Weak Boy MAXED His Luck Stat But Unlocks Hidden SS-Rank Quest And Becomes OP

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The Story begins with a boy named ruro as he defeats an enormous boss monster the sky is clear and the princess Faria Praises him but he suddenly jumps into the air smashing her in the face and telling her that she can also go to hell the credits roll and we see he was playing a VR game called FIA Chronicle Ruru celebrates his victory and we learn that he's a guy who only likes to play Trash games VR games are the most common games now but there were a ton of games that were made while the technology was developing and many turned out to be trash ruro gets some fresh air and he feels like a convict who's finally free after clearing the game but he wonders what he should play next at school we see a girl named Ry practicing how to talk to ruro she waits for him to walk past but one of his friends gets to him first and she gets left behind at the local game shop the owner Mana is excited for the summer break hoping it will bring a boost to her business Ray visits the shop but Mana tells her that Ruru isn't there Ray gets embarrassed and tells Mana that she's just there to look at the games and nothing else but M knows her secret and tells her that ruro hasn't been there in a while because he's been busy trying to crack an extra special trash game she explains that the game is Infamous because of its terrible AI insane enemy attack patterns as well as being filled with bugs most players rage quit on just the first boss and she notes that the final boss must be cleared in a mask and shorts as the two are talking ruro walks into the store asking if there are any new games for him and suddenly Ray disappears Mana is surprised he already beat the game and he starts telling her about it saying that the princess was the source of all his problems she would constantly cause chaos and get his party members killed and if he ever tried to confront her she would just refus to move and he would become stuck for hours Mana can't believe he didn't give up but rur notes that in the final 3 minutes of the game after defeating the final boss he's free to beat the crap out of her without getting into trouble saying it was all worth it in the end he wonders what he can play next to get the same high but Mana suggests that he should try playing a game that isn't trash for once telling him to try shangry laa Frontier also known as slf the most popular vrmmo with over 30 million players he isn't sure about it at first but Mana tells him he needs to experience what a good game is like so he can better appreciate his trash games Ruru decides to check it out and we learn that the game is considered god tier it's made by the Utopia Entertainment software company which was founded by The Genius programmer sukuyo sukuri so ruro has high helps for the game as soon as he starts the game ruru's first task is to create a character and pick a job he picks the twin blade mercenary for its flexibility and he chooses Wanderer as his origin which gives him a bonus to his luck he starts to customize his character and he is surprised to find so many options he gets excited and decides to go hardcore on his character design Ruru ends up making his character wear a bird mask so he could hide his face since he's half naked in this game weapons are expensive but it's possible to sell the starter equipment to make a profit he names his character son Raku and he finally starts playing the game he instantly skips the prologue and jumps straight into play playing the game he opens his eyes in a forest and he is instantly impressed because it feels as if he's moving in real life he runs and climbs up a tree in order to test his character's agility and he can finally feel the difference between this game and a trash game like Faria ruro opens his map and he wonders why he didn't start at a tutorial town to begin with it turns out that those who choose Wanderer as their origin start at a random location in the starting zone he decides to head to the starting town and he checks his stats along the way he realizes he has low defense since he has no armor but hopes his high luck stat will make up for it he is suddenly attacked by Goblin so he summons his twin blades to fight the goblin charges at him but he defeats it without breaking a sweat he levels up to level two and he gets his hands on the Goblin's axe he gets distracted by something behind the bushes and a monster bunny suddenly tries to attack him the attack just misses and it destroys the tree behind him Ruru thinks he would have died if he got hit and the bunny attacks him again but he manages to block it and even land a critical hit the bunny doesn't give up but Ruru isn't impressed because it's only aiming for his neck which makes it too easy to predict Ruru levels up straight to level four and he learns the flash counter skill he continues fighting other monsters in the forest and after farming the bunnies for over 2 hours he manages to obtain two of their swords he ends up reaching level 12 and he puts most of his points into luck he realizes he can't level up anymore in this area so he decides to head over to the second town as he heads over he reaches a bridge he must cross but it's guarded by a giant serpent boss the game suggests that he fight it with a party of three but Ruru just charges in meanwhile in a starting town the people are amazed when they see a knight wearing super high level armor the people wonder why someone so high level is in the town and we hear from her voice that she's a girl she's there looking for ruro but she doesn't see anyone with his name which she finds strange because all new players should start in that town when she logs out we see that it was Ry that was looking for him and she's disappointed she couldn't find him back with ruro he rushes at the snake he decides to watch its attack patterns and just dodg to begin with he realizes that its movements are pretty easy to read because because it's just a starting boss he thinks he can defeat it without taking a single hit but when he tries to attack it his blade is broken he brings out his two special vorpal blades but when he tries to attack it shoots Venom at him when he checks his status Ruru learns that he's been poisoned and will take a point of damage every 10 seconds he realizes that he only has about 4 minutes to beat the boss so he thinks he'll need to rely on his Critical Hits he has learned that in this game critical aren't just random but are triggered when an attack lands in an ideal way or hits an enemy's weak point Ruru determines that the snake's weak point is its head but he finds it hard to land a hit on it he changes up his attack using his screw Pierce skill on its body he attacks the wound that he made and he's able to trigger his Critical Hits he keeps slashing but he doesn't really know if he can beat it because he doesn't even know how much HP it has but he ends up Landing a hit on the boss's eye and he takes it out before he can check out his loot he realizes he's still taking damage from the poison so he rushes toward the town to look for an antidote meanwhile at the town there are two players REI and Mia that are just outside REI is glad that he's finally playing the game with his Crush after 3 months of trying but they see ruro running towards them and Mia gets ready to attack him thinking he's a monster REI points out that he has a name so he must be a player and he realizes is that Ruru must have been hit by the Serpent's poison so he points out the N where Ruru can register his respawn point but he must do it by getting into the bed Ruru reaches the in just in time but the inkeeper casually