One handed swords vs Two handed swords - REPLY to the Metatron

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greetings I'm shad and this is a reply to the mighty the magnanimous the Magnificent Metatron once upon a time I made a video and by once upon a time I mean a couple weeks ago because that's when the video was made but it was about medieval weapons for women and the Metatron really liked the video and he wanted to share some additional thoughts he had on the subject and after watching his video which I thoroughly enjoyed and I really do recommend you watch it previous watching this video I also have some thoughts to share and as a kind of a side note to this I just want to point out how awesome this is I love being able to discuss the things that I love and so when a super nerd comes along like myself and sorry Raph you are a super nerd but that is a badge to be worn with pride and so really this video is kinda is me and Raph having a nerd out we're just talking about things we love and the additional thing that Raphael I wanted to mention who is a Metatron was this is that he felt a long sword might not be the very best pick for a person who has less physical strength than mostly warriors I'll be fighting because he agreed with me in the sense that using two hands meant that whatever weapon you originally using in one hand now feels articles using two well two hands he felt you should take it an additional step because of a long sword being used with two hands feels lighter than a one-handed sword being use of one hand or then of course a one-handed sword being used with two hands will feel even lighter again and I agree with him completely and interestingly in the same way that he reached a different conclusion with the same kind of information that he was analyzing I have a bit of a different conclusion that I'm reaching with the information that I'm analyzing that he is proposed and another quick segue this is an important thing to kind of point out because I actually met a lot of people who don't understand this principle that are two different people who are presented with the exact same informations and they understand the exact same way with the context all in place and everything like that it is still possible for these two people to reach different conclusions now oftentimes when you're having a discussion and people are presenting information and one person isn't agreeing with the other they will say all you just don't understand what I'm talking about that's not always true sometimes they understand completely or the other person is talking about and they're just reaching a different conclusion that is what is called opinion and everyone has it and they're perfectly entitled to it and instead of being worried or even affronted by the fact that someone disagrees with you that's actually an opportunity for not only having a discussion but also a nerd out session because me and Raph Weil are the swords then if an interesting topic comes up we love talking about swords and that's exactly what we'll be doing here and I just wanted to kind of point out because I got for tangent all the time because I think it used to it swirl got away damn swirls so I feel there is one last point that is not being addressed in regards to this discussion that we're having two hands with a longsword or two hands with a one hand and arming sword which would be better well the matter that I feel is still unresolved is the matter of leverage and to discuss my thoughts about guard to this I need to be standing to begin with just doing some very quick analysis that the inertia and I'm feeling as I wave this sword back and forth and then comparing that to grabbing the sword with like one hand a sword with two hands and comparing the difference big difference eyes so I'll try and do it as fast as I can and keep the inertia is fighting against it but then if I do it this much faster so already the two hands is giving me far more leverage than I had before but also I have more muscle that I'm able to put into redirecting this sort of momentum than I did before which means a lot faster those very principles are be coming into play with a longsword but there's a big difference where before I had to hold the sword like one hand a sword like this the hands wouldn't quite close together with a long sword I can put them further apart and for myself and really I think is the best way to grab or long sword is to cut the pummel in my own opinion that the optimal way to grab the bottom of the sword is to grab it right there so see the pushing underneath my thumb that goes above the pummel and it sits there beautifully very nicely and right over the long sword does way more than the one-handed arming sword but my question is that because you can you know grass with a sword with your hands much further apart does this leverage offsets the additional weight that the long sword has so just a test you know what it feels like to me actually feels even lighter than when I was trying it with the one hand at arming sword this leverage is just it makes a huge difference and this then brings us to another logical question okay if leverage is so good well then why don't we just put a two-handed length sword grip on a one-handed length blade and the closest sword that fits this description would be the bastard sword well my first thought about this is that shorter blades aren't necessarily always lighter it depends on how thick they are you can have long sword length blades that actually weigh equivalent to arming sword length blades because the blades on the arming swords are thicker and the blade just in this example on the long sword can be thinner and so if weight is the concern well that's not really an issue because there are there is so much variance in long sword design that you can easily find a long sword blade that is a easily equivalent in weight to an arming sword you have to remember that the additional weight on the long sword can not only come from the additional length on the blade but also the additional length of the handle and the cross scars are generally a bit wider as well so if you're going to lengthen the handle of a one-handed sword to