One Punch Man But He Goes To Magic School And Becomes The Strongest Without Magic

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in a world where everyone uses magic in their daily lives we see a ridiculously strong boy in the forest his name is mash and his existence defies the natural order in the world he lives in a hut with his father bernad where they enjoy their lives in isolation when mash goes home he ends up breaking the door forgetting if it was a push or pull this makes bernad upset but Mash apologizes promising to fix it he tries to put it back but he just pounds it against the door frame making the damage even worse after that they have tea together and we learn that Mash is different from other people because he can't use magic so burnit has been trying to make his body stronger to make up for it but Mash doesn't know this so he continues to wonder why his training is purely physical burned heads out but warns Mash not to venture into the city while he's gone but after his father leaves he immediately runs to the city wearing a cloak wanting to try a limited edition cream puff from the bakery he walks around the city where he sees the people using magic but he thinks that it's nothing special because the things they do with magic can also be done with their hands Mash reaches the bakery and becomes excited ordering some cream puffs but as he pays all the coins are bent because he had clenched his fist when he had gotten too excited but the baker thinks that the coins shouldn't be bent so easily Mash fixes them up straightening them to their original form and the baker freaks out after a while while Mash gets his food but the winds blow revealing his face to the public and everyone is surprised because he doesn't have any marks on his face meanwhile we see an officer named Brad at the police station he reads a newspaper about this year's Divine Visionary a title given to the top student of the magic Academy which also comes with a number of promotions and rewards the Thor rings and he is informed about a man walking around the city with no mark on his face as Mash walks around the street streets he wonders why everyone is staring at him but he just eats his cream puffs he bumps into a drunk officer named Terry messing up his uniform with some of the cream and making him obset Terry knocks the food off his hands as he continues to run his mouth Mash rips off the officer's uniform but he actually has good intentions telling Terry that he will wash it up for him at that moment Brad arrives asking Terry why he's naked he looks at Mash thinking that he is the man mentioned in the report so he approaches him but burnd did arise grabbing his son and running away while Brad summons a magical bird to go after them when they return home bernid scolds his son for going into the city despite his warning bernid forgives him in the end but he punishes Mash by making him repeat his workout routine as Mash leaves the house to train bernad thinks that Mash is actually a good kid and he can't blame him for wanting to go to the city because he has spent his entire life hiding in the forest bernad thinks about how to deal with the police when he sees Brad's bird watching him from his window Brad suddenly arrives with his men asking bernad where his son is we see MASH training in the woods lifting the weight like it's nothing and completing his workout in 5 minutes he heads back home but just as he is about to open the door he hears Brad as he explains that magic has flourished because they have gotten rid of all the people who can't use magic calling in a necessary sacrifice for a better world Brad pushes bernad telling him that Sheltering the unmarked is a serious offense but bernad refuses to tell them about his son's whereabouts in a flashback we learn that bernad has always been treated as a failure in everything that he does this goes on until adulthood and he thinks about taking his own life when suddenly he hears a baby Mash crying he realizes that the baby was abandoned because he had no Mark thinking that they are both unwanted by Society so he decides to to raise the baby as his own back in the present burnd did screams at Mash to run so Brad starts beating him up but just as he is about to finish him off Mash bursts through the door hitting one of the officers and blowing him away Terry goes to him but Mash rips his uniform off slapping him repeatedly until he falls to the ground Mash reveals that he didn't run because bernad is his only family but Brad laughs at him thinking that he has no chance because he can't use magic he attacks Mash with the spell he used to drive away a dragon but Mash easily deflects it with one hand and Brad can't believe his eyes he falls up with an even stronger spell but Mash slaps it away causing it to explode elsewhere Terry continues to attack Mash with his magic while Mash deflects his attacks and it looks like he's having fun he takes his father's wand while Brad defends himself with a barrier thinking Mash is about to use magic but Mash throws the wand at Brad breaking his his barrier and causing him to fall to his knees Mash threatens to kill him the next time he threatens his family but Brad proposes a deal where Mash will enroll in a magic Academy and become a Divine Visionary so that Society will accept him saying that he will back mash up because he wants the reward that comes with it he claims that if they don't accept his deal they'll be hunted down for the rest of their lives so Mash agrees to the deal Mash goes to the prestigious East magic Academy with a fake mark on his face where he will take the entrance exam that is notoriously difficult with a passing rate of less than 3% a man named Luchi looks at the applicants gathered on the field recognizing some of their faces when he suddenly hears a loud noise and he sees Mash lifting weights like its paper making him confused because that is not the place for him to work out Luchi calms himself down looking at the field again where he sees Mash reading a fitness book while doing the invisible chair and he even notices Brad and burned did behind him who are trying to keep an eye on Mash Luchi appears with style announcing that he will oversee the exam the students are stunned because they recognize him as an extremely gifted Mage Luchi is flattered but Mash comments on his unnecessarily flashy entrance making Luchi want to fail him Luchi announces that the first exam is about to begin ordering everyone to take a seat as he uses a spell to prepare the venue for everyone making everyone amazed but Mash is not impr press telling him that he could have just taken them to a room where everything was already prepared and this makes Luchi hate him even more the exam begins as the applicants check their papers but the questions move around the page making it difficult to read we learned that Luchi Enchanted the papers with magic so they need to dispel the magic to pass the test Brad and bernad think Mash is doomed but Mash orders the words to stop moving around as he crushes his pen causing the words to arrange themselves out of fear he finishes the test early and Luchi is surprised to see that everything is so perfectly aligned Mash continues to use his superhuman abilities to pass the other parts of the exam making everyone surprised while Luchi thinks of a way to eliminate him Luchi causes a maze to appear from the ground giving the examinees 30 minutes to reach the goal a girl named lemon approaches Mash wanting to tag along with him so they start walking together but she keeps on falling for the traps and mash realizes that she is useless while his back is turned she uses a spell to restrain him with cuffs telling him that there is a reason why she needs to keep him away from the goal but Mash easily breaks free and dashes off because he also has his reasons to pass the test after he leaves a creature approaches lemon asking her a riddle but she fails to answer it so it attacks her but Mash punches the creature knocking it out with a single punch lemon wonders why he saved her and mash explains that they must be there for a similar reason so he feels sorry for her she is worried that they won't be able to complete the maze in time but Mash has a plan meanwhile Luchi is confident that Mash is going to fail but the ground suddenly starts shaking as they hear loud noises the wall breaks as Mash joins them and we learn that he just destroyed the maze to create a path the other successful examinees call him a cheater telling him to go home but lemon tells them that it wasn't Mash's fault confessing that Luchi promised to get her into the school if she stopped Mash Luchi admits to this saying that he doesn't like mash as he unleashes his magical powers he tells them that he will fail mash and lemon asking them if they want to challenge his decision but Mash crushes Luchi wand with his fist as he tells the professor that he has gone too far at that moment the Headmaster wallberg arrives informing them that the final interview is about to begin and that he will now be acting as The Examiner Mash is the first applicant to be interviewed so he is taken to a room where he is surrounded by school officials he is asked a few questions and the officials don't seem to like his answers however the Headmaster finds him interesting asking him why he saved the girl in The Maze even though he didn't have enough time left Mash tells him that he had a feeling that he would regret not saving her and Wahlberg realizes that Mash is the type to act before thinking explaining that there are creatures stronger than him and he wonders if Mash would act that way if faced with such a creature Wahlberg uses his magic to summon a large creature that threatens to harm a doll which contains the soul of the person that is dearest to mash who is obviously burn dead Mash tries to stop it by punching it but it does nothing and his hand starts bleeding the school officials are surprised when he uses his hands to stop the blade from reaching the doll he knows that the creature will eventually disappear intending to outlast it wallberg realizes that Mash is is someone who can protect the weak and regulate the strong so he recalls the creature and lights up the place revealing that Mash was just being tested as he welcomes him to the East and Magic Academy later on we see them in class where they learn the lock opening spell which is considered to be basic the teacher demonstrates it but Mash just uses his hands to destroy the lock making the teacher angry because he didn't even use magic Mash explains that he is not good with magic while the boy next to him Finn starts seeing him as a troublemaker after class Finn looks for his dorm hoping Mash is not going to be his roommate he finds his room but the door is missing and he sees Mash holding on to it making him realize that they are going to be sharing the room they get to know each other and Finn starts to think that Mash is just a normal guy but he suddenly introduces Finn to his muscles making him think he is a weirdo Mash asks Finn if he can borrow his broom for the next class since he brought a giant plant root instead thinking it was a broom Finn allows it and the next day the teacher trains them to fly with the broom Mash tries to do it but the broom won't respond to him so he gets ridiculed by a student saying that he's slowing the class down but Mash Stomps his foot and causes the broom to fly into his hand the student calls him a cheater saying he didn't use magic as the teacher announces a time trial to see how fast the students can fly with their brooms the guy challenges Mash to a race where the loser must obey the winner until they graduate Mash accepts the challenge so they prepare to race the instructor doubts Mash can even ride his broom but she Begins the race anyway and mash ends up winning instantly setting a new world record with his speed everyone is confused because they didn't even see MASH move but Finn saw Mash throw the broom forward and jump towards it allowing him to ride it while it was in midair the student accuses Mash of cheating and he takes pity on him so he drops the bet the guy continues to run his mouth but it gets stitched shut as a student named caval makes his entrance he apologizes on his friend's behalf but everyone knows that caval is a troublemaker so they are worried about Mash thinking he has just become a Target caval introduces himself to mash but Mash mishears his name as cabbage making everyone fall silent caval prepares to cast a spell But the teacher interrupts reminding them that they are in the middle of class So Cal tells him to meet him after class and he leaves the scene as they make their way back to their room Finn reveals that caval is the son of a high ranking member at the Bureau of magic he adds that Mash will get expelled if he messes with caval since his family has close ties with the vice principal and Finn has actually seen students suffer because of caval so he understands why everyone is scared of him Mash starts baking cream puffs on his own enjoying the experience while caval is waiting for him at the field and becomes upset that Mash is isn't showing up the next day Mash takes out his book for his next class but it's in terrible condition caval approaches him asking him why he didn't show up and mash apologizes saying he was too busy making cream puffs which seems to annoy caval caval asks him if he wants to become the Divine Visionary claiming that he can help Mash achieve his goal by using his connection with the vice principal if Mash will follow his orders Mash immediately agrees to this and he turns into cattle's lap dog following his every order as part of the deal Mash prepares for his next class but he realizes that his book about the subject is also in bad shape Finn reluctantly agrees to share his book and mash thinks he is lucky to have a friend like Finn Mash gives caval some water but he pours it on the floor ordering Mash to clean it up as Mash cleans the floor it's revealed that caval was ordering Finn to tamper with Mash's books but he is getting bored so he wants Finn to burn Mash's clothes Finn refus refuses to obey so caval uses his magic to bring Finn to his knees and beat him up after some time Mash arrives at the scene asking caval what he's doing caval claims he just wants to get an apology from Finn who starts crying as he confesses that he ruined Mash's books under Cal's orders apologizing for his actions caval asks Mash if he wants to have dinner with the vice principal but Mash goes to him and bashes his head against the floor instantly knocking him out Finn tells Mash that he is going to get expelled making him realize that he is in trouble the vice principal farman suddenly Ares revealing that Cav's father entrusted him to look after his son farman witnessed the entire incident but he calls it a violent attack against caval so he is going to hold a school conference to discuss what they just did he mentions that their status is different from caval so he deserves special treatment even calling them idiots as he continues to run his mouth Mash rushes over to him Landing a knee strike on his face while the others watch in horror Mash explains that since farman isn't open to reason it would make sense to be him up since he is already in trouble anyway farman threatens to expel him as he tries to cast a spell but Mash slaps dirt on his face he digs a hole in the ground slamming farman into the hole and he proceeds to cover it up farman warns Mash that he won't get away with this but Mash threatens to bury him alive after that he is summoned by the Headmaster who tells him that he just received a notice from the Bureau of magic to have him expelled we learn that the Bureau of magic is the highest legal Authority in the land and the Divine Visionaries produced by the academy are at its core he reminds Mash about cattle's status but he burns the notice because