One Owner 1974 Chevrolet 4X4 Farm Truck! Abandoned for 15 Years! Will It Run?!?

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hey there Boys Girls YouTube world today the dub dog and I need to see if we can't get this 1974 Chevrolet K10 running for the first time in 15 years [Applause] [Music] do we need to take you to uh some type of uber addiction courses classes first step is admitting you've got a problem though so it's it's super Pleasant here in Podunk we gotta get this thing out of the snow so why don't we cut back to when it was a whole lot warmer and we picked this thing up in a nice fence line in Western North Dakota I think we were only in sweatshirts yeah and the sound quality is going to be absolutely horrendous industry so I'm gonna jump in the Bobcat with a little bit of snow on I'm gonna get this thing drug out of here and my dog is chasing rabbits all right I guess I'll do this on my own he's been sitting in the fence line or you're rotten away for well since I'll wait so 14 years let's get our drug out of here get her home see what we can do we're leaving the lawnmowers I don't need those hopefully we can find a tailgate huh [Music] thank you [Music] let's pull it out you can tell by my breath and the frost on the windshield of the toe Pig look at this backdrop we got here anyway we got into the sandwiches pretty good when we were cutting up the oil Henry J so there's the front clip in the dash and they're tied down tight on the trailer we got the back of the car sitting in the back of this 74 Chevy and we got the rest of the body cut into pieces or the body of the frame and drivetrain cut into pieces and we threw it in a neighbor's uh scrap dumpster so we're cycling that just for you Greta gotta tie down a couple more things we're gonna get out of here aren't we maxy boy look at that backdrop though I don't know bear Butte or something something but it's called she's a beaut though all right get these fenders tied down and we're gonna drive like uh five and a half six hours home you're gonna stay here at your max we did see a couple pheasants took a crack at one didn't get it so we'll have to come back another time shoot some more birds oh you're so pretty after your bath yeah Duff uh definitely rolled in something dead yesterday so uh he's not gonna ride in the pickup smell him like dead end chili see you guys out for a bit hopefully it's warmer you gotta yell louder it's really loud on top of the hill here get him Duff get him freeloaders jump on her nice jacket everybody just watches the videos just to see the dog all right we need some freebies what are we doing what's this for um raising money for a playground oh all right playground it is almost took a little digger there loose footing all right we got our grab bags put together for the Lisbon preschool uh playground fundraiser they got going on tomorrow let's get this thing out of the snow and back inwards [Music] thank you [Music] Duff well Bernie's about Unstoppable if you know what you're doing so be careful if we ever get that figured out you guys are in trouble she was buried pretty deep hey Duff it's uh Waist Deep back here and my uh he's there tonight oh Bernie pulled her right out of that hole no problem a couple of clutch dumps can't fix two flat rear tires Bernie is the champ and the heater works great in there so we're gonna pump those tires up because the best looking tires fence line for 15 years Diggers the super Fleet 115s anyway we're gonna put some air in them going sideways no wind you know what uh old Bernie needs their duffel up I guess that's corn for the pheasants don't be eating that he needs uh onboard air who I suppose we could keep this in the cab remember that sweet oh we had two forks 65 and a 66 it has Belgium and air compressors sure could use one of those guys right now yeah you can see there's this that's a Chelsea PTO drive off the transmission oh he had to notch his crossover so he beefed her up with some c channel both sides and that runs back drives that compressor fills that Reservoir over there blow off valve we're gonna see if that works there's our pressure tank I believe that's our shut off switch right there pressure switch kills the compressor clutch once she's charged up this Tank's quite a bit bigger than the halftime compressor I heard a click turning oh yeah she's compressing holy crap I think shoots up a rate meow hurry up man wow Zone uh at what point does it quit maybe goes up to 150 and he's got 100 gauge on here oh sweet she kicks right off at 100. fingers Oh weird the valve stem Cap's not on it it's like we put air in this once before yes pumping tires up gives him the Zoomies that dog is all jacked up on Hoover Steve hey you're gonna get squished under there come on out of there you goof I'll spend all that corny was eating hey that's pheasant corn come on leave that for the ditch parrots you got plenty of snacks inside [Music] you got a dog that eats uh weird things like maybe White Castle burgers or tomatoes related vegetables Starbucks no I think this thing gets slower in the winter don't worry it's not uh blowing 20 miles an hour out of the North today only 18. hey enough with the corner I love cone cone I guess it's better than him liking clown I'm a clam God hey clam [ __ ] oh hey look what's in the back of this one the back half of it Henry J or Allstate as this one is all right we are back here in Studio D where it is much much warmer and we're gonna give you a little insight on the Kaiser Fraser Henry J that we've been uh subtly hinting at in our videos this week's morski minute is brought to you by none other than Globex Globex the non-specific International Company serving the needs of customers through service and Synergy so the Henry J was named after none other than the Kaiser Fraser Corporation chairman Henry James Kaiser that's right the guy named the car after himself but it was supposedly voted upon who knows so uh Mr Kaiser Henry J uh he actually started a few businesses throughout the years uh he made his billions or Millions whatever to call it building ships and uh supplying materials during World War II World War II he actually uh built a ship in like four days and 15 hours or something like that at one point and they actually bested that record by building some ship in like 72 hours so this guy is newest stuff he was pretty good at streamlining things anyway he uh had a bunch of money after the war so in like 1947 they bought out the grand page Corporation him and uh Joe Frazier who was actually the head of the grand page at that time and they uh started what is called Kaiser Frazier and then towards the end they bought out the Willis Overland Corporation and then it was Kaiser Willis and then it was just Kaiser Jeep and anyway so which Jeep still exists so uh so I guess you could say his his lineage is still out there so I like I said after the war he had some money he bought the uh pretty much defunct uh Grand page um and then he got a pretty good Federal Loan because the federal government Wanted cars that were affordable to uh the average American so some of these stipulations of this 1949 Federal Loan with