farm talk

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good morning welcome back talking raw where we talk are all bad egg and other things that I want to talk about and I also read comments and respond to those so anyway here we go so last week or was that was it last week or was it Sunday that was beginning the week Sunday um maybe it was Sunday I don't even know now but maybe it was Monday anyways I'm wasting time but anyways they I've been talking about milk an awful lot because milk is in the news as to dairy farmers getting basically screwed out of their livelihood by big corporations say Walmart boycott Walmart don't buy food there it's a shame to say it but go down to the small family-owned grocery store and buy your milk and eggs there Walmart's milk tastes like [ __ ] anyway I hate to say it but that's just an the the cold hard fact of it I I do eat cereal from time to time and we get our milk from Costco and Costco is probably in the same category as Walmart at this point but what they do is they they drop the price on milk and eggs and stuff below cost of production just to get you in the store and then there you have it you're in the store and you buy other stuff that's generally the way it is there's a local store up the road here where Therese used to work and they were always five cents below everybody else back in the day the state of New Jersey came in and you know slap their peepee a little bit for doing that they said that the price is set and you cannot do that so somewhere along the way a big corporation like Walmart Costco or whoever else is big enough greggers or whatever found enough lobbyists to actually sway the politicians to waive that so that they could sell milk at below cost in the end it just hurts dairy farmers so I proposed a two cent tax I shouldn't call that attacks I should call it a gratuity you know when you say tax it pisses people off so you change the words I mean I guess I could be a politician and say it a grip which you know what you go into a restaurant you have no / no problem giving 20% to the waitress 15 to 20% to the waitress if she does a good job or the waiter if he does a good job and they call that a gratuity so and the reason that to some of these places even have gratuity tax and then they do call that a tax but gratuity I'll already worked into the price because they don't pay their waitstaff minimum wage or even close to minimum wage which I guess it's I don't know if that's legal or not but they all do it so you know so here we are we're dairy farmers or grain farmers or beef farmers cattle farmers whatever you want to cause goats sheep whatever poultry why would a 2 cent gratuity on every package that is sold be so offensive to people the reason I bring this up is because there was a there was a guy that wrote in there did it because he showed all the ups and anyways he he's like this is where we part ways because you're supporting the government and that's supporting the government in their taxation I just would like to see the farmers get their fair share you know the government sets the price of milk right you know the minimum price that can be paid and the Creamery follows suit by dropping it to the government's minimum price where they can leave that milk on the shelf whatever it is even Walmart even though they're selling it for a you know below cost they know that they can sell it at below cost and get people into their store and buy a bunch of other stuff that are above cost and that offsets the price for the below cost so this guy is like well now I'm done I'm not gonna watch you anymore because you support a tax well just call it a gratuity then I mean you're probably still watching anyway because I'm addictive I know there's a lot of people that tell me that oh you suck and I'll never watch you again but yet the next video there they are you know they're watching maybe they're not as driver and I really don't care about that but they are still watching which I find to be rather funny so you know maybe we've got maybe I've got something going here that could possibly possibly possibly go someplace towards towards the farmers as a gratuity versus a flat tax or a tax that you would you know just because you know farmers would become rich they don't want to do it and that's the shame that's the shame of it you know nobody wants a farmer to become rich because the farmer will own the land and then they can't the developers can't scalp the land from the aging farmer for next to nothing because they need money because someone's got cancer or some debilitating disease and the kids don't want to take it up so that's what happens this farmland and then you get encouragement from the cities and stuff and they just continue to buy cheap food because they pump more fertilizer into the ground out west where it's nice and even even out west isn't out west anymore I mean when I was young like 17 years old that was my first trip out west and man it has changed an awful lot in those I don't know 25 30 years I'd say 30 years I'm 45 so 28 years and you know it's a big it's 28 years really isn't that much time but to see the difference because you go across Indiana Illinois and then you get out into the plains states like way out you know and those those there's fields that are abandoned and you know because there's a lack of irrigation and stuff but anyway I even had some guys send me one fella sent me his the breakdown of his pay for milk and I really didn't get a chance to look at it too much because I've been pretty busy but anyways I think that the the consensus is that people watch my channels for the brutal honesty of it and I know it I know it