It's All Coming Together - Pastor John F. Hannah

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[Music] can you get your Bibles can we go to 1st Samuel um the 1st chapter 1st Samuel the 1st chapter come on here this old school Church y'all stand for the reading of the word I got one of them hip-hop churches they don't stand for no Bibles come on stand up I'm right here pastoring this Young Generation I try to help him but I love coming here come on here stand up come on here 1st Samuel 1 and4 whenever the day came for of canaa to sacrifice he would give portions of meat to his wife panina and to all her sons and daughters but to Hannah he gave a double portion I need you to nudge your neighbor say you have a double portion because he loved her pay attention one thing mentioned back to back in two verses the Lord had closed her womb because the Lord second time had closed her womb watch this hater her rival this spirit kep provoking her in order to irritate her I can't stand her and she didn't just stop this went on year after year some of y'all have had haters that keep coming every year whenever Hanah went up to the house of the Lord not in the street this Warfare is in the house of the Lord and she didn't call it Church hurt either her rival provoked her this girl got her crying that that she wept here watch this and would not eat some of you say now she a she ain't made me that mad now look at here [Music] I get mad but you're not going to get me like that boo go down to the 17th verse Eli answered go in peace and may the god of Israel Grant you what you have asked of him she said may your servant find find favor in your eyes then she went her way and ate something and her face was no longer downcast oh you going to smile after this service on your way to your seek can you tell three it's all coming together it's oh come come on type that on the screen if you're online it's all coming together you can be be seated you can be seated you can be it's all come on type that on the screen if you're online it's all coming together I'm so glad you didn't take your life cuz he's about to give you Revelation I'm so glad you didn't quit cuz he's about to show you that all things are about to work together for your good let's talk for a minute um this is the coming of a new air in other words the air of the judges is about to come to to an end if you do your homework you would understand that this is a total of between 430 to 450 years of the children of Israel but there's about to be a new beginning the Book of Judges has a total of 12 judges by name we mostly focus on those that are famous you know dorah Gideon Samson the end of an air is about to do about to end and a new is about to start listen to me carefully he says behold open your eyes I'm about to do a new thing I need you to hear me Hannah like you has no idea that she's about to be an intricate part look at me of something big something huge something new I need you now in this service we just going to touch your neighbors you shouldn't have sat next to him if you didn't want to touch him I need you to know say I'm a part of something huge something big something new now allow me to show you what she wanted what she wanted and the Lord told me I have heard your prayers what you have been asking me for can I tell you what she wanted in 1 Sam 111 she made a vow saying Lord Almighty if you will only look on your servant misery number two I need you to remember me don't play with me I've been coming here for years and not forget your servant here's a line but give her a son all I want is a son look at me anybody can have a son but not everybody can birth history anybody can just have a son but everybody can't handle what's next anybody can just give birth to a business but everybody can't handle a multi-million dollar business anybody can get a job but everybody can't get a career he's heard your prayers I need you to hear me um but what if God got something different for you what do you do when you praying for one thing but God got another thing oh we out here now we out here now we out here now now becomes that this is what I want but this is what God wants me to have can I show you that she only wanted a son allow me to show you what she actually birthed you got to hear me she did not just have a son if you look at the screen what God has and what she birthed she birthed not just a son she birthed a prophet she birthed a judge and she birthed a priest but all she wanted was a son but God say anybody can have that but I want you to birth watch me was never been birthed before if you study your scripture look at me please look there's only one person in Scripture that held three positions at one time this Samuel he's the only one in the book of the Bible in the whole Old Testament watch me that hold three seats at one time I feel sorry for people that try to box you in because Lanes run in different directions when it come to you I wish you would sitting next to somebody who know that it's bigger than you could ever imagine ah she's about to birth a history maker she's about to birth look at me was never been seen there's no point of reference I need your attention what's about to come out of you has never been seen in your family or your bloodline what's about to come through you you you have no points of reference he's about to exceed your expectation now some of you all have settled and I came to shake you tonight because you