it had to be launched by September of 1950 and it had to do 50 miles an hour sustainably it had to seat five adults and yeah that was pretty much it thirteen hundred dollars was about fourteen thousand dollars in uh twenty twenty one dollars this is all from the old Wikipedia if you want to go check it out for yourselves it's got to be true uh they started out with two models well there's only two models pretty much ever basically uh for the Henry J there was the Corsair which was the four cylinder 134.2 cubic inch four cylinder which was basically the same thing used in the CJ 3A Jeeps it was a whopping 68 horsepower and then there was the Corsair Deluxe which was a whopping 80 horsepower at 161 cubic inch six cylinder they launched these things started building them in the Willow Run Factory in Michigan um in 1950 July 1950 actually and uh they started building the four cylinders in Labor Day in 1950 it was a two-door only it was 100 inch wheelbase it was 2341 pounds real lights uh publicly introduced September 28 1950 they made them through 1954 even though the 54 models were pretty much just left over 53 models that they uh changed a couple of things to had Papa windshields the vinteg and a 54 in it instead of the 53. basically the same thing as the Model T is what the Mr Kaiser was going for here something budget friendly for pretty much all Americans they can afford it and he wanted to be seen as inexpensive but what the American side is was cheap you know your basic Transportation needs is about what it came out doing some of those ways that he made it cheap were cheap inexpensive was uh kind of neat they didn't have trunks uh originally you had to fold down the back seat to access the trunk uh later on they they found out people wanted to not get into the trunk through the uh back seat so they added trunks it was a factory accessory option or an accessory package that they offered they only had visors on the driver's side not on the passenger side uh what else were there was some kind of oh fixed rear Side Glass so there was no window regulators in the uh in the back windows they were just fixed uh they did add a tip out windshield earlier or later towards uh I think at the end like 54. uh 53 they put the tail lights in the fenders Sears actually worked with them and they rebranded the Henry J as an All-State basically the only differences was that they had All-State tires All-State battery they had a little bit different trim they had the All-State badging and then a different Grill hood ornament and hubcaps Sears only carried them from 52 until the end in 54. the one that I actually have I believe is a 53 or a 54 or Allstate it's you can see where the All-State badge was unfortunately somebody got their grubby mitts on that before we carefully excavated this thing from the trees and swamp that it was sitting in interestingly enough in 1950 they had 1.35 percent of the market share by 1954 when they uh ixnade the corsairnay they had .02 percent of the market share so things weren't going very good in 1952 they used the 51 leftovers and they added a continental kit called the they called it the Vagabond yeah there was 7017 sold they were available in Japan from 1952 through 1954 through a subsidy of the mitsu what is now the Mitsubishi Corporation so that's pretty neat how neat is that and then also in 1954 they added a padded Dash so I'm guessing they just drilled a couple holes in the dash and popped it in there so that's one thing we'll have to look at mine and look at the the other section of this thing I've got the whole car well basically the whole body and we're gonna see if it had a pad one point it had a three-speed overdrive oh that's the other neat thing about these things is so one of the other neat things about these things is they uh were basically launched the American compact car industry that we know now they just got to a little bit too soon before anybody was ready for it and part of it was the gas you know they wanted to have uh economical car to run because gas was a whopping uh 27 cents per gallon some of these cars were getting 35 miles a gallon I don't know thousands before so are the six cylinder and they actually had some competitions for fuel mileage back in the day I believe they were sponsored by mobile let me see if I can find it in my notes here yeah I found one of my notes so in 1953 they won the mobile economy run so I mean come on this thing was an award-winning car uh one other time some of the other interesting facts was the first design was designed by none other than Howard Dutch Darren you guys should know who that is if you don't I'm gonna check them out but the actual design that kind of these cars are based on was designed by American Metal Products and then Mr Darren got in there and he added the dip to the Belt Line uh into that same dip to the windshield and the rear view or the rear window and then Tail Fins as well so he had to add his little touches in there I call him the eyebrow but uh yeah so pretty famous designer had his hands on it they do have a really neat Style and the thing that these cars are basically known for other than their obscurity and how they stand out like a Nash Metropolitan and how small they are is they were super lightweight these actually evolved in the Willis arrow car kind of because you know release and Kaiser and everybody got together but uh anyway a lot of guys love these things for gasers put a straight axle in it set a great big and nasty engine in it they're already light short wheelbase yada so the demise of this car was that it sat outside for too long so I'm thinking about just cutting the corner panel on the door and the fender and Welding it all together and putting it on the wall I think it'd be kind of cool just hanging up there and then I'd have another half to sell this car is just really really really rough so I'm probably not going to build it into a car but if somebody wants to own this thing they could probably own it hit us up more securepair so anyway that is your markskey minute this week on the Henry J made by the Kaiser Fraser Corporation brought to you by Globex now back here regularly scheduled shenanigans all right one down I want to go I just don't know mess these things up because they're they're good well they're not good they look cool ready grip oh yeah so good Bernie's the champ now if I know [Music] well apparently that one is not gonna take air it was probably that way when we loaded it we can fix that with a tube though right now [Applause] I guess we're ready to roll this thing in the shop just one take before I do that check out mount your grape Concord we put up there probably like a week and a half maybe two weeks ago and there's like another 30 feet of snow behind it Mount morski is probably 40 feet wide and I bet it goes close to 100 yards back that's just one pile there's a pile by that building there's a pile there and there and there and a whole bowl that wraps around the shop and some by the driveway anyway I'm sick of winter how about you so I figured what we would do I was sick of moving snow around that Concorde that Concorde was out in