he doesn't want good people to be put at a disadvantage Walberg rants about the current status of the world since it only serves the elites he thinks that it needs more people like mash who are willing to sacrifice themselves to do the right thing and he even wants Mash to become a Divine Visionary Sunday Mash mentions how he plans to become one so the Headmaster explains the way to become one but Mash can't handle all the information so Walberg decides to keep it simple telling him that he just needs to earn high marks and acquire as many coins as possible he assures Mash that he will take care of the bureau and the vice principal and mash takes his leave the next day the captain of the dwell team Tom invites him to represent their dorm in a game which is basically like quidditch from Harry Potter Mash says that he can't ride a broom but Tom doesn't believe him dragging him into the team during the match the enemy grabs possession of the ball and mash is still on the ground as he reiterates that he can't ride a broom the crowd thinks that he isn't even trying so they cheer at him throwing things at him his team is getting wrecked and Tom goes to him explaining the rules of the game we learn that they need to pass the ball through the enemy ring to earn points and the use of magic is forbidden since the game is all about broom technique Tom is about to get back to the game when the enemy Captain intentionally bumps into him causing him to fall Mash checks up on him and Tom seems to have broken some bones asking the enemy Captain about his sense of sportsmanship but the enemy Captain doesn't care revealing that winning is all that matters to him before getting back into the game Tom knows that their team is about to lose but he tells Mash that winning isn't everything and that giving one's best is even more important they are 50 points behind making the enemy Captain think that they are about to win but they seem to have enraged Mash who grabs onto his broom and jumps into the air he maintains his altitude by rapidly kicking around leaving The Spectators confused he gains possession of the ball while the enemy team charges toward him but he uses his inhuman strength to throw the ball blowing them away and scoring a point the crowd is surprised as the ball circles around returning to mash like a boomerang he keeps repeating the same move to score more points while everyone watches on in disbelief their score eventually reaches 999 making them the winners and the academy recognizes their score as a record and they are given silver coins as a reward Finn thinks his performance was incredible but Mash doesn't want to play that game again while Tom gives him a hug as he thanks him for helping the team win later we see a student named Lance reading a newspaper where he learns about Mash's achievement he recognizes mash from the entrance exam destroying his picture as he makes Mash his next Target during his class Tom pesters him into practicing for their game while lemon wants to study with him but Mash isn't interested in spending time with them at that moment Lance appears and lemon recognizes him as the student who taught the entrance exam Lance wants to do something fun pulling out a special magical tool tool and opening it causing Mash's friends to disappear as they are trapped inside of the bottle Lance tells Mash to go to the forest if he wants them back and then disappears they meet at the forest where Lance reveals he is also collecting coins Shing two silver coins we learned that most people only have one magic line on their face but there are rare cases when a person has more magic lines indicating that they have greater magical power Lance challenges Mash to a duel where they each bet one silver coin and mash accepts The Duel so Lance pulls out his wand using a spell to prepare the area for their duel after he has cleared the area Mash tries to attack him with his fists but Lance uses a gravity spell to slam him to the ground Mash struggles as he tries to stand while Lance tells him that no human can withstand his spell but Mash punches through the ground pulling out giant roots and splitting the Earth beneath his opponent driving him back Lance lands on his knees stunned by Mash's ridiculous power as Mash dashes towards him Lance tries to stop Mash with the same gravity spell but Mash uses his speed to escape and tries to punch him but Lance narrowly Dodges his attacks his necklace falls to the ground and mash picks it up out of curiosity he opens it up revealing the picture of Lance's sister and Lance confesses that he has a sister complex telling Mash to give it back Lance asks him what is the most important thing in the world Mash tries to answer cream hffs but Lance tells him he is wrong and the only correct answer is his little sister making mash think that he's a creep Lance threatens to drop his friends down the cliff claiming that he will use them to help him win the match in a flashback we learn that Lance's sister is suffering from an incurable disease that will strip her of her magical powers and without them she will have to be taken out because magicless people have no right to live in their world so Lance wants to become a Divine Visionary to save his sister from the system back in the present Lance drops the bottle using a magic spell to accelerate its descent but Mash changes into his workout gear he gets into starting position and dashes forward moving so fast that he disappears before his enemy's eyes Lance tries to look for him and mash suddenly appears behind him he can't believe that Mash managed to recover the bottle so quickly thinking he must be using magic but Mash is no longer interested in fighting because he knows that Lance is not a bad guy pointing out that the bottle he dropped was empty he rushes towards Lance managing to grab the real bottle and he frees his friends Lance concedes The Duel handing over his silver coin before leaving as he walks away Mash realizes that Lance is actually a pretty good guy and his friends surround him thanking him for saving them we learned that there are three dorms at the Academy that divide the students based on their characteristics there's Mash's dorm Adler which represents Courage the the Orca dorm for wisdom and the Lang dorm for ambition with the three dorms having a rivalry between them at the Academy Mash puts together his silver coins and we learn that five silver coins are equivalent to one gold coin he relaxes with Finn who suddenly starts to panic because they haven't done their potions assignment Lance shows up calling them Slackers for forgetting the assignment worrying they are going to ruin their dorm's reputation but Mash uses his necklace against him and just seeing little sister blows him away and knocks him out cold he ends up deciding to help them revealing a screaming Mandrake used for the assignment a plant that becomes a useful ingredient after it is silenced he shows them the spell to put it asleep and tells them to give it a shot Finn tries out the spell but he fails to put it to sleep Mash comments that it's because his core muscles are too weak but when mash tries out the spell his Mand starts freaking out instead Lance gives Finn some pointers telling him to focus his magic on a single point and Finn manages to put his mandri to sleep but meanwhile Mash's mandri has become huge going on a rampage but Mash just gives it a slap and knocks it out Lance moves on to Preparing the Mand Drake saying it's pretty easy showing them how it's done cooking it up and creating a potion Finn thinks it's not easy at all but Mash is confident saying it's no problem since it doesn't require any magic so he repeats the that Lance showed him but he ends up making a cream puff instead Lance thinks he is messing around so he watches mash and guides him step by step but it still turns out as a cream puff which leaves Lance completely confused and despite all his attempts it always comes out as a cream puff but they are actually pretty good we see Headmaster Wahlberg as he thinks about the upcoming cross dorm off-campus class wondering if Mash will be okay we see a student named Barrett as he bumps into some other students they tell him off but he ends up beating them all up and he calls them Side characters meanwhile at the Lang dorm they think that those who rule should have overwhelming power thinking that the Adler dorm is unworthy so the leader orders for them to take all of the coins from the Adler students the next day the Lang and Adler dorms have a joint class in the forest Mash wonders what they will be doing for the class and they notice Barrett who makes a racket about how he is the main character Mash thinks he is weird but Barrett thinks he is a side character looking at his appearance but lemon arrives asking Mash if she can tag along with him baric gets annoyed and spits on Mash he starts freaking out about how he is getting attention from a girl thinking that it's because of people like him that he can't get a girl himself wanting to join the bureau so he can get rid of all the hot guys in the world but the group just ignores him and he gets even more annoyed however the professor appears explaining their next class they are tasked with taking out Forest scorpions and retrieving the Stone from their heads regular stones are worth a bronze coin but the stronger scorpions have a square Stone which is worth a silver coin the professor sends them off and mash is aiming for a silver coin he is suddenly approached by a student named Silva who witnessed his feet during his dwell match but reminds him he is nothing as he attacks Mash with a pillar of iron the professor breaks things up and Silva claims they were just messing around Mash glares at him but Lance ends up stopping him revealing that Silva is actually a year older than them but since he was a troublemaker he was held back for a year Lance warns him to avoid Silva but Mash is just glad as cream puff didn't get squished they head into the forest and Lance thinks they should work together but Mash disappears because he happened to zone out he runs into Barrett who starts freaking out but he just slaps him Barrett wants to fight him but they suddenly hear a scream as we see a girl being attacked by another student she cries for help and there is an explosion that defeats the boy the girl thanks Barrett for saving her and he starts to freak out he tries to act cool but when she grabs his hand he starts to lose it meanwhile we see a defeated scorpion as it seems Silva has already obtained a squar stone but it seems there is something else he is after the girl thanks Barrett once again and their knees touch Barrett is overwhelmed and starts slamming his head into the ground but we learn that the girl is using magic to charm him magic that makes anyone who finds her attractive to fall madly in love with her she tries to work her magic on mesh but he says he didn't really do anything the girl is shocked her magic isn't working on him so she tries to use more energy grabbing his hand but it still has no effect on him leaving her devastated Barrett wonders about her situation and the girl explains she is being threatened by Silva who is forcing her to use her unique Magic Barrett swears to help her and at that moment they are suddenly attacked and Silva appears Barrett decides to fight him to help the girl he attacks with a barrage of fireballs ending things with a giant explosion meanwhile we see Finn and lemon clinging onto Lance as they cry for help but he wonders if Mash is okay since he is being targeted by SVA Barrett thinks he has won but but as the Smoke Clears we see that Silva protected himself with his iron he attacks Barrett with his pillar and knock mashes cream puff out of his hand Silva continues to taunt them to fight him while Mash is just stunned by the loss of his cream puff Barrett starts to get worried thinking there is a big difference in their magic power he thinks Mash is no use so he thinks it's all up to him to save the girl Silva starts taunting him saying his magic was weak and calling him a let down so he decides to give them a chance saying if he can take five of his attacks he will leave the Girl Alone even wagering a silver coin in accordance with the rules of the academy the girl thinks it's a ridiculous deal saying he could get seriously injured but Barrett accepts it thinking he can withstand five hits however Silva says that Mash is also a part of it so he also needs to agree Barrett says Mash isn't involved but Silva insists that he is so Barrett decides to take on all attacks to cover for Mash Silva thinks he is mad and he starts attacking with his Iron Fist spell Barrett is brought to his knees after just one attack but he manages to get back up Silva keeps on attacking with his spell and Barrett is continuously slammed by the iron pillars while the girl and mash watch on after nine attacks Barrett is still standing thinking about how the girl cried for his help Silva prepares an extra strong attack for the final blow the attack lands and Barrett is knocked out Silva starts to gloat but Barrett somehow manages to get back up he approaches Silva saying that it's over but he suddenly collapses and Silva calls him an idiot Barrett tells Mash to take the girl and run but it's revealed that the girl is actually working with Silva as she calls him cheesy and says that she hates guys like him Silva laughs at him for being so easily tricked but his mouth is suddenly stuffed with a cream puff Mash thinks they have gone too far and decides to join the fight saying that he will join the 10 hit challenge telling Silva to bring it on meanwhile we see his friends manage to take out a scorpion but Lance wonders if Mash will be okay lemon thinks he will be fine since he even beat the professor during their entrance exam but Lance explains there are different types of magic users there are white Mages that are more accademic and support focus and there are red Mages that focus on combat and mash has really only gone up against white Mages so far he thinks that if Mash were to go up against any Red Mage past their first year there would be many that would surpass him Silva thinks Mash is just acting tough and he goes on to say how he hates weaklings that act tough seeing them as Hypocrites and he finds it amusing to crush their Spirits he notices his robe is slightly singed from Barrett's magic so he prepares to attack him again but Mash rushes at him although he manages to counter Mash is pushed back and Silva starts to laugh thinking he is far superior mentioning how he earned two gold coins during his first year at the Academy he attacks Mash with his magic and mash gets pummeled but he eventually catches Silva's spell crushing it with his hand Mash prepares to use tricep magic and Silva thinks he is messing around he keeps on attacking with his iron pillars but Mash Dodges and starts smashing right through them he lands a punch on Silva blowing him away and he starts bleeding all over the place wondering what is going on he thinks his magic is top tier even among the seconde students as he launches a Counterattack but Mash smashes right through it Landing another blow on him Silva is brought to his knees and he starts to realize he can't win he knows he can't take any more hits but Mash suddenly backs away and takes a seat Silva wonders what he is doing and mash tells him there are eight more attacks to go mash gets back up asking if he is ready for the next attack but Silva knows he can't take anymore thinking he would die he tries to think of a plan and at that moment an enormous scorpion suddenly appears it has a star-shaped Stone on its head which means it's extra strong and valuable Silva thinks he can get away while Mash is occupied by it but Mash sends it flying with a single hit saying he has no time to deal with it and it drops its star-shaped Stone Silva starts freaking out thinking Mash is