tells him about their amenities Ruru tells her to skip all the details and he quickly tries to rent a room he dives into his room and he manages to register his respawn point but he still ends up dying to the poison he takes a break from the game but he takes a moment to appreciate how good the game is when he gets back in the game he starts exploring the town looking for a shop where he can buy maps and Recovery items he thinks about getting a new weapon to replace his twin blades but he soon realizes that the people are staring at him since he's half naked so he buys the cheapest set of clothes he can find just to avoid people staring at him he then visits a weapon shop but finds that his voral blades are better than anything in the shop the shopkeeper tells him that he can make him a better weapon but he will need to find the materials ruro immediately goes mining for ore in a muddy swap but becomes frustrated when he only gets two out of the five ORS he needed after trying for 30 minutes a mud frog appears and it annoys him as it splashes around getting mud on him Ruru knows that it's resistant to slashing damage since his clothes are made from its skin so he switches to his Goblin Axe and he takes it out after a few hours ruro returns to the shop with all the materials for his new weapon the man points out that he found a rare Marsh fossil and it can be used to make a rare dagger ruro likes the idea and leaves the task to the owner Ruru is excited as he checks out his new weapons and the shopkeeper tells him that he can also upgrade the weapons so he should come back when he has more materials the man goes on to warn ruro about the monsters that come out during the night suggesting he should get some better armor but he just thinks it's the perfect chance to test out his new weapons meanwhile Ray defeats the serpent boss with a single slash and we learn she has searched the entire starting area for ruro so she decides to check the second town we see Ruru fighting against a red cap Goblin and he struggles against it as it's not like any other Goblin that he's fought before the goblin calls for its friends and Ruru becomes surrounded the Goblins lunge at him but there's suddenly a huge attack that wipes them all out and an enormous Wolf Monster emerges it's identified as a unique monster known as the night Slayer and Ruru realizes that there's more to this game than he thought meanwhile we see Ry as she meets regi and Mia and they tell her about their encounter with ruro Mia wants to attack her since she looks scary but REI tells her she's also a player REI describes ruru's character to Ray and he tells her how he was poisoned so he ran straight into the town Ry is impressed by how he was able to beat to boss without even visiting the first town she gives the couple an item for their help and she dashes off in an instant Mia is impressed by her speed and RI recognizes the crest on her back as the guild which specifically hunts the nin Slayer unique monster he notes that there are said to be seven unique monsters in the game but it's unclear when these monsters appear which led to many of the top players forming guilds to hunt them Mia thinks they are just rare monsters but regi notes they are insanely strong and that even after a year of the game being released and with over 30 million players not a single unique monster has ever been defeated we see Ruru as he faces the nights Slayer he knows he will die if he takes a single hit but he manages to Parry the monster's attack he starts sweating thinking how close it was but he's glad he learned the perfect Perry's skill while he was grinding he switches to his vorpal blades which deal bonus critical damage and he starts to Counterattack but the clouds cover the moonlight and the Wolf seems to disappear the wolf lunges out at him but he Dodges all of its attacks the wolf disappears once again and Ruru tries to predict where it will appear from he manages to Parry its attack but he finds that its fur is even tougher than the scales of the serpent boss after fighting and Landing over 200 Critical Hits Ruru doesn't feel like he has done any damage at all his weapons are on the verge of breaking and he thinks it's impossible for him to win but this just makes him enjoy the game even more he tries to land an attack on the wolfi but he ends up getting pushed away the Knight Slayer suddenly howls and it seems to paralyze ruru's body it disappears once again and in an instant ruro has his legs cut off he has one HP left but he thinks that it's all over for him he thinks about how insanely strong the wolf is but thinks its strength is just part of its programming so there must be a way to defeat it he decides that instead of clearing the game he will find a way to defeat it no matter what it takes Ruru respawns at the end and he finds he has been cursed by the ni slayer's Mark he finds that his body has been marked and he's no longer able to equip items on his torso or legs he thinks he's screwed and he finds that the curse can only be removed by defeating the wolf as he walks through the town he starts thinking the game is trash but he thinks about all the other trash games he's beaten so he refuses es to let this get the better of him he checks his status and finds that from just fighting the unique monster he was able to level up to 28 he allocates his step points but realizes he has completely neglected his Vitality stat so he thinks he's a complete glass Cannon and with two of his armor slot sealed he thinks he's doomed he wishes that his high luck stat would give him good luck and at that moment a bunny suddenly bounces on his head the bunny waves at him so he starts chasing after Ruru thinks it must be some kind of event where he can get a free item by catching it he Corners it in a dead end but the bunny suddenly summons a door the bunny gets away and when Ruru approaches the door he finds that it's a unique scenario invitation from the rabbit country Ruru remembers reading about this online that besides the main quest of the game there are countless side quests some of which come in the form of unique scenarios but it's not clear how they are triggered however they are said to provide some of the best rewards so there are even guilds which try to hunt for them ruro gets excited thinking his luck is finally paying off and we see he has entered a world filled with rabbits the bunny from earlier welcomes him introducing herself as EML and ruro is shocked that it can speak she tells ruro that everyone has been talking about him because he took on the night Slayer by himself even though he was so weak Ruru thinks he didn't stand a chance but EML notes that the marking on his body is proof that the night Slayer acknowledged him rura wonders if EML really is an NPC since she talks so much but he remembers that the curse mark also gives him bonus dialogue options EML starts leading him to meet her boss and rura worries they might want revenge since he hunted so many bunnies in the beginning but EML tells him not to worry EML brings him to the rabbit Palace and she tells him that he's the first person to ever visit Ruru gets excited hearing this and he thinks his luck is is finally turning around he thinks he'll be able to get a unique reward but his attitude completely changes as he comes face to face with the rabbit King meanwhile at the game shop Ray gets caught sneaking around but man tells her that Ruru isn't there she thinks that since it's summer break he would probably be spending all his time in the game Ry mentions how she still hasn't been able to find him but Mana tells her not to give up at ruru's house his sister roomy heads out while rur looks up the forums about other people who