the middle of nowhere and then Mount morski creeped up on it we're gonna take bats you sent us an email at the special site it's sunnyhillfarms Chin's gonna put it right here Sunny hillfarms and in the title of that email with the date when you think all four tires of that car are gonna touch soggy wet mud gravel whatever is underneath gonna put that in the heading and if you guessed the date right we will send you some type of grab pack there's four of you that win we'll send out four grab packs if there's nobody that wins then the next closest guest will get it but uh sunnyhillfarms and the date if you think it's May 7th 2023 if you think it's 2024 uh I'm not gonna be around to find out because I am moving south but put your guess in the title in the subject put the date you think this thing's gonna hit the ground and then if you want to send us a dad joke down underneath that'd be great we love dad jokes I'll give you my favorite dad Joe how do Billboards communicate sign language all right enough with Mount Morris key we'll give you some updates on that as things start to thaw currently we're not getting much thaw action going on here you can't say all right let's get this thing back inside so that I can thaw out and so can the custom blocks [Music] all right [Music] we all know how much I hate flat tires and we're gonna get this thing running no in Dallas so we're gonna need four round black rubber units on this thing to make the drive it's a little bit more user friendly and Wesley always thinks that takes too long in my video for me to get tools out so let's just get right into it let's Jack this thing up get the hubcap off get that wheel off go put it on our tire machine and put a 20 eBay tube in there this thing sitting pretty [Music] of course some dummy forgot to roll this window up before it snowed yep sure enough there's glass in it just being lazy should we expedite this snow melting process but get some of it off this gym here look at this 401 degrees the old 67 was 400 degrees so sequential serial number plates that's pretty neat that's pretty [Music] you wanna help no perfect snowball making consistency oh wait no time for snowballs we got work to do it's no nuts we could do some of those except I'm pretty sure this thing's full-time photo drags snow nuts probably aren't good is there a square body King [Music] minty oh that's a good one oh it's like popping a great big healthy soup so satisfying is that what the kids say though satisfaction guaranteed well Casey hadn't guessed with the license plate this came from the same family that the 67 eldrid the C10 came from that thing's still available if you want to own it otherwise we might hang on to it and uh do something with it someday or use it for parts but that one was Eldred this is eldred's son's pickup he bought this brand new in 19 well probably 73 but could be 74 left I'll look at the time but let's uh take a quick look at this thing before we rip into it so as I said this is a four wheel drive that other one was a two-wheel drive C10 K10 C2 wheel drive K four wheel drive 10 is a half ton this thing's a 74 so the second year of the square body 73 was the first year these have my favorite grills they got the lace deep Grill it's got the chrome front bumper It's a custom deluxe package so it's not the Silverado the high end whenever that came out I'm guessing it came out in 73 but that's not a Cheyenne I think it's right down there at the bottom four-wheel drive automatic small block I'm guessing a 350. it does not have lockouts so I'm guessing it's got a full-time four-wheel drive transfer case which would be a 203 new process that being said it's got low range and high range it's two speed and then it's got low lock and high lock I'm not entirely sure how that works but I'm sure somebody's going to comment down below it's got the 715 super Fleet ready grips I just think those things look so gnarly some 750s would be a little bit cooler inter sitting a little bit higher so I'm guessing that's uh 14 a 29 inch tall tire so yeah a 30 31 or a 33 would be real good on here it does have the trim I think some of them didn't even have that like I said custom deluxe model the hood ain't even Kink yet so we'll make sure to lube that hinge the earlier what is it the 80 and older it's got the hood that goes back to here they don't have that balance covers the wipers it's got the sport mirrors on it looks like the trim got ripped off and so they riveted around in a couple of spots how's the inside look oh another door that doesn't open maybe that's why we left the window can't oh man there we go that was easy to fix I'm guessing our seats gonna need some work Duff doesn't care uh no power windows no power locks no tilt a whole lot of fecal matter over there no headliner the roof doesn't oh never mind there's a hole up there I've never seen a hole in a square body up top there the mice were Fierce out here what is it by Johnson's Corner Keene North Dakota area way out Podunk Watford City you know yeah I always like these things some of these SPID plates say what you got to do to put a camper in it because everybody was putting campers and Pickups back then it is a two-tone so they got that option again you'd get this divider there if you got a two-tone missing that piece of trim the earlier Square bodies have the gas cap on the outside the later ones like I don't know 80 or 81 because they put the gas door on there somebody's gonna correct me if I'm wrong typical rot above the wheels and behind the wheels like these things I always get tailgate was missing for this one it's got the toe bumper steel floor wood floor she's got the steel floor both tail lights are in it and not knocked out that's pretty good for a ranch pickup actually the tops of the Box ain't all caved in yeah there's our Henry J project that uh game with this thing that was interesting loading that it may or may not have folded in a half cut to that video also was much warmer at that time so I think these cars were sold by gambles are Coast to Coast this thing is rough but it's a Henry J and uh you just don't see them looks like it was last tagged in 58. I think I'll just go right through the windows I don't think we're gonna screw up the roof hopefully it picks it up we might maybe just go underneath first underneath the bumpers and kind of get her out of the dirt it's nice somebody got the glass and the super cool emblem maybe there's some good stuff in the trunk probably not oh an old cast iron gear look at the floors in it though not bad the guy finds one that's really rusty on the bottom you can grab the roof out of that one but on this one maybe things make the coolest drag cars or maybe we're just gonna have the nastiest condition Henry J looks like it's got an All-State Flathead six I would have guessed this would have been a four-cylinder car all right so I'll get her loaded up [Music] foreign what'd you do [Music] I was like oh just a little hole over roof and then the car came in half it was going so good oh my word so everything was going good until it wasn't first it started with a little put a hole peeking through the roof and then