a monster monster but Mash calls off their fight feeling bad for him and he turns his attention to the girl the girl starts panicking and she turns on the Waterworks crying and saying that she was forced into helping Silva but Mash tells her it's okay and she thinks that man are just too easy to manipulate but Mash believes in equality as he slams her into the ground and Barrett thinks there is something wrong with him Mash meets up with his friends and lemon worries seeing him all beaten up but he says he is fine Finn is impressed he even beat the starstone Scorpion revealing that it's worth two silver coins lemon thinks he should go to the nurse's office and she checks up on Barrett as well he is instantly Charmed by her and he starts freaking out while she thinks he is just weird Barrett ends up apologizing to mash for getting him mixed up into things and thanks him for his help but Mash thinks he is acting weird so Barrett immediately threatens to beat him saying it took everything for him to be nice Mash's pocket suddenly glows as his silver coins have joined to become a gold coin Lance mentions how they're being targeted hearing that the Lang dorm is hunting them for their coins explaining why Silva was after them he explains that the Lang dorm is basically Slytherin with people that value Birthright and Bloodlines wanting to prevent the Riff ra from joining the Bureau of magic he warns them to watch out for the Maji Al lupus the group of elite students from the Lang dorm Mash mentions how didn't even know they were separated by dorms and Finn reminds him about the Sorting ceremony we see that right after they were accepted into the academy they were sorted by the skeleton of a unicorn the students grab onto its horn and the skeleton is able to read their mind and sort them into the appropriate dorm but when it was Mash's turn it sees he only thinks about cream puffs the skeleton panics as this is the first time in centuries it has struggled to sort a student it tries to look deeper into his mind but there's really only cream puffs and it just decides that people who love cream puffs must belong to the Adler dorm Lance continues to explain that the Maji lupus consists of the seven top students of the dorm and Silva must have been one of the lackeys he warns Mash that since he has a coin he needs to be extra careful telling him to stick with people from their dorm but despite this warning Mash ends up getting lost while looking for his class he finds a door to a room and he thinks about how to open it wondering if it is a push or a pull meanwhile we see Silva as he apologizes for his failure we learn that the leader of the Lang dorm is named Abel and he holds a creepy looking doll he says that their mission is to cleanse the world of its impurities and Silva begs for a second chance but Abel calls him unworthy to even be a pawn and he is turned into a doll the doll gets up and proceeds to get in line and Abel claims he is the only one worthy to become the next Divine visionary as he talks to his doll which he calls mother but at that moment Mash suddenly enters apologizing for destroying another door and he points out that Abel is weird for talking to a doll Abel is aware that Mash has a gold coin and he asks him why he is trying to become a Divine Visionary Mash says he just wants to live peacefully with his family but the current world won't accept him Abel thinks he is ridiculous and unworthy explaining how he wants to return the world to its rightful form he says he Humanity was able to flourish thanks to getting rid of the weak and people without magic but he thinks Society has started to become weak he calls humans beasts by Nature so he plans to restore the natural order but Mash thinks he just wants to live peacefully as well not understanding what he was saying Abel offers to let him go in exchange for his gold coin but Mash Just refuses Abel attacks with one of his puppets but Mash Dodges countering with his legs and ripping the strings attached to the puppet and it turns back into Silva Mash is suddenly grabbed by another puppet the puppet grabs his coin and flicks it over to Abel Mash is then thrown into a pillar but he gets back up apologizing for calling his puppet weak but he suddenly steps on Abel's head so he decides to take him to the infirmary Abel wonders if he is giving up on his coin but Mash says he is just prioritizing but he declares he won't lose no matter how strong they are Mash leaves with Silva but able feel something is off he notices a missing button on his puppet and he finds it in his hand instead of Mash's coin one of the students can't believe what just happened as the puppet was flicking the coin Mash ripped its button off spitting it out at an incredible speed hitting the coin in midair and sucking his coin back to himself the girl can't believe it and Abel finds Mash interesting at the infirmary Silva suddenly wakes up wondering what happened because he has no memory of anything after he was turned turned into a doll but he sees Mash working out in front of him and he realizes Mash must have saved him he asks why Mash would save him when they were just enemies but Mash says that when one is in trouble they are all in trouble seeing he is okay Mash decides to leave and Sila reflects on his actions meanwhile in Mash's dorm room we see Lance and Barrett in a heated discussion Finn wonders what they are doing in his room but barck gets pissed off looking at Lance thinking he's had an easy life thanks to his good looks Lance wants to teach him a lesson and the two prepare to fight but Mash suddenly enters telling them not to break things in his room Mash enjoys a cream puff thinking it's just another peaceful day lemon suddenly appears saying there is big news leading them over to a magic scale the scale shows how many gold coins each dorm has and we see the Lang dorm already has 15 while the Alder and orca dorms only have one each the Lang dorm has been taking coins from the other dorms and all the older upper classmen who could stop them are away on interships so at this rate Lang will have the next Divine Visionary the Orca dorm is too busy focused on their research so it's up to them to stop the Lang dorm the guys get fired up thinking they just need to crush the line students but Mash ends up in the ow Hut and we learn that the Headmaster was forced to give him a punishment so he has to clean the owl Hut for a week the owls Peck at him and he thinks about how they were just getting fired up Lance decides to join him saying that the Lan students might Target him since he has a coin so he can use that as a chance to hunt them but Mash thinks he is just worried about him meanwhile we see two Lan students approaching preparing themselves to take Mash's coin the owls keep pecking at mash and water suddenly appears underneath him and he falls in while Lance Dodges a giant spinning blade Mash struggles in the water and the two Lang students introduce themselves as Andrew and shinry the sixth and seventh fangs of the maial lupus challenging them to a fight while wagering a gold coin Mash says he's never swam as he sinks into the water Andrew transforms into a shark and jumps into some water to go after Mash leaving shinry to face off against Lance shinry attacks with his blade but Lance Dodges thinking his magic to control a spinning blade is pretty weak compared to his gravity magic but as he goes to cast his spell he is distracted by the owls he Dodges another attack and tries to focus on casting his spell but he thinks of his sister telling him not to harm the ows shinry attacks using double blades and Lance notices the ows behind him so he ends up getting hit by the attack shinry sees that Lance's wand is made out of Magnolia so he realizes Lance is from the crown family who specializes in gravity magic he heard that the son of the crown family ran away from home so he thinks it was because he was too weak and he thinks he can feel Superior for beating someone from the crown family Lance manages to use his spell but it only makes a shovel fall to the ground shinry is disappointed with him and decides to finish him off attacking with triple blades but he thinks something is off as he notices all the owls in one spot Lance uses his gravity spell crushing all the blades as he says the owls were in the way so he moved them by dropping a shovel to cut open a bag of feed to draw all the owls into one spot shinry attacks using his strongest blade but Lance easily crushes him with his gravity shinry can't believe that even though they both have double lines there is such a big difference in their power but Lance says that someone like him who fights for themselves to feel Superior can't compare to him who fights for the sake of saving his sister meanwhile Andrew gloats about trapping Mash in his Seafield saying there is no way to escape but Mash suddenly zooms past and Andrew is shocked at the speed not even able to see what it was he thinks he must be imagining things but Mash zooms right past him once again he thinks about how Mash said he didn't know how to swim but Mash says he got the hang of it thanking him for helping him realize he could swim Mash continues to swim all around him and Andrew feels like he is the one getting hunted so he uses another spell to transform into a more monstrous form but Mash crashes into him continuously hitting him as he swims Andrew can't handle the blows and mash ends up escaping the Seafield Lance takes their coin and they think they weren't that strong for being members of the maial lupus Mash thinks they aren't a big deal but suddenly another one of their members appear in an instant he gets past the both of them and Lance tries to use his gravity spell but for some reason his spell doesn't work Mash immediately gets into his gear charging with all his speed but the man manages to dodge him Lance wonders if he uses some kind of teleportation magic but the man uses a magic bottle to collect his allies the man bids them farewell but says they will meet again soon and Lance thinks that beating the Maji lupus might not be so easy after all as the masked man walks away his mask cracks and he thinks about Mash's attack he thinks about how he was able to move so fast even without magic and he wonders if they are the same at night we see the man as he confronts a student from the orcad dorm for his gold coin the student attacks with Magma magic but he is completely unfaced and ends up easily defeating him disappointed at ended so quickly elsewhere we see a puppet in the Robes of a student wandering through the school the next day Lance plans how they should deal with the Maji Al lupus we learn the location of each dorm is hidden so Lance suggests finding the Lang dorm and going on the offensive to take their coins but Mash is too busy making cream puffs Lance gives him a new robe and mash notices it has a logo on the back Lance tells him it's the mark of Adler hoping it will remind him that he belongs to their dorm lemon suddenly bursts in telling them something happened to Tom they visit him in the infirmary and find he looks completely drained Tom says he has no memory of how he ended up in the infirmary but notes that he normally lives his life at Full Throttle so he usually Falls right asleep and doesn't dream but last night he dreamed he was trapped in a dark box feeling conscious but he couldn't do anything lemon wonders how he is feeling and Tom says he is okay but it seems he is temporarily unable to use magic feeling as though his magic energy has been drained from him it's revealed there are a number of other students who are suffering from the same condition and it seems to have started ever since the Headmaster was called Away by the Bureau of magic lemon gives Mash a cream puff lucky charm and makes him promise not to do anything too risky she tells him to always keep keep it with him so he can think of her but she starts to lose it imagining him dreaming about her later that night Lance and mash wander around the school looking for the Lang dorm they are joined by Barrett and Finn but Lance wonders why they are tagging along Barrett is interested in getting coins and Finn just doesn't want to be left alone in his room as they explore they end up seeing lemon and Barrett rushes over to her but Lance notices something is off lemon's body twists and convulses and she has been turned into a puppet but the others manag to avoid her gaze she continues on her way and Barrett finds her cute even as a puppet they decide to go after her but when they turn the corner they come to a dead end Finn hears the crackling of her body and Lance uses rello which reveals a hidden door Lance notes they need another spell to open the door and Barrett tries using his Fireballs to blow it open but the door doesn't even budge and he wonders how they're going to get in but Mash grabs a suit of armor throwing it down next to the door and he is able to crack it open he sticks the sword inside using it as a lever and he steps on it blowing the door right out of the school and creating a huge hole in the roof Lance notes that the majal lupus is probably waiting for them inside and Mash looks at his good luck charm thinking he won't be able to keep his promise to Lemon the group heads in and they are surprised there was a hidden space under the school they see light at the end of the tunnel and they come out to an arena a student named guku appears and tells them they need to defeat him in order to continue Lance is about to fight but Barrett decides to step in since he has a grudge against good-looking guys Barrett rants about how easy his life must be but guku thinks he's just jealous and he transforms his W into a rose Whip and the two prepare to fight meanwhile at the Bureau of magic we see Headmaster Walberg talking to the director Wahlberg knows he must have have been called for a serious issue and the director reveals that six of the most notorious criminals on death row have escaped their prison the guards were all slaughtered and it seems they had helped from the one known as innocent zero back at the arena Barrett attacks with his Fireball but it gets stopped by gsu's Vines The Vines lash out and Barrett barely manages to dodge however Barrett is still confident he will win as he attacks with another round of fireballs but they just land around guku creating marks around him Barrett tells him to watch his step saying they have five times the power is normal guku thinks it's a lame trap but Barrett is sure he will fall for it guku wonders if Barrett has a way to move him into the Trap but he attacks with his Rose whip Barrett tries to defend himself but his Fireballs aren't very effective and he gets hit by the vines Barrett gets grabbed and he even drops his wand guka grows the thorns on his Vines stabbing Barrett with the spikes guku tells him the fight is over and goes to finish him off but Barrett activates his trap card causing a huge explosion from one of the marks gsu's wand is destroyed and Barrett mentions he never said anything about stepping on the marks revealing that his spell was actually a time bomb he activates his remaining marks and guku can't believe he lost to someone like him the marks go off and cause a huge explosion Finn congratulates him and Barrett is excited to face another opponent but guku poses even though he is defeated and the group suddenly starts sinking into the ground Mash tries to save his cream puff and they all get sucked into the ground they land on the floor below and it seems they are all split up Lance suddenly feels an overwhelming energy and he is confronted by matal the third fangs of the maial lupus Barrett and Finn land together and they come across Milo and love the fourth and fifth things and Finn thinks they are diomed but the Barrett tells him not to give up thinking he has the power of the main character meanwhile Mash lands in a dark room wondering where