2019
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