the rough skin kind of detached from the windshield and then the whole back half of the car just kind of exited stage left from the frame yeah it's not good enough not good at all well now what no she's on the trailer if anybody needs a chassis for a bingo Henry J no we'll we'll see we're saving those we'll save the sheet metal those I always thought like a little tiny fins on the back are the coolest it's got some stuff there's pieces there nipples you're sick I even had that same emblem up there on the front all the coast to coast one yeah all that Millions loner did a good job we got about four miles to go to Grumpy's place so we'll see how much car is left by the time we get there it's not looking good for team Henry J so here's the plan with the Henry J we really just wanted for the sheet metal anyway to make a Gasser to cut it and hang on the wall so we're gonna cut her up we're gonna nip the floor back there we gotta cut the other a-pillar and then we got to cut a couple body bolts up here so we can get the cowl front clip doors off and uh yeah maybe save the bumpers we'll see am I gonna record it because it's cold out and the camera battery doesn't last very long so well a little Kubota couldn't do it so we got a 4430 John Deere [Applause] here we go uh you're worthless information in the day the back half of a Henry J body fits very nice in a square body again this thing's pretty straight not as Rusty over here but Rusty enough all the hubcaps are there that's pretty cool again I think that other gas tank looks like it was added on this side's at least recessed pretty solid in the cab corners a little rust in the doors rockers look super solid I mean straight pickup but yeah look at all that I don't know if that's green the mice carried in or what but I'm guessing the glove box is just full and it just fell out of there oh it's got the key in it what a deal AM radio no AC what's behind the seat hopefully not an animal got the cowboy seat cover in there no gun rack what kind of cowboys were these okay we're not getting that open wood grain inserts nothing but the finest we should pump that tire up but at least it holds air Duff you want to uh come open the hood Fender is real crusty but again super straight these things I always get it in the uh cups up here too I wonder what happened there this is the strangest thing though I have seen it on some Square bodies I think mice and dust and dirt gets up in this front lip and can't get it out and then you get a little humiditation and then boom your hood sucks which is really a pain because it's uh not tacoed yet there in the middle now listen up t-94 while it was in the staging Lane the hood was bent while being closed as you can see the seller will cover up to 1500 per Hood replacement and painting can you imagine being that guy that must have really sucked I bet made his day we're almost a guy who just bought it or maybe it hadn't sold them and did that yeah best part about the 73s and fours is this super deep Grill there Duff you want to take a break from sniffing out the most poops and open a hood he says I'm busy oh yeah and it looks like we're gonna go have supper just throw a battery in this thing and see if it fires up power brakes all the square bodies had disc brakes flexi hose so that already means it's probably going to have issues should we just throw a battery in this thing see what happens with it a 350 I'm guessing oh no oh it says 350 to 400 yeah I think it's just a 350. we'll have to uh check it out it says four barrel side post top post oh they got the same wood block here no it isn't a wood Block it's plywood what a deal the Jack's missing son of a biscuit all right where's the battery cable ends at least the snow is cold which one is that I'm guessing that's grown seeing as how it's black oh look at that Duff side post the top post adapter what a time to be alive all right are you kidding me the air cleaners rotted out oh that's not looking good all right a search continues for the positive battery cable I can no longer feel my hand so we'll just check that up it's casualty of War son of uh we're gonna need a battery cable in order to do this blower motor yeah we don't need that plugged into we fix that maybe all right It's gotta be here somewhere where is it at oh okay enough of that I think you know to do this right we gotta let this thing thaw out or get rid of that snow on there so we can check the fluids and check for spark oh it does have points ignition I always thought that was a 74 deal but maybe it was 75. maybe they just used up all the uh Distributors they had laying around maybe somebody swapped it over who knows but we're gonna let this thing thaw out Burr I'm gonna go have a sandwich to warm my hand up what do you think Duff take a sandwich break yeah sometimes you just gotta shut the shop down as the neighbor AKA pookie 's what I want to do you want to be a farm dog today okay you can stay here and chew on that bone he says he doesn't want that old heifer all riled up anyway this should be fun oh here we go tits up Ranch needs to do a better job at clearing out the road good thing we got the uh Expedition here we're probably gonna have to lock her in four dig though there we go oh all right where's this Critter at oh got the old lady with helping Cali's so excited for me to be filming oh this should be great I thought he needed help he's got you here you're so strong Hercules Hercules Hercules Hercules good thing I didn't show up a half hour ago when you called because you're not ready yet in the Corral oh have it and then what the calf stuck his head in there and pulled it apart not another cow letter Escape their tag team in this they're plotting together oh that's a nice horse trailer livestock trailer and I'm a horse trailer what's the difference [Laughter] which one do we get the brown one oh the one horse oh the one with horns that looks like a goat [Music] oh cows is fun if I get cows I'm just gonna leave them here for you guys foreign [Applause] okay no pressure I let this guy out okay foreign come on cows yay I feel like we should fix that I think he wanted to grab something to chain that up yeah now they're going to be really good before you climb in I think there's ration straps in there but I took them out [Music] foreign I just thought why are you in there now we're gonna try to sneak one off the side there [Music] foreign five five turn around great success we go into the ship we go into the ship so we're laughing that popped up oh man I quit recording we should do it all over again horse stuck if only you had moved snow beforehand Kenny how's it going are you having fun oh it only took us 29 minutes new record okay you follow me okay potatoes all right well ranching was fun thanks for the invite we'll do it again sometime let me know when you need a Ford to pull your big fancy Chevy out uh caliper today oh I forgot why didn't you use the diesel and none of them run Hey Ron okay all right well what do we name this one you didn't you didn't get a name she's angry she's gonna be Burger goodbye is her name all right back to work all right we got our thought out under the