have been to the rabbit country he finds that they all just followed a quest to fight a snake boss but no one has ever mentioned meeting the rabbit King so he thinks he has found something special he thinks back to his meeting with the king who introduces himself as Vash he admires ruru's voral soul but Ruru isn't sure what that means the king offers to get him up to Snuff and Ruru realizes it's a training Quest he immediately accepts even call calling the Ken's bro but Vash starts to approach him menacingly Ruru thinks he said the wrong thing but Vash actually takes a liking to him and he orders EML to take care of him EML is excited to show him around but Ruru says he's been playing for a while so he needs to take a break as Vash is leaving he gives Ruru a collar which automatically equips upon examining the item the collar seems to reduce his experience by half but it overd doubles his stat points that he gets from leveling up Ruru tries to take it off but Vash says it's impossible unless he allows it saying hardship is necessary to get stronger but ruro can't believe he has been given yet another restriction as he thinks about the item he realizes it's actually pretty overpowered he realizes the time and he remembers he had an appointment with his friend he loads up a fighting game called berserk online and we learn it was a trash game that he was once really into he meets up with his friend Kat and they prepare to have a match katso shows off his new glitch arm attack but ruro counters with his quick fist technique blocking all of his friends attacks it looks like ruro has the upper hand but thanks to a texture glitch with his fist katso lands a hit on him and he loses the fight ruro notes how he's only been fighting NPCs lately so he's glad he got a chance to PvP with him katso can't believe he is really playing slf but Ruru admits he's been having fun with it mentioning the seven unique monsters that no one has been able to defeat and he doesn't plan on giving up until he beats the wolf Kazo becomes interested thinking he might try the game out as well and he mentions how he even emailed their mutual friend about it we see a girl named Asha as she receives the message she's surprised to learn ruro has started playing the game but she continues cutting down some other players we see she's a player killer at level 99 and she thinks about paying recur a visit when ruro gets back into the game he tells Emil he wants to get to the third town before he spends more time in the rabbit Kingdom he notes that since it's summer break there are a lot of new players so he wants to get ahead so he doesn't get stuck competing for resources EML doesn't really know what he's talking about but offers to help him out and join his party as they prepare to head off they are noticed by two girls who find EML cute and they wonder how it's possible to have a bunny as a pet rur wants to keep his scenario a secret so he quickly runs away but one of the girls takes a picture planning to ask about it on the Forum they get outside the town but there is suddenly a monster that comes charging at them however as it gets closer it notices the markings on rikuro's body and it immediately runs away instead ruro goes after it chasing it into a wall and as it tries to change direction he predicts its movements and he finishes it off EML compliments him wondering what what they should do next and Ruru decides to skip through and heads straight to the next boss he asks EML if she has any information about the boss and she reveals it's a creature known as the Mud Digger ruro realizes he's in trouble hearing the name and they end up in an area completely covered with a swamp the mud makes it almost impossible to move properly but it's too late to change his plan as the enormous Mud Digger suddenly appears Ruru wonders how he will be able to fight it without his speed the Beast dives into the mud and starts approaching them but thanks to learning some new skills after fighting the nights Slayer he uses his aade to slide out of the way the boss lunges at him but he manages to stop it and using his upgraded Perry skill he lands a hit with his repel counter however his skills have a cool down and the boss lunges at him once again and he doesn't know what to do but EML suddenly takes out a book launching a magic blade that connects with the boss ruro realizes he doesn't have to fight alone and he tries to attack while the boss is down but the mud slows him down the boss gets back up but ruro lands an attack with his skill and knocks it back he jumps up telling EML to attack with her spell and she launches another magic Blade the boss seems to be defeated and ruro falls down taking some fall damage he compliments Emma on her attack but he suddenly notices that the boss is gone the ground starts to shake and the mud seems like gets pulling him in so he quickly grabs EML and throws her away the boss reemerges and ruro gets thrown into the air we learn that this is the second phase of the boss and ruro realizes it's trying to take him out with fall damage he curses whoever designed the fight because it's a mechanic that couldn't be dodged he thinks it's all over for him but EML suddenly rushes over with a scroll which teleports them they reappear above the boss and using the momentum from his fall he triggers an attacks skill known as meteor fall slamming into the boss and defeating it ruro survives with just one HP and he levels up to 29 as they continue to the next area he eats some herbs to recover some of his HP and EML gets excited about getting to the next town ruro wonders how to hide her so they don't cause another scene so EML shows him her secret bracelet which she uses and allows her to transform into a girl Ruru is stunned by the transformation but EML soon return turns to her bunny form telling him that it's exhausting for her to transform and she can only last for about 5 minutes they make it to the third town but when they get to the gate the guards wonder why he is half naked they notice the markings on his body but EML suddenly makes up a wild story about him being a great warrior who was reborn they attract the attention of the other players but there are some who give ruro a strange look they are allowed into the town but Ruru is suddenly grabbed by a girl named an Amalia and she seems to recognize him but he has no idea who she is we see that a few hours earlier after ruro ran away from the two girls one of them posted his picture on the Forum asking how it's possible to tame a talking bunny some of the players mock him for his outfit but when Animalia notices the post she thinks it's a cheat since only cats and dogs can be tamed as pets in the game we learned she's an animal lover and she immediately heads off to find ruro other players notied the markings on his body and some of the more advanced players recognize it as the night slayer's markings while it's not rare for new players to encounter the nin Slayer there are people who wonder how he got the curse this even attracts the attention of a player known as orelon the leader of the biggest player killer Clan the rumors continue to spread and it seems there is quite the spotlight on ruro Animalia begs to learn how to he tame a vorpal bunny but he refuses to reveal his secret he pretends to not know what she's talking about but they are suddenly attacked by a masked player who tells him that it's better to share Ruru recognizes them as the pencil Knight but she removes her mask telling him she goes by Asha ruro recalls that they used to play the trash game called unite rounds where we see players robbing a shop taking all the items inside but as they leave they encounter Ruru who steals everything from them