One Of The Scariest Assassins After The Revamp | Mobile Legends

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I know I am a little bit late to the party about this Helcurt's revamp, and I have heard that he is quite the scary assassin right now. But I gotta say, even before the revamp, I always thought that he was still pretty scary back then, especially when the opponents have tons of squishies. It's always good news when the roamer helps with the buff at the start of the game. That usually means he knows the basics of the game. Okay maybe he just wasn't paying attention because his parents were asking him to throw away the trash or something like that. Alrighty, time to uninstall the game and play some solo games like Raid Shadow Legends or Clash of Clans. I am a little bit desperate now. We need to do something extraordinary to recover from this tragedy. If it wasn't because of this turnaround, we probably would have been super screwed going forward. I would have been extremely underfed, while their Yin would be level 4, ganking my allies non-stop and just snowball from there. Now I am the one doing the ganking because we somehow managed to recover from that earlier tragedy. Let's get the freebie before taking the turtle. I saw their jungler in the mid lane, that means I could probably save my Retribution here. If they kill me and get the shutdown kill, they could easily turn this around. So let's not throw the game now. Gotta avenge my fallen comrades. Their jungler is dead, so that means I could save my Retribution again. I am glad that his happened because now this can be used as a prime example of why you should never let your guard down. Anyway, now Vale will have a perma-target on his head. Okay, there the execution was a bit off. Sh*t, bad timing. Welp, it doesn't seem like we are gonna cruise this one. Honestly, not sure what I was thinking here. But it is what it is. Minotaur is guaranteed to die, so I will go for Lesley instead. I don't know if it's just me, but I feel like his second skill deals a little bit less damage after the revamp. Can somebody confirm? Remember, an assassin's playstyle is all about waiting for the right timing to engage. Three of them are dead, and X-Borg is top. I can just ignore the tank and keep attacking the inhibitor. Minotaur's ult has a long cooldown, so that was another small victory. Little things like these matter. Overall, this game wasn't that challenging, except that early tragedy. Also, I think just one game won't be enough to really showcase how strong or weak he is after the revamp. So let's play one more. Why do roamers keep last hitting the creeps? And if you don't know why you shouldn't last hit the creep as the roamer; you see this jungle icon? The jungler needs to last hit the creeps to get the stacks. Was hoping to get a quick First Blood, but I delayed my farm instead. Whenever you are about to gank, make it a habit to use the ping and alert your teammates about your intention. Imagine if Helcurt's second skill can affect turrets, like Minsithar's. Do you think that would be too broken? Before taking the turtle, let's see if we can reduce their number so it will be easier to take the turtle afterwards. Disaster. If your team has the number advantage and you are not the jungler. Just give vision and secure the perimeter. You don't want to leave it to a 50/50 chance. If you know that the enemy's hero has a dash skill, sometimes you can be patient and just wait for them to use their dash first and then you can use yours. Look how I am anticipating Alice's blink. How da freak did he not die there? Second chance to win the 50/50. Our Cyclops is so brave; going 1v4. Defending this would be very tricky. I think that if Gato turned around and attacked me, instead of kept running, he had a better chance of turning the table. I wonder if during his dash animation I also use dash, if that would drag him back to my turret. I think it's possible, just the timing was a bit off. Probably too early. Their jungler is in the bottom lane, that means free buff. Okay, this was pretty dumb of me. xD It's alright, now the game just became a little bit more interesting, right? :) Okay, maybe the game has become a little bit too interesting now. We can't continue throwing because we are not that far ahead anymore. Helcurt's ult does have a long cooldown, so sometimes you want to save it if you think your first and second skill should be enough to secure the kill. Remember, always kill the main damage dealers first. Honestly I could've just ended the game here, but I was just too bloodthirsty. I wanted more kills :( Imagine if we lose now because of this greediness. It would be quite poetic, wouldn't it? I wonder if Lesley's ult reveals Helcurt's position during his ult. Why did I do this? Why did she do that? Sometimes, there is just no answer. Okay, it seems like they are most likely gonna try to take the Lord now since they got the number advantage. It is time to use Helcurt's strength to his maximum potential and do his ultimate move. I am gonna use my ult and last hit the Lord to save the day. Of course not. There's an even better plan. Patience. Gotta assert the situation first. The most satisfying way to win, and the worst way to lose. I have been on both ends, so I know how it feels. Anyway, what do you guys think about the new revamped Helcurt? Better, worse or the same? I personally think that he is pretty solid, but I would recommend checking the opponent's composition first before making the decision to play him. If they are too tanky, I think he is gonna struggle a bit more. Anyway, that's all for now. Thanks for watching and see ya~
Channel: Betosky
Views: 140,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mobile legends wtf, Ml, MLBB, Mobile Legends, Mobile Legend, Mobile Legends Bang Bang, Top Global, Top 10 Heroes, TOp 5 Heroes, Tutorial, WTF moments, Funny Moments, Gaming, Fanny, MOBA, Free Mobile Game, Strategy, Online, Top Global Gusion, Top Global Fanny, League of Legends, MMORPG, Best Heroes, Best Build, Free Game, Top Mobile Game, Best Mobile Game, Online game, Solo To Mythic, Free To Play, MPL, Onic, Mobile, App, IOS, Android, Dota, Tier List, Helcurt Tutorial, Helcurt Build
Id: -UgEkPz-BN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 24sec (1284 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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