engine bay but look at this remember I was talking about that gas cap earlier now this one's inset into the bedside you can tell it's factory because the way that it is and on this side she's just kind of hanging out in the breeze so that sure looks like it was added on and further back up my situation that uh switch looks like she was hacked into the dash and I don't know what that one does over there but yeah I don't think this was a factory dual tank pickup but there should be a switch right over there by the ashtray so that was added on I knew something didn't look right there silly that they put the single tank on that side instead of just have it over on the driver's side so when you pull up the gas pump you just get out here and pump you know you got to walk around the pickup good call on that one GM other than the fact that they're outside the frame rail or get pinched by the frame rail like to explode then I'm going to be a problem for us so is it tough hey look there's the 327 on a the last pick up from these guys oh this one's got the same exact inline heater hose block heater thinger it's a small block power steering oh it does have a solid fan we can see if it turns over really coolant in this one you still gotta find that starter cable where is that at oh same battery hold down strap what a deal quite a collection of these I'm gonna get a little light on the subject sure enough there it is the black cable go to the battery you don't suppose the same mice that rotted out that air cleaner neck got inside you know ruined a valve again two in one fence line that'd be great actually it wouldn't come on oh boy I ever told you how much I hate mice that is the worst ear Clinger I've ever seen yeah sure enough the mice have been in here and they've literally eaten seven eighths of the air filter they've even rotted out the air cleaner completely seized the Quadra bog I'm thinking this airplane is gonna come off in pieces this one's going great in the trash have I ever told you how much I absolutely despise nice Listen to This Hood it's all from mice being in there and feeling the Hood full of crap too they've been the demise of a lot of vehicles and they will continue to be the demise of vehicles we need to eradicate them immediately you know I'm a firm believer in the whole Quadra Boggs but I think this one is Beyond saving that is I've never seen a choke rusted up that bad looks like we're gonna have to take that off but let's check a few other things first like the dipstick oh don't be oh no the dipstick is Rusted off not rusted off but very well rusted so that means there's something corrosive in there like Mouse pee can't wait absolutely can't wait I mean I'm excited about this one guys this is going to be great small black Chevys they all just they all want to run I don't even know why I'm putting that dipstick in there this thing because they'll feel better that I put it back in I suppose let's put a battery in it let's just get after it let's do it for Wes crank this thing over and see if it does crank and when it doesn't we'll just go from there I mean it's gonna crank positivity Positive Vibes only oh look at that the same said mice he's chewed off all the uh blood wires well then chew them off just just nibbled on the boots a bit no big deal just to be crazy let's see if we can turn it over by hand of course not okay can't rock it because it's an automatic so we're gonna put a battery in it if he may is this week's battery sponsor all the way over there oh yeah we're gonna clean these cables up all right meow hurry up meow drag over for us for us all right come on fam turn when I hit the key [Music] not even a click or nothing so either we got a bad connection to the starter I wiggled the shifter to make sure it was in the neutral safety switch could be a lot of things so I'm gonna go ahead and just hook up a loser switch we're just going to bypass everything and we could I mean we could have a dead battery or one of these cables or these side posts to top post adapters I mean we got we got options here but uh let's at least get the starter to make a click or maybe it's the starter Duff says you ready to tear apart a starter yeah that'd be great oh man The Ramones it's a lot easier to reach the starter wire then on the log style manifolds dang it so I'll be going underneath hitting it from the back side I think I got it hooked up but I'm not very confident enough so let's give it a whirl [Applause] oh I budged it's not happy about it so we're gonna pull some spark plugs and put some oil in there you know so it turns over faster because oil clearly didn't help us last week let's see if it helps this week I mean or clean the battery cables let's pull the spark plugs at least it's budging I can get uh I can get behind that oh hopefully these ones look better oh yeah that doesn't look too bad at all I don't need that we're into one acr44ts [Music] all right all the AC plugs are out everything looks pretty good so let's crack open a brand new can of coil and do the right thing and just spray down the cylinders because that makes every engine all better according to the internet yeah it does except for that engine it didn't it didn't work that time folks so now you know we'll do it again just to appease the masses I love making this face just for that person out there who loves Luke comments about putting the oil down the cylinders all right fresh can of coil do this foreign [Music] plug's still out so we're not making any compression and some fresh coil in there let's see how this thing turns over now it's really a lot better than it did before not so much well what could be causing that I guess we'll get the schlong out and probe around the cylinders see if we can see what's causing it to not want to turn over well anyways look at me like that when I get the schlong out weird dog all right let's uh check out cylinder number uh Uno I don't even know what I'm looking at must be at top dead center sure looks like that's the Piston right there I want number three oh it's down there I don't see a hole or a valve head laying in there but number five looks good a mouse house number seven again no surprises there hmm and we just got a weak starter a bad battery here connection man number two looks good something going on in there four six is a top dead center because I can tell everything's all right there as well and number eight I don't know I don't really see anything crazy noteworthy with the schlong so maybe we'll check some battery connections and whatnot just clean up these battery connections I'm sure they're just as clean as the inside of that air cleaner lid and then let's get rid of this adapter from the side post the top post because that can't be helping our resistance or this battery cable end I know how much Wes loves these things now let's give her a try oh yeah all right give me the old finger jack on the compression but on number one [Music] got nothing on one foreign [Music] [Music] I think it was just those battery connections hopefully cylinders not getting any probes in there oh come on starter real good okay let's uh see if we can diagnose