we learned that the players were supposed to work together to protect the Kingdom from the monsters but because of the extremely low drop rate the players struggled to make progress so they decided to Rob each other because it's far more efficient than grinding Asha Rose to power and she took control of the Kingdom manipulating the players to do her bidding we see ruro and katso in her castle as they prepare to fight Asha because she is abusing the players in the game so they want to put an end to her reign of terror they see her in the throne room and they prepare to take her on as she tells them that she is is The Game's final boss we return to slf as Ruru reveals that their fight in unite rounds ended in a draw he sees that Asha is at level 99 noting that he isn't even close to her level so he knows that he's at a disadvantage she charges at him throwing poison knives but he avoids them and she is impressed that he is able to survive considering that he is still at level 29 he tells her that he has the skills to make up for his low level and analia recognizes as revealing that she is the vice leader of the player killer Clan aurai she reveals that she has a reputation for defeating high level players so the players call her the Giant Killer but Ruru recalls that she was the giant who got herself killed in unite rounds she laughs at off but she starts attacking him and they exchange blows as she reveals that the leader of ashuai ordered her to gather information about the unique scenario involving the bunny as their Fight Continues he realizes that he can't defeat her because her level is too high but he notices that she is keeping him away from the gate thinking she is trying to stay away from the other players she confirms this but she tells him that he will never reach the gate analia wants to know about the vorpal bunny thinking EML must know something so she approaches EML but her transformation wears off returning her to her bunny form analia goes wild and seeing this Ruru comes up with a plan he kicks Asha away knowing she is is going easy on him and EML jumps to him as he starts running for the gate Asha chases after them but she is stopped by an explosion as analia blocks her path saying she won't let Asha put the bunny in danger Ruru is about to reach the gate but asha's clanmates get in the way revealing that they have orders to hunt him down they charge at him and he struggles to dodge their attacks as he notes that they are far stronger than him Animalia uses her cursed spells releasing magic beams but Asha absorbs the attack and reflects it at anomalia knocking her down she receives five debuffs as Asha reveals that she is holding an item which reflects spells saying she would have been in trouble without it ruro continues to struggle against a player Killers as he wonders how he can defeat them because they are too strong for him but Ray suddenly arrives launching a powerful strike which smashes the ground killing one of the players instantly the player Killers recognize her as the attack master and she recognizes ruru's character so she becomes Overjoyed because she is finally able to find him we learned that Mana told Ry that Ruru is playing his son Raku and she encouraged Ry to continue searching for him so that she can tell him how she feels she returns to her house where we see trash games in her room revealing that she tried to play them but she didn't like any of them she thinks that slf is her only chance to get closer to ruro so she is determined to find him there she logs into the game and she receives a message from her sister telling her to find a certain player because her sister wants to talk to him the message reveals the location of the player and it even has a picture of him revealing that the player's name is son Raku she makes her way to the location and she uses super speed allowing her to travel with haste she sees Ruru being attacked by the player Killers thinking this is her chance to talk to him so she leaps forward and launches a devastating attack the impact grabs asha's attention thinking the player killers are having a hard time against ruro because playing trash games has refined his skills allowing him to keep up with high level players as the dust clears she sees the attack master so she becomes excited saying she is glad she went after ruro but analia reveals that she used five spells knowing asha's item has already reached its limit so it won't protect her from analia's Ultimate skill in a flashback we see Ray walking to school when she sees Ruru who keeps talking about the trash games he's playing noting that he's always smiling she falls in love with him and since then she's always been thinking about him wanting to see him every day she tries to talk to him but she can't muster the courage to do it in person so she thinks about talking to him inside a game back in the present ruro notes that he's been saved by a character named ciger Zero thinking she is an a player killer but he suspects that she also wants to learn about the unique scenario so he doesn't trust her thinking about finding a way out Animalia prepares to use her ultimate skill saying she will self-destruct and take Asha with her Asha panics knowing the item won't protect her so she tries to stop Animalia but she activates her skill killing Asha in an instant a dark energy covers the area grabbing everyone's attention and Ruru realizes that the player killers are distracted he uses this chance to escape stepping on Ray's head and and telling her that he's sorry he jumps past the player killers and he runs to the gate as Ray continues to attack them allowing him to escape the player Killers blame Ray for their failure but she recalls how Ruru told her that he's sorry causing her to become flustered the player Killers note that she's acting weird and one of them charges in thinking she's wide open but she slices him in half scaring his companions she reveals that she's angry blaming them for ruru's sudden departure so she kills all of them meanwhile Emma opens a gate allowing Ruru to escape to the rabbit country Emma reveals that she ran out of magic because of her transformation spell but she was able to replenish it by drinking a potion Ruru receives a message from Asha telling him that she didn't lose to him and he was only able to escape because of the attack Master she says that she wants to talk to him inviting him to call Kazo for a meeting in unite rounds but he finds her suspicious because she doesn't want to talk to him in SL left he also receives a message from Kazo who just received an invitation from Asha wondering if Ruru was going to back out but he decides to attend the meeting he tells Emma that he's going to proceed with the unique scenario so she takes him to a Coliseum where he is about to undergo serious battle training she tells him that he needs to defeat 10 monsters and that he can only use vorpal weapons during the event he agrees to this saying he is ready to take on the monsters but as Emma opens the gate but group of level 65 pack hounds appear ruro panics wondering why he needs to go up against a group of level 65 monsters but EML tells him that this is how the event works and he ends up dying we cut to Ry who is happy that she was able to see ruro she thinks about sending him a friend request the next time they meet thinking he will accept it and they will become friends in real life but she reveals that she wasn't able to find him after she defeated the player Killers so she wonders where he went we see Ruru in the Coliseum as EML reveals that this is his seventh attempt the hounds charge at him as he notes that he is having a hard time because of their synchronized attacks he thinks that