make it two-handed and keep the blade length the same you are still increasing weight but if we put that aside and just assume that the shorter blade will be lighter it's not always the case just like I've explained but if we were to say okay what if it was my question then is does the reduction in the weight of the blade which then makes it easy to use for a you know weaker person does this advantage of it being more slightly easy to use offset the loss of the advantage from the reach because reach is a profoundly significant advantage and in my opinion it's more than just a tactical advantage if you have a weapon that has reach it is a inherent quality of the weapon itself which can then provide a huge benefit to the user and if you are someone who has less physical strain you would actually want to keep your opponent's as far away from you as possible because one of the biggest you know problems you have if you're ever finding anyone and you're physically weaker is in grappling if someone grabs you and they are stronger than you you are screwed I know technique can help out a lot but trust me when it comes to grappling physical strength plays a big role so in this sense I can see that reach could be more important than having it the weapon be a little bit lighter but this is very hard to gauge specifically because what is more advantageous what's the pros and cons on each side you need to measure it exactly and then you have individual parameters I just gets confusing because the reality is the greater maneuverability and speed you would get out of having the sword being a little bit lighter could be very effective and it might be even more beneficial than having that a little bit of greater reach so this point will probably come down to personal preference and for myself again I'm speaking as someone who is not generally perceived as a particularly weak person not particularly strong but not particularly weak I would always take a reach advantage if gaining that reach didn't offer too much detrimental effect on the sword overall and certainly a little increase in weight not a problem now while I'm here and while I'm comparing the differences in leverage and you know the inertia on one hand swords and TM swords might as well try it with one hand sorry one hand on one hand one hand saw and one hand on a two-handed arming sword just to compare the difference because the longsword we would expect to be much more difficult to redirect with one hand but it has more weight behind the hair behind a hand you know pummel as well but the blade you know is bigger as well so just comparing it or a long sort of a more difficult it's not impossible you could definitely use a longsword one hand easily but I tell you I don't like using the one-handed sword just because I make sure the soil you're required to kind of present how I fight you don't always I mean there's a lot of different stances but I'm using one hand so by itself and I don't have a buckler like I presume the Bucklin files hobby map but one Amazon I'll be doing this and this requires so much more energy to maintain than this profoundly more so when I try it at least I almost consider this a resting stance I'm not exerting any energy yet the sword is presented very forward giving me good protection where as opposed to this even it will is there there's so much more stress on the wrist huge difference and so this is one reason why I prefer the longsword so much more over a one-handed arming the sword you certainly get that advantage when you grab a one-handed sword with three hands but still you know having tested myself the longsword is he feels lighter and I can redirect it quicker all because of leverage so these are my thoughts in regards to this wonderful discussion that we're having now I'll just also emphasize something that a lot of people seem to have missed in the original video abscess fact this discussion best medieval weapons for women and I think it's because people don't watch the video all the way to the end and that's the fact that after I've even out as I've been considering about it thinking about this even more I do really think probably the best weapon or a person with less strength and that's more often women would be the spear alright and I mentioned Spears and pole arms but if you're on a battlefield but for self-defense there'll be a longsword and I stick to that but people are then gone to think that I think I'm saying but the longsword is superior to spear and I actually think the spear is the superior one but it's impractical to carry the spear round with you constantly every single day the longsword is soaked as it all any sort is so convenient to carry around with us why became the weapon for self-defense and out of all those swords then I do think the longsword is the best pick I also have some additional thoughts that I think there's a good opportunity to talk with you I hadn't the subject that a fellow has brought up in myself which is the cott the discussion of two-handed swords versus one-handed swords which are better and we've been talking about in the context of what would be better for someone with less strength I want to share some additional thoughts I've had I just with strength out the window regular warrior of the day what would be better for him to pick the soft defence a one-handed sword or a two now I've made a whole video on this subject okay and I do encourage your watch it if you're interested but I've had some additional thoughts that have kind of changed my views since making this video in the video I share that my opinion then was that I felt one-handed swords with a weapon for our you know defense offense whatever it feels a dagger a buckler always held the edge and even I got especially science and if you could get a shield a proper sized shield especially a kite shield you would be albe just traps absolutely destroy a guy who's had it using a long sword and in that sense I gave one-handed swords the edge and that was in the context of being unarmed ok and so being an armada for self-defense you wouldn't really be carrying a shield around just like it wouldn't be carrying a spear but you very often people carrying buckler's and then