One Step Beyond (TV-1960) THE TRAP S3E8

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[Music] walk from the yell is getting longer every day you think I'm getting old no comment keep to yourself my brother's a cop you think I lost the key how could I be married to such a dumb head for 1886 years huh just luck I guess oh boy Dominic and Florence denovio of Ki Avenue Chicago Illinois married just about forever getting along fine sure that tomorrow will be just like today and next year will be just like last year for as long as they live I am tired I'm going to be asleep about 3 seconds after I hit the pillow is that something new last tunk of pizza ruin me I feel drugged oh and tomorrow you'll be 10 lb heavier tomorrow the Wonder and sometimes Terror of life is that we can only suppose what the next day or the next hour or the next moment will bring creating our own reality out of the immense unknown we have built stone cities Lac the night with millions of electric lights yet even here in just such a city a man moves unknowingly toward the edge of a cliff that falls off forever there's nothing that I could possibly tell you about this psychic occurrence that would prepare you for its fantastic end dumb all right Mr cyclop come on on your dummy friend sming again like the loudest Sawmill I ever heard I'm sorry I always feel like such a rat when I have to wake you when you get started don't my good boy help help me help me do wake up come wake up do what happened you had a nightmare no you here I wasn't sleeping I was lying here on my side telling myself that next time I toed off I wasn't going to snore and then all of a sudden everything was changed I wasn't here I was someplace else it was terrible you couldn't have been very terrible you were with Edna who you tell me who Edna that's the name you yelled Edna help me I don't know any edner cross your heart and hope to die oh come on here I am trying to make myself look at least like Cleopatra all the time you're dreaming about Edna done done baby done baby come on wake up something hit me what are you talking about I'm telling you I can still feel it and the pressure I don't know what it is I'm calling Dr Bond no it's going way I feel better I still want him to be here don't get him out of bed I'll be all right the next time you tell that pizza guy you want everything on it for the kitchen sink I'm going to hit you with a kitchen sink hey you got any bicarbonate a soda he baby you think I'm flipping my lid hey did you see what they uh what they put in that pizza huh Florence another the therometer is I must be coming down with something my head is so hot and feels like I got 10 hangovers all at once something is pushing me in I can't drink enough water what's this hardly read it it's your writing Edna I'm writing this to tell you if you don't find me in time that hey bre the rest it gets better if you don't find me in time I love you very much and only you all jokes today huh I said it was your handwriting why would I write a crazy thing like that it was on your night table what I thr right in my sleep or something well how'd it get there I don't I don't know how it got there well I hope Edna's your tyght old and fat why did you do that why did you waste that water D why did they grab you like that what's wrong with me I can't breathe my headaches I'm acting goofy before you go to work today I want you to stop by Dr Bond I can't I I I'm late already well then after work I'm going to call him and tell him to expect you look at the marks on your arm I'll live you baby I'm sorry then you'll go see Dr boms yeah I see him I'm glad morning Mr molio how long does it uh take this thing to get up to the 10th floor same as it always [Applause] does I never noticed how small it is in here it's like a like a coffin you look like it was quite an evening Mr denovio was it a celebration or something Mr denovio me out well we got four more fls to go let me out but what is it let me [Music] out Mr [Applause] denovio where have you been walking all day had to stay in the fresh air I ought to strangle you you you know how worried I've been the office has been phoning you all day I called Dr Barnes he said you hadn't shown up there you look terrible feel like I'm tired come on lie down walking around in this cold D with your color open like that don't close them it's freezing outside leave from open floor you cat your death Edna yes some of the hands just passed by on the way to the fair child yes I heard the horses yes yell they didn't hear me yes Edna yes baby find me yes Edna Dr Bond he's home now I can't out you [Applause] I [Music] well what's wrong I don't know what's wrong yeah pick this up at the drugstore it'll help him sleep that all you can do help him sleep are you sure he's getting plenty of water drinks gallons of it then why is he dehydrated what's that well that's what everybody in the desert gets why should he be like that well it could be diabetes but it isn't why is he so nervous are you and he been having any problem problems of course not what kind of an of course not is that Dominic's like being married to a nice gentle elephant except who's Edna Edna that's the name he yells he wrote it down in his sleep he talks about horses and nobody finding him and I don't know what else well maybe he's leading a double life and is catching up with him now he'll be okay if if I say he's picked up a fancy virus that's going around will that make you feel better he'll be fine I'll drop in tomorrow oh thank you Dr Bond what are you doing the doctor said stay in bed walls are closing in where are you going open the roof [Music] dumb when are you coming down it's past 3:00 what's wrong with me I I'm out here in the open I still PR CED up maybe you're going through something emotional well something's bothering you something