there is a pack leader giving orders and he sees a Hound at a distance thinking it's their leader so he attacks it but it starts running away and the hounds charge at him but he realizes that their attacks are no longer synchronized he pursues the leader throwing his knife which slows it down and he catches up to it Landing critical hits in Rapid succession the leader dies and without their leader the hounds can no longer launch synchronized attacks so he easily defeats them Emma congratulates him on clearing the first round and she reveals the next opponent which is a monster with tentacles he uses hid and run tactics allowing him to secure Victory on his fourth attempt he easily defeats the third opponent which is a goblin berser and the fourth opponent is even easier because it's a boar and he has the advantage because of his Rodeo experience but he struggles against his fifth opponent which is a toxic eagle and he dies over 100 times before he is able to defeat it he wins against the sixth and seventh opponents on his first try because he is able to figure out the monsters tactics and the eighth opponent is a two-headed tiger which he defeats on his second try the ninth opponent is a Golem and he struggles to formulate a strategy to defeat it but he is able to win by stripping it down after he Dodges its attack Ruru celebrates knowing there is only one upon it left and he reaches level 31 but he isn't happy about this because he could have gained more levels if it wasn't for the collar he tells Emil to reveal the last opponent but Vash appears telling him that his timing is perfect because Vash just caught a powerful monster thinking it would be a great opponent for him Vash releases the restraints revealing that it's a sorcerer who tried to fuse with a tree to prolong its lifespan he thinks that Ruru isn't strong enough to defeat it so he sets a different clear condition telling Ruru that he will win if he can survive for 5 minutes he thinks that it's too easy but the monster attacks him and he struggles to keep up with it as Vash tells him that he's filled with confidence wondering if he has the skills to back it up we learned that this monster is nothing like the others and Ruru is the first player to ever fight it but it's far stronger than the opponents he faced in the Coliseum as we see it's at level 120 ruro does his best to avoid its attacks sliding under its roots and he even lands a hit but he realizes it's Iman to physical attacks he gets pushed back by its chains but EML tells him he only has 4 minutes to go he has trouble predicting the movements of the roots and he notes that its chains also apply a debuff he does his best to defend himself but the monster starts attacking with magic as well it's able to use different types of magic and Ruru doesn't think he's going to be able to survive the the 5 minutes he keeps on dodging but the attacks start to get more intense the timer reaches 3 minutes but he starts to become exhausted he starts to accept that he's going to lose but he starts to realize he has fallen into the habit of giving up too easily and taking the easy route he snaps himself out of it refusing to give up he runs along its routes charging straight at the monster but Vash wonders what he can accomplish Ruru manages to disarm the monster preventing it from using magic but it starts to go berserk with its roots he manages to grab onto its staff but the monster goes wild chasing after him EML cheers him on telling him there's only a minute left he does his best to dodge but his path gets blocked and he gets grabbed by a chain which gives him debuffs to his speed he realizes he won't be able to dodge anymore and the monster attacks him so he throws its staff away the monster targets the staff instead managing to reclaim it but ruro calls it dumb for not finishing him off as the timer counts down to zero but the monster starts blasting him anyway and ruro wonders why it's not over but Vash ends up stopping the creature and crushing it with a single hit ruro wonders how he could damage it and Vash reveals its physical immunity was only active when it was holding its staff EML congratulates him on his success and ruro gets excited for his reward Dash declares him an honorary rabbit giving him a title but rur can't believe that's all he gets Vash removes his collar and he successfully completes his unique scenario but ruro can't believe he didn't get anything out of it he spies on Vash wanting to get a rare item and he spots a fancy looking box he wonders what kind of rare item it might contain and when Vash opens it it just turns out to be a carrot which he enjoys Ruru logs out of the game and realizes it's late so he decides to get some rest when he gets back in the game we see he was given a bonus scenario but he doesn't know how to start it so he decides to get to the next area first however he remembers all the people who are after him and the marks on his body are easily recognizable so he doesn't know what to do EML suggests hiding his whole body but Ruru doesn't know how it's possible EML takes him to a shop in the rabbit Palace where he meets the merchant pets pets recognizes him as the Birdman that everyone has been talking about but ruro shows that it's just a mask this gives Emma an idea and she asks peteza about a certain clothing item it turns out to just be a sheet that covers his whole body they are able to walk around town without being recognized but he starts losing it thinking he looks ridiculous EML tells him to bear with it until they get out of the town and Ruru notes that there are three locations they can head to next there's a prismatic Forest that contains a labyrinth cave a lake area in the crater of a dead volcano and the iron ruins of divinity emo suggests going to the lake but Ruru ends up deciding on going to the Prismatic Forest as he explains his reasoning behind his choice EML is distracted as she recognizes someone but when Ruru looks over he sees that it's Ray who is watching them and he finds her pretty sus meanwhile we meet orelon the leader of ashuai as he reprimands his men because they failed to complete their mission they blame the attack Master saying they weren't expecting her to interfere but orelon reminds them that they are dealing with a unique scenario so top players are likely to show up he orders them to pursue ruro saying they should threaten him to obtain information about EML Asha reminds everyone that they have another Target but orot tells her that they can't defeat it thinking unique monsters are unbeatable he reveals that they are the only ones who know how to make it spawn but they think that it's not worth fighting and Asha calls them useless we learned that the members of Aur Kai were hated by everyone because they used to kill players indiscriminately but after an update which made killing players more difficult they decided to change their strategy and stay away from danger Asha thinks that her guildmates can't help her with the unique monster which is known as the Tim guard but she is determined to defeat it saying she is willing to do anything to win we return to ruro as he sees Ry causing him to freak out because he finds her intimidating he recalls how he stepped on her and he thinks that she wants to get back at him so he decides to run away the player Killers notice him and they see through his disguise so they chase after him they think that he's trying to escape to the iron ruins so they tell their colleagues to set up an ambush but we learn that he took a detour to deceive them and he's still headed to the Prismatic Forest the player Killers lose sight of him and he is about to leave the town but he sees Ry so he becomes scared thinking she's going