I do sound negative I don't want to I don't want to be negative you know I'd love to be positive on all this stuff but if this job was easy anybody would do it as Ken from from 63 Impala two-door as channel would say he says if this job was easy little girls would be doing it you know and that's not to say the little girls can't do this or wouldn't do this it just takes a special kind of special kind of person but this will be the last I talk about this now is that for the most part people say that to sense sounds good as long as it is as long as it is distributed by farmers to farmers I mean even as a voluntary post you know once a year everybody gets a check that's the dairyman in the state that you live in everyone gets the same money doesn't matter if you're milking 40 cows or if you're milking 4,000 cows the price is the same and the reason I say that on this is because and I know it's gonna sound kind of like distributing the wealth of socialist program the big guys are the ones that are hurting the little guys okay and it's a known fact I'm sorry the bigger you are the harder it is for the little guy to continue to grow or do whatever but if you're 40 cow herd and you're happy milking 40 cows or 50 or 100 or whatever it is we're 400 or 4,000 great the bonus that would go to the four thousand or 40,000 cow herd would just would be like oh cool you know what thank you but the bonus that goes to the 40-count herd he's gonna be really happy because that's gonna boost his income enough that maybe he doesn't have to have that all farm job and work twice as hard as anybody else you know in the area of its farming you know because now let's face it it's hard being a diamond you don't even get a vacation maybe to take that bonus and hire somebody to milk those cows while he goes on a vacation with his family wouldn't that be a lovely concept but you know it's kind of like a redistribution of wealth if you look at it that way not that I'm I'm not socialist in any way I mean I'm a conservative but when it comes down to the the decay of the dairy industry or even any farming practices that are now corn soybeans they're they're pretty dismal compared to what they were in 1979 you know or 1980 I mean when when I was a kid my grandfather died in 1981 and milk was over $13 a hundred in 1981 our input costs were probably one tenth of what they are today you know fuel tractors equipment didn't matter you know I mean we were milking 60 70 cows at that time we have a 60 count barn and I remember turning out 12 so 72 cows at that time you know so we were turning them out meaning switching out because we milked in a stanchion barn but we had new equipment tractors were new the combine was new I mean you tell me what dairy farm what dairy farmer can buy a brand-new tractor today and make the payments on the current know price it just isn't gonna happen maybe those 40,000 cow herds can buy it with cash but I've heard that they're in debt to their eyeteeth also so anyways boycott Walmart because they are really the deathblow to a couple of hundred dairy farmers in in the in an area out west here like Pennsylvania actually Dean food just cut out I guess another forty cat forty herds terrible but I'm gonna answer some questions here we have ten minute mark I worked at a feed yard for six years and we had to fix something every day like you said farming isn't easy it's correct two cent taxes so [ __ ] simple since they turn that idea down it shows that they just don't give a [ __ ] about farmers they are rolling in the dough while we are lapping at the puddles in the road yeah correct you know so this two cent thing is going to go on a little bit longer but yes correct all right so you know how are you going to keep track of every container it's simple the creameries or the any truck deliveries that are made in to the end of the state whether it's out-of-state or interstate in the state those they're counted you know not cases if there's 48 pieces in a case it's 48 pieces you get the two cents for it's real simple it's not really that difficult it would probably take ten people ten people you know minimum whatever the hell they want to get paid you know they'd have to be paid obviously but if you had ten people and you know let's see 10 people $50,000 a year to do that job which would be reasonable you could get college kids to do it for half the price $25,000 a year wouldn't that be nice you know they do it in their spare time but it's a 1 once a year payout so they work for one month out of the year to do this you know they get the figures in they figure them out and to be quite honest with you this could all be done on a computer with one person if you really if they really wanted to but you know you'd have to really really really the organizers of this thing would have to be very stringent in the way that it is set up so that the government could not get their hands on it government would have absolutely nothing to do with it the collection would come directly from the government to well from the taxation or directly from the stores that are selling it it would that 2 cents would be directly deposited into a cooperative account where there would be a minimum amount of employees with the with a cap you can't do any more than you know 10 people or 5 people or whatever it is but you know it would be really interesting to see how this goes you're right farming these days sucks it does oh and my dad called me up this morning he says hey you know you know what you do with this thing here I got another one this guy here this right here don't lie on this that's incriminating when you lie you're you're you're lying and they can prosecute