important like what how should I know well didn't living with each other for 19 [Applause] years dumb is it about us I mean me what just don't pull a name out of a hat and save me and save me and save me come on save you from what me am I smothering you let's go downstairs d d what's the matter what is it what are you doing done come on snap out of it Edna getting Waker not much longer no air no water find [Music] meop there I think maybe I've been a doctor too long I never felt helpless like this before [Applause] see they go by in the daylight will we have to have some more tests but how is he no better haven't you any idea what it is I've had every specialist in the hospital look at him radiologist urologist neurologist cardiologist and they can't seem to find a thing it isn't ureia it isn't shock is a menitis it isn't he's no he is wait we have our own priest father Martin father Martin isn't well he he be so scared he won't even know the father's there well can't we just wait a little while I wouldn't wait Florence there Roy he di he di how can a perfectly healthy man be tying of thirst and Suffocation of Chicago SP made Lon of wonder all of there a royal is go on hog Pet Near The Freight allor nom find me find me he's Delirious I haven't been able to give him confession of course but I've anointed him and given him conditional Absolution father I'm sorry I lost my temple like that I understand father Martin didn't tell me that your husband was from the West he isn't well he must be why do you say that father well I studied a seminary in Arizona I haven't heard Cowan words like aoya and hog camp and Freight hole in a long time also his accent's Pure Western Dominic's never been west of Chicago his voice has been sounding different I mean changing I never thought anything about it I thought it was his sickness oh look I know him most of my life he's from Rockport Illinois he's been maybe to Detroit and Cleveland that's all [Applause] Ed get on the phone and call that lawyer Sam Hawkes in Reno tell him to get out of here I got some work for I Sam how ambulance Jason B Sam I I can't hold up much longer I Frederick gibbes being a sound mind and body to hereby give all my worldly possession I too tired for this balone I want to give it all to Ed anyway voice so different what are some of the things he wrote or said crazy things like what I don't remember exactly we try about men passing on horses and nobody hearing him and why doesn't Eda look for him things like [Applause] that long distance now listen to me and do what I tell you and don't tell me it can't be done see if there's a man in R Nevada Named Sam Harker or Harkness or something like that now he might be a lawyer that's all I know that's all I know now come on I'm out here Sam isn't he back here no he isn't back yet a wander had not returned I'm beginning not to care one way or another want a drink no thanks Edna now don't start pleading his case done this 20 times before he's like a 2-year-old get mad goes wandering off from three days past without so much as a ha or fwell Ed know you're going to think I'm going Loco for sure about 20 minutes ago I got the craziest phone call from home from a doctor in Chicago are you said before that Fred got sore and went out walking hasn't stopped apparently well is there someplace on the ranch where he could have fallen like a like an abandoned well there's no abandoned well on our land well it sounded crazy was that M shaft we Ro going to find silver but didn't could Fred have fallen in by accident I don't know we talked about boarding it up I suppose at night if someone got careless Edna let's look there but how could F I don't know how but let's look huh [Music] is [Music] [Music] R dumb [Applause] Dominic denovio of Chicago and Frederick Gibbs of Reno Nevada are identical twins their mother died shortly after their birth and their father put them up for adoption when they were 9 weeks old and until the ordeal we have just dramatized they knew absolutely nothing of each other's existence most scientists agree that nature intended identical twins to be a single individual they retain such exact cell structure that kidneys skin other internal organs can be transplanted from one to the other with complete success there's also undeniably a psychic link between identical twins Professor HH Newman in his Treatise multiple human births describes an example of identical twins whose Minds were so attuned that even when placed in separate rooms they could write identical answers to complicated questions using exactly the same grammar making exactly the same mistakes using exactly the same handwriting and finishing at exactly the same moment an even more Curious example is reported by the French Professor Leon camar a man in Italy was bitten by a rabbit dog and died a month later in America his identical twin died at exactly at the same moment showing every symptom of rabies except nothing had bitten him a one last note everything that Dominic denovio wrote in his semic contest state in Chicago was also written by Frederick Gibbs in this notebook at the bottom of a mine shaft on a ranch outside we know Nevada now to try to explain such An Occurrence would be presumptuous but whatever the phenomenon involved Edna Gibbs and Florence denovio are awfully grateful for [Music] it [Music]
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 1,018,807
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MOVIES, classic movie, THE TRAP, CLASSIC, The Outer Limits (TV Program), filmstruck, The Twilight Zone, TV, classic movies, John Newland, FREE, Alcoa Presents: One Step Beyond (TV Program), #classicmovies
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 52sec (1492 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 31 2013
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