what's going on with number one here go to your home there's the Piston I don't see a hole in it the problem with this scope is you can't see the valves oh looks like we got one hanging open there or that one's open because of where the Pistons at so I wonder if I can bump the key without smashing the probe and watch that valve this should be great all right I just I just want to get the tip in there just the tip the tip of the schlong into cylinder number one no the tip's all dirty how did it get all dirty better I think so if you want to know how awesome it is trying to be a YouTuber deal with people on the internet hold cameras ask me I'll tell you okay where's that piss there's that there is the valve that I bet is hanging up I can't tell it's exhaust or intake oh it closed piston came up Pistons up so I'm thinking that's the other valve right there on the left and they don't seem like it's moving [Music] that one is [Music] but the exhaust valve is not only a flat lobe on a camshaft [Music] I guess we'll pull the valve cover off and see [Music] there's some silly going on the hardware so somebody's been here before all right let's see what we find mine this guy oh yeah because there's silicone down ain't coming off perfect oh don't you love this sound silicone tearing loose on you still holding back oh it is the situation here I'm pretty sure that valve cover was just straight silicone down no gasket all silicone I don't know that I've seen that in a while got some top-notch West River mechanicary there oh it's even the clear stuff tub and tile real nice now let's keep an eye on this exhaust valves we've got a flat lobe on the camshaft or if I'm just dreaming well it's moving ever so slightly but she's super Lewis and the threads are about the same that are showing so I wonder if that stud isn't pulling out of the head these are a press in style stud into the head instead of a screw in style like a lot of the race car guys run so maybe that's just pulling out so let's tighten that up a bit see if that gets us anywhere these are the 882 heads the last three digits are 882 the first ones are what was it three three nine three three three three three three eight eight two I don't know I just go by the last three days eight eight two and I just kind of your standard smog yeah that's what I actually got on my 327 my station wagon yeah I've had pretty good luck with them seemed like they work okay all right let's snug that down see if that gets us anywhere got it so that our intake valve is open so this one should have no tension on it so we're going to tighten that down until we get a little resistance go from there now let's see what happens when we turn it over oh now it's stuck well I guess we'll be loosening an exhaust valve oh croyle on her that can't hurt might as well hit them all while we're at it oh pry bar on there well let's make sure the intake's open it isn't open yeah we got a flat lobe on a camshaft the reason we could tell that it is a lobe on the camshaft is this push rod runs on a lifter which runs on a little bit of camshaft so we're taking everything out of there and watch how much this intake moves versus the exhaust come on starter see how that intake moves two or three times more than that exhaust yeah that camera was flat unfortunately so we're not going to get any compression if the exhaust isn't opening as much as it should but uh you know we're gonna wing it anyways it's gonna send it We've ran small blocks on seven before haven't we take a look at the other one see what they're doing oh yeah everything looks good let's see if we got any compression on one just maybe by tightening that down a little bit maybe we got a little bit of compression probably not though definitely not so we might as well not even waste our time putting a spark plug in there hooking up the plug wire okay let's set the valve cover back on let it rip thank you this is running a loser switch let's put a jumper wire on there and go right to the coil see if we got any Sparky spark I'm betting this one does not but who knows all right now we just need to find a good ground hopefully this vacuum holes will do it nothing imagine that everything looks good I'm just gonna give her a couple flicks of points Maybe no more ski for like 60 of the time works every time sixty percent of the time it works every time that doesn't make sense let's check to make sure it's turned definitely the rotor is turning a few more ski flicks now let's see what we got bam horsey flick we need to patent that back on with our rotor I didn't clean a little carbon tracing as Freiburger calls it off the end of the contact so check out the inside of the cap for any surprises it don't look great this thing had been running just absolutely terribly the last few times between a flat camel the way this ignition works I'm gonna double check make sure we still got a spark wait a hot Spark well I guess we're gonna need to address the fuel situation you don't oh boy I thought we had that opening we definitely did not have that open oh we're gonna have to go find a different quarter bog because this thing is just absolutely seized there's uh no fix in that if we're gonna take it off we're just gonna bolt something else on there for the time being anyhow let me go see what I can find well since we're down a cylinder we're gonna need the best carburetion we got I had some used Quadra bogs laying around but chin had one all freshly rebuilt for the ramp truck here so let's use that one and put on there and then we can hopefully have a little bit of chance of this thing firing up as opposed to throwing some crusty one that I don't know nothing about we already know this thing's not hurting so we gotta give her all the love we can the first thing we got to do is get this old bugger off there this one's barely even good for the parts [Music] giving this thing every opportunity we can to live let's put a new gasket on there since the kit had one in it and let's get our super scraper ss1 model here between a suggest the main surface also if you need one of these price and availability listed in the description below these things are awesome we just got a big shipment of them in so we got all these sizes on hand hit us up more ski repair at we don't have a website set up yet for it but we're just gonna have one hopefully in the next month or two we'll see we'll have these on there at that time but until then you gotta send us an email watch your pair of ss1 this is probably the most huge model I have in my toolbox we also got smaller ones yeah like I said hit us up we've been out of them for a while but it's kind of fresh shipping in they're worth it all right finished up the gasket on our new one new reman chin quarterback [Music] foreign [Music] these guys back in and uh we're ready to give her some hot sauce see what this thing will do on seven [Music] all right plugs back in plug wires are hooked up I left the number one off here I should have unhooked The Rocker shafts rocker arms so I'm gonna take an exhaust on that one because bad things are going to happen if we hook up spark because there's going to be fuel in there