have settled for something small but the Lord told me to tell you before the year is out you're going to birth in Ephesians 3:20 oh I'm ready for y'all tonight I'm about to wake you up I'm about to get you ready somebody say well I don't know I don't know I don't know I don't know what in Ephesians 320 years let me help you boo cuz it's bigger than you could ever imagine you sitting around here talking about you about to move to a new apartment he's about to give you a house you sitting up here walking talking about you talking about you talking about I'm about I I just want I just want a boyfriend boo your next going to be your husband I can't get no help up in here wait wait wait what is in Ephesians 3:20 what is it what is it Ephesians 3:20 what is it can you tell come on y'all we about to prophesy to each other tell your neighbor you're carrying in Ephesians 3:20 tell somebody else you're caring and Ephesians 3:20 what is that what is that what that now unto him that is able to do exceedingly shut up talking to me not just exceedingly uh abundantly not just abundantly above all you couldn't even put it in words above all that you can ask guess what your brain couldn't even hold it your mind couldn't even hold it above all you can ask or think what what what wait wait according to the power that he's already got working in you look look me those of you all that can on the that you feel like something big is supposed to be happening for me this ain't for everybody cuz some of y'all straight I'm not talking to you I'm talking to those of you that's been sitting on the edge of your seat believing where you work is not your permanent where you live is not your final what you make is not the end of it that he's about to blow your mind exceedingly abundantly above all you can ask on the count of three I only want to talk to those that are carrying in Ephesians 3:20 if you don't have an Ephesians 3:20 then stay in your seat if you at home and you can relate that something big is in you history is about to be made Rec your out about to be broken something big is about to happen watch me and when it happened to you it's going to get on your kids your children would never go through what you've been through on the count of three if you got in Ephesians 3:20 I need to hear what the praise sound like 1 2 3 go sh sh [Applause] stingly Please obey me some of y'all your baby be sleep but God's about to make your dream leap go to three people and say I got an Ephesians 3:20 tell them I got in Ephesians 3:20 I got in Ephesians 3:20 I got it exceedingly I got an abundantly I got an above I got something I've never seen before I got got something that I didn't even know was [Applause] coming come on type in on the screen I have an Ephesians 3:20 exceedingly abundantly have a seen exceedingly have a seat exceedingly sit down exceedingly exceedingly exceedingly that's why you can't get comfortable in that last place you moved to cuz it's not your final destination that's why he don't let you get comfortable where you work cuz something big is about to come your way okay wait okay okay have a seat all right so now let's get some Revelation let's get some Revelation let's get some Revelation let's get some Revelation cuz everything that you've been going through I need you to hear me I need your I need your undivided attention I've never seen so many caral Believers that how do you believe that you going to birth this without some Warfare you have an enemy and I'm watching some of y'all break down when you too close if you were going to give up you should have gave up two years ago but the devil is a liar this is your year of expectation God I wish you could open your mouth and say I'm expecting a miracle oo I'm watching some of y'all you stilling opening your mouth okay let's go so um for the weapons of our Warfare what you've been dealing with is not normal come on lean in this is spiritual I need you to hear me some of y'all I wish I could get all up in your face cameraman can you just come a look close to me cuz I need them to see a hood face if you don't mind I wish I can get in your face and say stop being a punk Square your shoulders up you a warrior if the he was going to let the devil kill you you would have died 10 years ago but I refuse to believe that God brought you this far God I wish you was sitting next to a [Applause] Warrior come on let's talk let's talk I didn't come to play with y'all tonight I didn't come to to play with you tonight I'm on assignment and he going to make sure that I fulfill my assignment cuz greatness awaits you sit out so it's it's not just going to pop up this is a process and it's different pieces to the puzzle that have to come together I need you to hear me if you've never heard me before there's different pieces to your puzzle I don't like people that finally meet you when you've completed the different pieces and they think oh you just popped up you don't know my process you don't know what I went through to get what I have come on here you better trace my sewing record you better find the tears that I cried let's go let's talk let's talk so let me give you Revelation and as I begin to teach you and preach to you it will kind of show you you uh this explains it come on let's go you ready the first piece to the puzzle is you you what do you mean you I need you to notice that scripture that he said twice back to back and the Lord had closed her womb in verse five then