One Propeller Top Speed Challenge 8000+MPH!??!!

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hello everybody and welcome back to another video where today I'm going to be trying to go as fast as I possibly can with the use of one propeller and there aren't really any rules the Only Rule I'm going to give myself is that I am not allowed to have more than one propeller and that's it all right so let's get started so currently with just the most simple vehicle I can you can possibly make using one propeller the top speed is going to be around I'm going to guess like 180 let's see oh dang blew it out of the water 182 183 184 maybe 185 there we go all right so we're going to go with 185 being the maximum speed of this creation so my first idea it would be to add Wheels duh but let's see all right now how fast can we go we can [Music] go quite a bit quicker 10 oh oh jeez all right so we just had a bit of a crash so let's try moving the propeller lower so we have a more centered thrust so we're not pulling our front wheels into the ground as much there we go much more stable we're getting up all the way to H 162 63 so the wheels have made us slower I I'd have to guess it's because of drag so let's reduce some of the drag on here so we can turn on aerodynamics you can see all these arrows are here we have quite a bit of drag so what I'm going to do is I'm going to well let's not mess with the aerodynamics yet because it's all quite green so I think something we can do is we can lower our friction by using only three wheels but we also want to be as light as we possibly can so I'll use a grid block all right here we go let's see if this gets us any faster oh looks like we're going to get to experience a funny little glitch that the game has yeah this isn't going to be usable so we can't do that um so maybe we can do something like this n it's just it's just going to lean forward like that all right so let's go with our few Wheels again but let's arrow glitch this real quick to increase our chances of or well not to increase our chances but let's just add all this in here so we can have better drag coefficient all right now let's cover up the wheels like this um if you didn't know this is called the arrow glitch it is a way to eliminate all of the drag under creation I use it in basically every single build I do um I have a Tut tutorial on my YouTube channel so you can click the link in the top right if you want to go check that out I highly recommend it and I'm going to make sure these are set to that make scrap so that n these all these blocks disappear all right now let's see how fast we can go all right I feel that we are immediately much quicker oh my gosh getting all the way up to 1 300 360 370 400 dang oh my gosh we're going quick 450 460 we're just going to keep on going all right [Music] 4789 480 485 486 47 48 489 490 491 all all right I think oh 492 all right there we go that's the maximum speed of this current thing so to make it faster all I can really think of is oh jeez using less wheels or something to eliminate some more drag so something that we could try and do is only have two wheels but we'll use a gyro in in the back here to keep us stable oh maybe that's a little too much power on there maybe we can lower this to about two yeah that's much more stable all right let's try it all right we're off going about the same speed oh I can't remember what it was it was probably 450 something so let's just see if we can break that I feel that we're going pretty quick already but I don't think we're going to beat it look at that there we go okay oh we're getting some wobbles and we are now flying you know that's cool I like flying all right that's actually a great idea how about we just start flying oh jeez it's gone bam all right so let's just try using uh let's just fly you know like how about we just do that pretty easy but let's start vertical so we can just fly woo all right that's a little problematic so um what do I do about that here let's just move this like that should be no Dr still nope that's funny um it's because of this block right here so what we'll do is we'll use wedge pieces is like that and we'll connect it boom all right here we go going up all right so for this it's going to require me to help keep it stable so going up we're going pretty quick already so I'm going to go up as high as I can and I'm just going to start dive bombing and we're going to see if we can go a bit faster I'd like to be able to break the speed of sound but that's going to be real tricky all right so we're getting all the way up here 348 350 all right I feel we could probably start going back down now so let's just kill throttle try and flip ourselves around we're going super fast we're like an arrow shooting through the sky all right there we go all right picking up some speed there's 400 480 500 oh 580 590 can we break 600 yep we did all right 415 416 4 and 620 620 mph we are not that far off maybe an extra 100 miles an hour we'll be able to break it so here's what we're going to do we are going to switch seats for something lighter because that will increase our acceleration because we have no drag so let's go with the go-kart seat because it's the lightest seat in the game all right and then we just got to figure out where we can do the arrow glitch on this so we can probably put them here um we need to cover drag in front of it yep and on top so we can just put a two by4 like that should be blocking all the drag coming from the top of it like that and set these to that all right let's try this going up oh it's wanting