there might be a little bit compression they're going to be Spark It's got nowhere to go because the exhaust ain't opening so it's going through the carburetor so we're just going to leave the plug unhooked so hopefully the fuel and impression what little is there don't get too crazy I think we'll be all right like I said I should unhook the rocker shafts like we did on that well on that 65 yeah 65 four-door we had that had a number five cylinder on that uh little 230 256 cylinder just unhook the rocker shafts if you got to get home and you got a dead hole but we got a new carburetor we got spark we got okay compression on some of the cylinders let's see if this thing will light off for the first time in 15 years what do you think Duff is she gonna go oh yeah he's got faith seems how it's same color combination as him yeah he just wants to go for an rid we didn't get to go for one last week first thing we're gonna do is fill the bowl this freshly rebuilt Quadra bog so we got some fuel in there and we're doing that through the vent tube up here and she's full we're gonna give her a little splash hook up our fuel pump now equipped with a switch what a deal nice Mojo upgrade see what works and it doesn't what the French I guess I'll fix that now do you really find a bad switch you just can't win five minutes later [Music] hey I should have fuel in there hook up our coil see this thing's gonna burn a life for us I bet there's gonna be most turds flying everywhere once that fan starts turning if the starter turns [Applause] foreign fuel out that's what's been everywhere yeah the fuel pump's spitting fuel up because there's fuel in the tank and the fuel pump's pumping so I'm gonna cut the line from the tank so uh fuel pump's not doing that anymore trying to figure out what the heck was spraying all over and then I smell it okay I know I'll see if she wakes up that fuel smells terrible [Music] I got a spark yep yeah fuel [Music] come on baby [Music] I don't think I [ __ ] that plug wire up on number one didn't it I definitely did not something's backfiring through the carburetor [Music] we better check our timing all right where is number one at the way in the back one eight four three oh yeah firing order is all screwed up perfect I guess we better find top dead center number one and go from there give me the old bomb ski to get number one lined up with the timing mark timing cover went too far perfect that's what I wanted to do I'm gonna pull our sugar cap off here and we're gonna try to figure out where the motor is on the number one compression but we are way off for more number one and strong I think we're gonna pull that spark plug I'm gonna stick this here piece of wire down there until I hit the Piston we're going to bump it over until it's pretty much that top dead center and go from there sometimes those timing marks on the harmonic balancer why usually you would go by depression once you get compression in that cylinder so you know it's top dead center but since this one has no compression let's just use the slong alrighty actually crap top dead center right now lucky yeah there is the Piston right there so we are at top dead center right now and the mark is just passed down there I don't know you can see that Mark but it's a good amount passed well not a ton but far enough so now we need to find out if it's on the exhaust or intake stroke of number one we could be 180 off we'll be fine we'll flip all the plug wires so wherever the rotor is pointing is we're gonna number One's Gonna set so we're gonna move all our plug layers around start from scratch because I think somebody's been in here it was probably popping and farting because of that exhaust lobe and so somebody started playing with the timing and it just got worse and they just kicked it out in the weeds is what I'm thinking because but that exhaust lobe that thing is going to be popping and farting through the carburetor pretty bad [Music] all right a couple of them were mixed up so let's see what happens now all right here we go let's see what happens now let's hook up the coil wire first of a fuel pump you just forgot to say slingshot engage slingshot engaged it's even a pop or nothing it only got sparkling oh we got fuel so it's a matter of getting a timing figures [Music] foreign a little bit maybe sugar isn't Lewis let's take our distributor wrench and loosen up the clamp on our distributor get that adjusted see if that makes a difference for us hopefully it does I don't know what else and I don't want to think about it come on now so poopy under here I thought it was too far advanced there we go [ __ ] her just a little bit now let's see what happens still got a fuel in our carburetor pick everything back up see what happens here we go slingshot engage still too far advanced all right we'll try advancing it more you're not turn it over fast enough she wants to go but why doesn't it [Music] I'm gonna go get the battery charger hook that up hopefully if we get her spinning a little faster we'll build up some more compressionage and then she'll wipe off all right charger on so you can't get a little bit more out of her something like it's turning much faster let's check make sure we got spark sure sounds like it all kinds of spark we were 180 off we would at least get some popping and banging so we must be close all the time I'm really at a loss here the timing seems like it's too far Advanced that's why it's causing the starter to slow down but we uh retired it it doesn't seem like it gets any better oh [Music] if we give her a shot of brake cleaner that'll help it light off I don't know [Music] oh I'm running out of ideas it's turning over slow like it's got compression we know it's got compression based on the Morse key finger test and we know we got fuel we know we got Spark maybe I'll pull a couple spark plugs and see how they look I guess we could throw a new set of plugs in it that certainly wouldn't hurt those throw a new set of plugs in them seven cylinder small block we'll do what we got to do to make this thing work okay trying a different battery charger maybe a battery chargers on the front see what happens now [Music] it doesn't seem like it's spinning much faster what can it be oh laughs it's close I think it's flooded just by the way that it's popping off once I hold it wide open like that so let's pull some plugs out see if we can't see if they're wet maybe swap some new plugs in then maybe she'll light off they're definitely wet and unlike other things in life spark plugs are not something you want wet well that one mashed full of grease probably wasn't firing guessing that was my fault when I installed it this is all my fault I just ask the people on the internet they're not really as the wettest I thought they would let's grab some new ones this thing needs all the help oh foreign [Music] what do you think we're gonna make a difference seven new spark plugs r44ts keep your GMO GM Pookie's got me doing this stupid stuff now kids these days and they're silly tick tock well I think it'll go it's got to It's gotta go it's that stupid flexi hose that's our problem alrighty coil hooked up