he said it again in verse six because the Lord this ain't the devil this is the Lord that got her on hold watch me there's nothing wrong with her she is perfect there are no no issues in her body it's just that the Lord got her on hold and when the Lord got you on hold the enemy want to make you question you he want to makes you feel as if you have insecurities he messes with your selfesteem he begin to make you feel look at me that you are not qualified he begin to make you feel that you lacking something hey look at me the Lord sent me to tell you hear ye hear ye there is nothing wrong with you you are perfect you have the degrees you have the favor you have the wisdom you have the knowledge you just on hold oh stop looking at everybody that's holding a baby you not just going to have a baby you about to do something that has never been done before I rebuke your insecurities I rebuke your fears I shut the mouth of the enemy that's been telling you that you lack something oh you don't lack nothing he's just been hiding you behind the screen but the day is coming you're about to be front and center those of you that believe you only believe that God got his hands on you and that there's nothing wrong with you I need you to lift your hands no music Danny open your mouth and worship God H for 5 seconds five 4 three I haven't allowed them to call you yet I haven't allowed the business plan to go through yet the business plan is perfect there is nothing wrong with you oh let me say that again there you are fine you is smart there is nothing you are you are not slow oh you see the answers they just don't listen to you there's nothing wrong and those that are down here try to make you feel like you crazy I came to tell you there's nothing look at me there's nothing he he got everything you need all in alignment it's just waiting on the right timing listen Okay so let's talk have a seat have have a seat the second piece of the puzzle is three pieces cuz there are three different type of people that you're going to have to deal with I need you to be you're not just going to birth history and everybody going to like you let's talk the first piece is you're going to have to deal with some people panina who just dislike you they just dislike you and the thing is what have you done to them I need your attention I need your attention the Bible say her rival what did I do to become your rival that kept provoking her in order to irritate her question what are some people doing that they know that if they do it it's going to get on your nerve oh my God we got here now and it keeps poking away at you cuz it's trying to get you off your Square oh we out here now and and the Bible says in watch verse 7 her rival provoked her to she wept and when it's starting to affect you emotionally mentally it's messing with your mind why cuz you are a likable person you are this this watch me you are a likable person now I need your I I need your attention right question now panina got Sons and Daughters what is it that the enemy will get on people that have more than you and make them not like you you already got sons and daughters and I have nothing you already the supervisor I'm just the one that work for you you're already the one that got money but I seem to intimidate you can I tell you can I tell you why they don't like you cuz it's spiritual every time you walk up your spirit scream in the room before you get there hey favors on this way in you might not have nothing but the God had to let the enemy know that future is on its way in the building hear me clearly hear me clearly hear me clearly hear me clearly no more jumping jacks no more cartwheels trying to get them to like you they not going to like you poof be gone I need you not to change every time you see him I need hey why you laughing cuz I'm carrying something that you going to wish you had oh my God oh my God so come on here so number one you got to deal with those that dislike you hello hello welcome to the real world number two you're going to have to deal with some people you have to deal with some people who want you to settle they want you to settle I need your attention her husband Ela said to her Hannah girl why you weeping won't you just eat why are you downhearted here's the line don't I mean more to you than 10 Sons they tell you you should just be happy look at me at least you got a [Applause] job you should just be happy what you crying for cuz there's some of you all I need your attention see this would be okay for somebody else but there's something in me that keeps telling me there has to be more than just this this is why you got to watch who you walk around you got to make sure that you sit around people who know that God has something better in store for them can I help you can I help you can I help you for a minute minute can I help you for a minute years ago years ago years ago I end up Bishop came to Chicago and him and I went after to dinner and he set me at the table he says John you scaring me I said oh God I'm scaring the bishop he said I'm watching you on social media and I'm watching you take pictures and post with people who really don't like you who really only want want a picture they only want to show that they next to Greatness they're not there to help you get to your greatness he said joh you'll never see a picture where an eagle came down to take a picture with a chicken and I'm telling some of Y he's about to change