I was wondering which had the edge I still gave the edge to sword and buckler / two-handed long sword now my thinking has changed I really feel those two disciplines are far closer in their effectiveness than I was really thinking back then and this is from practicing it myself using both sword and buckler long sword figuring out how they work which has the advantage just and I did that before but I've been doing it more and more and it's evolved my thinking and so at the moment I really do feel the long sword is almost directly equivalent to sword and buckler and who would really win comes right down to whoever has the most skill or advantage in any number of things ok at speed all right reach being tall in height huge advantage more than people might realize are also just brute strength as well any number these things come into play that can give someone the advantage and whoever has those advantages and is generally more skillful will win regardless of Sodom buckler or a two-handed longsword and my experience even goes a bit further in this I actually think I for myself so far still going to be practicing figuring out but I thanks - laughs I'll sail I've been how to find a lot of people who use arming sword you know around length and heater shield strapped on heater shields and I even tried it all right and it's horrible like fighting on foot we're strapped on heater shield yeah it almost makes me blind on my left side and my bottom leg you can as amazing ad so whenever I'm fighting someone I perform orders of magnitude almost hyperbole okay but so much better with my longsword than with a sword and shield in this sense and I find it very very easy to beat the guys I'm fighting with who are using sword or shield what I generally thought that should have given them a huge advantage well because it strapped onto their arm and have to hold it close to their body and they have less maneuverability and they can't prop and they don't see their bottom leg so they're not protecting it and they're you know not raising them if you know you're not supposed to hit in the head it in lap but there depends so that means they no ever properly try and protect it but if I did that razored leave them open somewhere anyway nowhere near the huge advantages and I thought and the long sword beat them easily something say guys didn't beat me they did but I'm not talking about in general on average and so if I was to pick which one would give me the best chances of winning well either even if there is same entity in a sword and a shield right I am so much more proficient and competent with long sword especially for the reasons of a one-handed you know harming sword because I find a more stress on the wrist more tiring long sword is a far better pick for me even if there's more advantages because my personal skill and proficiency in the longsword outweighs any advantage I could get with that shield if it's strapped on and then the proficiency I have in that combo is so much less and so these are my updated thoughts in regards to one hand at verse 2 handed swords and I just feel is appropriate to share them because this is one of them it's the topic of the video one hand versus two-handed with different context weaker people and for normal average side every average strength Warriors an additional thing to clarify that some people have been suggesting is that why haven't I mentioned sword and shield as a really effective option for people with less strength because if they have less strength they would need more protection and the shield offers some of the best protection you can get well if the shield is large I'm not the heater shield as I've talked about in the video but I'm talking about a proper size large shield good kite shield or a big large Viking shield well from my own practice with these shields and I made a couple you've probably seen them in other videos though they are far lighter than many people think you know I made them to be light but strong my goodness even with them being light okay you hold them out in front of you long enough they start to feel very heavy and for someone who doesn't have a lot of strength or gee they're they're not gonna last long using the sword and shield together those two weapons will just weigh their arms down to the point that they'll be very ineffective in in fighting with them so no I don't actually think sword and shield is a good combination for someone with less strength and there you go those have been my thoughts on the subjects we've discussed if you've never heard of that Metatron or as youtube channel before you need to go and check out his content here just an awesome guy he makes just awesome content you need to subscribe and you're going to learn heaps from him I have learned him from him Raph has particular expertise in Roman history or soyun linguistics languages and Japanese culture weapons armor and warfare so he could provide you so many things that I can't and these are the things that I go to him to learn about so you really need to also like I said subscribe and enjoy his just phenomenal content and also Thank You Raphael o for making your awesome reply video that led to me questioning my own assumptions having wonderful internal for processes as I considered the pros and cons and everything that was being saying and also which led us all into having this awesome discussion and thank you for watching I do hope you have enjoyed please share your comments and thoughts below and until next time all the best and farewell you
Channel: Shadiversity
Views: 155,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sword, swords, one handed, two handed, medieval, fantasy, rpg, roleplaying, role, playing, game of thrones, lord of the rings, skyrim, witcher, middle ages, hema, historical, european, martial, art, arts, martial arts, weapon, weapons, blade, metatron, shad, shadiversity, use, used, cut, cutting, one-handed, two-handed, women, woman, femanism, game, gaming, video, knight, samurai, warrior, fight
Id: H3dhcNKR3lI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 51sec (1071 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 03 2017
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