to kill him but she just sends him a friend request and she starts acting weird causing him to become confused he finds her suspicious because she is smart enough to see through his deception thinking she has an ulterior motive but he is confident in his ability to deal with other players so he decides to accept her friend request she is Overjoyed to see this and we learn that she was able to find him purely by chance because she lost sight of him but she recalls how she went to the forest when she first arrived at the town so she decided to go there Ry offers to help Ruru level up but he doesn't trust her so he tells her that he doesn't need her help she apologizes for being rude wishing him luck and they bid each other farewell after he leaves she notes that EML didn't have a name over her head thinking she must be an NPC and Ry is happy that she was finally able to talk to ruro the player Killers realize that they have been deceived and they make their way to the forest but they see her at the gate causing them to become frightened so they decide to run run away ruro enters the Prismatic forest and he realizes that there are plenty of creatures in the area he sees a butterfly thinking it will drop something expensive so he kills it and takes the nectar it was carrying he reads the item description and he learns that it's fun to throw because it's very fragile he thinks about Gathering more items before he takes on the area boss and he equips a throwing knife revealing that he was traumatized by his encounter with the toxic Eagle so he learned to use projectile he throws it at a flower causing a mantis to appear and he attacks it killing it in one hit he checks his inventory realizing that he was able to collect plenty of items but they notice a commotion and they see a Giant Beetle fighting a swarm of bees we learned that the beetle entered the bee's territory searching for nectar and the queen isn't happy about this so she orders the Swarm to attack but they can't penetrate its armor and it continues to make its way to their nest after some time they're able able to crack its armor but it starts flying charging at the queen and killing her in one hit the bees decide to retreat and the beetle starts eating the nectar but upon seeing ruro it decides to go after him he runs away wondering why it's chasing him and EML thinks that it must be because of the nectar he throws it away hitting a mantis so the beetle starts attacking it and he sees an opening so he lunges at the beetle targeting the cracks on its armor to land several Critical Hits He Man manages to defeat it and he realizes that his inventory is now full so he decides to stop collecting items while walking around the forest he sees webs on tree as he recalls that the area boss is called the clown spider so he concludes that they are close to its location he sees a cave and he decides to enter it ready to fight the boss we cut to a group of players in the forest as they discuss how the monsters in the area are no match for them so they decide to fight the boss but as they enter the C their leader gets stuck on a web as the clown spider appears we return to ruro as he tries to enter the cave but he realizes that he can't enter because there are still players inside he sees the leader of the group as he gets crushed to death causing the entrance to open Ruru enters the cave and he sees the bodies of the other players he tells EML to stand back because he wants to defeat the cloud spider alone and he scales the wall avoiding the webs along the way we learned that he has learned new skills in the arena thinking it will help him defeat the boss he sees a boulder approaching him so he uses his lead skill to avoid it but he is about to hit a web however he holds on to it and steps on it revealing that he knows which parts of the web aren't sticky he sees more Boulders approaching so he uses a skill to increase his speed allowing him to dodge all of them he reaches the boss and it tries to attack him but he charges in launching a combination of attacks which causes it to fall down it crashes to the ground but he thinks that it's still alive and he sees heavy objects attached to the ceiling so he decides to use them dropping them down to crush the boss but it gets back up and he decides to fight it headon thinking it's nothing compared to the night Slayer he delivers a devastating attack hitting its weak spot and killing it in an instant he tells EML that the fight was too easy saying he didn't even take any damage and at that moment he receives a message from Asha we see Kazo as he defeats a boss and he also receives the message which tells them they should spend time together meanwhile Ray tells Mana that she was able to talk to ruro but Mana reveals that he no longer visits the shop thinking he must be addicted to slf as she walks around the city she sees Ruru reading a magazine and he learns that slf is about to get a major update thinking it must be what Asha was talking about we learned that he had a meeing with katso and Asha where Asha invited them to fight the Tim guard with her and katso is excited to hear this because he always wanted to fight a unique monster she reveals that she fought the boss with the strongest members of her clan and they didn't stand a chance but she thinks that the three of them might be able to defeat it saying she wants them to fight it after the major update Ruru wonders why she's inviting them because their levels aren't that high but she tells them not to worry because their skills matter more than their levels she offers to compensate them for their help and Ruru decides to join her but he thinks that she's hiding something saying she should tell them the full story Ruru leaves the store and he sees Ry waiting for him she greets him but he struggles to remember who she is and it takes him a while to recall that she was his classmate she tells him that she also plays slf asking him if they can play together but at that moment he receives a message from Asha telling him that she is waiting for him so he dashes away she notes that he bought plenty of energy drinks so she thinks that he will be playing slf for a while and she decides to look for him there he logs into the game and Emma welcomes him back asking him what they will be doing today he tells her that he will be fighting the tomb guard after the major update and he will have to leave her while he's fighting it but she suddenly freaks out saying she needs to tell her father about this he wonders what's wrong with her as he recalls his meeting with Asha where he asked her what he should do with EML while they're fighting the tomb guard she advises him to keep EML out of it because when an NPC dies in slf they never return and we see EML running to her father thinking it's going to be trouble they meet with Vash and it seems he knows the Tim guard saying ruro doesn't stand a chance Ruru notes that he's just going as a support and he tries to persuade Vash to give him information Vash thinks it's a suicide mission but ruro claims he doesn't plan on losing saying his honor is on the line Vash reveals that the tomb guard was also an honorable man but lost his wife over a lie and became cursed with an undying body he thinks it would be good if he was put out of his misery so he takes ruro over to the forge ruro gets excited seeing this and we meet the blacksmith bilck Vash asks for his voral blades and he admires them deciding to ascend them bilck is shocked hearing this realizing that Vash will be doing it himself he goes to get the forge ready and Vash asks if ruro has any other good materials to work with ruro checks his inventory and decides on using the Shell from the Giant Beetle as Vash