your circle if they don't call you back I need you to be okay with it if they don't respond to you I need you to be good with it why because they think that you should be happy for what you already have I need you to make sure that you're sitting around people who know there's more than what you have right now I need you to just come on me watch me watch me watch me don't just touch them I need you to touch me and my spirit get to leaping I don't need no pet I need you to wake my dream up can you please T people say there has to be more than just this come on touch them has to be more than jce has to be more than justce has to be more than jce has to be more than justice has to be more than Justice I'm not settling I'm not settling the Devil is a Lie I believe there's more for Meo wait wait wait wait let's let's go let's go let's go ready the third type of people that you're going to have to deal with are those that just don't understand you you look crazy to [Laughter] them now I need your attention these are those in the religious community these are the faith-based people that look at you and you confuse them so what do you mean what do you mean she's in the house of God they offer up their sacrifice they're eating and the Bible say and Hannah stood up and she just started walking and started praying watch me and the priest Eli looked at her and said how long are you going to stay drunk girl you need to put away your wine see where you are even some people who supposed to be spiritual don't understand your movement they don't understand your motive they don't understand your actions they don't understand your prayer life they don't understand your consecration they don't understand your praise they don't understand your shout they don't even understand you these are the ones that when you shout they say I don't think that it take all of that it might not take all of that for you cuz you don't have coming what I have coming you're not even going through what I'm going through but I need those that your praise is crazy how do you praise God and you ain't even got a dime in your pocket how do you praise God and you sick in your body how do you praise God and you going through all kind of hell cuz I Will Bless The Lord you better get ready I need you to look stupid right now I need you to look crazy right now I need them to misunderstand saying your praise you got a title I got a title but I still got a praise you I'm a bishop but I still got a praise you an evangelist but you still got a praise if you got a Crazy Praise let's confuse the enemy right here you ain't got to understand me this praise ain't for you anyway on the count of three in the building online I need you to give God look at me the craziest praise you got 1 2 3 go come on you can get crazy in the that you can get Wilder in that you better lose your mind give them something to talk about why you got to walk the altar cuz that's how I got my last blessing why you got to lay in the floor cuz I don't care about my clothes why you got to run run cuz I'm chasing my [Applause] promise yeah yeah anybody know I'm talking to you I need you to clap your hands and say it's all coming together click click click have a seat let's move fast have a seat let's move fast click click have a seat click what's that when you when you put a puzzle in the piece it had to pop in there and I hear a popping in the spirit I hear that God's about to put some things together for you and the quicker the puzzle get together the sooner you get what you been ready you got to get this you got to get this have a seat have a seat have a seat have a SE first it was you and then it was people pop pop who is that panina she ain't never like me pop who is that ELC he told me to settle pop who is that Eli and God still ain't done oh my God it's all coming together hear me you ready listen to me the next piece it's time it's time what you mean time this didn't just happened one time the scripture said look at me year after [Music] year year after year same demon [Music] year after year same Warfare year after year same illness year after year oh my God I need you to watch this so I have some examples of time I need your under divided her whenever she went up year after there to the house of the Lord that she was let me show you some examples of time so I can encourage you Abraham had to wait 25 years after he was promised that he was going to have a seat Saul chased David for over a decade before he even got to sit on his throne the woman with the issue of blood had to wait bleed for 12 years before she even touched the HM of his there was a man on the pool of Bethesda he was there for 38 years there was a woman that was been over for a total of 18 years year after year I need you to hear me what do you do while you wait is what is important I need your attention now cuz you all read the bio but you don't know how long I had to wait can I talk for a minute I got saved at the age of 17 17 I got saved I graduated from high school I went away to college I went to Alabama stage HBCU I graduated I came back and I had to submit to Elder woly James Campbell I served him from the age from the college age until I was 36 at 36 I thought that I was ready and the Lord said to me if I let you go now you only repeat what you've seen when I have more for you to see so I need to send you to a place that's unfamiliar to you these are people that don't look like you talk like you