his friends are the room lights up and he is greeted by the masked man who introduces himself as Razer the second fangs of the Maji lupus he compliments Mash on his movements from the last meaning but he seems to have figured out that Mash can't use any magic and mash gets worried that someone has figured out his secret we see M as he explains how strength is everything in their world and the weak are worthless Lance isn't interested and attacks using his gravity magic but Mal gets squished into mud and seeps into the ground matal reappears behind him with a number of clones Lance defends himself with his spell squashing them back into mud but matal tells him it's useless as the mud starts to reform Lance thinks he needs to attack the real body to stop the Clones so he decides to attack the whole field with his magic but matal reappears behind him once again in Catching him with his mud and matal attacks with a barrage of hardened mud balls matal thinks Lance is pretty skilled but says his talent is being wasted so he invites him to serve the Maji lupus matal explains that Mages develop depending on their environment and the people around them he calls everyone in the Adler dorm trash and tells Lance he will only sink to the level by hanging around them he boasts about the talent they have in the Maji lupus as well as having the best education tools and Potions but Lance scoffs saying that his strength isn't rying on his environment calling matal inferior Lance attacks with his magic but this time he sends matal into the wall he explodes with mud and it seems he has surrounded the room with mud to absorb any impacts so Against Gravity magic which relies on slamming opponents into the ground matal thinks he can't lose but Lance suddenly starts attacking with rocks instead and he realizes Lance has worked out his trick mtal is forced out of hiding and Lance claims that he must have a better environment since he is stronger but mtal tells him not to get cocky as he takes out a potion of magical Essence that was extracted from the other students he drinks the potion causing his power to Surge and he uses an advanced form of his magic known as secondi he creates an enormous demon mud monster and he goes on to explain that there are different tiers in magic secondth magic can only be cast by double liners and only by the few that are worthy M thinks back to when he was a child and his father explains that his worth is solely based on his aptitude for magic so he has been focused on getting his father's approval he thinks he is worthy after achieving this level of magic telling Lance he will never be as strong since he hangs out with other failures but Lance Dodges his attack thinking about how meaning Mash helped him improve as he reveals he can also use secondth magic creating gravity pillars that surround man's monster the monster is pulled by gravity from all sides by each of the pillars and Lance creates one more above it causing the monster to be ripped apart matal can't believe he lost and he thinks back to how his father would never acknowledge Him no matter what he achieved and he thinks that his father was right and that he must be worthless but Lance suddenly throws him his book that he found and Lance comments on how worn it is so he can see how hard he has worked to get where he is Lance says that his own family value worth by position and social standing so he thinks they were raised in a similar way but he thinks about his sister who just wanted to be a singer and wanted to try her best which helped him to realize that that is more important although he can't agree with the way manal thinks he respects his efforts and he leaves to go find his friends meanwhile we see MASH as he worries that Razer knows his secret Razer thinks they are similar since they are both rejected by the world but he says he has his own reasons for being there so the two too prepar to fight Mash gets changed into his workout gear charging with a kick that pushes Razer back but Razer suddenly dashes right past him cutting him in the process Razer tells him he can't win as we see his magic that boosts his speed he dashes all around Landing multiple hits and he says they are on different levels Mash refuses to give up and Razer thinks his dream to live peacefully with his family is disgusting because they have similar circumstances but Mash was with the people around him he tells Mash to show him what he can do revealing that lemon is being drained of her magic power and after 30 minutes she will have no magic just like him Mash swears he will beat him and Razer goes all out with his magic repeatedly slashing Mash as he dashes all around him Mash can't even defend himself and ends up getting stabbed in the stomach Razer says he is too weak to save anyone but his sword gets stuck as Mash clenches his abs this lets Mash grab onto him and he headbutts Razer in the face breaking his mask and revealing his face his eye is red but Mash thinks it's just bloodshot and asks if he is okay Razer explains that his eye is known as the evil eye and has the power to disable anyone's magic it's seen as a power from the devil so he is seen as an outcast and rejected by the world Mash apologizes since the eye doesn't work on him and Razer explains he is the natural enemy of all magicians so they have all feared and despised him his entire life even his family feared him and he thinks he should never have been born but thinks Mash wouldn't understand since he was blessed to have a loving father he activates his second of magic creating a field around them and an arrow appears on Mash's body in an instant Razer delivers another devastating attack explaining that within the field Mash's speed is drained and transferred to himself so he had no chance of winning Mash can only Shield himself and razor tells him it's the end but Mash smashes the ground splitting the floor and he destroys razer's sword Razer realizes that by splitting the floor his movements were limited he thinks about pulling back but Mash steps on his foot stopping him from running Mash activates his muscle magic delivering a devastating smash that blows Razer right out of the field his spell is broken and mash chases him down kicking him in the back he gets thrown away but thinks that if he loses he will also lose his reason to live so he tries to fight back and the two Clash but Mash catches his sword smashing him into the wall and mash proceeds to smash him around all over the place finishing things off with a submission attack as Razer lies on the ground he wishes he was born normal we learn his eviline manifested when he was a child and his parents locked him up in the basement so people wouldn't find out about him but after some time his parents even tried to kill him and he came to the realization that he should never have been born but he was given Purpose By Abel even if he was being used as a tool it gave him a reason to live but now that he has failed he thinks he is back to being unwanted Mash can see how lucky he is to have his father and he offers to become razer's friend but Razer thinks it's impossible saying it's only a matter of time before his feelings about him will change but as thanks for his kindness Razer warns him not to go ahead saying Abel is on a completely different level and he has no chance of winning Mash thanks him for the warning but decides to keep going he says that no matter what others think about him his feelings won't change and he invites him to have cream puffs together the next time they meet Barrett and Finn are up against Milo and love but we see another student has found the Secret Door and he prepares to head inside love sees they are both only single liners thinking they will be easy to deal with and Milo decides to let her handle them herself leaving to go and find Mash instead love immediately asks if they like her but Barrett and Finn find this strange saying they don't even know her so she starts asking if they think she is cute instead baric can tell she is trying to be manipulative but he thinks she is totally his type however he claims lemon is already his fiance so he can't be with her and love immediately tells him to die Barrett is shocked she changed so quickly and love attacks with her tornado magic Barrett counters with a fireball but he can tell there is a big difference in their power love claims that all women are Queens saying any guy who can't tell them they are cute and serve them don't deserve to live Barrett thinks she is being too extreme and love asks them if they like her once again Barrett tries to resist her saying he already has lemon and Finn thinks it must be Deja Vu baric gets hit by Love's tornado magic and gets blown away love claims her father told her she can kill anyone who doesn't cherish her but Barrett gets back up attacking with his Fireballs love says his magic is too weak but the Fireballs land short causing a smoke screen instead Barrett lunges for her wand but love blows him away knocking him down love reveals that Milo's power is to turn a specific Target to Stone the target is the one who opened the door so Mash will be turned to stone if they don't defeat her and stop Milo within 30 minutes love traps Barrett in a tornado cage telling him it will be impossible for for him to escape Barrett struggles inside it and love feels bad for Mash because his friends are so weak and she calls him a fool for trying to go up against Abel Barrett feels like he is about to die thinking there is nothing he can do but he has a flashback to when he was a child where some other kids are picking on him training him with their old broom but there is suddenly an explosion as his sister stands up for him she tells him he should fight back but he thinks that would only make things worse she thinks he gives up too easily saying it will be a problem when he gets a real friend someone who will stand up for him no matter what so he must fight to hold onto people like that he thinks about how Mash stood up for him and he refuses to let love mock his friend as love goes to finish Finn off Barrett breaks free from her tornado cage love is shocked he broke her spell she attacks with her tornado but Barrett easily cancels it out she wonders how his power has suddenly increased and she notices the mark on his head recognizing it as the warding cross which some children are born with and are considered battle demons who can unleash their magic power when their emotions cross a certain point Barrett says it's a crime to insult his friends as he creates countless Fireballs around the arena love panics and baric claims he is the main character as he attacks with his Fireballs there is a huge explosion but When the Smoke Clears it seems he intentionally missed and he says he doesn't like hurting girls so he tells her to just leave love thanks him for his mercy and Finn is amazed he defeated her all by himself he compliments Barrett but a stone head suddenly appears behind him and Barrett pushes him out of the way blocking the attack Milo returns wondering what's going on and love apologizes for losing Barrett is glad Milo gave up on trying to turn Mash to Stone but Milo prepares to crush them summoning a number of stone hands to attack the hands are about to reach them but Milo is suddenly stabbed by a sword and Blown Away Finn recognizes the sword and Milo wonders what happened he becomes shocked realizing he's up against the previous years's Divine Visionary rain we learn he is the Ace of the Alder dorm and he is also Finn's older brother Milo tries to regain his composure thinking he is just a student he attacks with his Stone head but rain easily splits it in half rain summons countless swords showing his overwhelming power and and he attacks Milo with all his swords as the dust clears Milo realizes he stands no chance so he starts begging for his life saying he was forced into being bad and he regrets his actions but rain kicks him saying that actions speak louder than words and he doesn't believe him as he keeps on stomping on him to teach him a lesson Barrett is shocked by how brutal he is wondering if they are really on the same side rain tells them to get out saying he will handle the rest and love quick runs away after his interrogation rain heads deeper into the dungeon and we learn that he was sent by Headmaster Wahlberg because they had a lead on innocent zero and his Pawn should be in the area he thinks they could be hiding their magic power but he suddenly runs into Mash who is eating a cream puff and Rain finds he has a strange Aura he thinks Mash could be one of the pawns so he summons a spider which can measure his magic power to see if he is really a student rain attacks with his sword but Mash easily catches it wondering what's going on the spider detects he has zero magic and it thinks it must be a bug so rain attacks again this time with 3% of his power the attack lands on Mash but he ends up turning the swords into a chair the spider still detects zero magic but rain decides to test him one more time he attacks with 10% of his power and the spider thinks Mash stands no chance but Mash practices his swing and he takes the bunting stance he is able to bunt all the swords and they all fall to the ground rain asks for his name and when mash tells him rain remembers Wahlberg telling him about a new student who is quite unique rain apologizes for attacking him but Mash doesn't accept it rain feels bad so he gives Mash a magic handkerchief that has the power to heal his wounds and mash thinks he must like rabbits but he thanks rain for the item rain goes on to warn him about Abel and mash wanders how he knows rain reveals that Wahlberg told him about his goal to become the next Divine Visionary so it's natural for him to be up against abble who currently holds the most coins rain supports his goal to become a Divine Visionary wanting more allies that are strong he warns Mash about Abel's dll magic saying he might struggle against him because he has no magic but Mash insists that he does rain wishes him luck saying he has other things to do and mash thanks him for his help but rain claims he did everything for his own sake we see Walbert telling him about how Mash puts his friends above himself and how he even saved his brother so rain is rooting for him to achieve his goal Mash finds the final room wondering if the door is a push or a pull he guesses correctly but he thinks about lemon and ends up blowing the door open Abel wonders if he has something against doors and mash says he was just trying to knock Abel is surprised he was able to defeat Razer thinking r should be the only student that could stand up against razer's evil eye so Abel thinks he could be on the same level as a Divine Visionary but Mash Just worries Abel has worked out his secret however he becomes relieved when Abel just thinks he is strong as he refers to him as a fellow Superior being reminding Mash of his plan to get rid of those who are inferior he thinks the weak have been taking advantage of their kindness gaining more rights and making them weaker overall so he wants to get rid of them all Mash wonders if he means those who can't use magic and Abel says they need to be disposed of because just segregating them from society is not enough Abel also includes Underachievers and people who shelter the weak on his list but Mash thinks back to how bernad took him in he does a double backflip even as a kid and bernid gives him a taste of his first cream puff he thinks about bernid telling him how proud he is to have him as his son and mash realizes he can't be friends with Abel Abel says he just doesn't understand hand calling him dense so he decides Mash's inferior jeans need to be eliminated as he sends his puppets to attack we see love as she goes to find Abel she is relieved she managed to get away from rain but she finds the door to Abel's room broken and she is shocked seeing Mash fighting