One Punch Man Season 2 Episode 1 Reaction Mashup | ワンパンマン Episode 13

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shiny head shampoo for who so do all the have does look different because they did change Studio that guy though suspicious that is is damn the art is going to make it happen sh is something yeah this guy right back there right yo I'm not going to lie it doesn't look too bad though oh this is like but M look at his tongue look at the tongue work yeah that's a bit you see his chin why is it like that this a supero to quit being a hero wait he's the strongest in the world remember and he doesn't even want to be wow look at that I think he was just trying to walk by like bro this is not my career PA he just comes around and it's like how did it come to this this guy really doesn't want [Laughter] to this is I think I see what it is like people like they're too like fan boyish and it's like with him he's like he just wants to be left alone you know what I mean that's kind of cool kind of giv a saitama effect maybe not cuz saitama does want to be a hero be a really fun guy oh it's one of those what kind of GES do [Music] you yes even I remember I think that was a pun to say that this is the sequel after three years well yeah that's what they mentioned before that's true I remember so this is just show up and okay wait what this robot is pretty cool be nice guess we are about to see how strong he is he just how you rank seven the strongest man on Earth how does that work this [Applause] Rob is heart oh the heartbeat I remember in the meeting he didn't say anything new organization like at the beginning of really that's watch him like even wait 10 [Music] minutes look at that Jos is higher than you demon okay actually I'm actually interested to see King's power it looks like he just looks at it what wait a second what the hell really how did he get this fre that's his freaking wayo you got oh my is it oh my God so he just shows up I feel like comes oh my God it's funny he's the opposite of saitama right saitama is really strong but people don't think it King he's strong but like he's not strong but people think he's strong so funny Yun [Music] out holy dude King is a FR I love it I no one watching right now you can see like the fighting isn't the same though like it's like you know pause zoom into scene kind of thing going [Music] onow someone oh yeah for sure yeah you're right wish your house this game bro exactly got dropped his game didn't he forgot it oh no he still has it his game all this man wants to do is just play I really like the Heart Sisters that's right wonder what the objective is oh my God that's so cute like what it is with King is the fear of him like him being so stronges know his house how did he get there whoops cool anymore just he has a point scaredy cat he's just trying to get to know all of his fellow Heroes I thought King was a big son there you are [Laughter] hair like leg take out that other guy look at trying to fake it bro you like what you like so what who cares apparently it's so weird though he invited himself in his own home know he struggles socially time I think I love how look at that bird oh wow is he he's melted to that oh wow I thought he would still be y he got like a robot friend in him that wasn't even his true that's a that too busy flipping around it I love Jos he's super there we go he wanted to interrogate is he going to tell him the truth how do you lie about [Music] this explain yeah that could be a good excuse oh he thinks he have something in he thinks he's going to relate to someone he wants to or he say he wanted Jos to get his you know respect giant what's up with all these threats always something happening [Music] wrong yeah there has to [Music] [Music] be wow that is a scary looking the only thing that I don't like too much about this is you know sa sa beats the bird obviously people going to think it was King oh you were there that day oh my God the run away well someone else bro that's like season one stuff that was King they all the interesting first that should be sa's name king that's what they should call him the first season s got to be S I guess how lucky that is he really does deserve the tile oh yeah actual King just tell him man certain stuff like that you have to say it yo didn't hear that oh he did that just little [Music] something he's getting all the credit for all of his kills like one punch everyone's just thinking why does he just keep showing up that's when he got scratched back then that's when we had hair don't tell me satama is the one who always helped King oh he has hair [Music] y of what his hair looks too cool like look at how awesome he looks that's in always now why follows him around the building all messed [Music] up yeah what I thought was supposed to be happening this season is aren't all the heroes supposed to live together they I like that of my business but yeah he's been taking credit for all saama Deeds what the heck oh you're the symbol of peace oh it was him I didn't recognize him right there exactly train just get so chill about everything train yo do this like time a Training Method robot do oh my God he's going to get the Las bro you see this guy's nose he looks like he can smell the entire room Oh my he can maybe smell me through the I'm just kidding compete with but you cannot lose yourself you're right you cannot lose yourself oh my God I I don't think some I really assigned him that I just said it's more yeah that's right that's do I'm put my money on Metal Knight I am I don't remember if he said any name to that to it I wonder it has to do with um Metal Knight no P to the back I only ask because I'm worried about you Jos I am on the trail of that murderous cyborg as well aware how dangerous be so then I guess isn't the I don't think that promised that I don't think will do that great quote contct immed you better they became Earth in the danger propy Merc that's we're getting a lot of good these guys are heroes some of them look like villains like evil underworld why they here do not [Music] [Music] that's what you mean I'm pretty sure the artwork stereo T them just enough so these are all [Music] know I like that what that heavy tank Lo CL no I was wondering how the loin cloth came into that sorry that's my bad my darling my favorite definitely bro yeah put my name up here oh my god oh it's not bro Sonic will kick his ass come what we have me now sounds like someone in the legend of right this kind of weird over probably this yo it wasn't the one in the first wasn't [Music] this ex all right now it makes sense like their own Suicide Squad dud worked out he said where is saama Yo sa's not here I'm gone watchama come in right now wow he went hey lady look at lady blizzard y [Music] y my fashion is she related to tornado wait is she beating up with him a villain bro this is kind of good wait hold up I got to talk y he said he be [Music] back I can't be be don't by itself
Channel: BK
Views: 46,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oXuBwywzXL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 21sec (1341 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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