fuel pump connected ratchet out of the way slingshot engage [Music] oh my God [Music] I got the distributor just a little bit too loose and it's kind of moving on its own so I'm gonna tighten it up enough so it only moves when we would tell it to move not like rotating well yeah rotating but you know what I mean the clamp is loose and The distributor's Walking On Us and no not Christopher Walken what'd you say oh you're talking to me all wrongs you do it again I'll stab you in the face with a soldering iron does your mother so boom get in a sodax what a fun name there we go much better you don't want your distributor at all loosey-goosey nimbly bimly just dancing around in there am I jumping around all nibly from tree to tree okay here we go slingshot so okay just hold on let's hook up the coil thinking we got plenty of fuel in there so we're just gonna hold out in a few times slingshot engage if you want it so close [Music] she's got some blow by that's for sure [Music] [Music] that starter hit life right now [Music] she's close 24 volts would really make a difference right now 24 volts always makes a difference [Music] [Music] what is going on here metal locks we got spark we got fuel we got compression our timing is close it's right there right there maybe I'll spin that spark plug in that number one cylinder I don't know if that's going to give us a vacuum leak which I don't know [Music] yeah it's close come on baby [Music] maybe some breakfast because I don't have any ether and ether never works for me sorry I started got a good kick in the teeth right there foreign [Music] must be Chin's rebuilt carburetor causing all these issues judge in keep up the good work [Music] [Music] [Music] hats off to that starter though dang oh you know why it's probably not popping at all how did it sound the best it's ever sounded and we didn't have the coil wire hooked up that's fake news there she's got to be loaded up for sure now [Music] [Music] you want more fuel [Music] [Music] let's give that starter a break oh don't give me that look it's gonna be fine we got uh Effie May and Mr meeseeks tag team in here in series so we got 24 volts so the key with this is you want to hook up your coil to the 112 volt battery not to the uh 24 volt battery system I'm guessing 12 volt coils don't like that I know six volt coil is only like 12. so so let's hook up the coil wire and see how long the old starter lives on this thing listen to how happy that starter is slingshot engage come on Sir to be strong it's so close [Music] smoke coming off the coil wire back there [Music] come on you're fine oh this is the shortest amount of time I think we've ever had a starter live on 24 volts I think it's fine I think it's just the bendixes or the flex plate one or the other um [Music] come on buddy do it for the YouTube that's what I want to do is cool swap a starter out I bet that's inspection cover underneath that torque converter and flexplate is really full of the most people okay what do we have folks we gave her a pretty good crack at it uh this but unfortunately putting a starter on it is just gonna let you guys hear this thing run on seven cylinders because with that flat lobe on the exhaust side of the camshaft for the number one cylinder we're not going to do this thing any favors by getting it running so this thing needs a camshaft and yeah we're just I mean we probably should get it running but for the YouTube but we're running out of time this week and we got better things to work on you know you guys want to see some projects the Bel Air the 63 the ls swaps I mean yeah the F1 the square body all that good stuff so I think that's what we're gonna wrap it we're gonna go work on something else this week so thank you very much for watching check out the other videos remember you can't win them all and remember doesn't matter how you get it done as long as you're having fun I don't know that had any fun this week it was fun seeing a flat camera I think that's the first flat camera that I've ever come across I mean then I'd like dug into it probably had stuff that ran like garbage and I never diagnosed them there you have it it's one more Chevys they don't always run it would it would definitely run maybe we'll bring it back but probably not if you want to own this thing price and availability in the description we do have a title and a scissor one owner 1974 Chevrolet k10409 that needs camshaft and it needs a lot of mice eradicating and it needs a Henry J slash Allstate unloaded from the back all right on to the next one two weeks in a row with no rides both small block Chevys too don't get small block Chevys from West River Ranchers dang it they got so many mice out there yep this one's definitely an All-State hey after this thing thought out I did uh get in the behind the seat here and looks like ooh WD-40 dang it used up claw hammer because Carpenter things a rusty Swedish nut lathe Stanley flat tip screwdriver I'll lock in players it's even the good one back when they were still made in Nebraska I think oh yeah she's a Peterson or a DeWitt Nebraska yeah score in a clevis and a whole bunch of Mouse Poop we'll leave that stuff for the next guy we're keeping the Locking players [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] probably gave up on this thing because of how nasty the steering wheel is look at that it is sweating that would probably be the stickiest wheel we have yet to encounter so terrible somebody needs to own this thing correction somebody else needs to own this thing it's real nice I'll even roll the window up for you hey there boys girls the YouTube world today the duck dog and I are gonna see if we can't get this 1974 Chevrolet K10 frick it up hey there boys girls the YouTube world today the duff dog and I'm gonna see if we can't get this 1974 Chevrolet four-wheel drive runner for the first time in 15 years pretty good hey there boys and girls the YouTube world today the duck dog and I are gonna see if we can't get this 1974 Chevrolet four-wheel drive running for the first time 15 . [Music] and then we move the camera again I almost died why'd you drain that water right there [Music] that's what we're doing this week moving cameras all week [Music] yeah I don't think this was a factory rule Factory dual tank pickup beauty of being a YouTuber you got Mojo rolling around his toolbox and still going
Channel: Mortske Repair
Views: 118,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: will it run, patina, barn find, abandoned car, vgg, vice grip garage, vise grip garage, thunderhead289, junkyard digs, jyd, junkyard mook, pfs, puddins fab shop, dead paint, field car, field find, diy, do it yourself, hot rod, lowrider, daily driver, junkyard, forgotten car, junkyard car, junk car, steelies, wiring, revival, rat, scrap, ignition, rust, suspension, tuneup, farm truck, c10, chevy squarebody, small block, fuel, options, k10, 4x4, auto, quadrajet, camshaft lobe, cam, compression, qjet
Id: hjG8vN0vrb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 0sec (6000 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 20 2023
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