against Abel Mash crushes one of the puppets but acid suddenly spills out from it and Abel tells him he should be more careful however Mash grabs onto the head of the puppet he destroyed love wonders what Mash can do against the acid puppets but Mash throws the head and ends up bowling over all the acid puppets in a single strike love can't believe what she just witnessed and mash wonders if Abel would consider himself inferior if he loses he also wonders what Abel has done with lemon but Abel claims he doesn't know who he is talking about as he summons his stronger puppets he thinks Mash doesn't stand a chance but the puppets get sent flying and Abel realizes Mash has gotten even stronger since their last meeting Mash demands that if he wins Abel must let lemon go Abel is impressed Mash isn't just all talk but he uses the strongest puppet Mash himself as Mash starts to beat himself up he can't control himself and we see strings attached to his body he starts choking himself out but the string suddenly breaks as AEL apologizes for using such a crude technique saying it was too one-sided instead he brings out Finn who he managed to capture and turn into a puppet he notes he also captured Barrett but he was too injured to be useful so Finn will serve as the entertainment he sends Finn to attack but Mash blocks the attack however Abel warns him he is not allowed to block or else he will tear fin to Pieces Mash starts getting beaten up and Abel suggests he has the choice to take Finn out himself saying that people always want to believe they are good but that's not their true nature Mash continues taking the hits and Finn's axe ends up breaking but Mas Mash is still unfaced he takes out his gold coin and Abel wonders if he is finally ready to hand it over Mash flicks it at him but it actually cuts the strings controlling Finn and Finn starts to transform back into a human the coin returns to mash and he claims that the coin must just like him better Abel uses his technique to control Mash once again deciding that he is done messing around Mash tries to resist but Abel calls it useless saying it's impossible for a human to resist res his power Mash says he will make him regret messing with his friends as he is able to take a step breaking one of Abel's fingers Mash gets into position as Abel struggles to hold him back as Mash breaks free and smashes him in the face however Abel activates his skill and mash starts to turn into a puppet Abel is impressed Mash managed to make him use this spell but Mash is completely transformed into a puppet and he says it's all over Abel goes to take Mash's coin but but it turns out to just be a cream puff and Abel is confused he suddenly gets punched and mash returns to being a human glad that his cream puff is okay Abel wonders how Mash was able to move as a puppet because his puppet magic blocks the electric signals from the brain so he shouldn't be able to move but he realizes it must have been a spinal reflex just like pulling back after touching something hot or moving your foot when your knee gets tapped there are some actions that bypass the brain to respond quickly to external threats so taking Mash's cream puff was the trigger for the reflex and love thinks it's ridiculous the cream puff was so important to him Abel acknowledges Mash so he decides to use the power he gained from extracting the magic from the other students he activates his second of magic summoning a giant puppet and he reveals it has the ability to turn anyone within a 100 meter radius into a puppet he explains the puppet will create invisible strings that will transform his body on contact and love worries she is also in range of the attack Abel says it's impossible to counter his attack and once he has become a puppet he will be toyed with until he can never recover the strings descend covering the entire area and Abel says mash should be happy he made him use his ultimate skill but his doll is somehow destroyed and mash is revealed to be fine Abel wonders how he is still human and mash says he just tore the strings Abel thinks it should be impossible since the strings are invisible when they descend so a normal person should not be able to stop them love is shocked by what actually happened and we see MASH shifted his body in a particular way so that the strings touched him at different times so the moment he felt the string on his left side he instantly tore them when he still had control of his right hand love can't believe his insane strategy and Abel wonders if Mash is even human he tries attacking with his puppet but Mash completely shatters it and he appears behind Abel Mash grabs onto him jumping up into the air and he smashes Abel into the ground in a flashback we learn about Abel's mother she was a kind and compassionate person and although she was a noble she treated the commoners just as equally saying that it was only by chance that they were born privileged but one day she was stabbed she was Distributing food to the poor as she would always do but one of them got greedy wanting all the food for himself and he ended up stabbing her when she resisted despite believing in the goodness of humanity she was taken away so Abel started to believe that the weak needed to be purged he gathered the most talented people to join him people who also weren't satisfied with the way things are in the world he refuses to change his mind saying it's natural for the strong to take from the weak but Mash says he is wrong because there will always be bad people no matter what their social standing is since he won their fight Mash asks for lemon's location and Abel agrees to let all the students go Mash thinks that since he was doing everything for the sake of his mother he isn't such a bad guy Abel releases his spell revealing lemon and mash catches her Finn regains Consciousness and the three are glad to be reunited they all celebrate and Finn and lemon call MASH a hero Finn is in tears thanking mash and lemon apologizes for getting him involved and she thanks him for saving her Barrett comes crawling over as well saying he also helped and they continue to celebrate together Abel can't believe he lost to such buffoons and Finn wonders what happened to Lance we see Lance in the dungeon and he runs into rain Lance suddenly blocks his attack and rain is surprised he could counter his magic his spider companion Reveals His power is through the roof and we learn that it's not actually Lance but one of innocent Zero's Associates the man wonders how rain saw through his disguise but rain is just attacking first and asking questions later saying that it's faster that way rain wonders what innocent zero wants from the school The Man reveals they searching for something Abel was meant to help them look but he turned out to be no help so he is off to kill Abel since they no longer need him rain tries to go after him but he gets stopped by a Giant Knife the man goes on ahead and we see rain is confronted by another opponent but he worries for mash and his friends because the man heading towards them has the power on the level of the Divine Visionary we see burn dead and Brad wondering how Mash is going at the Academy hoping he hasn't been exposed for having no magic burnd dead wonders why Brad doesn't need to work but he says he is there to get some screen time mash and his friends continue to celebrate and Abel wonders how long they are going to keep fooling around for Mash excuses himself saying he needs to go to the bathroom and his friends are just glad everything is over we see the other students who were puppets have all been turned back to normal but the criminals suddenly arise they wonder who he is but the man just blows them away Barrett thinks about fighting him but he instantly consents how strong he is the man approaches Abel and we learn that his name is cell he sees that Abel lost against someone and he calls AEL pathetic for not being able to reach the top at the school cell thanks him for his Intel about the Headmaster but he suddenly controls Abel's hands and Abel starts choking himself cell says he couldn't find the one they were looking for so he is no longer needed Abel is about to die but Mash suddenly returns with a plate of cream puffs ready to continue their celebration his friends tell him it's not the time for that and a fly suddenly lands on his nose it tickles his nose causing Mash to sneeze and he throws the cream puffs at cell his friends wonder if it was just a coincidence and abble manages to get free Mash asks for his cream puffs back and his friends can't believe that's all he is thinking about cell throws the cream puffs to the ground which shocks mash and S suddenly feels his head ache as he wonders if Mash is the one he has been looking for cell decides to finish what he started as he lifts Abel up into the air he prepares to finish him off and mash tries to save him but Razer suddenly appears to protect Abel Mash rushes over and Razer apologizes saying he won't be able to have a cream puff with him Mash gives him back his magic handkerchief and cell is surprised his attack wasn't fatal he realizes that just before he cast his spell Mash threw a rock at him which altered his Spell's trajectory Mash stands up to him and he smashes the ground kicking one of the rocks at cell everyone is surprised because cell is able to catch the Rock and he starts to lick it but Mash just finds him weird for licking a rock cell tells him Razer only has 30 minutes before he is beyond help so he wonders what Mash will be able to do he starts attacking with his magic which Mash smashes with his fists cell wonders if he is all talk combining his magic into a stronger attack and mash gets hit Abel thinks Mash can't win because there is too much of a difference between them he thinks back to how his mother would tell him that it was only by chance that they were privileged and he thinks cell is just Superior to them so he thinks they have no chance cell continues to launch his attacks but Mash keeps on blocking the attacks Abel thinks Razer was a fool for saving him but Mash says Razer was happy he says Razer was always alone but Abel was able to give him a reason to keep living and he was happy to be needed Mash says he would feel the same way imagining himself in Razer situation Abel remembers that his mother would also tell him to put himself in another's position so that he can become kinder to others Mash keeps on fighting and we see how Razer was feared his entire life he was always alone wishing that he was never born but when he met Abel who accepted him he was finally able to find a reason to live he tells Abel to get away while he still can and Abel thinks he is Noble just like his mother Mash is stuck defending and cell wonders if that is all he can do Abel can see MASH has no chance to close and onell and cell starts to get bored so he attacks with even bigger projectiles things are looking bad for Mash but ael's doll suddenly protects him Abel sends his doll to attack but cell easily crushes it with his magic he tells Abel he doesn't stand a chance but one of the heads suddenly move revealing Mash was hiding inside and mash smashes cell in the face cell is protected by an armor but he is surprised Mash was able to damage it he wonders what kind of magic Mash is using but he says it doesn't matter as he takes out a mirror Barrett recognizes it as the spell flexion mirror a magic item that can reflect any kind of magic so it's the most feared item among magic users Barrett warns Mash and cell tells him to do his worse saying he will be crushed by his own magic but Mash smashes right through it his friends becomes shocked realizing Mash's power isn't magical and they remember his past Feats and they think he is something out of a fairy tale cell is unfaced by Mash's attack but he suddenly notices a mark forming on his hand so he confirms Mash is really the one they're looking for the room suddenly shatters and two giant hands appear cell claims he has an urgent to run but tells Mash he will see him again real soon cell disappears and mash is glad it's over Abel heads to the infirmary with Razer and Razer hopes to have cream puffs with mash the next time they meet Abel offers Mash's thanks saying he will return the favor one day Mash's friends join him and they are still shocked he has no magic they worry he will get into trouble if people found out and mash starts to get scared claiming he can totally use magic his friend friends decide they will help protect his secret but one of the other students wakes up saying he heard everything he thinks it's ridiculous someone with no magic is at the school so he plans to tell everyone about Mash mash realizes his time has finally come and his friends wonder what he is going to do but Mash decides it's the perfect time to have a cream puff we see that the Adler dorm is now in the lead with the most coins and the group was able to bully the student into keeping Mash's Secret Finn is still worried about it and another student suddenly comes up to them asking Mash if it's true that he can't use magic Finn can't believe it's already been leaked and mash starts freaking out but he claims that he can use it Finn quickly takes him away but the student warns Finn that protecting a non-magic user will also get him into trouble saying he could get expelled the boy demands the truth but Finn stands up to him saying that who he hangs out with is none of his business but the boy is suddenly crushed into the ground as Lance appears Finn can't believe his courage was for nothing and we see lemon and Barrett also appear but Barrett seems to be in bad shape they head back to their dorm room and they have a feast to celebrate their Victory against the Lang dorm since they have the most coins Mash thinks they just need to wait for the Divine Visionary selection but Finn is still worried we see that Abel and Razer are also at the party and Finn is scared of them but Abel pulls out a deck of cards and is ready to have fun he notes that he doesn't plan on becoming friends with them but is just there to celebrate razer's recovery and Razer swears to slay anyone who dares to beat Abel in a game lemon tells him to chill out offering him some tea but he freezes up as he thanks her and Abel reveals Razer has no experience dealing with girls lemon tries getting closer to him but it just makes him cough up blood we see that love is also at the party and lemon tries to feed mash a cream puff wanting to show her appreciation for him he said says he can eat on his own and the cream puff ends up falling but Mash takes a deep breath and is able to suck it back up the party continues and Finn can't believe he's part of such a ridiculous group we see an all delivering a letter to the academy and Razer has a moment with mash as thanks for inviting him to the party he warns Mash about being targeted by innocent zero he reveals that they are the worst crime syndicate in the whole realm and they were looking for people with high magical power in the academy he notes that Mash has a connection to whoever they are looking for so he's sure they will return He reveals that by using innocent Zero's power able was able to artificially gain his third magic line but Razer warns him that genuine triple liners are even more terrifying we see Finn out with Abel as they go to get a board game but Finn wonders why he tagged along Razer notes that Abel borrowed innocent Zero's power so that he could create a world where kind people like his mother could live in peace he thanks mash for stopping able but he thinks Mash might be able to create a world where everyone can live in peace telling him that he's counting on him we see this student from earlier sneaking around so he can find proof about Mash but he's shocked when he sees Mash talking to Razer he wonders what's going on and Abel returns asking him what he's doing there the boy freaks out seeing him and