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[Music] [Music] the opposition plotting [Laughter] [Music] actually because like yo these these these he didn't want his dudes he didn't want his little boys to grow up to be these Pirates I mean you got one his dad's the king of pirates and one's the king king ish the leader of the revolution Rebellion is built in their blood their guards oh GARP what we doing buddy if he's actually going give me the chills oh it's so precious what's the most sides because of this what exactly switch sides but I swear like all right [Music] I mean it was literally there yeah Jason oh yeah oh my God stop I think you saw that from saying Goku yeah that's that's why Robin's backstory [ __ ] me up so badly oh [ __ ] shut up wow does he just want to watch it all right everyone here oh he's trying to [Music] another fist of walls [Music] I'll do that oh my God and he's great right here too when he was like originally like her darker heroine yeah is as a pirate here that's my grandson they're still family there's like position doesn't matter there's statues in this world I don't know uh don't cry cracker no crash foreign [Music] that's like saying I'm not mad I'm just disappointed right before he dies it'll be better I feel like this whole time he's he's actually just preaching okay listen there's a lot I want to say but I'm just going to wait until the episode's over oh [ __ ] come on Grandpa probably never seen him cry again I don't even know if I'm gonna have the emotional capacity what oh is that the uh wait don't tell me is that the ship of Luffy and everyone because like it oh they got them got shot up because of the tsunami and they lived oh wait that's Luffy in them wave like this they're still able to make a [ __ ] amazing that's what you wanted foreign [Music] [Applause]
Channel: ARS React
Views: 412,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: one piece, anime, luffy, reaction, react, arsreact, reaction one piece, one piece reaction, one piece anime reaction, one piece reactions, one piece opening reaction, one piece anime, one piece episode reaction, one piece review, anime reaction one piece, first time one piece reaction, one piece reaction opening, one piece manga, reacting to one piece, anime reaction, one piece luffy, one piece reactor, one piece react, reacts to one piece
Id: dljE3bRzl84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 43sec (523 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 31 2023
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