you for lying believe it or not I found that to be rather ridiculous so don't lie on those surveys just write across it I have the right to remain silent that's what dad told me to say so my dad's pretty smart guy I have the right to remain silent I said I plead the fifth well I think they're kind of the same but I have the right to remain silent write that across it and mail it back see what happens with that one actually I'd love to see a lot of people do that so it makes the farming channels Hayes we're getting a bunch of these USDA things I have the right to remain silent wouldn't that be awesome farmers are boycotting the census wouldn't that be just totally cool that it could stem from my little channel here West don't worry about the length of your videos who cares just say what you want to say well if I say it all in one video there will only be one video I love fixing equipment especially when harvesting season comes around and something goes wrong on the combine it don't matter what color you got it's going to break which is true and I think the I love fixing equipment is sarcasm which you know that's okay we love that people only like to share their successes you share your wins and your losses not negative just an overall picture of life and thoughts experiences with pictures of the overall picture of your life and thoughts experience it's not all unicorns and rainbows which is true you know there's there are so many channels that just don't touch on the whole scope of things they'll say a little bit of it not the cost never the cost you know it's like I'll show the cost yeah it cost me a lot of money to fix this because there are a lot of people that watch mine one lonely farmer Channel they don't like holy [ __ ] how can you afford that I mean that transmission in my tractor ten thousand five hundred dollars and that's without all the little giblets that I had to run down to the auto parts store plus the oil and the filters and all that stuff Wow gets damned expensive damn quick so you know and that's it and I put it in if I had the dealer put it in it would have been over twenty thousand dollars in that tractor would have went down the road and never used again it would have been to the boneyard for it so yeah unless the John Deere dealer felt that they could get a lot of money for it because it's a nice tractor which you know as tractor burned once I mean it's bad trouble it's had a lot of trouble it still made me money that I can't complain about it too much it still has made me money I probably should have sold it when it burned and bought a newer one or something I don't know but hey hey thanks for the free shout out yeah Hinton farms hitched in farms you know I watched some of your stuff I see your dad's on the it has got an Instagram account and I look at that stuff too pretty good pretty good stuff our last vacation this is videos by Al he is a sawmill guy he runs a wood-mizer LT 50 electric and he says that his last vacation was August 20th 1990 he works 80 hours a week well Wow you know we do too you know and but I make time to go I have to I'll go stir-crazy if I don't you know it's just a recharge your batteries kind of thing and Al I think you and Linda should probably pack up and a week take a decent weeks vacation just say you know what take the F at all pill I know the bills are coming in and they never stop well they never stop for me either and then just just go you'll come back your batteries will be recharged yeah it's a little stressful to get back into the swing of things but do it because it's good for the soul I know that Linda lost your mom here recently and you know god bless her and you know it's just maybe it would be good for you both to get out and go do something together away from the sawmill I mean it's something different I know you guys work together and you're a great team together i watch you're both of your videos and it's it's great to see that but you know me and Theresa work together and it's nice to just say hey let's go let's go let's get out of here and go do those things make sure that make sure that we're still in touch with one another which is nice because I've never had that before two cents is chump change yes it is could you do a video on the 4320 well yes there are 43 20 videos coming I'm actually going to pull the hood off because it's next to near impossible to get a hood 44320 for under $3,000 that's in somewhat decent shape so I'm going to take my hood off and I'm going to send it over to the body shop and I'm gonna get them to do some work to it like fix it up right so half the people who say they can do it can't true some people need to live in the real world and the snowflake world well yes we are melting snowflakes one at a time on this channel I do not sugarcoat anything it's just well I might sugarcoat my coffee or my water now I don't sugarcoat water I'm 14 years old getting into hag I know the challenges that will not determine you my friend will be a great farmer your name is Caleb Wow something mowing Caleb noe mowing yeah that's your name Joe hey you if you've got the termination to do the job go for it you're the type of guy that we have that we need out here in agriculture but we also need someone with a voice that's going to stand up and say hey middle man you suck and we need to change some things I know we are less than 1% of the US population or even the world population for that matter the India go look on YouTube for farmers committing suicide India Indian farmers and I know don't make jokes about Indian farmers they are just like us they get up in the morning they go to work they they they have the same challenges as we