prepares to work bilck tells ruro he's lucky because it's been years since Vash last worked the forge noting that he was the master blacksmith before he became king he starts hammering the blade as magic circles pop out and are then absorbed Ruru wonders what's going on and bilck reveals that ascending involves reading the memories an experience of a weapon and ascending it into its true form saying that vorpal weapons remember their bows against strong foes Vash starts singing as he works and bck is eager to see how it will turn out Vash finishes the upgrade and reveals that the blades have new names the moon Blades of waxing and waning ruro excitedly checks them out and finds that the waxing blade is better against higher level enemies consuming his HP to deal more damage while the waning blade is able to refill his HP and there's also a special gauge that fills up after dealing critical hits that allows the blades to fuse Ruru is excited to try it out but gets a notification that he doesn't have enough stats to equip them and he realizes he will need to wait until Level 50 to use them ruro meets up with Asha and Kazo but they are annointed him for being 3 hours late he mentions he was able to get information about the tomb guard so Asha decides to forgive him hearing that the the tomb guard is an undead monster Asha thinks of something saying she will be back later that night rura wonders what they should do in the meant time so Asha gives them a map and a fishing rod telling them to grind at the iron ruins as Asha is leaving she spots emo around ruru's neck she thinks it's a dumb disguise but ruro claims it's the latest fashion trend and Asha is shocked when it seems to fool katso Asha heads off and katso thinks they should go as well but Emma's ears start to get tired holding on to ruro and Kazo is finally able to notice her wishing he could have a unique NPC of his own we see that in another meeting Asha reveals that the tomb guard will activate a skill at the beginning of the battle which will set the max level for all characters to 50 but the Tim guard's level is fixed at 200 so the high level players will be at a disadvantage because there's going to be a massive level Gap she explains that she chose ruro and Kazo because they are are both skilled players despite their low levels but she tells them that they still need to reach level 50 giving them a guide on how to level up faster Ruru and katso enter the iron ruins where they search for the hidden area that Asha mentioned katso reveals that he's at level 25 but ruro mocks him saying he's already at level 31 a drone suddenly attacks them and katso tells Ruru to stand back as he unleashes his red Spirit fist the Drone charges at him but he can't HS shattering it in an instant Ruru is impressed inquiring about the spirit fist so kataa reveals that it increases his strength and vitality more drones appear so he jumps into action destroying them with ease as he reveals that he chose to be a monk and he focused on increasing his health and vitality so he can function as a tank for their team he thinks that Ruru spent his points on strength and Agility but he tells Kazo that he focused on Luck instead of strength EML adds that he's bursting with vorpal soul but Kazo has no idea what she means they follow the guide that Asha gave them and it leads them to a pit telling them to jump into it katso thinks that she's playing a prank on them thinking she wants them to die but he decides to take the lead because he's the tank of the team EML thinks he's a girl but ruro tells her that Kazo is a man and she's surprised to hear this thinking the world is full of mysteries katso tells them to go down calling Ruru a loser so he becomes upset and jumps into the pit he enters the hidden area where he sees a lake and he reads the guide revealing that they can find serpents if they go fishing its XP drop is ridiculously high so they decide to look for it and ruro catches a fish but he's disappointed to see that it's just a salmon katso is about to catch something thinking it's a small fish but a massive serpent emerges and they prepare to take it down ruro equips his new weapon and we learn that it was created by by bck using the materials dropped by the queen bee he reveals that the right- hand blade has a special attribute saying it has a corrosive poison which slowly destroys the target's body and creates a weak point Ruru uses it to stab the serpent as Kazo attacks it but he realizes that their level is too low so they can't deal enough damage to take it down but we see a mark on its body which was created by the corrosive poison and ruro slashes it repeatedly creating an opening on the surface body Kazo uses his black Spirit fist increasing his attack damage and he strikes the opening Landing a critical hit he realizes that Ruru was able to create a weak point and EML charges in but the serpent is about to attack her katso protects her and he launches a Counterattack which stuns the serpent they attack its weak point allowing them to defeat it and they are able to level up Kazo reveals that he gained four levels and he learned new skills thinking he should combine find them at the skill Garden ruro can't understand him so he explains that high level skills can be linked at the skill Garden to create combo skills we learn that Ruru is completely clueless because he skipped the tutorial and Kazo gives him more information causing him to freak out as he realizes how ignorant he is he decides to continue grinding thinking it should help him feel better and after some time Asha joins them realizing that their progress is insane we see that they're in tent which functions as a save point but Asha thinks it's too expensive saying she only used it because they don't have enough time she tells everyone that they need to leave because they need to talk to the unique NPC setsuna who only appears during a full moon saying they need to do it to fight the tomb guard they go to the forest where Asha opens a secret passage and leads them through a tunnel they reach an open area and they see sets as she sings A lullabi Ruru finds her strange as he notes that she's wearing clothes from The Real World wondering if she has something to do with the unique scenario Asha greets her and she introduces her companions saying they are her minions and she claims that they can put the tomb guard to rest setsa finds ruro interesting because he has the nights Slayer mark saying he reminds her of someone she knows Asha tells her to inform them about the timb guard and a window appears asking them if they want to begin the unique scenario they decide to accept it so sets in a reveal that the tomb guard was her lover but they had a minor misunderstanding prior to her death and since then he's been spending all of his time guarding her grave she can't recall when she died but she has already accepted that her life has ended saying the tomb guard needs to move on and she feels guilty because he's tied down to her P she explains that he used a program to create a barrier and he's using the energy of the Moonlight to hide his location but she reveals that the barrier will be cracked on the night of a new moon and his location is going to be revealed so they will be able to find him she implores them to put her lover to rest and Asha assures her that they will finish the task Ruru and katso are surprised to hear this because they recall that Asha was brutal to NPC's revealing that she made the royal family suffer in unite rounds they think she has regained her Humanity but she attacks them blowing them away they immediately surrender because she's already at max level and she tells them that she would have slaughtered them if it weren't