act like you but they have a lesson that you have to learn I had to leave the south side of Chicago and get in my car and drive to a Puerto Rican community and go to a church called um new life here I was the first black man to ever join their church I was the first black man to ever be anointed a preacher in their Church a pastor in their church I was the first black man that they planted hear me clearly I walked in at the age of 36 I thought I would only be there for a couple of years but soon as I thought that I was ready he would say to me you're not ready yet he told me John it's no question you can preach it's no question you can pray but you don't have a shepherd's heart and I'm not going to plant you until you love God's people you all have titles but you don't have have the heart to match the title and you need a heart transplant come on we out here now we out here now we out here yeah so I had to literally sit until I was 40 years old and some of you all you keep matching your age to somebody else but the Lord told me to come in the building and rebuke your age y'all ain't ready for me now cuz I came to tell you What it Took somebody to do in 10 years you GNA do it in one why cuz you waited on God those of you that know that you've been in a waiting pattern oh my God you at a job you can't stand you got a position you don't like and you thought that you would be out of here by now and there's a part of you that's getting frustrated I want you to feel all of that but watch me watch me watch me but when you get done feeling it I need you to put a praise on your lips why CU you have to bless God watch me wait wait wait you got to monitor your confessions I need you to hear me you got to hear me watch watch listen listen it was the PTO Rican it was a Puerto Rican that anointed me it was a Puerto Rican that planted me when he planted me he bought my first sound system and he opened up um my bank account he gave he started my 501c3 and then he told me you got it I need you to hear me in one year got the same oil that's on me I want it to be on you in one year we became a million Ministry Wait Wait Don't Clap Don't Clap cuz some of y'all when you open in one year it's about to exceed 1 million God I wish I had some I wish I had Faith people I wish I had Faith people I wish I had people we walk by faith who am I talking to in the building who am I talking to online you've been feeling like you on hold but God sent me to tell you you're not a hold every delay is about to be to your benefit every delay is about to be to your benefit everybody get on your feet lift your hands Danny Danny no music lift your hands open your mouth and worship God for 10 seconds 10 n 8 High come on say yes Lord while you while your hands are lifted say yes Lord while your hands are lifted say yes Lord while your hands are lifted say yes Lord where your hands are lifted say yes Lord wait wait wait wait Jesus had to wait until he was 30 Moses had to wait until he was 80 Abraham had to wait until he was 75 what's so special about you that you don't think that you have to wait I would rather you get me together than send me out and I'm not together hear me loud and clear every every every delay is about to be to your benefit hear me loud and clear when he let you out ooh we doors are going to open that you didn't even ask them to open for you opportunities are going to come that you didn't even SE coming for you everybody that's been on hold lift your hand hands and release your praise right here click click click here I say click Glory Glory Glory you ready the last click the last click the last click is it possible you got the experience you have the degree you have all the paperwork you just lack prayer we got you together we shut the mouths of all of your enemies let's be honest do you complain or do you pray I know come on stick with me stick with me stick with me stick with me you keep running to people can you pray for me no because you have not because you don't open your mouth and ask and don't just pray when they getting on your nerves see prayer is adoration confession thanks supplication intercession prayer is adoration confession thanks supplication and intercession a CS I adoration confession thanks supplication intercession you just keep going to supplication give me this give me this give me this give me this give me this give me this give me this give me what about the Adoration did you tell him who he is did you blow them up did you speak well of them did you tell them how much you love them did you tell them how much you appreciate them did you tell them adoration confession if I've done anything if I'm acting a certain way can you forgive me CT thanks can I thank you for what you've already done can I thank you for what you've already done the Lord told me to stop right there cuz some of y'all he told me to tell you before I give you another thing you owe me a thank you for what I've already done for you you might not like the job but at least you got a job you might not like the house but at least you got a roof over your head and if you thank me then I'll move you you might as well get ready oh on the count of three don't you play with me what if I told you your releas is in your thanks what if I told you your deliverance is in your thanks what if I told you your healing you got to know how to shift in prayer and in her deep anguish in her deep anguish Hanah Hannah prayed to the Lord weeping