he quickly runs away lemon wonders what Razer and mash were talking about but he just freezes up once again the owl suddenly smash flashes through the window delivering the letter to mash and they are shocked when they read it the next day at the Bureau of magic we see MASH in an emergency inquiry regarding the concealment of his lack of Magic the official notes that God created their beautiful world including the miracle of magic but the existence of people like mash threatens this miracle the man calls Mash a bug that needs to be dealt with but another man appears and the official recognizes him as a Divine Visionary named Grant Grant sees the potential in Mash but notes that in their world the rules are important to maintain order he says that the rules are for the majority so he tells Mash he will need to sway the majority he throws a card down to mash and it turns into a candle he notes that magic is everything in their world so he tells Mash to light the candle without touching it saying he needs to show them a miracle stronger than magic the official thinks it's ridiculous but Mash takes out his wand the official thinks grants gave Mash an impossible task to make him give up but Mash gets down and starts rubbing his wand with tremendous speed the official doesn't think it will work since the ground is made of stone but a huge fire is created and the Flames light the candle Mash realizes what he needs to do and he declares that he will sway the majority meanwhile we see a group of divine Visionaries as they discuss Mash thinking that it's ridiculous and that rules must be upheld without exception Mash thinks the meaning is over but he suddenly gets attacked by sand he wonders what's going on and the group of divine Visionaries arrive the official wonders what they are doing there so the Divine Visionary a says that it's unacceptable to allow exceptions saying that Mash needs to be put to death Mash is shocked hearing this and Anna notes that it's a consensus from all the Divine Visionaries the official suddenly jumps down next to mash but he's taken over by a dark Aura and we see that he's been taken over by innocent zero they claim that Mash belongs to them and as proof they are serious we see a magic parasite attached to the official Grant sees it as a declaration of war and the bureau employee Shawn freaks out seeing it and we learn that the parasite is a dangerous creature that uses humans as its host and feeds off their Mana Grant jumps down and prepares to deal with it but Shawn warns him that it's too dangerous because it will just be transferred over to him Grant is willing to take the risk but we see MASH just ripping it out Grant can't believe he just did that and the parasite suddenly jumps into Mash's mouth Shawn can't believe he didn't listen to his warning but Mash vomits it out and we see that the parasite has been tied up Shawn is shocked seeing this wondering what happened and mash reveals he just tied it up like a cherry stem with his tongue Shawn thinks it's ridiculous and mash thinks it's all over after dealing with it but Anna says they aren't finished and he still wants to put Mash to death Mash digs himself into the ground and refuses to go with them so an prepares to deal with him he disappears with his sand and instantly appears behind Mash he's about to attack with a sand drill but Grant stops him saying he hasn't heard his opinion a says that the rules are everything so his opinion doesn't matter but a sword suddenly drives them away Mash recognizes the sword and we see Headmaster Walberg arriving with rain OT wonders why Walbert called The Divine Visionaries saying Mash deserves to die because he can't use magic but wallberg asks them to reconsider thinking Mash might be able to help them find innocent zero because he appears to be interested in mash the Divine Visionaries consider the proposal as Mash wonders why Walberg appears to be important so grants reveals that he's a living legend saying he was the only Mage who was able to rival innocent Zero's powers during his youth grants mentions that he respects Wahlberg because even among the Divine Visionaries he's a force to be reckoned with explains that he can't accept the proposal thinking the regulations exist to maintain order so they need to follow it at all costs but everyone is surprised as Wahlberg bows to them saying it's true that Mash can't use magic but he has the ability to sway people's hearts Walberg thinks that Mash might be able to change the World As He suggests that they shouldn't treat non-magic users as inferior beings because he considers it as unjust treatment he reminds everyone that their values have changed throughout the years but it takes courage to do this because they first need to accept that they have committed Injustice otter rejects his idea saying he shouldn't Force his opinion on others but rain joins him imploring them not to kill Mash because he has proven himself worthy of their trust but The Visionaries think that the public will never accept him saying Walberg shouldn't use his emotions to make difficult decisions but the official reveals that he shares walberg's opinion saying they received their magical powers from God and it's only natural for them to exclude non-magic users because they aren't as capable but he explains that Mash saved his life even though he can't use magic so the official implores them to defer his sentence saying he's willing to accept punishment for going against regulations but he will never change his mind a accepts his decision under the condition that Mash will act under their supervision and prove that he's strong enough to defeat innocent Zero by becoming the year's Divine Visionary candidate OT warns him that he will die if he fails but he isn't bothered saying he wants peace for everyone as he strikes the ground causing a shock wave and he promises to defeat innocent zero with his fist back in his dorm Mash explains the incident to his friends and Lance is surprised to learn that Mash can't use magic as he recalls their battle saying he thought that Mash was just holding back Baron invites everyone to walk around the town and the next day we see Finn waiting for his friends as he wonders what kind of clothes they will be wearing Barrett arrives wearing a knight's armor because he thinks that having fun is a battle and mash arrives wearing his workout gear moving around the town with his training equipment Finn finds them weird so he doesn't want to be seen around them and at that moment Lance arrives as Finn notes that he looks normal but we see that he has his sister on his shirt and Finn falls into despair realizing that he's the only normal person in the group they change to normal clothes and Barrett mentions that there's a famous game in the street showing them a game with the player's tickle the koala's nose to make it sneeze and launch icicles Mash decides to give it a try poking the koala's nose as Barrett mentions that it's hard for beginners to hit the target but the koala sneezes and the icicle ends up hitting his head he tells Mash that he's going to show him how it's done and he pokes the koala's nose causing it to launch an icicle which stabs Mash's head so he uses a submission move and they start fighting after some time we see that Barrett got beat up as Lance mentions that he wants to try using a new wand revealing that the Divine Visionary candidate exam is fast approaching we learn that because of the innocent zero case the exam is going to be held at an earlier date but Lance thinks that this works in their favor because they already have enough coins to participate he knows that they will proceed to the final screening if they pass the exam but he warns Mash that he won't go easy on him because he wants to win for his sister they enter a shop which is filled with magic wands and the shopkeeper greets them recognizing them as students of the academy Finn decides to replace his wand so he extends his arm exuding his magical energy and a wand responds to him by flying to his hand he explains that a person's magical power summons A fitting wand and the shopkeeper adds that wands are basically extensions of a person's body so it can improve their capacity to use magic Lance extends his hand and a wand flies to him impressing the shop keeper because he knows that the wand is special he wonders if Mash would like to give it a try as Finn becomes worried knowing Mash is going to get into trouble because he doesn't have magical power but he decides to do it extending his arm and he notices a wand on the floor as the shopkeeper reveals that it's been sitting there for ages because it's so heavy that nobody can LIF it according to Legend there is elf water beneath it and this water can be used to craft powerful wands but the shopkeeper thinks that it's just a legend saying nobody was able to lift the wand for a thousand years but Mash approaches it and he lifts it causing water to burst out of the ground he decides to buy it and the shopkeeper is Overjoyed to see the elf water thanking mash for lifting the wand and telling him to keep it his friends are surprised to see this but Lance decides not to buy a wand from the store they leave the shop and they see Tom and lemon approaching them they have fun together and at the end of the day we see that they're tired but they realize that they're enjoying their lives Mash admits that he had fun revealing that he never went out with his friends before and he wants to do it again after a few days Mash counts their gold coins and Lance thinks that they're ready for the exam which is about to take place but Mash reveals that he wants to go home before the exam and we learn that he told rain about this but he thinks that Mash is out of his mind meanwhile we see Anna dining with the prefect of the orador mockrin thinking Wahlberg is becoming scile so he thinks that it's his duty to step up and stop disturbances before they arise he orders mockin to stop mash from participating in the exam but he explains that the task doesn't interest him saying all he cares about is excitement OT tells him that Mash defeated Abel but he doesn't care thinking there's nothing special about Abel but OT reveals that Mash won without magic causing mockin to become surprised and a orders him to go wild promising to clean up after he's done he leaves the table and he plays the piano saying spring has arrived but everyone thinks he's being creepy Mash returns home and bernad is Overjoyed to see him his friends join him and bernad is surprised to see them realizing that Mash has made friends Barrett mentions that they're more than just his friends saying he's Mash's rival and lemon tells bernad that she's going to marry Mash causing him to become even more surprised baric gives him herbal tea and Lance tells him that he also has something for him but we see that it's his sister's merchandise they run around the house as burnd dead realizes that they're all unique thinking Finn is struggling to keep up with them but he's happy to see that Mash has friends revealing that he was afraid that Mash wouldn't play well with others because he never exposed him to the outside world meanwhile mockrin and his men make their way to mash but swords suddenly fall from the sky they're able to dodge it and mockin sees a man approaching he wonders if the man is Mash's bodyguard but we see that it's rain saying he was just passing by mocker and recognizes him preparing to fight him while mash and his friends continue to play in his house completely unaware of the situation we learned that in the magic Academy the dorms are supervised by prefects who possess the skills needed to become a Divine Visionary mockin is one of them and we learned that a few years ago he was able to dominate a tournament held for the Middle School Division despite being younger than the other competitors he's excited to fight against rain knowing he's a Divine Visionary so moeran thinks that their fight is going to be interesting he summons a piano and he plays his favorite piece but rain just stares at him seeing him as a weirdo mockin reveals that despite being a powerful Mage he doesn't strive to become a Divine Visionary thinking it's just a title and all he really wants is to become stronger he prepares for battle thinking he can defeat rain because all he really cares about is his position he launches a barrage of swords and mocker and uses his music to fight back but we cut to mash and his friends as they play a board game together during Barrett's turn he ends up in a tile which mentions that he was deceived by a beautiful lady causing him to lose all of his money lemon rolls the dice and she goes to jail because she restrained her love interests like a stalker so she's forced to skip hundreds of turns Lance thinks the game is dangerous because it could could predict their future and he ends up in a tile which mentions that his little sister has a boyfriend so he needs to return to the start causing him to become devastated Finn returns a lost item to the police allowing him to earn money but Mash ends up getting executed because the public discovered that he can't use magic everyone loses the game and they are happy with the result but Finn thinks about burn dead thinking he'll be happy because Mash is having fun with his friends we return to macaran as his bow with rain continues moeran manages to defend himself and he counters with his howling sound spell which immobilizes rain and surrounds him with musical symbols moeran explains that they will explode if rain casts a spell saying he's looking for excitement because it makes life worth living he thinks that rain's life is boring because he keeps meddling in other people's business and moeran has completely lost interest in him telling him to step aside so that he can see MASH but rain recalls that Mash wants to become a Divine Visionary even without magic to change the perception of the world and he admires Mash's resolve as he begins to unleash his true power we see Shawn talking to wallberg thinking rain will struggle against moan but wallberg isn't bothered saying rain always takes care of others and he asks Shawn what he knows about magical marks so he mentions that Mages with more marks have greater magical power and Wahlberg affirms this saying two liners have immense potential but are extremely rare cases where a mage has three lines he explains that the talent of two liners are recognized by Magic itself but they're nothing compared to Triple liners who are said to be chosen by the gods he adds that the youngest Mage to ever acquire three lines is rain and we see mocker and crying tears of joy as rain Reveals His third line saying he wants to help Mash achieve his goal mash and his friends continue to play the game but he steps on the same tile and he ends up dying he he leaves the house saying he will get fresh air and his friends think he's depressed because the whole world is against him but we see MASH dashing through the forest and we learn that he just wants to eat his giant cream puff in secret he notices a commotion and he sees rain fighting against macaran who is impressed that rain was able to acquire his third line but moan thinks that he has already won because his musical symbols will explode the moment rain casts a spell rain knows that OT ordered him to Target MH because he's never involved in school Affairs but he suddenly took interest in Mash rain tells him that Mash can't use magic so the world wants him dead saying an ordinary person would question his existence and blame society but rain explains that Mash is different because he's willing to fight against his own destiny but mockrin says he doesn't care and his men note that he's confident thinking he isn't being cocky because they know how powerful he is we learned that in the previous year he distributed all all of his gold coins to the dorm because he wasn't interested in becoming