for their West she explains that sets in his name and backstory guy are emotionally invested and ruro finds this cool saying a game is more fun if they take it seriously katso agrees with him and she's happy to hear this because they can understand her stupidity she reminds them that the tombu guard will be a difficult opponent but everyone is determined to succeed after some time ruro returns to the real world realizing that he played all night we learn that he has been killing serpents with Kazo and he's already at level 51 he's preparing for the fight with the Tim guard thinking his skills are going to determine the outcome he greets his mother Aika who is obsessed with insects and she's glad that he left his room before breakfast he tells her that he didn't want to be physically LED out again and we learn that she unplugs his console if he doesn't obey her we meet his sister roomie who is reading a fashion magazine and Ruru sees TOA knowing she's playing as Asha but he doesn't tell roomie about this and we learn that she's a huge fan because she seems to know everything about TOA Ruru thinks that sets is similar to TOA thinking this is the reason why she has decided to take the game seriously their father sji returns from his fishing trip and he's holding on to a huge fish he tells them that he was able to catch it but room thinks that they'll be eating nothing but fish again we learn that they have different hobbies and they're afraid that they won't be able to spend time as a family so they had an agreement in their household where they will be be eating together every Sunday after their meal ruro returns to his room thinking he's the most normal person in his family he realizes that he only has two weeks before the boss bowle begins thinking he needs to work on his reflexes because he needs to evade the ard's attacks to survive he decides to train in berserk online because the glitches in the game make the attacks difficult to avoid ruro logs into the game thinking about fighting the final boss but he encounters a player named dragon fly who reveals that he's a total Noob asking ruro if he can give him some tips ruro is surprised to see a new player because nobody wants to play the game so he decides to fight dragonfly wanting to see what he can do the battle begins and he charges at Ruru using a glitch that allows his arm to be rubber like Luffy and Ruru recognizes the move knowing how powerful it is dragonfly launches the attack creating a shock wave but we see that Ruru was able to dodge it explaining that he used a bug move called yoyo he's impressed that dragonfly was able to exploit a glitch but he explains that there's still much to learn about the game saying he's going to demonstrate just how buggy it is dragonfly charges at him but he launches a devastating combo allowing him to win the match he tells dragonfly that his technique is Invincible but he's determined to defeat Ruru saying he wants a rematch Ruru accepts it and dragonfly rushes in but it looks like he didn't change his strategy so Ruru tries to punch him but he suddenly disappears and we see that he used the yo-yo glitch to dodge the attack Ruru is impressed but he recalls that he's supposed to be training to fight the tomb guard and he ended up fighting a noob thinking he needs to find a worthy opponent dragonfly retracts his legs allowing him to close the distance and he manages to hit Ruru dealing considerable damage Ruru tells him that he's making progress but he chose to use the wrong move move so he's going to need time to recover ruro proceeds to give him a beating pushing him back but he's determined to win so he charges forward enduring the attacks and he goes on the offensive launching his fists at ruro he's surprised to see this because nobody has ever used that move and he knows that he can counter it but he decides to let it hit him losing the fight on purpose Ruru tells him that he just invented a new move telling him to name it but he doesn't know what to call it Ruru decides to show him a bug and at the beginning of the match he creates a clone revealing that he was the one who discovered the move he tells dragonfly that there is much to learn about the game saying this is what makes berserk Online worth playing he fights dragonfly with his clone and he manages to secure Victory as dragonfly realizes that he doesn't stand a chance he thanks Ruru for helping him out saying he was able to learn a lot and he promises to give his new move a good name meanwhile we see Kat of fishing at the lake because he's still at level 47 so he needs to keep grinding he doesn't enjoy doing it alone saying he wants to play with ruro but we see that he's eating with his family after some time ruro returns to the rabbit country where he plans to link his skills to create combos so Emma leads him to the skill Garden where we meet her sister Ela who tells ruro that she can combine his skills he realizes that his high level skills have piled up and she explains exps that combining them will produce Superior results so he decides to do it and she tells him to wait while she works on his order after a few moments Ela returns with a strange potion telling him to drink it to learn the combo skills he reluctantly drinks it allowing him to learn them but Ela tells him that she's selling skill manuals offering to give him a discount EML tries to warn him about her attitude but ruro tells EML not to worry saying he's willing to spend money for special items Ela shows him her selection saying he can easily afford them but he's surprised to see that they're ridiculously expensive thinking she's trying to rip him off but she persuades him to buy something and he ends up going with a skill called Moon's reflection but Ruru regrets his decision because he just lost all of his money saying he was afraid of how Ela would react ruro has a meeting with his friends where Asha reminds them that they have two weeks before the boss battle she reveals that they have a problem because the members of ass sure a kind know about the tomb guard and they have been using him to level up explaining that players gain experience whenever they encounter a unique monster she knows that they'll be there during the night of the new moon thinking they're going to be a hindrance katsa wonders why she won't talk to them since she is their guildmate but she explains that they're against her plan she reminds Ruru and katso that the ashuai members are notorious for killing other players telling them about an update which gave player Killers a special status she explains that when a player defeats a player killer he receives a bounty as well as the right to take anything that belongs to the player killer she knows that the members of aurai are holding on to rare items and other players are hunting them down so they found a way to reduce the damage dealt to them by exploiting the system but she reveals that her guildmates are vulnerable in their Hideout so she considers killing all of them saying that they are no use to her but that's where this video ends remember to like And subscribe to the Channel thanks for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: Recap-kun
Views: 549,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anicaps, animecaps, anime recaps, anime, anime movie recaps, horror anime recaps, best anime recaps, top anime recaps, fox anime recaps, anime recap, movie recap, aniplot, anime plot, anime summary, anime in minutes, defeating animes, recap, how to win anime, how to beat animes, mr recap
Id: ErMrrusRyKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 28sec (3688 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2024
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