Hannah pray with her heart that only her lips begin to move sometimes you got to learn how to shift look at me shift watch me how did I learn how to pray how did I learn how to I had to get around some prayer warriors why is prayer foreign to his people why am look at me TR to say something why am I known for prayer and we're not why am I known for prayer and we're not why are they calling me from all over the world I'm going to Africa say we only brought you because we've heard you pray we brought you because we followed you in the spirit and found out there what this what they say in Africa there's not that many crying out to [Applause] God I asked the Africans I said can you tell me what is it about you all he said you know what it is you have insurance with when you get sick we have God when you need a loan to get your house built you have a bank to run to we don't have a bank we have God oh my God so you got to know how to shift sometimes you got to holler then sometimes you got to whisper then sometimes you got to travail then sometimes you going to pray in English and sometimes you going to pray in tongues but prayer got to be your option and I came to tell some of y'all he's about to put a prayer wheel in you put my puzzle on the screen put my puzzle on the screen I need you to make sure you got somebody that got a sound next to you just reach over grab somebody hand and say Glory yeah m [Laughter] [Applause] m come on I need you to make sure watch me wait wait wait wait wait see some of y'all this is foreign to you but if you get around the right once it'll get on you I need you to make sure you got somebody that's not scared to open their mouth come on online I need you to get ready to open your mouth and Trail before you come on Roy some of y'all were raised in church some of y'all know how to get down and call on Jesus some of y'all you've been taught how to give God glory in spite of everything you've been going through look at somebody again say [Applause] Glory he's about to answer your prayer come on Joel we get a quickening every now and then we look crazy to people cuz they don't understand but those of you that are waiting on God to do something Supernatural for you I need you to get ready to open your mouth and say [Applause] Jesus come on don't get scared don't get scared don't pull back either but I am a very present help in the time of trouble I am a very present help in the time of trouble I'll heal your house I'll heal your body I'll get your children I'll fix your business I'll get everything in PL open your up forget to say [Music] Jesus [Music] some of yall holding back cuz you're next to somebody that only got a single bag and if this is all you have then this is all you can give but I want to show you something hold on I want to show you something so he says the Bible said AA will give panina her sons and her daughters just a potion to come to the house of God but to Hannah who needed a miracle [Applause] [Music] got two of [Applause] these you don't know what I'm waiting on and the bigger your promise the bigger your bag you're not sitting around here with a sandwich size blessing but there's something big that you waai on that you waiting on God to do for you and people don't understand why you so loud why you giving God all the praise cuz I got double he gave me double praise look at me Joel my the anointing on my life don't match to everybody's anointing cuz he gave me double anointing cuz I got something big coming out now you could be around little bag people or you could be around a big bag person I can tell who you next to but how they arms up is getting ready to happen some of y'all need to meet me on the altar some of you big bag people that's waiting on God to do something exceedingly you got double you got double you got double which means your praise supposed to be louder than everybody else you got double which means your shout is supposed to be louder than anybody else you got double don't you play with me don't you play with me I gave you what you need to push I gave you what you need to push you got to keep it moving quitting is not an option quitting is not an option quitting is not an option giving up is out of the [Music] question sh please please please hear me I'm not here by Chance by accident this is divine if I've ever known that I'm in his will I know it tonight he sent me to tell you at the top of the year in the first quarter of the year that I'm literally giving you a double portion I came to check your bag tonight I came to check your bag tonight I came to check your bag [Music] tonight I came come on look at me look at me look at me look at me I came to check your bag you cannot run out Tanya too much is at stake if you go empty you cannot run out so my assignment tonight is to make sure that you get what you [Music] need
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 224,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, wtal, woman thou are loosed, megafest, potters house, bishop jakes, pastors and leadership, pastors, leaders, instinctbishops, village, pastor john hannah, it's all coming together, you're on the right track, God has your back, obedience with God, john f hannah, 1 Samuel 1:4-7; 1 Samuel 1:17-18 (NIV), 1 samuel 1, niv
Id: uWmNsaL6lV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 31sec (3031 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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