to tilt back a lot probably because our Center of mass is a bit further to the left than I would like it but this is the lightest possible vehicle you can make with one propeller apart from the um pieces used for the arrow glitch surprisingly uh we're not going that quick that's concerning let's see if we can break it going down maybe we have a drag problem yeah this thing is not it's getting stuck so something tells me that we are getting some unintended drag and I didn't do my arrow glitch quite properly so let's just go b boom all right so let's try seeing where I missed we'll just tilt it back so I can see all the drag uh well there you go that's yeah I think it's coming from the propeller so we can put it on the back here and switch the controls here then we can try putting maybe that was what was creating drag on the other one hm I don't know maybe it was maybe it wasn't I'm just making sure our arrow glitch is functional here all right let's try it all right much better than the first attempt here oh boy you know that's not good let's let's get back up there I think that was just a skill issue on my part all righty oh we might have a stability issue now that our rest is coming from the back here let me try adding a oh come on NOP go on go up go up go my gosh this thing is resisting going up at all costs all right let's just go down let's see if that makes it easier H we can't because there's more mass in the back of it it's making us do the opposite effect we want oh my gosh Come on come on go down very fast when we actually can go down Here's a thought what if we just try it on flat ground like if I just tilt forward once we well done can I flip this over with my character come on nope all right let's just put in build mode and tilt it over like we're supposed to all right let's see how fast we can go with just like this because I think Wheels do slow us down unfortunately all right we are hauling butt there's 300 4 400 500 600 oh we're breaking the speed of sound there we go we have broken the sound barrier th000 miles hour holy guacamole we are going quick and there you go all right so I think to go as fast as possible we either need to increase our acceleration or I need to get myself more of a runup and to do that I'm going to go to the very corner of the map here I'm just going to go completely diagonal across the entire map because if you didn't know the flat map in this game is a perfect square so once I can fly back I didn't even know you could leave the map but I guess you can or maybe I glitch through I hope not and I have glitched out all right let's see if we can spawn my Creation in here there we go we're back in it nothing ever happened all right so what we need to do is I need to make sure I'm like perfectly lined up here all right that that looks good enough to me all right here we go we're a little off that that's all right all right here we go 500 600 700 there we go sound barrier 900 1,00 1,100 1,200 1,300 oh my gosh we are flying 1,400 1,500 1,600 oh my gosh 1,800 oh we're going to hit the Ed here 1,900 can we break 2,000 there's 2,000 miles hour broken with one propeller 2,100 oh all right so I saw 2,147 miles an hour man you are not going to get much quicker than that oh my gosh that's insane and that was just like scraping across the ground okay let's see if it's worth sacrificing some weight to get a ski or two so that would cost us 0.4 kilogram so that's the equivalent of two or well I don't know I would say grid block but apparently they're not 0.2 all right let's get back into that corner we're moving and we're not even doing anything yet that's just how good we are all right here we go and we immediately flip over okay so what can we do to solve this problem um we're going to give ourselves a wider stance maybe I don't know and I need the lightest block I can possibly put here so that would probably be the grid block one by tws we'll just do a little bit of magic if you know what I mean all right let's just throw in a 1x4 right there for the arrow glitch it should work all right let's get back into our corner here for the optimal run to go as fast as possible all righty here we go we have hit a wall and there that's his lined up as I'm going to get here we go not very lined up oh my gosh what happened we've had a bit of a spill wonder what caused that we're going we're going oh I see what's happening because we're angling up slightly it's creating lift on the bottom of our creation which is causing us to crash so that's not good I don't really know how to solve that honestly this might just be as fast as you can possibly go oh wait I got to delete these grid blocks and that and that and that all all right this is the fastest one propeller vehicle I could possibly make all right there you go very fast I'm going to do a little cheeky thing all right let's see how fast we can go now all right we're getting up pretty quick here there's 2,000 oh 3,000 4,000 5 6 7 oh there you go 7,000 mph that's uh that's pretty quick if I do say so myself oh boy let's just make sure we get all the way to the corner here all righty here we go all right we we're going pretty quick so there's 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 eight all right I saw 8,165 mph so there you have it that's how fast you can go with one propeller goodbye
Channel: WTS
Views: 8,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trailmakers, Trailmakers Challange, 8000MPH, Soundbarrier, Propeller
Id: u7tVttki3Wo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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