a Divine Visionary but he ended up setting a record by taking 10 gold coins from the other students Mock's men think that rain can't do anything because the notes around him will destroy him if he makes a move and mockin imagines himself in the middle of a performance thinking it's time for the finale his men pull out their instruments and they help him unleash a powerful spell which is about to hit rain moeran thinks the fight is over but we cut to Sha as he wonders why triple liners are considered special so Wahlberg reveals that they possess immense magical power and they're able to awaken a wand's true form allowing them to wield the power of a God we return to rain as he releases a powerful shock wave allowing him to overpower machan's magic and he summons Aries transforming his wand into a trident a dark cloud surrounds him as he unleashes his ultimate spell and mockrin tries to block it with a barrier but it destroys everything in its path Mash thanks rain for his help but he claims that he was just fighting rabbits in the forest reminding Mash that the selection exam is fast approaching he tells Mash that it's going to be difficult saying he doesn't want Mash to fail because he wants to see him achieve his goal meanwhile we see that mockin was able to survive but he's injured and his men are unconscious he notes that rain's magic is overwhelming but he thinks that he has the power to match it revealing that he was thinking about the safety of his men so he decided to use his barrier instead of fighting back back in the dorm Mash decides to give Finn and Barrett three gold coins so that they can participate in the selection exam but Finn isn't happy about this thinking he isn't ready for it and Barrett can't sleep because he's incredibly nervous thinking about everything he needs to bring for the exam Lance is thinking about his sister telling her to wait for him and we see MASH with burn Dead who reveals that he has heard the news knowing Mash is in trouble he blames himself for everything thinking he has failed as a father but Mash tells him that he's lucky to have him saying he's happy with his life and he thanks bernad for always looking after him the next day everyone prepares for the exam and we learn that there are three stages before a person can become a Divine Visionary the first stage is collecting enough coins and the second and third stages are the two parts of the exam five gold coins are needed to participate but because of innocent Zero's intervention the exam has been pushed forward and the requirement has been adjusted to three gold coins we see that mockin is one of the candidates and Wahlberg sees him as a threat thinking Mash will struggle against him Mash makes his way to the arena but a blocks his path telling him that his existence will never be acknowledged by the world but Mash flexes his muscles and he imagines that they're talking to him telling him not to give up this causes him to feel better recognizing them as his friends and he's detered determined to do his best he walks past OT and he enters the arena but everyone recognizes him as the boy who can't use magic so they think that he doesn't deserve to be there telling him to go home one of the students tell the officials to disqualify Mash thinking he might ruin the image of divine Visionaries and Finn recalls that Mash will die if he fails the exam thinking he's under incredible pressure so Finn thinks about encouraging him but he realizes that Mash is fine and he just wants a cream puff the announcer reveals that there are 12 candidates for divine Visionary and she explains that for the first part of the exam they need to find a hidden key to escape Finn thinks it's going to be easy but she reveals that minotaurs will be chasing them down causing him to panic as he realizes that his life is on the line the announcer explains that the audience can watch the events using the mirrors and the exam begins as the candidates are transported to a field Finn wants to go home thinking he's doomed and a minur approaches one of the candidates the boy tries to defend himself but his spell has no effect and we learn that the minors are completely immune to Magic he ends up dying and he returns to the arena as the announcer mentions that he has been eliminated she explains that the candidates don't stand a chance against the minors saying the purpose of the test is to determine how well they respond to situations where they're forced to retreat but Mash fights one head on surprising everyone in the arena because it appears to be in pain and it falls to its knees they think he's crazy for fighting such a monster but it gets back up as the announcer explains that the menur can't be killed because they aren't living creatures and they have the ability to heal instantly so Mash decides to run away realizing he can't defeat it as another student named Max casts a spell causing him to shrink and allowing him to escape Max mentions that menur have bad eyesight but they're extremely sensitive to sound and he uses his spell to return them to their original size as he reveals that his magic allows him to manipulate size Mash thanks him for his help and He suggests forming an alliance saying they can pass the exam together Mash agrees to this so they start looking for a key and Max suggests following a Menor thinking it would be guarding it they try to sneak around and mash loses his footing but he somehow manages to maintain his balance they're able to avoid the Minotaur and they see a giant balloon as Max speculates that it must contain a key they see a device attached to it thinking they need to use it to inflate the balloon until it bursts but as Mash touches it it makes a loud noise so the Minotaur chases them away they're able to escape and Max thinks they should use other methods to destroy the balloon Mash suggests tearing it open but as he holds it it makes a strange noise so they are forced to run away once again they decide to destroy the device but the key is still in the balloon So Max thinks it must must be floating inside he realizes that they need to use magic to inflate the balloon wondering how they should do it and mash sees an opening so he comes up with an idea Max uses his magic to make the balloon Bigger but everyone thinks he's an idiot because a larger balloon is harder to destroy the announcer explains that Mash can't enter the balloon because it's going to make a sound but he approaches it and he does a headstand as everyone realizes that he's going to break dance he starts spinning his body with ridiculous speed and everyone is stunned as he forms a tornado forcing air into the balloon and causing it to explode mash and Max are able to obtain the key and we cut to Lance as he uses his gravity spell to fill the balloon with air allowing him to pass the test we see that the other candidates have also passed including Barrett who ceased in hiding realizing that he still hasn't acquired a key so Barrett decides to help him but he realizes that Barrett's head is bleeding one wondering what happened to him we return to mash as he gives the key to Max saying he should take it he realizes that Mash is a great person telling him that he should have it and Max points him to the exit saying he already knows how to acquire the next key on his own he reveals that he wants to help Mash explaining that he's only doing his job as a senior so Mash runs to the exit thanking him for his help but Max suddenly gets attacked as a student named capacho appears we return to the arena as Mash joins the other candidates he realizes that Barrett and Finn have also passed the test and Lance wonders how he destroyed the balloon without magic so he explains that he had help but he wonders why Max gave him the key thinking he must have his own reasons at that moment Max joins them in the arena and everyone thinks he made it but he suddenly collapses as the announcer reveals that kapacho will be taking the final spot everyone wonders why he harmed Max and he mentions that he doesn't need weaklings so he thinks he can do anything to them but Mash threatens to punch him telling him to stop and Finn recognizes kapacho as the top student a girl gives him a drink so he takes the cup and he approaches Mash throwing it in his face but Mash catches it with his cup and he uses it to make a protein shake he drinks it saying protein timing is important for his muscles and he tells capacho not to call people weaklings as he claims that he has never met a person stronger than him he tries to explain that strength is difficult to Define but he ends up getting confused because he doesn't know the meaning of strength kapacho prepares to take him on but the announcer interrupts them telling them to stop fighting they move on to the next part of the exam as three magic crystals appear dividing the candidates into teams the announcer explains that they will be having a Team Battle saying each candidate will get one Crystal which they need to defend because a team will be eliminated if they run out of crystal crystals Mash doesn't understand the explanation so Barrett tells him that they just need to smash the crystals of the opposing teams but Finn is worried because Lance isn't in their team so he wonders what they should do the candidates crystals are distributed as the announcer informs them that it's fragile so it needs to be handled with care Finn thinks he isn't strong enough to defend his Crystal but he notes that mash and Barrett are his teammates thinking he can count on them but they both instantly break their crystals because it's too slippery and Finn thinks their team is doomed but Barrett assures him that they will protect his Crystal the exam begins and everyone is sent to a labyrinth but Finn realizes that he's alone so he falls into despair thinking they're going to lose we learned about the 13 ancient wands in the magic realm which are known as the master canes they only choose Mages with extraordinary talent and Grant them blessings which are out of this world making them a force to be reckoned with we return to the exam as Finn continues to Despair and his teammates decide to look for him thinking he's in trouble he knows that the team is relying on him because they have one Crystal left so he needs to guard it with his life but at that moment he hears a commotion and he sees kapacho attacking another candidate wondering why there's a knife in his shoulder he starts moving it causing his opponent to suffer as he mentions that Talent isn't evenly distributed so talentless Mages need to know their place he crushes the boys Crystal as Finn notes that he's dangerous so he wants to avoid him at all costs Finn tries to hide using his magic to conceal his presence and he thinks he was able to avoid capacho but he suddenly appears behind Finn summoning a goddess as he prepares to attack Finn freaks out knowing he's no match for capacho but he stops as he recognizes Finn saying he's an average student so kapacho wonders how he became a candidate he orders Finn to hand over his Crystal but he refuses knowing Mt is going to die if he fails the exam so thinn prepares to fight but he suddenly starts bleeding as kapacho asks him what he's trying to do telling him not to resist because he doesn't stand a chance we cut to mockin as he notes that there are three interesting candidates in the exam he recognizes Lance as the top transfer student and mash as the boy who can't use magic but he thinks that capacho stands out because he's the top student knowing he's a prodigy chosen by Master cane so marran thinks he's the most talented Mage in the academy and he feels grateful because he was given the chance to meet kapacho before he reaches his full potential we return to Finn as he pretends to cast a spell causing capacho to become distracted but he realizes that nothing happened and Finn starts running away so kapacho chases after him but he uses his magic causing capacho to be teleported away as he realizes that he switched places with the candidate he defeated Finn continues to run away thinking he was able to escape but his leg starts bleeding and he falls to the ground as kapacho catches up to him he starts torturing Finn as he proceeds to stab himself transferring the damage to Finn but he refuses to give up saying he knows he's a loser but he will never abandon his friends and he tries to fight back but he misses and kapacho easily defeats him threatening to kill him everyone thinks they're about to witness a murder but Mash suddenly arrives smashing capacho against the wall Mash thanks Fen for protecting the Crystal and he apologizes for being late but his head starts bleeding as capacho recovers saying he can't feel pain because his wand absorbs it for him Mash hits him but the damage is reflected as kapacho explains that it's useless because his magic transfers damage he stabs himself but his wound heals and mash takes damage as he explains that he received the blessing of a master can the moment he was Bor born and its powers are always active so he has never experienced pain he adds that he wants to know what it feels like but he thinks that Mash is no match for him and he starts stabbing himself causing Mash to bleed but he charges in and he starts attacking capacho but the damage is being reflected and Finn thinks he has no chance kapacho thinks that a person's Destiny is determined by the abilities they're born with and since Mash can't use magic he should just give up and accept his fate kapacho mentions that Finn is nothing like his brother because he has no Talent whatsoever saying he doesn't deserve to be a candidate Mash tells kapacho that he has a point saying Finn is weak but he had the courage to defend the crystal despite knowing that he's no match for capacho so Mash will allow him to look down on Finn Mash launches a Relentless assault enduring the force of his blows as he thinks about pushing kapacho healing powers past its limit kapacho is disappointed in him thinking his tactic will never work but he's surprised to see a crack on the goddess as he realizes that it's struggling to absorb the damage Mash continues his beat down and he manages to shatter the mask of the Goddess as capacho notes that this has never happened before Mash tells him that he doesn't stand a chance asking him if he has the courage to fight and he becomes excited realizing that he has finally found a worthy opponent the goddess goes berserk because it wants to protect him seeing Mash as a threat so it tries to to kill him launching countless needles but he manages to dodge all of them kapacho tries to stop him stabbing him repeatedly but he isn't slowing down and he Reveals His iron wand using his hands to sculpt it and he transforms it into a rakus he launches a ball with ridiculous strength using it to Target the opening on the goddess's armor it continues to launch needles at him but he manages to dodge all of them and everyone is surprised as he continues to attack the goddess while evading the needle the ball continues to crash into the goddess and its head begins to crack unable to withstand the punishment Mash leaps into the air hitting the ball with all his might and it pierces through the goddess causing it to explode capacho can't believe what's happening and mash slams The racket into his head knocking him out everyone is stunned because they know that kapacho is an extremely powerful Mage but Mash defeated him without magic Mash thanks Finn for defending the crystal saying he's still has a chance to enjoy life because of him and Finn is happy to hear this kapacho regains Consciousness and this is his first time experiencing pain realizing that it's a terrifying experience he thinks about the suffering Finn endured wondering how he was able to withstand it so kapacho realizes that he was wrong because in terms of inner strength he's no match for Finn we see kapacho teammates as they prepare to fight