do only they got pretty bad because they're killing themselves every day every day and I feel bad for that for those guys no you're not negative you just show the facts [ __ ] happens and that's the way it is correct both of your channels are my favorite because you tell it like it is so please keep up the good work well thank you very much Haggard farms no no that wasn't Haggard farms no no that was the one before that both H turbo yeah so many turbocharged a farm all aged I'd like to do that with one of the MS but okay Fat Boy HD 88 I'm gonna read yours I haven't read it yet but I'm gonna read it anyway I for one love your honesty west and your raw look at the way you do every day and I'm sure the rest of your followers do also so don't change the thing buddy I get bored watching the farm channels where it's the same old thing every day where your channel is different every day wonder what wes is into I love it goes great with the morning coffee thanks I've already had my coffee but yeah thanks for thanks for sticking around have you heard of the glyphosate debate over here in Europe the majority of the population is completely against the use of glyphosate due to the media influence luckily we have glyphosate for five more years but after that it'll probably be forbidden and more cities and townships are restricting and prohibiting use of glyphosate or any other pesticide on their land some even obligate the renter farmer of their land to farm organic that's in Germany yes well I've heard about the glyphosate debates over there Germany Bayer Aspirin or Bayer corporation I believe is one of the largest chemical producers BASF I believe is also German you guys make some other chemicals that we aren't allowed to use here like heroin no I mean well actually Bayer Aspirin or Bayer corporation was the producer of heroin the original heroin before it was banned in 1932 I think are 36 all right mm-hmm 2 cent gratuity tax would be wonderful solution for the dairy industry actually I think it would be a wonderful solution for all industry if there was even per bushel 2 cents per bushel that goes directly to the the grain growers you know that would be great I'm ok with that you know you grow soybeans and for every bushel of beans produced in the state of New Jersey or used in the state of New Jersey corns used in the state of New Jersey or any other state in the Union that 2 cents goes directly to the guys that are growing it to offset some of the costs of the smaller producers too you know from the big producers they all get the same dollar amount so if there's 10,000 farmers in the state of Pennsylvania and there were 50 million bushels of beans or corn produced as two cents could get distributed equally amongst them all not on their size just here it is we have ten million dollars and we're gonna you know you each get a thousand bucks or whatever the hell it is I mean it doesn't sound like much but a thousand dollars could take you to Florida I support the two cent tax yeah I don't like to drink milk anyway never have and I grew up on a dairy farm I do like butter though yeah homemade butter is so much different than the [ __ ] you buy in the store so if you know anything about actual butter turn butter and I'm not jerking off I'm actually butter churning here that's good stuff a little bit get a little rancid here we go Chucky 2009 Lance thanks for being real les thanks for being real Lance and you do too you're pretty real guy I love your tractor Follies for God's sakes man I need to come down there and show you a thing or two but like I love your tractors you know they're great that that farm all I watched that farm wall em build series and I'm like f4 phantom came to mind and the reason I say the f4 phantom is if you look at that airplane you look at that airplane and they got you know dihedral x' and then anhedral x' on the wings to correct the problems from everything else and your farm all em was a an f4 phantom of tractors you know the airplane equivalent but yes ship breaks every day ma'am and sometimes for no good reason mechanic Steve yes that is absolutely 100% correct like when your tractors apart for a month and a half are down for a year and everything worked on it when you park it there except for the transmission that you're going to spend ten and a half thousand dollars on to get it up and going and then when you turn the key the four-wheel drive unit is stuck on now why is that you know he's like what the hell this thing work just fine in these this little electronic coil gizmo for somehow for some reason with the batteries out of it it went bad I'm thinking lightning strikes I don't know but anyway that's just the way that is yeah build another one of those tractors you know that was pretty cool I think he sold it didn't you how do you put the blade on and off with John Deere 50 20 oh it's simple it's just a two bolts in the front a pin that goes all the way to the back of the drawbar I'm gonna pull that tractor out possibly today because I'm gonna get ready to put that turbocharger on there yes the turbocharger so anyways I gotta get going I got to get going I got work to do so thanks for watching please comment rate and subscribe for more obviously I say that on the other channel but this one too and I'll talk back at you on Sunday unless I feel the need to do it again
Channel: Ag Talk In The Raw
Views: 8,216
Rating: 4.9061975 out of 5
Keywords: milk, farm, farm talk, farming, stuff, life, farming life
Id: 2lNS1AaoZRI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 4sec (1504 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 28 2018
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