against moan but he uses his sense of hearing and he tells them that that they're weak he reveals that he can assess their powers by listening to their pitch saying they're nothing compared to the best Mages he encountered so he advises them to surrender their crystals but they remind him that it's two against one and they combine their powers thinking they can defeat him but he uses a basic spell and he easily overpowers them so they summon their Shields trying to defend with everything they have but he easily breaks through their defenses blowing them away they wonder how a student can be so powerful and he tells them that his magic is on another level as he crushes their crystals with Capo's team eliminated the announcer reveals that the exam is over and the candidates return to the arena Barrett celebrates with mash calling him the MVP of the qualifying round but he doesn't care saying he just wants a cream puff they realize that the arena has fallen silent as Wahlberg notes that Mash's greatest trial is about to begin because he's going to be fighting against moeran moeran becomes is excited saying he's looking forward to their fight and mash touches his chest as he mentions that his muscles are telling him to be careful the Divine Visionary Caldo approaches Wahlberg telling him that Mash is in trouble as he mentions that rain wouldn't be a Divine Visionary if he went up against mockin during his exam Calo reveals that it's his duty to examine the talent of each individual and he believes that mockrin is the most talented candidate in the arena he knows that Wahlberg wants Mash to win but he thinks Mash doesn't stand a chance because moeran is too powerful for him there's a boy that wants Mash to lose so he begs mockrin to win the fight saying he's willing to put laxatives in Mash's drink but mockin blows him away threatening to kill him if he ruins the fun and he sees a in the room telling him not to interfere so the boy realizes that mockrin is serious about the mash because he's willing to do anything to ensure that the fight is going to be fair we cut to mash as he reveals that that he started lifting because burn dead ordered him to do it and he recalls that he hated the feeling but he was able to make excellent progress he explains that his life's purpose is to lift the heaviest weights thinking the human body was made to pump iron but Finn finds him weird because he isn't talking to anyone lemon starts her monologue as she reveals that she continues to be an emotional burden because she's in love with mash Barrett suddenly approaches her saying he can be her lover but she rejects him causing him to become devastated but Finn wonders what's happening as he notes that his friends are weird Mash realizes it's time for his protein shake so he drinks it as he explains that his muscles need nutrients to grow Calo joins them and mash remembers him as one of the Divine Visionaries who bullied him C reveals that he's interested in Mash asking him if he wants to play a game before his fight with moan but he declines saying he needs time to rest but Calo explains that he's the head of the the magic Talent Administration so he needs to assess Mash's capabilities saying Mash won't become a Divine Visionary unless he acknowledges him so Mash agrees to play with Calo and he tells Mash that he will be Exempted from the exam if he manages to win Calo explains the rules of the game saying the players must not look at the direction where their opponent is pointing and mash accepts his challenge as he starts pointing everywhere but Calo uses his magic creating a circle around Mash as he explains that Mash needs to stay in the circle until the game ends cell explains that he must survive for three rounds saying he will win if he doesn't face the wrong direction for 3 seconds after the round begins he agrees to this so they begin the first round as Calo points upwards so he looks down but a magic Arrow suddenly appears and it's about to hit his forehead but he manages to dodge it without looking up they proceed to the second round and Calo points to his sides as he summons m magical rings to attack Mash his friends note that it's impossible to dodge them but he manages to deflect them with his fists CDO pulls out his magic sword as he explains that it's enchanted with dark Flames which will consume anything it touches so Mash won't be able to deflect it Finn tells him it's too dangerous but he doesn't seem to care and the final round begins as Calo points at three directions Mash's friends realize that he's going to lose unless he looks down and Calo charges with his sword launching a combination of attacks but Mash manages to dodge all of them Calo is about to hit his head but he anchors his feet to the ground and he jumps away taking the entire circle with him as he Dodges while keeping his head down the round is about to end but a bird suddenly takes his cream puff forcing him to look to his side and he realizes that he's screwed up but Calo tells him that it doesn't count saying the result is a draw Calo walks away and we learn that he hesitated when he attacked Mash because he was planning to block the sword with his head so Calo thinks he's crazy wondering why he's so determined to become a Divine Visionary because the title isn't worth dying for but CDO finally acknowledges his talent hoping he will achieve his full potential after some time the announcer reveals that it's time for the final exam and she explains that the candidates are going to fight until one of them collapses for the first match Mash is going to fight against moeran and Finn wants to win because he's fighting for his future Walberg notes that mockin is one of the most talented Mages in history so he knows that Mash is in trouble moeran tells him that he's going to lose and the announcer is about to begin the match but he takes out a cream puff saying he needs to replenish calories before his workout mockin takes his fried shrimp and he repeatedly dips it into his sauce as he explains that it was made to eat the sauce everyone realizes that he's a weirdo and Barrett thinks he's a threat as he recalls that the craziest Mages are usually the most powerful mockin unleashes his power creating a pillar of light and everyone's surprised to see this knowing his power is equal to the Divine Visionaries Mash charges in but mocker and fires an energy ball as Mash's friends think he'll be able to deflect it because it's just a basic spell but as he tries to stop it he realizes that it's too heavy for him and he gets pushed back causing an explosion as everyone thinks that he cracked crashed into the wall but they realize that he disappeared and he suddenly clings to macaran surprising everyone as he uses his ridiculously powerful legs to jump to the sky he uses his spine magic to attack as he slams macaran into the ground with tremendous Force everyone feels the impact thinking macaran is done for and Barrett wonders how Mash was able to escape the energy ball so Finn reveals that he ran backwards when he realized that he couldn't deflect it allowing him to escape before it hit the wall Barrett thinks this is ridiculous thinking Mash's skills don't belong in the magic Academy but he decides not to think about it as the dust clears everyone's surprised to see that macaran isn't injured wondering how this is possible and CDO notes that he created a sound cushion before he hit the ground allowing him to survive the impact the audience is Amazed by Mash's move thinking he can use magic but C wonders why they aren't calling him out knowing he didn't use a spell mocker mentions that he wants to enjoy the fight and he starts launching energy balls as Mash runs around evading all of them he appears behind mockrin preparing to punch him but he manages to react in time pointing his wand at Mash's head Barrett thinks mockrin is going to fire an energy ball but he stops saying he knows that Mash is holding back because he's trying to protect something so he reveals that he has a cream puff and mocker mentions that he wants Mash to fight with everything he has saying he should set it aside so he surrenders it wondering if moeran is doing this because of his principles but he reveals that he just wants to have fun The Crowd Goes Wild but Mash's friends note that the moment was completely useless and Lance notes that mash and mockin are still holding back because they're still testing each other's abilities CDO knows about moin's ultimate spell knowing it will give him the advantage as Calo notes that the fight will end when he activates it they continue the fight as mocker and tells Mash to show him what he's capable of mockin uses a spell to create a magical Fist and he launches it at Mash who tries to stop it but it passes through his body and destroys his eard drums as mockin reveals that his magic can't be stopped by physical attacks saying Mash is at a disadvantage he proceeds to assault Mash with the same spell pushing him back as everyone notes that the fight is one-sided he realizes that he can't block the spell because he can feel the damage inside his body and mocker mentions that he's disappointed saying he isn't enjoying their battle he summons an orchestra causing a ring of light to appear as countless instruments appear from the ground surrounding mash and mockin tells him that it's time to end the fight the ground starts shaking as the instruments play simultaneously causing the ground to shatter and everyone thinks Mash has been defeated calling mockin a genius Calo notes that he didn't even have to use his full power but as the dust clears he realizes that Mash is gone and he appears below macaran pulling him into the ground Mash emerges to the surface and everyone is stunned wondering how he was able to survive the orchestra Finn reveals that he saw everything and we learn that Mash dug into the ground before the spell hit him allowing him to escape from the sound waves but Finn knows that it's ridiculous wondering how Mash was able to move faster than this speed of sound he uses his quadriceps magic kicking macaran with Incredible force and everyone is amazed thinking the fight is over but he continues to assault macaran pummeling him while he's down and everyone wonders why he's doing this thinking it's extremely brutal but Calo knows that he's making the right move because macaran hasn't been defeated yet he mentions that he's finally enjoying the battle forcing Mash to retreat as he mentions that he will fight in his true form he uses his metamorphosis Spell surrounding him with magical energy as his body begins to transform and a bright flash of light covers the arena as mockin transforms into a kid he mentions that Mash forced him to reveal his true form and everyone is amazed to see this but Mash doesn't care thinking he looks ridiculous we cut to Grants as he wonders how Mash is doing in the arena Shawn suddenly enters his room telling him that innocent zero is on the move as he recalls that Mash is the target so he tells Shawn to call security saying they will need a and Calo to buy time for them he wers who's leading the group but Shawn reveals its innocent zero himself so Grant realizes that everyone's in trouble we return to the arena as mockrin reveals that he can unleash his true power in his current form he snaps his finger and he suddenly appears beside Mash causing him to freak out everyone thinks that mockin teleported and he's about to explain his powers but Mash tries to punch him so he snaps his finger again and he suddenly disappears Mash realizes that he's already far away and he explains that his powers have expanded as he attacks Mash in an instant revealing that he has become sound itself Mash thinks he improved his physical abilities but he denies this and he continues moving around as he repeatedly snaps his finger Calo notes that he's moving at the speed of sound knowing Mash will struggle to catch him and he proceeds to attack Mash with a devastating combo causing him to crash to the ground but he gets back up refusing to give up so mocker and moves at the speed of sound preparing to land the finishing blow but Mash manages to dodge it surprising everyone he appears behind macaran who wonders how he did it but CDO knows what happened explaining that sound travels faster through a solid surface so Mash touched the wall allowing him to feel the sound before the attack hit him and he used his incredible reflexes to evade he prepares to strike moeran who realizes that his fingers are covered in sauce so he can't make a sound with it Mash hits him with a powerful attack but Lance knows that it won't be enough to defeat him and he gets back up telling Mash that he's a worthy opponent so he decides to unleash his ultimate spell the death gong creating a pillar of light as he summons a magical bell he explains that anyone who hears it will lose Consciousness and it will ring in one minute saying it will affect everyone within 2 kilm he mentions that the only way to stop it is to destroy his wand but Mash's friends know this won't be easy because Conan is faster than him Barrett wonders if they're going to be affected but Lance explains that they're safe saying it will only affect Mash Lance knows that Mash is in trouble because he was only able to hit mocker and while he was on the offensive so Mash can't use the same tactic to catch him he starts running away as Mash pursues him trying to stop him before he activates his spell but Mash struggles to keep up with him because he's moving too fast he mentions that Mash has a few seconds left so his friend has become worried thinking he's going to lose the Bell lights up as it's about to be activated but Mash is still struggling to catch mockin and he ends up crashing to the ground mockin tells him that he has 10 seconds left but he suddenly grabs the Arena floor and he lifts it with Incredible strength causing a massive slab of concrete to fall on macaran Mash charges in as The Spectators note that he's trying to prevent macaran from escaping by forcing him to move sideways he observes Mash's movements and he decides to move to the right thinking Mash won't be able to catch him but he suddenly kicks away allowing him to keep up with mocker and speed but he thinks that Mash will never catch him because he already gained enough distance but Mash stops him with his pinky pulling him back and causing him to drop his wand mash shatters it with his hand and the belt disappears impressing everyone as moeran mentions that he's amazing because he can defeat the best Mages without magic moeran STS de feat and everyone celebrates but Anna isn't happy with the result however everyone suddenly experiences a Tremor causing them to panic as the sky shatters allowing a black dragon to enter the arena we see a mysterious man riding it and wallberg recognizes him as innocent zero he uses his magic to stop time preventing everyone from moving as he makes his way to mash saying he's been looking forward to meeting him he's happy to learn that Mash is still alive calling him as son and innocent zero reveals that he needs to absorb Mash to achieve his complete form but Wahlberg stops him and we learn that he can move and stop time saying he won't let him take Mash without a fight but that's where this video ends remember to like And subscribe to the channel thanks for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: Recap-kun
Views: 241,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anicaps, animecaps, anime recaps, anime, anime movie recaps, horror anime recaps, best anime recaps, top anime recaps, fox anime recaps, anime recap, movie recap, aniplot, anime plot, anime summary, anime in minutes, defeating animes, recap, how to win anime, how to beat animes, mr recap
Id: 5k3Oe8ZZqT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 9sec (7629 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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